Learning Guide 1.1 - COMPLETE

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Competence, Guide A1.

Presented by:

Elian Sarmiento Pineda


Submitted to:

Ingrid Yurley Estupiñán Pineda

Cúcuta, Norte de Santander - National Learning Service

May 18 - 2020

GC-F - 005 V. 04
3.1.1 Después de reflexionar sobre la lectura anterior, responde:

¿Cuál es la importancia que tiene el idioma inglés como herramienta necesaria en la vida

cotidiana y en la vida laboral en la que usted se va a desempeñar?

R. Aprender un nuevo idioma es demasiado importante si queremos entender muchos de

los aspectos de esta carrera, la mayor parte de los sistemas por debajo llevan instrucciones como

se componen de palabras en ingles preestablecidas, asimismo en el ámbito profesional, las

personas más influyentes de los sistemas de información no hablan español y por ende si

queremos ir más allá debemos llegar a entender lo que han logrado hasta ahora los grandes.

3.2 Contextualization and identification of knowledge needed to learning).

3.2.1 Diagnosis

 What do your parents do on weekends?

o R. They go to the supermarket.

 What does your best friend do on Sundays?

o R. He invites me to his house to play video games.

 What are your daily activities?

o Everyday, I get up at half past seven, I thank God for another day, after I brush

my teeth, next I have breakfast at 8:00, after that I take a shower, after I check if I

have pending activities, before that I feed the pets, then I do my homework. I don

GC-F - 005 V. 04
´t sleep in the afternoon, I study every day, I finish to class at 6 o´clock, I I eat

dinner at half past seven and go to bed at 9 o´clock.

 What are you doing, now?

o I´m in class from 12 o´clock to 3 o´clock.

 What can you do?

o I can do whatever I set out to do.

3.3 Knowledge appropriation activities (Conceptualization and Theorization)

3.3.1 Learning Activity 1: Communicate in simple and routine tasks that require a simple and direct
exchange of daily and technical information.

Vocabulary appropriation 1: The weather (Describing the weather).

Vocabulary Translations Vocabulary Translations

Sunny Soleado Drizzly Llovizna
Hot Caliente Rainy Lluvioso
Clear Despejado Stormy Tormentoso
Windy Viento Snowy Nieve
Cloudy Nublado Foggy Niebla
Cold Frio Dry Seco
Chilly Frio Humid Humedo
Windy Viento Wet Humedo

GC-F - 005 V. 04
Subactividad 1: Complete and Translate the following WH – Question, then answer
it for each picture.

What is time like?

It`s drizzling
It`s Clear
It`s snowing
It`s sunny

Vocabulary appropriation 2: Verbs + ING.

They are very comfortable studying

He is working

They are talking to his


She is Cleaning the kitchen

he`s listening to music

She's exercising.
4 They are dancing at theatre

They are Playing in the

GC-F - 005 V. 04
Becoming Traveling
Getting Driving
Studying Winning
Using Stopping

Subactividad 2. Read the following instructions about ING Grammar, then apply them to the verbs

GC-F - 005 V. 04
Subactividad 2.1 Find the correct vocabulary below to translate the following
Spanish sentences.

Actividad de transferencia de conocimientos 1: Read the following letter and answer the questions.

Mi querida Sophia,

¿Cómo está usted? ¿Cómo está Londres? Estoy disfrutando de mis vacaciones en Nueva

York. Es domingo y hace calor. Ahora son las diez de la mañana y estamos en Central Park.

Estoy escuchando la radio y te estoy escribiendo esta carta.

Mi prima canadiense Rosemary está aquí con nosotros, está leyendo un cómic. Es muy bonita. Es

alta y tiene el pelo largo y castaño. Sus padres están en Toronto.

GC-F - 005 V. 04
Mi padre está leyendo el periódico y mi madre está jugando con sus perros. A

menudo visitamos este fantástico parque o vamos a las tiendas y galerías. ¡Nueva York es genial!

Hay lugares fantásticos y gente de muchos países.

¡Mantengamos el contacto! Nos vemos.

GC-F - 005 V. 04
Vocabulary appropriation 3: Identify the following pictures with the correct occupation

Subactividad 3: Read the following sentences and find the correct vocabulary to complete it.

GC-F - 005 V. 04
Vocabulary appropriation 4: Write the words from the box in empty spaces to complete the phrases.
Use each word only as many times as it is in the box, make sure that all words are used.

Now match the complete phrases with the pictures below, write the correct letter next to each
picture, then write about your daily activities.

GC-F - 005 V. 04
Subactividad 4: Conjugate the verbs in the chart in affirmative present simple tense.


GC-F - 005 V. 04
GFPI-F-019 V03
Subactividad 4.1: Conjugate the verbs in the chart in negative simple present tense.


GC-F - 005 V. 04
Verb You He Verb They She

To have Do you have Does he have To watch Do they watch Does she watch
internet? Headphones? videos cat? YouTube?

No, I don’t. Yes, I Do. No, they don’t. No, she don`t

To get Do they get a Does he get a To listen Do they listen to Does she listen to
computer? mouse? music? a song?

Yes, I Do. Yes, I Does. Yes, they do. Yes, she do.

To buy Do you buy a Does he buy a To iron Do they iron Does she iron the
laptop? TV? clothes? shirt?

Yes, I do. No, I doesn’t. Yes, they do. No, She doesn’t.

To go Do you go a Does he go at To study Do they study for Does she go at

supermarket? Sena? exams? museum?

