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ATTC Technology Transfer and Licensing

Agreement (TTLA) Guide


Objective of the Guide



Goal of the TTLA

 What is a TTLA?
 Why license in the first place?
o Pros and cons
o IITA specific factors
 In what circumstances is licensing the right strategy (selling vs. licensing)?

 How is Aflasafe registered locally?
o One product for the entire country? Per crop?
 Who holds the patent/IP?
o Some countries see the aflatoxin mother culture as their proprietary natural resource
 Any other unique registration situations or issues?

License Type
 What is the licensing strategy for the country in question?
o Single license for manufacturing and distribution?
o Multiple manufacturing and distribution licenses?
o One or more manufacturing licenses, with different distribution licensee(s)?
o Joint venture?
 Confirm licensee(s) acceptance of the license type, in general

Licensee Description
 Obtain general details on the licensee’s business and organizations
 Complete any due diligence not completed in investor selection stage
 Confirm Business Plan, which will be annexed, is final

TTLA Template Development

 Overview of key sections of a TTLA
o Exclusivity
o Territory
o Sub-license
o Improvements and research
o Technical assistance
o Duration
o Fee structure
o Targets
o Disputes, expiration, and termination
 Obtain from IITA legal department standard provisions for licensing per IITA’s policies
 Select and hire experience TTL/IP lawyer to insert key clauses based on licensing of similar
 Review stages with IITA legal, lawyer consultant, and IITA leadership

Draft TTLA
 Populate template with key country and investor-specific elements
o Duration of license
o Renewal requirements of license
o Geographic area of license
o Production, sale, and distribution targets (based on business plan)
o Notice and termination requirements under failure to perform
o Support functions provided by IITA (TA, awareness building, manufacturing, QC, etc.)
o Quality control and SOP measures
o Branding and marking guidelines
o Contact info of both parties
o Fee to be paid to IITA, typically as a $0.05/kg royalty

Negotiate TTLA
 Share draft TTLA with investor for comments
 Review comments, provide responses, and negotiate disagreements
 Solicit feedback from local of international IP counsel, if applicable
 Finalize TTLA

Implement TTLA
 Sign TTLA
o Notify media
o Prepare co-branded press release
o Organize launch event/signature ceremony
 Initiate IITA’s contributions
o Build awareness of Aflasafe in target country
o Provide manufacturing and plant building TA
o Set up QC measures
o Launch business development activities, such as business cases and consumer profiles
o Engage with uptake stakeholders, such a public or non-profit buyers, VAT exemptions,
 Monitor TTLA performance
o How is the implementation plan in the business plan progressing?
o Obstacles encountered setting up the plant?
o Production/distribution/sales against TTLA targets?

TTLA Template
List of Clauses that are Typically Negotiated, with suggested responses
List of Legal Resources
Branding Guidelines
Details Of Technical Knowhow And Technological Services

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