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Vowels Diphthongs Consonants

æ eı b n
e ɑı s ŋ
ı ɔı k p
ı‫׃‬ ıǝ d r
ʌ eǝ f t
ɑ‫׃‬ ʊǝ g ∫
ɒ jʊǝ ʤ ʧ
ɔ‫׃‬ ǝʊ ʒ v
ʊ ɑʊ h w
u‫׃‬ ɑʊǝ j z
ju‫׃‬ ɑıǝ l θ
ǝ m ð

Типы слога
( для ударных одиночных гласных букв)
I тип слога II тип слога III тип слога IV тип слога
(открытый) (закрытый) глас+r+согл гласн.+r+гласн.
Aa [eı] [æ] [ɑ‫]׃‬ [eǝ]

hate hat car care

Oo [ǝʊ] [ɒ] [ɔ‫]׃‬ [ɔ‫]׃‬

note not port pore

Ee [ı‫]׃‬ [e] [ɜ‫]׃‬ [ıǝ]

he hen her here

Ii [ɑı] [ı] [ɜ‫]׃‬ [ɑıǝ]
time Tim fir fire
Uu [ju‫]׃‬ [ʌ] [ɜ‫]׃‬ [jʊǝ]

tube tub purse pure

I тип слога - открытый, заканчивается на гласную букву.
( в открытом слоге гласные буквы читаются как в алфавите)
II тип слога - закрытый, заканчивается на согласную букву.
III тип слога - сочетание с буквой r + согласная
IV тип слога - сочетание с буквой r + гласная

Rules of Reading.


Kate, take a plate.
The snake is in the lake.
1. Make, take, name, rate, state, made, fade, same,
game, gate, late, plane, plate, spade, pave, save, tape, lame,
ape, ale, dame, fate, tale, dale.

Cat, cat, catch a bat.
Pat’s black cat is in Pat’s black hat.
A black cat sat on a mat and ate a fat unhappy rat.
2. Bad, man, back, lamp, band, had, hat, black,
stand, stamp, land, hand, dam, fat, fan, mat, pad, and, ant, at,
am, lap.
T. Mate, mat, late, lab, hate, hat, fade, fat, bake, back,
same, Sam; tame, dame, bad, date, pad, hat, ale,
hand, band, tale, fate, am, land, gate, spade, sad.

Mark has a smart car.
She’s art and part of the party.
3. Star, far, car, bar, start, part, cart, card, large,
charge, spark, arm, art, dark, farm, hard, park, smart.

Mary and Clare have a hare and a pear.
4. Dare, mare, rare, fare, bare, care, Mary, parents,
stare, Clare, hare.
T. Star, stare, bar, bare, car, care, Mars, mare, far,
fare, hard, hare, part, parents, large, Clare, dark,


Cake, cat, car, care; pave, pad, park, parents; ale, and, art, army;
fade, fat, farm, fare; made, mad, smart, Mary; rate, rat, art, rare;
hate, ham, harp, harem; tale, tab, tardy, tare.

It may rain today.
Save your pain.
Rack your brains.
5. Wait, rain, mail, bail, main, remain, contain, plain,
gain, gait, explain; day, may, pay, ray, way, say, clay, play.

6. Auto, pause, autumn, auk, Paul; law, saw, dawn,
pawn, maw.


7. All, small, ball, hall, wall, call, tall; halt, false,

8. Walk, talk, chalk, stalk, calk.

“ Shan’t we dance after classes ? ”, Father asked in the past.
9. Class, grass, pass, brass, glass, mass;
fast, vast, last, past, cast;
ask, task, mask, bask, flask;
after, draft, craft, afternoon, daft;
father, rather, bath, path;
grasp, grasper.

Scad, scarf, scaup, say, scale, scare, scald, cast,

plate, part, plait, plan, plaster, claw, class, clary, clasp,
false, fade, farce, farewell, faint, fat, fast, fault,

1. London is a great tourist attraction. Why?

There are a lot of attractions in London.
Trafalgar Square (площадь), The Mall, The Barbican Art
(художественная) Gallery, Marble Arch (Мраморная Арка),
concert halls (залы ) and the market stalls (рынок ) of Covent
Garden are popular places for tourists.
London is also (также) famous for its large parks and
charming gardens with rare flowers (прелестными садами и
редкими цветами).
2. What are the largest parks in London?

