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DOI 10.1515/jpm-2013-0285      J. Perinat. Med.

2014; 42(5): 617–627

Johannes Stubert*, Stefanie Ullmann, Max Dieterich, Doreen Diedrich and Toralf Reimer

Clinical differences between early- and late-onset

severe preeclampsia and analysis of predictors for
perinatal outcome
Abstract Introduction
Aims: To analyze the clinical differences between early-
The estimated incidence of preeclampsia is about
and late-onset cases of severe preeclampsia and to evaluate
0.4–2.8% of all pregnancies in Europe [6, 10]. The vast
parameters that could help to predict perinatal outcome.
majority develops close to term (  ≥  34 weeks of gesta-
Methods: Over a period of 6 years, all cases of severe
tion) and is characterized by mild clinical signs. Only
preeclampsia (n = 68) at our institution were included in
a minority of patients present a severe clinical course
a retrospective cohort analysis. Differences between early
[26, 38]. Characteristically, severe preeclampsia devel-
( < 34 weeks, n = 44) and late (  ≥  34 weeks, n = 24) onset of
ops early in pregnancy ( < 34 weeks of gestation) and
the disease were evaluated. Risk factors for low 5-min
is more frequently associated with an adverse mater-
Apgar score (  ≤  7), small-for-gestational-age (SGA) infants
nal and fetal outcome [15, 17, 18, 25]. Thus, it is widely
and neonatal acidosis (umbilical arterial pH  < 7.20) were
accepted to discriminate the syndromic disease preec-
identified and considered in a multiple logistic regression
lampsia, in respect of the time of onset, into two dis-
tinct entities, which are also characterized by a different
Results: Early- and late-onset severe preeclampsia dif-
pathogenetic appearance [37]. An outcome analysis may
fered from each other remarkably. Perinatal outcome
be biased if early-onset (EO) and late-onset (LO) preec-
was unfavorable in early-onset disease and seemed to be
lampsia are directly compared to each other because
mainly a result of premature delivery and development of
some of the postulated differences may exclusively be
fetal growth restriction. Abnormal uterine Doppler veloci-
related to the different grades of severity. While mild
metry increased the risk of low 5-min Apgar values [odds
preeclampsia is mainly associated with a nearly unaf-
ratio (OR) 8.0, P = 0.012] and preterm birth  < 34+0 weeks
fected clinical course, severe cases are commonly
(OR 17.9, P < 0.001). An increased resistance of the umbili-
treated by interventionist care. Safekeeping of maternal
cal artery was associated with a higher risk for SGA birth
health in preeclampsia is most relevant, and, consecu-
weight (OR 4.9, P = 0.010).
tively, a termination of pregnancy by cesarean section
Conclusion: Preeclampsia is a heterogeneous syndrome
with consecutive preterm parturition is often manda-
even if only severe cases were analyzed. Abnormal Dop-
tory. In Western Europe, with a system of intensive
pler flow characteristics facilitated the identification of
perinatal care, the risk of maternal mortality as well as
patients who were at increased risk for worse perinatal
serious, irreversible morbidity is very low [6]. But peri-
natal morbidity and mortality remain problematic due
to prematurity and the high incidence of intrauterine
Keywords: Early onset; late onset; perinatal outcome;
growth restriction [35]. In selected cases of preeclampsia
severe preeclampsia.
and with respect to the severity of maternal symptoms,
expectant management may be an option to improve
*Corresponding author: Johannes Stubert, MD, Department of perinatal outcome [4]. But parameters that enable pre-
Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Rostock, Suedring 81, diction of fetal risks in preeclampsia are poorly defined.
18059 Rostock, Germany, Tel.: +49 38144018475, Recent studies reported of an abnormal uterine Doppler
Fax: +49 38144014599, E-mail:
flow as a predictor for worse perinatal outcome in preec-
Stefanie Ullmann, Max Dieterich and Toralf Reimer: Department
of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Rostock, Suedring 81, lampsia [12, 19]. The aim of our study was to analyze the
18059 Rostock, Germany clinical differences between severe preeclampsia in EO
Doreen Diedrich: Institute for Statistics and Informatics in Medicine and LO cases and to evaluate parameters that could help
and Ageing Research, University of Rostock, 18057 Rostock, Germany to predict perinatal outcome.

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618      Stubert et al., Differences between early- and late-onset severe preeclampsia

