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The Queen of Brass

AKA: The Brazen Queen, Venus of the Dream, The Ardent One, Our Lady Unburdened
Kingdom: Shores of Honnō
Followers’ Epithets: Candids, Ardents, Braves, Exhibitionists (Derogatory), Nudist
Beach (Collective, Derogatory)

    Emotions are a powerful thing. People shut down when they’re
embarrassed or afraid, paralyzed by their own clenching heart when they
could be, should be doing something to alleviate it. Not only that, but
society places so many inhibitions upon us that weigh us down every day.
Why should we fear what others think of us? Why should we be
embarrassed that we’re exposed to the world when clothes are something
we once chose to wear at all? If we allow ourselves to fall into the trap of
expectations, we will be rooted to the ground when we should be acting,
or at the very least preparing to act. You can’t find happiness within
yourself, much less bring happiness to others, if instead of following your
heart, your heart follows others.

Remember, we’re all naked underneath our clothes. Always.

    The Queen of Brass reminds her subjects that there are so many people in the world
who want to help, but can't because of the fears and inhibitions in their hearts. The
Darkness fights the Light by spreading sorrow and terror. If we show the world that
these emotions should push us harder instead of making us stagnate, then it is no
longer a question of if the Light will win. Only when.
Tales of Honnō

    The Queen of Brass has no need for a palace. Honnō island itself is her palace and
the beach is her throne. The beach sits in plain view of nearly the entire island, forcing
anyone that wishes to approach her to have the courage to stand on the same ground
as her and brave any stares following them. The Brazen Queen’s appearance embodies
both her challenge to the world to approach her and talk to her, and her message that
there is no reason to fear her. She appears to be in her late twenties, and is
occasionally dressed in a mix of Business Casual and Dressy Casual that somehow
manages not to stand out no matter the situation; when she gets out of the water, that
is. She is well known for using her Kingdom’s beach for its “intended purpose” for rather
large portions of time and has a well-known reputation for insisting that her followers
join her in the water instead of waiting for her to come back to shore and change. Of
course, she’ll head into the shallows for those who cannot swim, one of the only
exceptions she is willing to make. Though it’s not like anyone could drown in her
Kingdom’s waters; she won’t allow it. She has a regal, powerful, and beautiful air to her,
but she greets everyone with a demeanor similar to someone who has lived in the same
house as you for your entire life.
    The Ardent One is very careful with her words. She communicates her emotions and
can determine the emotions of others through simple communication with a skill most
people can't attain without magic. Because of this, many Candids find her much easier
to talk to than any of their peers. Despite this, she still maintains a distinctly royal
presence; she strikes a strange balance between being the one people turn to during a
crisis and being able to go about daily life feeling like no more than a respected friend.


    The Queen of Brass’s motto is “When the heart beats, it is giving you strength. Use

    The Heart Beats On Without You: The heart cannot be controlled like limbs can.
Emotions come and go like the weather. If you aren’t ready for them, they will destroy
you faster. Try to ignore them, and you’ll never fix the damage they’ve caused. This is a
double message from the Brazen Queen, that emotions are neither something that you
can allow free reign over your body nor something that you can hope to defeat without
destroying yourself in the process. 
The only way one can hope to deal with their emotions is by accepting them. You
don’t have to fight them if you don’t let them harm you. If you’re afraid, ignoring your
fear makes you reckless, giving in to it makes you vulnerable, or worse, a coward.
Bravesrys work with their fear, letting it give them every warning and fueling their
mission with the adrenaline. The same can be said for desire, sorrow, anger, regret, and
many, many other emotions, but the message remains the same: be true to yourself;
your heart is an ally, not a tool or foe.
    Behind Walls Of Hesitation Lie Allies: Ardent are not the only ones dealing with
emotions. There are many reasons why people can’t bring themselves to join the fight of
Nobles, and most often they are intangible. The Queen of Brass bids her followers to
walk others down the same path as their own, helping people find the courage to stand
up and act, whether it be joining the fight for social reform, finding the will to fight back
against their own depression, or simply tell their loved ones how they really feel.
    Be Yourself, Everyone Else Is Taken: The best person you can be is never
someone else. It is always a version of yourself. You can learn from other people, but
imitating them defeats progress. Strive to be better than your idols, not as good as
them. Never lose sight of yourself even when you spend a lifetime helping others
understand themselves. One cannot expect to be able to lead others down their own
paths if they have not yet walked their own.

    Candids often have a wide variety of duties, due to the nature of emotions
themselves and how intrinsic they are to all people. Even when one’s duty does not
involve other people, there are still the emotions within oneself that must be freed.
    Champions of Brass know the emotion of fear better than any other Braves. They
aren't afraid of their opponents. They aren't afraid to ask for help. They aren't afraid to
take the time they need to pprepare, or to jump in when there's no time left to spare. On
the battlefield, emotions can and will grant you strength, but they can compromise you
in an instant if you let them overpower you. Also, as their Heraldry might suggest, they
value freedom of movement to use their skills without obstruction, but Champions of
Brass also favor Stamina as they work to mitigate their own fear of their opponents.
    Graces of Brass are the ones that take their Philosophy to heart the most.
Sometimes, shame and embarrassment are hard to overcome without the support of
others, and if there's anyone that knows how to get the public on your side, it's a Grace.
It's hard to keep denying yourself if everyone around you realizes that they want you to
be the truest version of yourself.
    Menders of Brass are quite often your shoulder to cry on. When the going gets
rough, they're always there for you to open up to. They're the psychologists, the
relationship counselors, and the confidants. They're the people to come to when
someone needs to stop avoiding the problem and just do what needs to be done in
order to be happy.
    Seekers of Brass are more unified in the way they approach secrets rather than the
kinds of secrets they approach. When they uncover hidden truths, they always scour
away until they have the full picture, understanding the motivations, exact actions, and
intents of everyone involved, until they can finally craft a plan to bring the whole web of
lies down at once with the least collateral damage possible.
    Troubadours of the Brass Court who aren't masters of words in some way express
emotions in ways that words just can't convey. However, dancers are slightly more
common among the ranks of the Braves. The message of The Brazen Queen is an
abstract one at its core, and communication is sometimes the hardest step. After all, the
most important step in overcoming yourself is understanding yourself, and the Ardent
Troubadours do this with their art.


    There are many reasons that people join the Court of Brass, one of which is for the
journey of self-understanding and confidence. Many Braves learned the Ardent One’s
message long before their Blossoming, and decideddecide to follow her to put
themselves in the best situation for continuing their introspection. Many others have
deep-set issues of depression, shyness, or anger, and join the Court of Brass as a way
to force themselves to overcome it. It is not unheard of for Nobles of other Courts to
switch to the Court of Brass during a troublesome and turbulent time of their life, at least
temporarily. Usually they switch back once they are on their way to recovery, but Brass
has made a few permanent additions this way.
    On the other side of the coin, they could be looking for The Ardent One’s message of
self-expression. Once again, people join at various times during their journey. Those
already determined to express themselves and communicate at such a deep level will
join the ranks of the Brass to further their journey, but sometimes people have an
epiphany, a sudden realization of how to fix themselves and how others can share their
happiness. The desire to spread the word of joy and rehabilitation often causes people
to find themselves among the Braves.

Character Creation

    Braves very often favor Resolve, Composure, and Presence. Resolve and
Composure go a long way when it comes to working with their own emotions, and
Presence helps them express themselves more effectively. Candids focused on helping
others along the path of courage and self-discovery will often favor Manipulation to
break down tough instinctive emotional barriers, as well as Wits to read people more
effectively. Empathy and Expression are must-haves for the Ardent, and Persuasion for
those who must crack long-standing, deep-rooted problems. One would be hard-
pressed to find a Candid with a high Subterfuge score though. Braves often focus on
Athletics for mobility, though other physical skills are more varied. Stealth is not
considered to be against the principles of the Queen’s philosophy; hiding from view is
not the same as hiding one’s feelings, though some overlap is possible. Candids often
have at least one skill with a high rating if they have discovered their passion, and may
have one dot in several skills from the time when they were still searching.
    The Common Sense merit is very widespread among the Ardent, as are Social merits
that represent personal abilities. Allies, Contacts, and Retainers are also common as
helping people through important hurdles in their life tends to forge friendships. Area of
Expertise and Interdisciplinary Specialty are also common additions once a Brave has
found their passion, among other merits that complement their profession of choice.
    Many followers of the Brazen Queen wear their hearts on their sleeve, in a slightly
more literal sense than most. The heraldry of an Ardent will expose who they are
without fear of shame; their “embarrassing” hobbies on confident display, their specialty
nothing less than obvious at a glance, not bothering to dress for any occasion in
particular except for doing what they love. A mechanically-inclined Brave might be seen
in a grease-stained jumpsuit even on the streets, a medical student in the making never
takes off the white lab coat and stethoscope, and perhaps even an older Candid will find
themselves dressed like the heroes from the comic books and cartoons from their
childhood that they still love as an adult.
    Bronze, white, and maroon colorations are the most common, and the general style
of their regalia is often just as informed by who the Noble is as much as who they want
to be. As an exercise in confidence, many subjects of the Brazen Queen in their
mundane state will seek to emulate the appearance and fashion sense of their
transformed states, within reason.

Practical Magic
    The Brazen Queen teaches her followers not to be daunted by their emotions or
societal expectations. When a Candid is under the effects of a negative emotional or
social condition or tilt, they may spend a Wisp to ignore one of them for the rest of a
scene. Multiple Wisps may be spent to suppress multiple conditions or tilts, up to their
Wisps per turn limit for a single scene.
With High Belief a Candid can find strength in what others might consider the
chaos of emotions; their willingness to face themselves without fear allows them to
channel, transform, and focus those passions to a positive end. At Belief 8, any rolls
made by the Noble that would have suffered penalties due to a suppressed condition or
tilt receive a +1 bonus. At Belief 9, this bonus increases to +2 if the penalty inflicted by
the suppressed condition or tilt inflicted a penalty of -2 or greater on the roll. At Belief 10
the bonus becomes +3 for rolls with suppressed penalties of -3 or greater.

Invocation: Arrossire

    The Invocation of Brass is Arrossire, and the Braves learn it more easily than anyone
else. It is the paradoxical balance of serenity and adrenaline, and the principle of
openness. It tames terror and rapture alike, and is bound to transparent materials and
the warmth of the heart.
    Arrossire applies at no cost when the target of a Charm is a transparent solid, such
as sheer fabric, glass, or prisms. Additionally, it applies at nio cost when the target
wishes to overcome their inhibitions, the Noble is trying to discover the target’s hidden
emotional problems, the target has deceived the Noble or someone close to them in the
last week, or the Noble is performing an action that they are unable to spend willpower
on that they normally could.
    Arrossire abandons those who violate its ideals of transparency, honesty, and
empathy. If the Noble ever pretends to be someone who they are not, or allows
someone else to act like someone who they are not (according to their personality, not
necessarily the identity they were born with), the Noble loses access to Arrossire for a
day. The Noble faces the same consequence  if they respond to a directly offered
chance to express their emotions with deception or silence, or if they intentionally cause
emotional harm to another without the intent to somehow teach them a lesson with the

Clubs: Are you really at peace with the world if you're still too hesitant to take action?
Diamonds: You keep teaching people to think well, I’ll keep teaching people to not let
bad thoughts stop them.
Hearts: Giving people purpose by leading them is fine, but I would prefer it if you
weren't trying to bring back the time when it was rude for a woman’s ankles to be
Spades: We were thinking the same thing, but I like to give them purpose after saving
them. Still, it is nice just to see a smile on someone’s face.
Are you really at peace with the world if you're still too hesitant to take action?
Diamonds: You keep teaching people to think well, I’ll keep teaching people to not let
bad thoughts stop them.
Hearts: Giving people purpose by leading them is fine, but I would prefer it if you weren't
trying to bring back the time when it was rude for a woman’s ankles to be visible.
Spades: We were thinking the same thing, but I like to give them purpose after saving
them. Still, it is nice just to see a smile on someone’s face.
Swords: By trying to do everything, you can never figure out what it is that you want to
be doing. You could find an occupation to be passionate about too, but then again, the
search for yourself is never done. Just don’t burn too hot, okay?
Tears: You allowed your sorrow to reign free and it destroyed you. When you felt the
pain, you wouldn't let it go. You're already dead inside, how fitting that you can talk to
Storms: Most of you haven't even taken the first step towards not letting your emotions
overtake you.
Mirrors: You spend all that time looking at yourself, but you have yet to see anything.
Vampires: If we were to convince them to listen to their inner emotions, they would
either make frightening headway into whatever plans they have, or they would all kill
each other by the next day.
Werewolves: You’re hot blooded, but your heart is weak. They cannot successfully
fight back against their emotions. It's… sad.
Mages: They say that they can see the source code of reality, but how can they when
they can’t even see what’s right under their nose?
Prometheans: I weep for them, they can’t express themselves, they can’t know the joy
of laying their heart bare and being accepted in spite of, or because of, their differences.
Changelings: Their society is divided over which emotion they must handle first. Who
knew being able to eat feelings makes it harder to understand them?
Sin-Eaters: They may seem cheerful, but they lack passion. Are you sure they're not
still dead?
Mummies: You can't say that you’ve woken up if you don't understand yourself or what
you want.
Beasts: We don't spread fear like you do. Stop calling us family.
Hunters: Conquering fear is not the destination, it is the first step. Now keep walking,
you’ve already started down that path.
Mortals: There are those who just can't step up. I’m here to fix that.

Stereotypes Looking In:

Clubs: Our goals are similar, but perhaps you are taking it a bit too quickly.
Diamonds: Just make sure you aren’t forgetting to think things through even when fear
doesn’t stop you.
Hearts: Put some clothes on.
Spades: Woah, I missed a great party.
Swords: Aren’t we skipping a few steps here?
Tears: For Empress’s sake, please put some clothes on.
Storms: Talk to me when you’re actually ready to start fighting the Darkness..
Mirrors: You think you’re prettier than me!? Is that it?!?!

Ryuko Matoi (Kill La Kill)
Nudist Beach (Kill La Kill)
Sky (Shantae series)

Pride and confidence aren't like clothes that can be stripped from you. They come from
within the beating heart, so never stop moving forward.

Dreamlands Location: Honnō Island

Possible inspiration/visual shorthand?

(minus the tank, obv.)

A description of greater Honnō Island goes here. Any notable settlements, Dreamlander
culture, ecology, geology, common entrances and exits, etc. For a general Aesthetic,
Greco-Roman architecture being reclaimed by nature would be good as it is reminiscent
of Atlantis.

New Charms

Candid Eyes (•, Arrossire •)
Action: Instant
Dice Pool: Composure + Expression
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: 1 Scene
    The Noble wears her honesty on her sleeve, where no one can miss it.
    Dramatic Failure: The Noble becomes shy and introverted, suffering a -2 penalty to
Expression rolls for the rest of the scene.
    Failure: The Noble’s ability to communicate the truth is unaffected.
    Success: For the rest of the scene, if someone can see the Noble’s eyes while the
Noble is saying something completely honest, they instinctively know that she is telling
the truth, or at least what she believes to be true.
    Exceptional Success: The Noble gains a +2 bonus to Expression rolls for the rest of
the scene.

Light the Way (•)

Upgrade: Stark (Arrossire •)

    Instead of actually emitting light, the Noble’s Regalia simply exudes an aura of visual
clarity. The Noble may eliminate perception penalties due to darkness for herself, and
may extend this benefit to up to her Arrossire dots in other people of her choice. She
may change her selection of people with an Instant action. This allows the Princess and
her allies to see in the dark without attracting unwanted attention from real light.

Twenty Faces (•)

Upgrade: Confidant (Arrossire •)

A Noble with this upgrade can, at any time, use an Instant action to define a
number of individuals who see through the illusions and disguises of Twenty Faces
automatically, up to a number of people equal to their dots in Arrossire. The Noble may
use another instant action to change this list at any time.

Phantom (••)
Upgrade: Selective (Arrossire ••)
    The Noble may select a number of individuals up to her dots in Arrossire who
instinctively know that the illusion is not real and suffer no obstruction from perceiving it.
Alternatively, she may select individuals to be the only ones that perceive her illusions,
and when she does this they are the only ones to perceive the illusion at all.

Wallflower (••)

Upgrade: Transparent (Arrossire ••)

    The Noble bends light and thoughts in tandem to disappear entirely. Anyone who fails
to overcome the protection of this Charm fails to remember that anyone was ever there
at all, unable to recall even a person-shaped blur. If the Noble attracts attention to
herself by touching or talking to someone, she may later use an Instant action to rescind
that immunity without breaking line of sight. If used in tandem with Traceless, video
footage and audio recordings register nothing and silence, respectively.

Vanishing Drive (•••, Arrossire •••)

Action: Reflexive
Dice Pool: Unrolled
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: 1 Action
    The Noble may activate this charm whenever they are about to perform a mundane
physical action (Physical Attribute + Physical Skill) that is contested (not resisted) by
someone trying to stop the Noble as opposed to performing the same action better. The
Noble activates this Charm and the target’s contesting pool is capped by the lower of
their Wits or Dexterity scores as the Noble combines diversion, illusion, and erratic
motion to scramble their opponent’s reaction time.

 Goccia Astrale (•••)

(Material for the Double: Transparent materials like plastics, glass, and sheer fabrics)


Shoulder To Cry On (••, Arrossire •)

Action: Instant

Dice Pool: Presence + Composure

Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: 1 Day or 1 Week
    The Noble uses this Charm on a target other than herself that she can touch.
    Dramatic Failure: The target gains the Frightened condition, targeted at the Noble.
    Failure: The Noble’s words are comforting, but ineffective.
    Success: The target gains the benefits of the Support Network merit targeted at the
Noble at a rating equal to the lower of the Noble’s successes and their Arrossire rating.
The benefit lasts for a day.
    Exceptional Success: The Noble remains a comforting presence for the target for a
whole week.

Charms of Enhancement (•••, Invocation •••)

•    Heartbeat Flash (Arrossire): Roll Wits + Expression; the Enhanced Condition
raises one of Presence, Wits, or Stamina

Blessings Be Upon This House [Vocations] (••••)

Upgrade: Hideout (Arrossire •••)

    The Noble prepares the place to be comforting and private. By applying Arrossire to
the Charm, she may create a Blessing that enhances Presence, Wits, or Stamina, a
two-Attribute roll based on one of these Attributes, or the Skills Investigation, Athletics,
Stealth, Empathy, Expression, Persuasion, and Socialize (beyond her own knowledge).
She may also create Virtue Blessings based on Virtues other than her own.

None So Deaf As Those Who Will Not Hear [Vocations] (•••••,

Arrossire ••••)
Action: Instant, Takes 1 Minute to complete
Dice Pool: Presence + Empathy, modified by Sympathy
Cost: 3 Wisps, 1 Willpower
Duration: Lasting
The Queen of Brass has a mastery over the art of communication, and with the
power of her guidance, her followers can turn people's hearts towards the Light.
Dramatic Failure: The target immediately gains the Doubting condition, and may
not rid themselves of Shadows dots until they resolve it.
Failure: Nothing happens; the Noble may not attempt to use this charm again in
the same scene.
Success: The target gains the persistent Perfected Sensitivity Condition. The
target becomes self-aware of any non-physical conditions they possess, their Belief
rating (or equivalent), and their Shadows dots. The target's base Sensitivity pool
increases by the Noble's activation successes, or becomes the Noble's activation
successes if they didn't have one already. Hauntings become less harmful for the target:
a normal success on a Haunting inflicts one of Broken, Enraged, or Flashbacks.
Enraged, when gained in this way, does not turn their hatred against the victim if the
target was the perpetrator. An exceptional success on a Haunting inflicts one of the
above, and the target cannot choose catharsis. Dots in Shadows do not draw the target
to the Dreamlands. The target receives a Beat every time they suffer from a Haunting
that achieves an exceptional success. Whenever the target reduces their dots in
Shadows or gains a dot of Belief (or equivalent), they reduce their Sensitivity by one.
Once their Sensitivity returns to its normal rating, this condition is resolved.
Exceptional Success: More successes are their own reward.


Open Heart (•)

Upgrade: Guilt Trip (Arrossire ••)

The Noble is so trustworthy and welcoming that people can’t bear to lie to her. All
uses of the Subterfuge skill against the Noble take her dots in Arrossire as a penalty.

Need You With Me (••, Arrossire ••)

Help me to stay focused, I wanna be complete
Action: Instant
Dice Pool: Resolve + Composure
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: 1 Scene
    The weight of familiarity keeps the Noble focused in times of stress. The Noble
activates this Charm whenever they can see someone that they have a level of
Sympathy (Intimacy) for that is at least Encountered (Acquainted) or greater.
    Dramatic Failure: The Noble’s confidence is shaken as they find themselves feeling
distant from their loved ones. They gain the Nervous condition, and cannot resolve it
during the current scene.
    Failure: The Charm has no effect.
    Success: For the rest of the scene, the best Sympathy rating that the Noble has for
someone present in the scene applies as a limit to the Noble’s distractions. On normal
and contested mundane actions, the Noble cannot suffer a penalty greater than half the
dice penalty corresponding to this level of Sympathy. On mundane resisted actions, the
penalty “cap” applies but is not halved. This penalty cap can change if a character the
Noble has greater Sympathy for enters the scene, but if the only remaining applicable
character leaves the scene, the Charm expires early.
    Exceptional Success: The penalty cap also applies to any Compromise rolls that
the Noble makes for the duration.

Upgrade: Together (Arrossire •••)

    The Noble is a comforting presence in a team effort. If the Noble participates in a
teamwork action while this Charm is active, then the Commonality of all participants is
measured. The primary actor gains the Commonality modifier as a penalty cap, and all
secondary actors gain half the Commonality modifier (rounded up) as a penalty cap.

Whispers From Afar (•••)

Upgrade: Wordless (Arrossire ••)

Sometimes, words just aren’t an effective method of communication. With this
upgrade, the Noble and anyone they link to can communicate with thoughts and
meanings without needing words. This allows for the Charm to be used effectively with
people who speak different languages, and grants 8-Again to Empathy rolls made by
people in the link against other people using the link, as emotions come across more
easily when unfiltered by words.

Charms of Entwined Destiny (••••, Invocation •••)

•    Be Your Shadow (Arrossire): The Noble gains willpower whenever they convince
the target to admit to their faults or give them the courage to overcome a significant
barrier in their life. The Noble experiences a Breaking Point whenever the Noble was
not there to ease one of the target's Breaking Points that were unrelated to witnessing
the supernatural.


Empty Hands (•)

Upgrade: Passionate (Arrossire ••)
During a grapple, the Noble’s proximity with their opponent causes their
adrenaline to rush in response to their opponent’s heart. During any turn in which the
Noble’s opponent in a grapple spends willpower, the Noble gains a +2 bonus to the
grapple’s contested roll.

Kensai (•)

Upgrade: Clear (Arrossire ••)

The Noble’s weapon becomes clear, like glass. Whenever the Noble applies
Arrossire to an attack, her weapon becomes indistinct and difficult to locate, reducing
her opponent’s defense against the attack by her dots in Arrossire.

Javelot [Dream] (•)

Upgrade: Distracting (Arrossire ••)

The Noble’s projectiles draw their target’s gaze as they pass by or send
distracting signals into the target’s body on impact. When the Noble applies Arrossire to
an attack, hit or miss the target suffers a penalty to perception rolls equal to her
Arrossire until the start of the Noble’s next turn. If the attack does hit, the target halves
their defense against the next attack made against them in the current round.

Levinbolt (•)

Upgrade: Unhindered (Arrossire ••)

Projectiles fired from the Noble’s Levinbolt ignore the effects of cover and human
shields. Additionally, if the Noble applies Arrossire to their attack and deals damage,
then a number of attacks made against the same target in the same round up to the
Noble’s Arrossire may ignore 1/1 armor.

Palladion [Vocation] (•)

Upgrade: Distracting (Arrossire •)

The Noble’s shield begs to be challenged, drawing opponents’ attention away
from everything else. Whenever the Noble appies Arrossire to enhance her defense or
dodge rolls, attackers who miss an attack roll against her must succeed on a reflexive
Wits + Composure roll or suffer from the effects of the one-eyed version of the Blinded
tilt for a number of turns equal to the Noble’s Arrossire, as they have trouble tearing
their eyes away from the surface of the shield. This effect does not stack with itself; it
only resets the duration if the Noble uses it on the same target before the effects of the
last use have faded.

Lost Fiber (••, Arrossire •)

"Stripped" of the will to fight!
A Noble's opponents should not waste time hiding behind armor.
Prerequisite: Kensai, Empty Hands, or Levinbolt
Action: Reflexive
Dice Pool: Unrolled
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: Lasting
    Whenever a Noble successfully lands an attack with one of the prerequisite Regalia
Charms, they may activate this Charm. The attack deals no damage, but they instead
deftly cleave off any clothes or armor from the target. Clothes pose no resistance, but
as long as the damage of the Noble's canceled attack exceeds the equipment bonus of
the armor, it falls off of the target onto the ground, broken but repairable.

Before My Body Is Dry (•••••, Arrossire •••)

Action: Instant
Dice Pool: Resolve + Composure
Cost: 2 Wisps, 1 Willpower
Duration: 1 Scene
    People show their true colors when they are on the verge of death, and the Noble
chooses to show her will to live. The Noble may activate this Charm whenever they
have Lethal damage in their rightmost health box and have not yet been stabilized.
    Dramatic Failure: The Noble takes another point of damage immediately and cannot
activate this Charm again in the same scene.
    Failure: The Noble fails to summon up the energy she needs.
    Success: The Noble’s heart races, and her adrenaline courses with painful intensity.
She gain the following benefits for the duration:
 The Noble’s defense applies against all attacks no matter the source or
circumstances. If there are no circumstances that would have denied the Noble
her defense, she gains her Resolve + Inner Light in bonus defense points.
 The Noble may escape from any bindings, pick locked doors, or otherwise
remove any obstructions as Instant unrolled actions. This triggers a Clash of
Wills against supernatural obstructions, which the Noble may apply Arrossire to.
 In a chase, the Noble reduces her target successes by her Composure.
Exceptional Success: The Noble’s escape leaves people hesitant to stop her.
Mundane physical rolls made against the Noble suffer her Inner Light as a penalty.


Reflected Light (•)

Upgrade: Truth-Attuned (Arrossire •)

The Noble automatically enters a Clash of Wills against any illusionary magic that
conceals or changes what is there, or simulates the presence of what is not. This also
reacts to powers meant to prevent the Noble from recognizing lies.

Witch Furnace (•••, Arrossire ••)

Action: Instant
Dice Pool: Inner Light + Intelligence + Effective Charm Rating
Cost: none
Duration: 1 Scene
Dramatic Failure: The chosen Regalia dissolves, but the Noble receives no
Failure: Nothing happens
Success: The chosen Regalia dissolves and cannot be resummoned until the
end of the scene. For every success on the activation roll, the Noble gains one
temporary Wisp that can only be used to apply Arrossire. Any temporary Wisps fade at
the end of the scene if they are not spent by then.
Exceptional Success: The temporary Wisps may be used to apply any
Drawback: No matter the result of the activation roll, this Charm may only be
activated once per scene.