St. James’s Park is a charming park. It has got a lake.

Alexandra Park has got tall trees, rare flowers and
Hyde Park is a famous park in London. Marble Arch
is a gateway to the park. Hyde Park is a popular place for
Visit the amazing Queen Mary’s Gardens in Regent’s
Park. See rare and charming flowers. Visit the Rose Gardens
and the lake. Go to London Zoo. It’s also in the Park.

3. What is the largest city of the USA?

Some large cities in the USA are Los Angeles, Atlanta,

Kansas City, Salt Lake city and Albany.
New York is famous for its skyscrapers. It has got a
nickname – The Big Apple. New York has got a large park.
You can see rare animals such as pandas in the zoo in this
New York is the largest city of the USA.

4. Classify the words with the letter Aa from texts 1,2,3.

Angeles Salt largest Lake

Extremes meet.
It’s Greek to me.
1. Mete, bede, dene, feme, Pete, rede, eve, he, me,
fee, dee, she, we; emu, legal, metre, Leo, vena, wee, lever.

Ben’s the best.
Let Peg send the letter.
2. Best, send, set, sent, belt, spell, red, rest, end, met,
bed, text, tent, dent, tend, fend, egg, spend, mend, spent, ten,
net, hen.
T. Mete, met, Pete, pet, fee, fend, dene, dent, he, hen,
bede, bed, rede, red, eve, egg, she, shed, we, wet,
see, set.

I prefer her service.
Her perfume is perfect
3. Her, term, serve, merge, herd, fern, nerve, stern,
serf, herb, serge, derm, verge, perk, erst, perch,

Here’s her hero. Cheerio!
4. Here, mere, sphere, peri, serial, hero, era, Eros.
But: [eǝ] - where, there.

T. Erst, Eros, erg, era, serge, sphere, merge, mere,

perk, peri, herb, here, mercy, merely, verb, serial.


He, hen, her, here; mete, met, merge, mere; see, set,
serge, serial; eve, egg, erg, era; Pete, pen, perk, peri;
dene, dent, fern, sphere.

I see.
Yes, indeed.
5. Bee, meet, deep, beetle, feed, needle, heel, peel,
speed, need, feel, three, peeve, beef, leek, deem, meet, week.
Please be seated.
6. Read, eat, jeans, beast, sea, lead, bean, neat, seam,
beach, beat, leave, leaf, beak, seam, teach, seal, heal, east.


Dead head.
Eat at pleasure, drink with measure.
7. Head, dead, bread, ready, dread, spread, heavy,

8. They, grey, obey, bey, fey, ley; vein, reins, veil.

9. Ceil, ceiling, receive, perceive, deceive, seise.

10. Eight, weight, freight, neigh, weigh; feign, deign,

11. Few, dew, new, pew, mew, nephew, mewl.

12. Flew, blew, grew, drew, jew.


Near and dear.
Dear, dear! Hear, hear!
13. Beer, peer, deer, leer, veer; ear, dear, fear, hear,

[ǝ‫[ = ]׃‬ɜ‫]׃‬

14. Learn, earn, pearl, early, heard, hearse, learnt.

Eve, ear, end, era, early, egg, eat, earn, Pete, pew,
peck, peak, peer, perk, fever, fence, feign, fear, felt,
few, tree, tend, team, tear, term, tease, receive, grey,
ceiling, they, learn, lend, leek, leery, dent, deer,
deep, dene, dew, deceive.

1. What is Alexander Graham Bell famous for?

Without (без) the telephone people had to meet (были
вынуждены встречаться, чтобы) to speak. Alexander
Graham Bell invented ( изобрел) the telephone in eighteen
seventy-seven (1877). Now people (люди) have telephones,
and they don’t need (им не нужно) to meet every time
(каждый раз, когда) they want to speak.
Alexander’s father was a speech teacher (отец был
логопедом ). Alexander was a teacher, as well. He taught the
deaf (учил глухих).

