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International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 2439±2451

Linear-nonequilibrium thermodynamics theory for coupled

heat and mass transport
Y. Demirel *,1, S.I. Sandler
Center for Molecular and Engineering Thermodynamics, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Delaware,
Newark, DE 19716, USA
Received 5 November 1999; received in revised form 6 September 2000

Linear-nonequilibrium thermodynamics (LNET) has been used to express the entropy generation and dissipation
functions representing the true forces and ¯ows for heat and mass transport in a multicomponent ¯uid. These forces
and ¯ows are introduced into the phenomenological equations to formulate the coupling phenomenon between heat
and mass ¯ows. The degree of the coupling is also discussed. In the literature such coupling has been formulated in-
completely and sometimes in a confusing manner. The reason for this is the lack of a proper combination of LNET
theory with the phenomenological theory. The LNET theory involves identifying the conjugated ¯ows and forces that
are related to each other with the phenomenological coecients that obey the Onsager relations. In doing so, the theory
utilizes the dissipation function or the entropy generation equation derived from the Gibbs relation. This derivation
assumes that local thermodynamic equilibrium holds for processes not far away from the equilibrium. With this as-
sumption we have used the phenomenological equations relating the conjugated ¯ows and forces de®ned by the dis-
sipation function of the irreversible transport and rate process. We have expressed the phenomenological equations
with the resistance coecients that are capable of re¯ecting the extent of the interactions between heat and mass ¯ows.
We call this the dissipation-phenomenological equation (DPE) approach, which leads to correct expression for coupled
processes, and for the second law analysis. Ó 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction and methodologies have been suggested for describing

combined heat and mass transport problems. In drying,
Simultaneous heat and mass transport plays a vital Guerrier et al. [8] investigated the coupling through the
role in various physical, chemical and biological pro- saturation pressure of the mixture, which is the function
cesses, hence a vast amount of work on the subject is of both the temperature and the solvent volume fraction.
available in the literature. Coupled heat and mass Menshutina and Dorokhov [13] simulated drying in a
transfer occurs in separation by absorption, distillation, heterogeneous multiphase system based on nonequilib-
and extraction [1±4], in evaporation±condensation [5±7], rium thermodynamics theory, and obtained the new
in drying [8,9], in crystallization and melting [10,11], and general structures of thermodynamic forces. Mikhailov
in natural convection [12]. These processes occur in and Ozisik [14] employed the integral transform tech-
important industrial applications. Various formulations nique in the development of the general solutions for
various coupled heat and mass di€usion problems. In a
recent work, Whitaker [15] investigated the coupled-
* multiphase transport by the method of closure in which
Corresponding author. Tel.: +966-3-860-2075; fax: +966-3-
various integrals appeared in the volume-averaged
E-mail address: (Y. Demirel). equations are solved. Braun and Renz [6] adapted a
Present address: Department of Chemical Engineering, numerical approach based on the two-dimensional
King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran boundary layer equation for the multicomponent di€u-
31261, Saudi Arabia. sion interactions during condensation. Kaiping and

0017-9310/01/$ - see front matter Ó 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 1 7 - 9 3 1 0 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 2 9 1 - X
2440 Y. Demirel, S.I. Sandler / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 2439±2451

Nomenclature v speci®c volume, centre-of-mass or

barycentric velocity
a de®ned in Eq. (59) z ratio of phenomenological coecients, Eq. (80)
D di€usion coecient wi mass fraction of component i
DT thermal di€usion coecient X thermodynamic force
et total speci®c energy
Greek symbols
ep speci®c energy potential
d unit tensor
F mass force
/ ratio of irreversibility distribution
h speci®c enthalpy
US entropy generation rate
j di€usion ¯ow
g ratio of ¯ows
J mass ¯ow
k ratio of forces
J ¯ow
l chemical potential
k thermal conductivity
q density
l;L;K phenomenological coecients
r stress tensor
m mass
s viscosity part of stress tensor
M molar mass
W dissipation function
p pressure
Q heat of transport Subscripts
r degree of coupling i, j, k substances
s speci®c entropy gen generation
sT Soret coecient q heat related
S entropy p potential
t time T at constant temperature
T absolute temperature s entropy related
u speci®c internal energy u internal energy related

Renz [5] studied the thermal di€usion e€ects in partial thermodynamic equilibrium assumption, which is the
®lmwise condensation experimentally and numerically. extension of thermodynamic relations in equilibrium
Investigation of the coupled processes in biological systems to local nonequilibrium subsystems. LNET
systems has been expanding rapidly with the new con- evaluates the rate of entropy generation resulting from
cepts such as biothermal engineering and biotransport. the irreversibilities taking place in the processes. The
For example, laser applications in surgery, therapy and Gouy±Stodola theorem states that the entropy genera-
ophthalmology [16], thermal di€usivity of tissues [17], tion is directly proportional to the loss of available free
drug delivery [18], and the cryopreservation [19,20] are energy. The dissipated energy per unit time and per unit
some of the coupled heat and mass transfer processes in volume is called the dissipation function, and is the
living systems. Cryopreservation is the suspension of product of the rate of entropy generation and the ab-
thermally driven reaction and transport processes that solute temperature. The dissipation function de®nes the
cause local mass transfer due to the nonuniform pattern conjugate forces and ¯ows of the processes under con-
of ice formation and the resulting concentration of sol- sideration. These ¯ows are related to the forces in a
ute within the living tissue. De Freitas et al. [19] utilized linear form with the phenomenological coecients (PCs)
the linear-nonequilibrium thermodynamics (LNET) through phenomenological equations (PEs). The PCs
theory for the transport of water and cryoprotectant in a obey the Onsager reciprocal relations, which states that
multicellular tissue. The way molecules are organized, the coecient matrix is symmetrical. As a direct conse-
e.g. the protein folding, and biological order [21±24], quence of the Onsager relations, the number of un-
biological oscillation [25], membrane transport in bio- known coecients in the PEs are reduced. The PCs are
logical systems [26] can be studied by the nonequilibrium constants and closely related to the transport coecients
thermodynamics analysis. Structured stationary states of of the rate processes and the coupling between them.
living systems need a constant supply of energy to The theory of the LNET based on the Onsager relations
maintain their states. The energy ¯ow is coupled with is highly developed by the work of Prigogine [33], Fitts
other rate processes and the di€usion of matter. There- [34], De Groot [35], Katchalsky and Curran [27], Wis-
fore, it is important to express the interaction in the niewski et al. [36], Caplan and Essig [29], Eu [37], Kui-
transport and rate processes properly [19,27±32]. ken [38], and by many other researchers. Kedem [39]
LNET deals with the transport and rate processes, used LNET to represent the coupling between reactions
which are irreversible in nature. It is based on the local and ¯ows in anisotropic biological systems. Recently,
Y. Demirel, S.I. Sandler / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 2439±2451 2441

