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List of cases Page No.

1. Sukanya Holding Pvt. Ltd. V. Jayesh H. Panda

2. P.A Raju vs. P.B Raju
3. Rastriya Ispat Nigam v. Verma Transport Co. Ltd
4. .Renusagar vs Gas Authority of India
5. P.A Raju vs. P.B Raju
6. Booz Hamilton vs. SBI Home Finance
7. H. Srinivas Pai and Anr. v. H.V. Pai and Ors.
8. Sasan Power Limited vs. North American Coal
Corporation India Pvt. Ltd.
9. Atul Singh vs. Sunil Kumar Singh
10. Sukanya Holding Pvt. Ltd. vs Jayesh H Panda
11. Chloro Control Ltd vs Severn trent Water Purification
12. Booz Hamilton vs SBI Home finance Ltd
13. S.B.P &Co` vs Patel Engineering Ltd.
14. Rahtriya Ispat Nigam vs. Verma Transport Co.
List of Acronyms


vs Versus
AIR All India Report
SCC Supreme Court Case
Edn Edition
Co. Corporation
Ltd. Limited
Pvt. Private

1. Avtar Singh, Law of Arbitration and Conciliation
(EBC,Delhi 11th edn, 2018)
2. Krishan Keshav, Alternative Dispute Resolution (Singhal
Law Publication, Delhi, 7th edn. 2017)
3. Dr. N.V Pranjape, Law relating to Arbitration and
Conciliation in India (Central Law Agency, Allahabad, 7th edn,


1. Amendment to Arbitration and Conciliation (2015) Bill

2015, available at: release (Last
visit on April 20, 2018)
Index Page no.

1. Background
2. Objective
3. Application
4. Condition
5. Effect of amendment
6. Factors
7. Meaning of expression used in section 8
8. Difference between section 34 of 1940 Act and section 8
of 1996 Act
9. Difference between section 89 of C.P.C and Section 8 of
1996 Act
10. Stay of legal proceeding
11. Conclusion
12. References

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