8. Match the English proverb with its Russian equivalent.

A. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

B. All’s well that ends well.
C. Health is better than wealth.
D. Better late than never.
E. East or west home is best.

a. Лучше поздно, чем никогда.

b. Друг познается в беде.
c. Здоровье важнее богатства.
d. Везде хорошо, а дома лучше.
e. Все хорошо, что хорошо кончается.

Time flies!
I quite like Mike.
1. Line, nine, five, life, time, dime, fine, side, site,
like, file, mine, sine, ride, ice.

It’s the limit!
It isn’t his business.
2. Lift, list, big, him, his, lid, did, fill, mill, bit, bid,
sick, pin, bin, bill, mist, fist, it, in.
T. Time, Tim, dime, did, like, lit, bite, bit, bide, bid,
pike, pick, site, sit, spine, spin, ride, rid; big, rite, tit, pin, pine,

[ǝ‫[ = ]׃‬ɜ‫]׃‬
First come, first served.
Sir, can I stir it ? - Certainly, sir.
3. Stir, first, third, circle, shirt, fir, firm, thirst, girl,
bird, sir.

Elvira is tired.
4. Tire, fire, hire, wire, mire, tyre, tired, shire.
T. First, fire, stir, tired, shirt, shire, third, hire, girl, sir,
wire, mire.
Life, lift, stir, tire; five, fist, first, fire; mine,
mist, mirth, mire; shine, shift, shirt, shire; dime,
did, dirty, dire; wine, win, wire.

5. Mild, wild; mind, find, kind, rind, bind, binder.

Stop fighting!
It’s not light at night.
6. Night, light, might, right, high, bight, highly,
sight, tight, wight, fight.

7. Piece, niece, chief, field, liege, mien, Riesling.


8. Trial, liar, via, bias, diamond, dial; lion, pioneer.

Nine, bill, ride, fir, fire, big, sine, pick, ice, tire,
mind, lion, piece, did, dime, high, thirst, wild, his,
file, wire, list, dial, night, chief, trial, spin, life, mire,
field, fight, pin, pine, kind, diamond, high.

1. Find the correct translation to the proverb.

First come, first served.

a. Кто первый приходит, тот и стол накрывает.
b. Кто рано встает, тому Бог дает.


Oh, no. I hope so.
No smoking.
1. Note, node, dome, tome, rote, tone, stone, pole,
bole, lone, nose, rose, home, no, vote, hope, go, close, phone,

Sorry, Polly.
She is not a polyglot, but she knows quite a lot.
2. Not, got, top, stop, dock, lock, dog, bond, stock,
log, rock, fog, lot, rot, rod, lost, slot, on, spot, clock, spot, hot.
T. Not, note, hop, hope, lone, lot, stock, stone, bone,
bond, dome, dog, lock, lonely, tone, top, rose, rock,
vote, volt.

Eat pork with a knife and a fork.
It’s important to play sports.
3. For, nor, North, sport, port, force, form, short,
cord, or, orb, born, lord, cork, fork, border, corn, lorn, pork,
scorn, tor.

What a score! What a bore!

I adore you more and more.
4. Bore, more, ore, tore, before, core, dory, fore, pore,
lore, shore, ignore, lory, gore, score, tore, spore.


Hope, hop, horse, spore; note, not, north, ignore;

lone, lot, lord, lore; rose, rock, or, shore; bole, bond,
born, bore; dome, doll, dor, dory; stone, stock,
scorn, score; tone, top, torn, tore.

5. Bold, fold, mold, told, cold, hold, gold, sold,
boldly, coldly, folder, golden, holder, oldish.

It’s cool in the room
6. Fool, doom, pool, moon, too, room, stool, boob,
boon, booth, boot, coop, coon, cool, soon, noon.

Choose this school.

It looks good.
It’s cool!
7. Book, look, nook, took, rook, cook, hook;
But: foot, good.

How now, brown cow ?
8. Town, down, brown, gown; out, about, pound, round,
loud, cloud, mouse, house.
But: would, should, could.


9. Window, pillow, yellow, narrow, low, row, bow.

But: how, now, allow.

10. Oak, boat, toast, load, coat, foam, loaf, goad, float,
goal, loan, road, goat, loam, groat.

What’s the boiling point of oil?