Razzle Dazzle [Vocations] (•)

Upgrade: Revealing (Arrossire ••)
The Noble pokes holes in flawed arguments faster than anyone can keep up
with. If the Noble witnesses someone using diversion tactics, false evidence, or
dogmatic appeals to convince other people of something, the Noble may choose to
reveal this to the other witnesses immediately. When she does so, she may spend 1
Wisp and immediately inflict the Notoriety condition on the target.

Don't Lose Your Way (••, Arrossire •)

My blood is pumping, I'm ready to fight when you are.
Action: Full Turn
Dice Pool: Presence + Empathy
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: 1 Scene
The Noble gives words of encouragement that inspire someone to act with confidence.
The Noble cannot use this Charm on themselves, and successful or not can only try to
use it on a target once per scene.
    Dramatic Failure: The Noble's display of confidence makes the target feel pathetic
by comparison. The target cannot spend willpower for the rest of the scene.
    Failure: The target feels mildly encouraged, but otherwise receives no benefit.
    Success: The Noble grants the target with the will to succeed. Every time the
character fails an action that they spent willpower on, they gain a temporary point of
willpower that vanishes at the end of the scene if it is not spent before then. In addition,
the target cannot be prevented from spending willpower through mundane means.
    Exceptional Success: As success, but the target immediately gains a number of
temporary willpower points equal to the Noble's Arrossire.


Passion’s Light (•)

Upgrade: Psychological [Vocations] (Arrossire ••)

The Noble looks deep beyond the surface of the target’s Aura and into the
problems that lie beneath. The Noble may use Intelligence + Empathy - the target’s
composure as an instant action, identifying one emotional or social condition per
success. She may make this roll against a given target only once per scene, but may
use it on any number of targets in the same scene. Alternatively, the Noble may use the
same roll to gain a very general impression of the target’s Belief, or any equivalent trait
that represents a character’s mental state. If successful, the Storyteller tells the player
“high,” (8-10) “average,” (4-7) or “low” (1-3), for linear scales that operate like Belief,
Integrity, Humanity, etc. It is up to the Storyteller how to interpret less linear scales such
as Harmony or Clarity, but they should still fall into roughly three zones of description.

What Words Can’t Say (••, Arrossire •)

Action: Instant and Resisted
Dice Pool: Wits + Empathy - target’s Composure
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: Lasting
By concentrating on someone nearby, the Noble may see the self that lies behind
the layers of masks and abstractions.
Dramatic Failure: The Noble gains the Misled Condition…
Failure: The Noble learns nothing of the target, and the Noble may not attempt
to use the Charm again on the same target for the rest of the scene.
Success: The Noble gains flashes of insight into the target’s emotional clarity.
The Storyteller must answer one question about the following subjects truthfully for each
activation success:
 One of the target’s skills or specialties that would allow them to better understand
others (Empathy, Investigation, etc.) or better express themselves (Expression,
Crafts, etc.)
 A Merit representing an ability to resist the effects of negative emotions and
social pressure (Indomitable, Iron Will, Closed Book, etc.)
 One object, person, or other thing that gives the target comfort and confidence
 Whether or not the target is aware of one aspect of themselves that the Noble is
already aware of
Exceptional Success: The Noble gains great insight into the target’s emotional

Upgrade: Personal (Arrossire ••)

The Invocation of Arrossire prizes exemplars of self-mastery, but that is not the
whole extent of its purview. The Noble may search for the presence of influences that
either resonateresonant with or disrupt Arrossire, as well as the target’s raw potential in
resonant areas.
 The target’s Presence, Wits, or Stamina
 How many Galemarks the target possesses, or something similar that dampens
the sense of self
 How many dots of Shadows the target possesses, or something similar that
dampens the light of hope
 A significant flaw that the target wants to overcome

Barrier Jacket (•)

Upgrade: Natural [Vocations] (Arrossire •)

The Noble’s armor doesn't need to cover their whole body; a protective force fills
up the gaps, leaving the Noble without need to fear precise weaponry. Whenever the
Noble applies Arrossire to their Barrier Jacket, the Armor Piercing weapon quality has
no effect on the armor granted by this Charm.

Celestial Grace/Dance (•)

Upgrade: Witch Time (Arrossire ••)

The Noble rides the wave of adrenaline, flowing from one movement to the next
in battle, all while picking up the subtle shifts in her opponent’s emotions. Whenever the
Noble successfully dodges an attack, she may reflexively spend 1 Wisp to inflict the
Stunned tilt on her attacker, combining graceful evasion with psychological warfare to
create a perfect opening.

My Shine Spark (•••, Arrossire ••)

Action: Permanent
    The Queen of Brass is not one to sit idly while people suffer through a disconnect
with their body. She personally crafted this Charm herself, and it has several strange
and unusual properties.
    In the transformed state, the effects of this charm seem almost nonexistent. However,
in the Noble’s mundane state, they can still feel the influence of their ideal self gently
flowing beneath the surface.
    While the Noble is not transformed, she gains her Arrossire in automatic successes
(minimum of 2) on mundane disguise and acting rolls to imitate the appearance and
mannerisms of their ideal self. These automatic successes do not count for determining
if a roll was an exceptional success. Additionally, the Noble gains a luminous beat for
every experience point spent converting transformed attribute/skill dots into mundane
attribute/skill dots. The same goes for every five beats spent making single form merit
dots available in both forms.
    (Vocations: The Noble need not take this Charm as a practical charm in order to
benefit from it, and in fact, this Charm cannot be taken as practical.)

Upgrade: Angel’s Purity (Arrossire •••••)

Note: Living Image, Bequeath, and Bequests use Maiden’s Purity instead.
    With this upgrade, the Noble’s mundane state begins a slow fusion with their ideal
self. Within the limits of human physiology, as well as the Noble’s normal age and
mundane attributes, the Noble’s mundane body begins to approach that of their ideal
self. The listed changes occur only if it does in fact bring them closer to their ideal self,
and the given time frames are for adult Nobles.
    A day after the Noble acquires this upgrade, they will be filled with the same
confidence they have when they are transformed and start using their mannerisms more
often. After a week, minor scars will have fully disappeared, their eye color will have
finished changing, their hair will start growing in as a different color, structure and in the
exact places they want it to, and they may gain or lose a few shades of skin tan. By the
end of the first month, the Noble will have regained fully normal functioning of missing or
damaged senses, all scarring from burns or chronic illnesses will be gone, including the
illnesses themselves, and they will have recovered functioning of paralyzed limbs. They
will appear as young and healthy as they wish to. After the whole first year, even full
body paralysis, cancer, and missing limbs or organs will be things of the past for the
Noble. At this stage even the structure of their features will have settled in, as their
bones and natural metabolism get used to their new state.
    Adult Nobles may shrink or grow in height by about 1 inch a year until they match
their ideal self, but young Nobles with room to grow simply have their endpoint shifted to
match. Young Nobles often experience these changes at a reduced rate as it becomes
integrated with their remaining natural growth, and those young Nobles with especially
drastic differences between themselves and their transformed states, including gender,
apparent race, extremely rare features, etc. may be stalled halfway until they are much
closer to their late teens or even adulthood, not only to better maintain an appearance
of mundanity, but also as the Queen puts it, “to give their ideal self time to mature as
well, before crossing the line.”
    Finally, in both the transformed and mundane states, the Noble will not lose limbs or
organs. Attacks that would normally sever arms and destroy eyes simply phase through,
rending the life within but still leaving the flesh untouched. As such, all physical tilts are
cured at the end of the scene in which they were inflicted. The Noble also does not
contract mundane diseases normally.

Upgrade: Maiden’s Purity (Arrossire •••••)

Note: Can only be purchased on a Bequest.
    Unfortunately, the full benefits of Angel’s Purity require an intimate and direct
connection with a crystallized construct of the ideal self such as the transformed state,
one that can not be rerouted through a Bequest. However, the influence of the Brazen
Queen is not entirely lost.
    With this upgrade, any mundane methods that the user could take to get closer to
their ideal self are guaranteed to work without complications if the user follows through,
regardless of prior issues. Additionally, the first time in a given scene in which the user
goes out of their way to follow through with working towards their ideal self and
exploring how their ideal self fits into their mundane life, they regain a single point of
    (Dream: The bearer of a My Shine Spark Bequest with Maiden’s Purity only needs to
transform their Bequest to benefit from the base effect; the effects of Maiden’s Purity
persist simply by keeping the Bequest on their person.)


Rise And Shine (••, Arrossire ••)

Action: Extended, 15 minutes/roll, Threshold = Target’s Willpower Dots
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Expression
Cost: 2 Wisps
Duration: Lasting
Extended exposure to the Gales smothers out a person’s identity, and a Noble
can’t always rely on someone to spend enough time away from the Dreamlands to let
the effects fade. The Noble activates this Charm on someone with Galemarks, and
spends the duration of the extended action reinforcing the target’s identity. This might
entail taking the target to visit friends and socialize, go through the target’s daily routine
alongside the Noble, or any other course of action that serves as a reminder of who the
target really is. No matter how the Noble goes about this, the target is cured of a single
Galemark upon successfully completing the extended action. If the Noble accumulated
more successes than are needed to complete the action, and the target still has
Galemarks left after the Charm is complete, the Noble may pay 2 more Wisps
immediately and carry over extra successes to the next activation of this Charm.
Galemarks removed by this Charm never cause the changes enacted by the Gales to
fade; the Gales, in essence, create a new person, and it would be against the tenets of
the Light to erase it from existence entirely without reason.

The Real You (•••, Arrossire ••)

Action: Instant and Contested
Dice Pool: Presence + Occult vs Clash of Wills pool
Cost: 2 Wisps
Duration: 1 Scene
The Noble temporarily brushes aside effects that have changed a person’s
physical form, revealing their truest self.
Dramatic Failure: The Noble gains the Misled condition and believes that the
target’s current form is their truest. The condition may not be resolved in the same
scene that the Noble gains it.
Failure: Nothing happens.
Success: The Noble suppresses any supernatural effects that change the shape
or features of a person’s body for the remainder of the scene, returning them to what
the target believes to be their “truest self.” This includes several forced transformations
that some supernaturals can incur in others, the transformations of Nobles and
Werewolves, and several learned supernatural abilities of other supernatural creatures
that allow them to transform themselves. This does not include irreversible changes
such as the magic that transforms humans into Changelings. If the target has multiple
forms that they possess innately, this charm returns them to the one closest to human if
the target was mostly human at some point in their life, otherwise they return to the form
they were born in.
Exceptional Success: The Noble gains the Informed condition pertaining to the
target’s perception of their forms.

We Were One (•••••, Arrossire ••••)

Avatar (Brass)
Action: Instant
Dice Pool: Inner Light + Resolve
Cost:3 Wisps, 1 Willpower
Duration: 1 Scene
A person is formed from their past, their experiences, the people they have met,
and for Nobles, their past lives. With the help of the Brazen Queen, the Noble gives
form and independence to all of the things that have affected them most.
Dramatic Failure: The Princess’s Phylactery shatters, and she reverts to
mundane form. The normal procedure for obtaining a new Phylactery must be followed.
Failure: The Noble experiences a pang of nostalgia, but nothing else.
Success: The Noble, for a mere instant, enters a trance and stands at the
opening of their Crawlspace as fragments of themselves and images of their friends
come to them. And then she wakes, no time has passed, but those who visited her are
now by her side. This Charm has two primary effects:
 During the vision in their Crawlspace, a reflection of every character that affected
them most appears (In Vocations, this is all characters the Noble has Intimate
Sympathy for. In Dreams, this is Love/Hate Intimacy.) alongside a reflection of all
their current Conditions. For each success, the Noble may pick an effect from the
following list:
o She may ask a reflection a single question, and receive an honest, truthful
answer. Reflections of conditions have no information to give.
o She may ask a reflection for help. Upon waking from the vision, she gains
a +1 bonus to a single attribute or skill of the Noble’s choice, among the
limited choices. A reflection of a person can provide bonuses to any
attributes or skills in which they possess a rating of 3 or higher. A
reflection of a condition cannot give bonuses.
o She may ask a single Condition to stand aside. A temporary condition
fades without resolving upon waking from the vision, while a Persistent
Condition ceases to affect the Noble in any way for the Scene.

 The Noble summons their past self (or a Citizen of the Kingdom that most
reflects them, for Onceborn). The Noble sees an image of the past self standing
alongside them for the remainder of the scene once they wake up from the
crawlspace vision, and they may converse with their past self for the duration of
the Charm. As long as the past self remains intact, Nobles without the Onceborn
merit treat their Belief as one higher as the memory of the fall seems a bit more
Exceptional Success: More Successes are their own reward.


No Walls Between Us (••, Arrossire ••)

Action: Instant
Dice Pool: Strength + Crafts - Durability
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: 1 Turn
The Noble uses this charm on a man-made object that they are close enough to
touch. This charm does not work on natural features of the landscape.
Dramatic Failure: The Noble gets stuck in the object midway. They gain the
Immobilized tilt and must succeed on a Strength + Athletics roll penalized by the
object’s durability to escape, taking an Instant action for each attempt.
Failure: The object remains solid. Depending on how quickly the Noble was
moving, this may cause damage.
Success: The Noble moves through the chosen object as if it were nothing more
than water, allowing them to walk through walls, pull things out of locked cases, and
many other things. If the Noble is still in the object when the turn ends, it turns to the
consistency of mud or quicksand, but waits to solidify until the Noble extracts
themselves from the object.
Exceptional Success: If the Noble uses this charm again on the same object
within the next minute, they automatically achieve a normal success without a roll.

Court of Constellations
Titles: Lord of the Open Hand, Keeper of the Unknown Paths, Son of Starlight
Followers’ Nicknames: Probes, Quasars, Trailblazers, Busybodies (Derogatory)
Kingdom: Lamessier Valley

I want to ask you to do something real quick. Look up at the night sky. What do you see? Not the
moon. Not the depths of space. Look at the stars. People have been tracing them together for thousands
of years. Orion, Cassiopea, the Little Dipper. They’re all up there. Do you know of a single star that is
not part of a constellation?
What I’m trying to say is that we’re all like those stars up there. We can all shine, but when we’re
alone our light is difficult to see and the darkness can easily overtake it. It’s when we work with other
stars that our light burns away the darkness and reaches out to the farthest parts of the universe.

The King of Constellations guides Nobles who wish to bring people closer together despite
differences, who believe that a better world would be built on the backs of people of all cultures, ages,
and species coming together and working side by side as equals.

Tales of the Kingdom

The Kingdom of Lamessier is a country that rests between three major mountain ranges along
with a coastal region that is always to the Southeast despite the shifting of the Dreamlands. Its
environment is strange and mystical even by the standards of the rest of the Dreamlands, with floating
landmasses, arcane flora & fauna, and odd (though usually harmless) weather patterns being not
uncommon besides the more mundane sights of a naturally forested valley region.
Generally, the architecture of Lamessier’s cities and towns are a mish-mash of hundreds of
different styles tailored to each of the buildings’ individual owners. A library in a platinum futuristic
tower similar to those from Danaan being right across the street from a tavern built out of ornamental
stone typical of Andarta is not an uncommon sight in Lamessier. It’s a kingdom of great contrasts, and
occasionally disputes do arise, but in the end everyone manages to get along happily and keep working
Which is where we get into the inhabitants of Lamessier. The size of its native population is
actually quite small in comparison to the other Kingdoms, being only just barely enough to support their
king’s status as a Monarch of the Light. What it lacks in size, however, it makes up for in diversity. Its
citizens are of all sorts of viewpoints, beliefs, trades, ancestries, and even species. In fact, less than half of
their population are humans or Nobles, and it is not fully known how many of them are Wolf-Blooded or
other such beings of similar status. All the others are Werewolves, Changelings, a few Mages, and other
such creatures. Now, no one is really sure why the inhabitants of Lamessier who weren’t Nobles or
Human were sent to the Dreamlands when none of the other Kingdoms’ inhuman subjects have been
found, but they hope it means that they are here and can be found, and it is not just a manifestation of
Lustrae’s ability to connect with supernaturals foreign to the Light.
Lamessier is a very extroverted Kingdom, some would say to the point of becoming nosy,
actively trying to maintain contact and trade with all of the Kingdoms in some manner or another, and its
primary method of doing so, if magic is not practical, is through its flotilla of vessels, both sea and air
based. Though their sea vessels are not as good as Danaan’s nor their airships as fast as the Confederacy
of Four Winds’, they are very well made and more adaptable to changing circumstances.
As he sits on his throne in his Platinum Palace in the very center of his country, the King of
Constellations cuts a strong figure, one able to bear the weight of so many differing viewpoints and all
kinds of citizens. He is very tall and is heavily muscled underneath his segmented armor and navy blue
cape, which has been enchanted by his own power and a few Mages to be nigh-impenetrable, highly
resistant to most forms of magic, and to repair itself if it ever does get damaged. But, despite descriptions
making one inclined to be intimidated by him, actually meeting him is almost always enough to assuage
these inclinations. He is almost never without a large, friendly, and welcoming smile on his face. His big
blue eyes gleam like sapphires when he sees someone enter the room, as if he has just reunited with his
best friend in the world once again. And his spiky brown hair that frames his head, that has been
described as a lion’s mane, only serves to make him more endearing than intimidating. And when he
speaks, he talks openly and honestly, as if they had known each other their entire lives. When one
interacts with the King, he reveals himself to be someone who tends to listen and observe at first and then
speak when he feels the time is right. Usually, he wishes to wait until his visitor has said their piece
before he says his. However, if he sees that they’re feeling a little overwhelmed, shy, or are unwilling to
talk, then he will intervene as necessary to bring them out of their shell.
It is very easy for a Quasar to gain an audience with the Lord of the Open Hand, just join one of
the Forums he holds. Every so often, the King of Constellations holds a Forum where any Noble of his
court may show up and share a grievance they have, an issue they are dealing with, a challenge they are
facing, anything of the sort, and he and their fellow Nobles are expected to listen totally and without
judgement. His only has three rules at these forums: only one may speak at a time. this is an open
discussion- no personal biases are allowed here, and there is no issue too small or too personal to not be
talked about. However, gaining a personal, one-on-one audience is a little harder. Sometimes it’s because
the King enjoys a large variety of activities that help a large portion of his citizens, like providing
counseling to some of his Changeling citizens or working through some of the findings of one of their
Mages. But usually it’s because the King prefers talks be out in the open because others might have ideas
that could help. Though, if one prefers not to talk about something in the Forum and would feel more
comfortable to talk about in private, he does understand and tries to fit it somewhere on his schedule.
In addition to the normal servants and courtiers a Monarch of the Light has, the King of
Constellations also has what the Kingdoms call the Zodiac Alliance. The Zodiac Alliance has two
representatives from each Kingdom other than his own in it, who live in Lamessier for a period of time
before returning back to their Kingdom and sending back two more chosen by their Monarch. In addition,
it also has three members of each major supernatural group living within Lamessier’s borders and ten
humans of Lamessier that change every so often as well, but each are voted into power by a majority vote
of their race instead of being chosen by the King. The main purpose of this Alliance is for members of all
the Kingdoms, and for representatives of as many possible supernatural groups, to meet, debate, and
discuss matters with one another and the King as allies. In order to keep everything in order and prevent it
from devolving into a shouting match, it is headed and mediated by the King’s own wife, a lovely
redheaded Mender whose patience is comparable to her husband’s. In addition, the Zodiac Alliance also
hold the power to veto one of the King’s own decisions if two-thirds of their number vote against it, and
the King’s wife is only able to vote in such matters if a tiebreaker is needed. Thus far, due to the nature of
the Dreamlands, no veto has ever been needed to be used, and they don’t remember if one had been used
back during the time of the Kingdom.

The King’s philosophy can be boiled down to one simple idea, “Everyone and everything is
worthy of consideration and recognition.”

Many stars make a constellation.

In each of us, there is a potential for a light to shine. But that light goes through different
experiences as it grows, making each light have a very different perspective. This is why we have the
Courts: because each has a different view of how best to apply the Light to the world. This doesn’t just
apply to Nobles: the Awakened, the Uratha, even the Begotten. All peoples have all sorts of different
views on how best to use their gifts.
With so many different viewpoints, it can make it very easy for people to enter an echo chamber
and only work with those who share similar viewpoints. That’s what the Kingdoms of old did, and look
where that got them in the end. Those who follow the Lord of the Open Hand are expected to entreat as
many different viewpoints and philosophies in their works as possible, for it is through the work of so
many different hands that the end result truly shines. However, that doesn’t mean they have to be rash
about it. Viewpoints that are extremely toxic or dangerous to others, such as those who serve the
Darkness, are not to be trusted at the speaking table, and too many viewpoints at once means nothing will
get done, especially if any of those viewpoints are in direct opposition to one another.
There is a second meaning to this philosophy. Our world is a divided one. Almost 200 mortal
countries exist on Earth, and who knows how many supernatural ones exist alongside them? And of those
countries, it is rare they get along without some form of leverage over each other. But these borders
between us were imagined by men and women that lived centuries ago. More connects us than separates
us. We all live under the same night sky, after all. So, the Probes must work to bring the people of the
world closer together, like billions of stars coming together to form a galaxy. Each individually beautiful,
but together making something more.

Chart the night sky.

The Darkness is one of the closest things we have to evil in this world, but it is not the only threat
to humanity. Ancient warlocks with egos so big they became embodiments of tyranny itself, mad gods
who kidnap mortals and twist them into grotesque mockeries of their former selves, even an alien empire
from Mars born from the belief they didn’t exist. The threats facing humanity are innumerable, and have
all kinds of origins. So, the Trailblazers have to seek out their holes in the hidden places of the world
untouched by the Light or the Darkness. To ignore such things would be the height of hubris.
There is a brighter side to this philosophy, though. Not all other powers not of the Light are
against humanity. The Werewolf pack defending the neighborhood from a swarm of murder spirits, the
Vampire who limits his feeding to blood donors or animals, the Changeling who scares a child away from
a battle with a True Fae. Each has the potential to be a boon for humanity rather than a bane, but the
instincts that come with their power might twist them into becoming a bane if they are left alone. That is
where we must intervene. We must learn about and intervene with these potential allies not of the Light,
to further aid peoples of all kinds and keep reaching for the stars.

Light might be hidden within the darkness.

People are a lot like stars. There's plenty all around you and all have the light in some form or
another. But like the night sky, many people's light is difficult to see, due to it being blanketed over by
layers of the darkness. What led these lights to hide within the darkness is a question that can have many
answers. Perhaps they hide the light in fear of it being extinguished, or because they're so used to living in
the dark that they have resigned themselves to never showing it. Some rip and tear at themselves and
others, never realizing how much good they could do if they didn't let the darkness eat away at them. Like
the stars one cannot see with the naked eye alone, the light within some people may need special aid, or
extra attention paid to them to truly find the light within them. It may take time and effort, but it's all
worthwhile so long as their brilliance is not devoured by the cold darkness.
However, the Lord of the Open Hand is not blind to the potential for darkness in people’s hearts.
He knows it all too well, and so urges caution in the Probes. A man may lie to a Trailblazer about making
good choices out of shame or desperation. And, unfortunately, some people just don’t have any desire to
do good at all. They relish being the bad guy. So a Noble has to be ready for those situations, for when
there is not enough light in another’s heart for it to grow and outshine the darkness.

Champions of Constellations often work as bodyguards and escorts for other Callings. The Court
of Constellations’ philosophy of reaching out to those in the darker parts of the world means they tend to
get into trouble more often than the other courts, even by Noble standards, and need protection. On other
occasions, they band together to form strike teams with other supernaturals in order to take care of threats
far from home, whether that be banding together with a Werewolf pack to fight Spirit invaders or working
with a group of Changelings to chase away a True Fae.
Graces of Constellations mostly act as diplomats and peacekeepers. Many decide to ensure the
Radiant courts keep close relations with each other, to make sure they don’t repeat the mistakes of the
past that lead to the Fall. Some reach out to the Twilight Princesses, to turn them back to the uncorrupted
path. Others work to form connections with other supernatural groups, which is the most demanding of all
the duties a Grace of Constellations can take due to the (often) utterly alien mentalities other
supernaturals can have. Another example of their duties is their works within the governments or less
fortunate communities of the mundane world; to settle old grudges and for allies to work together for
greater goals. More importantly, they’re trying to find ways to mitigate the chaos when the masquerade
that covers the Earth inevitably falls. Far better to prepare now than regret it later.
Menders of Constellations often work in war-torn and hellish places of the world. Places where
there is little to no hope at all, because that is where hope is needed most of all. They often volunteer to
go to places like North Korea, Afghanistan, and Somalia to try to help nurture the light there so it might
not be extinguished. Another place they often work are in prisons, homeless shelters, or mental asylums
trying to help the lost rekindle their light once more. In the supernatural world, they often work as
minders and caretakers for supernaturals not of the Light, trying to help them hold onto as much of their
humanity as they can.
Seekers of Constellations most often decide to serve one of five primary functions. The first is to
seek out the truths of the hidden places of the universe, especially the places affiliated with other
supernaturals. This ties into their second and third functions: to educate their fellow Nobles about other
supernaturals and to educate other supernaturals about Nobles. After all, how can you become friends
with another if you do not understand anything about them? Their fourth function is to keep tabs on
certain supernatural threats far from home, and whether they need a Champion/Supernatural strike team
or a Mender/Grace’s guidance. The fifth function they often choose is to seek out mortals who are aware
of the supernatural and educate them further as needed. The masquerade may not have broken yet, but
they must prepare for when it does. In addition to these, they can also sometimes be found working in the
various space programs all over the world. No place is more unknown than the depths of space, and who
better to help others reach the stars than the followers of the Son of Starlight?
Troubadours of Constellations work their art as ways to bring differing people together through
things such as good-natured competitions or collaborative works. Like a grand puzzle, the Troubadours of
Constellations find ways to bring different people and pieces together and find ways they can all fit
together perfectly and how they all compliment or contrast each other. Along the way, they ensure that
nothing is lost in the translation of their works from one culture to the next.

Due to this court’s encouragement of all sorts of different ideas, people can choose to follow the
King of Constellations for all sorts of reasons. But there are some factors that can bias Nobles towards
becoming a Probe.
The most common is having the supernatural already being a close part of their life before they
Blossomed. This can take the form of being close to a supernatural being, such as having an Uratha
parent. Wolf-Blooded who ended up Blossoming instead of going through the First Change often end up
in the Court of Constellations if they don’t join Swords or Clubs. On the other end of the supernatural
spectrum, those who Blossom while being associated with Hunters often join the Quasars as well. This is
mostly due to the Trailblazers helping to identify the true threats to humanity while keeping the benign
monsters on humanity’s side.
Another reason for why one might follow the King of Constellations is because they have come
from a darker place before Blossoming. Homelessness, abuse, war. Even former Darkened for Onceborn.
Constellations’ drive to go back to these dark places to help others through what they once went through
is a creed many Nobles can get behind.

Signature Emotions: Courage & Patience

It takes courage to put yourself out there in the dark, vulnerable and sometimes alone. Especially
since more often than not you have no idea what could be waiting inside the darkness. But someone has
to take that first step. And sometimes you might find allies and friends in the dark.
However, being courageous and bold is not enough. Those who have lived in the dark for so long
often find it hard to trust the light. Being forced along the right path may make them flee to the dark out
of fear. And when they bring their knowledge back, it often takes time to listen to all the differing
viewpoints. So you need to be patient with them. They are worth it.

