1foreign Diplomats Visiting SFHQ-J Have Been Lied To

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Sri Lanka - UK diplomats and parliamentarians visiting SFHQ-J in the last 10yrs have been lied to

Security Forces Headquarters-Jaffna(SFHQ-J): News Archive - 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013,
2012, 2011, 2010, http://www.cimicjaffna.com/NewsBackbodyMain.php

All News Archives got deleted by Operation Deletion of 31/12/2019 except five news items near the end of

Jaffna Army High Command has been lying to the visiting diplomats for 10yrs on how they have been
carrying out Reconciliation and Development while the Reality has been just the opposite:
‘’The High Commissioner and his Staff were briefed on the ongoing peace and reconciliation process
carried out by the Sri Lanka Army in Northern Province.’’ - High Commissioner of United Kingdom Paid a
Visit to Security Force Headquarters – Jaffna,
08/03/2019, http://www.cimicjaffna.com/Cimicnews_2019_03_08_2.php   
‘’The two parties discussed many important matters pertaining to the Reconciliation Process of the Jaffna
Peninsula’’ - Diplomats from the United Kingdom Meets up with Commander Security Force – Jaffna,
24/01/2019, http://www.cimicjaffna.com/Cimicnews_2019_01_24_3_1.php
''The Sri Lankan government should implement the report’s recommendations in full, in line with the
commitments already made in the UN Human Rights Council resolution 30/1. As the High Commissioner
has noted, slow progress on these commitments has resulted in few concrete results.'' - Sri Lanka: UN High
Commissioner for Human Rights’ report must be implemented, Amnesty International, 8 March
2019, https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2019/03/sri-lanka-un-high-commissioner-for-human-rights-
''We demand a transformational change in our political culture. Promises for justice and reconciliation must
not be forgotten and must be carried forward expeditiously. The constitutional reform process must continue
in an open and transparent manner with the full and timely participation of civil society. It should not take
place behind closed doors.’’ – The Crisis and After, *Friday Forum, 23
December 2018, https://groundviews.org/2018/12/23/the-crisis-and-after/ 
‘’The meet up was scheduled to discuss matters pertaining to the Reconciliation process in the Jaffna
Peninsula.’’-  Delegation from the British High Commission Meets Commander Security Force – Jaffna,
21/08/2018, http://www.cimicjaffna.com/Cimicnews_2018_08_21.php     
 ''The Commander welcomed the delegation and briefed them on post conflict engagements of the military
relations, peace building efforts and reconciliation process in Jaffna Peninsula'' - A Delegation led by the
Chairman of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Sri Lanka in the UK met the Commander, Security
Forces - Jaffna, 08/01/2018, http://www.cimicjaffna.com/Cimicnews_2018_01_08.php
Jaffna Army Commander to the journalist: ‘’What we have realised is that it is extremely difficult to change
the mindsets of some of the adults,…... Therefore, we switched our target group from adults to young
students and children.’’ - Crucial reconciliation steps in North, 9 May 2018,
Army Commander to the journalist: ‘’Then we want to discipline the society. We believe that by
disciplining the society these problems will not be there. …..with the change of government in 2015, we are
proud to say that we are not under pressure from the President/PrimeMinister/Ministers.’’ - Sri Lanka is the
only country that has eradicated terrorism, 16 May 2018, http://www.thehindu.com/opinion/interview/sri-
http://www.cimicjaffna.com/Cimicnews_2017_08_30.php   UK

''The Commander updated them on the Reconciliation programme which elevate the livelihood of Jaffna
people'' - Deputy Head for Political, Human Rights and Press at the UK Mission to the UN in Geneva, Mr.
Bob Last Meets Commander SF (J), 15 August 2016, 

‘’The use of the Civil Security Department to militarise the economy and civic spaces in the Vanni must be
challenged at the domestic and international levels.’’ - Civil Security Department- The Deep Militarisation
of the Vanni, Adayaalam Centre fror Policy Research, September 2017, 
‘’In his speech in Jaffna on the occasion of Thai Pongal, and with the Prime Minister and British Minister in
attendance, Chief Minister of the Northern Province, C V Wigneswaran was extremely critical in his
assessments, claiming the presence of 150,000 soldiers as particularly detrimental to the restoration of
normalcy. He also blamed the government of interfering in the work of the Northern Provincial Council and
complained over letters being sent to him from State institutions written in the Sinhala language. The slow
progress made in terms of restoring normalcy to the lives of those large numbers of people living in the
north and east who are war-affected has elicited sharp and strident criticism from a wide range of politicians
and civil society activists.’’ - Non-Stop Attempts To Use Ethnic Nationalism As A Political Strategy - Jehan
Perera, National Peace Council, 18 January 2016, https://www.peace-srilanka.org/media-centre/political-

http://www.cimicjaffna.com/Cimicnews_2016_07_15.php.    UK
http://www.cimicjaffna.com/Cimicnews_2016_06_23.php    UK
http://www.cimicjaffna.com/Cimicnews_2015_05_29.php.  UK
http://www.cimicjaffna.com/Cimicnews_2015_01_02.php. UK

