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 I can understand! Especially with all the technological add-ons these days…
 Hello Priya! Do you have an account too like your Mom and Dad?
 May I ask you a few questions? I'd like to understand more about your view on accounts for children -
maybe we can come up with an acceptable solution.
 What kind of an exposure does your daughter have to banking?
 Is that all, or are you also looking at putting aside something for the future?
 Mrs. Dhaliwal, if I understand you correctly, you are looking for a way to give your daughter exposure
to everyday banking as well inculcate the savings habit in her. Am I right?
 Our Young Stars account has been created to teach your child financial responsibility. She would
learn to operate an account through the branch, ATM and the internet and would in the process learn
about newer channels of banking. You can also choose the Recurring Deposit option which would
enable her to see how a small amount over a period of time can add up to a lot.
 If I understand you right, you are concerned about your child being able to withdraw too much money.
Am I right?
 We'll be able to stop her from overspending by ensuring that only cheques with your countersignature
are honoured. When my person comes over to your place, I will ask her to carry a sample cheque
 Mrs. Dhaliwal, we have discussed how our Young Stars account would give Priya an experience of
handling banking transactions at an early age. Also how our various channels will help her
understand the use of technology in carrying out business with the bank. The Recurring Deposit
option will also ensure that she learns about the saving habit. All this in a safe and secure manner
under your supervision. Does that sound like a good solution?
 Please let me know what time would suit you so I can have someone come over to your place at that
 Now that we have met with Priya's need for an account, would you like to explore the possibility of
opening an account for your husband. Since you are already an account holder - she would get
tremendous benefit.


 Yes Mrs. Ganatra. As bankers we realize the value of gold as an ideal saving tool and would like to
make this instrument available to our customers with our guarantee of quality.
 May I ask you a few questions Mrs. Ganatra? I would like to understand how exactly how you feel
about this so that I can have an opportunity of showing you how this product can really answer
investment needs.
 What are the things in your mind when you are making a gold purchase?
 Okay - so the pricing is important to you. What else would you be looking at?
 So purity is also an important concern. What else do you ensure when you buy gold?
 Is there anything else you look for?
 I see. Mrs. Ganatra, if I understand you right, you look at gold primarily as an investment option, and
therefore, while buying it you would like to ensure good prices, quality and resale value. Am I right?
 This is precisely the need our ICICI Bank gold coin aims to meet. Each 24 carat coin is procured from
Switzerland and approved by the World Gold Council so you can be sure that you are buying a quality
product. With each coin you get a certificate promising you 99.99% purity - something that most
family jewellers would also not always be able to promise. The cost is as per that day's prevailing
market rate.
 Mrs. Ganatra, that is the best part about our scheme. There will of course be no making charges till
the time you wish to convert the coin into an article of jewellery. So, if you want to resell it in the
interim, the value is undiminished
 Certainly ma'am. ICICI Bank gold coins come in 5 gms as well as 10 gms and make ideal gifts at
weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, or at festival time. Would you be interested?
 That’s nice ma'am! If you are thinking of buying a larger quantity of coins, I could put you through to
our Branch Manager!
 Certainly ma'am. We can do that at once. And thank you so much for banking with us!
Mr.Vivek agarwal