Join me in the voyage.
What kind of noise annoys an oyster?
A noisy noise annoys an oyster
11. Toil, boil, oil, broil, loin, moil, point, poise, soil,
voice,void, voile; boy, toy, joy, enjoy.

Come up to your Mother, my lovely son.
12. Some, come;
ton, son, front, month;
other, mother, brother, another;
love, glove, oven.


13. Ought, brought, fought, bought, nought.

[ɑʊǝ ]
Our cream sour soured four hours ago.
14. Our, sour, hour, flour ; tower, flower.

Code, cod, cord, core, cool, count, coat, coin, come,

cow; toe, top, tor, Tory, told, tool, town, toast, toil,

tower, ton; focus, fog, fort, fore, fold, food, foal, foul,
foil, fought.

1. What does Tom say about the seasons in Britain?

In spring it’s not hot and it’s not cold. We go boating (на
лодках) and cycling. A lot of frogs live in the ponds (в прудах) in
spring. Yuck!
In summer days are hot. Grown-ups grow roses in the
gardens. We go on picnics. We roast (жарим) hot dogs and
potatoes. Cold Coke with hot dogs is so tasty.
In autumn days are not hot. It is often foggy. People
collect apples and make jam.
In winter days are cold and frosty. We use hot water
bottles (грелки) in our bedrooms (в спальнях). We watch TV
and drink hot cocoa or coffee with toast.

2. Is her name Little Red Riding Hood? Why?

The girl lives in a house in the wood (в лесу). Her

mum is a good cook. She is the best cook in the world. She
cooks food for woodmen (для лесников). Dad is a woodman.
He works in the wood. The girl often walks in the wood. She
enjoy watching cuckoos. When the weather is good she walks
around the pond to collect frogs. She often goes to her granny
with a basket (с корзиной) of food: frog’s legs, potatoes, cold
coke, hot cocoa and coffee, oranges, chocolate scones and hot
porridge in the pot.

3. Classify the words with the letter Oo from the story:

House wood pot porridge cook world go

It’s the duty of the student.
1. Tube, tune, dune, mute, fuse, fume, use, due, cube,
music, student.

But: [u‫]׃‬
Blue, luce, rule, rude, rue, judo, juke, jute, June, July.

What fun!
Like fun!
Good luck!
2. Plug, gun, sum, bulb, dust, tub, flux, but, bud,
rub, mud, must, us, up, run, fun.
T. Use, us, tube, tub, tune, mute, mud, mule, dust,
duke, luck, cute, cut, music, must, cub, cube.

Turn off the gas!
It’s your turn.
3. Burn, turn, hurt, fur, spur, nurse, curl, purse, curb, surd,
lurk, purl, turf, murder, purple, surge, murk, surf, hurl, gurgle, turkey

Curiosity is incurable.
4. Cure, pure, mure, bureau, during, fury, mural;
But: [ʊǝ] - lure, jury, rural.

T. Fur, fury, murk, mure, purse, pure, burn, bureau,

curb, cure, surf, fury, murder, nurse, lure, lurk, jury,
purl, rural.



Fuse, fun, fur, fury; mute, mud, murk, mure;

puce, pub, purse, pure; bubal, bud, burn, bureau;
cube, cub, curb, cure; tube, tub, lurk, lure.

5. Pull, full, bull, fully; bush, push, cushy.


5. Guide, guess, guest, guilt, guard, guy, guild, guile,


Tub, plug, blue, flue, flux, spur, cure, cushy, pull,

fur, bud, use, during, sum, curl, cure, full, pure,
guide, judo, guard, purse, bull, guess, during, guy,
rule, June.

1. Listen to the text about Louis Armstrong to learn if
you’ve guessed right.

His birthday is July 4, 1900 (nineteen hundred).

Louis started playing music when he was 13. But he
didn’t study (не учился) in a music school. A music
instructor invited (пригласил) him to play in the school jazz
Louis liked playing such (на таких) musical
instruments as (как): the drums, the bugle, and the trumpet
But he liked to play trumpet best of all (больше
всего). He played blues and jazz tunes.
Because of his musical genius (Из-за его … гения),
the classic music of black (чернокожих) Americans has
become (стала) the music of all Americans.

