Reporte Chequeo Cimentacion

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SAFE Analysis & Design Report


5 mayo 2019
MODELO.fdb SAFE v12.2.0 - License #
Contents 05 mayo 2019

Model Definition .............................................................................................................................................................. 4
1. Model geometry ........................................................................................................................................................ 5
1.1. Connectivity ................................................................................................................................................... 5
2. Model properties ....................................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1. Material properties ......................................................................................................................................... 6
2.2. Section properties .......................................................................................................................................... 6
2.3. Support properties ......................................................................................................................................... 7
3. Model assignments ................................................................................................................................................... 8
3.1. Slab assignments .......................................................................................................................................... 8
3.2. Beam assignments ........................................................................................................................................ 8
3.3. Support assignments ..................................................................................................................................... 8
4. Model loading ......................................................................................................................................................... 10
4.1. Load patterns ............................................................................................................................................... 10
4.2. Load cases .................................................................................................................................................. 10
4.3. Load combinations....................................................................................................................................... 11
Analysis Results ............................................................................................................................................................ 12
5. Analysis results ....................................................................................................................................................... 13
5.1. Support results ............................................................................................................................................. 13
5.2. Structure results ........................................................................................................................................... 13
Design ........................................................................................................................................................................... 15
6. Design summary ..................................................................................................................................................... 16
6.1. Preferences ................................................................................................................................................. 16
6.2. Overwrites .................................................................................................................................................... 16
6.3. Slab design .................................................................................................................................................. 17
6.4. Beam design ................................................................................................................................................ 18
6.5. Punching check/design ................................................................................................................................ 43

List of Figures
Figure 1: Finite element model ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Figure 2: Deformed shape .......................................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 3: Finite element model ................................................................................................................................... 15

List of Tables
Table 1: Material Properties 03 - Concrete................................................................................................................... 6
Table 2: Material Properties 04 - Rebar ....................................................................................................................... 6
Table 3: Material Properties 05 - Tendon ..................................................................................................................... 6
Table 4: Slab Properties 02 - Solid Slabs, Part 1 of 2 .................................................. ¡Error! Marcador no definido.
Table 4: Slab Properties 02 - Solid Slabs, Part 2 of 2 .................................................. ¡Error! Marcador no definido.
Table 5: Beam Properties 02 - Rectangular Beam ....................................................................................................... 6
Table 6: Beam Properties 06 - Design Data ................................................................................................................. 7
Table 7: Soil Properties ................................................................................................................................................ 7
Table 8: Spring Properties - Point ................................................................................................................................ 7
Table 9: Spring Properties - Line .................................................................................................................................. 7
Table 10: Slab Property Assignments .......................................................................................................................... 8
Table 11: Beam Property Assignments ........................................................................................................................ 8
Table 12: Soil Property Assignments ........................................................................................................................... 8
Table 13: Point Restraint Assignments ........................................................................................................................ 9
Table 14: Line Spring Assignments .............................................................................................................................. 9

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List of Tables 05 mayo 2019

Table 15: Load Patterns ............................................................................................................................................. 10

