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Urban and peri-urban horticulture Factsheet 6

With micro-gardens, urban poor

“grow their own”

Leafy vegetables, tubers

and herbs grown in
simple containers help
low-income families meet
their daily needs for

fresh, nutritious produce
To boost the overall supply of Micro-gardens allow low-income
horticultural produce to the world’s families to meet their needs for
Key points developing cities, FAO promotes vitamins, minerals and plant protein
the sustainable intensification of by providing direct access to fresh,
By growing vegetables in commercial market gardening nutritious vegetables every day. They
micro-gardens, the urban poor on urban peripheries. In densely also offer a source of extra income
can improve their own food populated areas, it has a from the sale of small surpluses.
and nutrition security complementary strategy: to help
low-income households improve Highly productive, easily
Modern micro-gardening their food and nutrition security by managed
integrates horticulture growing their own vegetables in Micro-gardens are highly productive
production techniques with micro-gardens. and can be easily managed by
rainwater harvesting and “Micro-gardening” is the anyone – women, men, children,
household waste management intensive cultivation of a wide range the elderly and the disabled. Where
of vegetables, roots and tubers, no land is available, vegetables can
Micro-gardens are highly and herbs in small spaces, such be planted in a container filled with
productive, easily managed as balconies, patios and rooftops. garden soil or a “substrate” made
and can yield surplus produce While urban residents have long from local materials, such as peanut
for sale grown vegetables in backyard plots, shells, coconut fibre, rice husks,
modern micro-gardening makes coarse sand or laterite. If substrates
To be successful, micro- use of containers such as plastic- are unavailable, there is another
gardening programmes need lined wooden crates, custom-built option: growing the vegetables
to establish at the outset a tables and even old car tyres. It on water enriched with a soluble
training and demonstration integrates horticulture production fertilizer.
site and engage with public techniques with environmentally A micro-garden can be grown
and private sector support friendly technologies suited to cities, on an area of just one square
services such as rainwater harvesting and metre. Water requirements are
household waste management. modest, an important consideration
in developing cities, where good
quality water is often scarce and
Bumper harvests from one square expensive. In a year, a one square
metre metre micro-garden consumes
FAO studies show that a micro-garden of about 1 000 litres of water, or less
one square metre can produce any one of than 3 litres per day.
the following:
To ensure a regular water supply,
• around 200 tomatoes (30 kg) a year micro-gardeners can channel
• 36 heads of lettuce every 60 days rainwater into storage via a system
• 10 cabbages every 90 days of gutters and pipes. Rainwater is
• 100 onions every 120 days virtually free (after the investment in

harvesting equipment) and usually

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of good quality. From a roof of 20
sq m, growers can collect 2 000
litres of water for every 100 mm of
Emergency food supply
rainfall, enough for the year-round
During emergencies, micro-
cultivation of a micro-garden of two gardens can help displaced
square metres. people and refugees meet their
Keeping micro-gardens food needs. FAO promoted
productive is also fairly simple. They micro-gardens in Indonesia in
the wake of the 2004 tsunami
can be fertilized regularly, at no

disaster, both to improve food
cost, with compost produced from security and to provide an
household organic waste. Pests are Homeless following alternative to vegetable cultivation on salt-affected land. In
controlled by non-chemical means, the Haiti earthquake Haiti, FAO recommended micro-gardens to help homeless
including coloured sticky traps, earthquake victims “help themselves”.
insect proof nets and intercropping
with aromatic herbs that naturally
repel insects, such as basil, parsley
and mint. To be successful, micro-
gardening programmes should How home gardens improve
family food and nutrition
Leafy greens in poor barrios establish, at the outset, a training security
With FAO support, governments and demonstration centre, and Because poor urban households
and municipal authorities have identify local sources of inputs, such spend up to 80% of their income on
successfully launched micro-garden as containers, seeds, substrates food, they are highly vulnerable when
programmes in several Central and fertilizer. Creation of a local food prices rise or their incomes fall.
They are also heavy consumers of
and South American countries – a technical “help desk” (for example, cheap “convenience” foods often
programme in Caracas helped in a municipal horticulture office), deficient in micronutrients. Micro-
10 000 families in the city’s poor engagement of private sector gardens help poor families diversify
barrios to grow leafy vegetables, suppliers, and partnerships between their diet. They also increase the
cabbages, pumpkin, tomatoes and NGOs and community gardeners’ poor’s economic access to food – by
reducing family food bills, they allow
eggplant in micro-gardens. More associations contribute to the more spending on milk and meat, and
recently, urban micro-gardens have sustainability of micro-gardening provide growers with a new source of
been introduced in several African programmes. income from the sale of surpluses.
countries, including Gabon, Namibia,
Niger, Senegal and Rwanda.
FAO says low-income families
master micro-garden technology Senegal micro-gardens won international prize
very quickly. Micro-gardens are With assistance from FAO, more than 4 000 urban residents, mostly
particularly popular with women, women, have started micro-gardens in backyards and on patios
who use income from sales of and terraces in Dakar. The most popular crops are tomato, lettuce,
cucumbers for salads, mint for tea, as well as coriander, chive, green
surplus produce to improve their onion and leaf celery as condiments for stuffing fish. In 2008, the micro-
families’ well-being. Studies in gardens programme – which
Senegal found that around 35% is jointly funded by Italy
of produce is kept for home and the City of Milan – won
consumption, while the rest is sold. UN-HABITAT’s Dubai Award
for Best Practice to Improve
Typical income from a family micro- the Living Environment. The
garden of 10 sq m ranges from US$30 000 prize is being used
US$15 to US$30 a month. to consolidate and expand the

With support from an FAO project, Ripe vegetables grown in

Cairo residents have grown an micro-gardens in inner-city

estimated 6 000 sq m of micro-gardens Dakar

on the city’s rooftops


Programme for Urban and

Peri-urban Horticulture (UPH)

Plant Production and Protection

Division (AGP)
Food and Agriculture Organization
of the United Nations
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00153 Rome, Italy
This factsheet was prepared by
Wilfried Baudoin, of FAO’s Plant Production email:
and Protection Division

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