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Washing Machine Motor Sharpening Tool (WaChiMoST)

An Entry Submitted to the





Research Adviser


Head Teacher III - Science


Principal IV


EPS – I - Science

Pangasinan Division II
Juan G. Macaraeg National High School - Special Science Class
Physical Science - Individual

Table of Contents

Title Page…………………………………………………………………………………...….....i


Table of Contents………………………………………………………………………………iii

Chapter I: Introduction

Background of the Study………………………………………………………………..1

Statement of the Problem……………………………………………………………….2


Significance of the Study………………………………………………………………..3

Scope and Limitations of the Study…………………………………………………….4

Definition of Terms………………………………………………………………………5

Chapter II: Review of Related Literature

Related Literature………………………………………………………………………..6

Related Studies………………………………………………………………………….6

Synthesis of Reviewed Literature and Studies………………………………………7

Chapter III: Methodology

Research Design………………………………………………………………………...8

Materials and Equipment……………………………………………………………….8

Device Components…………………………………………………………………….8

General Procedures and Methods…………………………………………………….9

Mechanism of Operation………………………………………………………………11

Testing and Evaluation………………………………………………………………...11

Experimental Flowchart……………………………………………………………….14

Chapter IV: Results and Discussion……………………………………………………….15

Chapter V: Conclusion and Recommendation







Appendix A. Gantt Chart………………………………………………………………23

Appendix B. Cost Analysis………………………………………………………….…24

Appendix C. Blueprint of the Machine………………………………………………..26

Appendix D. Schematic Diagram of the Machine……………………………………26

Appendix E. Statistical Analysis………………………………………………………27

Appendix F. Questionnaire……………………………………………………………29

Appendix G. Documentation………………………………………………………….30


Scanned Project Data Notebook

Chapter I


Background of the Study

The world’s population today is constantly increasing which also increases

the demands and the needs of the people. Most of our needs come from crops and poultry

animals wherein the accommodation of these rely on tools. Tools have characteristics that

are needed or required for it to become good and have potential in cooking or preparing

our needs.

Typical tools are usually made up of cast iron. It is extremely strong and durable

when used appropriately and protected from adverse exposure. It is, however, susceptible

to oxidation or more commonly known as “rusting”. This can occur on a day with an air

humidity of 58% - 65% (Zahner, 1995). And this usually happen to tools and utensils that

are not used at all and just stocked into keeping.

Nowadays, most Filipinos just buy new tools and rather throw away or put the old

ones in storage. But a few, especially in rural areas, still use whetstones to sharpen them

and the primary reason of using these whetstones is because of poverty.

In using these whetstones, it is so tiring to scratch up and down with pressure

repeatedly just to be able to sharpen those rusty, dull tools. Usually those tools and

utensils are used in cooking which is essential to the life of a person and some are

important for their jobs or works

Those tools are usually used in cooking and using whetstones to sharpen their

tools usually hinders someone from cooking continuously and it wastes a lot of time as

well as energy.

The mentioned hindrances were the foreground of the study. Due to the unsettling

conditions stated, the researcher was encouraged to study on how to develop a plain old

whetstone by adding a few innovations such as turning it into a hand crank machine.

Statement of the Problem

This study was conducted to design and construct an improvised sharpening tool

out of old washing machine motor and its other parts.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the specification of the WaChiMoST in terms of:

a. Voltage Rating;

b. Power Rating;

c. Energy Consumed;

d. Efficiency?

2. What is the specification of the WaChiMoST compared to the commercially available

whetstone in terms of:

a. Sharpness of the Tool;

b. Sharpening Time; and

c. Convenience?

3. What is the significant difference of the WaChiMoST compared to the commercially

available whetstone in terms of:

a. Sharpness of the Tool;

b. Sharpening Time; and

c. Convenience?


Null Hypothesis (H0):

There is no significant difference of the WaChiMoST compared to the commercially

available whetstone in terms of:

a. Sharpness of the Tool;

b. Sharpening Time; and

c. Convenience.

Alternative Hypothesis (H1):

There is a significant difference of the WaChiMoST compared to the commercially

available whetstone in terms of:

a. Sharpness of the Tool;

b. Sharpening Time; and

c. Convenience.