Methods Descriptive statistics were computed for continuous and cat-

egorical variables. The statistics computed included mean, median,
standard deviation (SD), minimum, maximum and number of
available observations of continuous variables, and are presented
Patient selection and criterions of inclusion as mean ± SD; for categorical variables, frequencies and relative
The retrospective analysis encompassed all patients with severe preec- frequencies are presented. Testing for differences of continuous
lampsia diagnosed between January 1, 2006, and December 31, 2011, at variables between the study groups (EO vs. LO preeclampsia) was
the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Ros- accomplished by the two-sample t-test for independent samples or
tock, Germany. Only singleton pregnancies were included. Preeclampsia the Mann-Whitney U-test, as appropriate. Test selection was based
was defined as being present when blood pressure was   ≥  140/90 mm Hg on evaluating the variables for normal distribution, employing the
(taken twice, 6  h apart) combined with a proteinuria level   ≥  300  mg Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Comparison between the study groups
in a 24-h collection [29]. Alternatively, confirmation of proteinuria by for categorical variables was done using the χ2-test or the Fisher’s
semiquantitative urine dipstick analysis with at least 2+ was allowed exact test. All P values resulted from two-sided statistical tests, and
[1]. Severe preeclampsia was defined on the basis of preeclampsia with values of P < 0.05 were considered to be statistically significant. For
at least one of the following: (1) blood pressure: systolic   ≥  160 mm Hg or correlation analysis, Pearson’s correlations coefficient(r) was calcu-
diastolic   ≥  110 mm Hg; (2) proteinuria   ≥  5 g/24 h; (3) syndrome of hemol- lated if normally distributed variables were given. Otherwise, or in
ysis, elevated liver enzymes and low platelets (HELLP) [31, 32]. Patients cases of nonparametric data, the Spearman’s correlations coefficient
with HELLP syndrome were only included in cases of concomitant signs was assessed. The logistic regression model was used to assess the
of preeclampsia (hypertension and proteinuria). HELLP syndrome independence of specific perinatal outcome parameters from prog-
was defined as being present when platelet count was  < 100,000/mL nostic factors. First, univariate analyses were performed to reveal
(normal range: 150,000–450,000/mL), haptoglobin serum levels were unadjusted significant associations between prognostic variables
 < 0.3 g/L (normal range: 0.3–2.0 g/L) and AST levels were  > 70 U/L (nor- and outcome. Thereafter, variables yielding P values   ≤  0.05 in the
mal range: 3–34 U/L). Chronic hypertension was defined as blood pres- univariate analysis were entered in the multivariate model to high-
sure levels   ≥  140/90 mm Hg prior to 20 weeks of gestation [1]. According light some adjusted associations between the outcome and several
to the clinical onset, patients were assigned to EO preeclampsia if covariates.
disease became manifest before 34 weeks of gestation and LO preec-
lampsia if manifestation was   ≥  34 weeks of gestation [37]. Gestational
age was calculated from the first day of the last menstrual period and
corrected by ultrasound if measurement of the crown-rump length
during the first trimester revealed a difference of   ≥  14 days. As the
national guideline [28] recommends a correction already at a difference
of more than 7 days, all data were retrospectively reevaluated. Small Maternal characteristics
for gestational age (SGA) was defined as a birth weight less than the
10th percentile for gestational age, according to Voigt et  al. [36]. Gen- During the evaluation period of 6 years, we identified
erally, intrauterine growth restriction/fetal growth restriction (IUGR/ 68 patients in our tertiary care center who developed a
FGR) has not been clearly defined [14, 39] in our study; in cases of SGA
severe preeclampsia; they were included in our analy-
with additional signs of placental insufficiency (oligohydramnion or
sis (Table  1). The estimated prevalence of severe preec-
abnormality of uterine or umbilical artery Doppler measurements),
an IUGR was assumed. Although the majority of SGA cases fulfilled lampsia was low, complicating only about 0.5% of all
the criteria of IUGR, we used the better-defined parameter SGA as a pregnancies in our department. Of all cases with severe
correlate for IUGR, keeping in mind that few SGA newborns were not preeclampsia, 64.7% were EO, whereas about one third
growth restricted. Placental weight and birth weight/placental weight were LO diseases. No differences between the EO and
ratio were classified according to Thompson et al. [33]. For ultrasound
the LO groups were observed regarding the criteria of
examinations, a Voluson 730 ultrasound system (GE Medical Systems,
Milwaukee, WI, USA) was used. All measurements were performed disease severity (blood pressure, proteinuria, prevalence
by one of two experienced observers following the recommendations of HELLP syndrome or isolated elevated liver enzymes).
for Doppler ultrasonography measurements in obstetrics [2]. We used Preexisting risk factors for the development of preec-
the reference values from Schaffer [30] for analysis of Doppler indices. lampsia did not differ between both groups, but patients
Abnormal uterine artery Doppler velocimetry (UtADV) was assumed
with EO disease tended towards a higher prevalence of
if a bilateral increased resistance index (RI)  > 95th percentile and/or a
chronic hypertension [34.1% vs. 16.7%, OR 2.78, 95%
distinct postsystolic incision (“notch”) was detected. For the umbilical
artery (UA), a pulsatility index (PI)  > 95th percentile, and for the middle confidence interval (CI) 0.80–9.62, P = 0.108]. The appear-
cerebral artery (MCA), a PI  < 5th percentile, indicating a redistribution of ance of chronic hypertension was not correlated to SGA
fetal blood flow, were defined as abnormal. birth weight (r = 0.09, P = 0.48). The mean gestational age
at delivery was significantly lower in the EO group (31+5
vs. 37+5 weeks, P < 0.001). Although most patients were
Statistical analysis primiparae, those with EO diseases had significantly
All data were stored and analyzed using the SPSS statistical package more previous pregnancies in their histories (P = 0.017).
version 19.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Referring to this, a higher mean abortion rate (0.36 ± 0.86

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Stubert et al., Differences between early- and late-onset severe preeclampsia      619

Table 1 Maternal characteristics of patients with severe preeclampsia and differentiation between early and late onset.

