Surah Mulk Translation 1-30

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Surah Al-Mulk

‫ا ۡل ُم ۡل ُك‬ ‫ِبيَ ِد ِه‬ ‫الَّ ِذ ۡى‬ ‫ت َ ٰب َر َك‬

The kingdom In His hand The one who Blessed is 1
Blessed is He, the one in whose hand is the Kingdom

‫قَ ِد ۡي ُر‬ ‫َو ُه َو ع َٰلى ك ُِل ش َۡى ٍء‬

Always all thing every upon He and
able is

and He is all able upon every thing

ََ‫ۡال َم ۡوتَ َو ۡال ََ ٰيو‬ َ َ‫َخل‬
‫ق‬ ‫الَّ ِذ ۡى‬ 2
The life and The death He the one
created who

The one who has created the death and the life

ؕ ‫ع َم اًل‬ َ َۡ َ ‫ا‬
َ ‫س ُن‬ ‫اَيُّك ُۡم‬ ‫ِليَ ۡبلُ َوك ُۡم‬
in deed is best Which of So that He test
you you all

So that He tests you, which of you is best in deed

‫ۡالغَفُ ۡو ُر‬ ‫ۡالعَ ِز ۡي ُز‬ ‫َو ُه َو‬

The Most The Always He is and
forgiving all mighty

and He is always all mighty, the most forgiving

‫ت ِِبَققاق‬ َ ‫س ۡب َع‬
ٍ ‫س ٰم ٰو‬ َ َ‫الَّ ِذ ۡى َخل‬
َ ‫ق‬ 3
In layers skies seven He The one
created who

The One who created seven skies in layers

ٍ ‫ت َ ٰف ُو‬
ؕ‫ت‬ ‫الر َۡ ٰم ِن ِم ۡن‬
َّ ‫ق‬ ۡ
ِ ‫فِ ۡى َخ‬
‫ل‬ ‫َمق ت َ ٰرى‬
any from of the most creation in You see not
disharmony merciful

You do not see any disharmony in the creation of the Most Merciful

ُ ُ‫ف‬
‫ِ ۡو ٍر‬ ‫َه ۡل ت َ ٰرى ِم ۡن‬ َ َ‫فَ ۡقر ِج ِع ۡالب‬
‫ص َر‬
any from You see do the vision so return

So return the vision [to the sky]; do you see any crack?
َ َ‫ۡار ِج ِع ۡالب‬
‫ص َر َك َّرت َ ۡي ِن‬ ‫ث ُ َّم‬ 4
twice The vision return then

Then return [your] vision twice.

‫س ۡير‬
ِ ََ ‫َّو ُه َو‬ َ َ‫اِلَ ۡي َك ۡالب‬
ِ ‫ص ُر َخق‬
‫سًئ اق‬ ‫يَ ۡنقَ ِل ۡب‬
exhausted It is while disgraced The Towards it will
vision you return

The vision will return to you disgraced while it is exhausted.

‫صق ِب ۡي َح‬
َ ‫ِب َم‬ ‫ال ُّد ۡنيَق‬ ‫س َمق ٓ َء‬
َّ ‫ال‬ ‫َزيَّـنَّق‬ ‫لَـقَ ۡد‬ ‫َو‬
With lamps The nearest The sky We have Certainly and

And certainly We have decorated the nearest sky with lamps

‫ِللش َّٰي ِِ ۡي ِن‬ ‫ُر ُج ۡو امق‬ ‫َو َجعَ ۡل ٰن َهق‬

For the devils Shooting stars We have and
made them

And We have made them as shooting stars for the devils

‫س ِع ۡي ِر‬
َّ ‫ال‬ َ َ‫عذ‬
‫اب‬ َ ‫لَ ُه ۡم‬ ‫َو ا َ ۡعت َ ۡدنَق‬
blazing fire punishment For them We have and

And We have prepared for them punishment of blazing fire

ؕ‫َج َهنَّ َم‬ ُ َ‫عذ‬
‫اب‬ َ ‫ِب َر ِب ِه ۡم‬ ‫َكفَ ُر ۡوا‬ ‫ِللَّ ِذ ۡي َن‬ ‫َو‬ 6
Of Hellfire Punishment In their Lord they For those and
disbelieved who