Table 16: Load Assignments - Point Loads, Part 1 of 2 ............................................................................................. 10
Table 16: Load Assignments - Point Loads, Part 2 of 2 ............................................................................................. 10
Table 17: Load Cases 02 - Static ............................................................................................................................... 10
Table 18: Load Cases 06 - Loads Applied ................................................................................................................. 11
Table 19: Load Combinations ..................................................................................................................................... 11
Table 20: Soil Pressures - Summary .......................................................................................................................... 13
Table 21: Nodal Reactions ......................................................................................................................................... 13
Table 22: Sum Of Reactions, Part 1 of 2 .................................................................................................................... 13
Table 22: Sum Of Reactions, Part 2 of 2 .................................................................................................................... 13
Table 23: Nodal Displacements - Summary, Part 1 of 2 ............................................................................................ 14
Table 23: Nodal Displacements - Summary, Part 2 of 2 ............................................................................................ 14
Table 24: Design Preferences 01 - Resistance Factors ............................................................................................. 16
Table 25: Design Preferences 02 - Rebar Cover - Slabs ........................................................................................... 16
Table 26: Design Preferences 03 - Rebar Cover - Beams ......................................................................................... 16
Table 27: Design Preferences 04 - Prestress Data .................................................................................................... 16
Table 28: Slab Design Overwrites 02 - Finite Element Based, Part 1 of 2 ................................................................. 16
Table 28: Slab Design Overwrites 02 - Finite Element Based, Part 2 of 2 ................................................................. 17
Table 29: Beam Design Overwrites ............................................................................................................................ 17
Table 30: Punching Shear Design Overwrites 01 - General ...................................................................................... 17
Table 31: Concrete Beam Design Summary 01 - Flexural And Shear Data, Part 1 of 3 ........................................... 18
Table 31: Concrete Beam Design Summary 01 - Flexural And Shear Data, Part 2 of 3 ........................................... 18
Table 31: Concrete Beam Design Summary 01 - Flexural And Shear Data, Part 3 of 3 ........................................... 19
Table 32: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 1 of 3 ................................................................... 43
Table 32: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 2 of 3 ................................................................... 43
Table 32: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 3 of 3 ................................................................... 43

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Model Definition 05 mayo 2019

Model Definition

Figure 1: Finite element model

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1. Model geometry 05 mayo 2019

1. Model geometry
This section provides model geometry information, including items such as joint coordinates, joint restraints, and
element connectivity.

1.1. Connectivity

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2. Model properties 05 mayo 2019

2. Model properties
This section provides model properties, including items such as material properties, section properties, and support

2.1. Material properties

Table 1: Material Properties 03 - Concrete

Table 1: Material Properties 03 - Concrete
Material E U A UnitWt Fc LtWtConc
N/mm2 1/C kN/m3 N/mm2
C28MPa 20636.86023 0.200000 9.9000E-06 2.4000E+01 28.00000 No
C30 26667.31233 0.200000 9.9000E-06 2.3563E+01 30.00000 No

Table 2: Material Properties 04 - Rebar

Table 2: Material Properties 04 - Rebar
Material E UnitWt Fy Fu
N/mm2 kN/m3 N/mm2 N/mm2
A615Gr60 199958 7.8500E+01 420.00000 620.52821
CSA-G30.18Gr4 199958 7.6973E+01 400.00000 500.00000

Table 3: Material Properties 05 - Tendon

Table 3: Material Properties 05 - Tendon
Material E UnitWt Fy Fu
N/mm2 kN/m3 N/mm2 N/mm2
A416MGr186 196525 7.6973E+01 1690.00000 1860.00000

2.2. Section properties

Table 4: Slab Properties 02 - Solid Slabs

Table 4: Slab Properties 02 - Solid Slabs
Slab Type MatProp Thickness Ortho
DADO Slab C28MPa 600.000 No

Table 5: Beam Properties 02 - Rectangular Beam

Table 5: Beam Properties 02 - Rectangular Beam
Beam MatProp Depth WidthTop WidthBot
mm mm mm
V100X100 C28MPa 1000.000 1000.000 1000.000

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2. Model properties 05 mayo 2019

Table 5: Beam Properties 02 - Rectangular Beam

Beam MatProp Depth WidthTop WidthBot
mm mm mm
V60X100 C28MPa 1000.000 600.000 600.000
V60X60 C28MPa 600.000 600.000 600.000

Table 6: Beam Properties 06 - Design Data

Table 6: Beam Properties 06 - Design Data
Beam MatRebarL MatRebarS FlngWOpt CoverTop CoverBot NoDesign
mm mm
V100X100 A615Gr60 A615Gr60 Analysis 75.000 75.000 No
V60X100 A615Gr60 A615Gr60 Analysis 75.000 75.000 No
V60X60 A615Gr60 A615Gr60 Analysis 75.000 75.000 No

2.3. Support properties

Table 7: Soil Properties

Table 7: Soil Properties
Soil Subgrade
SOIL1 9.3000E+03

Table 8: Spring Properties - Point

Table 8: Spring Properties - Point
Spring Ux Uy Uz Rx Ry Rz NonlinOpt
kN/mm kN/mm kN/mm kN-mm/rad kN-mm/rad kN-mm/rad
PSPR1 0.00000 0.00000 9.807E-06 0.00 0.00 0.00 None

