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 We are entering an age of uncertainty and unforeseen cruelty.

Its only
kids like abc, that reassure us with their willingness to change the world
when educated. The beautiful thing about educating a child is that it
unlocks the golden door to freedom.

 Love is patient, Love is kind

We have heard these words so many times that they are almost
believable. But we live in difficult times where future is strange. The kids
are our only reassurance that love truly is innocent.

 There was an unexpected freedom in 

finding out that one wasn't as important as one had always assumed!

 Your childhood hunger is the one that never leaves you.

 Even the wisest don't know what's hidden in the depths of their being

 “And the air was full of Thoughts and Things to Say. But at times like these, only
the Small Things are ever said. Big Things lurk unsaid inside.” 

Your childhood hunger is the one that never leaves you. As soon as the recess bell rang,
there was a longing in the eyes of these kids. A wave of entitlement rushed within me
when I saw them devouring their meal. Oh how we take small things for granted that
can mean pure happiness to someone else.

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