Significance of the Study

This research study aimed to produce a sharpening tool out of an old, used

washing machine motor and its other parts. As of today, many tools and utensils that are

supposed to be used by humans are just taken away into storage because of its dullness

and the occurrence of rust that brings dangers and risks for humans.

The results of this study will help people, especially those with lots of rusty, dull

tools and utensils, to have a more stable machine for sharpening them. Also, unlike the

usual or standard sharpening devices, the product is available at any time of the day as

long there is a person controlling the device. The study could also benefit the environment,

for the product is composed of electrical waste and unused, defected materials that

lessens the mountains of trash and e-waste. The useful and relevant information acquired

from the study will also encourage other people to create their own ways of using their

creativity and resourcefulness, thereby significantly contributing in the reduction of

environmental dilemmas and problems in land pollution all over the world.

And for the future researchers, it may serve as a basis for their problem or research

study to create and solve another problem. It can also guide them about what topic they

really want and researchers can get ideas from this study to pursue what they really want.

Scope and Limitations

This study focused on the construction of a sharpening tool from an old washing

machine motor. In relation, the research study was conducted starting from May 2017 to

August 2017 at the researcher’s locality Banuar, Laoac, Pangasinan. The main

components used in the study - old washing machine parts, grindstone, and wood for the

construction of the experimental machine were all gathered from unused and defected

materials. On the other hand, the researcher limited the study on the significant difference

of the parameters inclusive of sharpness of tool tested, sharpening time, and convenience.

Conceptual Framework

Washing Machine
Old Washing Machine Construction of the Machine Motor Sharpening Tool
Grindstone Data Analysis and Interpretation

Figure 1. The Research Paradigm showing the variables and methods used in the study.

The paradigm of the study shows the input, process, and output of the study

wherein in the input is the old washing machine and the grindstone. Under the process is

the researcher’s straight undergoing on the following processes: Construction of the

Machine and the Data Analysis and Interpretation. Thus, resulting to the output: the

Washing Machine Motor Sharpening Tool (WaChiMoST).

Definition of Terms

Convenience – is a term used in the study that is the state of being able to proceed with

something with little effort or difficulty.

Crank – an arm set at right angles to a shaft which is used to rotate the pulleys of the


Grindstone – a round sharpening stone used to grind or sharpen ferrous tools and


Sharpening Time – is a variable used in the study to know the time it took to sharpen the

tool or utensil.

Sharpness – is a variable used in the study that is the state of being able to cut through


Whetstone – is a fine-grained stone used for sharpening tools and utensils.

Chapter II


Related Literature


A grindstone is a stone which revolves on a central axis at varying rates of speed,

designed for grinding and polishing. It is a sharpening stone designed to restore the sharp

edges of bladed tools. There are many ways to utilize a sharpening tool, but all of them

rely on the principle that a blade can be ground into sharpness by being rubbed against a

coarse surface. (WiseGreek, ”Grindstone”, 2003)


A whetstone is a natural or synthetic tool used for sharpening tools and blades. It

is one of the oldest human tools, dating back to ancient civilizations. This is a sharpening

tool that is utilized by rubbing the blunt edges of the tool on a rough surface.

(WiseGreek, ”Whetstone”, 2003)

Related Studies

Foreign Studies

Hand Crank Mechanism

This invention relates to an improved hand crank mechanism, and has particular

reference to a hand crank mechanism including a portable or removable gear box for use

with inertia starters associated with the engines of vehicles. Consequently, the strength

requirements and torque may be proportionally lessened. (Heintz et al., 1943)

Synthesis of Reviewed Literature and Studies

Few related literatures and studies about hand crank sharpening tools were

available from internet resources. Hence, the researcher considered the variables of her

study to furnish further the machine and its components for a better impact on its users in

the near future.

Chapter III


Research Design

The study employed an Experimental research design, this was utilized to prove

the capability of the old washing machine as a sharpening tool. The researcher did some

experiments to be able to determine the effectiveness of the study. Specifically, it used

the two-group design, wherein the experimental set-up was the WaChiMoST and the

control set-up was the standard or commercially available whetstone.

