Annex D V5 20190611

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Soto Cano Air Base, Honduras
19 March 2019



(a) (U) JP 4-09 Distribution Operations dtd 19 Dec 2013

(b) (U) SC 700-4 Ammunition Management Program, dtd 1 Feb 2012
(c) (U) MSTP Pamphlet 4-0.2, Logistics Planner’s Guide
(d) (U) MCO 5530.14A
(e) (U) MCDP 4, Logistics
(f) (U) MCWP 4-1, Logistics Operations
(g) (U) MCWP 4-11, Tactical Level Logistics
(h) (U) MCWP 4-11.3, Transportation Operations
(i) (U) MCRP 4-11.3G, Unit Embarkation Handbook

(U) TIME ZONE: Central Standard Time

1. Situation

a. (U) General. In accordance with the references, the following is a guide for the Special Purpose
Marine Air Ground Task Force Southern Command (SPMAGTF-SC) 19 Annex D of the TAC

b. (U) Enemy Forces. See base OpOrd dtd 20190520.

c. (U) Friendly Forces. See base OpOrd dtd 20190520.

d. (U) Infrastructure: See Annex (TBD)

e. (U) Resource Availability.

1 (U) Support requirements. Logistics support requirements beyond SPMAGTF’s organic

capabilities will be redirected to MARFORSOUTH for action.
2 (U) Class I Chow/Water. All companies and sections will maintain a minimum of three Days
of Supply (DOS) for all Class I. The status of Class I DOS will be reported to the S-4 daily to
be consolidated. The S-4 will submit consolidated transportation requests to the S-3 as
necessary. The Supply Section will prepare and package all Class I to be picked up from the
Battalion Main. The S-4 will manage all Class I levels of supply at the battalion Forward and
Main Positions.
3 (U) Class II Clothing. Class II supplies will be ordered through the supply system. Class II
supplies will be managed by the CLB-5 warehouse chief, and issued out as needed. Class II
supplies that cannot be procured through the normal supply chain will be routed to higher
4 (U) Class III POL. Similar to Class I, every company, section or element will maintain a
minimum of two DOS of Class III. Class III will be maintained by the respective elements,
and will be stored inside vehicles, fuel sixcons, and POL containment barrels. Petroleum,
oils, and lubricants may be ordered through the supply system and will be managed and
issued by the warehouse chief. Status of Class III DOS will be reported to the S-4 daily and
will be coordinated in the same manner as Class I.
5 (U) Class V. Class IV, building materials, will be ordered through the supply system. If it is
not available through the normal supply chain, it will be routed to higher to be purchased on
the local economy. Class IV will be maintained by the warehouse chief and issued out as
6 (U) Class V Ammunition. All Class V will be procured by the S-4. Priority of requests will be
determined by the S-4 in conjunction with the S-3. Status of Class V will be reported to the S-
4 daily and will be coordinated in the same manner as Classes I and III. Companies are
responsible for securing and maintaining their own ammunition. They are also responsible
for completing expenditure reports for all expended ammunition during training and combat
operations. The S-4 will run an ammunition issue point within the Battalion Main in
conjunction with an established Ammunition Handling Area (AHA). If an AHA is not
established, the S-4 will establish one.
7 (U) Class VI Personal Items. Class VI will be ordered through the normal supply chain. If it is
unavailable, it will be routed to higher to be purchased on the local economy. Class VI will be
maintained by the warehouse chief and issued out on an as needed basis.
8 (U) Class VII Major End Items. All requests for additional Class VII will be validated by the S-
3. Class VII items will be ordered through the supply system and sourced by the Initial Issue
Point (IIP). Additionally, the S-4 will attempt to source gear from higher and adjacent units.
Once sourced, the battalion will coordinate pick up of the Class VII and receipt for it on the
property records. Class VII will also be accounted for via Consolidated Memorandum
Receipts (CMR). Temporary Loans may also be conducted through the S-4 in order to
acquire Class VII for limited periods of time.
9 (U) Class VIII Medical. Omitted.
10 (U) Class IX Repair Parts. Class IX repair parts will be requested by the affected commodity
via the supply system.
11 (U) Class X (Non-Military Programs Material). Omitted
12 (U) Mobility and Transportation. Omitted.

2. (U) Mission. From June to December 2019, SPMAGTF-SC 19, in coordination with Partner Nations
and US Government entities, forward deploys for limited crisis response, conducts theater security
cooperation activities, and provides foreign humanitarian assistance in the SOUTHCOM AOR IOT
build partner capacity and interoperability and demonstrate US commitment to the region. BPT
conduct military assistance departure operations ISO non-combatant evacuation operations.