Characteristics   All severe PE (n = 68)  Early onset (n = 44)  Late onset (n = 24)  P-value

Age (years)        
 Mean ± SD   28.6 ± 6.2  28.9 ± 6.8  28.0 ± 5.0  0.505a
 Minimum–maximum   18–42  18–42  20–38 
 Median   1  1  1  0.017b
 Minimum–maximum   1–5  1–5  1–2 
 Median   0  0  0  0.126b
 Minimum–maximum   0–3  0–3  0–1 
Body mass index (kg/m2)        
 Mean ± SD   25.6 ± 6.0  24.9 ± 5.4  26.8 ± 7.0  0.214a
 Minimum–maximum   15.6–43.1  15.6–42.2  17.2–43.1 
Obesity (BMI  > 30 kg/m2)   12 (17.6%)  6 (13.6%)  6 (25.0%)  0.321c
Chronic hypertension (n)   19 (27.9%)  15 (34.1%)  4 (16.7%)  0.163c
Thrombophilia (n)   8 (11.8%)  5 (11.4%)  3 (12.5%)  0.887c
Nicotine abuse (n)   8 (11.8%)  6 (13.6%)  2 (8.3%)  0.703c
Diabetes mellitus type 1 (n)   3 (4.4%)  1 (2.3%)  2 (8.3%)  0.545c
Chronic renal disease (n)   5 (7.4%)  4 (9.1%)  1 (4.2%)  0.654c
Highest systolic blood pressure (mm Hg)        
 Mean ± SD   172.5 ± 19.3  171.4 ± 18.5  174.4 ± 20.9  0.541a
 Minimum–maximum   133–230  136–230  133–215 
Highest diastolic blood pressure (mm Hg)       
 Mean ± SD   107.3 ± 12.8  107.5 ± 14.2  106.9 ± 9.7  0.853a
 Minimum–maximum   80–160  80–160  90–120 
Proteinuria (mg/day)        
 Mean ± SD   4987 ± 5819  4936 ± 5787  5085 ± 6022  0.804b
 Minimum–maximum   122–28,952  122–28,952  263–21,578 
 Proteinuria  > 3–5 g/day (n)   10 (14.7%)  8 (18.2%)  2 (8.3%)  0.802c
 Proteinuria  > 5 g/day (n)   22 (32.4%)  14 (31.8%)  8 (33.3%) 
 Missing data (n)   7 (10.3%)  4 (9.1%)  3 (12.5%) 
 Concomitant HELLP syndrome (n)   16 (23.5%)  11 (25.0%)  5 (20.8%)  0.773c
Platelets ( × 109/L)        
 Mean ± SD   181.5 ± 85.8  174.8 ± 87.3  193.6 ± 83.4  0.392a
 Minimum–maximum   12–475  12–475  35–355 
AST (U/L)        
 Mean ± SD   150.5 ± 290.5  155.3 ± 266.8  142.0 ± 334.8  0.318b
 Minimum–maximum   13.2–1645.2  18.8–1461.0  13.2–1645.2 
CrP (mg/L)        
 Mean ± SD   28.3 ± 42.7  32.4 ± 45.0  20.6 ± 37.7  0.393b
 Minimum–maximum   0.3–186.8  0.3–186.8  0.3–135.0 
Gestational age at delivery        
 Mean (weeks+days) ± SD (days)   33+6 ± 31  31+5 ± 28  37+5 ± 14   < 0.001b
 Minimum–maximum   24+5–41+3  24+5–39+6  34+4–41+3 

SD = Standard deviation. Italic emphasis of P-values represents statistical significance with P<0.05.
Student’s t-test.
Mann-Whitney U-test.
Pearson’s χ2-test for homogeneity.

vs. 0.13 ± 0.34) as well as a higher mean rate of elective Neonatal and placental characteristics
terminated pregnancies (0.18 ± 0.49 vs. 0.0) was seen in
the EO preeclampsia group. The short-term maternal Generally, perinatal outcome was more unfavorable in the
outcome was excellent, and we did not observe any cases EO group than in the LO group (Table 2). Preeclampsia
of eclampsia or maternal death in our cohort. ended in preterm parturition ( < 37+0 weeks) in 93.2% of

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620      Stubert et al., Differences between early- and late-onset severe preeclampsia

Table 2 Neonatal characteristics of patients with severe preeclampsia and differentiation between early and late onset.