Curtis and Bird [40] have generalized Fick's law and the and rate processes are expressed in the form of the
Maxwell±Stefan expression to include thermal, pressure, PEs. These equations are capable of displaying the
and forced di€usion in a multicomponent ¯uid with the interactions between the various transport and rate
help of LNET. Miyazaki et al. [41] developed a non- processes through the cross-phenomenological coe-
equilibrium thermodynamic model and discussed the cients [29]. For the PEs to be useful to this end they
proper de®nition for the internal energy of multicom- must have the conjugate ¯ows and forces de®ned by
ponent systems. Ramshaw [42] developed a phenom- the dissipation function resulting from the canonical
enological theory for multicomponent di€usion, expressions for open thermodynamic systems. There-
including thermal di€usion, in gas mixtures in which the fore, in this contribution we use the theory of LNET
species may have di€erent temperatures. to express the PEs based on the dissipation function,
The LNET description of heat and mass transfer is then de®ne the coupling between the heat and mass
compatible with the classical engineering approach transfer. We refer to this as the dissipation-phenome-
based on the hydrodynamic theory of boundary layer, nological equation (DPE) approach. This approach is
with transport coecients and driving forces [43]. The especially useful if there is no large temperature and
theory of LNET is utilized in the second law analysis, concentration di€erences in a system. Otherwise, it
and the dissipation is calculated from the entropy gen- may be advantageous to refer forces and ¯ows to the
eration, or from the exergy balance on the system [44]. entropy generation. DPE approach is thermodynami-
The entropy generation approach is especially important cally sound, and can be extended to analyze the cou-
in terms of the process optimality as the individual pling for the various irreversible ¯ows and chemical
processes contributing to the entropy generation can be reactions.
identi®ed and evaluated separately. Through the mini-
mization of the entropy generation a thermodynamic
optimum can be achieved for an existing design with a 2. Local thermodynamic equilibrium
speci®ed task [45]. To this end equipartition of the en-
tropy generation or of the thermodynamic forces can Systems that are not in thermodynamic equilibrium
also be used as the criterion for process optimum [46,47]. are nonhomogeneous systems in which at least some of
The second law analysis has especially found applica- the intensive parameters are functions of time and/or
tions in thermal engineering [45,48±50]. It is also used in position. A local state of a substance is considered as
separation processes, and in design [2,51±55]. Many of small elementary volumes of the system that is not in
these studies also searched for a link between thermo- thermodynamic equilibrium. These small volumes
dynamics and economics. Sieniutycz and Shiner [56] should contain a sucient number of molecules for a
reviewed the various aspects of nonequilibrium ther- macroscopic theory to be applicable. When the local
modynamics together with the second law analysis and thermodynamic equilibrium holds, the speci®c entropy
chemical engineering comprehensively. San et al. [57], and speci®c internal energy in each volume element are
and Paulikakos and Johnson [58] used the control vol- evaluated as in a system at equilibrium, and the Gibbs
ume approach in the second law analysis of combined relation and the Gibbs±Duhem relation are applicable.
heat and mass transfer. San et al. [57] used the analogy For a nonequilibrium system, the pressure has the same
between heat and mass transfer, and evaluated the de- dependence on the speci®c internal energy u and speci®c
gree of coupling by an order of magnitude analysis for a volume v, as in an equilibrium system, i.e., p ˆ …ou=ov†s .
binary mixture of ideal gases. Carrington and Sun The assumption of local thermodynamic equilibrium
[59,60] utilized nonequilibrium thermodynamics in the holds for great variety of rate processes in physics,
second law analysis. However, they did not use the PEs chemistry and biological system [29,33±36,56].
to express the ¯ows or the forces, and neglected the
coupling between heat and mass transfer. The expres-
sions developed by San et al. [57] and Bejan [61] are 3. Phenomenological equations (PEs)
based on the equations for the entropy generation per
unit volume in a Newtonian Fluid as given by Hirsch- Potential gradients can produce irreversible changes,
felder et al. [62]. and are called `forces', and denoted by Xi …i ˆ
Consequently, the methodology of expressing and 1; 2; . . . ; n† for n gradients. The forces produce certain
evaluating the coupling in heat and mass ¯ows di€er irreversible phenomena such as mass di€usion called the
greatly in the literature. Sun and Carrington [63], and `¯ows' (¯uxes), and symbolized as Ji …i ˆ 1; 2; . . . ; n†.
Carrington and Sun [60] noted shortcomings in the Generally any force can cause any ¯ow Ji …Xi † …i ˆ 1;
second law analysis and in expressing the coupling 2; . . . ; n†. We know, for example that a concentration
between heat and mass transfer due to the use of the gradient and a temperature gradient could both produce
absolute mass instead of di€usion ¯ow in the control mass ¯ows as well as heat ¯ows. If the forces vanish, the
volume method. In the LNET analysis, the transport system goes to an equilibrium state in which the ¯ows
2442 Y. Demirel, S.I. Sandler / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 2439±2451