3. (U) Execution

a. (U) Concept of Logistics and Combat Service Support

1 (U) Logistical support will be provided through Soto Cano Air Base (SCAB) and coordinated
ACE flights. Marines not located at SCAB will coordinate logistic support needs to the main
body at SCAB via necessary systems (CLC2S) for fulfillment. In the event that
communications infrastructure prevents the use of LOGAIS systems logistical support
requests will be sent to the SCAB via email as the secondary and voice communications as
the tertiary means. When unable to support requests, will be sourced through
MARFORSOUTH, or locally through the use of the KO or pay agent.

b. (U) Tasks

1 (U) Supply. The Supply Section coordinates intermediate-level supply support to include:
Property accountability and distribution, budget guidance and execution, and Supply Chain

a (U) Supply will be responsible for maintaining SPMAGTF’s operational levels of supply to
excluding class IV, VI, VIII (Building materials, comfort/personal demand items and
b (U) Construction materials will be procured through either the GCPC Program or KO
depending on the quantity, price, and other factors.
c (U) Personal demand items will be procured by the individual through the Post Exchange
on Soto Cano Air Base or through local vendors.
d (U) Medical section has the responsible for and oversight of all Class VIII supplies.

e (U) Class I (food, water) can be ordered through Supply in the form of MRE’s or can be
contracted at the point of use through the Contracting Officer (KO).

f (U) Responsibility of the user. Requests will be submitted via the appropriate form and
all necessary information to procure the items. All research for the necessary information
(Nomenclature, NSN, quantity, unit of issue, etc.) will be conducted by the requesting unit
/ individuals and verified by the technical research clerk at supply. In the event that a
waiver or quote is required, the supported unit will ensure that supply has the
documentation as part of the requisition package. The requesting unit will also ensure the
most up-to-date and accurate information is provided to confirm the correct items are

g (U) Progression of request. Requesting section will recognize their need. Section will
provide Supply will all appropriate information through the correct medium. Supply will
source materials. Supply will alert requesting section upon receipt of requested
materials. Requesting section will receive their materials at the supply section operations
center. Supply will notify the requester when the materials submitted for arrive at the
pickup location. Supply will not deliver said materials.

h (U) Scheduling of Monthly Serialized Inventory (MSI). MSI’s will be conducted per MCO
5530.14A and MCO 8300.1D. Per the Orders: a disinterested party will conduct a
monthly inventory of serialized equipment.

2 (U) Embark. Embark section is responsible for movement of equipment and people.
Primarily a ground movement section, Embark is capable of brokering air movement/transport
adjacent to the ACE.

a (U) Embark Section will be responsible for the following:

(i) (U) Creation of export traffic. This will be done through the cooperation of owning
units via TCPT.
(ii) (U) Release requests via
(iii) (U) Load planning of ground convoys and aircraft. A request submission of no less
than 30 days through TCPT is required on behalf of the requesting unit.
(iv) (U) Oversight/training of Section Representatives for data collection for ETRR/SSDM.
(v) (U) Coordination for shipments of personnel and equipment through SSDM.
(vi) (U) Utilizing a completed LSR from requester.
(vii) (U) Certification of hazardous materials. This will be done through HMIRS.

3 (U) Ground Transportation Support. Ground vehicle movement will be submitted to the S-4
through TCPT for organic assets. For non-organic assets (rental vehicles) submissions will
be through DTS.
a (U) Transportation Capacity Planning Tool (TCPT) system is the tool used to request
vehicle support. Once a request is submitted, notify S-4 in order to take action.
b (U) A Logistics Support Request (LSR) can be submitted to the S4 in lieu of TCPT with
the situation limits computer usage or bandwidth. This cell is used for support in moving
people or equipment.
c (U) When non-organic transportation is required, DTS will be utilized.

4 (U) Progression of request. Requesting section submit for their needs and requirements for
movement to the S4 via TCPT. TCPT is reviewed by a member of the Embark section and
acted upon. The requesting unit will be notified if more information is required or the request
will be forwarded for coordination. If the request cannot be fulfilled internally the
Embark/vehicle support cell will coordinate with external cells.

5 (U) Maintenance
a (U) The Maintenance Management Officer and Chief are responsible for keeping up with
maintenance on SPMAGTF vehicles.

b (U) Maintenance requests will be generated through the use of CLC2S and will be
funneled through the S4 Maintenance Chief.

c (U) Progression of request. Requesting section recognized their need and submits
proper form to Maintenance Section for repairs. Maintenance section trouble shoots and
decides how best to proceed with request. If outside SPMAGTF ability to correct
themselves, outside help will be sourced.