Characteristics   All severe   Early onset   Late onset   P-value

PE (n = 68) (n = 44) (n = 24)

Birth weight (g)        

 Mean ± SD   1997 ± 1032   1460 ± 685   2981 ± 816    < 0.001a
 Minimum–maximum   360–4490   360–3215   1580–4490  
Percentile of birth weight (n)         0.017c
 SGA ( < 10th percentile)   20 (29.4%)   15 (34.1%)   5 (20.8%)  
 LGA ( > 90th percentile)   4 (5.9%)   0 (0.0%)   4 (16.7%)  
5-min Apgar score        
 Median   9   8   9    < 0.001b
 Minimum–maximum   2–10   2–10   8–10  
 Apgar   ≤  7 (n)   17 (25.0%)   17 (38.6%)   0 (0.0%)  
Umbilical arterial blood pH        
 Mean ± SD   7.29 ± 0.079   7.27 ± 0.083   7.31 ± 0.068   0.097a
 Minimum–maximum   6.97–7.43   6.97–7.38   7.10–7.43  
 pH   ≥  7.20 (n)   62 (91.2%)   39 (88.6%)   23 (95.8%)   0.863c
 pH 7.19–7.10 (n)   3 (4.4%)   2 (4.5%)   1 (4.2%)  
 pH 7.09–7.00 (n)   2 (2.9%)   2 (4.5%)   0 (0.0%)  
 pH  < 7.00 (n)   1 (1.5%)   1 (2.3%)   0 (0.0%)  
Neonatal acidosis (UApH  < 7.20)  6 (8.8%)   5 (11.4%)   1 (4.2%)   0.413c
Base excess (mmol/L)         0.422b
 Mean ± SD   –1.12 ± 3.91   –1.38 ± 4.13   –0.65 ± 3.54  
 Minimum–maximum   –15 to +5   –15 to +5   –10 to +4  
Gestational age (n)          < 0.001c
   ≥  37+0 weeks   17 (25.0%)   3 (6.8%)   14 (58.3%)  
 34+0–36+6 weeks   23 (33.8%)   13 (29.5%)   10 (41.7%)  
 28+0–33+6 weeks   17 (25.0%)   17 (38.6%)   0 (0.0%)  
 24+0–27+6 weeks   11 (16.2%)   11 (25.0%)   0 (0.0%)  

UApH = Umbilical artery pH. Italic emphasis of P-values represents statistical significance with P<0.05.
Student’s t-test.
Mann-Whitney U-test.
Pearson’s χ2-test for homogeneity.

the EO and in 41.7% of the LO cases (P < 0.001). The rate hypotrophic with a birth weight  < 10th percentile. In con-
of birth weight below the 10th percentile was significantly trast, if birth weight/placental weight ratios were ana-
higher (34.1% vs. 20.8%, P = 0.017) and 5-min Apgar scores lyzed, 61.9% of all LO cases and only 39.5% (P = 0.112) in
were significantly lower (8 vs. 9, P < 0.001) in EO diseases. the EO group showed a ratio  > 90th percentile. Further-
We found no differences between pH of the UA (7.27 more, all SGA infants with a LO preeclampsia displayed
vs. 7.31, P = 0.097) and the rate of neonatal acidosis with a placental weight  < 10th percentile, whereas only 71.4% of
pH  < 7.20 (11.4% vs. 4.2%, P = 0.413). the cases with an EO preeclampsia did so. In our study,
Lower 5-min Apgar scores were significantly corre- 28.6% (4/14) of the SGA newborns had a normal-weight
lated to lower gestational age at birth (r = 0.61, P < 0.001). placenta, but even so fulfilled the criteria of an IUGR. For
Abnormal UtADV (r = 0.40, P = 0.002), use of general anes- these cases, placental hypotrophy alone was not exclusive
thesia (r = 0.31, P = 0.014) and redistribution of circulation for the development of a SGA neonate. None of these pla-
in the MCA (r = 0.29, P = 0.042) were less strong, but also centas was a diabetic one. Furthermore, in both groups,
significantly correlated with lower 5-min Apgar values. about half of all appropriate-weight newborns had a
SGA birth weight was observed in 29.4% (20/68) of all ­placental weight  < 10th percentile (Supplementary Table).
newborns, and 85.0% (17/20) of those fulfilled the criteria
of IUGR. Therefore the majority of SGA infants could be
regarded as IUGRs. Management of delivery
No differences between EO and LO preeclampsia
were found with respect to percentiles of placental weight Maternal as well as fetal situation was considered for indi-
(Table 3). In both groups, about half of all placentas were cation of delivery. Compromise of maternal well-being

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Stubert et al., Differences between early- and late-onset severe preeclampsia      621

Table 3 Placental characteristics of patients with severe preeclampsia and differentiation between early and late onset.

Characteristics   All severe PE  Early onset  Late onset  P-value

(n = 68) (n = 44) (n = 24)

Placenta weight (g)        

 Mean ± SD   352.4 ± 141.3  292.6 ± 116.1  461.2 ± 117.2   < 0.001a
 Minimum–maximum   130–640  130–602  280–640 
Percentile of placental weight (n)         0.864c
  > 90th percentile   1 (1.6%)  1 (2.5%)  0 (0.0%) 
  < 10th percentile   33 (53.2%)  22 (55.0%)  11 (50.0%) 
 Missing data (n)   6  4  2 
Birth weight/placental weight ratio       
 Mean ± SD   5.32 ± 1.47  4.76 ± 1.31  6.40 ± 1.12   < 0.001b
 Minimum–maximum   2.11–9.20  2.11–8.55  4.84–9.20 
  > 90th percentile (n)   28 (47.5%)  15 (39.5%)  13 (61.9%)  0.112c
  < 10th percentile (n)   2 (3.4%)  2 (5.3%)  0 (0.0%) 
 Missing data (n)   9  6  3 
Amnion fluid index (n)         0.333c
 Oligohydramnion (AFI   ≤  5)   12 (17.9%)  7 (15.9%)  5 (21.7%) 
 Polyhydramnion (AFI  > 18)   5 (7.5%)  2 (4.5%)  3 (13.0%) 
 Missing data (n)   1  0  1 

Italic emphasis of P-values represents statistical significance with P<0.05.