Materials and Equipment

The materials and equipment that are needed to conduct the study were gathered

and are as follows: old washing machine, grindstone, crank, saw, screwdriver, screws,

grinder, plyboards and ply woods (old unused ones), drill, hammer, tape measure, welding

machine, sandpaper, varnish and electronic devices.

Device Components

The device was consisted of the following components:

o Hand Crank – The crank was used to rotate the washing machine motor. It is to

be rotated by using the hand of a person. The crank was made from a bent piece

of flat metal bar with a recycled wooden handle which is connected to the gearbox

pulley that is secured by screws, a flat washer, and a rubber stopper to be

tightened when rotating.

o Pulley System – This consists of the gearbox pulley and washing machine motor

pulley that is connected to each other with the use of a washing machine belt. The

gearbox pulley is relatively bigger in size than that of the washing machine motor

pulley so that even if it is rotated slowly, the latter would have rotated several times


o Wooden Case – It served as the case and support of the whole machine. It was

made from plyboards and ply woods.

o Wires – These connected the capacitor, switch and washing machine motor.

o Capacitor – It stored electric charges to flow through the wires for the washing

machine motor to start rotating when the switch is switched on.

o Stand – This ensured the stability of the device.

o Switch – This served as the device that starts or stops the flow of electricity in the


General Procedures and Methods

A. Gathering the Materials and Equipment

The researcher bought the old washing machine from the junkyard boys in the

researcher’s area and other materials at the DIY (Do-It-Yourself) Shop in Urdaneta City,

Pangasinan. The equipment used in the study was gathered from the researcher’s home.

B. Preparation of Materials

With a welding machine, the researcher connected a metal shaft to the end of the

washing machine motor pulley for it will be where the grindstone supposedly attached.

Then, using the saw, the researcher had cut the plyboards and ply woods. For the front

and back covers, the researcher used the ply woods and trimmed it with the dimensions:18

in x 10 in. While for the inner board, side covers, and top and bottom covers, it was the

plyboards that was utilized. The researcher had also trimmed them with the following

dimensions:16.5 in x 9.8 in, 9.8 in x 5.5 in, and 16.5 in x 5.5 in. Also, a plyboard was

trimmed into the diameters: 15.5 in x 6 in x 0.5 in. Then, cut two spaces on the upper part

of the front cover for it will serve as the location of the outlet and the switch.

The researcher had also drilled holes to the plyboards and ply woods with the

diameters: 11 cm and 7 cm on the back cover for the washing machine motor pulley and

gearbox pulley, and 2 cm for the location of the metal shaft welded to the washing machine

motor pulley. Lastly, also drill a hole on the flat metal bar for it to serve as a crank.

C. Construction of the Experimental Machine

First, the washing machine motor pulley and gearbox pulley were attached to the holes

of the inner board and were secured with bolts and nuts. Also, the crank was attached to

the back of the gearbox pulley and secured with a screw. The wirings of the machine was

done and connected to the electrical devices and the outlet.

Next, the washing machine belt was attached to the gearbox pulley and connected to

the washing machine motor pulley. Then, the researcher started assembling the box. The

first to be assembled were the sides and bottom covers using screws and next was the

stand. Then the switch was connected on one space of the front cover and slowly soldered

carefully to the wires. After that, the researcher finished the assembling of the box of the

experimental machine. Lastly, the grindstone was attached on the metal shaft connected

to the washing machine motor pulley.

Below is the complete blueprint of the device.

Figure 2. WaChiMoST’s Technical Blueprint

D. Mechanism of Operation

Before using the sharpening tool, the grindstone was sprinkled with a bit of water.

Then the position of the device was secured. The hand crank was turned in a

counterclockwise direction so that the grindstone will also rotate that way. The tool or

utensil sharpened must be held steady and slowly aligned with the rotating grindstone,

sharpening its blunt edges. Also, make sure to switched it from each side to the other to

achieved an equally sharpened side. Continue doing it until it reached the optimum

sharpness required or needed and wash the utensil or tool with water and let it dry.