Table 9: Spring Properties - Line

Table 9: Spring Properties - Line
Spring VertStiff RotStiff NonlinOpt
kN/mm/mm kN/rad
LSPR1 1.550E-08 0.0000 None

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3. Model assignments 05 mayo 2019

3. Model assignments
This section provides model assignments, including assignments to slabs, beams, and joints.

3.1. Slab assignments

Table 10: Slab Property Assignments

Table 10: Slab Property
Area SlabProp


3.2. Beam assignments

Table 11: Beam Property Assignments

Table 11: Beam Property
Line BeamProp

1 V60X60
2 V60X60
3 V60X60
5 V60X60
6 V60X60
7 V60X60
8 V60X60
9 V60X60
18 V60X60

3.3. Support assignments

Table 12: Soil Property Assignments

Table 12: Soil Property
Area SoilProp


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3. Model assignments 05 mayo 2019

Table 13: Point Restraint Assignments

Table 13: Point Restraint Assignments
Point Ux Uy Uz Rx Ry Rz

14 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

15 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
16 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
17 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
18 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Table 14: Line Spring Assignments

Table 14: Line Spring
Line Spring

18 LSPR1

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4. Model loading 05 mayo 2019

4. Model loading
This section provides model loading information, including load patterns, load cases, and load combinations.

4.1. Load patterns

Table 15: Load Patterns

Table 15: Load Patterns
LoadPat Type SelfWtMult


Table 16: Load Assignments - Point Loads, Part 1 of 2

Table 16: Load Assignments - Point Loads, Part 1 of 2
Point LoadPat Fx Fy Fgrav
kN kN kN
10 SISMICA -131.290 132.450 489.120
11 SISMICA -140.770 -135.030 292.000
12 SISMICA -114.010 -143.530 315.040
13 SISMICA -63.190 -55.230 873.790

Table 16: Load Assignments - Point Loads, Part 2 of 2

Table 16: Load Assignments - Point Loads, Part 2 of 2
Point Mx My Mz XDim YDim
kN-m kN-m kN-m mm mm
10 -82.1500 -42.3500 0.4300 0.000 0.000
11 86.7600 -44.6800 0.4100 0.000 0.000
12 96.5600 -36.6700 0.5800 0.000 0.000
13 26.4700 -25.2000 1.5600 0.000 0.000

4.2. Load cases

Table 17: Load Cases 02 - Static

Table 17: Load Cases 02 - Static
LoadCase InitialCond AType

SISMICA Zero Linear

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4. Model loading 05 mayo 2019

Table 18: Load Cases 06 - Loads Applied

Table 18: Load Cases 06 - Loads Applied
LoadCase LoadPat SF


4.3. Load combinations

Table 19: Load Combinations

Table 19: Load Combinations
Combo Load SF Type DSStrength DSServInit DSServNorm DSServLong

DCONU1 SISMICA 1.40000 Linear Add Yes No No No


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Analysis Results 05 mayo 2019

Analysis Results

Figure 2: Deformed shape

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5. Analysis results 05 mayo 2019

5. Analysis results
5.1. Support results
This section provides support results, including items such as column, support, and spring reactions, .

Table 20: Soil Pressures - Summary

Table 20: Soil Pressures - Summary
Panel OutputCase MaxPress MinPress GlobalXMax GlobalYMax GlobalXMin GlobalYMin
N/mm2 N/mm2 m m m m
1 SISMICA 0.001954 -0.010950 10.72000 -0.55000 12.38000 0.16000