Student’s t-test.
Mann-Whitney U-test.
Pearson’s χ2-test for homogeneity.

was responsible for 67.9% of preterm births  < 34+0 weeks. with an EO preeclampsia. Ten of the remaining 11 patients
Predominantly fetal indications for delivery were found with EO preeclampsia were delivered after   ≥  34 weeks of
in the remaining 32.1%. Overall, about 22% of deliveries gestation. About one third of all patients with EO preec-
were predominantly indicated by fetal threat without dif- lampsia were delivered after  > 34+0 weeks.
ferences between EO and LO preeclampsia (Table 4). Mode of delivery was a cesarean section in almost
Induction of lung maturation using betamethasone all cases (94.1%). Mode of anesthesia did not differ
(2 × 12 mg/48 h) was performed in 75.0% (33/44) of patients between EO and LO preeclampsia. General anesthesia was

Table 4 Management of pregnancy and delivery of patients with severe preeclampsia and differentiation between early and late onset.

Characteristics   All severe   Early onset  Late onset   P-valuea

PE (n = 68) (n = 44) (n = 24)

Induction of lung maturation, n (%)   35 (51.5%)  33 (75.0%)  2 (8.3%)   < 0.001

Indication for delivery, nb          < 0.001
Maternal ( < 34+0 weeks)   19 (27.9%)  19 (43.2%)  0 (0.0%) 
Maternal (  ≥  34+0 weeks)   34 (50.0%)  15 (34.1%)  19 (79.2%) 
Predominantly fetal ( < 34+0 weeks)   9 (13.2%)  9 (20.5%)  0 (0.0%) 
Predominantly fetal (  ≥  34+0 weeks)   6 (8.8%)  1 (2.3%)  5 (20.8%) 
Antihypertensive treatment, n (%)         0.069
 Oral   22 (30.3%)  17 (38.6%)  5 (20.8%) 
 Intravenous   44 (64.7%)  27 (61.4%)  17 (70.8%) 
Mode of delivery, n (%)         0.122
 Cesarean   64 (94.1%)  43 (97.7%)  21 (87.5%) 
 Vaginal   4 (5.9%)  1 (2.3%)  3 (12.5%) 
Anesthesia for cesarean delivery, n (%)        0.601
 Spinal/peridural   33 (51.6%)  21 (48.8%)  12 (57.1%) 
 General anesthesia   31 (48.4%)  22 (51.2%)  9 (42.9%) 
Pearson’s χ2-test for homogeneity.
Maternal indications were HELLP syndrome, uncontrollable hypertension and imminent eclampsia; fetal indications were pathological fetal
heart rate, severe Doppler pathology of UA and/or MCA.

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622      Stubert et al., Differences between early- and late-onset severe preeclampsia

Table 5 Adjusted odds ratios for perinatal outcome parameters using logistic regression analysis.

Outcome parameter   Explanatory variable   Adjusted ORa  95% CI  P-value

5-min Apgar score   ≤  7   Chronic hypertension   2.5  0.5–12.5  0.288

  General anesthesia   2.4  0.6–10.3  0.234
  Abnormal UtADV   2.0  0.3–14.3  0.421
  Delivery  < 34+0 weeks   15.0  3.3–71.4   < 0.001b
  Placenta weight  < 10th percentile   4.4  0.9–23.3  0.077
SGA   Abnormal UA velocimetry   4.3  1.0–17.9  0.043
  Placenta weight  < 10th percentile  6.1  1.3–27.8  0.020
  Oligohydramnion (AFI  < 8)   11.4  1.8–71.4  0.010
Neonatal acidosis (UApH  < 7.20)  Chronic hypertension   17.3  1.3–223.2  0.029

Italic emphasis of P-values represents statistical significance with P<0.05.

Adjusted for gestational age, BMI and maternal age.
Adjusted for BMI and maternal age.

performed in 48.4% of all cesarean deliveries. Neonates 11.8% of the LO preeclampsias (P < 0.001). Therefore, only
delivered using general anesthesia had an increased risk 53.6% of all severe preeclampsias revealed an abnormal
of a 5-min Apgar score   ≤  7, but the effect was no longer sig- UtADV.
nificant after adjustment for gestational age (Table 5). An increased impedance of the UA, regarding the
evaluable cases, was observed in 42.5% of EO and 11.8%
of LO preeclampsias (P = 0.032). A similar trend was found
Doppler flow characteristics for a decreased PI in the MCA. Pathological uterine flow
curves were not correlated to an increased PI of the umbil-
We found significant differences between both groups con- ical artery (r = 0.14, P = 0.337). Of all patients with reduced
sidering maternal as well as fetal flow patterns (Table 6). or absent flow in the UA, 33.3% did not reveal an abnor-
With respect to the evaluable cases, Doppler flow analysis mal UtADV. In contrast, pathological flow patterns of the
revealed abnormal UtADV in 71.8% of the EO, but only in UA and the MCA were significantly correlated (r = 0.34,

Table 6 Results of Doppler measurements on patients with severe preeclampsia and differentiation between early and late onset.