E. Testing and Evaluation

a) Sharpness of the Tool Tested

To test the sharpness of the tool or utensil tested, an experiment was set out that

is based on the cutting force measuring system. A block of Styrofoam was used. Then the

tool was dropped down vertically on the middle section of the Styrofoam so that it was

punctured and severed. The punctured and severed part was measured. Each tool was

to be compared to the tool sharpened using the commercially available whetstone.

b) Sharpening Time

To test the sharpening time of the commercially available whetstone and

WaChiMoST, three utensils were sharpened: a knife, a chisel, and a screwdriver. The time

it took to sharpen the tools were recorded.

c) Convenience

The convenience was tested based on how easy in using the WaChiMoST and

how fast can it sharpen. A survey was conducted to rate the two sets- which are the

experimental group (WaChiMoST) and the control group (commercially available


The following features are the rubrics for the sharpening tool’s convenience:

a.) The sharpening tool is easy to use.

b.) The sharpening tool can be used to any tool.

c.) The sharpening tool is safe to use.

d.) The sharpening tool is time efficient.

e.) The sharpening tool’s performance is satisfactory.

The following 5-level scale was used:

5 – Very Convenient – All features are possessed by the sharpening tool.

4 – Moderately Convenient – 4 features are possessed by the sharpening tool.

3 – Convenient – 3 features are possessed by the sharpening tool.

2 – Moderately Inconvenient – 2 features are possessed by the sharpening tool.

1 – Inconvenient – Only 1 feature is possessed by the sharpening tool.

In the interpretation of the mean obtained out of the responses of the respondents,

the following formula was used.

ℎ𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑠𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑒 − 𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑠𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑒

𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑐ℎ𝑜𝑖𝑐𝑒𝑠

Using the formula, the following scales were conceptualized:

1.0 – 1.80 = Inconvenient

1.81 – 2.60 = Moderately Inconvenient

2.61 – 3.40 = Convenient

3.41 – 4.20 = Moderately Convenient

4.20 – 5.00 = Very Convenient

In testing the hypothesis, the commercially available whetstone was also subjected

to the same tests as the WaChiMoST. And using the t-test, the hypothesis was tested at

0.05 level of significance.

Experimental Flowchart

• Gathering and Preparing the Materials and Equipment

• Construction of the Experimental Machine

• Testing the Experimental Machine

• Interpretation and Comparison of the Results

• Statistical Analysis

• Conclusion and Recommendations

Figure 3. The Experimental Flowchart depicting chronologically the methods and procedures

used in the study

Chapter IV


Final Testing

The final testing of the WaChiMoST was done at the researcher’s home in Banuar,

Laoac, Pangasinan. The following data were obtained and recorded. All the data gathered

in average computation are based on the actual testing.

Table 1

Electricity Consumption of WaChiMoST

Voltage Rating Power Rating Efficiency

220 V – 240 V 0.170 kW 0.17 kWh 100%

This table shows the data for electricity consumption of the WaChiMoST. It was

measured in the washing machine motor. Based from the data gathered, it could be

concluded that the machine consumes electricity in small amount.

Table 2.1

Sharpness of Tools Tested Using WaChiMoST (Manually operated and Electrically

operated) and Commercial Whetstone

Sharpness of Tool (in)

Device Used
Knife Chisel Screwdriver

0.25 0.10 0.45


0.45 0.30 0.60

Commercial Whetstone 0.25 0.10 0.10

The table above shows the data of the experimentation on the sharpness of tools

tested using WaChiMoST – manually and electrically operated, and commercial

whetstone. Based from the result, the sharpness of the tools was better when the

WaChiMoST was used specifically when it is electrically operated. It implies that the

WaChiMoST is better in sharpening tools than the commercial whetstone.

Table 2.2

Sharpening Time of WaChiMoST (Manually operated and Electrically operated)

and Commercial Whetstone

Sharpening Time (sec)

Device Used
Knife Chisel Screwdriver

8.75 7.26 45.23


5.25 3.15 33.20

Commercial Whetstone 68.75 107.89 210.29

The table above shows the data of the experimentation on the sharpening time of

tools using WaChiMoST – manually and electrically operated, and commercial whetstone.