''A CPA-UK delegation visited Sri Lanka 22-26 July 2013, visiting Colombo and the northern and southern
provinces of the island to explore its success in achieving equitable and lasting peace and promoting
inclusive politics. Prior to arriving in Sri Lanka the group visited the Maldives.'' – CPA-UK Annual Review

‘’The huge military checkpoint at Omanthai still stands like an ageing dinosaur. All vehicles traversing the
road at this point have to stop to be checked. 
The government has recently added a second compulsory checkpoint in the North in addition to the one at
Omanthai.  This is one at Elephant Pass at the entry/exit point of the Jaffna peninsula.’’ -  PREPARING
Lanka, 29 April 2013
‘’It also serves as a reminder that even four years after the war, normal civilian life and civilian
administration has still not been restored.  The UN (OCHA) report itself noted “The Security Apparatus is
perceived to be too present or too close to people’s lives….  the restoration of true peace and reconciliation
requires an empowered civil administration and a military that is back in barracks where governance is
PROMOTE RECONCILIATION IN NORTH, National Peace Council of Sri Lanka, 1 July 2013
‘’There is a virtual unanimity that what is most negative in governance today is the over-concentration of
political power in the presidency and government, which has led to high levels of impunity and corruption
caused by the breakdown of institutional checks and balances. …… The forthcoming provincial council
election in the North is an opportunity for the government to make a shift in its policy towards the Tamil
Council of Sri Lanka, 22 July 2013

‘’In the most recent development, Colombo interprets its decision to hold a Northern Provincial Council
Election on 21 September 2013, after a lapse of some twenty-five years, as a means of demonstrating its
apparent respect for democratic best practice. The campaign, however, has been fraught with violence,
especially against candidates of the Tamil National Alliance (TNA), the main exponent of constitutional
Tamil nationalism, polemical concerns over the TNA manifesto, and anti-TNA smear campaigns emanating
from governmental sources.’’ - Forgotten woes: Sri Lanka’s neoliberal politics, Chaminda Weerawardhana,
27 September 2013,
‘ A large military presence in the North has led to the militarisation of daily life and the experience of
resettlement; second, the military has been systematically included in the local governance of the North, and
third, the military has moved into the economic sector.'' -  Resettlement of conflict-induced IDPs in Northern
Sri Lanka, CPA in conjunction with ODI, January 2014, 

 ‘’Maj. Gen. Hathurusinghe explained the Army’s involvement in government augmented development
projects in post-war Jaffna’’ - UK Parliamentary Group Meets Jaffna Commander, 7 August 2012, 

