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Dear respondent

I am Lokesh c, student of CBSMS Bengaluru central university conducting a research study on the
my dissertation work. I really appreciate your contribution towards the same and your inputs will
provide the most valuable information for my project work. The information provided by you
will be kept confidentially and will be used only for academic purpose.

1. Name:
2. Gender:
a. Male
b. Female
3. Age Group:
a. 15yrs - 20yrs
b. 21yrs – 25yrs
c. 26yrs – 30yrs
d. 30yrs and above

4. Education qualification:

5. Job Title:

6. Do you know about outsourcing services?

a. Yes b. No
7. Does your organization have implemented outsourcing services?
a. Yes b. No
8. To what extent your company has outsourced HR function?
a. All HR functions are outsourced
b. Some of the HR functions are outsourced
c. No HR functions are outsourced
d. Planning to outsource HR functions in future
e. Specify Currently using HR function
9. Which HR functions has your organization completely outsourced?
a. Payroll/compensation administration
b. Employee background check
c. Employee Training
d. HRM Information Systems Development
e. Healthcare/other benefits administration
f. Recruitment of employees
g. Strategic business planning in HRM
h. Performance management
10. What is the approximate percentage of outsourcing services provided to your firm?
a. 10 - 20
b. 20 - 30
c. 30 - 40
d. 40 – 50
e. 50 and above
11. What are your company’s reasons for outsourcing HR functions?
a. To allow HRM staff to focus more on strategy
b. To save money/reduce operating costs
c. To reduce the number of HRM employees
d. To improve compliance with standards
e. To make up for reduction in HRM staff
f. To deliver HR services effectively
12. What benefits has your company gained from HR Outsourcing?
a. It helps in reduction in HR cost
b. It helps in improvement in HR services
c. It allows the increase in HR efficiency
d. It helps in increase in employee productivity of HR
e. It allows HR to focus on core business functions
f. It allows HR to be perceived as strategic business partner
g. It allows HR to spend more time on strategy development and execution
h. It helps HR to have reputation among employees
i. It improves the measurement of HR function
13. What has your organization achieved as a direct result of outsourcing its HR functions?
a. Achieved cost savings
b. Incurred cost increases
c. Costs remained about the same
d. Reduced employees’ turnover
e. No result
14. What were the obstacles that your organization faced when it decided to outsource its HR
a. Fears about loss of HR jobs/staff
b. Fears that outsourcing might impact company culture
c. Fears that customer service to our employees might be affected
d. Lack of prior outsourcing experience in general
e. Resistance from employees in general

15. What have been the negative outcomes of outsourcing your organization’s HR functions?
a. A decrease in employee morale
b. A loss of in-house talent/expertise
c. Lack of face-to-face contact with employees
d. Negative impact on company culture
e. Unable to achieve cost savings
16. In terms of its impact on the HR profession, do you believe that human resource outsourcing has
made the following impacts.
a. Increased HR job opportunities
b. Decreased HR job opportunities
c. Employment lost
d. Employment gain
e. No impact
17. Do you think that outsourcing of HR functions has improved organizational productivity?

HR functions Strongl Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly

y Agree Disagree
Payroll / compensation Administration
Employee Training
Recruitment (Executive)
Recruitment (Non-Executive)

18. Do you think that outsourcing of HR functions has positive impact on cost saving?
a. Yes
b. No
19. What level of Return on Investment (ROI) does your organization achieved by outsourcing of
HR functions?
a. 50-60
b. 60-70
c. 70-80
d. 80-90
e. 90-100
20. What unique benefits you observe with outsourcing HR functions in your organization?
a. Cost effective services
b. Easy risk management
c. Increases efficiency
d. Management of employee performance
e. Flexibility

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