Based from the result, sharpening the tools were faster when the WaChiMoST was used

specifically when it is electrically operated. This result was very favorable since many

factors were affected because less time was spent in doing same tasks.

Table 2.3

Convenience in Using the Two Devices

Device Used

WaChiMoST Commercial Whetstone

AWM Interpretation AWM Interpretation

4.6 Very Convenient 2.2

The table shows the comparison between the control set-up (commercially

available whetstone) and the experimental set-up (WaChiMoST). With 10 respondents,

the convenience of the commercial whetstone was rated as moderately inconvenient with

the average weighted mean of 2.2 and the WaChiMoST was rated as very convenient with

the average weighted mean of 4.6. The respondents of the study were people who usually

use the commercial whetstone. This result was accounted to the fact that the WaChiMoST

could also be operated electrically which eventually helped to lessen the task and of the

user. Hence, shorter time was needed to sharpen a tool.

Table 3

Comparison of WaChiMoST and Commercial Whetstone

Mean/ AWM
T-value P-value
Sharpness of Tool

Knife 0.3500 0.2500 0.58 0.6667

Chisel 0.200 0.100 0.58 0.6667

Screwdriver 0.5250 0.100 3.27 0.1888

Sharpening Time

Knife 7.0000 68.7500 -20.37 0.0312

Chisel 5.2050 107.8900 -28.85 0.0221

Screwdriver 39.2150 210.2900 -16.42 0.0387

The table above shows the comparison of sharpness and sharpening time using

WaChiMoST – manually and electrically operated, and commercial whetstone. At 0.05

level of significance, reject the null hypothesis if the P-value is less than 0.05. On the

sharpness of the tool, the data had revealed that there was no significant difference

between the WaChiMoST and the commercial whetstone. While during the sharpening

time of the knife, chisel, and screwdriver, data was yielded to a result in which there was

a significant difference between the two such that it implies that the WaChiMoST is better

than the commercial whetstone.

Chapter V



This study was entitled “Washing Machine Motor Sharpening Tool (WaChiMoST)”

was constructed in Banuar, Laoac, Pangasinan.

This study aimed to design and construct an improved sharpening tool. The

components of the device were the following: Hand Crank, Pulley System, Wooden Case,

Wires, Capacitor, Stand, and Switch. This machine is operated by using the capability of

a human to rotate the hand crank of the machine.

The main purpose of the development of this device was to lessen the work and

effort of the user who uses the commercial whetstone. During the experimentation, three

different tools were sharpened.


Based on the results and calculations, the following conclusions were drawn from

the findings of this study:

1. The sharpness of tools was better when sharpened with the WaChiMoST

than the commercially available whetstone.

2. The WaChiMoST was faster to sharpen tools than the commercially

available whetstone.

3. The WaChiMoST was more convenient than the commercially available

whetstone due to the following reasons:

a. The machine can be used to sharpen any tool.

b. Lesser time was spent in sharpening.

c. The user did not exert too much effort in using the machine for it

was easier to use.


Based on the results of the study, the researcher made the following


1. The design of WaChiMoST should be improved such that the expenses will be


2. Make the machine more user-friendly.

3. Conduct a comparative study of the effectivity, convenience, and efficiency

between WaChiMoST and other available sharpening devices such as oilstones

and bench grinders.

4. The machine can have a substitute for the grindstone.

5. Change the machine hand crank into a quick-release hand crank for better and

more lenient usage.

6. The machine should bear less weight so that there will be no problems in



Newspaper Articles

Lipinski, E. (1996, March 10). Sharpen Knowledge of Tools, Steel, Manufacturing

Methods. New York Times, pp. E.2. Retrieved from



Gayle, M., Look, D., Waite, J. (1992). Metals in America’s Historic Buildings.

Washington DC: National Park Service.

McGorry, R., Dowd, P., Dempsey, P. (2003). Cutting Moments and Grip Forces in Meat

Cutting Operations and the Effect of Knife Sharpness. Hamilton, New Zealand:


Zahner, L. (1995). Architectural Metals: A Guide to Selection, Specification, and

Performance. New York City: John Wiley & Sons.