Table 21: Nodal Reactions

Table 21: Nodal Reactions
Point OutputCase Fx Fy Fz Mx My Mz
kN kN kN kN-m kN-m kN-m
10 SISMICA 0.000 0.000 3.907E-09 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
11 SISMICA 0.000 0.000 8.637E-08 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
12 SISMICA 0.000 0.000 2.410E-07 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
13 SISMICA 8.651E-09 2.159E-08 1.591 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
14 SISMICA 131.290 -132.450 489.120 101.7148 57.0236 -1.7081
15 SISMICA 149.927 136.596 309.772 -68.4034 14.9296 -0.2507
16 SISMICA 105.311 141.326 270.955 -70.3944 52.4957 -35.1983
17 SISMICA 45.225 20.635 849.218 -104.2697 -922.4908 14.6538
18 SISMICA 17.508 35.233 36.865 68.7795 -29.8916 -6.6689

5.2. Structure results

Table 22: Sum Of Reactions, Part 1 of 2
Table 22: Sum Of Reactions, Part 1 of 2
OutputCase GlobalFX GlobalFY GlobalFZ GlobalMX GlobalMY GlobalMZ
kN kN kN kN-m kN-m kN-m
SISMICA 449.260 201.340 1969.950 -127.6400 -14559.7963 2461.9872

Table 22: Sum Of Reactions, Part 2 of 2

Table 22: Sum Of Reactions, Part 2 of 2
OutputCase GlobalX GlobalY GlobalZ
m m m
SISMICA 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000

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5. Analysis results 05 mayo 2019

Table 23: Nodal Displacements - Summary, Part 1 of 2

Table 23: Nodal Displacements - Summary, Part 1 of 2
Panel Node OutputCase Ux Uy Uz Rx Ry Rz
mm mm mm Radians Radians Radians
1 ~31 SISMICA 0.000000 0.000000 -1.177000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000

Table 23: Nodal Displacements - Summary, Part 2 of 2

Table 23: Nodal Displacements - Summary, Part 2 of 2
Panel Node OutputCase GlobalX GlobalY
m m
1 ~31 SISMICA 12.72000 0.16000

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Design 05 mayo 2019


Figure 3: Finite element model

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6. Design summary 05 mayo 2019

6. Design summary
This section provides design information for beams, strips, and punching checks.

6.1. Preferences
Table 24: Design Preferences 01 - Resistance Factors
Table 24: Design Preferences 01 -
Resistance Factors
PhiTen PhiComp PhiShear

0.900000 0.650000 0.750000

Table 25: Design Preferences 02 - Rebar Cover - Slabs

Table 25: Design Preferences 02 - Rebar Cover - Slabs
CoverTop CoverBot BarSize InnerLayer PTCGSTop PTCGSBotE PTCGSBotI SlabType
xt nt
mm mm mm mm mm
15.000 15.000 #6 B 25.000 40.000 25.000 Two Way

Table 26: Design Preferences 03 - Rebar Cover - Beams

Table 26: Design Preferences 03 - Rebar Cover - Beams
CoverTop CoverBot BarSizeF BarSizeS PTCGSTop PTCGSBot
mm mm mm mm
40.000 40.000 #9 #4 50.000 50.000

Table 27: Design Preferences 04 - Prestress Data

Table 27: Design Preferences 04 - Prestress Data
InitConcRat InitTopTen InitBotTen InitExComp FinTopTen FinBotTen FinExComp SusExComp LLFraction

0.800000 3.000000 3.000000 0.600000 6.000000 6.000000 0.600000 0.450000 0.500000

6.2. Overwrites
Table 28: Slab Design Overwrites 02 - Finite Element Based, Part 1 of 2
Table 28: Slab Design Overwrites 02 - Finite Element
Based, Part 1 of 2
Area RebarMat

1 CSA-G30.18Gr400

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6. Design summary 05 mayo 2019

Table 28: Slab Design Overwrites 02 - Finite Element Based, Part 2 of 2

Table 28: Slab Design Overwrites 02 - Finite Element Based,
Part 2 of 2
Area RLLF Design IgnorePT

1 1.000000 Yes No

Table 29: Beam Design Overwrites

Table 29: Beam Design Overwrites
Line CoverType RLLF IgnorePT

1 Section 1.000000 No
2 Section 1.000000 No
3 Section 1.000000 No
5 Section 1.000000 No
6 Section 1.000000 No
7 Section 1.000000 No
8 Section 1.000000 No
9 Section 1.000000 No
18 Section 1.000000 No

