For Administrator

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Hi Aravinda,

As per our discussion yesterday, here is what we have now.

The initial synopsis submitted to the respective authority contains

>> A web based tool build on PHP and MySQL

>> Tool will essentially ease & automate resoure management function in small IT/BPO
>> Resource management function includes

Employee Database Management - Adding/Editing/Deleting Employee data,

Employee self access & access controls
Employee Leave Management - Leave tracker automation
Employee Attendance tracker - Helps in calculating the salary
Employee Benefits trackers - Benefits like overtime, sales, extra
efforts related data gets captured and gets calculated accordingly for
pay roll processing.

For Administrator :

• Update the calendar by adding holidays, special events etc

• Assign work/project to a group or an individual
• Modify & Reassign work/projects

For User/Employees:

• View Calendar events

• View assigned projects
• Request for change in project assignments
• Project/work completion updation.

These are the few guidelines laid by the university

Content of the project should be relevant and specify particularly

with reference to work, analysis, design, coding, testing and
implementation strategies done. Project report should be contains the
following things
• Organizational overview (of the client organization, where applicable)
• Description of the present system
• Limitation of the present system
• The proposed system-Its advantage and features
• Context diagram of the proposed system
• Top level DFD of the proposed system with at least one additional
level of expansion
• Menu tree
• Program list(sample code of major function used)
• Files or table(for DBMS projects) list. class names to be entered
for each file OO systems
• List of the fields or attributed(for DBMS projects)in each file or table
• Programs –file table that shows the files/tables used by each
program and the file are read, written to updated, queried or reports
were produced from them.
• Screen layout for each data entry screen
• Report formats for each report

This is what we have in our mind however if you have something close
to, which I could see in that as web based Resource Management tool in
PHP ( mentioned as PHP in that site), which you said , you have it in
ASP.. we can replicate the same with some minor changes and get the
job done. Expecting a quicker reply on this

Thanks so much

Shihas M


For Administrator :


Employee Salary Management

Salary statement

Generate salary slip

Bonus details

Salary cash statement


PF details

Tax calculation

Salary cheque statement

Employee Profile and Leave Management

Employee joining details

Current position & job profile

Employee address details

Defined leave types

Leave application

Leave rules
Leave balance details

Leave approvals

Employee Time Management

Late coming, early going and absence


Overtime details

Employee shift details

Employee training details

Additional Features

Generate company details report

Generate employee details reports

Generate employee payroll payslip

Generate employee training pass

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