Character Creation
Two of the most highly favored attributes among the Probes are Resolve and Composure.
Resolve helps them stay the course in their tasks, and composure aids them in the face of the danger they
often face when seeking out the hidden places of the world. Some other favored attributes are Wits to tell
when someone is really irredeemable, Presence for when they need to be bold, and Stamina for when they
explore the more dangerous parts of the world.
Many Quasars focus on Social skills primarily like Empathy, Persuasion, Socialize, and
Streetwise in order to help those in the dark. Physical skills are often secondary, with Survival being the
most important for times in the less friendly places of the world. It is a rare Trailblazer that does not have
at least one dot in Occult considering they try to help other supernaturals reconcile their humanity with
their inhuman instincts. The other less often favored, but still valued, Mental Skill is Politics in order to
understand the complicated web often weaved between relationships and countries.
Probes almost always have Social merits as number one on their priority, and usually have dots in
Allies due to their tendency to intrude on personal lives to create lasting friendships, especially with other
supernaturals. These Allies also often overlap with their Circle. Physical merits and Mental merits are
prioritized depending on who the Allies are specifically, with Mental merits prioritized for Mages and
Geniuses and Physical merits prioritized for Werewolves and Hunters. If their allies are other
supernaturals or mostly mortals, they often have a balance between Mental & Physical merits. Quasars
also often have Emotional Intuition to tell when another needs guidance or if they are truly irredeemable.
Also, many Probes take additional dots in invocations other than Lustrae, in order to further
understand the viewpoints of the other Courts.

Heraldry: The Quasars’ heraldry often (but not always) borrows elements from other
supernaturals in their styles. This can range from simple wizard-like robes up to a full set of armor
stylized like a wolf. Other times they borrow their styles after famous constellations, planets, or other
celestial bodies like having hair styled in the form of Saturn’s rings. On rare occasions, they even take
elements from other courts into their heraldry.

Echo: The Echo of Constellations evokes a dual sense of emboldening spirit and a comfort of
knowing that you are not alone in the universe. That even when you are physically alone, there are always
others reaching out to you.

Practical Magic
In Vocation, the Lord of the Open Hand teaches his followers how to properly go towards and
receive others in order to open their hearts to the Light. When using social maneuvering, trying to make a
good impression or trying to get to know people in conversation, the Princess may spend one wisp to
achieve an Exceptional Success on 3 successes instead of 5.
High Belief grants extra dice, or effects the Virtue may have. At Belief 8, the roll for the action
gains a +1 bonus. At Belief 9, the roll for the action gains a +2 Bonus. At Belief 10, the roll for the action
gains a +3 bonus.
In Dream, the practical magic of Constellations helps with first impressions with people; an
important first step for bringing people together. By spending a wisp, the Noble can improve their
impression level with people they haven’t met before by 1 step when starting a new social maneuver with
someone. At high belief, their enduring demeanor even helps get their figurative foot in the door. At 8
Belief they gain the 9 again property on their first roll in addition to the usual effects of their practical
magic. At 9 Belief this becomes 8 again. And at 10 Belief they automatically open their first door in
addition to improving their starting impression.
Practical Magic for Sworn in Dream: The King of Constellations teaches his sworn how to
connect with others, both mundanely and magically. A Sworn of Constellations may spend a Wisp to add
their Lustrae to a group action or teamwork roll they are a part of. They may also spend two Wisps to
gain one Supernatural Merit of their choice that somehow relates to one of their Allies, such as gaining
Psychokinesis-Water from a Changeling Waterborn Ally. The Princess that the Sworn made their oath
with can also be targeted for this Practical Magic, such as gaining Laying on Hands if they were Sworn
by a Mender. The Merit lasts until the end of the scene, its cost must be either equal to or lower than their
Lustrae, and they may only receive one Merit per scene in this manner.

Invocation: Lustrae
The Invocation of Constellations is Lustrae, the ideal of shining brightly & reaching out to others.
It is associated with the element of Space; specifically, of the stars, planets, and all the celestial bodies in
the sky bringing people together and guiding them home.
It can be applied for free when the target of a Noble’s charm is giving off light, when the invoker
is underneath a clear sky, when presently working with a Noble from another Radiant Court, or when they
are bringing different people together.
Lustrae cannot abide by causing fractions between people, and especially cannot allow for forcing
people to do as the Noble wishes, even if it’s for their own good. To force another down any path would
strip them of their value as an individual, and prevent them from bringing their knowledge to all the other
stars in the sky.
If a Noble directly causes a division or fight between two or more people, Lustrae abandons them
until the Noble heals the rift between them or until 24 hours have passed; this does not apply if the people
were already in an unhealthy or antagonistic relationship unless the Noble refuses a clear opportunity to
bring them together in a peaceful and healthy way.
If a Noble tries to Force Doors open through Social Maneuvering, unless in a life-or-death
situation, Lustrae is banned from them for a week. If the Noble forces another to change their beliefs or
willingly allows said other’s beliefs to be forcibly changed through any means whether they be mundane
or supernatural, then Lustrae abandons them until they help the person reclaim their original beliefs or
until a month has passed. This last ban does not apply if their previous beliefs were supernaturally
enforced, such as through Mind Control or through the Corruption of the Darkness.

It’s through working together that we can shine.

Sidebar: The Fall

If a storyteller wishes to add this court to the story, this might bring up a bit of a narrative issue.
According to Princess canon, it was the courts growing prideful, and thinking their way was the proper
way to follow the Light, that led to the Fall happening. But, if the Court of Constellations and the Zodiac
Alliance existed in the time of the Kingdom, then how did relations between the kingdoms deteriorate so
To help with that, here are two suggestions for storytellers to help fix the issue:
For the first possibility, it was mentioned earlier that Lamessier has the smallest population of all
the Kingdoms. As such, it also might have had one of the smallest armies as well. One possibility is that,
once the kingdoms started becoming prideful, though not yet enough to think their philosophies were the
only way to follow the Light, the Darkness and its minions grew powerful enough in secret to eventually
cause Lamessier to be the first of the kingdoms to fall to the Darkness, and its inhabitants thrown into the
Trap. The forces of Darkness did this because they knew that Lamessier was crucial in keeping the
various Kingdoms allied with one another, and it was from then on that the Fall went as it did.
For the other possible scenario is that the Alliance, at least during the time of the Kingdom, did in
fact not exist. It is well known that the Wardens warped a great deal of the Nobility’s memories, and the
Gales didn’t exactly help with this either. In this scenario, while Lamessier did maintain a large number
of trading routes and maintained good relations with the other Kingdoms, they didn’t necessarily have a
way for members of all the other Kingdoms to interact with one another in a diplomatic manner. And this
oversight in their diplomatic policy eventually caused the King to get swept up into the belief of ‘their
way being the proper way to follow the light’ of the other Kingdoms, and Lamessier and its inhabitants
eventually Fell to the Darkness and were shunted off to the Dreamlands. Then, sometime during the Long
Night, something came up in the Dreamlands (nobody remembers what exactly, though the Queen of
Diamonds theorizes that some of Lamessier’s supernatural citizens were able to recover some of their
memories and alert the King for a time) that convinced all the various Kingdoms to send representatives
to Lamessier, and for Lamessier to assemble the Alliance. And then either the Gales or the Wardens came
in and suddenly everyone ‘remembered’ the Zodiac Alliance of Lamessier and its crucial importance in
keeping the Kingdoms united in the Light.
Keep in mind that these are just suggestions, and a storyteller doesn’t have to use these ideas, or
can use portions of them.

Clubs: Harmony between all peoples might be the end goal, but sometimes the growth of a few
trees have to be corrected before the forest can prosper.
Diamonds: Facts and statistics are useful, but they’re only one part of the equation. When
creating something new, is it not best to have as many different viewpoints as possible?
Hearts: The traditions of the Kingdom of old are what laid the foundations of the Fall. They are
improving, but they have to be careful that those traditions don’t weigh them down when everybody else
is reaching for the stars.
Spades: I can think of a few people who could really use a good laugh, and a few for whom
laughter would actually make things worse for them. Would you appreciate a list?
Swords: Their hearts *heh* are in the right place. Just take care to keep that fire from burning too
fiercely: it can burn those who are used to the cold.
Cups: People can make a new path by themselves, but imagine all the other paths that could be
found if they moved as a group.
Wands: Their focus on working at the base and building from there is admirable. I cannot find
much wrong with them except that they do not seem to think of much outside of their work.
Pentacles: When you judge from on high, take care that you don’t see everyone as either guilty
or not guilty.
Brass: I know honesty is often the best policy, but…I think there’s such a thing as too much
Melodies: Cooperation is great; just watch that it doesn’t become conformity.
Crosses: I've heard of your ideals, and applaud them. In fact, I have some friends who’ve been
dealing with some stuff I’d like to introduce you to.

Tears: If you stay in your corner of the world, your light will eventually drown. Please, come
out! You can be so much more out here.
Storms: Their hatred is good at burning away the Darkness, but they also prevent any Light from
growing either, nor do they care if there was any Light in the crossfire with the Darkness. They must not
be allowed to reach their goals.
Mirrors: There exist many kinds of light. Yours is the glare that obscures anything else from
shining through. We have no time for your childishness- grow up!
Humanity: They may have the blessings of the Light, and enjoy the power it gives them, but in
their hearts they resent the responsibilities that come with it. That is the true reason behind their petty
tendency to write off others as ‘lost causes’, and why they must be fought.

Vampires: Both the beast within their heads and their rotten society do everything to uproot their
humanity, which makes those who try to hold onto it anyway all the more precious.
Werewolves: One of the toughest people to befriend, but if you manage to do so, they will often
move heaven and earth for you. An odd mix of mistrust and loyalty, but worth the effort.
Mages: Arcane magic is powerful, and does hold many truths, but it does not hold all truths.
Complete truth isn’t something you can get from any spell or read in some musty old tome. You have to
reach out to other people and see how they see the world.
Prometheans: I can show you the way, but you’re going to have to walk it on your own. I wish I
could help you along it, but I can’t right now. However, I will be waiting for you at the end of this path.
There are still further choices to make afterwards, and they’re easier to make with a friend.
Changelings: I know what they did was horrible. I don’t blame you if you don't want to ever trust
anyone again. But I swear, I only want to help.
Sin-Eaters: You know, I sometimes wonder if I'm missing out on anything, not being able to
fully be a part of the Underworld. But if you guys are the guiding light that leads the dead to the afterlife,
then maybe it's in capable hands. Feel free to ask if you need any help though.
Mummies: Connecting with them is...difficult when they’re only conscious for brief periods of
time. But I get the feeling that they hate it as much as we do- let’s work from there.
Beasts: I feel so sorry for these poor souls. Until I find one that revels in the monster it has been
forced to become. But the others...I’m often at a loss as to what to do.
Demons: Okay, I know these guys have legit reasons to do what they do, but seriously, can’t they
find some different way to hide?!
Mad Scientists: These guys need our best Menders and some serious medication before they get
someone hurt.
Leviathans: I feel really bad for them. They don’t really have anyone they can relate to in the
end. If only they didn’t twist the mind of any mortal who gets too close to them.
Hunters: Sometimes what you’re shooting at might actually be the good guy in this situation. Or
it might not. You never know for sure unless you talk with them.
Mortals: I know that it may seem scary at first, but you won’t have to do it alone.

Other Courts on Constellations

Clubs: Take care that your desire to reach out to the lost doesn’t make you neglect those at home.
Diamonds: Science is supposed to be all about observation, and since different people will have
different observations, they do have some points. But some things just cannot work together- like oil and
Hearts: Their ideals of bringing disparate ideas together are grand, but they should beware of the
old axiom of having too many cooks in the kitchen.
Spades: We really do appreciate their work. It makes it soooooo much easier to get to our targets.
Swords: Discovering the new and unknown hidden deep in the darkness? Sounds like my kinda
Cups: Trying to reach others is a beautiful endeavor, but be careful not to get lost within the
darkness yourself.
Wands: You tell us where the newbies are at, we'll build the unbreakable bonds.
Pentacles: Be careful not to gaze too long in the dark abyss. Do not be surprised if you get bitten
by what lives there if you decided to walk into its home.
Brass: They focus so much on listening that sometimes they forget that they, too, have a voice
that deserves to be heard.
Melodies: Hey, I’ve got some friends of mine I’d like you to meet! They’re kinda odd and I
heard you could help them with that.
Crosses: This is...quite the group you gathered. Thank you! Are you ready for the sermon?

Tears: The only radiance that needs tending to is that of Alhambra and our Queen. You could
help retain its glory, instead of being devoured in the darkness you crawl into.
Storms: So you guys go into the dark, but not with the intention to destroy it? And you call
yourselves Nobles.
Mirrors: Where do you get the gall to rip off my powers, huh?! Copy-cat!
Humanity: Where they lose themselves in connections, we follow them to the brightest stars.

Steven Universe (Steven Universe)
Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
Paragon Commander Shepherd (Mass Effect)
Queen Watevra Wa’Nabi (The Lego Movie 2: The Second Part)
Emma (The Promised Neverland)
Professor Charles Francis Xavier (X-Men)
The United Federation of Planets (Star Trek)
The Princess Alliance (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power 2018 Reboot)

New Noble Merit

Monstrous Friendship (1 to 5 Dots)
Requires Circle Merit
Despite first glances, most supernatural beings require many of the same things humans do: friendship, love, and a
sense of companionship in general. And the Light can provide these things where normal humans may not
necessarily be able to.
This merit represents when a Princess is in healthy relations with one or more Supernaturals on the same level as a
mundane for the Circle merit. The more dots the Princess has, the more or the stronger these relationships are and
the healthier her social life is. Describe the supernaturals your character is intimate with when you buy dots in
Monstrous Friendship. These supernaturals also count for members of the Circle merit.
Once per day a Princess with this merit can spend an hour socializing with those who are a part of this Monstrous
Friendship. She has to roll her Socialize + Occult skill. On a success, she regains her rating in Monstrous Friendship
- her Shadows in Wisps.
Friends and family members of a supernatural bent can also provide a support system which provides pervasive
modifiers to Compromise rolls, though it is slightly harder to use them than those from a Circle merit. At 3 dots, the
Princess gains bonus to a Compromise roll equalling +1 while at 5 dots it increases to +2.
Both parties must be aware of the others’ supernatural origins to be considered part of Monstrous Friendship. Also,
she cannot have more dots in Monstrous Friendship than in the Circle merit. Finally, friendships require investment
and if a Princess goes a significant amount of time without socializing with whom she shares a Monstrous
Friendship with, she may lose dots in this merit.

New Charms & Upgrades

Grey Masquerade (Appear 1) Upgrade: All Covering (Lustrae 2)
Version: Dream
Cost: +1 Wisp
The Princess shields all kinds of supernatural beings from discovery. She may use this charm upon other
supernatural beings who were once human or weren't human but have human credentials (like Prometheans or
Light the Way (Appear 1) Upgrade: Dancing Lights (Lustrae 1)
The Princess can now summon a number of Light Spheres up to her Lustrae, and can move them telekinetically as a
Reflexive action, though they will stop if they hit a solid surface.
Goccia Astrale (Appear 3) Addition
This charm faces no changes, but gives examples upon what the Princess may use involving Lustrae.
Lustrae: Starlight, space dust, or something of a magical nature other than the Light or the Darkness (and has no
Goccia Astrale (Appear 3) Upgrade: Projecting (Lustrae 3)
Cost: +1 Wisp
Like the stars, no matter how distant a Princess is from their loved ones or friends she may still be there for them.
Though an Astral Droplet is a pale imitation for the Princess's true might, she may still speak, see, listen and even
act through it like she was truly there.
While the Princess has an Astral Droplet active, she may at any time sense what the droplet sees or senses, in
essence allowing her to gaze from afar through her Droplet without worry for herself. Such an act requires
concentration however, and the Princess cannot do anything while she concentrates on her droplet. She also takes a
-3 to all perception rolls in her current vicinity, as her attention is sent elsewhere.
At any time while the Princess is concentrating on the droplet, she may spend a wisp to shift her consciousness
completely into the Droplet. This often leaves her body defenseless and comatose while she's controlling the droplet
and the droplet retains it's illusory fragility, but while controlling the Droplet the Princess can make 10-again rolls,
benefit from Virtue and Vice and use Lustrae Charms and Constellations’ Practical Magic.
Drawback: If the Droplet is destroyed while the Princess is sensing through it, or god forbid controls it, she takes a
bit of psychic backlash, and suffers 3 Bashing Damage. How it was destroyed may result in a scene long tilt or
condition that resolves at the scene's end, like if it's arm was cut off, the Princess would take the Arm Wrack Tilt.
Native of the Realm (Appear 3, Lustrae 2)
Action: Instant
Dice Pool: Occult + Wits
Cost: 2 Wisps
Duration: 24 hours, or until the Princess returns to mortal plane
There are many realms beyond the mortal plane, the Dreamlands, and the Dark World. And of these other planes,
many of the inhabitants within are hostile to outsiders whether it be simply due to culture or because an inherent part
of themselves makes them far too alien to connect to those from the outside world. Thankfully, the Keeper of the
Unknown Paths has devised a charm for those who wield the Light to traverse these places and interact with the
inhabitants within, if only for a time.
In order to activate this charm, the Princess must be in a realm other than the mortal plane, the Dreamlands, or the
Dark World.
Dramatic Failure: She makes herself obvious to a hostile character nearby.
Failure: Nothing happens.
Success: The princess manages to magically attune herself to the realm she is in, disguising herself both physically
and magically as a native of said realm for the duration. Even if she has already interacted with other natives before,
they now treat the Princess as if she has Average Impressions with them, as they now think her just another native of
their realm. In addition, any actions from others that would reveal her true nature, whether they be intentional or
accidental, take a penalty equal to her Lustrae.
Exceptional Success: The Princess’ disguise is someone of particular standing in the realm she is in. She gains a
bonus to interact socially with other natives of the realm she is attuned equal to her Lustrae to for the duration.
Me’s a Crowd (Appear 4, Lustrae 3)
Action: Instant
Dice Pool: Athletics + Wits
Cost: 1 Wisp per doppelganger + 1 Willpower
Duration: One Scene
The Princess’s movements become emblazoned by mirages that move after her very being, and after moments these
mirages split from her and become an individual being of their own will and initiative, and yet bearing the same
resemblance and personality as the Princess herself. In essence, this charm allows the Princess to create solid
duplicates of herself, creating one for each wisp she spends with a maximum number of duplicates equal to her own
When the duplicates are created, they all share the Princess’s Mundane Attributes, Skills, Belief, Invocations,
Virtue, Vice, Aspirations, Dreams and/or Vocations. The Princess’s Wisp Pool and Willpower pool become shared
amongst the duplicates, all of them taking or adding to the same pool when they spend or gain Wisps/Willpower. At
their core, the duplicates are also capable of Transforming and making use of the Princess’s Practical Magic, even if
it’s not of Constellations. Given that they’re all intelligent, they’re essentially like copies of the Princess herself split
up into different bodies. Each duplicate also has their own Health Boxes.
Of course, using this charm does have a few differences and limitations, and that is Charms and Transformed Skills
and Attributes. When the Princess creates her duplicates, it’s like she’s cutting apart her magical nature across the
newly formed bodies she makes. For every duplicate she makes, she must divide her knowledge of Charm Trees
across the duplicates and herself. For example, if she has Bless, Fight and Perfect charms, and she makes two
duplicates, she must choose one Charm tree’s charms and the other two duplicates get to have their own charm tree.
If the Princess has less Charm trees than the duplicates she makes, like for example if she makes three or above
duplicates in the above example, the Princess is free to choose who gets what charm trees, and the other duplicates
don’t receive any knowledge or ability to use said charms. Inversely if the Princess has more charm trees than the
Duplicates she makes, like if she made only one duplicate in the above example, then she can choose who gets the
leftover charm trees. Transformed Attributes and Skills are divided similarly.
If a duplicate is killed, then the charm knowledge returns to the original Princess and she decides what to do with it.
It should be warned that these duplicates only last a scene. If the Princess dies, then the duplicates die alongside her. 
Upgrade: Death Saving (Lustrae 4)
The Princess can save herself even if death comes to claim her so long as she has a living duplicate. Should the
Princess’s body be killed, she may instantly spend one Willpower Dot to send her consciousness into a duplicate’s
body. In doing so, the duplicate’s body becomes flesh and blood, and allows the Princess to continue living

We Rely On You (Bless 1) Upgrade: Stardust Blessing (Lustrae 1)
Version: Dream
This version of We Rely On You affects rolls using Social Attributes or Skills.
We Rely On You (Bless 1) Upgrade: Beginner’s Luck
Version: Dream
Requires Stardust Blessing
When using Stardust Blessing, any roll where dice is added to a Skill allows the roll to ignore the Unskilled Penalty.
Charms of Enhancement (Bless 3) Upgrade: One Sky Over All (Lustrae 2)
This version of Charms of Enhancement allows the Princess to roll Wits + Socialize to enhance a Social Attribute.
Light’s Aegis (Bless 3) Upgrade: Scutum Sobiescianum (Lustrae 3)
Action: Modified by Commonality
The Princess spreads her aegis to protect all of her allies. She may use this charm on a group and apply its effects
across the group, with each individual getting the Aegis Tilt with one point per success the Princess earned. As a
cost, the roll becomes modified by Commonality.

Fair Welcome (Connect 1) Upgrade: Always Welcome (Lustrae 3)
Cost: 1 Willpower
The Princess’s aura always makes her feel new and refreshing. She may apply the regular effects of the charm even
on those she’s met before.
Illuminatus (Connect 1) Upgrade: Foreign (Lustrae 2)
Version: Vocation
Even the nature of supernatural politics doesn’t go unheard of by the Princess. When dealing with a supernatural
being in a political station of their splat (such as a Vampire who has Status in the Invictus), upon a successful social
roll she may spend a wisp to apply those successes as a bonus to all social rolls made on the splat in question.
Laying Down the Line (Connect 1) Upgrade: Implied Lines (Lustrae 2)
Just as stars don’t necessarily have lines drawn between them, people can still pinpoint where the next star is by
knowing how the constellation is supposed to look like. The Princess may use divides that are marked by similar
markings, like using a line of trees or the dash marks in the middle of the road. Such markings must be within
Lustrae Yards of each other, and any further makes the charm act as normal. Said objects must also be of Size 6 and
up at maximum, or Size 6 - Lustrae at minimum.
The Princess may use different markings if she wishes. For example, she can make one line out of bread crumbs on
one side that leads into the highway dash marks, which can lead back into a row of trees she’s planted and finally
end up at the fence of a house.
Shortening the Light-Years (Connect 2, Lustrae 3)
Action: Instant and resisted
Dice Pool: Presence + Socialize - both Target’s Composure
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: One Scene
The Princess can easily bind together two different people, no matter how different or how far away they are from
one another.
Dramatic Failure: The Princess only widens the divide between her targets. The targets get a Hostile Impression of
each other. 
Failure: Nothing happens. 
Success: The Princess sets up the mood so that her two targets can learn to get along with each other no matter how
different they are. Both targets gain the Fresh Impressions Condition, with a step added equal to the Princess’s
Lustrae. Furthermore, they both may treat each other as True Friends for the purposes of the True Friend Merit. 
Exceptional Success: The friendship becomes easier to solidify. The targets may spend experience to make the
friendship legit to gain the True Friend Merit for each other.
An Introduction to the Constellation (Connect 3, Lustrae 2)
Action: Instant and Resisted
Dice Pool: Persuasion + Wits- Target’s Composure
Cost: 2 Wisps
Duration: Lasting
Some people need help or encouragement in order to shine. Some of these people shrink away when an even greater
light overtakes them, but even so the Princess may still give some worth to their target and help them come out of
their shell and become part of a greater group.
Dramatic Failure: The Princess only makes the target retreat back into their shell. They take the Shaken Condition. 
Failure: Nothing happens.
Success: The Princess helps the target be more open about themselves and their lives when joining a new group.
The Princess gives her target the Connected Condition in regards to her group. 
Exceptional Success: The target makes even greater in-roads with their newfound friends. All Impression levels on
the group increases by a Step and the target gains a point of Willpower.
Astral Chart (Connect 4, Lustrae 2)
Action: Instant
Dice Pool: Athletics + Dexterity, modified by Intimacy
Cost: 3 Wisps
Duration: Instant
The powers of Lustrae allows for the Princess travel beyond the capacity of vehicles and transportation, guided by
the countless stars above to her destination.
The charm is fairly simple in its goal: the Princess disappears from one place and reappears somewhere else
wherever she chooses. Intimacy is measured to the place where the Princess arrives. The charm is kind enough to
usually drop her off where nobody is looking or noticing within the defined place. If there is no such place, the
charm fails and the princess knows why.
This charm doesn't bear the power to cross into other realms. The Shadow, The Hedge, the Underworld, The Dark
World and whatever other worlds that parallel the World of Darkness cannot be entered. Should the Princess
somehow be in those realms, however, then she can use this charm to travel across them.
Dramatic Failure: The Princess is caught in the gaps or the boundary between “here” and “there”. The Princess
suffers her Lustrae dots in Lethal damage.
Failure: Space around the Princess ripples for a brief moment, but affects nothing.
Success: The Princess transports to the target area and suffers a -2 penalty on all actions on the turn she reappears.
Exceptional Success: Upon appearing, the Princess may immediately move up to her speed.
Upgrade: Connected
Cost: +1 Wisp per additional person
With this upgrade, the Princess may bring along others with her power. Each extra person or 5 Size points of
equipment beyond what she can carry costs an additional wisp. With this upgrade, the charm manifests in the form
of a portal with small, twinkling stars circling around the edge.
Upgrade: Seeking (Lustrae 3)
With this upgrade, the Princess can use her intimacy modifier to a person rather than a place. The Princess shall
appear to the closest location where she can be dropped off to by the charm.
Upgrade: Diplomatic Passage
The Princess learns how to combine her teleporting powers with the magic of another to travel beyond the fields of
which we know. If the Princess works in concert with someone willing to work with her, who knows a power of
some sort that allows access to another world, she may use Astral Chart to follow the path their partner is making.
She must roll a normal Astral Chart roll, and if successful she appears safely near where her partner intended to
appear, even if they failed their roll. Once there, she may use Astral Chart to return to the mortal realm, but most
Trailblazers may realize that some worlds are easier to leave than others. Note that realms without Physical
Substance, such as the Dreamlands, are almost never hospitable destinations without taking special precautions.
Also, the Dark World still remains closed off to the Princess. If the partner tries to teleport to it, the Princess cannot
Upgrade: Umbral (Lustrae 4)
With enough training, even the Dark World isn’t safe from the followers of the Keeper of the Unknown Paths. But
entering a place that has such a hatred for the Light means special requirements for the Princess in comparison to
everywhere else. If the Princess desires to enter the Dark World, she must do so by standing in the area she has
intimacy to- while it is Tainted. The Princess will appear in the Dark World’s reflection of the area.
If she wishes to leave the Dark World to return to the Mortal World, she has to stand in a reflection of place where a
Taint has taken root in the mortal world, and use Astral Chart. Doing so will ONLY return her to the reflected Taint
she is standing in.
And yes, both these requirements means the Princess will have to ignore Dark Creatures being drawn to the Tainted
places to teleport to and from the Dark World, and willingly allow those tainted places to remain in existence.
Charms of Entwined Destiny (Connect 4) Addition - What You Are in the Dark
(Lustrae): Counselor
Unlike the other versions of this Charm, the target of Lustrae’s version of Entwined Destiny must be willing. The
Princess gains Willpower whenever her influence has helped the target use their Virtue when they would’ve
otherwise used their Vice (or supernatural equivalents). She also gains Willpower whenever she defends her target
from social attack. If her influence has caused her target to use their Vice instead of their Virtue (or their
supernatural equivalents) or she willingly allows her target to fall under social attack, then she reaches a breaking
Call for Aid (Connect 5)/Nick of Time (Connect 4) Upgrade: On Your Left
(Lustrae 3)
Version: Dream (Call for Aid)/Vocation (Nick of Time)
Previously, this Charm called upon fate to bring the Princess' allies to her in her time of need. Now, she calls upon
the stars and the bonds between them to do so. To those who would answer her call, mystical portals now appear
before them, bridging the gap between them in an instant.
Any ally may answer the Princess’ call for aid, even those for whom it would be impossible to get here usually. In
addition, they now arrive by the end of the round instead of by the end of the scene.
One Sky, One Destiny (Connect 5, Lustrae 5)
Avatar (Constellations)
Action: Instant
Dice Pool: Empathy + Resolve
Cost: 1 Willpower + 3 Wisps
Duration: One Scene
The King of Constellations’ avatar is that of one who ensures unity between all peoples. There are many different
creeds, thoughts, and deeds among people, but we all share the same sky. And it through this connectedness that the
Avatar of the King of Constellations can work this charm.
Sending out her magic, the Princess connects to her allies and senses their Aspirations/Vocations/Dreams. After this,
she invokes her connection to the King of Constellations.
Dramatic Failure: The Princess buckles under the weight of so many ideal worlds, and gains the Stunned tilt. In
addition, the magic she was invoking goes haywire and ends up removing herself from the memories of those allies
she was connecting to. This lasts for the rest of the scene, and she cannot benefit from or participate in teamwork
rolls and she cannot invoke Lustrae at all during that time period.
Failure: The world flickers for a moment with light, but nothing else happens.
Success: The Princess brings forth a manifestation of a new world around her, one where all of her allies’
Aspirations/Vocations/Dreams have been realised together. While herself and her allies are in this ideal world, all of
their dramatic failures become failures, failures become successes, and successes become exceptional successes. If
enemies should be brought into this world as well, their failures become dramatic failures, their successes failures,
and their exceptional successes just successes.
Exceptional Success: The successes of this world are reward enough.

