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Project Management



Once you have downloaded the application, install the

application on your server and sign in to your dashboard.
•Add your customers by going to the Clients view. You
can access any view by clicking on the menus from the
left sidebar.
•Add your projects from the Projects view. Once you
have created any project you are ready to add tasks,
mile stones, files, comments, notes and invoices to the
project. If you would like to track the time of your
project, simply you can use the start timer button
located in each project details view.
•Do you have a team and you want to collaborate with
them? You can invite or add manually your team
members from the eam members view. Once you've
added the team members then you can add the
members in your projects, assign them to tasks, send
messages, share ideas and files, store their personal,
social and work information, etc.
•Do you want to track attendance or daily time reporting
of your team members? This application makes easy to
time reporting. The team members can report the daily
time cards by using the Clock In and Clock Out
button located in dashboard. They can also submit the
leave applications for their absences.
•You can create invoices and send the invoices to your
clients from the Invoices view. Make sure you have
configured your email settings before sending any
•Do you interested to provide a smart support to your
customers? There is a client portal in this application.
Your clients can login to the client portal and submit
their support tickets. You can easily manage the tickets
from the Support tickets view.
•To make this application more suitable to you please
have a look at the Settingspage and change the
settings according to your needs.

Server Requirements:

• PHP v7.2+

• MariaDB/ MySQL

• MySQLi PHP Extension

• Latest cURL PHP Extension

• Latest mbstring PHP Extension

• Latest OpenSSL PHP Extension

• date.timezone setting in php.ini (Set any timezone in

date.timezone. Ex: date.timezone = "America/New_York" )

Quick Installation Guide

• Unzip the which you have downloaded

• Upload the files to your sever using any FTP client.
• The file structure should be look like this:
• /application
• /assets
• /documentation
• /files
• /system
• /updates
• /index.php
• Create a MySql Database via your web hosting providers
Control Panel (e.g.cPanel). Once you have created the database,
remember the following information:
• Database Name
• Database Username
• Database Password
• Open your web browser and enter the url
( or in the address bar.
• Then enter the database details which you have collected earlier.
Finally, enter your name, email and password which will be
required to login in the application. Then click on the Finish
button and wait a while. The system will create necessary tables
in database, files and configuration.

• Easily accessible UI
• Dashboard customization
• Project management
• Client management
• Team management
• Team conversation
• Private messaging with team members and clients
• Tasks, milestones, gantt, notes, files and customer
• Project time sheet and time tracker
• Drag and drop facility for files
• Custom Fields
• Quick add from top bar
• Custom language selection for all user
• Web and email notifications
• Push notification
• Client portal
• All reports of any client in a single page
• Informative profile page for client contacts
• Estimate requests
• Estimates
• Support tickets
• Email piping for tickets
• Invoice management
• Invoice pdf, online payment (PayPal and Stripe)
• Expense & payments report
• Custom role (permissions) for team members
• Event calendar
• Private notes
• Customizable email templates
• Timecard/attendance management
• IP restriction for timecard entry
• Leave management
• Team member's details view
• Announcement/notice management
• Report printing and export
• Dynamic graph and visual report
• Activity logs for projects
• Install updates in a click
• Enable/Disable modules
• Help & Support
• Google Drive Integration
• Fully responsive on devices
• Codeigniter 3.1.10
• And more...
You can create or customize your dashboard as like as you want.

You can create and manage your customers in clients section.
List of Clients

1. Create new client using theAdd client button.

2.Search the existing clients which already added in this
3.To see the details information of the client click on the
Company name link.
4.If you need to edit the client's information you can do it using
the edit button.
5.To delete the client use the delete button. Once you click on the
button, the system will delete the client and you will have a
chance to undo the action within 10 seconds. If you don't undo
the action, the system will delete the client permanently and
you will not be able to revert the client anyway!
6.If you want to save the clients list in Excel file, you can simply
click on this button and the visible clients in the table will be
7.If you need to print the clients list, click on the print button.
8.You can define the rows per page of the table from here.
9.You can filter the clients with your desired client groups.

Add new client

1.The company name is an organization you or your organization

works for. Even if your client is a person you have to add the
information as a company. After creating any client you can add
contacts of that client.
2.You can define different currency for different clients. It's
useful when you are working with a foreign client which
currency symbol is different from your default currency
symbol. By default the invoices of the client will be generated
using the default currency symbol if you don't define any
currency symbol with that specific client.