Sri Lanka’s North I: The Denial of Minority Rights, Asia Report N°219, 16 Mar 2012
The Sri Lankan military’s control over the political and economic life of the Northern Province is deepening
the alienation and anger of northern Tamils and threatening sustainable peace.
’Many an eyebrow has been raised over contradiction by British High Commissioner John Rankin of
President Mahinda Rajapaksa’s claim of scaling down of the military presence and the non-involvment of
the military in civil administration in the Northern Province since the conclusion of the conflict’’ - North:
British HC disputes President’s claims, 25 May 2012, http://www.island.lk/index.php?page_cat=article-
National Peace Council of Sri Lanka, 2 July 2012: ’’The recent speech to the British Parliament by Burmese
opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi is applicable to Sri Lanka too.’’
Military density in the North of Sri Lanka in ''peace time'' is much higher than the Iraq siege, Northern
Ireland in peak conflict time, Kashmir or French occupation of Algeria. It also says: ‘’The Sri Lankan
government may have won the war against the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam in the north-east of the
country, but another protracted struggle is looming on the horizon, that of winning democracy and
development back from the clutches of militarisation ….’’ - Notes on the Military Presence in Sri Lanka's
Northern Province, Vol - XLVII No. 28, 7-14 July 2012,http://www.epw.in/insight/notes-military-
''In principle, it is the civilian administration that is tasked with IDP returns and post-conflict reconstruction.
In practice, however, the military has been taking the key decisions in these areas. All humanitarian projects
in the north must be approved by the Presidential Task Force(PTF), which includes the military
leadership.'' - A hidden displacement crisis, 31 October 2012, http://www.internal-displacement.org/south-
''The government, UNHCR and the UN Office for Project Services launched a survey of protracted IDPs in
2011, but the project was abandoned in December 2012 due to obstacles placed on it by the PTF ’’ - Global
Overview 2012: People internally displaced by conflict and violence,
Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre, 29 April 2013, http://www.internal-
''Maj. Gen. Hathurusinghe briefed the delegations on government-augmented development programmes and
reconciliation process in progress in the peninsula.'' - US Department of State & British Diplomatic Officials
Meet SF-J Commander, 30/11/2011,http://www.cimicjaffna.com/Cimicnews_2011_11_30_2.php   
''During the brief meeting, Maj. Gen. Hathurusinghe explained the visiting diplomat about the change of
Army's traditional role in Jaffna to a benevolent force which is committed to ensure wellbeing of the people
in Jaffna.'' -  British Diplomats Satisfied with Army's Role in
Jaffna,14/06/2011, http://www.cimicjaffna.com/Cimicnews_2011_06_14.php
‘’The large scale military presence and military rule in the North and East also serves to reduce the
economic potential of those areas to add to the country’s development.’’ – National Peace Council, 4
December 2011,
''Contrary to the image it projects, the government has increasingly cut minorities and opponents out of
decisions on their economic and political futures rather than work toward reconciliation’’ – Reconciliation in
Sri Lanka: Harder than Ever, International Crisis Group,
18/07/2011, https://www.crisisgroup.org/asia/south-asia/sri-lanka/reconciliation-sri-lanka-harder-ever
‘’The army was deployed for civil policing. The army restricted freedom of association and assembly in the
north and east, requiring prior permission even for family celebrations. Security forces required Tamil
residents in these areas to register household members despite a court judgement declaring the practice
discriminatory.’’ – Amnesty International Annual Report 2012 - Sri
Lanka, https://www.refworld.org/docid/4fbe390d46.html
''During the meeting, the visiting British envoy was edified on housing and various other projects initiated
by SF-(J) to uplift economic, educational and social standard of civilians in Jaffna.'' - British Diplomats
Commend SF-J Projects Initiated to Make Better Life for Jaffna Civilians,
28/06/2010, http://www.cimicjaffna.com/Cimicnews_British_DeputyHC.php
''The delegation was pleased about the effort taken by the SF-J to improve standard of the Jaffna community
life and assistance extended by the Sri Lanka Army for the development work mooted by the Sri Lankan
government.'' - Members of CPA UK Arrives in Jaffna,
20/10/2010, http://www.cimicjaffna.com/Cimicnews_2010_10_20_2.php 

‘’... there have been reports of a deterioration of conditions in the Jaffna peninsula, including threats,
extortions, kidnappings and killings.'' - Feeling of Deterioration in Jaffna Must Be Reversed Without Delay,
National Peace Council of Sri Lanka, 10/05/2010
‘’On the A9 road every hundred meters there is a bunker and every mile or so a major military base. It
certainly does not promote peace and reconciliation. ...'' – Jaffna after the war, Observations by a visitor, 7
May 2010, 
‘'The area is still actually in the hands of the military, which allowed the return of the population but force
them to live in absolute poverty. The military blocks any attempts to improve their lives, but does not stop
abuse and violence. … Permission has been rejected for counselling, capacity building and empowerment
activities.'' - Vanni, northern Sri Lanka, where war has never ended, Melanie Manel Perera,1 June 2010, 
‘’The A9 highway from Omanthai until Elephant Pass is dominated by predominantly Sinhalese soldiers,
who even operate the small restaurants by the roadside. This military presence seems overwhelming and
stifling…... Our visit to Jaffna exposed and confirmed that all the conditions and discontent that led to the
Tamil rebellion are still present today. The only ingredient that is lacking is the combustion of anti-Tamil
riots such as in 1956, 1958, 1977, 1981, and 1983.’’ - Sinhala nationalist mind set seems incapable of
comprehending what Tamils are articulating: Revisiting Jaffna BY Dushy Ranetunge, 14 August 2010, 

2.Sri Lanka: Foreign Diplomats visiting SFHQ-J for 10yrs have been lied to

Security Forces Headquarters-Jaffna(SFHQ-J): News Archive - 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013,
2012, 2011, 2010, http://www.cimicjaffna.com/NewsBackbodyMain.php