Empty Hands (Fight 1) Upgrade: Meteoric Strikes (Lustrae 2)
Imitating the fall of a meteor, the Princess’ fists strike with unrelenting force.
Her unarmed attacks gain the Stun quality. The target’s Size is halved for the purpose of applying the Stunned tilt
with her unarmed attacks.
Kensai (Fight 1) Upgrade: Connect the Dots (Lustrae 2)
Even wounds can be connected by lines, like the constellations are.
For each successful attack that is visible on the target (and must be relatively fresh, as in caused within the scene),
the Princess adds a bonus to her rolls to attack the target equal to the number of wounds visible.
Levinbolt (Fight 1) Upgrade: Shooting Stars (Lustrae 2)
Like when meteors hit the atmosphere, Quasars can replicate the effect of falling stars upon the dark. When Lustrae
is invoked, the Princess may target more than one enemy within the Levinbolt’s range with her attack. In addition to
her normal attack, she can also shoot at up to half her Lustrae in other targets (rounded up).
After the result of the initial attack happens, the same thing happens to the other targets. For example, if the
Princess’ attack misses after invoking Lustrae and she targets two other targets, those attacks also miss, even if their
defense was low enough that the roll would have been enough to hit them. The reverse is also true: a successful
attack on the initial target will cause the other targets to also be hit by the Princess’ attack, even if their defense was
high enough that it would’ve missed normally.
Palladion (Fight 1) Upgrade: Aurae Nebula (Lustrae 2)
Version: Vocation
The shield is engraved with runic symbols that glow a particular color if the Princess activates them for a particular
When the Princess applies Lustrae to improve her Dodge pool, the runes glow the dark blue of the night sky and any
allies within 10 yards of her gain a bonus to their defense equal to half her Lustrae (rounded up) until the beginning
of the Princess’ next turn.
When she applies Lustrae to an attack with her Shield, the runes shine with a bright purplish-white like that of
starlight and the target must succeed on a Stamina + Composure roll, penalized by the Princess’ Lustrae, or become
Blinded in one eye. On a dramatic failure, they become blinded in both eyes.
Chart the Stars (Fight 2, Lustrae 1)
Action: Instant
Dice Pool: Dexterity + Wits
Cost: 2 Wisps
Duration: Instant
In battle, the Princess can sometimes see patterns on how a battle is taking place, much like how the stars in a
constellation can be seen to connect one to another. With this charm, she can reweave the pattern in favor of herself
and her allies.
When using this Charm, the Princess attempts to rearrange the initiative order to her and her allies’ favor.
Dramatic Failure: The princess actually manages to make her and her allies go slower. After the end of this round,
the Princess and her allies are reshuffled to be put at the end of the initiative order (in order of fastest to slowest).
Failure: The initiative order remains the same.
Success: The princess manages to rearrange the order of initiative towards her and her allies’ favor. At the start of
the next round, the Princess may reflexively choose to change the initiative order of one combatant of her choice per
Exceptional Success: In addition to choosing the initiative order, for the next round all attacks by allies the Princess
has changed the initiative order for count as surprise attacks.
Asterism Boost (Fight 3, Lustrae 1)
Action: Reflexive
Cost: 1 Willpower + 1 Wisp
Duration: Reflexive
If the Princess sees an ally readying to make an Attack, she may invoke her own power to give that person a boost to
their own attack. This charm goes before the ally attacks, and after it is cast, they may make another attack after the
first as part of their Instant Action.
Both the Princess and the target must be in combat, and the second attack the target makes must be the same kind of
attack as the first.
Drawback: In order to do this, the Princess must give up her next turn.
Asterism Combo (Fight 3, Lustrae 2)
Action: Instant
Cost: 1 Willpower + X Wisp(s) (X = the number of attacks made)
Duration: Instant
When the Princess' is readying an attack with her weapon, she may call for aid from her fellows. If they agree to
help, she can unleash a power far greater than she could on her own. For each other person who is allied to the
Princess and is in combat as well, as part of this charm, she may make an attack with her Empty Hands, Kensai,
Levinbolt, or Palladion for each ally with her instant action. Also, each attack must be rolled separately.
The Princess can only make a number of attacks up to the limit of her Lustrae. If the Princess has Lustrae 5 and 3
allies, she can only make 3 attacks. But if she has 6 allies, she can only make 5 attacks.
The Princess cannot switch between weapons when using this charm; If she uses her Kensai on her first attack, she
must use her Kensai for the rest of her attacks with this charm as well.
Drawback: Those allies must willingly give up their next turn in order for the Princess to make the additional
Upgrade: Infusion (Lustrae 3)
When the ally gives up their action, if they’re a Noble and a member of a Radiant Court other than Constellations,
they can also reflexively give up a wisp to give an extra effect to one of the Princess’ attacks depending on their
 Brass: The target’s defense against this attack is reduced by the ally’s Arrossire.
 Clubs: If the target takes damage from this attack, they must roll their Stamina + Resolve - the ally’s
Legno. If they fail, they suffer the Drugged tilt.
 Crosses: The target’s next action takes a penalty equal to the ally’s Santo. This does not include Defense.
 Cups: If the target takes damage from this attack, and the ally’s Fulmine is greater than the target’s
Stamina, then the target takes the Insensate Tilt for the rest of the scene.
 Diamonds: If the target takes damage from this attack, they also suffer from the effects of a cold extreme
environment at level 1 for a number of turns equal to the ally’s Acqua. This stacks with cold from other
 Hearts: If the target takes damage from this attack, they also suffer the Knocked Down tilt.
 Melodies: If the target takes damage from this attack greater than their composure, then they’re treated as
having the “Beaten Down” tilt for one round.
 Pentacles: Roll the Princess’ Dexterity vs the target’s Wits. If the target fails, it counts as a Surprise attack
and they cannot apply their defense.
 Spades: This attack gains Armor Piercing at a rating equal to the Ally’s Aria.
 Swords: This attack gains the 9-again quality, and acts as Fire against beings and objects vulnerable to it.
 Wands: If the target takes damage from this attack, they take a penalty to all of their physical actions based
on the ally’s Metallo until they roll a Success greater than the Metallo.
Sky Shower (Fight 5, Lustrae 4)
Action: Extended, 1 minute/roll, threshold = 5
Dice Pool: Presence + Science
Cost: 3 wisps
Duration: One Scene
The Court of Constellations power over Space isn’t just a name: it can bring down the power of the heavens
themselves if needed. And whether that power be hot or cold, that is up to the Princess who knows this Charm.
The Princess raises her voice to the heavens for them to answer her call. Once she reaches the threshold, she can
select one of the two following Environmental Tilts to activate.
 Meteor Shower: The princess summons flaming rocks to fall down as the sky turns a fiery red. For the
duration, the environment suffers the Extreme Heat tilt with a Severity of 3. In addition, all targets that the
Princess can see (except for herself) must roll their Wits + Dexterity - the Princess’ Lustrae at the
beginning of their turn(s) to dodge the falling meteors. If they fail, they take Lethal Damage equal to the
number of Failures they rolled with a maximum of 5 and suffer the Arm Wrack tilt with one of their arms.
If they roll a dramatic failure, both of their arms are crippled. The meteors also count as Fire, Spacedust,
and Stone for creatures vulnerable to such things.
 Comet Shower: The princess summons freezing chunks of spacedust to fall down as the sky turns an icy
blue. For the duration, the environment suffers the Extreme Cold tilt with a Severity of 3. In addition, all
targets that the Princess can see (except for herself) must roll their Wits + Dexterity - the Princess’ Lustrae
at the beginning of their turn(s) to dodge the falling comets. If they fail, they take Lethal Damage equal to
the number of Failures they rolled with a maximum of 5 and suffer the Leg Wrack tilt with one of their
legs. If they roll a dramatic failure, both of their legs are crippled. The comets also count as Cold Iron, Ice,
and Spacedust for creatures vulnerable to such things.
Upgrade: Precise
The Princess may now precisely modify the magic of the Sky Shower in order to only have it affect certain targets.
After reaching the threshold, she may choose a maximum of 10 targets and only they suffer from the Environmental
Tilt the Princess selected for the duration. In addition, the Princess may summon additional meteors/comets upon the
affected target(s) for her Instant Action, forcing them to once again make the roll to dodge them.

Dreaming Sight/Dreaming Vision (Govern 1) Upgrade: Divine (Lustrae 1)
Version: Dreaming Sight (Dream)/Dreaming Vision (Vocation)
A Quasar may now sense the incredible, but alien power of the God-Machine and its servants. If she applies Lustrae
instead of spending a Wisp, the Princess sees angels in Twilight Form, and can make Perception rolls to notice
Manifestation Conditions related to an angel, or to the presence of Infrastructure. She cannot see Dreamlanders and
angels at the same time. Applying Touching makes the Princess tangible to angels, not Dreamlanders.
Forgotten Lore (Govern 1) Upgrade: Otherworldly (Lustrae 1)
Version: Vocation
The Princess has great understanding in the mysterious ways of the God-Machine and its servants. During any
research action involving an angel, including summoning or exorcising it, the Noble may spend 1 Wisp to reduce the
successes she needs by her Lustrae.
Living Image (Govern 1) Upgrade: Mystical (Lustrae 3)
Version: Vocation
Requires Bequeathed Upgrade
Cost: +1 Willpower Point
When creating the Bequest, the Princess may choose one other Major Splat that can use the Bequest with their own
supernatural fuel in place of Wisps.
Drawback: Both Supernaturals and Nobles may now only use the Bequest in a way that wouldn’t cause Sensitivity
to trigger, even if a Noble isn’t nearby.
Reflected Light (Govern 1) Upgrade: Supernatural-Attuned (Lustrae 1)
The King of Constellations teaches the Nobility how to recognize the works of those we may not necessarily know
of at first glance.
After taking this upgrade, choose one major Splat other than Nobles. When the Princess rolls for information on a
power used by a member of that Splat, the Nobles learns exactly which power has been used, such as which
Contract has been used by a Changeling or which Spell by a Mage. If the power is not a pre-made one, such an
Improvised Spell, then this upgrade will tell the Princess its effects.
This upgrade can be taken multiple times.
Study Inheritance (Govern 1) Upgrade: Alien Technology (Lustrae 2)
Version: Dream
Cost: 1 Wisp
The Princess's interests lie beyond just the Kingdom's relics. She grows interested in relics of other civilizations too.
She may apply this on any magical or supernatural object, be it merely enchanted by odd mortal rituals or things
from distant worlds like Tokens or Artifacts and the like. The Princess learns the general gist of what it does or is
capable of.
Charge (Govern 2) Upgrade: Essence Transfer (Lustrae 2)
Can be taken up to 3 times
The Princess may turn her wisps into fuel for supernaturals foreign to the Light or to humanity.
Each time the Princess buys this Upgrade, she may choose one applicable supernatural that may benefit from this
charm. She may convert her wisps to the supernatural fuel at a 1:1 ratio, and she may apply Distant and Accepted if
she has those upgrades. Trading Wisps or converting fuel does not endanger the supernatural to any negative effects
of gaining that fuel.
This Upgrade's stack potential is up for question, however. Afterall, how many supernatural beings inhabit your
World of Darkness? As it stands, Lustrae can affect supernatural beings who normally lack a connection to the Light
or humanity in general, which includes Vampires, Mages, Prometheans, Sin-Eaters, Demons, and Leviathans. Of
course, Storyteller Discretion can be exercised if they wish to include more types of supernatural beings, or wish to
use mutual exclusivity with Otherworldly.
A Magical Girl’s Eyes/Magical Eyes (Govern 3) Addition
Version: A Magical Girl’s Eyes (Dream)/Magical Eyes (Vocation)
If the Noble’s Reflected Light is Supernatural-Attuned, the Princess doesn't have to roll to learn the type of
Supernatural she sees if they're a type she is attuned to. In addition, she learns their X-Splat if she chooses to
examine them further. She also recognizes places of significant power related to that Splat, such as Spirit Loci if she
is attuned to Werewolves, and knows the rank of their power.
Bequeath (Govern 3) Upgrade: Mystical (Lustrae 3)
Version: Dream
Cost: +1 Willpower Point
When creating the Bequest, the Princess may choose one other Major Splat that can use the Bequest with their own
supernatural fuel in place of Wisps.
Drawback: Both Supernaturals and Nobles may now only use the Bequest in a way that wouldn’t cause Sensitivity
to trigger, even if a Noble isn’t nearby.
Sagittarius Shuffle (Govern 3, Lustrae 2)
Action: Instant
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Subterfuge vs Wits + Supernatural Tolerance
Cost: 2 Wisps
Some supernaturals would probably be a lot more functional if others weren't constantly trailing them. More often
than not, however, these trackers are expected, and perhaps are even geared, to fight their intended quarry. While a
Noble may not be able to be there for them 24/7, the Noble can ensure that the enemy doesn't fare well.
Dramatic Failure: The tracker knows something's up, and that the target has a protector. The Noble may not
attempt to confound that particular tracker with this charm again.
Failure: The Noble fails to confound the tracker
Success: The Noble gains the False Trail condition, relevant to the target and the tracker.
Exceptional Success: The enemy is not only fooled, but the Noble may make themselves a more tempting target.
For purposes of being tracked supernaturally by the tracker, the Noble may choose to give them a +2 bonus.
New Condition: False Trail
The Noble has fooled the tracker into coming after them instead. Any attempt to track the Noble's ward instead
tracks them. Substitute Inner Light for any other supernatural tolerance for tracking purposes. Additionally, once the
tracker comes in visual range of the Noble, the Noble is instantly aware. Last, this condition blesses them with the
capacity to deal with them. When this condition resolves, for the rest of the scene, the Noble's regalia may hit the
tracker if they are in twilight, and they may see them in twilight as well.
Resolution: The Noble and the Tracker come within visual distance of each other.
Celestial Weave (Govern 4, Lustrae 5)
Action: Instant
Dice Pool: Empathy + Manipulation
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: Lasting
Much like how stars shine brighter when put together into a constellation, people shine brighter when united.
Although this sounds like just a flowery metaphor, a Prince or Princess of Constellations can make this a reality.
When working in a group dedicated towards a common goal, the Princess can use this charm to bind them together
stronger than the sum of their parts. Follow rules for Intimacy and Commonality as per normal.
Dramatic Failure: The Princess instead drives people further apart rather than bring them together. Their
impression levels with each other and the Princess go down by a level. If they are already at Hostile a fight breaks
out between the members instead.
Failure: Nothing happens.
Success: The Noble's magic weaves people together on a metaphysical level, helping them work together for a
common goal. Consider the Supernatural Tolerance for all members in the group as being equal to the number of
members in the Group or the Princess’ own if it is higher. In addition, members gain a pool of Wisps that they share
equal to the Number of Members times The Princess' Inner Light. These Wisps can be spent on Charms or used to
power supernatural abilities alien to the Light. To restore Wisps to this pool, it must be done so manually. Nobles in
this alliance can restore it by directing Wisps gained through Inner Strength, Call of Duty, Circle, or Voluntary
Time. Members of other supernatural splats can do so through converting their sources of power into the pool. A
Vampire can direct Vitae gained through blood, a Changeling can direct Glamour gained from dazzling a mortal etc.
All members can draw from this pool regardless of whether they put in a specific Wisp or not.
Exceptional Success: In addition to the previous benefits, the Charm becomes especially resilient to being unwoven
or destroyed. Attempts to destroy or unweave this charm are penalized by the Princess' Lustrae.
Drawback: The charm will last as long as the members of the alliance bound together by it remain loyal to each
other and their cause. If a member abandons the group, their cause, or betrays them or their cause in some way, roll
a number of dice equal to the remaining loyal members. On a success, the Charm holds but on a fail it promptly falls
Ephemeral Ward (Govern 4, Lustrae 2)
Action: Instant
Dice Pool: Occult + Empathy
Cost: 3 Wisps
Duration: One Scene
In the World of Darkness, it’s not necessarily the things you can see that are the biggest threat. It’s most often the
things one can’t see, the beings of Ephemera, that are the biggest threat. And with this charm, the Princess may now
defend herself and others from them.
Dramatic Failure: The Princess weakens herself against the power of Ephemera. The next action taken by an
Ephemeral Creature against the Princess gains a bonus equal to half her Lustrae.
Failure: Nothing happens.
Success: An invisible ward with a ten-yard radius is placed on the ground centered around the Princess. However,
the Ward can be seen in Twilight. Any time a creature within the Ward’s radius is targeted by an Ephemeral
Creature in a way that would cause harm, the roll is automatically penalized by the Princess’ Lustrae. If the effect
doesn’t use a roll, it instead causes a Clash of Wills.
Exceptional Success: The penalty now is equal to one-and-a-half times the Princess’ Lustrae, and if a Clash of Wills
ensues, the Princess may add her Lustrae in a bonus.
Upgrade: Wide
Cost: +1 Wisp for every 10 yards added
The Princess may now make her Ward larger, adding an additional 10 yards to the radius for each wisp added.
Upgrade: Mobile
The Ward is now tied to the Princess, and as the Princess moves so too does the Ward keep being centered around
Upgrade: Consecrated
When the Princess stands in a room that has been or is on Consecrated ground, she may interweave this Charm with
the Consecration’s magic. As long as the ground the room is located upon is Consecrated, the duration of that
specific instance of this Charm is Lasting.
Ephemeral Draining (Lustrae 5)
The Princess may now drain an Ephemeral Creature’s essence with her Ward. When a Manifestation, Influence, or
Numina is used that would trigger the penalty or clash of wills, it now also costs an extra amount of essence equal to
half the Princess’ Lustrae (rounded up). When this happens, the Princess may reflexively roll her Occult to absorb
those points of Essence as Wisps.
This may not happen more than once per round.

Better Nature (Inspire 1, Lustrae 1)
Action: Instant
Dice Pool: Persuasion + Presence - the target’s Composure
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: Instant
Since the fall of the Kingdom, people have become cynical and been downtrodden for so long that speaking about
hope and ideals is far too often written off as childish and naive. But the Lord of the Open Hand knows a majority of
people, if given the chance, choose to do what’s right over what’s easy. With this charm, the Princess can convince
others now is the time for that chance.
If the Princess knows the target’s Virtue, she can use it to influence a Social Maneuver. If the goal of this maneuver
is in line with or not against the target’s virtue, then she may use it for this Charm.
Dramatic Failure: The target is disdainful of the Princess’ ideals, and an additional door is added to the social
Failure: The target remains unmoved by the Princess’ appeals.
Success: The target willingly follows his virtue due to the Princess’ appeals. The Princess moves up one step on the
chart, and the target regains 1 willpower due to following their Virtue.
Exceptional Success: The target is seriously moved by the Princess, and regains all their Willpower.
Drawback: The Princess may not tempt the target with their vice during this social maneuver or for a week
afterwards. If she attempts to do so, she comes off as untrustworthy and moves 1 step down the chart.
Upgrade: Appeal to Humanity (Lustrae 2)
Usually through no fault of their own, many Supernaturals have their morality skewed to something alien to
humanity as a whole. But that doesn’t mean we should give up on them, and with this upgrade a Princess can
connect to them magically.
When the Princess is in a social maneuver with a supernatural that doesn’t have a Virtue or Vice, she may instead
use her own Virtue or a Virtue of Hopeful to appeal to them. In addition, if the Social Maneuver as a whole is
successful, 1 willpower is restored in the target.
Lights (Inspire 3, Lustrae 2)
Action: Instant and Resisted
Dice Pool: Presence + Survival
Cost: 2 Wisps
Duration: One Scene
Performance: One Minute
And so I'll tell myself that I'll be strong, and dreaming when they're gone. Cause they're calling me home. 
There are many alien planes a Princess may find humans at, most often barely living and shivering to death within
the Dark World or lost in their own delusions in the Dreamlands. When lost in these dangerous places, the best the
Princess can do is grant them a guiding light to return home with.
Certain factors may cause resistance. This charm can be generally used to make people return to the safety of their
homes, but if used on an unwilling or hostile entity (like a Darkspawn), the Princess takes a penalty equal to their
Resolve. Other factors may cause resistance as well, such as a human who is suffering from Galemarks and is being
twisted by the false history of the Dreamlands, the Galemarks are subtracted from the roll.
Dramatic Failure: The Princess only increases their right to remain in the world they're stranded in. This charm
may not be used on them for one scene. 
Failure: Nothing happens, and the Princess may try the charm again at a cost of a cumulative -1 penalty on the roll. 
Success: The Princess dredges up memories of home, making a target wish to return there. They'll return when
reasonably able to, but for some it can be the first thing they wish to do. In any case, the target gains the Informed
Condition with a bonus applied to rolls to find where to exit or to recall where they entered from. For supernatural
entrances, such as entering one's own Crawlspace and trying to oust the Amanojaku that took them over or finding a
Dark Door, the bonus applies too.
Exceptional Success: Extra successes are their own reward.
Upgrade: Inhuman
The Princess may extend this blessing towards inhuman beings. As per the normal charm, it only inspires them to
head home, either towards Earth or back into the Dreamlands or Dark World if they originated from those realms.
Upgrade: Far Away Stars (Lustrae 3)
Requires Inhuman
Cost: 1 Willpower
The Princess may help people escape from even more bizarre realms, or try to compel beings from foreign realms
return there. Arcadia, the Celestial Ocean, the Shadow; there are numerous bizarre realms and this charm can
plausibly cover them all.