Client Details
1. The contacts tab contains the list of contacts of the client. You
can add one or more contact by clicking on the Add contact
2. To send an invitation to any user for the client, use theSend
invitation button.
3.Client info tab contains all the informations of the client. You
can check/edit the informations from here.
4.Projects tab contains all projects of the client.
5.Invoices tab contains all invoices of the client.
6.Payments tab contains all payments of the client.
7.Estimates tab contains all estimates of the client.
8.Estimate Requests tab contains all estimate requests of the
client. Which are requested from client or added by team
9.Tickets tab contains all tickets of the client.
10.Notes tab contains your personal notes with the client. Please
note that, this won't be visible to client.
11.Files tab contains your personal files with the client. This also
won't be visible to client.
12.Events tab contains all of your events with the client.
13.To delete any contact from the client, use the delete button.
Once you delete any contact you can undo the action within 10
seconds. If you don't undo the action the contact will be deleted
from the client permanently and the contact will not be able to
login in the client portal.
You can create and manage your projects here.

List of Projects

1.Create new project using the Add project button.

2.To see the details information of the project click on the project
title link.
3.By default the deadline color is black. If the deadline expires by
today then the deadline color will be changed to orange and all
expired deadline will be red color for non-completed projects.
4.The progress bar indicates the total progression of the project.
To generate this progress bar, we calculate the total completed
and non-completed tasks. The tasks points are important to
calculate the progression.
Example: If there are 10 tasks with 1 point in each tasks, the
project's total point will be 10. Whenever 5 of the tasks gets
completed (Task status = Done), the total progress of the project
will be (5*100)/10 = 50%.
Same logic applied on the milestone progress bar.
5.To filter the projects quickly, you can click on the status
dropdown. From there, it's possible to see multiple or single
status's projects.
6.You can filter the projects by deadline from here.
7.You can filter the projects list by the given labels of projects
from here.

Project Details

1. To track the project time you can use the Start time button.
Once you click on the Start time button the timer will be
turned on. When you want to stop tracking the time you have to
click on the Stop timer button.
2.You can edit, clone or change the status of project from the
options dropdown.
3.The project progression chart represents the total progression of
the project.
4.You can see the total tasks status of the project from the chart.
5.Activity timeline represents the project history.
6. To add new member in this project, click on the Add member
button and select the user.


1.Create new task using the Add task button.

2.You can use this check-box to make a task as done by instantly.
3. Suppose you want to change milestones, assigned to, status or
other informations for multiple tasks. Then you can simply use
this Batch update button. After clicking on this, a selection
panel will be appear just beside the tasks. After choosing your
desired tasks, click on the Batch update button. Then a modal
window will be open. From there, you could select and change
which fields you want to change.
4.To see the details information of the task, click on the task title

1. Create new milestone using the Add milestone button.

2.When all tasks of the milestone will be completed, the
milestone's color will be Green.
3.If the milestone's deadline is expires by today and there has
non-completed tasks with this, then the color will be Red.
4.The progress bar indicates the total progression of the
milestone. To generate this progress bar, we calculate the total
completed and non-completed tasks with the associated
milestones. The tasks points are important to calculate the
Here applied the same logic which to generate project's
progress bar.

Customer feedback
You can easily receive customer feedback from your client or you
can add a customer feedback to your client.
You can create and manage estimates from the Estimate List under
Estimates menu. Only admin and allowed team members can access
the Estimates page. And the clients can see only their own estimates.
Admin can define the role of a member to access the estimates.
On the estimate's details page, you can add as many items as you
need like invoices.
When you sent an estimate to your client, the client or you can
accept/reject it. After accepting the estimate, you can easily create
invoice or project from the Actions dropdown.
Estimate requests
In this application, you or your clients can easily create or manage
Estimate requests. This is located under Estimates menu.
To create an estimate request, first you've to create a Form from
Estiamte Forms under Estimates menu. You can create as many
forms as you want. Which forms you'll mark as public, will be
available to any user even whose are logged out from the app.
Then you can request an estimate by selecting your desired form and
filling out. Client's also could do the same.
After getting/submitting estimate request, you can easily add
Estimates from there or change the status of the estimate request.
Invoices & Payments
You can create and manage your invoices from the Invoices menu.