are zero Ji …Xi ˆ 0† ˆ 0. The PEs are based on the linear we can express the linear PEs in the form
relationships between the ¯ow and force, and any ¯ow is X
the result of all the forces Xi ˆ Kik Jk …k ˆ 1; 2; . . . ; n†; …5†
Ji ˆ Lik Xk …k ˆ 1; 2; . . . ; n†: …1† where the new PCs are de®ned as
oXi Xi
The coecients Lik are called the PCs, and de®ned by Kik ˆ ˆ ˆ Lik 1 …k 6ˆ j†; …6a†
oJk Jj Jk Jj ˆ0
oJi Ji
Lik ˆ ˆ …j 6ˆ k†; …2† where Lik1 is the inverse of the matrix Lik . The coecients
oXk Xj Xk Xjˆ0
Kik have the units of force per unit of ¯ow and represent
the generalized resistance. The following relation links
where Lik represents ¯ow per unit force and has the
the L and K
characteristics of conductance. The coecients with the
same indices Lii , for example the di€usion coecient, jLjik
Kik ˆ ; …6b†
relate the conjugate force and generalized ¯ow, namely jLj
the di€usion and the concentration gradient. The coef-
®cients Lik with i 6ˆ k are known as the cross-coe- where jLj is the determinant of the L, and jLjik is the
cients, and related to the coupled transport coecients, principal minor (see Appendix A). The matrix K also
such as the thermal di€usion coecient. Onsager's obeys the Onsager relations, and satis®es the conditions
fundamental theorem states that, provided a proper [35].
choice is made for the ¯ows and forces the matrix of Lik Kik ˆ Kki ; Kii > 0; Kii Kkk P Kik2
is symmetric
…i 6ˆ k; i; k ˆ 1; 2; . . . ; n†: …6c†
Lik ˆ Lki …i; k ˆ 1; 2; . . . ; n†: …3a†
The PCs are not functions of the thermodynamic forces
These identities are known as the Onsager reciprocal and the generalized ¯ows. However, they can be func-
relations, and can be derived from the principle of mi- tions of the parameters of the local state T , p and the
croscopic reversibility, using the statistical thermody- concentrations wi as well as the nature of the system
namics [64]. Gambar and Markus [65] showed that the [36,37,66].
Onsager reciprocal relations are the results of the global When we consider a di€usion ji which has a tensorial
gauge symmetries of the Lagrangian, which is related to rank of 1, which is a vector, and a concentration
the entropy production of the system considered. This gradient Xk also of tensorial rank 1, then the coecient
means that the results in general are valid for an arbi- Lik is a scalar quantity that is consisted with the isotropic
trary process. The explicit equations for the Onsager character of the system. So that the coecients Lik do
relations depend on the nature of the system, and vari- not vanish and the ¯ow ji and the force Xk can interact.
ous kinds of coupling between ¯ows and forces are We observe, therefore the coupling or the cross e€ects
possible. Classical statistical mechanical theory shows between the various di€usion ¯ows, and between di€u-
that the Onsager reciprocal relations are valid for dif- sion and heat ¯ows. According to the Curie±Prigogine
fusion and heat ¯ow for a particular set of ¯ows and principal [29], there will be no coupling between scalar
forces [34]. All the PCs with the similar and dissimilar and vectorial quantities in an isotropic system. However
indices must satisfy the conditions the scalar quantities, such as chemical reactions, can
cause the ¯ow of a substance across an anisotropic
Lii P 0 …i ˆ 1; 2; . . . ; n†; …3b† membrane producing the active transport in biological
systems [27,33].
Lii Lkk P L2ik …i 6ˆ k; i; k ˆ 1; 2; . . . ; n†: …3c†