Table 30: Punching Shear Design Overwrites 01 - General

Table 30: Punching Shear Design Overwrites 01 - General
Point Check LocType EffDepth ReinfType

14 Program Auto Auto None

15 Program Auto Auto None
16 Program Auto Auto None
17 Program Auto Auto None
18 Program Auto Auto None

6.3. Slab design

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6. Design summary 05 mayo 2019

6.4. Beam design

Table 31: Concrete Beam Design Summary 01 - Flexural And Shear Data, Part 1 of 3
Table 31: Concrete Beam Design Summary 01 - Flexural And Shear Data, Part 1 of 3
Line SpanID Location FTopCombo FTopMomen FTopArea
kN-m cm2
1 Span 1 Start DCONU1 -521.6179 28.250
1 Span 1 Middle DCONU1 -280.3800 14.390
1 Span 1 End 0.0000 0.000
2 Span 1 Start DCONU1 -98.6068 4.342
2 Span 1 Middle DCONU1 -45.6132 1.607
2 Span 1 End DCONU1 -47.2782 1.846
3 Span 1 Start 0.0000 0.000
3 Span 1 Middle DCONU1 -14.1528 0.706
3 Span 1 End DCONU1 -52.4516 2.655
5 Span 1 Start 0.0000 8.045
5 Span 1 Middle 0.0000 0.000
5 Span 1 End DCONU1 -11.5169 9.629
6 Span 1 Start DCONU1 -15.6296 0.596
6 Span 1 Middle 0.0000 0.000
6 Span 1 End 0.0000 0.000
7 Span 1 Start 0.0000 6.113
7 Span 1 Middle 0.0000 0.000
7 Span 1 End 0.0000 6.113
8 Span 1 Start 0.0000 0.000
8 Span 1 Middle 0.0000 0.000
8 Span 1 End 0.0000 0.000
9 Span 1 Start DCONU1 -127.5820 17.380
9 Span 1 Middle 0.0000 0.000
9 Span 1 End DCONU1 -161.8204 19.150
18 Span 1 Start DCONU1 -59.2510 10.270
18 Span 1 Middle DCONU1 -15.2160 0.687
18 Span 1 End DCONU1 -4.0385 0.000

Table 31: Concrete Beam Design Summary 01 - Flexural And Shear Data, Part 2 of 3
Table 31: Concrete Beam Design Summary 01 - Flexural And Shear Data, Part 2 of 3
Line SpanID Location FBotCombo FBotMomen FBotArea
kN-m cm2
1 Span 1 Start 0.0000 0.000
1 Span 1 Middle 0.0000 0.000
1 Span 1 End DCONU1 54.1556 2.299
2 Span 1 Start 0.0000 0.000
2 Span 1 Middle DCONU1 7.3804 0.000
2 Span 1 End DCONU1 82.6636 3.667
3 Span 1 Start DCONU1 24.1460 1.213
3 Span 1 Middle 0.0000 0.000
3 Span 1 End DCONU1 78.9387 4.060
5 Span 1 Start DCONU1 82.0067 13.210
5 Span 1 Middle 0.0000 0.000
5 Span 1 End 0.0000 8.045
6 Span 1 Start DCONU1 10.6202 0.343
6 Span 1 Middle DCONU1 36.8700 1.675

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6. Design summary 05 mayo 2019

Table 31: Concrete Beam Design Summary 01 - Flexural And Shear Data, Part 2 of 3
Line SpanID Location FBotCombo FBotMomen FBotArea
kN-m cm2
6 Span 1 End DCONU1 89.3697 4.372
7 Span 1 Start DCONU1 86.3126 6.113
7 Span 1 Middle 0.0000 0.000
7 Span 1 End DCONU1 126.2960 8.487
8 Span 1 Start 0.0000 0.000
8 Span 1 Middle 0.0000 0.000
8 Span 1 End 0.0000 0.000
9 Span 1 Start 0.0000 7.003
9 Span 1 Middle 0.0000 0.000
9 Span 1 End 0.0000 7.003
18 Span 1 Start 0.0000 7.003
18 Span 1 Middle DCONU1 31.2932 1.606
18 Span 1 End 0.0000 0.000