Classify the words with the letter Uu from the text into
three groups:

Music July such

2. What does Laura know about Thanksgiving

( американский праздник- День Благодарения) ?
Complete the Word-Web (диаграмму).

What they do When


What they eat pumpkin pie

Thanksgiving is always on the 4th Thursday of November.
People work a lot before (перед) the holiday. Dad usually
buys the turkey. Mum stuffs (начиняет) the bird with herbs
(травами) and bread. Then she roasts it. It’s important
(Важно) not to burn the bird.
We celebrate Thanksgiving in the family circle. First,
we have a church service (идем в церковь). Then we have a
traditional Thanksgiving dinner (обед): a roast turkey,
potatoes, and popcorn. For dessert we prefer a pumpkin pie
with vanilla ice cream.

Classify the words with the letters ur, er, ir, or

into three groups:

November herbs for

Syllable 1

Make, mete, mine, mute, mode, late, legal, like, luce,

lone, rate, rede, ride, rude, rote, dame, dene, dime, dune,
dome, fate, feme, fine, fume, phone, wake, we, wine, woke,
take, time, tube, tepee, tone.
Syllable 2

Bad, bed, bid, bud, box, had, hen, hill, hut, hot, land,
lend, lid, plug, log, sand, send, sick, 8, sock, mat, met, mist,
must, smog, fat, fend, fist, fun, fog, pan, pen, pin, pub, pond.
Syllable 1,2
Like, fate, log, mist, we, tube, smog, feme, met, make,
suck, mode, bid, late, fend, legal, bad, luce, rate, box, rude,
dime, hill, land, rote, dame, pin, dene, hot, pub, dome, fat, pen,
must, fine, mete, fume, phone, wake, pond, wine, hut, woke,
take, bed, tepee, sick, bud, tone, rede, had, dune, hen, lid, plug,
sand, ride, send, mine, sock, mat, lone, fist, mute, fun, lend,
time, fog, pan
Syllable 3

Star, stern, stir, spur, sport, far, fern, firm, fur, for,
park, perk, pirn, purl, pork, hard, herd, hirst, hurt, horn, bar,
berg, bird, burn, born, card, certain, circle, curl, cord, smart,
merge, mirth, murk, morn.
Syllable 4

Mare, mere, mire, mure, more, fare, feral, fire, fury,

fore, hare, hero, hire, dare, dire, during, dory, parents, pirate,
pure, pore, share, shire, shore, care, cere, cure, core, ware,
werewolf, wire, wore.

Syllables 3, 4

Star, stare, stern, hero, stir, tired, spur, pure, sport, more, far,
fare, fern, feral, pork, core, firm, fire, card, Clare, fur, fury,
perk, mere, for, fore, pirn, pirate, purl, mure, hard, hare, herd,
here, bird, wire, hirst, hire, bar, bare, hurt, cure, horn, wore.
burn, during, park, parents.

[w ]
One word to the wise.
1. West, week, went, weak, wine, win, wave, will,

This work is worth doing.
2. Worm, work, world, word, worse, worship,
worthy, worst.

[wɔ] - [wɔ‫]׃‬
We’ll walk whatever the weather.
3. Wad, ward, waft, warp, wan, warn, wamble,
warm, wand, war; wall, walk.

4. Who, whom, whose, whole, whoop.

Why worry?
5. What, where, when, why, while, whiff, white,
whim, wheel, whip, wheat, whit, whale, whist.

Poor wretch! Wringing wet!
6. Wraith, wrap, wreck, wreak, wrestle, write, wrist,
written, wrote, wrong, wrung, wry.

1. Game, gag, garlic, gate, gallery, garden, gaily, goal, goof,
gurgle, greet, globe, goggle, gore, glass, ghost, gringo, gaggle.

George is a guy of genius!
2. Genus, gel, germ, gentle, genesis, gem, geography,
geometry, geology, George, gesture, gage;
3. Gibe, gin, giant, giraffe, ginger; gybe, gyp, gyre , gyve,
But: Geese, get, giggle, gift, gill, give, girl.

Who guessed that the guy was guilty?
4. Guard, guelder, guess, guest, guide, guild, guile,
guilty, guy.