If there is no metastable equilibrium and all the 4. Dissipation function

forces and ¯ows are independent, the inequality sign
holds in Eqs. (3b) and (3c). The time derivative of the entropy is the rate of en-
It is known that the forces are also functions of the tropy generation. The LNET evaluates the rate of en-
¯ows Xi …Jk † …k ˆ 1; 2; . . . ; n†. Using the Maclaurin series tropy generation for a speci®ed task of a process. This
expansion and considering the ®rst-order approximation evaluation (as explained in Section 5) is based on the
of linear relationships hypotheses of positive and de®nite entropy production
and of the Gibbs relation
Xi ˆ Xi …Jk ˆ 0† ‡ Jk ‡    …4† X
oJk T ds ˆ du ‡ p dv li dwi ; …7†
Y. Demirel, S.I. Sandler / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 2439±2451 2443
where u is the speci®c internal energy, v the speci®c where X and J are the transpose of the respective
volume, p the pressure, li the chemical potential and wi vectors. Eq. (15) shows that the dissipation function is
is the mass fraction of substance i. This fundamental quadratic in form for all forces and all ¯ows.
relation, valid even away from thermostatic equilibrium, The dissipation function or the entropy generation
shows that the entropy depends explicitly only on en- describes the ¯ows and the forces that are linearly
ergy, volume and concentrations. If the entropy gener- dependent on each other through the PCs. The form
ation inside the system Si [33] is taken per unit time t and of the expressions for the dissipation function does
per unit volume v, it is called the volumetric rate of not uniquely determine the thermodynamic forces or
entropy generation US , which is a positive and de®nite generalized ¯ows. For an open system, for example,
quantity we may de®ne the energy ¯ux in various ways. We
dSi may also de®ne the di€usion ¯ows in several alter-
US ˆ P 0: …8† native ways depending on the choice of reference
dt dv
velocity. Thus we may transform the ¯ows and the
The dissipation function, W is given by forces in various ways. This transformation will not
W ˆ T US P 0 …9† a€ect the dissipation function if the forces and ¯ows
are related by PCs that obey the Onsager relations
and shows that irreversibility causes the decrease in the [36].
free energy, in agreement with the Gouy±Stodola the-
orem [45,67].
The quantities US and W may be expressed as the sum 5. Balance equations of multicomponent ¯uids
of the products of the conjugate forces and ¯ows stem-
ming from the second law of thermodynamics [33] We consider a single phase of ¯uid mixture with n
n substances subject to heat and mass transfer without
US ˆ Ji0 Xi0 P 0; …10† chemical reactions. Using the assumption of the local
thermodynamic equilibrium for such a system, balance
equations for the mass, momentum, energy and entropy
W ˆ T US ˆ Ji Xi P 0: …11† are necessary in deriving the expressions for the entropy
iˆ1 generation or the dissipation function. The notation
used by Wisniewski et al. [36] has been adopted in the
Here Ji and Ji0 are the generalized ¯ows, and Xi and Xi0 balance equations.
are the thermodynamic forces. The quantities US and W
are scalars, and the dot product of two vectors for the
case of heat and mass ¯ows. The choice of thermody- 5.1. The mass balance
namic forces must be made so that in the equilibrium
state when the thermodynamic forces vanish …Xa ˆ 0†, The mass ¯ow of component i, Ji ˆ qi vi , is a vector
the entropy generation must also vanish. The quantities showing the ¯ow of a substance relative to a motionless
US and W depend on the mode of change between given coordinate system. The di€usion ¯ow ji relative to the
states. mass average velocity v is
If Eq. (1) is introduced into the dissipation function ji ˆ qi …vi v†; …16†
of Eq. (11), we have
where the mass average velocity is de®ned by
Wˆ Lik Xi Xk P 0: …12† 1X n Xn
i;kˆ1 vˆ qi vi ˆ wi vi
q iˆ1 iˆ1
Similarly the entropy generation is expressed by
n Here vi and qi are the velocity and density of substance i,
US ˆ lik Xi0 Xk0 P0 …13† while wi is the mass fraction. The sum of di€usion ¯ows
i;kˆ1 of all the substances is zero

and the PCs l and L are associated by X

ji ˆ 0 …17†
lik ˆ TLik : …14† iˆ1

Eq. (12) may be written in matrix form showing the therefore of n di€usion ¯ows, only n 1 are indepen-
symmetry between the ¯ows and the forces expressed in dent. The mass and di€usion ¯ows, Ji and ji , of sub-
Eqs. (1) and (5) stance i are related by

W ˆ XT LX ˆ JT KJ P 0; …15† Ji ˆ ji ‡ qi v: …18†
2444 Y. Demirel, S.I. Sandler / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 2439±2451

The conservation equation for the substance i is The total speci®c energy e of a substance consists of the
oqi speci®c internal energy u, the speci®c kinetic energy
‡ r  Ji ˆ 0: …19† …1=2†v2 , and the speci®c potential energy ep
Using the substantial derivative of the density e ˆ u ‡ v2 ‡ ep ; …26†
dq oq
ˆ ‡ v  rq where v2 is the result of v  v.
dt ot
The conduction ¯ux Jet of the total energy consists of
and taking into account that the conservation equation
the conduction ¯ux P Ju of the internal energy, the po-
for the total mass obtained from Eq. (19) n
tential energy ¯ux iˆ1 epi ji due to di€usion of sub-
dq stances, and the surface work ± v  r
‡ q…r  v† ˆ 0
dt X

the mass conservation equation is obtained by replacing Jet ˆ Ju ‡ epi ji v  r: …27†

the density with the speci®c volume v ˆ 1=q
dv The rate of the change of total kinetic and potential
v…r  v† ˆ 0: …20†
dt energy per unit volume is [36]
The balance equation for the amount of substance i can o 1 2
also be written in terms of the mass fraction, wi q v ‡ ep
ot 2
"   #
dwi 1 2 Xn
q ‡ r  ji ˆ 0: …21† ˆ r q v ‡ ep v v  r ‡ epi ji
dt 2 iˆ1
5.2. The momentum balance r : …rv† ji  Fi ; …28†