List of Invoices

1. Create new invoice using the Add invoice button.

2.To see the details information of the invoice click on the invoice
id link.
3. The invoice status represents the different states of the invoice.
By default any invoice will be create with Draft status. Once
you sent the invoice to the client then the invoice status will be
changed to Sent. Once you receive any payment the invoice
status will be changed to Fully paid or Partially Paid. When
you cancelled the invoice then the invoice status will be
4.There could be many invoices with different clients. And the
currency of the clients could also be different. With this filter,
you can easily see your selected currency's invoices.
Please note that, this filter won't be visible if there is only a
single currency used for all clients.

Invoice Details

1. To add any item/product in the invoice, click on Add item

2.If you want to edit the inserted item, you can click on the edit
button of invoice item row.
3.By clicking on delete button in invoice item row, you can delete
the item from the invoice.
4. To send a pdf copy of the invoice to the client, click on the
Email invoice to client menu.
5. You can download a pdf version of the invoice using the
Download PDF menu.
6. If you want to see the invoice pdf instead of download, you can
simply use the Invoice Preview menu.
7. You can print the invoice instantly using the Print invoice
8. To edit any information in the invoice click on the Edit invoice
menu under the Actions dropdown.
9. To make the invoice as cancelled, you can use Mark as
cancelled menu. After clicking on the menu, a confirmation
modal dialog will be appear. If you confirm from there, this
action can't be undone and the invoice will mark as cancelled.
10.By clicking on the Add payment button you will get a modal
to add payment in the invoice.
11.You can add Discount in the invoice from here. You can add
this after/before tax with a fixed amount/percentage.
In this application the expenses are located in under the Finance
menu. Click on the Expenses menu to access the expenses page.
Only admin and allowed team members can access the Expenses
page. Admin can define the role of a member to access the expenses.
The expenses view represents a list of expenses. Admin can add new
expense categories from the Settings section.
Support Tickets

In this application you can create any support ticket on behalf of

your client or client can create any support ticket for himself.

List of Tickets

1. Create new ticket using the Add ticket button.

2. To see the details information of the ticket click on the ticket
title link.
3.You can filter the tickets list with the created date from here.
4.You can filter the tickets list by the given labels of tickets from
5.If you want to see a specific team member's tickets, then you
can simply use this filter.
6.If there is no member assigned with the ticket, you can assign to
yourself in this ticket instantly by clicking this option from drop
down menu. Please note that, this will only be visible if there is
no member assigned with the ticket and you can assign to the
permitted members by editing the ticket anytime.
Team Members
Using this application you can manage your team members easily.

There are two views for team members.

1.Whenever you want to add a new team member in this
application, you can send invitation to the users email. The user
will get an email with the signup instructions.
2. Instead of sending invitation to the team members, you can add
any team member manually, using the Add member button.
3. To view the details of any team member, click on the view
details link.

Team member's Details

In team member’sdetails view, you can see the details information

about any member at a glance.
1. The Timeline tab represents all the posts of the member.
2. You can view or update the basic information of the member
from theGeneral Infotab.
3. Manage social links from the Social Links tab.
4. You can manage the login or access role from the the Accounts
settings tab.
5. The Job info tab represents the job title, salary and the other
job related information.
6. To see the details list of the member's attendance, check the
Time cards tab.
7. From the Leave tab, you can see the details leave history for the
team member.
All team members can send message to any team member. There are
no restrictions to send messages for member to member.
Admin can control the messaging rule between team members and
clients. From the Client settings, admin can set who can
communicate with the clients. Only the selected members will be
allowed to send/receive message to/from the clients.
Whenever you receive any new message, a notification icon will be
appeared in the top right section in the application.
Events & Notes


The events page represents a calendar with all events. You can add
new event in the calendar. Click on the calendar date to add any
event on that specific date. You can define different colors for
different events to make the view easier to see.
By clicking on any event, you can see the details information about
that event.

There are two kinds of note in this application. In dashboard, you

can save any quick note in Sticky Note. In this application all notes
are private (Only you can see your notes).
There are other notes in the Notes page. You can add any private
note here. If you add any note in any projects that notes also will be
appeared in the notes list.
Timeline is a collaboration/conversation area of the team members.
All team members can see this view. It's a best place to share any
idea or files among the team members.