1. Cake, candle, car, care, code, cost, cord, core,
cube, cub, curb, cure, clap, crab, clock.

2. Cede, cent, certain, cere, cease, cell, cereal, cedar,
3. Cite, cits, circa, cinema, circle, cinch, circus, city;
4. Cycle, cyclone, cyder, cyme, cygnet, cylinder

(t)ch - [ʧ]
What a charming child!
Check your watch.

1. Cheese, chin, cheek, chick, cheep, chip, reach,

rich, cheat, chit, beach, which, ranch, bench, champ, chest,
choke, chap, check, chat, cherry, chase, bunch, choice.

2. Stretch, catch, wretch, match, etch, hatch, fetch,

switch, watch.

1. Raise, pose, desire, rose, ease, nose, these, those,
chase, cease, poise, rise, dose.
sh - [∫]
Wishes don’t wash dishes.
Ashley is a shy fish.
2. Ash, shelf, shall, shell, sham, shed, cash, sheaf,
shift, sheep, ship, sheet, wish, she, shim, shy, shine,

Queen’s quiz is quite queer.
1. Quake, quack, quarrel, quarter, queen, quest,
quench, queer, query, quite, quick, quiz, quid, quire, quote,
But: Queue, cheque.

1. Knack, knave, knar, knee, knelt, knew, knight,
knife, knit, knick-knack, knob, know, knout, knuckle, knurl.

ng - [ŋ]
Bring them along.
Everything’s going wrong.

1. Sing, along, wing, sang, thing, song, ring, long,
bring, hung, strong, hang, wrong, spring, sung ; singing,
ringing, bringing, ringing, longing, hanging.

Thanks for the monkey.

nk - [kŋ]
2. Sink, rink, donkey, link, rank, think, wink,
monkey, drink, ink, thank, monk, twinkle.

1. This, that, these, those, than, then, thus, there, the,
they, their, though, weather, gather, bathe, rather, brother,
mother, father.

2. Thin, thick, think, three, throw, thumb, thriller,
thief, death, earth, path, month.

Phonetic Exercises.
1. [æ] [e]
pan - pen
man - men
bag - beg
Pat - pet
sat - set
rat - red
sand - send
than - then

2. [e] - [eı]
pen - pain
men - main
get - gate
bet - bait
wet - wait
met - mate
set - say

3. [ı‫]׃‬ - [ı]
Pete - pit
sheep - ship
heel - hill
feel - fill
cheeks - chicks
lead - lid
beat - bit

[ɜ‫]׃‬ - [ɔ‫]׃‬
firm - form
shirt - short
bird - board
turn - torn
burn - born
curl - call
word - ward
worm - warm
work - walk

5. [ɔ‫]׃‬ - [ɒ]
port - pot
sport - spot
lord - lot
haunt - hot
vault - volt
dawn - don

6. [ɑ‫]׃‬ - [ʌ]
bark - buck
cart - cut
heart - hut
bard - bud
dark - duck
lark - luck
barn - bun
last - lust

7. [u‫]׃‬ - [ʊ]
pool - pull
fool - full
boot - book
shoot - shook
wood - would
shoo - should

8. [v] - [w]
vest - west
vent - went
vine - wine
vim - whim
vile - while
verse - worse

9. [s] - [θ]
sick - thick
sink - think
sing - thing
sum - thumb
mouse - mouth
sank - thank

10. [n] - [ŋ]

thin - thing
win - wing
sin - sing
son - sung
fan - fang
ran - rang
dan - dang
Name the day.
It may rain today.
Save your pains.
No pains, no gains.

The Maze is This lake is The landscape
an amazing a famous in Wales
place place changes
for games. in Wales. from place
to place.
Pat’s black cat sat in Pat’s black hat.

A black cat sat on a mat and ate a fat unhappy rat.

A fantastic New Hampshire is

mag the land of
with the maps fantasy.
of the Alps.

She’s art and part of the party.

Shan’t we dance after classes?

The parks,
and farms
are large and

There! There!

I dare swear.

I don’t care.

Mary wears her hair long.

My parents take Shoe a little horse,

care Shoe a little mare,
of rare But let the little colt
hares. Go bare,
[ɒ] - [ɔ‫]׃‬

-Almost Not all of them.

