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Dar es Salaam Inst of Technology

Beng 19-coe
Database systems concepts

1. Describe the concepts of database overview, schemas, data dependences and architectures
in acquiring database management skills. [25 marks]
Note: your discussion must base on the follwoing sub-questions
a) Compare the conepts of databases and file systems in describing the the need
and relationships between the two data sructures
b) Discuss various types of database systems designs methods such as
Hierarchical Databases, Network Databases, Relational Databases, Object-
oriented Databases, Graph Databases, ER model Databases,
Document Databases in selecting the best database design approach
c) Clarify concepts of database instances, Data Independence during in sketching
stable database systems
d) Discuss Database Schema such as physical and logical schema and conceptual
schema in prearing database modeling
e) Discuss DBMS indexing and hashing in bilding up a database architecture

2. Describe the concepts of relational models for administering database design skills
Note: your discussion must base on the follwoing sub-questions
a) Exlain codd`s rule for designing a true relational database system
b) Discuss Relational Algebra to associate in efective data querying
c) Clarify the 1-tire, 2-tire to 3-tire database acrhcitecture as used in database
modeling [15 marks]


1 Attempt this assignment is a group of 5 students @.

2 Score aquisition shal depend upon individual presentation capability and knowlwdge.
3 Prsentation shall be performed this Saturday 13th June 2020

Lecturer: Lott Champuku:

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