And for those who disbelieved in their Lord is punishment of Hellfire

‫ۡال َم ِص ۡي ُر‬ َ ‫ِب ًۡئ‬

‫س‬ ‫َو‬
The destination How bad and

And how bad is the destination

‫تَفُ ۡو ُر‬ ‫ِه َى‬ ‫َّو‬ ‫ش َِه ۡيقاق‬ ‫لَ َهق‬ ‫س ِمعُ ۡوا‬
َ ‫فِ ۡي َهق‬ ‫ا ُ ۡلقُ ۡوا‬ ‫اِذَ ۤا‬
flares up It And/ Inhaling sound to it they heard Into it They were when
while of groaning thrown

When they are thrown into it, they will hear its inhaling sound of groaning while it flares up
ؕ‫ۡالغَ ۡي ِظ‬ ‫ِم َن‬ ‫ت َ َميَّ ُز‬ ‫ت َ َكق ُد‬ 8
The rage from It bursts It is about

Its about to burst with rage

‫نَ ِذ ۡير‬ ‫يَ ۡقتِك ُۡم‬ ‫اَلَ ۡم‬ ‫َخ َزنَـت ُ َه ۤق‬ ‫سقَلَ ُه ۡم‬
َ ‫فَ ۡوج‬ ‫فِ ۡي َهق‬ ‫ا ُ ۡل ِق َى‬ ‫ُكلَّ َم ۤق‬
Any He comes Did not Its keepers He asked A group Into it It was whenever
warner to you them thrown

Whenever a group is thrown into it, its keepers (will) ask them, did any warner not come to you?
‫نَ ِذ ۡير‬ ‫َجق ٓ َءنَق‬ ‫قَ ۡد‬ ‫بَ ٰلى‬ ‫قَقلُ ۡوا‬ 9
A warner he came to Indeed yes they
us said
They will say, Yes! A warner has come to us

ۚۖ ‫ش َۡى ٍء‬ ‫ِم ۡن‬ ُ‫ّللا‬

ٰ ‫نَ َّز َل‬ ‫َمق‬ ‫قُ ۡلنَق‬ ‫َو‬ ‫فَ َكذَّ ۡبنَق‬
Anything From Allah He sent down Not We said And but we

But we denied and said, Allah did not sent down anything

‫َك ِب ۡي ٍر‬ ‫ض ٰل ٍل‬

َ ‫ِف ۡى‬ ‫ا ََِّّل‬ ‫ا َ ۡنت ُ ۡم‬ ‫ا ِۡن‬
great misguidance in except You all not

You all are not except in a great misguidance

‫س ِع ۡي ِر‬
َّ ‫ال‬ ‫ب‬ ۡ َ‫ا‬
ِ َٰ ‫ص‬ ‫ِف ۡۤى‬ ‫ُكنَّق‬ ‫َمق‬ ‫نَ ۡع ِق ُل‬ ‫ا َ ۡو‬ ‫نَ ۡس َم ُع‬ ‫ُكنَّق‬ ‫َو قَقلُ ۡوا لَ ۡو‬ 10
The blazing companions In/ We not We or We listen We If only They and
fire among were understand were said

And they will say, if only we had listened or understood we would not have been among
the companions of blazing fire

‫ِبذَ ۡن ِب ِه ۡم‬
‫س ِع ۡي ِر‬
َّ ‫ال‬ ۡ َ‫َِّل‬
ِ َٰ ‫ص‬
‫ب‬ ُ َ‫ف‬
‫س َۡقاق‬ ۡ َ‫ف‬
‫قعت َ َرفُ ۡوا‬ 11
The blazing For So curse/ with their sin Then they
fire companions distance recognized

Then they will recognize their sin, so curse for the companions of blazing fire
‫َك ِب ۡير‬ ‫َّو ا َ ۡجر‬ َ‫َّم ۡغ ِف َر‬ ‫لَ ُه ۡم‬ ِ ‫ِب ۡقلغَ ۡي‬
‫ب‬ ‫َربَّ ُه ۡم‬ ‫يَ ۡخش َۡو َن‬ ‫الَّ ِذ ۡي َن‬ ‫ا َِّن‬
great A reward and forgiveness For them In the Their Lord They fear Those indeed
unseen who

Indeed, those who fear their Lord in the unseen, for them is forgiveness and a great reward.
ٖؕ ؕ ‫ِب‬ ۡ
‫اج َه ُر ۡوا‬ ‫ا َ ِو‬ ‫قَ ۡولَـك ُۡم‬ ‫س ُّر ۡوا‬
ِ َ‫ا‬ ‫َو‬ 13
With it You make or Your speech You keep and
public private

And if you keep private your speech or make it public

‫صد ُۡو ِر‬

ُّ ‫ال‬ ِ ‫ِبذَا‬
‫ت‬ ‫ع ِل ۡي ۢۡم‬
َ ٖؕ ٗ َّ‫اِن‬
Of the With Always all Indeed
chests possessor knowing He

indeed He is all knowing about what is in the chests.