The Newton's second law of motion states that the

where Fi is body force, and is associated with the speci®c
change in the momentum of a body is equal to all
potential energy epi of substance i by
the forces acting on that body. The forces acting on the
volume of ¯uid can be divided into a mass force F, and a Fi ‡ repi ˆ 0:
surface force due to the stress tensor r. If Fi is the force
exerted per unit mass of substance i, then We subtract Eq. (28) from Eq. (25) to obtain the rate of
change of the internal energy per unit volume
1X n Xn
Fˆ qi Fi ˆ wi Fi …22† X
q iˆ1 du
iˆ1 q ‡ r  Ju ‡ p…r  v† s : rv ji  Fi ˆ 0: …29†
dt iˆ1
is the force exerted per unit mass of the ¯uid. Using
the pressure force rp and the viscous force r  s for the If di€usion is slow, and the condition of local thermo-
surface force, and the body force per unit volume qF, the dynamic equilibrium is satis®ed, then the rate of change
momentum balance equation is given in the substantial of total energy of all components per unit volume is
form by given by
dv "  #
q ‡ rp rs qF ˆ 0 …23† o X n
1 2
dt q ui ‡ vi ‡ epi
ot iˆ1 i 2
The viscosity stress is negligible (s ˆ 0) in a ¯uid which   
is in mechanical equilibrium where the acceleration o 1
ˆ q u ‡ v2 ‡ ep ; …30†
vanishes (dv=dt ˆ 0). Consequently the pressure gradi- ot 2
ent is equal to the sum of the mass forces
where ui is the partial molar internal energy of sub-
rp qF ˆ 0: …24†
stance i.
If J0q is the energy ¯ow of pure heat conduction
5.3. The energy balance without a ¯ow of internal energy due to di€usion of the
substance, the total energy balance, Eq. (25), becomes
The local energy balance equation is that the rate of
change of the total energy per unit volume is related to a o…qe†
‡ r  …qev†
convection ¯ux qev and a conduction ¯ux Jet ot !
X n X
o…qe† ‡ r  J0q ‡ ui ji ‡ epi ji vr ˆ 0: …31†
‡ r  …qev† ‡ r  Jet ˆ 0: …25†
ot iˆ1 iˆ1
Y. Demirel, S.I. Sandler / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 2439±2451 2445

Comparison of this equation with Eq. (27) yields and

li l  l 
…r  ji † ˆ r  i
j ji  r i :
Ju ˆ J0q ‡ ui ji : …32† T T i T
Eq. (38) becomes
The second term on the right-hand side of this equation !!
ds 1 X
is the net internal energy ¯ow due to the di€usion of q ‡r Ju l i ji ‡ Ju  rT
substances. dt T iˆ1

1 X
n h l  i 1
5.4. The entropy balance ‡ ji  T r i Fi s : …rv† ˆ 0: …39†
T iˆ1
The entropy balance equation in terms of the con- Using the relation between the chemical potential and
vection entropy ¯ow qsv, the conduction entropy ¯ow enthalpy given by
JS , and the entropy generation US is given by
li ˆ hi T si ˆ ui ‡ p
vi T si …40†
‡ r  …qsv† ‡ r  JS US ˆ 0: …33† we can ®nd the following relationship between the heat
¯ux J00q appearing in the entropy balance equation and
The entropy ¯ux due to conduction is composed of two the heat ¯ux J0q occurring in the energy balance, Eq. (31)
contributions: one is due to the heat ¯ux in the entropy
balance equation J00q , and the other arising from the J0q ˆ J00q ‡ hi ji ; …41†
di€usion ¯ow ji iˆ1

J00q X n
where hi ; vi are the partial molar enthalpy and velocity,
JS ˆ ‡ si ji ; …34†
T iˆ1
The de®nition of heat ¯ow can be based on a macro-
where s is the partial entropy of substance i. Inserting scopic energy balance or entropy balance. The internal
Eq. (34) into Eq. (33), and using the substantial deriv- energy of a substance results from the molecular kinetic
ative gives energy and the potential energy of the intermolecular
! interactions. The change of kinetic energy is due to the
ds J00q X n
di€usion for the collision free movement of substances.
q ‡r ‡ si ji US ˆ 0: …35†
dt T iˆ1
When the kinetic energy changes as the result of
molecular collisions, it is de®ned as heat conduction.
Assuming that local thermodynamic equilibrium is However de®nition of the potential energy are not
valid, we can use the Gibbs relation in terms of speci®c uniquely associated with di€usion and conduction due
quantities to the complex interactions for each pair of substances.
n Fitts [34] called the J00q as the second law heat ¯ow which
T ds ˆ du ‡ pdv li dwi ; …36† is related to the J0q by Eq. (41). From Eqs. (35) and (39),
iˆ1 the local entropy generation per unit volume is de®ned
by ignoring the viscosity stress, and given by
where li is the chemical potential of substance i. Dif-  
1 1 X n h l  i
ferentiation of Eq. (36) with respect to time yields US ˆ Ju  r ji  T r i Fi
T T iˆ1 T
ds q du qp dv qX n
q ˆ ‡ l : …37† ˆ Uq ‡ Ud : …42†
dt T dt T dt T iˆ1 i dt
With the following forces de®ned as:
After substituting Eqs. (29), (20) and (21) into Eq. (37),  
we have 1
Xq ˆ r …for heat transfer†; …43†
ds r  Ju
q ˆ
dt T l 
1 1X n
1X n
Xi ˆ r i …for mass transfer†: …44†
‡ s : …rv† ‡ ji  Fi ‡ l …r  ji †: …38† T T
T T iˆ1 T iˆ1 i
Eq. (42) expresses the entropy generation as the sum of
Using the following transformations two distinctive contributions as a result of the product of
  the ¯ows and the forces: These are the entropy pro-
r  Ju Ju 1 duction associated with heat transfer Uq ˆ Ju XqP , and the
ˆr ‡ 2 Ju  rT
T T T entropy production due to mass transfer Ud ˆ niˆ1 ji Xi .
2446 Y. Demirel, S.I. Sandler / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 2439±2451

