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EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES OFFER NEW CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Art 8. Uunleaming. Int general nature Inetigance integrates cognitive functions attention, memoy. perception, argvaae planing. The hurin bain canes natural ivatigonce which of course dors trom person to person. When @ machine, dovico or systom Is made capable of adopting some of human inlaligonces, i Issa to be mating use of Al. Thus Al Is 8 combination of technology and ren the itemet was invented body thought ra iw grow in the size tat we se2 today. Many ‘echnologls that had humble beginrings have proved immensely use for the world and its people. Te interne has led {© many aptleaions, though inl i came es World Wide Wied to connect a computers of the world to share Infomation, petures ete bnteligence under whieh computer ‘Wiis reovatng an explnng now 2/860 made of machines and star, tings, we come sero new tecmologes 39 able to porter sks that normally ad apliaions which are abl fo bing TAGWHE human iellaenes. A MAY B® pic ane ame misplaced feartatorpped frm, dala can best ane or one Se of SFiceney, speed, accuracy and many appa o boad wnge of domes al yeyetnes and binesses withthe advent ramets, however dog dewnitmay havo ‘mer bros artic. The core ea is 1 BAIS computerization Also, A Con reve’ be Meaningful Implications and usage for ‘rtiiialInteligence: —Arifeal_Mmchines and algorthms which re we as humana businesses. ruaigence (Ais the most tes about spable of pefoming computional BRS" Recopsing the present niet in AIM data scence, every transaction among the emerging tetnologis thas at woul elherwse require human ang is ure prospects, Cantal Boas of bales a dats or 8 set of data. For been In existence since cecases but Isai tetlons Secondary Education has decided to example you made anomie purchase termed emerging ae many new —Consierrgthe scope etl eeDIeatON, ingerporate ths in i curicuum. NITI the set of dela Inclides whet you dimensions of 1 usage have come out once ae being ised will e9ace Ajog has fonmubsted natend sitegy purchased, at what pico and toys ita recent Industry 4. wiirgely be civen humans thereby leaing t0 0 10858. for adopion of afi inligence. new purchase of 8 Tepes! ona if ater by automation and atfial Iliganco Opinions ave aides onthe. 8 pty ig Date Analytics: Tocay we daly sir how much gaps purchased ee shall be making signeartcontibuton to Sue thalin many jobs Al wil bs applied encovniorunprecadenied vole of data, By sraying such data Fem incvidual ic uetigenee is defines mental ali andre functions wilceriey beiaken Aso the data whicn wate exposed 0's reasoning, probing leering dover Dit be crating new obs a8 wel. relly more orareed. 1 primary Continued on page 2 EEE Employment News 22 -28 August 2020 EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES .. Uso of robo halp to achiove tis subject, ‘Al Ineia Counel for Robotics Contnued tom peve t higherlevaicf automston Were Esmbishes In Centre for ang Automaton has Robotics ‘geting more fair with robots Development of Advanced Neracy Programs (RLP) at °O and group of customers, involved full thele responsi your daly Was, Computing (CAC) has made" and! levels abo has tho businesses may plan their biies and ecourss in the caB®© Robots come with diferent phenomens| contrbution in lowing Cetfcaion Programs Producten or marketing of dsagreements Is avaiable. cenacines. There are simple revearch and development Gerticate in Arifiial states. Dala Arastcs has lockchsin it one of tho most in obo which can move things relatetio new techolones. It's" \ntigenoe (Al Begone) grown into a vast subject now demand har sis for 2020. In fram ong pace to ether ins aS0alsadng ecucaton traning jeer (Al Bammer) ns covers various forms of 2019 ho worldwide spending on grorammid way and thee ave Provider In emerging te tegance, anabjcs