َ ؕ َ‫َخل‬
‫ق‬ ‫َم ۡن‬ ‫يَ ۡعلَ ُم‬ ‫ا َ ََّل‬ 14
He who He Would
created knows not

Would not He know, who created?

‫ۡال َخ ِب ۡي ُر‬ ُ ‫اللَّ ِِ ۡي‬

‫ف‬ ‫َو ُه َو‬
The always all The always all He is and
aware subtle/perceiving

and He is the subtle all aware

‫ذَلُ ۡو اَّل‬ َ ‫ۡاَّلَ ۡر‬
‫ض‬ ‫ُه َو الَّ ِذ ۡى َجعَ َل لَـ ُك ُم‬ 15
submissive The earth For you He The one He
all made who

He is the one who made the earth submissive, for you all

ٖؕؕ ِ‫ِر ۡزق‬ ‫فَ ۡقمش ُۡوا فِ ۡى َمنَق ِك ِب َهق َو ُكلُ ۡوا ِم ۡن‬
His from You all and Its in So you all
provision eat shoulders walk

So you all walk in its slopes and you all eat from His provision

‫النُّش ُۡو ُر‬ ٖؕ ِ ‫اِلَ ۡي‬ ‫َو‬

The To Him and

and towards Him is the resurrection


َ ‫ۡاَّلَ ۡر‬
‫ض‬ ‫ِب ُك ُم‬ ‫ف‬ ِ ‫يَّ ۡخ‬
َ ‫س‬ ‫س َمق ِٓء ا َ ۡن‬
َّ ‫ال‬ ‫فِ ۡى‬ ‫َّم ۡن‬ ‫َء ا َ ِم ۡنت ُ ۡم‬
The earth With you He will cause That The sky in who You feel Do
to sink/swallow secure

Do you feel secure from who is in the sky that He will not cause the earth to swallow you?

‫ِه َى ت َ ُم ۡو ُر‬ ‫فَ ِقذَا‬

it shakes it then

while it suddenly shakes


ؕ ‫قصباق‬
ِ ََ ‫علَ ۡيك ُۡم‬
َ ِ ‫يُّ ۡر‬
‫س َل‬ ‫ا َ ۡن‬ ‫س َمق ِٓء‬
َّ ‫ال‬ ‫ِفى‬ ‫َّم ۡن‬ ‫ا َ ِم ۡنت ُ ۡم‬ ‫ا َ ۡم‬
Storm of upon you He send That The sky in who You feel or
stones all secure

Or do you feel secure that He who is in the sky, would not send against you a storm of stones?

‫نَ ِذ ۡي ِر‬ َ ‫َك ۡي‬

‫ف‬ َ َ‫ف‬
‫ست َ ۡعلَ ُم ۡو َن‬
My how Then soon you
warning will know

Then soon you would know how [severe] was My warning?

‫قَ ۡب ِل ِه ۡم‬ ‫ِم ۡن‬ ‫الَّ ِذ ۡي َن‬ َ َّ‫َكذ‬
‫ب‬ ‫َو لَـقَ ۡد‬
Before from Those who He certainly and
them denied

And certainly, those who have denied before them

‫نَ ِك ۡي ِر‬ َ ‫َك‬

‫قن‬ َ ‫فَ َك ۡي‬
My was Then how

then how [terrible] was My punishment?

ۚ‫ض ؕ َن‬
ۡ ‫يَ ۡق ِب‬ ‫َّو‬ ‫ت‬ ٰٓ
ٍ ٰ ‫صف‬ ‫فَ ۡوقَ ُه ۡم‬ َّ ‫ال‬
‫ِ ۡي ِر‬ ‫اِلَى‬ ‫يَ َر ۡوا‬ ‫ا َ َو لَ ۡم‬ 19
They fold in and Ones with wings Above them The bird towards They see not and Did

Do they not see towards the birds above them with wings outspread and they fold in?

