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Grammar Entry 2

“Today’s lesson is Lesson [Number] . In this lesson, we'll learn [Lesson Title]. Please repeat after me, [Lesson

What is this?
Today's GOAL

“Please check Today’s GOAL.”

To be able to ask what things are.

“Are you done?”
“Let’s move on to Today’s Phrase. Please repeat after me twice.”
Teacher: Who is this?
Student: Who is this?
Teacher: Who is this?
Student: Who is this?
Today's Phrase

What is this?
It's a flower.
What are those?
Those are pens.
“Let's move on.”
New Words / Expressions

“Now, we will learn new words and expressions. Please check the direction.”
Directions: Listen and repeat after your teacher.
(After 10 seconds)“Are you done?”

“Please repeat after me twice.”

Teacher: Picture
Student: Picture
Teacher: Picture
Student: Picture
Teacher: It's my picture.
Student: It's my picture.
Teacher: It's my picture.
Student: It's my picture.

If your student can’t understand the meaning, please search pictures on Google and share them with the student.
What is this?
What's this?

It's a flower.

Is this a rose?

It's a sunflower.

It's pretty.

Are these pens?

What are those?

Those are pens.

These are pencils.
Singular VS. Plural

Basically, when you make plural nouns,

add "_____s" to the end of the word.
For example, "pen" becomes "pens" and "apple" becomes "apples".

One apple>>> Four apples

Briefly explain the rule of plural. When you make a singular noun to a plural noun you have to add “s” at the end. That’ s what’ s
written, so you don’ t have to worry too much about explaining it perfectly, but when you do explain, use simple words and give
students some examples. / pen >> pens

“Let's move on.”

“Now, we will practice the short conversation. Please check the direction.”
Short Conversation

Directions: Read the following conversation with your teacher.

(After 10 seconds)“Are you done?”

1st : “Let's read the conversation together . Please repeat after me.”

2nd : “Let's read the conversation together again. Please repeat after me.”

3rd : “Let's do a role play. I'll be [ A ] and you'll be [ B ].”

4th : “Let's switch the roles. I'll be [ B ] and you'll be [ A ]”

Emma What is this,mommy?

Sarah It's a flower.

Emma Is this a rose?

Sarah No, it's not.

Emma What is it?

Sarah It's a sunflower.

Emma Sunflower! It's pretty.

Sarah Yes, it is.

Sarah and her daughter, Emma, are shopping together.

Short Conversation

(After 10 seconds)“Are you done?”

1st : “Let's read the conversation together . Please repeat after me.”

2nd : “Let's read the conversation together again. Please repeat after me.”

3rd : “Let's do a role play. I'll be [ A ] and you'll be [ B ].”

4th : “Let's switch the roles. I'll be [ B ] and you'll be [ A ]”

Emma What are those?

Sarah Those are pens.

Emma Are these pens, too?

Sarah No, these are pencils.

Emma is pointing at something and asking her mother some questions in the store.

“Now, we'll have some exercise. Please check the direction.”


Directions: Look at the following pictures and talk about them.

(After 10 seconds)“Are you done?”

“Now, let's do the exercise.”

Teacher What's this?

You It's a book.


You What is this?

Teacher It's a pen.


Teacher Is this a sunflower?

You No, it isn't.


You Is it a sunflower?

Teacher Yes, it is.


Teacher What are these?

You These are books.


You What are those?

Teacher Those are crayons.


Teacher What are those?

You Those are flowers.

“Let’s practice this exercise again.”

When making nouns plural, there are special cases where you can not add "_______s" to the end of some nouns. Add
"_____es" to their endings.
Whether you add "_______" or "_____es" to a noun depends on the alphabet at the end of the noun. Let's read along
with the instructor what is listed as an example.

Briefly explain about those irregular nouns that don't take “s” at the end. Again, don't worry too much about explaining it perfectly
since the rules are written in Japanese. Read those words below with students so that students understand how to pronounce them.
Words that end with 【s】

Example : bus – buses

Words that end with 【sh】

Example : dish – dishes

Words that end with 【ch】

Example church – churches

Words that end with 【x】

Example box - boxes

Words that end with 【to】

Example potato – potatoes

“Let’s review today’s lesson.”

【Review on Current Lesson】
1.Pick three new words or phrases for review
Pick three words or phrases and have the students repeat these 3 times

2.Review the student's mistakes in pronunciation

Pick three words and have the students repeat these 3 times

3.Review the student's mistakes in grammar

Pick three words and have the students repeat these 3 times
Even if you have finished the entire lesson, you must not engage in free conversation.
Keep in mind that your student is an entry-level student and doesn't have a good command of the English language.
Instead, please use the rest of the class time by doing the exercises again and again.

You can also give synonyms or sentences related to lesson.


Please look at the yellow part. Listen carefully. I will read it to you now.
 (1) Three new words and phrases in this lesson
(2) Three difficult-to-pronounce words
Your teacher will choose and say each word. Please repeat the word with your teacher 3 times.
(after reading)
(1) Pick up at least 3 words for new words/phrases.
(2) Pick up at least 3 words for the student's mispronunciation.
Have the student repeat them 3 times.

***After (1) and (2), correct student's mistakes in grammar if any.

Please repeat after me 3 times.

Ex : T : hear
S : hear
T : hear
S : hear
T : hear
S : hear
Even if you have finished the entire lesson, you must not engage in free conversation.
Keep in mind that your student is an entry-level student and doesn't have a good command of the English language.
Instead, please use the rest of the class time by doing the exercises again and again.

You can also give synonyms or sentences related to lesson.

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