such a pescplve, ockchan soo at $27 bllon. loge performing complex INDIE Few ol ECOUREE | Contour in miemet of Presetwe ee Sockchan as bome aioe of Sunsari at espns You na afore en oats ‘rayics has oxlensive uses business for lop global thom in front shapes and * Pest Cresuaie Diplome in | TT ag ln human resource pining, companies in fnerce and gues Roncts swear enamel Ths cers 0 alse and murkating technology domain ko Amazon, ata combinalen of * POM Graduate Diploma in “ Imanagenent, banking and JP Morgan, GK ORACLE, and Srgingering ane tcrnologes 29 DateAravics Some! the Ts ne Ts hove franc, diate Morasott Block chain can gan do. Enginecing invaves * PG Diblorla in Arias He erParunkyw study rote "don tims, Ike thr glebal pererm trousers of Gerignng verous pare ana _(telienee st posigracate level courlerans have rized that 2 ransacione per second with signing them, Tecinolagy tx COAC also condicts MBA Many startups too have proper naivics staleqy hat a precision and accuraqy. his is @ wat eves svebaliopertem i, SUMCAcouseS Khas centres slated courses in lo, Big Daa, rect ink 10 Dusiness relatively new technclogy bul Yinetane, Sensors make sure % Nelda, Chenral, Gengaiun, Bookchain ofc, Usvaly these fvormancs, Ae. pet tecent cating uptase eto. Seneor make sue yserabas, Thruananpuram, © of cameus programmes. featimotes Indio Is currently Intemet of Things (oT): way New teennoages are 09! Kakala, Mumbai, Puno, Job appertunies Jarong the top 10 big data Connecting devices to item's Yelingabotsto nee the wang SIE and Mohs Newer job opportunites re anaes markes nthe wors, geting common day bY day. fy ways far beyond the human Nalenal Inatiize of Elect coming upin al he above areas With ts huge popuationindia Such connections provide canbe, ronies and Information You may choose to work wih can gemly benefit om bg data arazing benef. Now many Rebate doworkbymakingure TMO}DY (NIELTD, companies which ara into aailcs by way of bor ce poople watch vidoos (avaiable of vical mngerce cembinos =bIsheS by MOSIY Of coping appicaons elated goverance, social securty and onwebstes} on ther TV set for wth others. They can ato you Fieefones and’ Information > those technologies. Many Teomolegy, Government of Ina. tough is various conte: eee ee cere ups ae Inve no ti. The Ghendigorhy Kohima etoy, OP ofan is 10 work as conducts @ number ef courses @ctioner Here you may work Felevort wo te areas mentioned wth consumer durabia in this aricleOnine courses companies, aulomebile manu: nancial incision. Such which Pay earlier used dosktop, Yn guide” your Manufacturing anaiyics can be @ cast for latep or mebile phone. TAS 'S industy has sieady been using the economy and country at just one tasic example Of 19T Mobos in thee assembly lines ore. 's ful of posabiltes which well sna otherunctons, Nowe cove Blockchsin: Some of you seein coring days. Mary of the they ae increasing balng used might have nearé about technology expe vale oT 28 in gurico indy. You may find blockchain in regard to a conaept rather than 8 them” ina bank branch jeryplocurency tke Bi coin. technology kon “eustomors or WHE Carag” AL ss," banks. suas Technological experts see Whansomethinglaconnacted Yranering queries ate, Prvssiona Big Deis Anaiics companies and fancia Uicechain ss a cocorralsed, tthe cet tht moana tas a Quen. quell & Tone, Tools or oT Deployment netuters, famong others. Advanced source and general Diploma in Big Osta Anaifes conauitaney tims, suse fins, such companies, including star sre, cost efecive and can ether send infaraon tr fapoien i mede Use fh etic way to mko and tack rede fomatin. cr can do Guvotoes ware 6 soelgs In fersacens serenely bom Tha iy es err tne coo epaeme. 