 Good afternoon Sir! I'm from ICICI Bank - here's my card. I have come over in response to your
call regarding current accounts.
 Sir, may I ask you a few questions? That would help me to understand your business and cash
flows better. That way, I would be able to identify the most suitable product for your needs.
 What kind of a business do you have Sir?
 How does the business flow happen?
 What are the issues if any, you are facing today while making and receiving payments?
 And how about the customer side? What, if anything, do you wish could happen differently there?
 Sir, if we had a way of streamlining the incomings from your customers, would that be something
you would find useful?
 So, Mr. Agarwal, you would be interested in a banking solution which would help you reduce your
working capital cycle by ensuring that customer payments flow in sooner and vendor payments
are also correspondingly faster. Would there be anything else?
 Mr. Agarwal, our upcountry cheque collection facility will ensure that your customers can deposit
their payments in your account in any branch. This means that the cheque goes into local
clearing and your account will therefore get credited faster. At the same time, our multicity cheque
facility would ensure that the payments you make to your vendors in other cities also get cleared
locally without your having to go through the trouble of obtaining DDs. This would considerably
shorten your working capital cycle and would ensure that your work goes on uninterrupted.
 Would you like to open the account right now?
 Sir, we actually have five different categories of roaming current accounts depending on the
quarterly average balance to be maintained. This ranges from Rs. 10,000, Rs. 25,000, Rs.
50,000, Rs. 1,00,000 to Rs. 5,00,000. Could you tell me how much you are likely to be
 Sir, here I have a sheet showing you how the calculation is done. You see, you don’t actually
have to maintain a balance of Rs. 1 Lakh everyday. Even if on some days it goes below this
amount, it will be more than made up on the days when you have 2 - 3 Lakhs like you said.
Moreover, our mobile alert facility can be set to give you a dailiy closing figure. You would not
have to keep track separately. Would you still like to go in for only Rs. 50,000?
 Here is the form Sir - you can fill it out right now and I'll take it with me. Now that we have been
able to fulfill your need for a current account, is there some other product you would be interested

 While you are waiting Mr. Patni, may I ask you a few questions? This way, I'll understand your
requirement and see if any of our products can be of use to you.
 That's fine Sir. How are you taking care of your banking needs right now?
 Any special reason why that bank is preferable?
 So a savings account with a lower minimum balance would be something you would be interested
 Mr. Patni, I see from your FD details that you are over 60 years of age. You would be happy to
know that for Senior Citizens we have zero balance savings accounts if they hold an FD of Rs.
25,000 with us.
 I understand Sir. May I ask how you take care of payment of bills?
 How about withdrawing money in emergencies?
 Mr. Patni, our senior citizen savings account comes with a bill pay facility which means that you
avoid the hassle of standing in the queue or paying someone else to do so. Also, our debit cum
ATM card will ensure that you will have access to your money anytime without having to keep it in
the house - which is not very safe. All this with the added advantage of instant account opening.
How does that sound?
 Great! Would you like to open an account right away then?
 That’s wonderful Mr. Patni. Here is the form.
 Thank you Sir - is there any other way we can help you?
Ms.Manisha Diwan
 Sure Ms. Diwan. Can I ask you a few questions? This will help me to understand your
requirement better and I will be able to give you the most relevant information.
 What exactly are you looking for in a recurring deposit?
 Does she have an account with us already?
 May I ask how old she is?
 And how long would be the duration and the monthly amount?
 So Ms. Diwan, you are looking for a recurring deposit option for your mother with a good rate
of interest right?
 Ma'am, our recurring deposit option would be just right for her. She can put away a little bit
every month and it will earn a very competitive rates as you can see in this table
 Ms. Diwan, if this meets with your requirement, would you like to open the account with us?
 She can do that, else you can let us know a good time to go over to her place with the forms
 We'll be there. Now Ms. Diwan, I'd like to talk to you about something you mentioned a short
while ago - your mother doesn't have an account with us. May I ask a few questions about
that? Maybe we can come up with something which will be of use to her.
 How does she currently take care of her banking?
 Any reason why its preferable?
 So if I were to understand you right, your mother would be interested in an account with lower
minimum balance. Am I right?
 Ms. Diwan, you would be happy to know that since you are already having an account with us
- your immediate family can avail of a savings account with a minimum balance of as low as
Rs. 2000. If she opens the savings account with us as well, she will be able to operate her
recurring deposit also with the minimum of hassle - just a standing instruction to transfer three
thousand every month will take care of things.
 Yes Ms. Diwan, this option can really bring down trouble for her. Would you like us to take the
savings account form also along tomorrow?

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