Internet Resources

Alaska Native Knowledge Network. (2005). Sharpening Tools. Alaska, USA:

Dorrance Publishing Company. Retrieved August 7, 2017 from:

Bagby, M. (2017). The Importance of Sharpening – Center for Furniture

Craftsmanship. Atlanta, USA: Highland Woodworking. Retrieved August 7, 2017

from: https://b;

sharpening-canter-for -furniture-craftsmanship/


The researcher would like to express her deepest gratitude and overwhelming

appreciation to those people who contributed a lot to the success of the study for their

guidance and for uplifting the researcher’s spirit all the time.

To the researcher’s beloved parents and family for their never-ending financial and

moral support.

To Mr. Christian Canaria, for his recommendations and contributions in this study.

To Ms. Melissa Gagujas, the research adviser in this study, for being the critic of

this manuscript.

To Mrs. Leonilyn Coroña, Head Teacher of the Science Department, Juan G.

Macaraeg National High School for her constant supervision and untiring support to the


To Mrs. Febe N. Juan, Principal of Juan G. Macaraeg National High School for her

considerations and support to the researcher.

And above all, God, for being the one to enlighten, strengthen and prepare the

researcher’s mind in facing the challenges the researcher have encountered and giving

her enough patience in pursuing and finishing this Science Investigatory Project.

- The Researcher


Appendix A. Gantt Chart

Activities Duration January - September 2017

Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept.

Identifying the


Designing the


Gathering of


Preparation of


Construction of

the Machine.

Testing and

Evaluation of

the product.

Data Gathering

and Recording.

Analysis of Data



Writing Process

Appendix B. Cost Analysis

Material Quantity Cost per item Total price

Old Washing
1 piece Php 0 Php 0

Grindstone 1 piece Php 250 Php 250

Flat Metal Bar 1 piece Php 0 Php 0

Ply Woods 2 ft2 Php 0 Php 0

Plyboards 3 ft2 Php 0 Php 0

Wood Screws 25 pieces Php 0 Php 0

Non – Polarized
1 piece Php 0 Php 0

Soldering Lead 1 roll Php 0 Php 0

Soldering Iron 1 piece Php 0 Php 0

Wires 1 meter Php 0 Php 0

Switch 1 piece Php 0 Php 0

Phillips Screwdriver 1 piece Php 0 Php 0

Hand Saw 1 piece Php 0 Php 0

Multi – tester 1 piece Php 0 Php 0

Grinder 1 piece Php 0 Php 0

Welding Machine 1 piece Php 0 Php 0


Additional Expenses

Material Quantity Cost per price Total price(Php)

Old Knife 3 pieces Php 20 Php 60

Old Chisel 3 pieces Php 30 Php 90

Old Screwdriver 3 pieces Php 30 Php 90

Whetstone 1 piece Php 60 Php 60

Varnish 1 can Php 35 Php 35

Sandpaper 3 pieces Php 5 Php 15


Appendix C. Blueprint of the Machine

Appendix D. Schematic Diagram

Appendix E. Statistical Analysis

Sharpness of Tool Tested (Statistical Test Calculations)

Sharpening Time (Statistical Test Calculations)

Appendix F. Questionnaire


Washing Machine Motor Sharpening Tool (WaChiMoST)

Part I: Personal Information

A.) Name: __________________________________________________________

B.) Sex: ( ) Male ( ) Female

C.) Age: __________

Part II:
This instrument attempts to gather information on the difference in convenience
between the WaChiMoST and the commercially available whetstone.
The features that are looked into are the following:
1.) The sharpening tool is easy to use.
2.) The sharpening tool can be used to any tool.
3.) The sharpening tool is safe to use.
4.) The sharpening tool is time efficient.
5.) The sharpening tool’s performance is satisfactory.

Direction: Kindly rate the WaChiMoST and commercially available whetstone following
the scale given below:
5 – Very Convenient – All features are possessed by the sharpening tool.

4 – Moderately Convenient – 4 features are possessed by the sharpening tool.

3 – Convenient – 3 features are possessed by the sharpening tool.

2 – Moderately Inconvenient – 2 features are possessed by the sharpening tool.

1 – Inconvenient – Only 1 feature is possessed by the sharpening tool.