PHOTO STORY - new feature after Operation Deletion(O.D.)

headquarters 28 July 2020 Switzerland
jaffna 10 March 2020, Afghanistan
http://www.cimicjaffna.lk/content/royal-norwegian-ambassador-visits-security-forces-headquarters-jaffna -
22 January 2020, Norway
%E2%80%93-jaffna - 16 January 2020, EU

NEWS - old format – lost in Operation Deletion(O.D. )

http://www.cimicjaffna.com/Cimicnews_2019_08_20_2.php Switzerland
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http://www.cimicjaffna.com/Cimicnews_2019_06_05.php  Canada
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http://www.cimicjaffna.com/Cimicnews_2019_03_10.php  Netherlands
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http://www.cimicjaffna.com/Cimicnews_2019_01_24_3_1.php   UK *
 *separate attachment available
http://www.cimicjaffna.com/Cimicnews_2018_12_21.php    US
http://www.cimicjaffna.com/Cimicnews_2018_12_06.php    Canada
http://www.cimicjaffna.com/Cimicnews_2018_11_02.php   Switzerland
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http://www.cimicjaffna.com/Cimicnews_2018_09_07_01.php   Australia
http://www.cimicjaffna.com/Cimicnews_2018_08_21.php     UK
http://www.cimicjaffna.com/Cimicnews_2018_08_20_4.php Rotary Peace Centre at Chulalongkorn
University, Thailand
http://www.cimicjaffna.com/Cimicnews_2018_01_08.php    UK  APPG-SL
http://www.cimicjaffna.com/Cimicnews_2017_03_17.php Canadian Delegation
http://www.cimicjaffna.com/Cimicnews_2017_03_26.php Canada
http://www.cimicjaffna.com/Cimicnews_2017_03_27_01_01.php Rotary Peace Centre at Chulalongkorn
University, Thailand
http://www.cimicjaffna.com/Cimicnews_2017_03_28.php  Switzerland
http://www.cimicjaffna.com/Cimicnews_2017_08_30.php  UK
http://www.cimicjaffna.com/Cimicnews_2017_07_14.php  Canada
http://www.cimicjaffna.com/Cimicnews_2017_06_07.php  Canada
http://www.cimicjaffna.com/Cimicnews_2017_6_15.php  Germany
http://www.cimicjaffna.com/Cimicnews_2017_09_2_27.php Japan
http://www.cimicjaffna.com/Cimicnews_2017_10_20.php  Norway
http://www.cimicjaffna.com/Cimicnews_2017_11_23_03.php Colombian delegation
http://www.cimicjaffna.com/Cimicnews_2017_12_01.php   Canada
http://www.cimicjaffna.com/Cimicnews_2016_11_08.php    Canada
http://www.cimicjaffna.com/Cimicnews_2016_09_22.php   Canada
http://www.cimicjaffna.com/Cimicnews_2016_08_26.php    Australia
http://www.cimicjaffna.com/Cimicnews_2016_08_15.php    UK-Geneva
http://www.cimicjaffna.com/Cimicnews_2016_07_15.php    UK
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http://www.cimicjaffna.com/Cimicnews_2016_05_18.php EU
http://www.cimicjaffna.com/Cimicnews_2016_02_11.php Friends of SriLanka, EU
 Japanese Ambassador Meets Jaffna Commander. 2016-02-29.

http://www.cimicjaffna.com/Cimicnews_2015_05_14.php EU
http://www.cimicjaffna.com/Cimicnews_2015_03_08.php   Norway, EU
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http://www.cimicjaffna.com/Cimicnews_2014_03_16.php    Australia
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http://www.cimicjaffna.com/Cimicnews_2013_05_10_1.php  Germany

http://www.cimicjaffna.com/Cimicnews_2012_12_05.php    Canada
http://www.cimicjaffna.com/Cimicnews_2012_09_19.php    US
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http://www.cimicjaffna.com/Cimicnews_2012_05_28.php    Australia
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http://www.cimicjaffna.com/Cimicnews_2011_12_14.php   Canada + France
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http://www.cimicjaffna.com/Cimicnews_2011_06_14.php    UK
http://www.cimicjaffna.com/Cimicnews_2011_03_14.php    Switzerland
http://www.cimicjaffna.com/Cimicnews_2010_10_20_2.php    CPA-UK
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http://www.cimicjaffna.com/Cimicnews_US_Delegation.php US
http://www.cimicjaffna.com/cimicnews_US_Ambassador.php US
http://www.cimicjaffna.com/cimicnews_Chi.php China.

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