Look to the Stars, Not the Dark (Learn 2, Lustrae 1)
Action: Instant and Resisted
Dice Pool: Empathy + Intelligence - Target's Composure
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: Instant
When anyone is thrown down by life, the first place they look towards is those who can aid them with their
ungranted wishes and hopes gleaming in their heart. With nothing more than a helping hand, the Princess gets a
glimpse of this radiance and who it connects to. The Princess may use this on a target multiple times in a scene, but
each time after the first causes a cumulative -1 Penalty.
Dramatic Failure: The Charm misleads the Princess. The storyteller describes a vision that gives the wrong idea of
the target's connections, of which the Princess will believe unless confronted with evidence contradicting it. Further
uses of the charm will not refute the incorrect vision, the Princess must find her error by other means. The Princess
may not use this charm on the target for the rest of the scene.
Failure: The Princess learns nothing and may not use this charm on them for the rest of the scene.
Success: The Princess gains insight into the target's connections. The storyteller must answer one question from the
list below for each success truthfully. 
 Someone who the target was involved in Social Maneuvering with and why.
 A Social Merit the target has that connects them to someone else, as well as the nature of the Connection
(such as if a person was covered underneath the Allies Merit, or the True Friend Merit).
 The name and appearance of someone who has the highest intimacy to the Target.
 A group the target is affiliated with and the nature of that group and it’s Commonality rating. 
Exceptional Success: The Princess gains considerable insight to the target’s connections.
Upgrade: Personal (Lustrae 2)
The Lustrae Invocation favors all forms of forging connections that endear oneself to others.The Princess may look
into insight into the target’s character and abilities, so far as these resonate with the Lustrae Invocation or the credo
of the King of Constellations. Add the following to the list of questions the Princess may ask.
 One of the target’s Social Skills or specialties.
 The target’s Presence, Manipulation or Composure.
 Whether the target has any supernaturally enforced connections (such as being on the receiving end of a
Blood Bond, or is trapped in a Pledge or whatnot).
Uniting the Tower of Babel (Learn 2, Lustrae 1)
Action: Instant
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Occult
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: One Scene
It was said that long ago, humanity had tried to reach the heavens in hopes of proving their worth, a tower to reach
the stars. However, because people stopped seeing the light within each other, mankind had grown to fight against
one another, sewing the darkness because they couldn't understand each other anymore. The Lord of the Open Hand
laments this, of how while many mortals can learn mortal languages, of how much harder supernatural ones are to
learn. This charm grants the ability to understand each other once more.
When the Princess uses this charm, she must use it on a supernatural being who knows of a supernatural language
that requires a separate merit from Language/Multilingual. The target may consent, but if they don't, then the target's
Supernatural Advantage is applied as a penalty to the roll.
Dramatic Failure: The Princess shatters her ability to comprehend a language. For the rest of the scene, the Princess
may not use this charm, and cannot make use of one language she knows of for the same duration.
Failure: Nothing happens.
Success: The Princess succeeds, gaining insight into the supernatural language at work. For the rest of the scene,
she's treated as if she knows the target's supernatural language and may use it for her own ends. This applies for both
speaking and reading if possible. If the supernatural language deals with using words with mystical power (like
Pledges for Changelings), then the Princess simply gains the ability to understand the power at work, what it's
effects are and whatnot.
Exceptional Success: The Princess's fluency surprises the supernatural in question. Whenever she speaks to similar
supernaturals, she gains +1 bonus to all social rolls dealing with then.
Upgrade: Lasting
Cost: +1 Wisp
The fluency of the language remains for a longer time. The Princess may retain the language for one week.
Upgrade: Teaching (Lustrae 2)
The Princess may grant fluency in a supernatural language to another target of her choosing. Granted that it's hard to
learn other supernatural languages outside of being another supernatural, it's plausible to learn a language with
Uniting the Tower of Babel, then grant it to another being. A Princess may also grant fluency in the Royal tongue to
others if she knows it.
The magic of Lustrae holds up the fluency of the Supernatural Language, so even if it would normally fall apart
when spoken or used by mortals, it doesn't. This power does not however repair languages that are broken by their
nature. No matter how hard a Princess tries, she cannot teach the full power of High Speech given how it was
supposedly fractured by the fall of Atlantis.
Polaris Drone (Learn 3, Lustrae 2)
Action: Instant
Dice Pool: Science + Firearms
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: One Scene
Humanity has used the stars to find their location for thousands of years. With this charm, the Princess can reverse
the process, instead finding where people are from the stars’ point of view. The Princess creates a small ball of silver
starlight and throws it into the sky.
Dramatic Failure: The sphere of starlight suddenly grows unstable while the Princess is giving it form. She must
make a Dexterity + Firearms vs her Lustrae to throw the sphere away, or take 1 bashing damage.
Failure: The sphere sputters out of existence on the way up.
Success: The sphere shoots up to 1000 yards into the air, though it will stop if it hits a solid surface. The princess
can channel her sight through the light sphere with an instant action. While her sight is transferred, she can zoom her
sight in and out like a telescope up to even reading a newspaper over someone’s shoulder. Transferring her sight
back to her body takes another instant action.
Exceptional Success: The sphere shoots a mile into the sky instead, and can move through solid surfaces.
Drawback: While her sight is transferred, the rest of her senses are disabled and her connection to her body is
temporarily disconnected- she cannot take any other actions while her sight is in the light sphere.
Upgrade: Aural
When zooming, the Princess can now hear what’s being said in the immediate vicinity.
Upgrade: Mobile (Lustrae 3)
When the Princess’ consciousness is transferred, she can use her speed to move the sphere of starlight. She cannot,
however, go above the height the sphere originally reached when the Princess cast the charm.
Astral Window (Learn 4, Lustrae 2)
Action: Instant
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Empathy, modified by Intimacy
Cost: 3 Wisps
Duration: One Scene
The Princess, with this charm, tries to create a view into another place she is not currently in. She does this by
selecting a person, and focusing her magic to seeing them no matter how far they may be. However, there are limits
to this charm. She cannot target that person if they are on a plane of reality other than where she is, and if the person
is in a place supernaturally protected against being detected then a Clash of Wills ensues. Also, if the target is in the
Dark World, then the Charm automatically Fails.
Dramatic Failure: A portal appears before the Princess, showing a random person and area other than the one the
Princess wished for.
Failure: Nothing happens.
Success: The Princess successfully produces a circular portal in the air before her, showing the target as they
currently are and the area around them. Anyone on the other side can also see the portal to the Princess and the area
around her as well. Sound cannot travel through, though- only sight. She can dismiss the portal before the scene has
ended as a reflexive action.
Exceptional Success: The Princess can now filter what can and cannot be seen from her side, though she cannot
make images appear on her side of the window that are not really there.
Drawback: If someone on the other side of the window uses a supernatural power targeting the Princess that does
not require something to physically interact with her such as a touch or a projectile, then she is treated as if she was
standing physically right before them.
Upgrade: Video Chat
The Princess can now hear on the other side of the window, and those on the other side can also hear her and the
area around her as well.
Upgrade: Planar (Lustrae 3)
The Princess can now create windows to targets not on the same plane of reality as her like the Dreamlands,
Arcadia, or the Supernal Realms. The Dark World, however, is barred from the touch of her Light.
Upgrade: Piercing (Lustrae 4)
If the target is in an area being supernaturally protected against being detected, then the Princess can add double her
Inner Light to the Clash of Wills. Also, she can now send her window to someone in the Dark World.

Pressureproof (Perfect 1, Lustrae 1)
Action: Permanent
The stresses and weights of the depths and great heights of the world do not trouble the Princess. She reduces
penalties inflicted by appropriate natural environments by her Lustrae, to a minimum of -0 or adds her Lustrae as a
bonus to resist the effects of natural environments. If the environment imposes a time based penalty, such as damage
from extreme heat or cold, she adds a number of hours equal to her Lustrae to the time she spends in extreme
temperatures before taking damage. If she reduces the penalty to -0 she can remain indefinitely without issue.
Against supernatural environments Pressureproof triggers a Clash of Wills.
Valiant Mind (Perfect 1/Perfect 2) Upgrade: Free Will is Ours (Lustrae 1)
Version: Perfect 1 (Dream)/Perfect 2 (Vocation)
The Princess may automatically apply her Lustrae for free in all relevant rolls if the supernatural power to read or
influence the Princess’ mind or emotions is made under one or more of the following criteria:
 It is not specifically targeted at the Princess, such as an effect made to affect a group of people.
 It is not made by the target willingly, such as a Promethean’s Disquiet.
The Princess may not apply any other invocation to Valiant Mind without disabling this upgrade with a
transformation action.
The Wizard’s Blessing (Perfect 2, Lustrae 2)
Requires Reflected Light: Supernatural-Attuned (Mages) & Charge: Essence Transfer (Mages)
Action: Instant
Dice Pool: Empathy + Occult
Cost: 2 Wisps
Duration: One Scene
The Princess has learned much about the world of the Mages, and with this charm, she can learn how to harness a
portion of their powers.
When casting this charm, she attempts to replicate the abilities of Mages and defend herself against their spells.
Dramatic Failure: The Princess attempts overwhelm her, and she is inflicted with the Stunned condition.
Failure: The Princess fails in her attempts to replicate the powers of a Mage.
Success: The Princess manages to gain some of the abilities of the Mages:
 If the Princess is targeted by an Arcane Spell, that is a spell cast with an Arcana, both the spell’s roll and its
potency take a penalty equal to her Lustrae.
 The Princess has Peripheral Mage Sight and can activate, for the cost of a Wisp, Active Mage Sight with
one of the Arcana that she knows of.
Exceptional Success: The Princess can now use Active Mage Sight for free, and, for the cost of a Wisp, can use
Focused Mage Sight with one of the Arcana that she knows of.
Upgrade: Arcane Shield
With a quick chant and a touch, the Princess may grant another a protection from Arcane magic similar to the one
she has. This is known as an Arcane Shield. When those she has given an Arcane Shield to is targeted by an Arcane
Spell, both the spell’s roll and its potency take a penalty equal to half the Princess’ Lustrae (rounded down) for each
shielded person targeted. The Princess can only shield up to three targets, the shields only last for as long as the
Princess has the Wizard’s Blessing, and can only be given to others when she has the Blessing.
The Wizard’s Ascendance (Perfect 5, Lustrae 4)
Requires The Wizard’s Blessing
Action: Instant
Dice Pool: Empathy + Occult
Cost: 3 (or 2) Wisps
Duration: One Scene
The Kingdom of Lamessier has many kinds of supernaturals among its citizens, including Mages. It is because of
this that the King was able to devise a Charm that allows the Trailblazers to access the Arcane power of the Supernal
Realms for a time, filtered through his invocation and the Mage Representative in the Zodiac Alliance so as to make
it less dangerous.
When the Princess learns this Charm, she must choose one of the Supernal Realms she wishes to gain access to.
When casting this charm, the Princess tries to connect to the Supernal Realm she had chosen earlier. She does this
through connecting the Mage Representative and allowing them to filter the realm’s power through the invocation
down to the Princess.
Dramatic Failure: The Princess is overwhelmed by the sudden influx of Arcane power. She is dealt 1 lethal damage
& is inflicted with the Insensate condition.
Failure: Nothing happens.
Success: The Princess successfully gains the Wizard’s Ascendance. The Ascendance manifests in a specific
illusionary appearance depending on which realm she chose and granting her a few new abilities based on the
Ruling Arcana of the realm she had chosen when she learned this charm.
To note, any effects the Princess may have been sustaining with abilities from the Wizard’s Ascendance
automatically end after the Ascendance ends.
The Princess may also end the effects of the Wizard’s Ascendance early if she wishes it.
Exceptional Success: The filtration was so successful the Princess regains some of the magic she spent casting the
Charm. The Princess regains 1 Wisp.
 Aether: The Wizard’s Ascendance manifests as a sparking aura of rainbow light and crackling bird-like
wings made out similarly colored energy. For as long as she has this, she can use the following abilities:
o (Forces) Telekinesis: Instant Action; The Princess draws power from the Forces Arcana to
magically move or use an object without touching it. As part of the casting, she declares she is
targeting an object for the purposes of moving it or manipulating it. If she wishes to move it, she
must roll her Occult + Strength - the object’s Size. On a success, she may now telekinetically lift
and control the movement of the object as a Reflexive Action. If the Princess wishes to manipulate
an object, she must roll her Occult + Dexterity - the object’s Size. On a success, she may now
fine-tunely manipulate the object, such as controlling a door lock’s inner mechanisms to open it.
The Princess may have both effects active at once, though she will have to use separate Instant
Actions to cast them. Finally, the Princess may make a Ranged Attack with an object she has put
her Telekinesis upon, using Athletics if she has decided to move it earlier, Firearms if she decided
to manipulate it, and Athletics + Firearms if she has cast both. The Damage dealt is bashing equal
to the Size of the object, although some objects may have their durability reduced at the
Storyteller’s discretion due to this. Finally, she may only have Telekinesis upon one object at a
time, which she can revoke as a Reflexive Action.
o (Prime) Celestial Bolt: Instant Action; The Princess draws power from the Prime Arcana and
shoots a crackling bolt of prismatic energy at a target within 100 yards. The Princess must roll for
a Ranged Attack for it to hit and may add half her Inner Light (rounded down) to the roll. If it hits,
the Princess can either:
 A) Make the target take bashing damage in the number of successes rolled and, if they
are a Supernatural being, they become drained of double that amount from their
supernatural fuel.
 B) Make the target take lethal damage in the number of successes rolled.
o (Passive Effect) Brilliant Nimbus: The aura upon the Princess isn’t just for show- the aura she
glows with draws partly on her Light as well, making it easier for magic to exist in this world.
When an ally attempts to cast a supernatural power, and the Princess can see them, they gain a
bonus to their roll equal to a third of her Inner Light (rounded down), and a Mage ally’s rolls to
resist Paradox gain a bonus equal to the same amount.
 Arcadia: The Wizard’s Ascendance manifests as a closed third eye and an accessory of some sort in the
style of an hourglass like a necklace or earrings. For as long as she has this, she can use the following
o (Fate) Invoke the Norns: Instant Action; The Princess draws upon the Fate Arcana in order to
twist the threads of fate towards a desired outcome. Upon activating this ability, the Princess must
state a desired outcome that can be done within the scene. All actions that would help towards that
outcome gain a bonus equal to half the Princess’ Inner Light (rounded down), while any actions
that would hinder that outcome from happening take a penalty equal to the same amount.
o (Time) Slow/Haste: Instant Action; The Princess draws upon the Time Arcana in order to help or
hinder a person. When using this ability, the Princess can either:
 A) Slow down time around a target. The target may contest this being placed upon them
with Supernatural Tolerance. Their speed is divided by half the Princess’ Inner Light
(rounded down), their Defense and all their rolls that use Strength, Dexterity, Weaponry,
Athletics, or Brawl are penalized by half the Princess’ Inner Light (rounded down), and
they automatically go last in the Turn Order. This lasts for a number of rounds equal to
the Princess’ Inner Light, or until the Princess wishes the effects gone. She may only
apply this on one target at a time.
 B) Speed up time around a target. Their speed is multiplied by half the Princess’ Inner
Light (rounded down), their Defense and rolls that use Strength, Dexterity, Weaponry,
Athletics, or Brawl gain a bonus equal to half the Princess’ Inner Light (rounded down),
they may apply their Defense against Firearms, and automatically go first in the Turn
Order. This lasts for a number of rounds equal to the Princess’ Inner Light, or until she or
the one benefiting from this wishes it gone. She may only apply this on one target at a
o (Passive Effect) See Misfortune: If the Princess is about to take an action that has a high chance
of ending in a Dramatic Failure or Failure on her part, then she can see it coming and what the
outcome would be on her part, though not how it would affect others.
 Pandemonium: The Wizard’s Ascendance manifests as two demonic horns on top of the Princess’ head
and a red devil’s tail. For as long as she has this, she can use the following abilities:
o (Mind) Trick of the Mind: Instant Action; The Princess draws upon the Mind Arcana to trick
another’s senses. Choose a target the Princess can see and roll the Princess’ Presence + Inner Light
vs the Target’s Composure + Wits. The target may add Supernatural Tolerance to resist. On a
success, the Princess can now create non-damaging illusions in the target’s mind as a reflexive
action that affect all the senses except for Touch. She can only affect one mind at a time, and she
can revoke the effect at will.
o (Space) Vector Curse: Instant Action; The Princess draws upon the Space Arcana to mess with
another’s ability to move. Choose a target the Princess can see and roll the Princess’ Inner Light +
Science vs the Target’s Strength + Wits. The target may add Supernatural Tolerance to resist. On a
success, the curse now takes hold upon the target. When the target begins to move, the Princess
can reflexively choose a certain direction she wishes for them to move in. If the target attempts to
move in any other direction, they take bashing damage equal to a third of the Princess’ Inner Light
(rounded down) and they are automatically halted from moving any further as space warps around
them to prevent them from moving that way.
o (Passive Effect) Master of the Head: All attempts at influencing the Princess’ behavior, senses,
or mind and those of her allies within 50 yards of her take a penalty equal to her Inner Light. In
addition, the Princess can automatically tell when someone she sees is having their behavior
supernaturally influenced, though specifics will require further study.
 The Primal Wild: The Wizard’s Ascendance manifests as a wreath with flowers of every kind growing on
it and bracelets & anklets made of flowering vines. For as long as she has this, she can use the following
o (Life) Rapid Growth: Instant Action; The Princess draws upon the Life Arcana to release a burst
of pure life energy, rejuvenating allies and hindering enemies. Upon activation, the Princess rolls a
number of dice equaling her Inner Light + Lustrae. For each success, all allies within 50 yards of
the Princess are healed of 1 bashing damage. Exceptional successes heal 1 lethal. All enemies
within the same area must roll their Stamina + Resolve against the roll the Princess made. On a
failure, they are overwhelmed by the pure life energy and are inflicted with the Insensate tilt.
o (Spirit) Know the Spirit: Reflexive Action; The Princess draws upon the Spirit Arcana to learn all
she can about a Spirit she has seen. Upon seeing a Spirit, the Princess can roll her Wits + Occult -
the Spirit’s Finesse. On a success, the Princess learns what kind of Spirit it is, its Bane & Ban, and
who, if anyone, it has most recently Urged, Possessed, or Claimed.
o (Passive Effect) Spirit’s Touch: With the Wizard’s Ascendance, Spirits may no longer flee from
the material world with impunity. The Princess is now attuned to the Spirits, and can see, speak to,
and physically affect Spirits even if they are not Materialized or are Possessing or have Claimed
someone. Also, any damage dealt to a Spirit from a Princess’ Charms deal bonus damage equal to
a third of her Inner Light (rounded down). This includes Regalia spawned from Charms, such as
Levinbolt & Kensai. In addition, when the Spirit is Possessing or Claiming someone, the Princess
may target the Spirit exclusively, keeping the victim from being harmed in the process.
 Stygia: The Wizard’s Ascendance manifests as a shimmering cloak that seems to be made of some sort of
very fine black crystal. For as long as she has this, she can use the following abilities:
o (Death) Know the Dead: Reflexive Action; The Princess draws upon the Death Arcana to learn all
she can about a Ghost she has seen. Upon seeing a Ghost, the Princess can roll her Wits + Occult -
the Ghost’s Finesse. On a success, the Princess learns what name the Ghost had in life, it’s Bane &
Ban, what it’s Anchor is, and how long ago the Ghost died.
o (Matter) Alchemist’s Touch: Instant Action; The Princess draws upon the Matter Arcana to
transform one thing into another. The Princess touches a non-living object, and can transform its
makeup into another substance of the same state of matter that she knows of. Iron into steel, water
into beer, air into noxious fumes, etc. The Princess can change matter into matter of another state,
but to do so costs a Wisp and a roll of her Crafts + Science. On an exceptional success, she gets
the Wisp back and on a dramatic failure, the matter transforms into a random material of the
storyteller’s choosing.
o (Passive Effect) Ghostly Touch: With the Wizard’s Ascendance, Ghosts are no longer unseeable
from the material world. The Princess is now attuned to the dead, and can see, speak to, and
physically interact with Ghosts even if they are Possessing another or a dead body. Also, any
damage dealt to a Ghost from a Princess’ Charms deal bonus damage equal to a third of her Inner
Light (rounded down). This includes Regalia spawned from Charms, such as Levinbolt & Kensai.
In addition, when the Ghost is Possessing someone, the Princess may target the Ghost exclusively,
keeping the possessed person from being harmed in the process.
Upgrade: The Wizard’s Eyes
Cost: +1 Wisp
The Princess now has access to Peripheral and Active Mage Sight while she has the Wizard’s Ascendance.
Upgrade: The Wizard’s Wisdom (Lustrae 5)
The Princess may choose one other Supernal realm to attune herself to when she casts this charm.
Drawback: While having the Wizard’s Ascendance, all Charms the Princess has to make a Roll to cast take a
penalty equal to half her Lustrae (rounded up).

Balm (Restore 2) Upgrade: Healing Burst (Lustrae 2)
Cost: +1 Wisp
The Princess may now heal up to a number of targets equal to her Lustrae within an area around herself equal to 10x
Lustrae yards.
Drawback: Each additional target after the first two the Princess wishes to heal adds a -1 penalty to the roll.
The Rise of the Morning Star (Restore 3, Lustrae 2)
Action: Instant and Resisted
Dice Pool: Expression + Presence - Target’s Composure
Cost: 1 Wisp, 1 Willpower
Duration: Lasting
Some people find themselves frayed by social injustice or rumors spread about them. Some people are forced into
situations where all they can do is shut themselves away in the darkness out of fear of being seen and ridiculed.
Sometimes the mark of a criminal will not wash off no matter how much one tries to repent. The Princess may heal
the scars of social damage or conditions that keep a target from relating to others.
Dramatic Failure: The Princess only deepens the cracks of social pressure. The target takes a -2 penalty to all
social rolls for the rest of the day, and the Princess may not use this charm on the target for a scene.
Failure: Nothing happens.
Success: The Princess successfully wipes away the smears thrown on the target. She may remove (but not Resolve)
conditions suffered by a social nature, like Notoriety, Swooned, Shaken, Leveraged or whatnot. 
Exceptional Success: The Princess also helps the target make new bonds in society. The target gains the Blessing
Condition for the rest of the scene, with a bonus equal to the Princess’s Lustrae on Socialize rolls.
Know Who You Are (Restore 5, Lustrae 4)
Action: Full Turn
Dice Pool: Empathy + Presence - Target’s Inner Night
Cost: 2 Willpower + 3 Wisps
Duration: 24 Hours
Of all the creatures tainted by the Darkness, arguably the most horrific of them all are the Dethroned. Former
Princesses that have given up on Light and Hope, and became infused with the Darkness for any number of reasons,
truly it is a tortured existence. And redeeming one is extremely difficult, and all too often nigh-impossible for most
Nakama. With this charm, however, it will hopefully become a little bit easier.
When the Princess casts this Charm, she has to be visible to the Dethroned in order to make an attempt to help
remind the former Princess of her former self, to communicate to the tortured soul that they are here to help save her
from her pain, and to help heal some of the torture she is going through.
Dramatic Failure: The Princess exacerbates the Dethroned’s pain, adding a dot to their Inner Night for the duration.
If the Dethroned is already at Inner Night 10, then she restores the Dethroned's Clouds by the number of Failures
Failure: Nothing happens.
Success: The Princess manages to heal some of the pain the Dethroned is going through, if only for a time. 1 dot of
Inner Night is suppressed for the duration, preventing the Dethroned from using the Chain associated with that dot.
This charm may be cast multiple times on the same target, and if the Dethroned’s last dot of Inner Night is
suppressed, then the Dethroned will automatically emotionally connect to the Princess who cast the Charm and take
residence in her soul, bringing along a number of Shadows equal to her Inner Night, including those the Princess has
suppressed. After this, the Princess must remove the Shadows she has gained as normal.
Exceptional Success: The Princess manages to suppress 2 dots of Inner Night.
Drawback: The Princess must be utterly focused on healing the Dethroned’s pain- if she takes damage when she is
casting the Charm, then it automatically becomes a Failure.
Upgrade: I Know Your Name (Lustrae 5)
If the Princess the Dethroned formed from is someone the Princess personally knows, whether it be from her current
life or a previous one, then she gains the 9-again quality to the roll.

