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The HIV virus, which causes AIDS, is spread through These symptoms may include fever, I think all people should use
protection methods, because
the 70s unprotected sex and through blood transfusions. Its origin was in headache, tiredness and swollen glands.
this disease is transmitted by
central Africa, this disease had a jump from the apes to the Other people infected with HIV have
sexual relations as well as
people, AIDS is the most deadly epidemic in recent times, 32 no symptoms. Also, if an infected blood transfusions or tattoos,
we should always foresee
million people have died in the world from this disease that person feels healthy, the virus is still
under any circumstances,
affects the immune system, at this moment 78 million people affecting his or her body.
that we use condoms in all
have contracted this disease, Currently more than 24 million Some symptoms are, for example the sexual relations, this is the
only way to prevent this
people have access to medications, since the vaccine has not hands or feet may fall asleep, also
been discovered . patients may lose control of muscles

and reflexes, and also lose muscle

This pandemic started in central Asia and then reached Europe The patients suffered all or several of Since it is transmitted

The black through ships on trade routes. the following symptoms; High fever through rats, we should have

Death This is the pandemic with the most deaths in history, about 2OO that exceeded 40 degrees, cough, more controls on these pests;
(1347 - million people died, The Black Death originated in the 14th bleeding from the nose and other I think we should continue
century and killed half of the European population. orifices, acute thirst, blue or black skin investigating these outbreaks

It was transmitted through fleas that were in black rats, A person spots also inflammation of the nodes and thus prevent diseases to

could be healthy in the morning and have a high fever in the belonging to the lymphatic systems. have a more peaceful life.

afternoon to die at night.

The 1918 flu, still known as the Spanish flu, nearly 50 million High fever, earaches, body fatigue, When this pandemic
Spanish people died there, this flu has been the deadliest epidemic in diarrhea and occasional vomiting were happened, there were no

flu (1918 history to date, the number of victims multiplied by five that of the symptoms of this disease. Most of protocols, I think we should
-1920) those killed in the war. This disease started in the United States, the people who died during the have more organizations

then it spread to Europe and the rest of the world. The incubation pandemic entered secondary bacterial regarding pandemics, we

period was 1-7 days. This disease was transmitted through saliva pneumonia, since antibiotics were not have to keep moving

by speaking, coughing, and sneezing. The virus also attacked available. forward, studying and

people between 20 and 40 years of age and never had a vaccine. researching to give solutions

to pandemics in the future.

As we all know this pandemic started in China in December last Some symptoms are: fever, dry cough It is very important to wash
virus year. This virus attacks people of any age, but most of the people and tiredness. Other frequent symptoms our hands at all times, this is

(2019) who die are the most vulnerable, older people and those with that affect some patients are pain, nasal the best way to protect

secondary diseases, this disease spread throughout The world congestion, headache, sore throat, ourselves, let's stay a meter

through airports, It is spread by breathing when we talk, cough diarrhea, loss of taste or smell, these away from people, This is

and sneeze. This disease has caused hundreds of thousands of symptoms are usually mild and begin important when we are next

deaths worldwide, but Most people recover from the disease gradually. to someone who is sick and

without the need for hospital treatment, however Vaccine is in let's not forget use the

process. mouthpiece.

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