All I’m not tall
ballgames are tall, but
for the tall I play basketball better than
-Not at all. all of them.


Oh, no!
No go.

No smoking!

Nobody knows.

Roast me a toast. I like roast toast.

They grow so slowly. I know.


Boys will be boys.

Join me in the voyage.

What’s the boiling point of oil?


It looks good.

She has good looks.

Here’s your cook-book.

in a cookery
to cook
what good


Who’ll do the rooms soon?

Do as I do.

Let’s have news of you soon.


Come up to us.

There comes the bus. Hurry up!

Nothing can be done.


Your work
in the workshop
is the worst
in the world.


Mister Brown, Mister Brown,

Come to lunch.
Are you going down town?
Could you stop and take me down?
Thank you kindly, Mister Brown.

Little mouse, little mouse,

Where is your house?
I’m a little mouse,
I have no house.

Don’t shout loud in the house. Go out!


It’s Greek to me.
Extremes meet.
Pleased to meet you.
Please be seated.
Please, feel at ease.
Meet me in the evening.

All’s well that ends well.

Better late than never.

East or west home is best.

A friend in need is a friend indeed.


Dear, dear! Hear, hear!

Near and dear.
The idea - my dear!
All’s queer here.


Time flies!

Mind your eye!

My child’s bright!

I quite like Mike.

Smile a while, and while you smile, others’ll smile,
and then there’ll be miles of smiles.

There was a young lady of Niger

Who smiled when she rode on a tiger.
They returned from the ride
With the lady inside
And the smile on the face of the tiger


It’s the limit!

It isn’t his business!

I think it’s an interesting thing.


First come, first served.

Live and learn.

Sir, can I come first?


Duty of the Student.

It is the duty of the student
Without exception to be prudent.
If smarter than his teacher, tact
Demands that he conceals the fact.
( by Edward Anthony )

My uncle Mummies munch much mush.
Russel is Monsters munch much mush.
hungry Many mummies and monsters
Have lunch must munch much mush
with us

For sure.

Well, I’m sure.


Curiosity is incurable.


Rack your brains.

It’s rather strange.

The river is running dry.


Happy holiday.

He had a hat on his head.

Her house has high windows.


Please, point my pencil.

Pete’s as pleased as Punch.
Peg’s as pretty as a picture.

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper;

If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper,
Where is the peck of pickled pepper
Peter Piper picked?

Bob’s the best.

Ben’s a bag of bones.

Betsy’s as busy as a bee.

A big black bug hit a big black bear,

A big black bear hit a big black bug.


Lily had a little lamb who liked to climb the hills.

Lily likes lollipops like her little sister.

[t] - [d]

Take it easy.

Do not disturb.

Dad’s a good driver.

Don’t take it to heart.

Don’t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.


I’ve never heard of Steve.

I’ve given Vic the best of advice.

We arrived at five.

Why worry?

One word to the wise.

We’ll walk whatever the weather.

Why do you cry, Willy?

Why do you cry?
Why, Willy? Why, Willy?
Why, Willy? Why?

Oh, wind, why do you never rest?

Wandering, whistling to and fro?
Bringing rain out of the west
From the dim north bringing snow?

Whether the weather be fine,

Whether the weather be not,
Whether the weather be cold,
Or whether the weather be hot,
We’ll weather the weather
Whatever the weather
Whether we like it or not.

When the weather is wet,
We must not fret.
When the weather is cold,
We must not scold.
When the weather is warm,
We must not storm.
But be thankful together
Whatever the weather.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

Now I wonder what you are.
Up above the sky so high
Like a diamond in the sky.

If a twist twists a twister

and the twist that twists the twister
untwists the twister,
what becomes of the twist?

Swan swam over the sea,

Swim, swan, swim!
Swan swam back again,
Well swum, swan!


Ashley is a shy fish.

Shut up, Shirley.

Wishes don’t wash dishes.

Short sails should sail surer seawards.
She sells sea shells on the seashore,
The shells that she sells on the seashore
Are sea shells, I’m sure.