Entropy generation relation de®nes the independent the coupling, namely the thermal di€usion (Soret e€ect)
forces and the ¯ows to be used in the PEs. and the heat ¯ow due to the di€usion of substance i
(Dufour e€ect), respectively. These e€ects are generally
referred to the forces, namely to the gradients of tem-
6. Heat and mass transfer coupling perature and composition. To this end we should take
into account the fact that the roles of forces and ¯ows
In the DPE approach, we start with the dissipation are symmetric. For multicomponent di€usion, the
function W ˆ T U, which can be expressed using Eq. matrix L includes Lii and Lij . The coecients Lii are
(42), as associated to the di€usion ¯ow ji arising from its own
Xn h l  i chemical potential gradient of substance i, while the
W ˆ Ju  r ln T ji  T r i Fi : …45† coecients Lij de®ne the part of ji arising from the
T chemical potential gradients of substance j. The coe-
cients Lij result from the intermolecular interactions of
A transformation is useful for Eq. (45). For that, ®rstly
the dissimilar molecules. If the coecients Lij are nega-
we use the total potential, which is the summation of the
tive, di€usion of j causes a di€usion ¯ow of i in the
chemical potential and the potential energy l0 ˆ l ‡ ep , opposite direction. In principle, each PC is uniquely
and the thermodynamic force for the di€usion becomes determined, and may be measured by a suitable exper-
l  hi rT iment [34].
Tr i Fi ˆ rT l0i ; …46† The thermal di€usivity may be related to a new
quantity called the heat of transport. To understand the
where rT l0i is the gradient of the total potential at concept consider expressing the thermodynamic force,
constant temperature, and given by using the resistance type coecients Kij , from Eq. (50)
rT l0i ˆ rli ‡ si rT ‡ repi ˆ rl0i ‡ si rT : X
n 1
rT …l0j l0n † ˆ Kji …ji ‡ Liq r ln T †
Secondly, we express the internal energy ¯ux Ju in terms iˆ1
of J00q using Eqs. (32) and (40)
… j ˆ 1; 2; . . . ; n 1†; …52†
Ju ˆ J00q ‡ hi ji : …47† where Kji ˆ Lij 1 .
iˆ1 This thermodynamic force can be inserted into Eq.
So that, with the help of Eqs. (46) and (47) and noting (49), and we have
that only n 1 di€usion ¯ows ji are independent, Eq. Xn 1 X
n 1
(17), we have the form for the dissipation function in Jq ˆ Lqq Liq Lqj Kji r ln T Lqj Kji ji : …53†
i;jˆ1 i;jˆ1
which all the forces are independent
n 1 The heat of transport, Qi of component i is expressed by
Wˆ J00q  r ln T ji  rT …l0i l0n †: …48†
n 1 X
n 1
Qi ˆ Lqj Kji ˆ Lqj Lij 1 …i ˆ 1; 2; . . . ; n 1† …54†
We may now establish the PEs for the vector ¯ows of J00q jˆ1 jˆ1

and ji and the forces r ln T and rT …l0i l0n †, and

and can be used in the PEs to eliminate the coecients
write the linear relations between the ¯ows and the
Lqj or Ljq . For example after introducing the heat of
transport, Eq. (53) becomes
n 1 !
J00q ˆ Lqq r ln T ‡ Lqj rT …l0j l0n †; …49† Xn 1 X
n 1
Jq ˆ Lqq Liq Qi r ln T Qi ji : …55†
i;jˆ1 i;jˆ1

n 1
In an isothermal system where r ln T ˆ 0, Eq. (55)
ji ˆ Liq r ln T ‡ Lij rT …l0j l0n † yields
n 1  00 
…i ˆ 1; 2; . . . ; n 1†: …50† Jq
J00q ˆ Qi ji and Qi ˆ : …56†
ji T
Eqs. (49) and (50) make it possible to de®ne uniquely the
PCs that obey the Onsager reciprocal relations Eq. (56) indicates that the heat of transport Qi is the
Lqi ˆ Liq ; Lij ˆ Lji …i; j ˆ 1; 2; . . . ; n 1†: …51† heat ¯ow to keep temperature constant when di€usion
¯ow of substance i takes place. The heat of transport in
The coecient Lqq is associated to the thermal con- Eq. (56) is based on J00q , and on the di€usion ¯ow re-
ductivity, while the cross-coecients Liq and Lqi de®ne ferred to the mass average velocity. So that the de®nition
Y. Demirel, S.I. Sandler / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 2439±2451 2447

of it varies with the choice of the heat ¯ow and the X

n 1

di€usion ¯ow. We may use the Onsager reciprocal re- r ln T ˆ Kqq J00q ‡ Kqj ji …i ˆ 1; 2; . . . ; n 1†; …64†
lations to relate the heat of transport to the thermal
di€usion coecients, and it is then possible to obtain
experimental values of heats of transport. X
n 1
rwj ˆ Kiq J00q ‡ Kij ji …i ˆ 1; 2; . . . ; n 1†: …65†
For a multicomponent ¯uid at mechanical equilib- jˆ1
rium (see Eq. (24)), the Gibbs±Duhem relation at con-
stant temperature yields In Eqs. (64) and (65), we express the thermodynamic
n forces as a function of conjugate ¯ows which are easy to
wi rT l0i ˆ 0; …57† control experimentally. Kedem [39] also used a similar
iˆ1 form of the PEs to express active transport, that is the
coupled processes of ¯ows and chemical reactions in
where the gradient of total potential in the absence of
biological systems with anisotropic character.
mass forces (Fi ˆ 0) is given by
When the temperature gradient vanishes, (rT ˆ 0),
n 1 
X  the di€usion ¯ow is given by
rT l0i ˆ rwk : …58†
owk T ;p;wi6ˆk X
n 1
ji ˆ q Dij rwj …i ˆ 1; 2; . . . ; n 1†: …66†
Eq. (57) enables us to eliminate rT l0n from Eq. (48), and jˆ1