ؕ‫الر َۡ ٰم ُن‬
َّ ‫ا ََِّّل‬ ِ ‫يُ ۡم‬
‫س ُك ُه َّن‬ ‫َمق‬
The most merciful except He holds not

None holds them except the most merciful

‫بَ ِص ۡير‬ ‫ش َۡى ۢۡ ٍء‬ ‫ِبك ُِل‬ ٖؕ ٗ َّ‫اِن‬

Always all thing With Indeed He
seeing every

Indeed He is, always all seeing over every thing

ؕ‫الر َۡ ٰم ِن‬
َّ ‫د ُۡو ِن‬ ‫ِم ۡن‬ ُ ‫يَ ۡن‬
‫ص ُرك ُۡم‬ ‫لَّك ُۡم‬ ‫ُج ۡند‬ ‫ُه َو‬ ‫الَّ ِذ ۡى‬ ‫ٰهذَا‬ ‫ا َ َّم ۡن‬ 20
The most Other from He helps you For you An He is The one Is this Or
merciful than army who who

Or who is the one, that could be an army for you to help you other than the Most Merciful?

‫ن = ا َ َّم ۡن‬
ْ ‫ َم‬+ ْ‫اَم‬

‫غ ُر ۡو ٍر‬ ‫ۡال ٰك ِف ُر ۡو َن ا ََِّّل ِف ۡى‬ ‫ا ِِن‬
deception in except The not

The disbelievers are not except in deception

ٖؕ ٗ َ‫ِر ۡزق‬ َ ‫ا َ ۡم‬
‫س َك‬ ‫ا ِۡن‬ ‫يَ ۡر ُزقُك ُۡم‬ ‫الَّ ِذ ۡى‬ ‫ا َ َّم ۡن ٰهذَا‬ 21
His He withheld if He provides The one Is This Or who
provision you who

Or who is the one who will provide you if He withheld His provision?

‫نُفُ ۡو ٍر‬ ‫َّو‬ ‫عت ُ ٍو‬

ُ ‫فِ ۡى‬ ‫لَّ ُّج ۡوا‬ ‫بَ ۡل‬
aversion and disobedience in They rather

Rather they have persisted in disobedience and aversion

‫ا َ ۡه ٰ ٓدى‬ ‫ع َٰلى‬
ٖؕ ۤ ‫َو ۡج ِه‬ ‫ُم ِكبًّق‬ ِ ‫يَّ ۡم‬
‫ش ۡى‬ ‫فَ َم ۡن‬ َ‫ا‬
More His face on Upside He walks then is
guided down who

Then is the one who walks upside down on his face more guided ?

‫ُّم ۡست َ ِق ۡي ٍم‬ ٍ ‫ع َٰلى ِص َر‬

ِ‫ا‬ ‫س ِويًّق‬
َ ِ ‫يَّ ۡم‬
‫ش ۡى‬ ‫ا َ َّم ۡن‬
straight path on upright He walks Or who

or the one who walks upright on a straight path?

ؕ ََ‫قر َو ۡاَّلَ ۡفـــِٕ َد‬
َ ‫ص‬َ ‫س ۡم َع َو ۡاَّلَ ۡب‬ َ ‫ا َ ۡن‬
َّ ‫شقَك ُۡم َو َجعَ َل لَـ ُك ُم ال‬ ‫قُ ۡل ُه َو الَّ ِذ ۡۤى‬ 23
The hearts and The visions and The For you He and He created The one he Say
hearing all made you who

Say, "He is the one who created you and He made for you the hearing and the vision and the hearts

‫ت َ ۡشك ُُر ۡو َن‬ ‫قَ ِل ۡي اًل َّمق‬

You are Very little

Very little are you grateful

‫ت ُ َۡش َُر ۡو َن‬ ٖؕ ِ ‫اِلَ ۡي‬ ‫َو‬ ِ ‫ۡاَّلَ ۡر‬
‫ض‬ ‫فِى‬ ‫ذَ َراَك ُۡم‬ ‫الَّ ِذ ۡى‬ ‫ُه َو‬ ‫قُ ۡل‬ 24
You all will be Towards and The earth in He dispersed The one he Say
gathered Him you who

Say, " He is the one who has dispersed you in the earth, and towards Him you will be gathered."
‫ص ِدقِ ۡي َن‬ ‫ُك ۡنت ُ ۡم‬ ‫ا ِۡن‬ ‫ۡال َو ۡع ُد‬ ‫ٰهذَا‬ ‫َم ٰتى‬ ‫َو يَقُ ۡولُ ۡو َن‬ 25
ones who are You were if The promise this when they say and

And they say, "When is this promise, if you are truthful?"