Table 31: Concrete Beam Design Summary 01 - Flexural And Shear Data, Part 3 of 3
Table 31: Concrete Beam Design Summary 01 - Flexural And Shear Data, Part 3 of 3
Line SpanID Location VCombo VForce VArea
kN cm2/m
1 Span 1 Start DCONU1 442.818 14.380
1 Span 1 Middle DCONU1 442.818 14.380
1 Span 1 End DCONU1 388.308 11.020
2 Span 1 Start DCONU1 58.029 0.000
2 Span 1 Middle DCONU1 58.029 0.000
2 Span 1 End DCONU1 225.073 5.000
3 Span 1 Start DCONU1 36.838 0.000
3 Span 1 Middle DCONU1 36.838 0.000
3 Span 1 End DCONU1 66.013 0.000
5 Span 1 Start DCONU1 416.175 28.540
5 Span 1 Middle 0.000 0.000
5 Span 1 End DCONU1 416.175 28.540
6 Span 1 Start DCONU1 24.881 0.000
6 Span 1 Middle DCONU1 24.881 0.000
6 Span 1 End DCONU1 24.881 0.000
7 Span 1 Start DCONU1 433.681 19.900
7 Span 1 Middle 0.000 0.000
7 Span 1 End DCONU1 433.681 19.900
8 Span 1 Start 0.000 0.000
8 Span 1 Middle 0.000 0.000
8 Span 1 End 0.000 0.000
9 Span 1 Start DCONU1 684.768 32.430
9 Span 1 Middle 0.000 0.000
9 Span 1 End DCONU1 684.768 32.430
18 Span 1 Start DCONU1 265.156 6.472
18 Span 1 Middle DCONU1 33.600 0.000
18 Span 1 End DCONU1 6.418 0.000

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6. Design summary 05 mayo 2019

ACI 318-08 Concrete Beam Design

Geometric Properties

Combination = Overall Envelope

Beam Label = 3
Section Property = V60X60
Length = 2.54136 m
Section Width = 600 mm
Section Depth = 600 mm
Distance to Top Rebar Center = 75 mm
Distance to Bot Rebar Center = 75 mm

Material Properties

Concrete Comp. Strength = 28 N/mm2

Concrete Modulus = 20636.86023 N/mm2
Longitudinal Rebar Yield = 420 N/mm2
Shear Rebar Yield = 420 N/mm2

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6. Design summary 05 mayo 2019

ACI 318-08 Concrete Beam Design

Geometric Properties

Combination = Overall Envelope

Beam Label = 5
Section Property = V60X60
Length = 0.22472 m
Section Width = 600 mm
Section Depth = 600 mm
Distance to Top Rebar Center = 75 mm
Distance to Bot Rebar Center = 75 mm

Material Properties

Concrete Comp. Strength = 28 N/mm2

Concrete Modulus = 20636.86023 N/mm2
Longitudinal Rebar Yield = 420 N/mm2
Shear Rebar Yield = 420 N/mm2

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6. Design summary 05 mayo 2019

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6. Design summary 05 mayo 2019

ACI 318-08 Concrete Beam Design

Geometric Properties

Combination = Overall Envelope

Beam Label = 6
Section Property = V60X60
Length = 4.22 m
Section Width = 600 mm
Section Depth = 600 mm
Distance to Top Rebar Center = 75 mm
Distance to Bot Rebar Center = 75 mm

Material Properties

Concrete Comp. Strength = 28 N/mm2

Concrete Modulus = 20636.86023 N/mm2
Longitudinal Rebar Yield = 420 N/mm2
Shear Rebar Yield = 420 N/mm2

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6. Design summary 05 mayo 2019

ACI 318-08 Concrete Beam Design

Geometric Properties

Combination = Overall Envelope

Beam Label = 7
Section Property = V60X60
Length = 0.0922 m
Section Width = 600 mm
Section Depth = 600 mm
Distance to Top Rebar Center = 75 mm
Distance to Bot Rebar Center = 75 mm

