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Project Report for CIPE ISEI (Pvt) Ltd


Prepared and delivered by



Capacity Building Training Workshops


Business Associations in Pakistan


Marketing & PR (Membership Development)

And Financial Management

Organised and funded by

Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE)

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1.0 Introduction

2.0 Background

3.0 Project Report

4.0 Comments from participants

5.0 Conclusion

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This report provides the information about the training workshops organised by CIPE
in Pakistan to extend institutional development and capacity building support to
various business support networks especially chambers of commerce and sectoral
business associations.

This report provides:

1. An understanding on the current level of knowledge and expertise of the business

associations in Pakistan;
2. An understanding of the issues identified and discussed by the participants with
regards to the working of business associations;
3. A list of ideas proposed by the participants to move ahead;
4. A general feel about the strength and opportunities of the business association
with in Pakistan.

A total of 30 business associations took part in these workshops amounting to 49 total


The report having laid down the learning points, and suggested proposals concludes
that a business association forum, a women entrepreneurship forum and continued
training programs should be organized for sustainability of these efforts.


CIPE contracted ISEI to prepare and deliver capacity building workshops to business
associations in Pakistan.

CIPE is an affiliate to the US Chamber of Commerce established ion 1983 to promote

the growth of democracy around the globe through strengthening private enterprises.
Mr Hammad Siddiqui led the project in Pakistan ensuring a high attendance.

ISEI (Pvt) Ltd is a part of the Institute of Skills and Enterprise International UK with
significant experience of providing training and consultancy to business associations
and women enterprises in the UK and Pakistan. Dr Masood Butt delivered the
training modules keeping in mind the specific needs of the Pakistani market.

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For the benefit of the readers the analysis of the project has been divided into
Southern and Northern Groups.

3.1 Southern Group:

This group composed of the following business associations;

Sr. no. Organization Total Delegates

1 Trade Development Authority of Pakistan 4
2 SITE Association 1
3 Pak Poultry Association 1
4 Sukker Chamber of Commerce 1
6 Pakistan Silk & Rayon Mills Association 1
8 Insurance Association of Pakistan 1
9 Air Cargo Agents Association 3
10 Pak Denim Mfrs & Exporters Association 2
11 OICCI 1
12 Karachi CCI 2
13 Shikarpur CCI 2
14 Pak Hotels Association 1
15 All Pak. Paper Merchants Association 1
16 Pak Small Industries Association 1
17 Towel Manufacturer’s Association 1
Grand 29

Despite the overnight heavy rain and hostile road conditions it was encouraging to see
such a good turnout.

The participants thoroughly participated and shared their ideas with regards to their
respective associations.

The analysis of training evaluation forms with reference to overall rating to the training
provided the following results.

Average Satisfactory Very Good Excellent

3.0% 25% 57% 15%

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3.2 Methodology:

The participants’ session was very interactive and at four occasions they were split in
breakout groups to undertake specific group discussions and make presentations. This
increased mutual understanding, enhanced learning by doing, and encouraged creativity.
Breakout groups also resulted in participants being fully involved in the session and apart
from learning through experienced members, also consolidated their networking and
participated in discussions openly.

Since not all the participants had an English speaking background, the session was
organised in multilingual style to ensure good understanding and clarification of complex
ideas. Moreover, some relevant training material was also given in English as well as
Urdu language.

CIPE’s publication Business Associations for the 21st Century was circulated to all
participants. This publication was also used as reference material at various points
particularly during the breakout groups.

Training evaluation forms were completed by all participants on both days.

CIPE invited Mr Tariq Saeed, former President, Federation of Pakistan Chambers of

Commerce & Industry to distribute the attendance certificates among the participants. In
recognition of the CIPE efforts in helping business associations to become professional
bodies he kindly extended the availability of FPCCI auditorium for such activities.

3.3 Learning Points:

1. There is sever lack of awareness about international standards and practices.

2. There was no history of such an event ever taking place.
3. The level of awareness with regards to foreign funding sources was extremely
4. There has been no history of any association working at international level
excluding Karachi Chamber of Commerce.
5. There were unclear thoughts with regards to new Trade Ordinance introduced.
6. 15% attendance by female gender.