6 (U) Armory
a (U) Armory section will store weapons and coordinate the storage and usage of
ammunition for the SPMAGTF.
b (U) Weapons Storage. SPMAGTF owned weapons will be stored aboard Soto Cano Air
Base in the provided area. This area is secured behind two locked gates and protected
by an alarm system that is monitored by base security 24 hours a day.
c (U) Munitions Storage. Ammunition will be stored in Army owned magazines aboard
Soto Cano Air Base. Draw and storage will be coordinated through appropriate Army
channels. Armory section will maintain an accurate count of all munition types on hand at
all times.

d (U) Progression of request. Requests sent to the armory for weapons draw will be
processed after a mission has been validated in accordance with S-3 policy.
(i) (U) Ammunition draw must be scheduled 30 days in advance, be submitted through
the Training Officer and be in accordance with the TEEP. Requests will come
through the Training Officer (S-3), and movement will be coordinated with the Armory
Chief and Ammo driver.
(ii) (U) Weapon draws for training must be in accordance with the TEEP and come from
the Training Officer.
(iii) (U) Weapon draws for missions must be approved in accordance with ATFP policy.

c. (U) Tasks to Elements:

1 (U) Each section will identify section embarkation representative to the S-4 Embark Chief.
These representatives will provide information vital to mobility and embarkation.
2 (U) S-1
a (U) Identify personnel receiving periderm and suspend this entitlement during periods of
Packaged Operational Ration (POR) consumption.
3 (U) LCE
a (U) Communicate feed and water plan to S4 to ensure support from KO and other
b (U) Identify Team Logistic Clerk, who will be responsible for communicating support
needs to the S4.
c (U) Identify FOO and Pay Agents for each location/SCTT and ensure they are trained
and appointed in writing IAW all applicable orders and directives.
4 (U) GCE
a Communicate feed and water plan to S4 to ensure support from KO and other entities.
b (U) Identify Team Logistic Clerk, who will be responsible for communicating support
needs to the S4.
c (U) Identify FOO and Pay Agents for each location/SCTT and ensure they are trained
and appointed in writing IAW all applicable orders and directives.
5 (U) ACE
a Communicate feed and water plan to S4 to ensure support from KO and other entities.
b (U) Identify Team Logistic Clerk, who will be responsible for communicating support
needs to the S4.
c (U) Identify FOO and Pay Agents for each location/SCTT and ensure they are trained
and appointed in writing IAW all applicable orders and directives.

4. (U) Administration and Logistics

a. (U) Systems, uses and timelines. The following systems will be used by S4, and include the lead
time for requests through these systems.

b. (U) TCPT (Transportation Capacity Planning Tool). This system will be used in order to provide
near-term transportation planning, management, and execution capabilities in support of
Lead times for requesting support from Embarkation section is as follows:
1 (U) TCPT requests standard: 4 weeks from the time requested.
2 (U) Organic assets: 1 Week
3 (U) Non-Organic: (days from JTF B) TO BE DETERMINED
4 (U) Who has access: Assigned personnel to be coordinated with Embark section

c. (U) CLC2S (Common Logistic Command & Control System). Provides improved management
and control of tactical level resources and services support requirements.
1 (U) CLC2S requests standard: 4 weeks from the time requested.
2 (U) Organic assets: 1 Week
3 (U) Non-Organic: (days from JTF B) TO BE DETERMINED
4 (U) Who has access: Assigned personnel to be coordinated with Embark section

d. (U) SSDM (Sea Service Deployment Module). Provides the functional capability to build and
maintain a unit deployment database containing personnel, equipment, and cargo information.
1 (U) SSDM requests take a standard 4 weeks from the time requested.
2 (U) Organic assets: 1 Week
3 (U) Non-Organic: (days from JTF B) TO BE DETERMINED
4 (U) Who has access: Assigned personnel to be coordinated with Embark section

e. (U) HMIRS. Used for Safety Data Sheets. HMIRS is the central repository for Material Safety
Data Sheets (MSDS) for the United States Government military services. The system assists
federal government personnel who handle, store, transport, use, or dispose of hazardous
1 (U) HMIRS requests take a standard 4 weeks from the time requested.
2 (U) Organic assets: 1 Week
3 (U) Non-Organic: (days from JTF B) TO BE DETERMINED
4 (U) Who has access: Assigned personnel to be coordinated with Embark section

f. (U) T3. Primary system we will use for reserve funding.

1 (U) T3 requests take a standard 4 weeks from the time requested.
2 (U) Organic assets: 1 Week
3 (U) Non-Organic: (days from JTF B) TO BE DETERMINED
4 (U) Who has access: Assigned personnel to be coordinated with Embark section

g. (U) ICODES (Integrated Computerized Deployment System). Will be used to provide multi-modal
load planning capabilities to the SPMAGTF.
1 (U) ICODES requests standard: 4 weeks from the time requested.
2 (U) Organic assets: 1 Week
3 (U) Non-Organic: (days from JTF B) TO BE DETERMINED
4 (U) Who has access: Assigned personnel to be coordinated with Embark section

h. (U) SLP.
1 (U) SLP requests take a standard 4 weeks from the time requested.
2 (U) Organic assets: 1 Week
3 (U) Non-Organic: (days from JTF B) TO BE DETERMINED
4 (U) Who has access: Assigned personnel to be coordinated with Embark section

5. (U) Use. This Annex is applicable to all SPMAGTF-SC 19 operations.

6. (U) This Order is effective the date signed. Point of contact in regards to the duty requirements and
procedures is Captain Jordan Nye, S4A, at


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