Material Properties

Concrete Comp. Strength = 28 N/mm2

Concrete Modulus = 20636.86023 N/mm2
Longitudinal Rebar Yield = 420 N/mm2
Shear Rebar Yield = 420 N/mm2

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6. Design summary 05 mayo 2019

ACI 318-08 Concrete Beam Design

Geometric Properties

Combination = Overall Envelope

Beam Label = 8
Section Property = V60X60
Length = 4.13011 m
Section Width = 600 mm
Section Depth = 600 mm
Distance to Top Rebar Center = 75 mm
Distance to Bot Rebar Center = 75 mm

Material Properties

Concrete Comp. Strength = 28 N/mm2

Concrete Modulus = 20636.86023 N/mm2
Longitudinal Rebar Yield = 420 N/mm2
Shear Rebar Yield = 420 N/mm2

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6. Design summary 05 mayo 2019

ACI 318-08 Concrete Beam Design

Geometric Properties

Combination = Overall Envelope

Beam Label = 9
Section Property = V60X60
Length = 0.05 m
Section Width = 600 mm
Section Depth = 600 mm
Distance to Top Rebar Center = 75 mm
Distance to Bot Rebar Center = 75 mm

Material Properties

Concrete Comp. Strength = 28 N/mm2

Concrete Modulus = 20636.86023 N/mm2
Longitudinal Rebar Yield = 420 N/mm2
Shear Rebar Yield = 420 N/mm2

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6. Design summary 05 mayo 2019

ACI 318-08 Concrete Beam Design

Geometric Properties

Combination = Overall Envelope

Beam Label = 18
Section Property = V60X60
Length = 3.45326 m
Section Width = 600 mm
Section Depth = 600 mm
Distance to Top Rebar Center = 75 mm
Distance to Bot Rebar Center = 75 mm

Material Properties

Concrete Comp. Strength = 28 N/mm2

Concrete Modulus = 20636.86023 N/mm2
Longitudinal Rebar Yield = 420 N/mm2
Shear Rebar Yield = 420 N/mm2

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6. Design summary 05 mayo 2019

ACI 318-08 Concrete Beam Design

Geometric Properties

Combination = Overall Envelope

Beam Label = 1
Section Property = V60X60
Length = 1.21062 m
Section Width = 600 mm
Section Depth = 600 mm
Distance to Top Rebar Center = 75 mm
Distance to Bot Rebar Center = 75 mm

Material Properties

Concrete Comp. Strength = 28 N/mm2

Concrete Modulus = 20636.86023 N/mm2
Longitudinal Rebar Yield = 420 N/mm2
Shear Rebar Yield = 420 N/mm2

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6. Design summary 05 mayo 2019

ACI 318-08 Concrete Beam Design

Geometric Properties

Combination = Overall Envelope

Beam Label = 2
Section Property = V60X60
Length = 3.45349 m
Section Width = 600 mm
Section Depth = 600 mm
Distance to Top Rebar Center = 75 mm
Distance to Bot Rebar Center = 75 mm

Material Properties

Concrete Comp. Strength = 28 N/mm2

Concrete Modulus = 20636.86023 N/mm2
Longitudinal Rebar Yield = 420 N/mm2
Shear Rebar Yield = 420 N/mm2

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6.5. Punching check/design

Table 32: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 1 of 3

Table 32: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 1 of 3
Point GlobalX GlobalY Location Perimeter Depth Status Ratio
m m mm mm
14 0.03000 -0.04000 Not
15 4.16000 -0.07000 Not
16 8.65000 -0.08000 Not
17 11.18000 0.16000 Not
18 11.33000 -3.29000 Not

Table 32: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 2 of 3

Table 32: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 2 of 3
Point Combo Vu ShrStrMax Mu2 ShrStrCap
kN N/mm2 kN-m N/mm2

Table 32: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 3 of 3

Table 32: Concrete Slab Design 02 - Punching Shear Data, Part 3 of 3
Point Mu3 ReinfType NumRails StudPerRail
14 None
15 None
16 None
17 None
18 None

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