Guide To Doing The Assignment: HPGD 2303 Topic 10.ppt HPGD 2303 Topic 4 MCQ - PPT HPGD 2303 Topic 9.ppt Sample TOS MCQ

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Guide to doing the Assignment

The assignment requires that you plan and design a test paper using 20 multiple-choice
questions covering two or three topics of  a subject or a course of study. Then administer
the test to a group of students and analyse the students’ performance. After that, conduct
an item analysis and comment on the effectiveness of the test. Lastly reflect on your
experience and explain the insights you have gained from the exercise.

 In doing the assignment, you should constantly refer to the rubric on what is required of
you. When submitting your assignment, make sure it has the required contents of all the

 As a further aid for you, I have uploaded here the relevant materials which you should refer
to. I will use the first face-to-face seminar on 10 Feb to clarify any doubts that OUM GC
students have. For online students and students from other LCs, do feel free to use the e-
forum and live forum to discuss with me your work if you have problem.

To be noted is that this is NOT a process-based assignment. So, you should not submit
your drafts to your face-to-face and e-facilitators for correction. They are not obliged to go
through your drafts, correct and return them to you before the final submission. They will
only guide and discuss with you via the seminars and the forums whatever issues that you
need clarification

 HPGD 2303 Topic 10.ppt
 HPGD 2303 Topic 4 MCQ.ppt
 HPGD 2303 Topic 9.ppt
 Sample TOS MCQ.doc

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