‫ُّم ِب ۡين‬ ‫نَ ِذ ۡير‬ ‫ا َنَق‬ ‫اِنَّ َم ۤق‬ ‫َو‬ ِ ٰ ‫ِع ۡن َد‬
‫ّللا‬ ‫ۡال ِع ۡل ُم‬ ‫اِنَّ َمق‬ ‫قُ ۡل‬ 26
One clear warner I am only and Allah with The only say

Say, "The knowledge is only with Allah, and I am only a clear warner."
‫َكفَ ُر ۡوا‬ ‫الَّ ِذ ۡي َن‬ ‫ُو ُج ۡو ُه‬ ‫س ٓيــَٔ ۡت‬
ِ ‫ُز ۡلفَةا‬ ‫َرا َ ۡو ُه‬ ‫فَلَ َّمق‬ 27
They Of those faces It became approaching They saw it So
disbelieved who distressed when

So, when they see it approaching, the faces of those who disbelieve will be distressed

‫ت َ َّدع ُۡو َن‬ ٖؕ ‫ِب‬ ‫ك ُۡنت ُ ۡم‬ ‫الَّ ِذ ۡى‬ ‫ٰهذَا‬ ‫قِ ۡي َل‬ ‫َو‬
You all ask With it You all which this It was and
for were said

and it will be said, "This is that which you used to ask for”
‫َر َِ َمنَق‬ ‫ا َ ۡو‬ ‫َّم ِع َى‬ ‫َم ۡن‬ ‫َو‬ ُ‫ّللا‬
ٰ ‫ا َ ۡهلَـ َك ِن َى‬ ‫ا ِۡن‬ ‫ا َ َر َء ۡيت ُ ۡم‬ ‫قُ ۡل‬ 28
He showed or Is With me whoever and Allah He destroyed if Did you see say
mercy on us me /consider

Say, “Did you consider, If Allah destroys me and whoever is with me, or He shows mercy on us?

‫ا َ ِل ۡي ٍم‬ ٍ ‫عذَا‬
‫ب‬ َ ‫ِم ۡن‬ ‫ۡال ٰك ِف ِر ۡي َن‬ ‫يُّ ِج ۡي ُر‬ ‫فَ َم ۡن‬
painful punishment from The He will save then
disbelievers who

then, who will save the disbelievers from a painful punishment?

‫ت َ َوك َّۡلنَق‬ ٖؕ ِ ‫علَ ۡي‬
َ ‫َو‬ ٖؕ ‫ِب‬ ‫ٰا َمنَّق‬ ‫الر َۡ ٰم ُن‬
َّ ‫ُه َو‬ ‫قُ ۡل‬ 29
We have Upon Him and In Him We have The most He say
trusted believed merciful

Say, "He is the Most Merciful; in Him we have believed, and upon Him we have trusted.

‫ُّم ِب ۡي ٍن‬ ‫ض ٰل ٍل‬

َ ‫ِف ۡى‬ ‫ُه َو‬ ‫َم ۡن‬ َ َ‫ف‬
‫ست َ ۡعلَ ُم ۡو َن‬
clear Misguidance in He is who Then very soon
/ error you will know

Then very soon you will know, who is in clear error

‫غ ۡو ارا‬ ‫َمق ٓ ُؤك ُۡم‬ ۡ َ‫ا‬
‫صبَ َح‬ ‫ا ِۡن‬ ‫ا َ َر َء ۡيت ُ ۡم‬ ‫قُ ۡل‬ 30
sunken Your water It became if Did you see/ say

Say, "Have you considered: if your water becomes sunken [into the earth]"

‫َّم ِع ۡي ٍن‬ ‫ِب َمق ٍٓء‬ ‫يَّ ۡقتِ ۡيك ُۡم‬ ‫فَ َم ۡن‬
flowing With water He will come Then
to you who

then who will bring you flowing water?

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