we have
" # Comparing Eqs. (61) and (66) yields the di€usion coef-
Xn 1 n 1 
00 olk ®cient, de®ned by
W ˆ Jq r ln T ji  aik rwj ;
owj T ;p;wi6ˆj  
i;kˆ1 jˆ1 1 Xn 1
…59† Dij ˆ Lij aik …i ˆ 1; 2; . . . ; n 1†: …67†
q k;jˆ1 owj
where aik ˆ dik ‡ wk =wn , and dik is the unit tensor. We
When the concentration gradient vanishes, rwi ˆ 0, we
can now establish the following new set of PEs based on
have the thermal di€usion, in which mass ¯ows are due
the dissipation function of Eq. (59)
to the gradient of temperature, and Eq. (61) gives
Xn 1  
oli q
J00q ˆ Lqq r ln T ‡ Lqj aik rwj ; …60† ji ˆ Liq r ln T ˆ DTi rT ; …68†
owj T ;p;wi6ˆj T

  where the thermal di€usion coecient is de®ned by

n 1
ji ˆ Liq r ln T ‡ Lij aik rwj Liq
owj DTiq ˆ : …69†
i;k;jˆ1 T ;p;wi6ˆj q
…i ˆ 1; 2; . . . ; n 1† …61†
The thermal di€usion ratio kTiq relates these transport
Based on the rate of entropy generation form of Eqs. coecients Dij and DTiq
(48) and (14) the PEs of Eqs. (60) and (61) can also be DTiq
expressed as kTiq ˆ Pn 1 : …70†
  X   jˆ1 Dij
n 1
1 1 oli
J00q ˆ lqq r ‡ lqj aik rwj ; Due to the nonideality of the system, the gradient of
T i;k;jˆ1
T owj T ;p;wi6ˆj
chemical potential in Eq. (67) and hence kTiq may be-
…62† come negative. This causes the ¯ow of a substance to a
hotter part in the system. Thermal di€usion is usually
  X n 1  
1 1 oli characterized by the Soret coecient STiq , which is de-
ji ˆ liq r ‡ lij aik rwj : …63† ®ned as the ratio of the thermal-di€usion coecient to
T i;k;jˆ1
T owj T ;p;wi6ˆj
the ordinary di€usion coecient
Furthermore, Eqs. (60) and (61) can be transformed to DTiq
a new set of PEs by replacing the coecients L with STiq ˆ : …71†
the coecients K, given by Eq. (6a). Since the K is
the inverse matrix of L, the coecients of K re¯ect the The Soret coecient is a measure of the concentration
direct interference when several ¯ows interact in the gradient of the solute that can be maintained as a result
system. We now therefore consider the symmetry be- of a temperature gradient at a stationary state, where
tween the ¯ows and forces, and Eqs. (60) and (61) ji ˆ 0 and rT ˆ constant. The Soret coecient is also
become associated with the heat of transport Qi as follows:
2448 Y. Demirel, S.I. Sandler / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 2439±2451

1 The most widely adopted applications of Eq. (74)

sTiq ˆ Qi P   : …72†
n 1
aik oli involve the entropy generation minimization with re-
j;kˆ1 owj
T ;p;wi6ˆj spect to certain parameters in searching a thermody-
namically optimum operating conditions and/or a design
The thermal di€usion factor a is given by a ˆ TsTiq . for a process [56,57,61,67,69]. Before we do that we must
From Eq. (60) we can express the Dufour e€ect, evaluate the total entropy generation S_ gen inside the
which is the ¯ow of heat caused by only a concentration volume of a given system by
gradient …r ln T ˆ 0† !
Z Z X n
S_ gen ˆ
00 oli US dV ˆ ji Xi dV : …76†
Jq ˆ Lqi aki : …73† V V
owj T ;p;wk6ˆj iˆ1

Prigogine [33] showed that for a certain value of the

When we compare Eq. (73) with the combined Eqs. (66) force for the heat ¯ow, the rate of entropy generation
and (67), we can easily see that the Dufour coecient is becomes minimum at the stationary state where ji ˆ 0:
de®ned as DCi ˆ Lqi =q, and due to the Onsager relations, We can also use Eqs. (64) and (65) in Eq. (15) to
is equal to thermal di€usion coecient DTiq . express the dissipation function for coupled heat and
In a single component system, the thermomolecular mass ¯ows
pressure di€erence is the result of the coupling between
heat and mass ¯ows. It is well known as the Knudsen X
n 1 X
n 1