Characteristics   All severe  Early onset  Late onset  P-valuea

PE (n = 68) (n = 44) (n = 24)

Uterine artery (resistance index), n          < 0.001

 Normal or unilateral increase   26 (47.3%)  12 (30.8%)  14 (87.5%) 
 Bilateral increase (  ≥  95th percentile)   29 (52.7%)  27 (69.2%)  2 (12.5%) 
 Missing data (n)   13  5  8 
Uterine artery, postsystolic incision (n)         0.001
 Normal or unilateral   31 (55.4%)  16 (41.0%)  15 (88.2%) 
 Bilateral   25 (44.6%)  23 (59.0%)  2 (11.8%) 
 Missing data (n)   12  5  7 
Uterine artery (pathological flow pattern), n         < 0.001
 Normal or unilateral   26 (46.4%)  11 (28.2%)  15 (88.2%) 
 Bilateral   30 (53.6%)  28 (71.8%)  2 (11.8%) 
 Missing data (n)   12  5  7 
Umbilical artery (pulsatility index), n         0.032
   ≤  95th percentile   38 (66.7%)  23 (57.5%)  15 (88.2%) 
  > 95th percentile   19 (33.3%)  17 (42.5%)  2 (11.8%) 
 Missing data (n)   11  4  7 
Middle cerebral artery (pulsatility index), n         0.143
   ≥  5th percentile   38 (77.6%)  25 (71.4%)  13 (92.9%) 
  < 5th percentile   11 (22.4%)  10 (28.6%)  1 (7.1%) 
 Missing data (n)   19  9  10 

Italic emphasis of P-values represents statistical significance with P<0.05.

Pearson’s χ2-test.

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Stubert et al., Differences between early- and late-onset severe preeclampsia      623

P = 0.017). Uterine flow pathology was significantly corre- low 5-min Apgar values. After adjustment, only preterm
lated to lower 5-min Apgar values (r = 0.40, P = 0.002) and birth  < 34+0 weeks remained a significant risk factor.
to chronic hypertension (r = 0.30, P = 0.027). Moreover, an abnormal UtADV was a significant risk factor
Surprisingly, uterine artery blood flow was not corre- for preterm delivery  < 34+0 weeks (OR 17.9, 95% CI 4.3–75.1,
lated to birth weight (r = 0.22, P = 0.112) as well as to placen- P < 0.001). Chronic hypertension (OR 5.7, 95% CI 1.8–18.1,
tal weight percentiles (r = 0.17, P = 0.247), although 68.8% P = 0.003) and abnormal MCA velocimetry (OR 8.7, 95%CI
of the SGA newborns were associated with an abnormal 1.6–46.1, P = 0.011) were also associated with an increased
UtADV. In contrast, flow patterns of the UA were sig- risk of a preterm birth  < 34+0 weeks. Placental hypotro-
nificantly correlated to birth weight percentiles (r = 0.36, phy (weight  < 10th percentile) did not increase the risk of
P = 0.006) and SGA newborns showed more frequently a preterm birth (OR 1.4, 95% CI 0.5–3.8, P = 0.550). Therefore,
pathological UA Doppler (58.8% vs. 22.5%, P = 0.08). low 5-min Apgar values mainly resulted from premature
parturition and the remaining risk factors were predomi-
nantly predictors of preterm birth with the highest OR for
Risk factor analysis for perinatal outcome abnormal UtADV.
All significant risk factors for the delivery of SGA new-
Table 7 shows the ORs of potential explanatory variables borns were typical indicators of placental insufficiency,
with respect to the three perinatal outcome parameters: which is demonstrated by the high proportion of IUGRs in
low 5-min Apgar score (  ≤  7), SGA and neonatal acidosis this group. In contrast, manifestation of SGA infants was
(UApH  < 7.20). If a significant difference was observed, not correlated with the grade of severity of preeclampsia
further analysis by logistic regression with adjustment (systolic and diastolic blood pressure, proteinuria, HELLP
for gestational age, maternal body mass index (BMI) and syndrome). Also, neither preterm birth  < 34+0 weeks nor
maternal age was performed (Table 5). Preterm birth was abnormal UtADV was a risk factor for the development
adjusted only for BMI and maternal age. Preterm birth, of SGA. Neonatal acidosis was generally rare, and only
chronic hypertension, abnormal UtADV and placenta chronic hypertension was identified as a significant risk
weight  < 10th percentile were significant risk factors for factor.

Table 7 Crude odds ratios for perinatal outcome parameters.