3.4 Proposed Ideas:

1. It was proposed to develop a forum of business associations within Pakistan so a

dialogue can be developed and good initiatives can be jointly delivered.
2. It was felt that women entrepreneurship development was the need of the time
and full support from all business association was on offer should this idea was to
Trade Associations must develop good quality websites.

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3.5 Northern Group:

This group represented the following business associations;

Sr. no. Organization Total Delegates

1 Lahore Chamber of Commerce 4
2 Islamabad Chamber of Commerce 2
3 Faisalabad Chamber of Commerce 2
4 AJK Chamber of Commerce 1
5 Sarhad Chamber of Commerce 1
7 Haripur Chamber of Commerce 1
8 Rice Exporters Association of Pakistan 1
9 Rawalpindi Chamber of Commerce 2
10 Insurance Association of Pakistan 1
11 Marble Industries Association 1
12 Gloves Mfrs and Exporters Association 1
13 Gujrat Chamber of Commerce 1
14 Pak Petroleum Exploration and Production 1
Grand 22

Despite the unfavourable situation due to the general unrest within the country due to the
dysfunctional Chief Justice of Pakistan and the demonstrations by the political and
judicial parties it was heartening to see such a good audience.

The analysis of training evaluation forms with reference to overall rating to the training
provided the following results.

Average Satisfactory Very Good Excellent

7.0% 15% 53% 25%
3.7 Methodology:

There was a slight change in the delivery to ensure that participants’ gel in at an early
stage which proved very successful. Having learned from the previous session it was
decided that some new information about various sources of finance as well as some
additional examples and reading materials were included in this session. The session
became very energetic and there was a buzz within the room both days.

Participants continuously praised the ideas and style of the trainer and the good work of
CIPE team in co-ordinating and managing these workshops.

This session was also organised in multilingual and some explanations were given in
Punjabi language to suite the audience.

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The literature was given in English and Urdu languages.

CIPE’s publication Business Associations for the 21st Century was circulated to all
participants. This publication was also used as reference material at various points
particularly during the breakout groups.

Training evaluation forms were completed by all participants on both days.

CIPE invited Mr Yaqoob Tahir Izhar, Senior Vice President of Lahore Chamber of
Commerce and Industry to distribute attendance certificates. He appreciated CIPE efforts
in helping business associations to become professional bodies and recognized the need
for upgrading the skills of staff and the leadership of business associations.

3.7.1 What was covered in the Financial Management:

• knowledge of financial management requirements in business associations.

• clear understanding of improved financial systems.
• knowledge of budgetary controls, cash flows and internal controls systems.
• strategies for effective revenue generation.
 difference between Non Profit & For-profit Accounting
 handling donation and sponsorships

3.7.2 What was covered in the Marketing and PR:

 Marketing
 Marketing Mix
 Target Market Analysis
 Service Mix
 Advertising
 Media marketing
 The Role of Media
 New Media Marketing
 Internet Marketing
 Public Relations
 Use Of Public Relations
 Membership Development
 Motives of Membership
 Recruitment Retention
 Satisfying the Membership
 Basics of Business Plan

3.7.3 Outcome of Group Discussions

Marketing and PR

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Group discussion -1

Target Market:

Business Community
Government Agencies


B2B meetings of chamber members with foreign customers.

Chamber networking for business promotion
Training programs for business promotion at national and international level.
Bridging the gap between the chambers and government through strong liaison
Preparing sector specific feasibilities
Formation of B2B portal and online feedback
Circulation of business information on regular basis
Putting meetings, press releases on websites
Group discussion -1(Group-II)

Online membership
Information access on website (database sharing)
Online video conferencing
TQM services
Online certificate of origin
Group discussion -2

1. Entrepreneurship development through

Highlighting investment potential

2. Discussion with big and small chambers. Implement the ideas from big to small

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3. Consultancy and advocacy AJK chambers

4. Resolve the problems with the SECP and banks and other government departments

5. Federations (FPCCI)

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Financial Management:

Group discussion-1

Difference between profit and non profit organisations:

Profit Organisations Non profit Organisations

Generate project to make profit/ income To generate profit beneficial for the members
and to enhance sale
To add customers for business purpose To retain membership for promotion of
community / target market
To add value to services for income To add services to retain and attract more
generation and to capture market member , in order to get support from the
community to achieve the organisational goal.