Bubble Shield Upgrade: Shifting Field (Lustrae 1)
The Shield manifests as a number of individual barriers that can be moved as the princess wishes. The penalty on the
activation roll becomes the number of barriers the Noble wishes to form as opposed to their radius. Each shield
formed has a radius of one yard. The Noble can move these shields as a Reflexive action, although they stop if they
hit a solid surface.
One is All, All is One (Shape 1, Lustrae 1)
Action: Instant
Dice Pool: Crafts + Intelligence - Collective size of the items
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: Lasting
Things are better when they can work together, and a Princess of Constellations can apply this philosophy to objects.
Taking up to three different pieces of equipment of similar size (within 1 size difference), the Princess attempts to
fuse them together into a form that allows for all their previous functions in the same size and weight of their
predecessors. For example, the Princess can fuse a Size-2 machete with a Size-3 Laptop and Size-3 Rifle to make a
computer that has hidden compartments for a blade and a gun.
The Size of the resulting fusion is determined by the size of the largest object in the ‘mixture’, so to speak. In the
above example, the resulting computer would be a Size-3, not a Size-2. In addition, only mundane objects can be
used in this Charm- supernatural objects automatically cause the roll to fail.
Dramatic Failure: Instead of fusing the objects together smoothly, the Princess fuses them together in some sort of
useless amalgamation that has none of its previous functions. Might be useful as a modern art piece, but nothing
Failure: The objects collide with each other when the Princess tries to fuse them together, the magic failing to fuse
them at all.
Success: The fusion works, creating something new and functional from different objects.
Exceptional Success: The princess receives the Wisp back from the cost of casting the Charm.
Lembas Morsel (Shape 2, Lustrae 1)
Action: Instant
Dice Pool: Crafts + Occult
Cost: 2 Wisps
Duration: Instant
Many supernaturals suffer from a hunger that can be extremely harmful to mortals or the world around them. But, if
they try not to fulfill their hunger, then they risk starving themselves to death or even being driven to insanity. It is a
lose-lose situation for all involved. But with help from his Mender wife, the King of Constellations managed to
create a Charm that can help satiate the horrific hunger that many supernaturals suffer from.
When the Princess learns this Charm, she chooses one Supernatural type besides Nobles and Dark Creatures. When
making one type of food dish, she can now implant some of her Wisps into her creation.
Dramatic Failure: The Princess’ creation is ruined and inedible. It doesn’t even have the perk of being poisonous, it
just tastes sickeningly sweet and lumpy from the wisps she implanted.
Failure: The wisps dissipate into thin air and nothing happens.
Success: The Wisps magically enchants the food, making it taste...not bad, but just plain to the supernatural splat the
Princess chose earlier, even if it would normally be delicious to mortals. It does not fill any of their supernatural
fuel, like a Vampire’s Vitae Pool, but rather fulfills their non-mortal hungers by giving them a number of 'Phantom
Fuel' points equal to the number of successes rolled. Those who have these points gain the feeling of being full or
satisfied. These points also count for the purpose of modifiers and effects based on the being’s fuel total, such as a
Vampire’s rolls to resist frenzy, keeping a Changeling from suffering Glamour deprivation, or a Beast’s Satiety
Condition and the effectiveness of its powers. If the being would automatically lose or spend fuel over time they can
spend the phantom points for that purpose, but this is the only purpose for which they can be spent.
Exceptional Success: The food now tastes and smells delicious to the supernatural splat the Princess chose earlier.
Drawback: This food spoils after 24 hours, after which it no longer fulfills the Supernatural’s needs. Keeping it
refrigerated doesn’t keep it from spoiling either.
In addition, the Phantom Fuel points only last for a week, after which they disappear as the character grows hungry
Finally, the food is actually harmful to mortals. If a mortal eats any portion of food the Princess used this charm on,
they are immediately inflicted with the Sick tilt of a moderate level. If they eat a significant portion of it, then the
Sick tilt is upgraded to a grave level. Untransformed Nobles, however, do not count in this case and can eat the food
freely, though Beacons cannot.
Upgrade: Lembas Spread
The Princess may choose one more Supernatural type, excluding one she has already chosen, to add to the list of
Supernaturals this food fulfills their hunger(s) for. In addition, the food is now safe to eat for mortals.
This upgrade is purchasable multiple times.
Upgrade: Lembas Feast (Lustrae 3)
Cost: +1 Wisp for each different dish
The Princess may now make all the food she is preparing within an Instant or Offscreen Action be affected by this
Upgrade: Frozen Lembas (Lustrae 4)
The food can now be refrigerated to keep it from spoiling for up to a week, while freezing it will keep it from
spoiling for up to a month. If taken out, it will still spoil after 24 hours, though the Princess can put it back into the
fridge/freezer for the remaining amount of time in order to keep it fresh.
Shorten the Strides (Shape 2, Lustrae 2)
Action: Instant
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Science
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: One Scene
The Princess manipulates the space between two objects, capable of making the distance between them shorter or
longer as she wishes. When she uses this charm, she may increase or shorten the distance between the two objects
(which may be living things) by the activation successes x the Princess’s Lustrae in yards. If this would make two
objects smack against each other, the two objects take bashing damage equal to the other’s Durability. If the target
involves a living thing, then Stamina is used in place of Durability. 
If this is used to lengthen the distance between two objects, it should be noted that this doesn’t necessarily teleport
them. It simply makes it harder to move the two objects to be closer together. For example, if the Princess used this
charm to keep a living being from getting home on time, it may cause traffic delays or whatnot. In combat, it may
make a target run and run...but never actually move from his original position.
Upgrade: Greater (Lustrae 3)
The Princess may choose a level of distance between the targets that is used in place of yards. Each level causes a
penalty equal to its length however.
 Kilometers: -3 Penalty
 Miles: -5 Penalty
Celestial Summons (Shape 3, Lustrae 3)
Action: Instant
Dice Pool: Occult + Presence
Cost: 2 Wisps
Duration: One Scene
The Princess calls upon the heavens to create a construct of celestial power infused with the magic of the stars.
However, the stars are too powerful to be on Earth by themselves, and must be paired with some other form of
magic in order to take a proper form.
As part of the roll, the princess must apply an invocation other than Lustrae.
Dramatic Failure: The magic of the other court and the magic of the stars fail to mix, and explode. The princess and
all within 25 yards of her take 2 lethal damage.
Failure: The stars do not answer the Princess’ call, and without the stars to fuel it the magic of the other court fades
away. Nothing happens.
Success: The celestial construct is successfully summoned, and remains in existence for the duration.
A celestial construct is considered a Rank 2 Ephemeral Entity with a Bane of Spacedust & a Ban of doing something
that would cause Sensitivity to trigger. They act in accordance with the Princess’ desires, but if the Princess tries to
order them to do something that would trigger their Ban, their Ban and the magic keeping them under her control
rebels against each other, destroying them and ending the Charm early.
In addition, for her Instant Action, the Princess may make a Decree, a direct channeling of the magic held by the
celestial construct. What Decree the Princess can make depends on what kind of construct she summoned (detailed
For as long as the celestial construct stays in existence, they remain permanently under the Materialize Numina.
Also, if the Princess is knocked unconscious or killed, the celestial construct she summoned vanishes from
The Essence of a celestial construct when summoned is equal to double the Princess’ Inner Light, and if the Princess
wishes she may allow the celestial construct to use her Wisps in place of Essence on a 1 Wisp to 2 Essence ratio.
A celestial construct will not take a turn until the end of the round it was summoned, after which it reflexively rolls
for its initiative and enters the turn order.
The Princess may only maintain one Celestial Construct at a time.
Exceptional Success: After casting this charm, the Princess may reflexively make a Decree once during the initial
turn she summoned it.
What kind of construct the Princess summons depends on what invocation she applies (detailed below).
 Acqua: The princess summons a manifestation of the constellation Aquarius, the Water-Bearer. It is Size 3
and has 3 Power, 7 Finesse, & 4 Resistance. It also has access to the Blast, Emotional Aura, Freeze,
Manipulate Element, Pathfinder, Seek, & Sign Numina. It has 2 Influence in both Wonder and either Water
or Ice (the Princess chooses which one when she summons the Aquarius construct). Unlike the other
constructs, the Aquarius construct gives the Princess access to two Decrees, though only one is available
when the Princess summons the construct. Which one is granted depends on which Influence the Princess
chose for the construct.
o (If Water was chosen) Decree- Wash them away!: Blasts of water erupt from around the
Princess and home in on enemies near her. Enemies within 15 yards of the princess must roll their
Stamina + Athletics vs the Aquarius Construct’s Finesse + the Princess’ Presence. If they fail,
they’re pushed back in length equal to her speed, take the Princess’ Acqua in bashing damage, and
are afflicted with the Knocked Down Tilt. If they are pushed into a solid object, they also take the
Aquarius construct’s Power in bashing damage. If they are pushed into a living creature, then they
both take the Aquarius construct’s Power in bashing damage.
o (If Ice was chosen) Decree- Dust them in a crystalline embrace!: A sudden tempest of sub-zero
winds erupts on the battlefield. Enemies within 15 yards of the Princess must roll Stamina +
Survival vs the Aquarius Construct’s Finesse + the Princess’ Presence. If they fail, they are
entombed in a crystal of ice and considered both Immobilized while hogtied and under the effects
of Extreme Cold. However, they cannot be damaged without breaking through the ice while under
these Conditions as the ice is too thick. The ice is at a durability equal to the Princess’ Acqua,
though fire will deal double damage to its structure and ignore its durability. If those afflicted do
not successfully escape or are not released from the ice after three of their turns have passed, the
ice shatters into jagged pieces and attacks them, dealing lethal damage equal to the Princess’
Acqua. This also ends the conditions upon them. The Princess may also dismiss the ice early as a
reflexive action, though this will sacrifice the chance to deal damage to the target.
 Aria: The princess summons a manifestation of the constellation Tucana, the Toucan. It is Size 2 and has 4
Power, 7 Finesse, & 3 Resistance. It also has access to the Blast, Concealment, Emotional Aura,
Discorporation, Innocuous, Manipulate Element, & Speed Numina. It has 2 Influence in both Laughter &
o Decree- Whaddya summon when one twister isn’t enough? A Twinster!: Two small tornadoes
are summoned and launched at two targets within 50 yards. They must make a roll of their Wits +
Dexterity vs the Tucana construct’s Power + the Princess’ Presence. If failed, the target(s) who
failed the roll are considered to be under Heavy Winds of a level equal to the Princess’ Aria for
the rest of the scene. The Princess can reflexively cancel this effect early at any time she wishes.
 Arrossire: The princess summons a manifestation of the constellation Scorpio, the Scorpion. It is Size 3
and has 6 Power, 2 Finesse, & 6 Resistance. It also has access to the Blast, Discorporation, Emotional
Aura, Manipulate Element, Regenerate, & Stalwart Numina. It has 2 Influence in both Fabric & Honesty.
o Decree- This is who we are!: This Decree may be used reflexively. When another tries to
forcefully change the Princess or an ally in mind, body, or soul with supernatural power, the
Princess or her ally may add double her Arrossire to the roll to resist. If there is no roll to resist,
then this automatically causes a Clash of Wills with the Princess. This Decree may only be used
once per Round, and solely dealing damage does not count as ‘changing’ the person.
 Capriccio: The princess summons a manifestation of the constellation Pisces, the Paired Fish. It is Size 3
and has 3 Power, 6 Finesse, & 5 Resistance. It also has access to the Blast, Emotional Aura, Manipulate
Element, Spirit Minions, Swarm Form, & Telepathy Numina. It has 2 Influence in Friendship & Sound.
o Decree- All together now!: The Pisces Construct starts singing a beautiful song. For as long as
they sing, the princess and all allies within 20 yards of her may add her Capriccio to any of their
rolls that uses a Mental or Social Attribute or a Social Skill.
 Fulmine: The princess summons a manifestation of the constellation Sagittarius, the Centaur. It is Size 5
and has 4 Power, 6 Finesse, & 4 Resistance. It also has access to the Blast, Emotional Aura, Manipulate
Element, Morphic Form, Pathfinder, Spiritual Vision, & Telepathy Numina. It has 2 Influence in both
Enlightenment & Lightning.
o Decree- Strike at the heart!: An arrow of lightning is shot at a target within 50 yards. They must
roll their Stamina + Resolve vs the Sagittarius construct's Finesse + the Princess' Presence. If they
fail, they take bashing damage equal to the Sagittarius construct's Finesse + the Princess’ Fulmine
and suffer the Stunned tilt until the end of their next turn.
 Fuoco: The princess summons a manifestation of the constellation Leo, the Lion. It is Size 6 and has 7
Power, 2 Finesse, & 5 Resistance. It also has access to the Awe, Blast, Emotional Aura, Final Strike,
Firestarter, Manipulate Element, & Stalwart Numina. It has 2 Influence in both Fire & Love.
o Decree- Burn them to a crisp!: A fireball is shot at a location within 50 yards. All enemies
within a 10-yard radius of the chosen location must roll their Wits + Dexterity vs the Leo
construct’s Power + the Princess’ Presence. If failed, the target(s) who failed the roll takes 3 + the
Princess’ Fuoco in lethal damage.
 Legno: The princess summons a manifestation of the constellation Cancer, the Crab. It is Size 6 and has 4
Power, 3 Finesse, & 7 Resistance. It also has access to the Blast, Beast Eyes, Emotional Aura, Heal,
Manipulate Element, Morphic Form, & Speed Numina. It has 2 Influence in both Harmony & Wood.
o Decree- Nature shield us from harm!: Wooden shields erupt from underneath the ground and
begin following around the Princess and up to three of her allies within 50 yards. These act as
armor with a rating equal to 1.5 times the Princess' Legno (rounded up) that can be distributed
across Ballistic and General as the Princess wishes. They last for as long as the Cancer Construct
stays in existence.
 Metallo: The princess summons a manifestation of the constellation Taurus, the Bull. It is Size 6 and has 5
Power, 3 Finesse, & 6 Resistance. It also has access to the Blast, Emotional Aura, Manipulate Element,
Regenerate, Stalwart, & Transmute Numina. It has 2 Influence in both Determination & Metal.
o Decree- Turn from iron to steel!: The armaments and clothes of the Princess and her allies
within 20 yards of her temporarily turn into a magical metallic material. Until the end of her next
turn, the Princess and all allies within 20 yards of her may add her Metallo to any roll that uses a
Physical Attribute or a Physical or Mental Skill.
 Santo: The princess summons a manifestation of the constellation Columba, the Dove. It is Size 2 and has
5 Power, 5 Finesse, & 4 Resistance. It also has access to the Blast, Emotional Aura, Heal, Innocuous,
Manipulate Element, Sign, & Translocation Numina. It has 2 Influence in both Holy & Faith.
o All will be well.: The Columba construct summons a softly glowing cloud of golden light that
swathes over all of the Princess’ allies within a 50 yard radius. If they are attempting to do an
action that would fulfill the Princess’ Virtue or their own Virtue, they gain the 8-again quality for
that roll. This effect lasts for as long as the Columba construct remains in existence.
 Terra: The princess summons a manifestation of the constellation Capricorn, the Goat. It is Size 5 and has
5 Power, 3 Finesse, & 6 Resistance. It also has access to the Blast, Emotional Aura, Ensnare, Final Strike,
Manipulate Element, Stalwart, & Transmute Numina. It has 2 Influence in both Earth & Trust.
o Decree- Feel the ground tremble underneath you!: The ground shakes as stalagmites erupt
forth in a location within 50 yards. All enemies within a 10-yard radius of the chosen location
must roll their Athletics + Dexterity vs the Capricorn construct’s Power + the Princess’ Presence.
If failed, the target(s) who failed the roll takes the Princess’ Terra in bashing damage and are
inflicted with the Knocked Down tilt.
 Vuoto: The princess summons a manifestation of the constellation Virgo, the Virgin. It is Size 3 and has 4
Power, 7 Finesse, & 2 Resistance. It also has access to the Blast, Commune, Emotional Aura, Manipulate
Element, Omen Trance, Pathfinder, Seek, & Threshold Numina. It has 2 Influence in both Contemplation
& Void.
o Decree- Make the clock reverse!: This decree can be made reflexively. It can either: make an
ally reroll a Failure or Dramatic Failure with a bonus equal to the Princess’ Vuoto, or make an
enemy reroll a Success or Exceptional Success with a penalty equal to the princess’ Vuoto. This
Decree can only be used once per round.
It’s Bigger on the Inside (Shape 4, Lustrae 4)
Action: Extended, 1 minute of charging up magic/roll, threshold = sanctuary of the Charm's result
Dice Pool: Presence + Science
Cost: 1 Willpower + 2 Wisps
Duration: One Week
Making a meeting place for all kinds of people is hard in the congested world of today, so this charm helps the
Princess with that goal. The Princess stands in a room and begins to focus her magic towards making it more than it
is on the outside.
Dramatic Failure: Progress is lost towards the threshold. If the progress is already zero, the Charm fails and
backlashes on the Princess, who must take 2 lethal damage.
Failure: No progress is made.
Success: Progress is made. Once the threshold is reached, the dimensions of the inside of the room expands to the
Princess’ wishes, while the outside still retains its dimensions and appearance. Once the Princess has decided how
large the room will be, she can’t change how large the room will be later.
Exceptional Success: Great progress is made. If the Princess reaches the threshold with an exceptional success, she
may now change the dimensions of the inside once per day, though the duration of the charm does not change. She
can only change the dimensions while inside the room, and they do not stack. For example, if the Princess did not
change the dimensions of the inside for 3 days, she can still only change it once before having to wait for the next
morning to change it again.
Upgrade: Consecrated
When the Princess stands in a room that has been or is on Consecrated ground, she may interweave this Charm with
the Consecration’s magic. As long as the ground the room is located upon is Consecrated, the duration of that
specific instance of this Charm is Lasting.
Shelter Sweet Shelter (Shape 4) Addition
Version: Dream
If the Princess applies Lustrae to this charm, it makes the following style of building:
 Lustrae: Neo-Futuristic style right out of a Space Opera made of steel and pexiglass.
Shelter Sweet Shelter (Shape 4) Upgrade: Bubble Ward (Lustrae 3)
Version: Dream
If someone outside the building tries to affect the building or those inside it with a supernatural power, they take a
penalty to the power equal to the Princess’ Lustrae.

Special Thanks (Contributors List)

John Burkhart
The King of Crosses
AKA: The Holy King, The New Monarch, The Sacred Father, Alex
Followers’ Epithets: Paladins, Saints, Clergy, Fanatics(Derogatory), Holy-Rollers (semi-
Kingdom: New Eden

Faith is a funny thing. For every example of a soup kitchen running out of a church, you hear
another story about the preacher who spreads nothing but hate. Still, I believe. Faith can hurt,
yes, but I know, in my heart, that it can heal just as well. So, please, won’t you let me heal

Faith is an ancient thing, which is why some consider it humorous that the newest court of all
is the one who embraces it wholeheartedly. The Court of Crosses was forged post release by
a Noble who used his own faith to inspire forgiveness across the world. Despite its founder’s
own religious leanings, it accepts Nobles of any creed, so long as they can embrace the
court’s principles of forgiveness, acceptance, and careful consideration of punishment.

Tales from New Eden

New Eden is small, as much as that term can apply in the Dreamlands. It was founded very
oh so recently, afterall. It is fairly close to the other Kingdoms, and it is very easy to find your
way to another court’s holding from any spot in New Eden. It is a serene place, filled with lush
plant life and rather docile wildlife. There is an odd mix of old fashioned townsteads and
modern cities. There is an incredible variety to both types of settlements, with prayers ringing
out from nearly every faith imaginable often times. Despite this hustle and bustle, the air itself
seems to provide a sense of relaxation, while the environment tends towards the serene, the
noise forming into a harmonious chorus. 

The King himself “rules” from a rather humble office equse building. Despite his title, The King
often is found in theon the world he was born to, and so a democratically elected council rules
in his place whenever he’s unavailableshould he not be available. When he is found in the
Kingdom, he is often armored and armed, a small sign of his Calling, and does offer martial
teachings to those he can. He is an imposingis imposing figure, with a quite formal way of
speaking, often leading, and moderating, debates among his followers. However, he is just as
often seen in his other state, a youthful seeming adult, almost boyish in his enthusiasm. He
dismisses formalites, letting himself not be seen as a King, but just someone to talk to. He is
quick to lend an ear to problems, and in these moments, he offers kind words, not on a high
horse, but in the manner of a concerned friend. He treasures those few moments he gets to
interact with his followers on athat personal on a level, because he is incredibly busy at nearly
every other moment.

The King has had many musings on the philosophy that binds his court, but the quote that
rises above the rest is this.

“Always let your faith, in the end, elevate your fellows to better places.”

“Forgiveness is a beautiful thing.”

People sin everyday. Sometimes, it’s petty things, a spot of littering out of convenience, lying
to avoid getting chewed out at work. Sometimes, however, it is much more major. Creating a
tainted place, cheating on a spouse, murder. Saints tend to offer a chance at redemption for
all kinds from sins, both the small and large ones. They aren’t stupid about this, there are
always people who will refuse to ever to be better, and forgiveness does not mean the sins
you have commited are erased. A murderer who repents should still serve his sentence.
However, everyone deserves a chance to be better.

“Acceptance should be freely offered.”

There are many, many kinds of people in the world who don’t quite fit in sometimes. Saints
hold up an ideal of accepting differences, from sexual orientation, to race, to gender
expression. This can ever extend to more...unusual conditions. A vampire may be a
bloodsucking corpse, but there is still a person there. Stopping them from victimizing others, is
of course, necessary, but they might still be able to stop themselves if they get the right push.

“Punishment should always be given due consideration.”

People do the wrong thing, and thus, people need punishment. However, an unfair
punishment solves nothing, brings no justice to the world. Therefore, Saints endeavour to
make sure their sentences fit the crime. Bringing Light into the world requires no less.

Champions of Crosses are oftentimes specialists in nhon lethal combat. Sometimes, this is to
capture foes alive to better render a sentence, other times this is because death is simply not
just for that opponent. Because of this, they tend to focus on defensive Charms over
overwhelming offense.

Graces of Crosses are firebrand preachers and heartfelt ministers. They are the ones who
spread the message to those that need it, trying to inspire justice and mercy wherever they
Menders of Crosses have a strong element of therapist to them, treating both the mind and
the body. Hurt people hurt people, and if they can stop future patients by treating current
patients? They will take that opportunity. 

Seekers of Crosses are experts in finding more about people. They have a distinctly human
bent to their investigations, letting their insights into various kinds of people allow them to
better help them.

Troubadours of Crosses are more likely to be teachers of art rather than pure artists. They
tend to guide people through creating their own art as a method of self expression and
improvement. This does not mean they never create their own original art, only that it
oftentimes secondary to them.

Nobles most often fall into the court of crosses because of their faith. The Court is incredibly
welcoming to all sorts of religions, and focuses on them in a way the other courts do not.
However, that is not the sole way Nobles find their way to The Court of Crosses. Nobles who
Blossomed after redeeming themselves often wish to share such a change with others, and
find the Court a natural way to do this. A surprising number of Onceborn also find their way to
the court, because of The King’s very modern perspective and noted sympathy, being
Onceborn himself.

Signature Emotions: Faith and Empathy

Faith is at the core of what Saints do. It inspires and uplifts them, powering them through their
Noble duties. However, it is empathy that allows them to do those duties so well. They truly
see people as they are, and that lets them help those people as best they can.

Character Creation
Social attributes, and skills, unsurprisingly, tend to be primary among Saints. Empathy is
especially prized, aiding greatly in the Court’s duties.From there, things vary. Street preachers
who speak to the underclass often Focus things like Streetwise or even (urban) Survival, while
a Saint who impolres the people in power to be better might have high Politics and Socialize.

Religious iconography is, unsurprisingly, common among the court. This could range from a
Star of David, to a lotus, to well...a cross. Gold and white are fairly common colors as well,
and saints tend more towards the ornate when Transformed. However, due to the incredible
variance in the beliefs of those who make up this court, even those basic guidelines are
subject to much change. The closest note of commonality is some open symbol of a Saint’s
personal faith.
The echo of a Saint is a subtle, simple feeling. It is a small hope, a mote of belief, that truly
can become better, overcome your past sins, and embrace The Light.

Practical Magic
Vocation: The Holy King inspires people to work through their higher natures to better the
world. By using their magic, they can better aid those in their efforts. Whenever the Princess
or her target is acting upon their virtue(s) in a way that would better themselves, or the people
around them, the Princess may spend one wisp to achieve an exceptional success on 3
successes instead of five. 

Alternatively, the Princess may grant an extra Virtue to a person of her choosing. This Virtue
must be in line with one of the Princess's virtues, and cannot be the same as one of her
targets. This virtue only counts in the context of gaining a second Virtue as per the Virtuous

High Belief grants extra dice, or effects the Virtue may have. At Belief 8, the roll for the action
gains a +1 bonus. At Belief 9, the roll for the action gains a +2 Bonus. At Belief 10, the roll for
the action gains a +3 bonus. 

Dream: The Holy King teaches his subjects how to focus the divine for human use, to better
illuminate the lives of those around them and protect them from the monsters that hide in the

By spending a Wisp, the Saint may consecrate an object of religious significance. For the
purposes of religion, any widely recognized religion can work so long as it is recognized as
being used for the good of others and has an icon that can be used. Crucifixes, Stars of
David, the Crescent Moon and Star,  the Eight Spoked Wheel of Dharmachakra, even
symbols of Wicca can count. 

While the icon is blessed, it gives the one who holds it a form of protection. All hostile
creatures take a penalty equal to the Princess's Santo to attack and/or harm the icon's holder,
and it also grants the icons holder a bonus to Abjuration equal to the Princess's Santo. (i
would like to suggest to either specify that only one can exist or that it lasts a chapter/story
and what the high belief effect is)

Invocation: Santo

The Court of Cross’s ideals find expression in Santo. It focuses on uplifting people, on using
Faith as a way of making the world a better place. It’s element is Holy, which manifests as
shiny, golden tinged light.
Santo applies at no cost when targeting an ally who fulfilled their Virtue within the current
scene, when targeting a foe has acted in a way that would provoke sensitivity, when inside a
place regularly used and authorized by a religious group, when targeting an object traditionally
considered holy, or when the scene is brightly lit well above normal.

Santo flees those who reject an earnest attempt at redemption. Should a Saint openly reject
someone’s truly earnest attempt at bettering themselves, they are forbidden from using Santo
until the sunrise seven days from that moment, or until they make a significant contribution to
the person who they spurned attempts to become better.

“C’mon. You can be better. I have faith in you.”

 Clubs: There is great virtue to be found in acceptance, but one should always
remember when to reach for more.
 Diamonds: Progress is a wonderful thing, but we must ensure people don’t get
left behind in a world they don’t understand anymore.
 Hearts: Order is a blessing, yes, but always remember why that is so.
 Swords: Our King came from your Court, and it is not hard to see why;, love
can redeem like almost nothing else. Ensure you shepherd such a flame
 Spades: The jester can sometimes brighten a room in a way a priest cannot.
However, there is a place for both.
 Cups: Finding yourself is a necessary part of improving yourself. Keep up the
good work.
 Wands: I’ll see you at the open meal Ssunday, then. If you show up early, you
can help set up, alright?
 Pentacles: I admire your ability to consider all angles of a situation, but
sometimes the human element needs a bit more of a…... emotional touch, so
please do not hesitate to call me, okay?

 Tears: You have such faith in your Queen, but it leads you only to dark, dark
 Storms: They are getting better, and I won’t have you end their life because of
one mistake!
 Mirrors: It’s hard to help someone seek redemption when they refuse to see
the harm they’ve done.
 Vampires: You can be so much more, I know it.
 Werewolves: Your rage is not all you are.
 Mages: With all that power, it’s easy to forget your fellow man. Please, let me
be the one to keep them in mind for you.
 Prometheans: I may not be able to stay long, but mark my words, I will help
you see your goal through.
 Changelings: Getting out was a great start. I can help you build from there.
 Sin-Eaters: Your dedication to rediscovering your partner’s humanity is
 Mummies: You use faith as a tool to do nothing but control people. Disgusting.
 Beasts: You have a horrible hunger, but that’s not an excuse. You can be
 Mad Scientists: You might not be able to build a better world right now, but
you can always build a better you.
 Leviathans: You are everything wrong with faith in one compact package. 
 Hunters: Not every monster needs a death sentence.
 Mortals: It’s never too late to have a new start.
 Constellations: This is…... quite the group you gathered. Thank you! Are you
ready for the sermon?
 Chords: Being all alike isn’t the same as being all better.
 Mists: How can people ever improve if you don't even let them know what’s
 Petals: You don’t need to shine brighter to be better. You need to rest.
 Poppies:You don’t see anything better but temporary bliss. Please, please let
me show you something better.
 Scythes: This isn’t justice, this is just...lashing out.
 Stars: I understand your cause, but there is a whole world that needs your

From the Outside-

 Clubs: Sometimes, it is enough for some to know a being up above is
watching over them.
 Diamonds: I’ve never been religious. I have quite a few reservations about
religious institutions, in fact. I have none regarding the Crosses, however.
 Hearts: One of the few who bother to listen to the problems of others. The
respect they garner is well earned.
 Spades: Man, these people actually manage to make me feel bad about the
stuff I do. No fair!
 Swords: I always get a tear in my eye every time I visit them. I leave
invigorated with my own faith restored.
 Tears: Better for some to live in sin than for all to die pure.
 Storms: Are his apologies going to give my little sister her eyesight back? No?
Then I don’t want to hear iIt! He didn’t have an accident or make a mistake, he
made a choice, and now, it’s time for some fucking consequences.
 Mirrors: Why would I need to ask for forgiveness when I never did anything
 Chords: We shall be like God when we all are One.
 Mists: We’ve no room for superfluous superstition.
 Petal: Everyday I pray for more strength to continue my duty, and my prayers
are answered. Is that not divine?
 Poppies: God died with the gold standard, Padre. People are moving on to
more tangible faiths.
 Scythes: Does the Good Book not say: “An Eye for an Eye?”
 Stars: My Faith is dedicated to more than just a book.

 Shields: We’ Shields are the proactive sort who stymie the problem at the
source. The Crosses have a more delicate touch, providing a shoulder to cry
on. Their work is just as invaluable.
 Roses: These people put God before dogma. Proof of beauty in faith.
 Coins: These Nobles balance themselves on the fine line of faith and
fanaticism. For now, they persevere, and for that, they have our respect.


The Knight of the Cross(Dresden Files), Byakuren Hijiri (Touhou Project) 

Many thanks to Saulot for providing the lion’s share of these charms.

  Santo Charms

Appear Charms and Upgrades

Grey Masquerade (Appear 1) - Upgrade: Angel Unaware (Santo 2)
Sometimes in order to do godly work, those with the gods’ favor have to be able to walk
unseen. Easier said than done, but the blessing of faith allows the Princess to shield such
signatures. The Princess may use this power to hide signatures granted by higher powers, so
long as they’re conceivablyconcievably viewed as divine. This, however, changes the roll to
Intelligence + Occult. 

Light the Way (Appear 1) - Upgrade: Only the Pure of Heart (Santo 1)
The Princess's light burns at such an intensity that they may only avert their eyes or gain the
Noble's blessing and view normally. The light implements a penalty equal to her Santo to all
vision based rolls on the Princess or those around her. The Princess may designate up to her
Inner Light in people not affected by this (she's not affected by definition), who may treat the
penalty as a bonus to perception rolls instead.

Be Not Afraid (Appear 2, Santo 2)

Action: Instant, Composure + Expression
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: One Scene

Humans fear things that are inherently not like them;, this is easily visible by their willingness
to denote others as monsters. But they also show the same fear to divine, after all, is an angel
not another kind of monster too? With this charm, the Princess radiates an aura of calmness
that quells these fears of the inhuman that seek to aid humanity.

While the Princess is under the effects of this charm, people find it harder to fear her or see
what she says or does as warranting fear. Any attempt to resist fear or breaking points caused
by dealing with the Darkness in the Princess's presence gains a bonus equal to the Princess's

Of course, emotions are magic. A Princess who attempts to attack innocent people while
under the effects of this charm automatically makes the effects cease.

Goosedown Lullaby (Appear 3) - Upgrade: Hymnal (Santo 2)

It's said that church bells and singing the praises of God scare away the evil spirits and make
even the Fae burst into tears from their lost pleasures of Heaven. The Princess's song scares
away the inhuman supernatural, like Ephemeral Beings. Ssome Supernaturals at Integrity
Equivalent 0 or who simply lack any form of sanity or morality, instead suffercausing the
Terrified Tilt on them while she keeps the song up.

Hallowed Hearth (Appear 3) - Upgrade: Watched (Santo 2)

Trespassing into certain places can make you feel like you're being watched...especially if it's
a place sanctified by holy beings. Any actions caused by intruders within the area takes a
penalty equal to her Santo.

Chamber of Reflection (Appear 3, Santo 3)

Action: Instant and Resisted, Wits + Socialize - Target's Resolve
Cost: 2 Wisps
Duration: One Scene

It's easy to say or do things without really thinking the consequences of your actions through.
Impulsiveness is an easily forgivable thing. But sometimes it's harder to forgive those who
trespass against you, especially if they lack the self-awareness to realize how their acts can or
havey act can or has hurt others. On the flip side, there isare also those who don't realize how
kind or good they are, due to some form of ingrained guilt from parents, siblings, caretakers,
or as the Holy King despises most, religion used to ingrain fear into people instead of teaching
them love. 

