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Positives and negatives things from pandemic

Less Pollution: it is obvious. This stoppage at all levels has meant that, as there is less land, sea and
air traffic, pollution has been reduced practically all over the planet. The skies are cleaner and you
can see shades of blue that have not been enjoyed for a long time. Animals appear on the scene
invading streets, skies and oceans because humans have stayed at home. There are clean and
crystalline waters in many places and the flora right now invades everything, making its way
before the station.

Quality time with the family: something of the most positive, necessary and valued of this whole
situation. Saving the distances, they are being like an atypical vacation, in which the majority of
parents and children spend 24 hours a day together. We have time to be able to eat meals at the
same time, play, chat, have fun, get bored or not, but together. Strengthen and reaffirm ties,
which due to lack of time, we could not. We have known each other a little more.

More unity than ever: I've always heard "Unity is strength" and in this case it seems true. "Stay at
home", the phrase that has been repeated the most and has been asked of us at all times.

Solidarity: Those who know how to sew make masks and donate them, those who have surplus
food or something else, distribute it. Companies adapt to the circumstances and manufacture
respirators, when before they built auto part.

Creativity: it is another of the features to highlight in this whole situation. Songs have come out,
becoming authentic hymns, solidarity initiatives of all kinds (concerts, sports ...). Writing and
reading and other activities that we would not have thought of doing before have been

Assessment of new technologies: These have made it possible for many to continue working and
to reconcile with the atypical family life of the moment. Video calls have also helped us stay
together in the distance, regardless of the kilometers or the schedule.

Second, bringing out the negative is more difficult for me.

The deaths: Without a doubt, the worst of this pandemic. Thousands of people have lost their
lives, especially our elders. They have been the big losers in this battle. They have died for lack of
material means, many left to their own devices and worst, alone, without being accompanied by
their loved ones.

The pain: it is directly linked to death, to the fact of how it was, without a farewell, without being
present in the final game. The duel has not been carried out in the usual way.

The physical separation from our loved ones: There are no kisses, no hugs, or touches of
affection. All virtual and saved and content until the moment of meeting us again.

Fear and Uncertainty: Fear of losing my job, of continuing to infect us, of not knowing how to act
from here ahead, that the same thing could happen again. Fear in general paralyzes us.
Uncertainty, the lack of clarity with which things are sometimes told to us, how to relate.

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