7H Aula Doma it eat mendocen ins Bockznan can emtle ease of cove inlaten maK0S pen mol cf pbon ox bong NUM ligerce Ie MEME atyare and Nara cotabereon fr entepises and figs sar Tobecone sat, teed'to say denfacante, OC GWatON (TZ WEEKS) toes. ial assah fae of Wing fer elears tym dion Sort roost he Same saer pons MSE ee Onan Daca in teoarrey ecost Soper sorage oF 8 Eaueaton and aim Samus Se of In Eo an Comput rene oe! pte Soar ipasonzae i AI 0 Ta uy any ee toe avon 0 onalon ne eae Iocas vey olen ree hn Go con eg angered win Tem (HT ae resto VD Nee er foncinad wih chndoges po slaage a Ww SUPOT yes nae can emer, o% eeTInG ence wo TY a. ame Yur xn abl oriole Tigs, compar Being camactod Gouyea raat above mena NOt wasuals and Ne ES Cine ter tcmaoges unenGeaes 2 unter cf new ge aiy aie gone MIS ering 9 ee ve the plone to delver omar. By wing eT & Gauen in engnearng (we! Cormee M poamine vel (We anor le, cares ompeiay saw services 12 mobilephone may be canted pract)andranagonert MEA) $Pcuene ren cance tn, atte yetetustees Jatizens and other stakeholders to @ fridge. air conditioners, ete. You need to choose ® Cain) oftars MTech wilh - alte, bocicha has the letingeyicnorbehingeion Cayce wise es inves com speciation in Agontms and Views expresed are peysonal Potente 0 revue exiting oe taming wth oth theoretea! rmplety “which may be image Goureay “Google Processes to uk newt BT doves ate becoming and pact ns Throne Couey wn may, be aes of afcecy srs more strsleSy H yNumeuro ont canes sone eS Beclchane lead o a oyelom business orgozatine the too an cone tigny prose MMMM iat senmeny wea othe reed open fT ithe un te comply hat ihe, tn a Rech ie asthe pie oft lw col roma, snerored jp Re majesty go eroign rmaten Teshrlogy WT) |Dewpha Kaci suing tansacins tat ir ifasinetre and mcvancemant the conten of © reg Masso Gur, Nop. Pune ec is o|| Hasan ia, Seior Ear amply wih tne agreed ot cormuncaton tocnology. Open Orne Course MOOC)!0 Gua ace le suey enetonel |lRearen even tate f2ntors. Tay, people tan Sotchaoey ovens Glew wt ty wet vo Danae 1 eat ener , rancact wih multiple entities haly 10 ge another boos! 10 ecper nt Wand consider '88 je iyernatontecolgy, Take | | na earn air Jevery day. both offline or online, toT. The flagship programmes of their area of work. thea Khan, Editor (Advt.) thecase of Atal A ste of and in @ vovety of forms. Goverment of no ke, Sart Fer engincerng graduates, Iwermaton Technol here || PX: Mandal Att Fann set drain tar Mow "Dea! td ve enoey tanga he fhecencanece sees se | Eaoment Mew tne form of small purchases from Programme, and Smart EnerGy epperunity to pursue futher OF Enginoering has elactives in|| Tih Floor, Soochna Bhawan, 2 rots vender ors ded Poel se sxend Wo esehd per cy Tor bckgeind io Swaigeca’ "urd|| Reereaena uate Petcen tno” very sige easpaynantal oT Noscon mahenmics and eghening ean ease sett || SOCOM yazan. nso! othe guts ha yon ie year mates Heanor fr nam wo wenn ea, OsaSionoe S20. or nate, however a oT matein he corey wil be Indetand mache leming SPOT NT Pune MTech conan undying fee cf wound #8bion USE anos ie ht Tose #8 Rfealnligence sr Seng te MTech cone fe Computer Sclnee and Exgroning hae cd I fate ligence and Nactine Leaning eal deectoremploymentnows, @gnalicom transactions is hat they quire Robotics: A robot is aM yaxk in emerging technologies, the paris Icclved to tnst each assembled device 10 perform you need to nave, metehing other or adhe toa system that specticfuncion, hitherto being Spttude and. ovlrtation lenses this tsttobe executes. pavfomned by human beings In2 Maximum number of courses sre Toso 'tust ystems’ can tho a senso arobotisapersonifcaion gyatetia in big data anayios vay of fos, depending on of Al and a tool for inkistial ein as a discipline of Nalonal instiule of the natu of transactions being automaton. Robotics 8 1M engineering ‘or management. Tevtnoleyy (NIT) cartes too executed, to crest checks and science of bulding robot and Tis mean one may g0 lor @ tuo, courses, related 10 balanoos to encure tha pares ating now featuros {0 thom. Teel’ MTech er MBA/ BBA in emerging tachneogies.

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