e€ect in a gas, and fountain e€ect in a liquid system. W ˆ Kqq J002

q ‡ Kij j2i 2 Kiq J00q  ji : …77†
jˆ1 jˆ1
When we have a membrane between gases or liquids,
the coupling occurs as the thermo-osmosis e€ect Here the ®rst and the second terms on the right-hand
[27,33,64]. side of Eq. (77) are the dissipations due to the heat and
It is now straightforward to express the entropy mass ¯ows, respectively, while the third term denotes the
generation or the dissipation function. By substituting dissipation due to the coupling.
Eqs. (62) and (63) into Eq. (13), we can calculate the rate The degree of the coupling results from the re-
of entropy generation lationships between the forces and the ¯ows. From Eqs.
  2 (64) and (65), we can de®ne the ratio of forces
US ˆ lqq r (k ˆ r ln T =rwi ) and the ¯ows (g ˆ J00q =ji ) for a binary
T mixture. Dividing Eqs. (64) with (65), and further
"   #2
Xn 1
1 oli dividing both the numerator and denominator by
‡ lqj aik rwj …Kqq Kij †1=2 ji , we obtain
T owj T ;p;wi6ˆj
  X "   #
Xn 1
1 n 1
1 oli …Kqq =Kij †1=2 g ‡ Kiq =…Kqq Kij †1=2
‡2 liq r aik rwj kˆ …Kiq ˆ Kqi †:
T i;k;jˆ1 T owj T ;p;wi6ˆj Kiq =…Kqq Kij †1=2 g ‡ …Kij =Kqq †1=2
 …i 6ˆ k†; …74†
Eq. (78) shows that the ratio of forces k varies with the
where lqj ˆ liq , and the coecients of l are related to L ratio of ¯ows, g. As the quantity Kiq =…Kqq Kij †1=2 ap-
by Eq. (14). The individual contributions related to heat proaches zero, each ¯ow becomes independent, and we
and mass ¯ows as well as the coupling between them are have the ratio of forces approaching ki ! …Kqq =Kij †g. If
represented by the ®rst, second and third terms, re- Kiq =…Kqq Kij †1=2 approaches 1, then the two forces are
spectively on the right-hand side of Eq. (74). This not associated with the ¯ows, and the ratio of forces
equation is the basis of the second law analysis, and approaches a ®xed value k !  Kqq =Kij
. This case is
useful in many ways. For example we can evaluate the the situation where the matrix of the PCs becomes
individual contributions in the entropy generation, singular, and corresponds to the equality sign in Eqs.
hence determine the trade o€ between them. To this end (3c) and (6c). The ratio
the ratio of the irreversibility distribution / in the vol-
ume of a system can be obtained by K1q
rˆ …79†
lqq ‰r…1=T †Š 2 …Kqq Kij †1=2
/ˆ : …75†
indicates the degree of coupling, and it can be used as a
When / approaches to unity, the irreversibility due to base for comparison of systems with several coupled
heat transfer becomes the dominating part in the en- forces. As the heat and mass ¯ows are both the vectors,
tropy generation [45,68]. The nature of the distribution the sign of r indicates the direction of forces of the
of the entropy generation is also helpful in evaluating substances. If Kiq < 0 hence r > 0, and the ¯ow of a
the optimality of a system with a required task [46,47]. substance may drag another substance in the same di-
Y. Demirel, S.I. Sandler / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 2439±2451 2449

rection, however it will ¯ow in the opposite direction if 7. Conclusions

Kiq > 0 and r < 0. For heat and mass ¯ows the dissi-
pation function de®nes the two limiting values of r be- The coupling between the ¯ows of heat and mass is
tween +1 and 1 [29]. An incomplete coupling takes a very important in many industrial processes as well as
value between these two limits. The coupling may be in the living systems, and it should be accounted for in
further clari®ed by the ratio a proper way. We have demonstrated that the theory of
Kqq LNET can play crucial role in the proper de®nition of
z2 ˆ …80† the coupled heat and mass ¯ows. To this end we have
suggested the use of the resistance type of PCs in the
and Eq. (78) becomes PEs, in which the conjugate forces and ¯ows are
zg r identi®ed by the dissipation function. We called this
kˆ : …81† procedure as the DPE approach. The dissipation
1=z rg
function is the direct result of rigorous and sound
Eq. (81) indicates that for the known values of z and g, theory of LNET based on the assumption of the local
the ratio of forces is determined by the degree of thermodynamic equilibrium. We also have demon-
coupling r. With complete coupling, k is equal to z and r strated the vital role played by the PEs in the second
becomes +1 or 1. The minus sign of g terms from the law analysis. Since the entropy production depends on
situations where the di€erentiation of chemical potential the ¯ows and forces, the analysis of LNET de®nes the
with respect to concentration may have negative values correct forces and ¯ows involved in an irreversible
due to nonideality of the mixture. This complex behav- process. The role of the PEs is the determination of the
ior results from solution nonideality of the mixture. true transport coecients, and the interactions between
With the help of the z, we can de®ne the reduced the ¯ows and forces. This role has been formulated in
force ratio of zk, and the reduced ¯ow ratio g=z, and can this study.
relate them by
r ‡ g=z
zk ˆ : …82† Acknowledgements
rg=z ‡ 1

Change of the reduced ¯ow ratio with the reduced force Y.D. thanks to Center for Molecular and Engineer-
ratio in the range 1 < r < ‡1 is given in Fig. 1. After ing Thermodynamics of the University of Delaware for
Caplan and Essig [29] two reference stationary states in the hospitality shown during the visit. This study has
the coupled processes can be de®ned as the level ¯ow been funded by King Fahd University of Petroleum &
where Xi ˆ 0, and static head where Ji ˆ 0. Example of Minerals under project #CHE/SECOND-LAW/209.
systems at static head are an open circuit fuel cell and
active transport in a cell membrane, whereas the exam-
ples of systems at level ¯ow are a short circuited fuel cell Appendix A
and salt and water transport in kidneys. In a incom-
pletely coupled systems, a constant supply of energy is We can express the phenomenological equations for
necessary to maintain these reference states without two ¯ows and two forces by
output or work.
J1 ˆ L11 X1 ‡ L12 X2 ; …A:1†

J2 ˆ L21 X1 ‡ L22 X2 : …A:2†

Solving these equations for the thermodynamic forces

X1 ˆ K11 J1 ‡ K12 J2 ; …A:3†

X2 ˆ K21 J1 ‡ K22 J2 ; …A:4†

L22 L12 L21 L22
K11 ˆ ; K12 ˆ ; K21 ˆ ; K22 ˆ
jLj jLj jLj jLj


Fig. 1. Change of reduced ¯ows zk with the reduced forces g=z. jLj ˆ L11 L22 L12 L21 :
2450 Y. Demirel, S.I. Sandler / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 44 (2001) 2439±2451

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