Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje Sena Ficha de Caracterización 2083972 Maria Clara Jaimes Leal Marlon Mariano Jaimes Leal

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Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje Sena

Ficha de Caracterización 2083972

Maria Clara Jaimes Leal

Marlon Mariano Jaimes Leal


The text analyzes the characteristics of the seller and how to achieve a marketing

success, therefore, part of the basis of obtaining information as key to success for a

Marketing Plan, following nine steps. The first step is to explore current industry trends,

expectations, government participation, major changes, technological advances as the

basis for starting a strategy. Step number two is to analyze your customers and get the

best answers and the best possible advice. The third and fourth steps relate because they

run around to analyze their competitor and analyze himself and analyze himself,

developing in external and internal fields.

Step number five is to prepare your marketing plan at this stage, you decide your

long-term strategy, as well as in the short term, all this to reach step six which is

Implement, developing in the understanding of being in contact with the market, as well as

people involved and anticipating any negativity, as well as capitalizing on any positives

that develop during implementation. By doing this, you are ensuring a fluid flow of the

marketing plan.

Step Seven Monitoring raises the need to monitor the market and its customers to

be able to explore opportunities that refers to step eight, where each of these steps can be

varied priorities.

To finish step nine, run a schedule and the implementation depends solely on the

information and there lies the key to marketing success.

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