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Plan 362

GIS and Remote Sensing Studio

Working Procedure of Digitizing a Map in GIS Software

Submitted by;

Md. Muniruzzaman Munir

Student ID: 1215010

Level: 3 Term 1

Date of Submission: 13th October, 2015

Department of Urban and Regional Planning

Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology

Working procedure for digitizing the map of Netrakona and Sunamganj district in GIS:

1. Folder making
First of all a folder was where the base map was copied and all the files had been
saved related to the mapping within this file
2. Folder connection
Opening the Arc Map10 first of all folder was connected with the folder made before.
3. Adding Data
Going to Add Data option the base map was added.
4. Geo-referencing:
After adding the base map geo-referencing was finished. Geo-referencing was found
in “Data frame properties” option in “View” option. Going to “co-ordinate system”
and then “predefined” option geo-referencing was done. As the map was of two
districts Bangladesh geo-referencing was finished selecting “Everest-Bangladesh”. To
complete geo-referencing the actual co-ordinate of the selected points of the map was
converted to decimal degree and then these points had been located systematically.
Here four co-ordinates had been located, At the time of geo-referencing the “Auto
Adjust” option was deselected.
5. Rectifying
After completion of geo-referencing the map was rectified creating rectified
tif.image. The file name was renamed at the time of saving. The JPEG image layer
could be removed or not at the time of digitizing.
6. Map projection
It is so important to project the map correctly. To project the map going to “View”
option, then “Data frame properties”. There were some predefined projection system.
But for projecting this map a manual projection system had been done named BTM.
Different parameters was selected and projected at specific place.
7. .Export file
Right clicking on the projected map layer stayed in table of contents “Data” option
was found. Then going here map has been exported. A notification bar was faced
before saving the exported map. It was cared that “data frame (current)” option was
selected and then selecting exact location the exported map was saved.
To check whether the map is correctly projected or not, going map properties it was
seen whether the source is correctly selected or not.
8. Digitizing
Now the main work digitizing was started. Before digitizing the map it was needed to
create the shape file that we were going to display in the map. Here four shape files
were made named boundary District, Roads, LGED Growth center and Food
Godown. To create the shape file going to the folder connection and then going to
“New” option shape file was created. Here for displaying district boundary and roads
“Line” feature and for displaying LGED growth center and Food godown “Point”
feature were selected.
After completion of making shape file it was needed to digitize the features of
interest. To perform it “Editor” toolbar was opened. Then editing started. Going to
“Create features” option the features of interested were digitized. Before digitizing the
selected districted s were zoomed in from the base map.
Here the color and size of shape file were changed for the clear display.
9. Layout view
Then it was needed to print out the map. For this the digitized map view in “Layout
view”. At first the page was set up. For setting up the page going to “File” option,
then “Print and page set up” the size of the map was selected “A4” and the orientation
was selected “Portrait”.
Then it was needed create the layout view the correctly. Layout view could be done in
two ways. One by using “Tool bar” and another by “Layout bar”. The layout bar was
used for making change whole layout view and the tool bar was used for making
change within the layout area for the particular area.
Using zoom in, zoom out option the exact map was selected for display.
10. Addition of elements of map
There are four main elements of map named title, north sign, legend and the scale.
All these were done going to “Insert” option.
Here “Grid” was also made for the proper projection of the map using 20minutes
11. Export the map
To print out the map, the map was needed to export. To perform this going to “File
option”, then map was exported. Then a JPEG file was got.
12. Selection of relative path
The map was needed to run in several computers. For this selection of relative path
was needed. Going to “File” option and then going to “Map document properties” the
relative path was selected. Then the map could be run in any computer

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