DEVICE USED WaChiMoST Commercial Whetstone


Appendix G. Documentation

Gathering of Materials Attaching the washing machine motor

Attaching the gearbox pulley Connecting it with the machine belt

Attaching the side covers Attaching the bottom cover

Attaching the hand crank Soldering the electronic devices

Attaching the top cover Attaching the handle

Attaching the grindstone Attaching the stand

WaChiMoST (Front View, Back View, Side View)


Required for All Project

To be Submitted to IRB/SRC Before the Experimentation Begins

Name Farrah Denisse D. Tuazon Cluster II Category Individual

School Juan G Macaraeg National High School Fair Division Applied Science

School Address Canarvacanan, Binalonan, Pangasinan Tel. No. N/A

Title of Project Washing Machine Motor Sharpening Tool (WaChiMoST)

Project Adviser Ms. Melissa B. Gagujas

A.) Problem/s

This study was conducted to design and construct an improvised sharpening tool

out of old washing machine motor and its other parts.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the specification of the WaChiMoST in terms of:

a. Voltage Rating;

b. Power Rating;

c. Energy Consumed;

d. Efficiency?

2. What is the specification of the WaChiMoST compared to the commercially available

whetstone in terms of:

a. Sharpness of the Tool;

b. Sharpening Time; and

c. Convenience?

3. What is the significant difference of the WaChiMoST compared to the commercially

available whetstone in terms of:

a. Sharpness of the Tool;

b. Sharpening Time; and

c. Convenience?

B.) Hypotheses

Null Hypothesis (H0):

There is no significant difference of the WaChiMoST compared to the commercially

available whetstone in terms of:

a. Sharpness of the Tool;

b. Sharpening Time; and

c. Convenience

Alternative Hypothesis (H1):

There is a significant difference of the WaChiMoST compared to the commercially

available whetstone in terms of:

a. Sharpness of the Tool;

b. Sharpening Time; and

c. Convenience

C.) Methods/Procedures

Gathering of Materials and Equipment

The researcher will buy the old washing machine from the junkyard boys in the

researcher’s area and the grindstone at the DIY (Do-It-Yourself) Shop in Urdaneta City,

Pangasinan. The equipment used in the study will be gathered from the researcher’s home.

Preparation of Materials

With a welding machine, the researcher will connect a metal shaft to the end of the

washing machine motor pulley for it will be where the grindstone supposedly attached.

Then, using the saw, the researcher will cut the plyboards and ply woods. For the front

and back covers, the researcher will use the ply woods and trim it with the dimensions: 18

in x 10 in. While for the inner board, side covers, and top and bottom covers, it was the

plyboards that will be utilized. The researcher will also trim them with the following

dimensions: 16.5 in x 9.8 in, 9.8 in x 5.5 in, and 16.5 in x 5.5 in. Also, a plyboard will be

trimmed into the diameters: 15.5 in x 6 in x 0.5 in. Then, cut two spaces on the upper part

of the front cover for it will serve as the location of the outlet and the switch.

The researcher had also drilled holes to the plyboards and ply woods with the

diameters: 11 cm and 7 cm on the back cover for the washing machine motor pulley and

gearbox pulley, and 2 cm for the location of the metal shaft welded to the washing machine

motor pulley. Lastly, also drill a hole on the flat metal bar for it to serve as a crank.

Construction of the Experimental Machine

First, the researcher will attach the washing machine motor pulley and gearbox

pulley to the holes of the inner board and secure them with bolts and nuts. Also, attach

the crank to the back of the gearbox pulley and secure it with a screw. Then, do the wirings

of the machine and connect it to the electrical devices and the outlet.

Next, attach the washing machine belt to the gearbox pulley and connect it to the

washing machine motor pulley. Then, start assembling the box. The first to be assembled

are the sides and bottom covers using screws and next is the stand. Connect the switch

on one space of the front cover and slowly solder it carefully to the wires. After that, finish

the assembling of the box of the experimental machine. Lastly, attach the grindstone on

the metal shaft connected to the washing machine motor pulley.

Testing and Evaluation

Sharpness of the Tool Tested

To test the sharpness of the tool or utensil tested, an experiment will be set out

that is based on the cutting force measuring system. A block of Styrofoam will be readied.