Outcome parameter   Explanatory variable   Crude OR  95% CI  P-value

5-min Apgar score   ≤  7   Chronic hypertension   3.5  1.1–11.6  0.037

  General anesthesia   3.5  1.1–11.7  0.038
  Abnormal UtADV   8.0  1.6–40.3  0.012
  Abnormal ACM velocimetry   3.7  0.9–15.6  0.076
  Abnormal UA velocimetry   3.1  0.9–11.1  0.081
  Delivery  < 34+0 weeks   12.3  3.1–49.5   < 0.001
  Placenta weight  < 10th percentile   4.1  1.1–14.4  0.030
  Oligohydramnion (AFI  < 8)   1.6  0.4–6.2  0.487
SGA   Chronic hypertension   0.8  0.2–2.5  0.655
  General anesthesia   0.6  0.2–1.8  0.364
  Abnormal UtADV   2.4  0.7–8.3  0.155
  Abnormal ACM velocimetry   2.0  0.5–8.1  0.309
  Abnormal UA velocimetry   4.9  1.5–16.6  0.010
  Delivery  < 34+0 weeks   1.2  0.4–3.6  0.679
  Placenta weight  < 10th percentile   4.6  1.3–16.3  0.018
  Oligohydramnion (AFI  < 8)   5.0  1.3–18.7  0.016
Neonatal acidosis (UApH  < 7.20)  Chronic hypertension   16.4  1.8–142.9  0.014
  General anesthesia   1.1  0.2–5.7  0.936
  Abnormal UtADV   3.8  0.4–37.0  0.243
  Abnormal ACM velocimetry   4.0  0.5–32.3  0.194
  Abnormal UA velocimetry   2.1  0.3–16.4  0.472
  Delivery  < 34+0 weeks   8.5  0.9–76.9  0.058
  Placenta weight  < 10th percentile   0.4  0.1–2.4  0.317
  Oligohydramnion (AFI  < 8)   2.6  0.4–15.9  0.315

Italic emphasis of P-values represents statistical significance with P<0.05.

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624      Stubert et al., Differences between early- and late-onset severe preeclampsia

Discussion concomitant intraplacental dysfunction may be arbitra-

tive for fetal malnutrition in preeclampsia. The develop-
Assuming the clinical differences between EO and LO ment of growth restriction in preeclampsia may also be
preeclampsia were notably found by differences in triggered by inherent changes in the villus structure with
severity, we compared only cases with severe preec- subsequent increase in umbilical impedance and nutri-
lampsia. Our results showed that, even if only cases tive impairment. In accordance, we found differences
fulfilling the criteria of severity were analyzed, some between EO and LO diseases in respect of the develop-
significant differences were apparent between EO and ment of placental weight. While all SGA newborns of the
LO preeclampsias. Interestingly, differences were not LO group had a placenta weight  < 10th percentile, some
related to innate preeclamptic characteristics, e.g., of the SGA newborns of the EO group also had a normal
grade of hypertension and proteinuria or incidence placenta weight. Therefore, in EO preeclampsia, SGA
of HELLP syndrome. Frequency of risk factors predis- may be generated not only by restricted placental growth
posing for the development of preeclampsia like renal but in some cases also by an intraplacentally developed
dysfunction, thrombophilia and diabetes or high BMI nutritive malfunction. In a Norwegian population study
did not differ between both groups either. All of these [7], placenta weights of preeclamptic and normoten-
factors predispose for maternal endothelial dysfunction sive SGA newborns were compared, showing no differ-
and therefore may support the development of severe ences in small placentas of the lowest decile. But 0.9%
preeclampsia [23]. Only the appearance of chronic of the preeclamptic SGA placentas and only 0.07% of
hypertension tended to be more frequent in EO preec- the normotensive SGA group were in the highest decen-
lampsias and, furthermore, was an independent risk tile of placental weight [7]. The OR for preeclamptic SGA
factor for neonatal acidosis, but was not correlated to newborns with a placenta weight   ≥  90th percentile was
the development of SGA infants. 1.36 (95% CI 0.66–2.79) compared to normotensive SGA,
The most impressive differences between EO and although it was not significant due to the low number of
LO preeclampsia referred to the frequency of abnormal patients. As preeclampsia is commonly associated with
maternal as well as fetal Doppler velocimetry and to the placental infarcts, disturbance of placental microcircula-
incidence of SGA newborns. Generally, patients with EO tion and fibrinoid villous degeneration development of
preeclampsia showed more abnormalities of uteropla- fetal growth restriction in severe EO preeclampsia may
cental perfusion and of fetal growth. This known corre- also be triggered by these secondary structural changes
lation and the observation of abnormal UtADV and also [21]. Otherwise, both groups of our study population con-
of the histopathological correlate – a shallow tropho- tained many newborns with appropriate birth weights
blast invasion – in cases of fetal growth restriction that showed a placental weight  < 10th percentile, illustrat-
without hypertensive disorders [3] led to the hypothesis ing the compensatory capability of the placental nutri-
that abnormal uteroplacental perfusion is predomi- tive function. In a recent study of the differences between
nantly responsible for impaired fetal growth and is not placental pathologies, the following were observed:
exclusive for the development of the preeclampsia syn- EO preeclampsias presented with dominating vascular
drome [13]. The observation that in our study only about lesions of the villous tree, whereas LO preeclampsia pla-
half of all severe preeclampsias showed an abnormal centas showed a more common infiltration with inflam-
UtADV partially supported this hypothesis. But in con- matory cells [22]. These findings further emphasize the
trast, we neither found a correlation between abnormal differences between both entities of preeclampsia. Fur-
UtADV and fetal growth nor was an abnormal UtADV thermore, the authors found higher rates of placental
associated with an increased risk for the occurrence of hypotrophy in EO preeclampsias, but in this context the
SGA infants. Moreover, patients with LO preeclampsia statement is of limited information because they did not
had a higher proportion of SGA infants than of abnor- correlate the results to birth weight percentiles.
mal UtADV. Therefore, in severe preeclampsia, other Somewhat obvious were the differences in previous
factors seemed to be more important for the develop- pregnancies between EO and LO preeclampsia. History
ment of SGA, although insufficient transformation of of recurrent miscarriages (  ≥  3) combined with infertility
spiral arteries may impair placental development even treatment was shown to be a risk factor for preeclampsia
in a minor grade that cannot be visualized by an abnor- [34]. However, we found no data regarding elective preg-
mal UtADV. nancy termination (induced abortion). As a higher rate of
The strong associations with abnormal UA veloci- gravidity in our study was found in cases of miscarriage
metry as well as low placental weight suggest that a as well as of elective pregnancy terminations, a further