Yes, I do. No, I doesn’t. Yes, they do. Yes, she do.

Subactividad 4.2: Conjugate the verbs in the chart to make Questions in

simple present tense.

Subactividad 4.3: Answer the following interview.

Questions Answer

Where do you live? I live in Colombia.

Do you study? I study analysis and development of information systems

Where do you study? I study at Sena


GC-F - 005 V. 04
Do you work? Yes I do.

Where do you work? I work at office subdirectorate Sena.

Subactividad 4.3: Translate the following Spanish sentences to English.

Subactividad 4.4: Order the following words to describe the activities of the famous.


GC-F - 005 V. 04
Actividad de transferencia de conocimientos 2: Read the following text and answer the questions.

Hola, me llamo Tom y tengo 10 añ os. Vivo en Londres con mi

familia. Me gusta ver videos, jugar al fú tbol y escuchar mú sica. No

me gusta jugar al baloncesto y no me gusta hacer ni los deberes. Me

gusta el sá ndwich de queso, pero no me gusta la pizza.

Mi madre se llama Lenka y tiene 35 añ os. Es profesora. Mi padre John tiene 37 añ os. Es

médico. Tengo un hermano y dos hermanas. Mi hermano se llama Rob. Tiene 12 añ os. Le

gusta aprender inglés, pero no le gusta ayudar a nuestra madre en la cocina. Mi hermana

Lucy tiene 8 añ os. Toca el piano y lee libros. No le gusta hacer deporte. Mi hermana Mary

tiene 4 añ os. Le gusta jugar con sus amigos, pero no le gusta ducharse. Le gusta el

chocolate. Tengo un perro. Se llama Plutó n y tiene dos añ os. No tengo un gato.

Me levanto a las 6.30 de la mañ ana. Luego desayuno, como un pastel de chocolate y bebo un

batido. Voy a la escuela a las 7.30 en autobú s. Termino en la escuela a las 13.30. El lunes

tengo matemá ticas, lengua eslovaca, ciencias, educació n física, inglés y mú sica. Me gusta la

ciencia. Almuerzo a las 3 de la tarde. Hago mis deberes y juego con mis amigos a las 5 de la


GC-F - 005 V. 04
tarde. Ceno a las 7 en punto. Leo un libro y luego me doy una ducha. Me

acuesto a las 9 de la noche.

1.Complete the chart

Name Like Don´t like

Tom I like watching videos, playing football I don’t like playing basketball and I don’t like
and listening to music. doing my homework.

I like cheese sándwich. I don’t like pizza.

Rob He likes learning english. He doesn’t like helping our mum in the kitchen

Mary She likes playing with her friends. She doesn’t like to do sport?

She likes chocolate.

Lucy She doesn’t like having a shower




2. Answer the questions


GC-F - 005 V. 04
Vocabulary Appropriation 5: Adverbs of frequency (Describing the frequency of activities).


GC-F - 005 V. 04
Subactividad 5.1: Answer the following interview.

Questions Answer
How often do you read? I sometimes read
How often do you listen to I frequently listen to music
How often do you study I often study

How often do you watch TV? I hardly ever watch TV

How often do you go to the gym? I don’t go to gym

Subactividad 6: Find the correct sentences to describe the pictures.


GC-F - 005 V. 04
Subactividad 6.1: Order the following word to understand the descriptions of the famous.

Subactividad 7: Read the following interview of the famous.

Questions Answer

What kind of movies do you like? I like comedy movies and adventure

What kind of TV programs do you like? I like nature programs

What kind of music do you like? I like electronica, rap and chill

Subactividad 7.1: Answer the following interview.


GC-F - 005 V. 04
Subactividad 8: Use the following vocabulary to help Bill Gates to describe his

Subactividad 8.1: Order the following word to describe what the following famous has.


GC-F - 005 V. 04
Subactividad 8.2: Translate the following Spanish sentences to English using the

Subactividad 9: Lea las siguientes frases y encuentre las frases correctas que definen

Subactividad 9.1: Traduzca las siguientes frases del español al inglés usando el vocabulario que
aparece a continuación.

Subactividad 9.2: Read the following vocabulary and describe what a secretary can do


GC-F - 005 V. 04
Subactividad 9.3: Responda a la siguiente entrevista.

Questions Yes, I can No, I can´t

¿Can you play soccer? Yes, I can

Can you play the violin? No, can’t

¿Can you cook? Yes, I can

¿Can you sing? No, can’t

Can you use the computer? Yes, I can

Can you speak other languages? No, I can’t

Actividad de transferencia de conocimiento 3: Read the following paragraph, find the

sentences that describe ability.


GC-F - 005 V. 04
Subactividad 10: Read the following sentences and find the correct sentences to give
advices to the pictures.

Subactividad 10.1: Translate the following Spanish sentences to English using the

vocabulary below.


GC-F - 005 V. 04
Subactividad 10.2: Answer the following mini-interview.

Questions Yes, I should No, I shouldn´t

Should you be more mature? Yes, I should

Should you study more? Yes, I should

Actividad de transferencia de conocimiento 4: Read the sentences carefully and

complete with should or shouldn’t.


GC-F - 005 V. 04
Vocabulary Appropriation 11: Object pronouns: (Talking about known

objects). Look at the following object pronouns and find the correct ones that define the


Subactividad 11: Order the following words to make sentences.


GC-F - 005 V. 04
Subactividad 11.1: Translate the following Spanish sentences to English.


GC-F - 005 V. 04

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