Then the tool or utensil will be dropped down vertically on the middle section of the

Styrofoam so that it will puncture, severe, or cut it. The puncture, severed part, or the cut

will be measured. Each tool or utensil will be compared to the tool or utensil sharpened

using the commercially available whetstone.

Sharpening Time

To test the sharpening time of the commercially available whetstone and

WaChiMoST, three utensils will be sharpened: a knife, a chisel, and a screwdriver. The

time it took to sharpen the utensils and tools will be recorded.


The convenience will be tested based on how easy in using the WaChiMoST and

how fast can it sharpen. A survey will be conducted by the researcher to rate the two sets-

which are the experimental group (WaChiMoST) and the control group (commercially

available whetstone).

The following features are the rubrics for the sharpening tool’s convenience:

a.) The sharpening tool is easy to use.

b.) The sharpening tool can be used to any tool.

c.) The sharpening tool is safe to use.

d.) The sharpening tool is time efficient.

e.) The sharpening tool’s performance is satisfactory.

The following 5-level scale will be used:

5 – Very Convenient – All features are possessed by the sharpening tool.

4 – Moderately Convenient – 4 features are possessed by the sharpening tool.

3 – Convenient – 3 features are possessed by the sharpening tool.

2 – Moderately Inconvenient – 2 features are possessed by the sharpening tool.

1 – Inconvenient – Only 1 feature is possessed by the sharpening tool.

In the interpretation of the mean obtained out of the responses of the respondents,

the following formula will be used.

ℎ𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑠𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑒 − 𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑠𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑒

𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑐ℎ𝑜𝑖𝑐𝑒𝑠

Using the formula, the following scales are conceptualized:

1.0 – 1.80 = Inconvenient

1.81 – 2.60 = Moderately Inconvenient

2.61 – 3.40 = Convenient

3.41 – 4.20 = Moderately Convenient

4.20 – 5.00= Very Convenient

In testing the hypothesis, the commercially available whetstone is also subjected

to the same tests as the WaChiMoST. And using the t-test, the hypothesis will be tested

at 0.05 level of significance.

D.) Bibliography

Newspaper Articles

Lipinski, E. (1996, March 10). Sharpen Knowledge of Tools, Steel, Manufacturing

Methods. New York Times, pp. E.2. Retrieved from



Gayle, M., Look, D., Waite, J. (1992). Metals in America’s Historic Buildings.

Washington DC: National Park Service.

McGorry, R., Dowd, P., Dempsey, P. (2003). Cutting Moments and Grip Forces

in Meat Cutting Operations and the Effect of Knife Sharpness. Hamilton,

New Zealand: Elservier.

Zahner, L. (1995). Architectural Metals: A Guide to Selection, Specification, and

Performance. New York City: John Wiley & Sons.

Internet Resources

Alaska Native Knowledge Network. (2005). Sharpening Tools. Alaska, USA:

Dorrance Publishing Company. Retrieved August 7, 2017 from:

Bagby, M. (2017). The Importance of Sharpening – Center for Furniture

Craftsmanship. Atlanta, USA: Highland Woodworking. Retrieved

August 7, 2017 from: https://b;

importance-of-sharpening-canter-for -furniture-craftsmanship/


The researcher would like to express her deepest gratitude and overwhelming

appreciation to those people who contributed a lot to the success of the study for their

guidance and for uplifting the researcher’s spirit all the time.

To the researcher’s beloved parents and family for their never-ending financial and

moral support.

To Mr. Christian Canaria, for his recommendations and contributions in this study.

To Ms. Melissa Gagujas, the research adviser in this study, for being the critic of

this manuscript.

To Mrs. Leonilyn Coroña, Head Teacher of the Science Department, Juan G.

Macaraeg National High School for her constant supervision and untiring support to the


To Mrs. Febe N. Juan, Principal of Juan G. Macaraeg National High School for her

considerations and support to the researcher.

And above all, God, for being the one to enlighten, strengthen and prepare the

researcher’s mind in facing the challenges the researcher have encountered and giving

her enough patience in pursuing and finishing this Science Investigatory Project.

- The Researcher


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