To share any file you can click on Upload File button or drag and
drop files on the box. By default all file types are not supported to
upload in the application. Admin can set the settings of accepted file
formats in General Settings section.
Time Cards
The time cards section represents the attendance or total time log of
each team members. Any team member can start clock from the
dashboard by clicking on Clock In button. Once he/she clicks on the
Clock In button the timer count starts. After clicking on the Clock
Out button the timer stop counting the time for the team members.

Admin or allowed members can add time manually for any team
If admin wants to set any IP restriction for this module then he/she
can set the allowed IP addresses in the IP Restriction Settings
Section Under the Settings menu. Admin users are not applicable for
this restriction. The admins are allowed to access the time card
Clock In/Out from any IP address. The system will check the IP
address of the non-admin team members.
This application allows the leave management facility for the team
members. The team member can apply for leave and the admins or
superiors can approve/reject the leave application. Admins and
superiors can also assign leave for subordinates. Admin can create
various leave types from the Leave types Setting.
1. Apply a new leave using the Apply leave button.
2. Admins or allowed members can assign leave for team
members using the Assign leave button.
3.To see the details information of the leave, click on this icon.
From there, allowed members can approve/reject the leave.
Please note that, once it'll be approved/rejected this operation
can't be undone or change.
4.All applications tab contains all of the leave applications.
5.Summary tab contains the yearly summery chart of approved
leave applications.
This application provides the announcement publishing feature. The
admins and selected team members can create new announcement
for team members and/or clients.
The published announcement will be appeared in dashboard of each
user. Once the user clicks on the announcement then it will not be
appear in dashboard again. But the users can see the announcement
from the Announcements menu anytime.

The application has various types of settings to make suitable
according to your work. Here are some basic introductions about the
General Settings

• General:In this section, you can change the application logo,

title, localization settings, file type restriction and the item
purchase code.
• Email:This setting is for out-going emails. All emails will be
sent using the settings. You can use either the default mail
sending method of your server or SMTP.
• Email templates:The application has some default email
templates which are using to send different emails. You can
change the appearance of the email templates as you like.
• Modules:You can enable/disable your desired modules from
• Cron Job:You can enable cron job at your server by coping the
link or using command from here. Please note that, cron job is
must necessary if you enable anything which contains a toltip
"Cron Job is required for this action!".
• Notifications:This setting has a broad description. Please check
• Integration:You can integrate some cool APIs from here.
Please check integration tab from menu for explained
• Updates: Please checkthis for upgrading guide.

Access Permission

• Roles: It's a setting to set different access permission for

different users. To add any role click on the Add role button.
Once you create any role then you can set permission to the role
by clicking on the role. You'll see different types of access
permission and you can choose in your own way. After defining
the roles you can set the role to any team member. Each team
member can have one role at a time. By default all team
members has the Team Member role. To change the role of any
team member, go to the team member’s details view and click
on the Account settings tab and choose your desired role for
the member.
• Team: You can create teams with your team members. So, you
can assign role on several team(s), share events and much more.
• IP Restriction: If you would like to prevent accessing the
Clock In/Clock Out of Time card from unauthorized IP, you can
add authorized IP address here.

• Client permissions: In this area you can control the client

login/signup and the message sending rule between client and
team members.
• Client groups: Here you can create client groups. So, you can
easily choose your desired client groups with your clients.


• Custom fields: You can create custom fields for various items
as your wishes. There has 8 types of field type. You can also
give permissions to them that, if they will show on tables or not
and visibility to users. Then they will appear on add/edit item
screens and tables according to the permissions.
• Tasks: You can create task status from here. Then you can
select the task status from the add/edit task screen.
• Events: You can enable Google Calendar API for per users
from here.
• Leave types: You can create various leave types from here. 
• Tickets: You can create various ticket types and modify ticket
settings from here. For IMAP integration, please check this.
• Expense Categories:There could be various expense types in
your business; you can add the types here.
• Invoice:There has some invoice settings to make things ease.
You can change your invoice logo, invoice style, invoice
reminders and more.
• Payment Methods: To receive any payment through invoice
the payment methods are required. Add your required payment
methods in this section.
• Company: You can setup your company informations from
here. Then it'll be available on Invoices and Estimates.
• Taxes: In this application the taxes are using in Invoices and
Estimates. You can define different taxes name and percentage
You can customize the app notifications. Please have a look at
Settings>Notification setting. There are options for email and web
notification for all events. You can enable both or as you prefer.

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