The shoemaker’s shop is shut today,

Oh, what shall I do with my shoes?
The shoemaker’s shop is shut, I say
And there are big holes in my shoes.
The holes in my shoes may stop my play,
Oh, what shall I do with my shoes?

She made a sufficient impression on Sherry.

Shirley made a substantial contribution.

There was a young lady of station,

“I love men!” was her sole exclamation.
But when men cried, “You flatter!”
She replied, “Oh, no matter,
Isle of Man is the true explanation!”
( Lewis Carrol )

I don’t usually see visions.

Measure for measure.

Eat at pleasure, drink with measure.

What a pleasure?
Children? Treasure?
Work or leisure?
All to measure.
Buy a television
And be sure on this occasion
You’ll get your pleasure without measure.

Nothing’s wrong.

Bring them along.

Thanks for calling.

Everything’s going wrong.

There’s nothing like listening to birds singing spring songs.

As I was getting along, along, along

And singing a comical song, song, song,
The lane that I went
Was so long, long, long,
And the song that I sang
Was as long, long, long
And so I went singing a song.

[θ] - [s]

I can think of six thin things.

Six thin things, can you?
Yes, I can think of six thin things.
And of six thick things, too.
“This” is used for one thing near,
“That” means one thing over there,
“These” and “those” mean two or more,
“Those” are far and “these” are near.
Here’s the father, here’s the mother,
Here’s the sister, here’s the brother.
Father, mother, sister, brother -
Hand in hand with one another.


Which is which?

What a charming child!

Check your watch.

Here are two pictures which are a match.

This child’s features are my own.

There once lived two beautiful creatures

Who had most unusual features.
Their features were so much alike
That their parents and boyfriends alike
Couldn’t tell they were different creatures.


Just imagine!

Change the subject.

Jim’s just my age.

The art of Biography

Is different from Geography.
Geography is about maps,
Biography is about chaps.

Good morning!

Good morning, good morning! Good morning, good morning!

Good morning to you! I'm glad to see you!

Good morning, My Darling!

Good morning, my darling, How is your nose?

Good morning, my sweet! And how are your feet?

Good Night

Good night, Mother. Good night, Sister,

Good night, Father. Good night, Brother,
Kiss your little son. Good night, everyone

The Wise Old Owl

The wise old owl The more he heard
Sat in an oak. The less he spoke.

We Live Here

We live here, We live near,

You live near, You live here,
Tom lives so far Tom and Ray
That he goes in a car. Live far away.

One, Two...

One, two. Five, six,

Look at the shoe. Look at the bricks.
Three, four, Seven, eight,
Look at the floor. Look at the plate.

Nine, ten,
Look at the pen.

One, one, one

One, one, one, Three, three, three,
Little dog run. Birds in the tree.
Two, two, two, Four, four, four,
Cats see you. Mice on the floor.

Look at Ted

Look at Ted, Look at Kate,

He is in bed. She has a plate.
Look at Nell, Look at the box,
She has a bell. It is in a box

Father, Mother,
Sister, Brother

I have a mother, Father, mother,

I have a father, Sister, brother
I have a sister, Hand in hand
I have a brother. With one another.

Sister and Brother

When my sister was one, When my sister was three,

She could sit in the sun. She could sit up to tea.
When my sister was two, When my sister is four,
She could kiss her own shoe. I'll tell you some more.
My Dear Mummy

My dear, dear Mummy! On the eighth of March.

I love you very much. Be happy, be happy
I want you to be happy On the eighth of March!

Little Jack Horner

Little Jack Horner He put in his thumb,

Sat in a corner Pulled out a plum
Eating his birthday pie. And said, "What a good boy am I!"

My Pussy

I have a little pussy, She lives in my house,

And her coat is grey. And she never runs away.

I am a Kitten

I am a kitten, I go to sleep
I am white. Upon my mat.
I play all day, When I grow up,
But when it's night I'll be a cat.

My Little Dog

My doggy is funny, About the carpet like a ball,

My doggy is small. It never bites me
It likes to run, to hop, to roll Not at all.

Pussy-cat, pussy-cat, Pussy-cat, pussy-cat,

Where have you been? What did you do there?
I have been to Mother I frightened a little mouse
To see my little brother. Under the chair.

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