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Chapter 18: Structural Reinforcement

Adding Area, Path, and Fabric Reinforcement

Exercise 18-2
1. Start Revit 2018

2. Open the file Exercise 18-2.rvt

3. Go to 00 Ground floor plan view

4. Select the slab, then select Isolate Element option to see the slab alone

5. Start Area Reinforcement command, and select the slab

6. From Properties, turn off Bottom Major Direction, and Bottom Minor direction,
to ensure Area Reinforcement is at the top only

7. From Properties, change Top Major Direction Bar Type = 16M, and Top Minor
Spacing = 450mm

8. From context tab, locate Draw panel, select Pick Lines tool

9. Hover over one of the horizontal edges of the slab, press [Tab] key to highlight
all edges then click to select all edges. Do the same thing with the edges of the
elevator shaft. When done click ( )

10. You will see vertical and horizontal lines representing the Area Reinforcement,
with a tag. Click the tag, and move it to a better position so you can read it

11. To see all the reinforcement bars, hover over the reinforcement, press [Tab] up
until you see the cross, select it, go to Properties, use View Visibility States

12. Reset Temporary Hide/Isolate

13. Go to the West part of the building. Hover over the edge of the slab, press
[Tab] key until you can see the foundation wall, click it to select it

14. Go to West elevation view

15. Walls are selected already, select Isolate Element option to see the wall alone

16. While the wall selected, from context tab, click Area button

Revit Structure 2018 Intermediate and Advanced

17. From Properties, set Exterior Major Bar Type = Interior Major Bar Type = 16M

18. Select the four edges of the wall, making major direction vertically. Click ( ) to
end the command

19. Go to West Foundation Wall section view to look at the new additions we made

20. Go to 00 Ground floor plan

21. Start Path Reinforcement command, and select the slab from any place

22. From Properties, leave Additional Offset = 0.0mm, Primary Bar Length =

23. Draw the Path Reinforcement as the following, from bottom to top. When done
click ( ) to end the command:

24. Go and check West Foundation Wall section to view the new additions we
made. You will discover two problems, the first one path reinforcement are
colliding with the area reinforcement of the slab. The second, the hook of the
path reinforcement is short

25. To solve the first problem, go to 00 Ground floor plan view, and select the path
reinforcement, set Additional Offset = 45mm

26. To solve the second problem, start Rebar command, Rebar Bar 13M is already
selected. Click Edit Type, then Duplicate button, call the new bar 13M Special.
Locate Hook Lengths parameter, and click Edit button. Change the Standard
90 deg. = 450mm, click OK twice, then press [Esc]. Nothing happened. Go
back to 00 Ground floor plan, and select the path reinforcement, set the
Primary Bar Type to be = 13M Special

27. Go to West Foundation Wall section to view the new modifications. You will
find Hook of path reinforcement collide with the interior area reinforcement

28. To fix this problem, go to West elevation view and select the area
reinforcement in the wall

Chapter 18: Structural Reinforcement

29. From Properties, set the Additional Interior Cover = 40mm

30. Go to West Foundation Wall section, you should have something like the

31. Go to 01 First floor plan view

32. Set Visual Style = Wireframe

33. We separated the floor at the top right, and at the top left to be separate
element for the purpose of using Fabric Area, and Fabric Sheet:

34. Select the right floor, from context tab select Fabric Area. From Properties
change Fabric Sheet = W20/4, from context tab, locate Draw, and select Pick
Lines tool, select the four edges of the floor (Major Direction = Horizontal). Pick
all checkboxes except the upper one, then click ( )

35. Zoom to the left floor, and select it, from context tab select Fabric Sheet. From
Properties change Fabric Sheet = W20/4, use [spacebar] to hold Fabric Sheet
from lower left corner. Start adding the sheets from bottom to top and from left
to right. When done press [Esc]

36. Go to 3D view, and set Visual Style = Wireframe, and look at what you did

37. Save and close the file


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