Boilers and Turbine

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m = 6000 kg/h

Boiler exit (State 2)

1.5 MPa, x = 0.98

hf = 844.56 kJ/kg --- from saturated pressure table

hg = 2791 kJ/kg --- from saturated pressure table

h2 = hf + x ( hg - hf )

h2 = 844.56 + 0.98 ( 2791 - 844.56 )

h2 = 2752.07 kJ/kg

Superheater exit (State 3)

1.5 MPa, 3000C

h3 = 3038.2 kJ/kg --- from superheated table

Inlet water


h1 = hf = 335.01 kJ/kg --- from saturated pressure table


Eff. = Total heat required / Total heat added

0.85 = m (h3 - h1) / mcoal * HHV

0.85 = 6000 (3038.2 - 335.01) / m * 30000

mcoal = 636.044 kg/hr


Mass of water actaully evaporated

me = m (h3 - h1) / 2256.9

me = 6000 (3038.2 - 335.01) / 2256.9

me = 7186.46816 kg/hr steam

Evaporation rate = me / mcoal

Evaporation rate = 7186.46816 / 636.044

Evaporation rate = 11.298 kg steam / kg coal


Area * Heat Transmission = Heat required for steam + Heat required for water from x = 0.98 to 1

A * 450000 = me (h3 - h2g) + m (h2g - h2)

A * 450000 = 7186.46816 (3038.2 - 2752.07) + 6000 (2791 - 2752.07)

A = 4.46 m2
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