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Stubert et al., Differences between early- and late-onset severe preeclampsia      625

uterine factor for the development of EO preeclampsia As our study is a retrospective analysis, it has some
may exist. An iatrogenic damage of the endometrium by notable limitations. Criteria for delivery were not always
curettage could be a possible risk factor for the develop- clearly evaluable, especially if a combination of fetal
ment of EO preeclampsia. abnormalities (e.g., non-reassuring fetal heart rate) and
Recent studies showed that the presence of an abnor- severe maternal symptoms was often co-incident. More-
mal UtADV was predictive for an impaired perinatal over, Doppler measurements were not available for all
outcome in cases of manifest EO as well as LO preeclamp- patients. However, our data represented the current clini-
sias [9, 12, 16, 19]. cal practice out of study conditions.
Our data supported these results as abnormal UtADV In conclusion, patients with EO and LO preeclamp-
was associated with an increased risk of lower 5-min sia showed differences even if only severe manifesta-
Apgar values. When data were adjusted for gestational tions were analyzed. EO patients had more frequently
age, the increase in risk was no longer significant. This abnormal flow patterns of maternal and fetal perfusion
may suggest that abnormal UtADV is mostly predictive with increased rate of SGA newborns. However, about
for EO preeclampsia and consecutive preterm birth with one third of patients with severe preeclampsia developed
subsequently adverse fetal outcome. This is in accordance symptoms after 34+0 weeks and the rate of SGA infants
with a study analyzing data from a prospective trial on was also high in this group despite the low incidence
patients with severe EO preeclampsia [11]. In a multivari- of Doppler abnormalities. Perinatal outcome was unfa-
ate analysis, gestational age was the unique significant vorable in EO diseases and mainly seemed to be related
parameter influencing the risk of adverse fetal outcome. to premature birth as well as to a higher incidence of
Nonetheless, in practice, abnormal UtADV is a helpful growth restriction. In contrast, severity of preeclamp-
predictive parameter for pregnancy complications and for sia was not directly relevant for perinatal outcome. An
recognition of an increased fetal risk [5, 8]. In contrast, abnormal UtADV was predictive for lower 5-min Apgar
severity of preeclampsia did not reveal good prediction of values and preterm birth, but was not indicative for
fetal outcome [20, 24] and if fetal outcome was compared SGA. The presence of an abnormal UA Doppler, with
between patients with preeclampsia and normotensive increased resistance, was a significant risk factor for the
IUGR after adjustment for gestational age differences were development of SGA neonates. The short-term maternal
neither significant for stay on neonatal intensive care unit outcome was excellent in both groups, although our
nor for neonatal death [35]. study did not evaluate the long-term risks of preeclamp-
An interesting new approach for prediction of adverse tic mothers including the assessment of cardiovascular
pregnancy outcome including perinatal parameters was diseases.
recently reported by Rana et  al. [27]. By analyzing the
antiangiogenic soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase 1 and Author contributions: Johannes Stubert: Study concep-
the angiogenic placental growth factor, they reported tion, manuscript writing and statistical analysis. Ste-
increased risk for maternal and fetal adverse outcome if fanie Ullmann: Data assessment, data analysis and proof
the ratio of both factors was increased. Unfortunately, they reading. Max Dieterich: Manuscript writing and proof
only reported of combined adverse outcome and the most reading. Doreen Diedrich: Statistical analysis. Toralf
common event was the parameter “indicated delivery”. Reimer: Study conception and proof reading.
Finally, the ratio was predictive for the remaining dura-
tion of pregnancy with only short interval if the ratio was
high. In cases of early onset disease, the parameter may be Received October 21, 2013. Accepted January 6, 2014. Previously
useful for the estimation of risk for premature birth. published online April 26, 2014.

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