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GRADE 11° - Time: 3 season of classes (a week)


Connectors ('Linking Words' o conjunctions) are those words that help us to connect two phrases. Now, we have
a look to connectors of reason which express the cause for what something happened or the consequence that it
had (connectors of result).

We can use 'because' (porque) – due to (debido a) – since (ya que) and 'so' (así que) – therefore (por lo
tanto) to connect two phrase and build a sentence.

 No voy al cine porque no tengo dinero.= I am not going to the cinema because I do not have money
* Esta frase nos da la razón por la cual no vamos al cine. Por ello usamos la palabra 'because'.

 Fue al partido porque le gusta el fútbol. = He went to the match because he likes football.

 Porque le gusta el fútbol, fue al partido. = Because he likes football, he went to the match.

 We cannot sleep due to the noise = No podemos dormir debido al ruido.

 Since the store was closed, we could not buy the flowers.= Ya que la tienda estaba cerrada, no pudimos
comprar las florez.

So and therefore son conectores se utilizan para hablar de la consecuencia, y suele utilizarse en medio de

 Le gusta el fútbol, así que fue al partido. = He likes football, so he went to the match.

 He does not speak English; therefore, He did not understand any word = Él no habla English, por lo tanto; Él
no entendió ni una palabra

¿QUÉ DEBO RECORDAR? Existen muchos tipos de conectores. En este caso estamos viendo los que
expresan razón y consecuencia.
1. Choose the correct answer. THEN,
1. The service in the restaurant was
2. Fill in with because or so.
bad because/ so we complained to the
1. Ian touched the wire ______________ he got an electric shock. manager.
2. Ian got an electric shock ______________ he touched the wire. 2. John missed the meeting for this reason/
3. I’m going to bed ____________ I’m very sleepy. due to the late arrival of his train.
4. I haven’t’ got enough butter____________ I’m going to buy 3. She had told me many lies
some. before. Consequently/ because, I didn’t
believe her this time.
5. Charles is a very hard-working man __________ he got the
4. It was raining and we didn’t want to get
promotion. wet, since/ therefore we decided to go
6. Today is Peter’s birthday ______ we have to buy him a by car.
present. 5. Billy borrowed my jacket because/
7. It’s very hot outside _______ we must be cautious. therefore he didn’t have one of his own.

3. Today, many people stay at home as a preventive measure for a temporary period to reduce infection risk of
COVID-19. Build sentences using because, so, therefore, due to, and since; as example is shown:
- Example: Because people love their families, they stay at home = Porque las personas aman a sus familias, ellas se quedan en
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