The Princess can use this charm to force people to see themselves from an outside

Dramatic Failure: The Princess only gains an unwelcome vision of herself at her worst
moment. She must roll for sensitivity.
Failure: Nothing happens.

Success: The Princess succeeds, granting a vision of her choice to her target. 

One of the visions takes the form of forcing the target to see themselves at their worst times.
For some people, it shows their behavior without any of their good traits, if they had any. For
others, it may simply magnify the flaws they aren't normally aware of, or make those who are
aware of them realize how damaging they can be. For the worst kinds of people, it can make
them realize they did something very wrong. 

On the other hand, the Princess could use the vision to allow a target to see themselves at
their very best. Often the result is a very well adjusted version of the one who has the vision,
maybe even dredging up memories of good deeds and good times long since passed. It's
enough to both reaffirm someone's flagging self-worth, as well as stun the heart of even the
coldest criminals.

No matter which vision the target sees, it is plausible for it to inspire the target to change their
ways, try to become better or whatnot. Upon seeing the full vision, the Target may optionally
spend a Willpower Point to change one of their Aspirations to something reflecting the result
of seeing themselves at their best or worst. Perhaps a criminal becomes willing to put away
the knife and go straight, or a person with behavioral issues becomes aware that they might
need help or try to straighten themselves out. Optionally, the Victim may spend a Willpower
Dot to change their Virtue or Vice. 

It's worth noting that using this charm on a non-Darkened Creature of Darkness has some
special effects. For starters, it's almost a waste of time to show them a vision of them at their
worst, since it'd just be a straight up reflection of themselves and they'd probably laugh at their
own behavior. They get to roll their Sensitivity for the purposes of gaining shadows. 

However, showing them a vision of them being at their best is another story. For most of
them, it dredges up memories of their lives before they were taken by the Darkness, as
humans who could live without cruelty, hatred and monstrous looks. Though the Darkness is
only redeemable through virtuous death, the long dead pieces of humanity in them being
remembered is enough to cause some of them to react in odd ways. These kinds of beings
take the Shaken Condition. 

Exceptional Success: The Princess gets the option to show the target both visions if they

Bless Charms and Upgrades

We Rely on You (Bless 1) - May the Lord Be With You (Santo 1)

Dream Version: This version of “We Rely on You” blesses all uses of Social Attributes and
Upgrade: Beginner’s Luck
When adding dice to a Social Skill and the target would suffer an unskilled penalty, the
Unskilled Penalty is ignored.

Charms of Enhancement (Bless 3) - Pax Domini Sit Semper Vobiscum (Santo 2)

Dream Version: Roll Manipulation + Empathy to enhance a Social Attribute. 

Sanctification of the Flesh (Bless 3, Santo 2)

Action: Instant, Presence + Intimidation
Cost: 2 Wisps
Duration: One Scene

The Princess blesses the flesh of those they touch, giving them properties of repelling
ephemeral beings.

Dramatic Failure: The target only becomes a beacon to ephemeral beings, making the target
more easily affected. The target takes a penalty equal to the Princess’s Santo to resist
Ephemeral Beings. 
Failure: Nothing happens.
Success: The target’s flesh becomes mystically enhanced against spiritual beings. They gain
the ability to see and touch Ephemeral Beings in Twilight, and their strikes deal damage to
them as if they’re the Princess’s Santo in Lethal weapons. This blessing doesn’t stack with
bonuses from other blessings.
Exceptional Success: The target also becomes harder to crack against Ephemeral beings,
gaining a +2 to all breaking point rolls if caused by Ephemeral Beings.
Upgrade: Sacred Relics 
The target’s holy aura spreads to their weapons as well, allowing them to touch and hurt
ephemeral beings as if it were his own flesh. If the target drops their weapon, then it stops
applying until they pick up the weapon again, but it can last long enough for a thrown weapon
or projectile to hit it’s target before the blessing wears off.  

Blessings Be Upon This House (Bless 4) - Upgrade: House of Worship (Santo 3)

The noble prepares the place for use of worship or religious study. She sets up altars,
prepares sacred objects and texts to be used for the betterment of people's souls. By applying
Santo to the Charm, she may give the area Aspirations based on the King of Crosses
Philosophies. She may also protect people from the sickness of their minds, creating the
Blessing of Integrity.

The Protective Mark of Cain (Bless 4, Santo 2)

Action: Extended, Intelligence + Politics (5 mins/roll, Threshold = 10)
Cost: 2 Wisps
Duration: One Scene
In the world of men, crimes must be punished to the fullest extent of the law. For it is just
punishment that both teaches the criminal of their wrongdoing as well as salving the wounds
of the victims. For some people, this isn't enough. They want vengeance, soaked in blood and

The Princesses of Crosses believe that the initial punishment is punishment enough, and so
inscribe protections onto those who still suffer for crimes they've already paid for. Using little
more than liquid light and the holy power of Santo, they protect these people from further

Dramatic Failure: The Princess's mark gets screwed up, only further making the target subject
to retribution. For the rest of the scene, the target takes the Inverse Blessing Condition with a
bonus equal to her Santo. The blessed actions are "anything that would hurt the target in any
Failure: The Princess makes no progress. If the Princess fails to reach the threshold, she may
not try this charm again for one scene.
Success: The Princess makes progress, inscribing symbols of light that visibly marks the
forehead, torso and back of her target. Upon reaching the threshold, the symbols are
completed and fade onto the target's body. While the target bears the mark, they take the
Inverse Curse Condition. The penalty is equal to her Santo, and it applies towards "all
attempts to harm the target for what they've done'.' In other words, those who try to seek
retributive justice will find their attempts failing and flagging, but this doesn't apply if the
attackers aren't attacking for that reason.

As well, the mark denotes a special connection between the Princess and the target. While
the target bears the mark, the Princess always becomes instantly aware if they're suffering
from attacks and where they're at.
Exceptional Success: The Princess makes excellent progress.
Upgrade: Lasting 
The Princess makes her mark to last for a while. The Princess may allow the mark to last for a
number of scenes equal to her Santo.
Upgrade: Avenged Sevenfold (Santo 3)
Cost: 1 Willpower

The Princess promises her own personal protection onto those she marks. If the target gets
harmed by attackers seeking retributive justice and the Princess aids them, the Princess gains
the Blessing Condition with a bonus equal to her Santo against all attackers.

Connect Charms and Upgrades

Illuminatus (Connect 1) - Ceremonial (Santo 2)
Sometimes it's easier to connect to cults when you know how to turn them for the best. When
beginning a Social Maneuver with a member of a Mystery Cult, the Princess may spend a
wisp to open one door without a roll. 

Open Heart (Connect 1) - Redeeming (Santo 2)

The Princess reads into hopes, dreams and fears, seeking what would be the best way to
lead them down their best path. When she uses Empathy to read someone's emotions, she
may spend a wisp to learn their Aspirations, Virtue and Vice, one for each success.

Laying Down the Line (Connect 1) - Circle of Salt (Santo 2)

Requires Unnatural
The Princess’s lines suffuse themselves with the warding power of Santo, making it harder for
unfriendly spirits or ghosts to harm those within the boundary marked. If the Princess applies
this version of Laying Down the Line, she can only choose ephemeral beings to target
against, which applies if the being is possessing something or someone else as well.
Whichever she chooses, she may treat the line she’s created as if it serves as a ward or
binding against the kind of beings she’s specified [CoD 140]. 

Drawback: Unless she’s using the Illuminated Upgrade as well or applying onto Consecrated
Ground, if the line the Princess creates is broken, then so too is this version of the charm.

Gathering of Saints and Sinners (Connect 2, Santo 3)

Action: Instant, Presence + Socialize
Cost: 2 Wisps
Duration: One Scene 

Sometimes the best way to get through troubling times and pain is to be able to talk to other
people about it, one cannot hold it in forever. Trust however is so hard to come by, and most
people don't open up to strangers unless they're in therapy. The Princess can create such
bonds with her magic, allowing a group of people about her to be able to speak of their issues
without worry of the consequences or strangeness. 

In order to use the charm the Princess must have a group of at least two people who share
the same or similar issues, not including herself. 

Dramatic Failure: The Princess only gets flustered or becomes unable to speak. They take the
Mute Condition.
Failure: Nothing happens. 
Success: The Princess integrates the group in an aura of pleasantness and privacy, where
they feel comfortable about opening up about their issues or talking of why they suffer as they
do. In essence, it creates the Fresh Impressions Condition and sets the step up one higher
than it normally would between all people who are in the group, including the Princess herself.

This charm can take up a scene, but at the end of the scene those who participated through
the charm may shed conditions that can be resolved with therapy, as a result of working
through their feelings or behavior with the input of other people. Those who haven't got a
Condition that can be fulfilled in this manner gain a bonus equal to the number of people who
are part of the meeting, including the Princess herself, as a bonus to rolls trying to resolve
their issues in a peaceful, empathetic manner for the next scene.
Exceptional Success: The Princess's magic bolsters friendships between those who came.
The Impression level improves by two steps instead of one.

Yawm ad-Din (Connect 3, Santo 2)

Action: Instant and Resisted, Presence + Intimidation - Target's Resolve
Cost: 2 Wisps, 1 Willpower
Duration: One Scene

At certain points in people’s lives have they done something wrong or bad, or there is an issue
that arrives in their lives that is hard to face. Some people face their guilt or problems head
on, but plenty of others run away and expect their problems or consequences to not catch up
to them. Everyone must face these issues sooner or later, a judgement day if one will, and the
Princess can force this on those they face.

Dramatic Failure: The Princess only destroys her confidence in herself. She takes the Shaken
Failure: Nothing happens. The Princess may try forcing the charm again, but this comes as a
cumulative -1 penalty per each use. 
Success: Upon using the charm, the target begins to feel incapable of running away, like they
must face whatever is thrown at them, be it the judgement of an angry mob, the issue they've
been running away from or the Princess calling them out on their behavior. Mechanically
speaking, the Target would need to roll Resolve + Composure to even considersucceed
leaving and needs a result higher than the Princess's successes in order to actually do so.

This charm automatically ends if the Target would be thrown into a dangerous situation, such
as the threat of being physically killed looming over his head.
Exceptional Success: Extra successes are their own reward.

Contract of Reconciliation (Connect 3, Santo 4)

Action: Instant and Resisted, Presence + Expression - Target's Composure 
Cost: 2 Wisps, 1 Willpower
Duration: Variable, see below

Everyone makes mistakes. Some are more grievous than others and willingly committed, but
that doesn't mean that someone is undeserving of mercy. People deserve a second chance,
but at the same time it's hard to trust someone who has wounded you. The Princess can
ensure that both people, the repentant and the victim may pave the way for a brighter future. 

When the Princess uses this charm, she must have the consent of both parties, through which
the terms of repentance can be decided upon. In essence, the Princess has to get both
parties to agree to what would heal the wounds of the victim as well as deciding the suitable
term of these conditions. 

Due to the philosophies of Santo, the acts of reconciliation and it's length cannot cause long
term harm on either party nor must they be overly zealous in punishment, for as admirable
that "redemption through death" sounds it's most certainly against the King of Crosses
wishes. Finally, these conditions must be possible for the target to carry out, and cannot be
impossible in any way.

Dramatic Failure: The Princess only widens the schism between the two. She takes a -3
penalty on all social rolls with the target, and may not use this charm again for a month.
Failure: Nothing happens.
Success: The Princess succeeds in performing the contract. While underneath of itsit's
effects, the Repentant is obligated to fulfillfulfilling the conditions agreed to when discussing
the terms with the victim for the length of time as described. While beneath the conditions, the
target gains the Entwined Destiny Condition. They gain willpower from fulfilling their acts of
reconciliation and suffer the Princess's Santo in penalties when they refuse to do so.

During the conditions of the contract, the victim gains a bonus to all social rolls on the target,
as well as the target receiving the Fresh Conditions Condition with their Impression set to
Perfect. The victim may use this on social maneuvering the target, but of course it must
remain within limits of the contract. Use of this aspect lessens the length of the contract, the
Storyteller is allowed to use their discretion to determine by how much. Once the contract is
up or ends early, the target and victim no longer have any bad blood. All conditions that arose
from the conflict between the two cease, and the target's impression level returns to normal.

Of course, it's quite possible for a victim to use this power to their advantage, but the contract
frays apart if they do so. If the victim knowingly makes the target suffer serious amounts of
trouble (losing a loved one, forcing them to miss a major event like a funeral of a loved one,
the target getting hurt for them, losing a limb, etc), the charm automatically ends as the victim
has moved to being the victimizer and the target loses all obligations to the once-victim. And
of course, the Princess knows why this came to pass.

Exceptional Success: The Princess makes it easier for the two to get along. They both receive
perfect impressions of each other.

Closure of the As-Sirāt (Connect 4, Santo 4)

Action: Instant, Manipulation + Occult
Cost: 3 Wisps, 1 Willpower
Duration: The Princess's Santo in Scenes

There are those who try to escape to alternate realms, usually when the hand of justice tries
to come for them, but then there are those who fear a chance of redemption offered with
judgement. Everyone deserves a second chance, but those who run away will almost never
receive it.
When the Princess uses this charm, she must use it on a place that connects to another
realm. A hedge gate, a taint, the Locus, any place that connects to another reality. When the
Princess uses this charm, she implements a penalty on all attempts to reach into those planes
of existence. Conversely, entering from those planes at those places suffers the same
Upgrade: Bastion
The Princess may apply this atop of Consecrated Ground, allowing for the charm to last so
long as the Consecrated Ground lasts.
Upgrade: Exemption (Santo 5)
Sometimes people are merely trying to leave these warped, alien realms, or there are those
who can be trusted to enter and exit these realms. When the Princess uses this upgrade, she
may apply a blanket exemption for normal humans to enter back into reality from the penalties
imposed, as well as exempt a number of people from penalties to enter or exit by her Inner

Charm of Entwined Destiny (Connect 4) 

 Om Mani Padme Hum (Santo 3) - Savior: The Princess gains Willpower when she
helps her target remain on a good path and resist bad impulses, and she takes
penalties whenever she refuses to do so. 

Fight Charms and Upgrades

Empty Hands (Fight 1) - Exorciszing (Santo 2)
The Princess’s grip calls out people’s better natures, while making it harder to wield powers
that would endanger themselves or others around them. While the Princess grapples the
target, the Princess may invoke a Clash of Wills. Should the Princess succeed, the target may
not make use of a number of supernatural powers equal to the Princess’s Santo while he
remains grappled. The Princess is free to choose which ones she affects. 

Kensai (Fight 1) - Righteous (Santo 2)

The Princess’s weapon gleams with holy light, sanctifying those it touches and reducing the
will to fight. When the Princess successfully attacks her target, her target’s next action is
penalized by her Santo. This does not apply to defense.

Javelot (Fight 1) - Crucifying (Santo 2)

The Princess’s weapon forces her target to remain in place, unable to move from her assault.
For the Princess’s successes in turns, the target takes her Santo as a penalty to any attempts
to move or attack. This does not apply for their defense however.

Levinbolt (Fight 1) - Hamaya (Sancto 2)

The Princess’s shots breaks through all things of an evil nature. If the Princess applies Sancto
to an attack, she may ignore up to her Sancto from any magical protection not of the Light that
the target tries to invoke. This does not apply against protection gained from religion or belief
in a god.

Palladion (Fight 1) - Illuminating (Santo 1)

The Princess's shield glows with faithful radiance, showing monsters for what they are and
making them lose their will to fight. When the Princess uses Santo to improve her dodge pool
and an attacker fails to strike the Princess, she may spend a wisp to apply a Santo penalty
onto the attacker for one turn.

Take the Blow (Fight 1) - Magnus Lux (Santo 1)

The Princess protects from supernatural forces not of the light as much as she does from
physical attacks. If she applies Santo, she gains a bonus to one roll against a supernatural
force equal to the higher of her Santo or her Defense.

Touch of Mercy (Fight 2, Santo 2)

Action: Instant, Unrolled
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: One scene

At times, violent conflict is necessary. However, that does not always have to mean that a
fight must go on to the death. When the Princess uses this charm, she may choose Bashing
or Lethal damage. Should she fight, any damage she causes does not go above that damage
on her targets. No amount of brawling will make her opponent overflow into Lethal, nor will her
opponents bleed out if she chose Lethal. Each strike when her opponent would receive more
damage instead forces them to reroll for consciousness, with the Princess’s successes on the
blow as a penalty.

Of course, at the end of the scene, this charm will end and any unhealed damage may
overflow from her punches once more, even worse if the target is full Lethal as they will start
bleeding out.
Upgrade: Laying of Hands (Santo 3)
Cost: 1 Willpower

The Princess ensures that even those who she’s hurt will be healed once more. Once the
target goes unconscious or they give up fighting, their last health box automatically clears up,
preventing the threat of bleeding out from Lethal or grievousgrevious damages from Bashing.

Body Shattering Shofar (Fight 3, Santo 2)

Action: Instant, Unrolled
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: Permanent

The Princess's blows not only slash at the flesh, but cut to the very soul of their foes. Well, not
the human soul, but that of unnatural inhabitants who hide within the cracks of the soul. If the
Princess fights against a mortal who is possessed by any being and she uses this charm, the
Princess's weapon passes through the flesh and harms the passenger instead. In essence, it
damages the Corpus of the Ephemeral being, or it causes physical damage on the possessor.
This also affects beings who are wearing bodies that don't belong to them, like a Spirit or
Ghost using Corpse Ride, or an Amanojaku that has taken over a human's body.

If the Princess tries using this on a non-possessed being, her attacks deal normal damage
and this charm was used for naught.

Govern Charms and Upgrades

Forgotten Lore (Govern 1) - Mysteries of the Divine (Santo 2)
Even mysteries of the heavens and religion unravel before the Princess's eyes. When
researching on a Mystery Cult or a being worshipped by at least 13 or more people, the
Princess may spend a Wisp to reduce the required successes by her Santo.

Eulogia (Govern 2, Santo 1)

Action: Instant, Intelligence + Crafts
Cost: 1 Wisp, 1 Willpower
Duration: Lasting

Many people find the strength to keep going if they bear symbols of things they have faith in.
Be it religious icons, beloved stuffed animals, photos of friends or family tucked away in a
locket, these can give strength where we are lacking and a Saint can turn it into a tangible
pool one can draw from.

When the Princess uses this charm, she usually picks something of meaning to someone or
something. Religious iconography, as per usual with Santo, is popular but less noticeable
things have been used like cherished items to specific people or whatnot. Upon using the
charm, she enchants the object to bear it's own Willpower Pool, starting empty and capable of
holding points up to her Santo. It may be filled up by a person choosing to give it willpower,
requiring at least a minute of concentration and touching the object.

Retrieving the Willpower is a bit more difficult. The vessel for it must have some meaning to
the person trying to draw it out. For example, a shrine maiden with a shimenawa may be able
to pull it out better than a person who doesn't know anything about Shintoism, or a family
picture for one person may mean nothing to someone who doesn't know anyone in the
picture. In order to draw out the willpower, the person touching it must roll Resolve +
Composure - Intimacy to the object or what it represents. They may take up to their successes
in willpower. Charms that steal or damage willpower, like Lacrima Charms, may bypass the
Upgrade: Pond of Strength (Santo 2)
The Princess may double her Santo for the purposes of determining the size of the Willpower
pool the Eulogia has.
Light Over All (Govern 2) - Upgrade: Rites of Abjuration (Santo 2)
The holy light of Santo aids all attempts of Abjuration, weakening all forms of ephemeral
beings with it’s glare. Whenever the Princess attempts an Abjuration, she never takes
penalties from lower Belief or if the Abjuration is in line with her vice. Furthermore, she may
cut her rolls for Abjuring in half. 

Bequeath (Govern 3) - Upgrade: Virtuous (Santo 2)

The new Bequest now comes with it's own Willpower Pool, equal to the Charm rating of the
Bequest itself. She may choose one Virtue the Bequest is associated with, allowing it to be
refilled with Willpower when that Virtue is accomplished. The Princess may not draw out the
Willpower from the Bequest, it may only ever be used to pay for Willpower costs of Charms
within the Bequest, or in place of normal willpower when adding dice to a roll that uses the
Bequest in question.

Ofuda (Govern 3) - Upgrade: Lux Mundi (Santo 2)

The Princess’s Ofuda comes with the comfort of a higher power watching over her, protecting
her and her dwelling from all that would harm them. The Princess may reduce the multiplier
on the threshold by her Santo when determining it. This may not lower the multiplier beneath

Open the Narrow Gates (Govern 3, Santo 2)

Action: Instant, Manipulation + Persuasion
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: Successes in days

It's so easy to slip on the path to evil. The road to hell is wide and easy to walk onto, and
nowhere is this more apparent than how Blessed Places being rarer than Tainted Places.
Sometimes the best a Princess can do is make it easier for people to take aspirations that
help them do good, and given how singularly devoted Blessed Places can be, the Princess
can change their aspirations for a time.

Dramatic Failure: The Princess's magic takes away the goodness of the Blessed Place.
Remove one Beauty.
Failure: Nothing happens.
Success: The Princess may change the Aspirations a Blessed Place can grant. She may
change a number of Aspirations equal to half her Santo, rounded up. 
Exceptional Success: The new changes remain for one week.

Compassion of the Bodhisattva (Govern 3, Santo 2)

Action: Instant, Presence + Occult
Cost: Variable, see below
Duration: One Scene
Many Princesses wish they could help those who strayed from, or who were ripped off of the
path of humanity to be able to reconnect for a time. Even though doing so is far beyond a
Princess's power, sometimes the best you can do is ease the burden so they don't suffer as

When the Princess uses this charm, she selects a supernatural being to affect and requires
their consent to use this charm on. Whenever they would have to pay costs for their own
upkeep, like a vampire having to spend Vitae to remain refreshed at night, a Werewolf's need
for essence, or a Changeling's Glamour Addiction or any similar maintenance costs for
supernatural beings,, she may pay the cost in wisps in their place. This only works for charges
of upkeep, it doesn't function for paying the cost of Disciplines or other supernatural powers
the splat may have.

Upgrade: Communal
The Princess may apply this charm upon a group of supernatural beings. As a cost, she must
apply the commonality modifier to the charm.

Upgrade: The Path to Enlightenment (Santo 4)

Cost: 1 Willpower

Gaining more power from one's supernatural state also leads them astray from humanity
further and further. A Princess may better aid them, so as their own power may be blotted out
by the Light. When the Princess uses this charm, she may lower the Supernatural's
Supernatural Advantage by the lower of her Inner Light or Santo, to a minimum of 1. This can
reduce the nightly costs and needs for certain supernaturals, such as allowing Vampires to
feed on animals or humans again, or allowing Werewolves a reprieve from Essence upkeep.
And of course it also lowers penalties that Supernatural Advantages cause, like reducing Jabir
or Lunacy Penalties.

Inspire Charms and Upgrades

Razzle Dazzle (Inspire 1) - Upgrade: Uplifting (Santo 2)
The Noble naturally appeals to people’s better natures. In a social maneuver where her goal
is in line with the target’s Virtue, she may spend 1 Wisp to open a Door without rolling. She
can open a number of Doors up to her Santo this way during one maneuver.

Amazing Grace (Inspire 2, Santo 2)

Action: Instant, Presence + Persuasion
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: One Scene
Performance: 2 Minutes 

How sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me.

The Princess calls forth her own better nature upon the audience, aiding them by making it
easier to appeal to their own better halves. 

Dramatic Failure: The Princess only denies her audience the chance of betterment. None of
them may fulfill their virtue for the rest of the scene.
Failure: Nothing happens.
Success: The Princess reaches her audience, helping them realize their better halves. Upon
success, the Audience gains one of the Princess's virtues as an additional virtue for the rest of
the scene for all purposes save regaining willpower.
Exceptional Success: As per a success, save with the restriction of not gaining willpower

Play Your Part (Inspire 3) - Upgrade: God Helps Those Who Help Themselves (Santo 2)
Sometimes trying to inspire people to a better path or to act on their desires requires helping
them take the first step. No god will hand you anything in life, what you desire to achieve must
be gained by your own hands and work to achieve them. 

While the additional Aspiration or Dream exists, the target also benefits from the Inspired
Condition for the same duration [CoD 289].

Eyes of the Weeping Divine (Inspire 3, Santo 4)

Action: Reflexive and Contested, Presence + Empathy vs Target's Composure + Supernatural
Cost: 1 Wisp, 1 Willpower
Duration: One Scene

For many Princesses, blossoming opens their eyes to so many new experiences. The
happiness and joys she brings to other people, as much as the pains and miseries she sees.
And so much pain and misery there is in this World of Darkness. And too many people blind to
the misery they cause onto others. 

Some Princesses wish they could make mortals feel sensitivity as they do so that they
couldn't cause pain. Such a notion is unethical, but the Paladins are content to grant a ghost
of Sensitivity to make people understand what they did was wrong. The Princess may use this
charm reflexively when she suffers from Sensitivity due to another's actions.

Dramatic Failure: The target only asserts their unnatural claim to cruelty, and the Princess
only ramps up her sensitivity further. She must roll for Sensitivity once more.
Failure: Nothing happens.
Success: The charm takes effect, making the target's soul fill with doubt as the Princess's had
with Shadows. The target immediately takes the Guilty Condition concerning the act they've
just done. If the Princess took any Shadows from rolling for sensitivity, then the target takes a
penalty to all actions that don't involve making up for their actions equal to the number of
Shadows the Princess took.

If the target of the charm makes up for their guilty actions within the scene, then the Princess
may remove half of her freshly gained shadows, rounded down.
Exceptional Success: The Princess's faith is rewarded by banishing the darkness in her soul.
The Princess may remove all shadows freshly gained if the target makes up for their actions.

Believe In Me Who Believes In You (Inspire 3, Santo 3)

Action: Reflexive, Unrolled
Cost: 1 Wisp and 1 Willpower (Target's)
Duration: 1 Scene

Sometimes having someone who has faith in you is enough when you don't have faith in
yourself. By serving as an example and bastion of confidence, the Noble of Crosses can allow
another to use their Belief instead of their own. For the rest of the Scene, the target may treat
the Noble's current Belief as their Integrity or equivalent. This charm automatically fails if the
Princess does not have the consent of the target.

For example, Joan has a Belief of 8 and is helping a vampire, Renault, remember what it is to
be Human again. Renault has a Humanity of 3. By Joan using the Charm and spending a
Wisp, and Renault spending a Willpower, he can be treated as having Humanity 8 for the
purposes of Detachment rolls and Banes.

Don’t Stop Believing (Inspire 4) - Upgrade: Adeste Fidelius (Santo 3)

The Princess’s magic aids even the ailing minds of supernaturals, allowing them to hold onto
their alternative traits if it means being at their best in connection to humanity. The Princess
may freely affect all kinds of supernaturals versions of Integrity. Integrity with alternative
systems, like Harmony for Werewolves shifting up and down the scale may be alternatively
affected to simply bring them to their best point, such as lowering or raising them to Harmony
5. This charm cannot affect truly alien equivalents of Integrity or beings without any equivalent
of Integrity, like Demons or Beasts.