Group discussion -1(Group-II)

Difference between profit and non profit organisations:

Profit Organisations Non profit Organisations

To earn profit and reward To facilitate and for the welfare of

a. Trade associations
b. NGOs
c. Trusts
Source of income by sell services and Source of income fund raising

Group discussion -2

Why and who needs the financial information:

Required by
Top management of organisation
General members


Compliance of company’s ordinance

For strategic planning by top management
Audit purpose
To fulfil the requirement of income tax

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To fulfil the requirement of security exchange commission

Group discussion -2(Group II)

Why and who needs the financial information:

Why to know

The financial strength

Their subscription is properly utilised
Decision making for costing/ budgeting

Who needs

Business concern who are contributing by membership/ subscription
Donors/ finance agencies

4.0 Comments of a few attendees form Northern Group:

1) It was an excellent session.

2) Bringing all the various groups was a good idea.

3) We have gained a lot of new ideas and knowledge.

4) May Allah Almighty bless CIPE.

5) It was a useful session but implication of ideas requires approval from the
management committees and they need to be trained too.

6) It was more than what we expected.

7) It was refreshing to see that first time in Pakistan the Chambers’ staff had an
opportunity to sit together and share ideas and issues.

Feedback from the Training Evaluation Forms:

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Faiza Tabusum Malik - Federation of Pakistan Chamber of Commerce & Industry

“As a secretary of woman entrepreneurs committee, I shall give idea to the chairperson
that what strategies we can use to raise funds from different donors and how to utilize it
in the best manner.”

Fouzia Azhar - Pakistan Hotel Association

“She says some ideas tips were so good that if implemented by us its going to bring
excellence in working.
It will upgrade the image of Pakistan Hotel Association ultimately bringing benefit to our

Faiza Tabusum Malik - Federation of Pakistan Chamber of Commerce & Industry

“Being a secretary of different committees, Public Relation is very important aspect of

my job. It will be helpful for me to provide best services to my members. And marketing
will also helpful for making new members of committee”.

Muhammed Aqeel - Karachi Cargo Services

I shall apply the key point learned regarding attracting foreign funding for business and
also try to incorporate skills learned in the managerial work.

Saleem Perveez - Pakistan Ready Made Garment Association

“Its amazing experience for me to attend this workshop. Well, I will share this knowledge
to my staff and management and this to promote my association services”.

Amir Mehmood - Pakistan petroleum & Exploration Company Association.

He says programme helps in different scenarios. How to deal with customers how to
serve better with in the members organisations. What forcemeat and services we should
achieve & targeted in time to deliver our knowledge between our services and member
and company.

He also added “this programme on managements will help in my day to day life. I will
apply all the skills which I have learned during programme especially how to manage
funds. How to collect the funds what are the way to use management skills & there I will
be better ask to handle all my management duties.

Majid Shabir - Islamabad Chamber of Commerce & Industry.

“I shall certainly try to convince the top management to implements these ideas which
can bring a good change in the service improvement of our organization and for making
it more useful and productive”.

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On the financial management he says this portion of the program was of mostly relevant
to my colleague who accompanied me in the programme. However, I got good
information about funding resource, which can help my Organisation, if no any of these
is toped appropriately, as per need of the chamber.

Kiran Ijaz - FPCCI

She says, I can and will give projects proposal that our organisation can submit for funds.
I have also learnt how to make project proposals which I will apply. I have also learnt
which platform to use for such purpose and how.


The overall analysis of training evaluation forms from both sessions with reference to
overall rating to the training provided the following results.

Average Satisfactory Very Good Excellent

4.0% 22% 56% 18%

Having compiled the thoughts and factual material from the training session the trainer
has concluded the following points.

1. There is a timely opportunity to establish a business association’s forum

incorporating the executive teams to strengthen their infrastructure and build their
capacity to become more democratic and empowered through enhancement of skills,
acquirement of knowledge and improvement of attitude. This can easily be facilitated by
CIPE through its web-enabled communication. There was a general feeling that the
participating organisations will be able for some financial contribution towards it.

2. There certainly is an opportunity to establish a women entrepreneurship

development forum to empower, facilitate, signpost and up-skill women entrepreneurs.
This can be supported initially through CIPE and some other partners and eventually on
self-sustaining basis.

3. There is keen interest in securing further capacity building training and

consultancy due to the sever lack of such facilities in Pakistan ensuring relevant to
chambers and trade associations.


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