Vince In Bono Malum (Inspire 5, Santo 4)

Action: Instant, Presence + Empathy 
Cost: 3 Wisps, 1 Willpower
Duration: One Scene
Performance: 10 Minutes

Over come evil with good, and find the light after the dark. No matter how hard it seems, there
will always be a better path available and way to improve. Even amongst the most hardened
of monsters, it's possible to reach even their ice cold hearts if you try. Most people would give
up on the tenth time of getting their hands bitten, but those at the level of devotion to Santo
are worthy of taking the Mantle of Crosses. With little more than a performance, be it a play, a
story or a sermon, the Princess brings out the goodness in people's hearts.
Dramatic Failure: The Princess only loses her right to the crown. She takes the Abdicated
Condition and is treated as if she broke Santo's ban.
Failure: Nothing happens.
Success: The Princess undertakes a second transformation, her clothes filtering out with gold
and white as she takes on a divine radiance that furthers incentives for virtue and that quells
violence, and her head is adorned with the golden light of divinity. The Princess and her
audience gains the Divine Grace Condition. While underneath it's effects, forgiveness and
virtue seems so much more tangible and easier to attain. They may fulfill their Virtues with
simpler acts instead of requiring sacrifice or major personal risk. 

Furthermore, redemption and forgiveness seem much easier to attain, or at least to consider
in people's minds. The targets may spend Willpower to suppress conditions, mental issues or
penalties that would hinder attempts to forgive others or to try to make up for previous actions.
Of course, they may use Willpower as normal to buff rolls.

As well, actions that would hurt other people become much harder to attain while under the
effects of Divine Grace. All people with the Divine Grace Condition gain a penalty equal to the
Princess's successes to any action that would be cruel or hurt someone else, unless it's in self
defense. Those who dramatically fail rolls because of this take the Guilty Condition.
Exceptional Success: The Princess and her audience all receive one point of willpower.

The Princess also takes the Invocation Lock Condition keyed to Santo.

Learn Charms and Upgrades

Paramita, Knowledge of the Other Shore (Learn 2, Santo 1)
Action: Instant and Resisted, Presence + Socialize - Target’s Composure
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: One Scene

Some people can be motivated to their higher, better selves and lead away from their roads of
debasement. With little more than a touch, the Princess can learn of the target’s more virtuous
sides. Later activations after the first cause a cumulative -1 penalty on this charm’s uses. 

Dramatic Failure: The Charm misleads the Princess. The storyteller describes a vision of
things that do not lead the target to their best behavior. The Princess will believe in this vision
unless evidence is given that proves the contrary. Further uses of the charm will not reveal
anything that refutes the vision, requiring the princess to learn her mistake by other methods.
The Princess may not use this charm for the rest of the scene. 
Failure: The Princess learns nothing on the target and may not use this charm on them for the
rest of the scene.
Success: The Princess gains flashes of insight to her target’s higher callings and things that
may lead them away from it. The storyteller must answer one question truthfully for each
activation success.
 The target’s Virtue or equivalent.
 The target’s level of Integrity or equivalent, as well as the action that made it drop or
rise as it had.
 Something that helps the target do good deeds or reasons they could perform good
 The name or description of someone that helps the target do good deeds or inspires
them to do so.
Exceptional Success: The Princess gains considerable insight to the target’s higher nature. 
Upgrade: Personal (Santo 2)
The Santo Invocation blesses those who forgive, and accepts all with open arms. The
Princess may look for insight into the target’s character and abilities, so far as these resonate
with the Santo Invocation or the credo of the King of Crosses. Add the following to the list of
questions the Princess may ask.
 The target’s Presence, Manipulation or Composure. 
 The Target’s Vice or Equivalent.
 The worst thing a target has done in their life and why they performed it.
 Something that would tempt a target off of a good path, or that motivates them to act
badly as they do or have.

Perfect Charms and Upgrades

Barrier Jacket (Perfect 1) - Repelling (Santo 1)
The Princess's jacket repels all spirit and ghostly attempts to alter her state of being. Any
attempt to affect the Princess through Numina, Influences, even attacks made by Ephemeral
Beings takes a penalty equal to her Santo.

Spirit Defying Aura (Perfect 2, Santo 1)

Action: Instant, Presence + Intimidation
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: One Scene

There are many unfriendly beings who lurk just beyond mortal eyes. Ghosts, Spirits, even
other beings that may seek to use and abuse humans. But so long as the Princess and her
holy aura remains near them, even spirits may feel less inclined to stick around. 

This charm generates an aura around the Princess, which covers a radius of 3 yards x
successes around herself. Spirits, Ghosts, and other Ephemeral beings feel a state of unease
about them, taking a Penalty equal to her Santo to any attempts to make use of Numina while
they remain within the radius of the Princess. 

Drawback: Of course, this charm doesn't endear the Princess to any ephemeral being while
it's active. The Princess also takes her Santo as a penalty towards social rolls when dealing
with Ephemeral Beings while this charm remains active.
My Flesh And Body I Give Unto You (Perfect 3, Santo 2)
Action: Reflexive, Unrolled
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: Lasting

In a fight, a Princess has the potential to sacrifice many things. Her flesh, her blood, and even
her life. Her allies may suffer the same as she does, but at the least she can ensure that
those she is around will be healed even as she is bleeding out. Whenever the Princess suffers
damage, she may use this charm as a reflexive action. For whatever amount of damage she
took, she may choose one person around her, be they friend, bystander, or even foe. The
target heals whatever amount of damage the Princess suffered.

This charm does have some limits however. A Princess cannot heal damage above what
she's suffered, but can heal any damage equal to or below what she's taken. So for example,
a Princess who took three Lethal from an attack can heal up to three Lethal or Bashing on
anyone she sees, but she could not heal Aggravated Damage. And of course, the Princess
cannot target herself with this charm.

Visage of the Divine (Perfect 5, Santo 4)

Action: Extended and Resisted, Intelligence + Occult (5 minutes/roll, Threshold = the
Princess's Inner Light - her Santo) 
Cost: 2 Wisps, 1 Willpower
Duration: One Scene

Many people tend to equate Princesses to the divine, coming from upon high to aid the
corroded world. Though most of them disagree with this notion (and in fact, the Mirrors revel
in it), few come close to actually touching it than the Saints themselves. 

When the Princess uses this charm, she has to have prepared a ritual beforehand to entreat
to a god, saint, angel, bodhisattvaboddhisatva, kami, whatever celestial being she seeks to
embody. Anyone of the Christian Faith may be enticed by enacting the normal Sunday Church
routine with variations for specific saints (like trying to appeal to Saint Lorenzo might add in a
comedic act on the irony of him being the Patron Saint of Chefs when he was burned at
stake), or preparing offerings to gods in the way the Greek or Egyptian gods enjoyed. It
should bear mention that sacrificing a living thing is more than likely a Belief Compromise no
matter the Princess, so while Princesses can most certainly do that, most are liable not to,
and the King of Crosses would be...cross to see his followers doing that.

Once the divine being is chosen and the Princess has the ritual prepared, the Princess begins
to attempt calling down their favor...or channeling Santo to grant them their visage. It’s unclear
as to whether a divine being is truly answering the Princess’s call or her level of Santo is at
the degree that it can inspire such changes. What is known is that if the Princess gets the
ritual wrong in a hugely offensive way to the divine being (such as including an Eye of Horus
into a ritual to embody Set, the Lonely Wanderer and God of Foreigners), the charm
dramatically fails.
It’s worth mentioning as well that the Princess also must focus on one particular aspect of  a
the divine being that she’s bringing down. It’s common that most Saints or lesser gods have
only one aspect to their name, but major gods like Izanagi, Zeus, Yaldabaoth, Shiva,
Matarajin and the like have multiple associations. In cases like these, the Princess may only
ever choose one of them. The Charm’s effects are as such.

Dramatic Failure: The Princess gravely insults the divine being in question. She takes her
Santo in Resistant Lethal, is treated as if she has broken Santo’s ban and may not use this
charm for one month. 
Failure: The Princess makes no progress. If she fails at using the charm, she’s treated as if
she has broken Santo’s ban, and may only use it again if they do actions that would appease
the divine being in question.  
Success: The Princess makes progress. Upon achieving the threshold, the Princess takes a
second transformation, with her form shifting over into a visage of the divine being she sought
to invoke. Some take the form of favorable traits the god enjoys, while others turn into what
they believe the divine would look like. In all cases, the Princess’s new form comes with
several advantages that vary with the divine she has invoked. The Princess may choose one
advantage she may use freely, so long as it fits the invocation of the Divine she calls upon.

 Movement: The Princess feels at home with the principles the divine embodies,
moving faster through it than she would normally. When moving through the domain of
the divine being she embodies, her speed becomes equal to her Strength + Dexterity
+ 5 + Santo. If the being is associated with water, then she swims with the speed of an
olympian. Divines associated with the earth or speed help her run faster, and if the
being is typically depicted with wings or has the winds as part of their schtick, then the
Princess becomes capable of flight.
 Environment: The Princess simply ceases to suffer from penalties caused by or
within the favor of the divine she embodies. While within the favored domain of the
divine or acting within it, she negates up to her Santo in penalties she gets while being
there. Furthermore, it grants her immunity to natural ailments that would harm humans
normally. No harsh winds nor rain harm the Saint who invokes Set, the Lord of Storms,
nor would heat, flame or lava bother the Paladin who invokes Madam Pele, the Earth
Eating Woman. Supernaturally created sources would suffer a penalty to hurt the
princess with them, though.  
 Embodiment: The Princess becomes immersed within the divine’s domain, finding
her actions working better there than anywhere else. While within the favored domain
of the divine, the Princess gains a bonus equal to her Santo which applies towards all
actions dealing with that domain in question. For example, a Princess who invokes
Baron Samedi as the Loa of the Dead can find themselves working better with
funerary rites or acts that aid cemeteriescemetaries or grieving families, as well as
dealing with ghosts. 
 Attraction: Like attracts like, and some individuals may find themselves more open to
chat to a God that embodies their nature or traits better than anyone else. This may
depend on the person in question and thus require Storyteller discretion, but if the
Princess interacts with people on issues dealing with the Divine’s domain, the Princess
simply gains a bonus to social rolls equal to her Santo on those people. For example,
a Princess who invokes Sekhmet, the Lady of Slaughter may find it easier to intimidate
murderers while another who invokes Parvati, the Goddess of Creative Power, may
find it easier to help consult people on love and affection.   
 Faith: The invocation of the divine can call forth the belief in the faithful. If people
within the scene pray to the divine the Princess represents, the Princess receives one
wisp per person. She may receive up to her Santo in Wisps while she has this.
 Rank: The Princess’s presence demands that even spirits and Ghosts treat them as
their equal. While she’s in the state, the Princess is able to see in Twilight and she’s
treated as if she has a rank equal to her Santo or her Inner Light, whichever is lower.
This power combined with Attraction can usually allow a Princess to get along with
spirits that deal with her divine’s domain.
Exceptional Success: The Princess makes great progress.

Upgrade: Advantageous 
Stacks up to 5 times

The Princess picks up more powers from the divine they entreat. When the Princess uses this
charm, she may pick an additional advantage per number of times she's bought this upgrade.
As with normal advantages, the Princess may only pick advantages that fit the Divine in

Restore Charms and Upgrades

Ministering Angel (Restore 1) - Faithful (Santo 1)
Sometimes all you need is a little faith in order to pull through. The target, or people who are
close to the target may spend a point of willpower, adding a +3 to the Princess's rolls. People
may only spend one point of willpower this way.

Faith Will Pull Us Through (Restore 1, Santo 1)

Action: Instant, Unrolled
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: One Scene

Seeing a loved one hurt will drive their loved ones into a frenzy, either as sobbing wrecks,
hysterical fits, or trying to help where their help can cost their loved one's life. The Princess
may simply tell them the best they can do is hope he'll be alright, upon which they may feel
that they can help somehow. When the Princess uses this charm to aid rolls to deal with
someone suffering, people who wish to help or who wish that whomever the Princess is
working on gets better may spend a point of Willpower. This point becomes a +3 bonus to the
Princess's rolls to aid the target. People may only spend one point of willpower this way.

Balm (Restore 2) - Upgrade: Truly Miraculous (Santo 2)

Requires Miraculous
The Princess heals even the most grievousgrevious damages en masse. She may heal
Bashing, Lethal and Aggravated damages, one healed at a rate of one success.

Panacea (Restore 2) - Upgrade: Miracles of Faith (Santo 2)

Cost: +1 Willpower

The Princesses hands light with sacred energy, taking away all diseases with little more than
a gentle caress. When the Princess uses this upgrade, she may halve the threshold to cure
the disease. This also goes for curing incurable diseases. 

Stain Removal (Restore 3) - Upgrade: Path of Redemption (Santo 3)

Cost: 1 Willpower

Even if a Princess cannot fully purify those of their afflictions, sometimes the best weapon
against the Darkness is plain and simple Virtue. After the Princess has at least stopped using
this charm on the target but not have gotten rid of all their Umbrae or the Tainted condition,
the Princess may spend a point of willpower to leave the healing magic in her target for one
scene, enough to let her get back to them later.

If the target fulfills their virtue, instead of using it to regain willpower, they may instead turn the
Willpower into automatic successes to throw off an Umbrae, Tainted Condition, or Darkened
Template, whichever the Princess was last working on.

Regenerate (Restore 4) - Upgrade: Healing the Lepers (Santo 3)

The Princess may reduce the threshold for the charm by her Santo, to a minimum of 1.

Cura Animarum (Restore 4, Santo 3)

Action:  Instant and Resisted, Manipulation + Medicine - Target's Resolve
Cost: 2 Wisps, 1 Willpower
Duration: Lasting

Sometimes good deeds inspire goodness in one's heart, that chases away the shadows of the
mind and soothes the cracks of the soul. For the Princess of Crosses, good deeds can pave
the way to a better life and help even unfortunate souls find their path once more. When the
Princess uses this charm, she must target someone with a negative condition affecting their
mind or soul. She also must have informed consent for this charm to function.

Dramatic Failure: The Princess only widens the cracks on her target. The Princess takes the
Notoriety Condition when it comes to the target, and she may not use this charm for the rest
of the scene.
Failure: Nothing happens.
Success: The Princess's magic settles into the target, ready to alleviate their pain at the first
sign of a good deed done. When the target next fulfills their virtue, they may remove any
condition affecting their mind or soul as well as regain their willpower. 
Exceptional Success: The target gains a bonus equal to the Princess's Santo to finding things
that can aid them in fulfilling their virtue.

The Spider's Thread (Restore 5, Santo 5)

Action: Extended and Resisted, Presence + Empathy - Target's Supernatural Advantage (10
Mins/Roll, Threshold = 20 Successes)
Cost: 3 Wisps, 1 Willpower
Duration: Lasting

Nobody is truly unsavable, says the King of Crosses, and yet there are those who manage to
fall past the brink of salvageability where little more than death can save them. Though most
mortals are thankfully immune to this, the Darkness proves that it's all too possible for
someone, anyone to become incapable of being saved. Even those who are supernatural can
have their minds torn to shreds upon losing their last link to morality.

Of course, even a torn up mind can still be put back together. It may not look the same as it
did before, but it can still be saved. The Princess may use this charm to save such a person
who has fallen beneath their Integrity or equivalent of 0 and bring them right back to the edge,
if nothing else. 

The target must be immobile for this to work, and must still have their functional body. So for
example, it is possible to use this on a Vampire who’s become a Draugr, or a Mnemosyne or
relatively human looking Cataphractoi, even on a Princess at Belief 0 who still bears a human
form but hasn't Dethroned, but it's not possible to use on Darkspawn or Dethroned, nor those
who no longer have an undeniably inhuman body.

Dramatic Failure: The simple thread the Princess sent to save the soul gets shredded up. She
may never use this charm on the target. 
Failure: Nothing happens and the Princess makes no progress. If she doesn't reach the
threshold, the Princess may try again at the cost of a cumulative -1 penalty until she fully
succeeds or dramatically fails.
Success: The Princess makes progress. Upon reaching the threshold, the string of magic
grabs all the pieces of the shattered mind and soul of the target, gluing them back together
and making them whole once more. The target regains one dot of their Integrity, Belief or
equivalent, and if belonging to a player, they are playable once more. Of course, this comes
at the cost of the Target losing one dot of their highest level power (if it's tied, the Storyteller
decides) and a dot of their Supernatural advantage. 
Exceptional Success: The Princess makes great progress.

Shape Charms and Upgrades

Apotropraic Magic (Shape 2, Santo 1)
Action: Instant, Presence + Occult
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: One Scene

The Princess blesses an object, warding it from both simple bad luck and magic
intended to harm it. The Princess may negate penalties up to her Successes
whenever anyone uses the item, which includes penalties that come from the
wielder's hands, like suffering penalties from blindness, untrained skill penalties or

Furthermore, any attempt to use magic to alter the object or otherwise harm it takes a
penalty equal to the Princess's Santo.

My Home Is My Castle (Shape 3) - Upgrade: Sustained By Faith (Santo 3)

In most cases, the barrier doesn't just protect homes. It protects people too, who may
not be able to fight or help against attackers. In these cases, the best they can do is
pray the barrier holds. Sometimes their prayers get answered. 

With this upgrade active, anyone who is being protected by the barrier, or is within it's
confines, should it get damaged they may spend a point of Willpower to repair one
structure to the barrier. They may spend as much willpower as they desire to heal the
shield even as it gets damaged.

Warding Talisman (Shape 3, Santo 3)

Action: Extended, Intelligence + Crafts (5 mins/roll, Threshold = Size of Talisman)
Cost: 1 Wisp, 1 Willpower
Duration: Lasting

The Princess prepares a talisman that she laces with holy power that constantly wards off
Ephemeral Beings without the holder needing to do anything, allowing the holder to go
unmolested by beings and walk in the valley of the shadow of death without fear.

When the Princess uses this charm, she creates a portable object that can fit into the palm of
an adult's hand. Though most Princesses of Crosses go for any kind of religious iconography,
it isn't fully required to follow any theme. Once the talisman is created, it's intrinsically blessed
with the power to reflexively roll for Abjuration whenever the holder would be affected by an
Ephemeral Being. The roll is limited to the Talisman's Size + the holder's Composure + the
Princess's Santo when she made the Talisman. 

The Talisman may only be used once per day due to using a good portion of it's energy on
even one Abjuration. The holder can immediately recharge it's protective power by fulfilling
their Virtue. 
Drawback: The normal rules of abjuration apply, including where the Talisman holder's roll
would be penalized due to low Integrity, or if they were using their Vice when the Ephemeral
Being affected them.

Faith in False Weakness (Shape 3, Santo 1)

Action: Extended, Wits + Crafts (2 mins/roll, Threshold = 10)
Cost: 2 Wisps
Duration: Lasting

Many things are smashed when dealing with a Supernatural, and one of them is how many of
their supposed weaknesses do not apply. Vampires aren't weak to garlic, Werewolves don't
suffer from Wolfsbane, nor does thrown seeds make Changelings stop to count them. But
while even one human has enough faith in something, there is the smallest possibility it can
work. As an invocation of both Faith and Holy Element, a Princess with Santo can turn human
faith of what could work against supernaturals into reality.

When the Princess uses this charm, she selects a Supernatural Splat. Major or Minor,
Ephemeral or Physical, anything will do. She takes belief of a weakness that humans believe
that splat has, and creates an item specifically for the purposes of enforcing that weakness. In
mechanical terms, the Princess creates an item that forces a Ban on the splat when the item
is used correctly. The Ban caused is relatively free to interpretation, so long as it causes a
compulsion when used and makes sense on the splat. 

Of course, reality isn't so easily bent by faith, and even a supernatural's will can overcome a
false belief of their weakness. When the supernatural is affected by the item, they may roll
Resolve + Supernatural Advantage (Resistance + Rank for Ephemerals) - the Princess's
Santo. Failure forces them to act the ban, but success allows them to resist the attempt.

Each item created by this charm can only be used once, but a Princess can create as many
as she desires. 

Upgrade: True Faith (Santo 3)

The Princess may treat her Santo as doubled for the purposes of penalizing the roll to resist
the Ban.

Upgrade: Baneful (Santo 5)

Cost: 1 Willpower

The Princess's faith turns from a blinding light to burning heat that hurts instead of blinds. If
the Princess uses this charm, she may turn the item into a Bane [CoD 128] against the type of
splat it was made to be used against.

Shelter Sweet Shelter (Shape 4) 

 Santo: The image of old- fashioned home with the newest type of apartment decor
with slight pieces of religious regalia of all kinds subtly hidden in the framework.

Holy Sanctuary (Shape 4, Santo 3)

Action: Extended, Presence + Crafts
Cost: 2 Wisps/Roll, 1 Willpower
Duration: 2 + Inner Light Days

The Princess thoroughly blesses a place into a true sanctuary, where one may feel safe and
be protected from foreign sources of harm as well as ensuring that peace can ensue.  When
using this charm, the Princess enacts it over a mortal institution of religion. This covers not
only the building, but also the entirety of the land it covers, including any outdoors gardens of
Shintoist or Buddhist temples to the very outskirts of the parking lot. 

Apply the Holy Sanctuary Condition to the area and allocate blessings as desired. Each
activation success may be applied to one of the following blessings, which applies throughout
the entirety of the Holy Sanctuary.

  +1 to any rolls to resist Supernatural effects

  +1 to any Abjuration, Warding, Binding and Exorcism rolls
  -1 to any rolls that use supernatural powers not of the Light (maximum of -3)
 +1 to any social rolls to help persuade a target to a better path 
 +1 to any combat rolls made in self-defense (maximum of +5)

The total number of allocated successes may not exceed 10. These benefits (and drawbacks)
only affect those within the sanctuary, so while a Saint may be able to enjoy bolstered
resistance against a Witch using Lacrima to try and steal wisps from her, it does not penalize
the witch's roll lest they were on the ground as well.

Upgrade: Right of Sanctuary (Santo 5)

The house of religion is meant to serve as safe havens where one may flee from troubles and
seek shelter underneath a higher power. While within the confines of the sanctuary, the
people within may add the Princess's Santo to any roll to resist compulsions they suffer from.
Furthermore, the Princess may create two additional blessings.

 The princess may allocate two successes to allow people to suppress one Condition
they suffer from the moment they enter the Sanctuary (Maximum of 3)
 The Princess may allocate two successes to allow the Sanctuary to automatically
repel  threats that would harm good people, capable of causing one lethal per two
successes given. It automatically targets beings of Integrity 0, such as Creatures of
Darkness that aren't Darkened. It may only ever cause damage this way once per
scene, but a Princess may spend a Wisp to recharge the ground.
The Queen of Melodies
Aka: The Bardic Queen, Mistress of Chords
Follower’s Epithets: Bells (Female), Drums (Male), Keys,
Radio-Faces (Derogatory)
Kingdom: Deserts of Ototeien
In the end we’re all fighting for the same thing right? We’re the heirs of the light. We’re the scions
of hope. We’re the masters of doing what needs to be done not for ourselves but because at the end of
the day we want to come home and see our loved one’s again safe and sound. Perhaps the greatest foe
is not the darkness, but the idea that at any point in our lives we need to stop depending on each other.
Your ties to each other are not weaknessesweakness. They are what make you the most powerful thing
out there.  So clap your hands. Bang on pots and pans. Make sure they hear it loud and clear.

Let them know that we are not alone.

The Court of Melodies lead those who believe that together they can do anything that’d
be impossible alone. They believe that the world can be saved just so long as people remember
to have each other’s backs. “Friendship” is the word of the day and the bonds that such a word
can bring are what give these Nobles their power.

Tales of Ototeien
Within the white deserts of Ototeien resides a large city atop what one could only
describe as a sandstone stage. The journey to Ototeien is a difficult, nearly impossible one-
deadly heat, unbearable sun with not a cloud in the sky, and a scarcity of food and water on all
sides- but once one reaches it, returning is a much less grueling trip. After someone has found
this oasis, they inevitably find their way back whenever they get lost within the desert. It is
always there on the horizon, looming in the distance like the final strand of hope in a chaotic and
brutal world. This is where the Queen of Melodies spends her days, working diligently for her
    She is every bit the showman one would expect of her with flowing outfit and dangling jewelry
made specifically for her from the people of Ototeien. Each little bit and bauble is a treasured
gift and, as many of the Knaves have found out, are as important to her as the air we breathe to
survive. Many a Rogue has found themselves face down in the dirt, breathing in a little dust as
the Queen politely reminds them of what is hers and who made it with whatever sweat, blood,
and tears they poured into the gift. Whether it’s a belly button ring made of cast iron, a bracelet
made of colored twine, or the most extravagant earrings made out of a pure gem only found on
the fourth comet of a given year that ends with seven while the planets are aligned. This of
course has spawned a game called “Runaway Rhythm” in which Spades work together to see
how far they can get out of the city with a bauble before the Queen catches them. So far the
record is still within city limits.
    As a ruler, the Queen of Melodies works with an almost democratic monarchy where she has
the true final word but truly takes in the ideas of her people and tries to incorporate it into her
rule. She holds grand town-halls where everyone has a voice. Hours and hours are spent
answering questions and making sure every concern is met and everyone who has a question
has asked it. Meeting with the Queen herself is a massive ordeal that requires a lot of
preparation,. fFor her. She’s every bit the host you’d think she is, and, even without the mask of
the Queen she always seems to be concerned about her guest rather than herself. She’ll
remember everything you tell her that she deems important. She can name each of your cats,
recall your favorite color, reminisce with you about the one time she accidently put a little too
much frosting on the specialty red velvet cupcakes, and all sorts of other things. Perhaps her
greatest skill is in remembering the particular strengths and weaknesses each of her subjects
and Nobles. Like a Conductor before an orchestra, when the Queen can bring her subjects to
act in harmony against the Darkness, the performance is magnificent to behold.
     Even further beyond that mask you might find a cute girl with burning red hair
trussed up in a mess that has no real rhyme nor reason. Those who know the
real girl behind The Bardic Queen will tell you of her goofy mannerisms, her
horrible puns, and the strength of her convictions. She’s everyone’s friend. Her
smile can teach a robot to love, her laugh can cure cancer, and some even
jokingly call her a precious cinnamon roll, too pure for the world. Those who met
her always feel the same way, that she’s met them somewhere before in a past,
past, past life and it feels just like yesterday.

    The Queen of Melodies’ has a motif that sings its presence in each of her songs: the power of
Good Music requires Counterpoint: A Bell or Drum shouldn’t play second fiddle to
anyone but work together to create a grand orchestra with their friends. Glory should be shared,
victories savored with each other, and no one should take the top billing of the show without
acknowledging the others. This does not mean you need to lose yourself to a collectivist
mindset and no longer have a sense of individuality. Every great piece of music is made up of
parts. Take away the bridge of the song, or the Mender of a particular Nakama, and the song is
no longer itself. Take away the chorus and you might not even recognize a song you’ve known
all of your life.
This said, a single note a song does not make. So play off each other. Your identity need
not be as simple as ‘Student Council President’ or ‘The Pretty Cheerleader who fights darkness
on the side.’ A Bell or Drum’s sense of self often, if not always, spreads out to their friends as
well. They are the ones who take great pride in being called a best friend. They are never
happier than when someone comes to them for comfort or asks them out for a date. The Bardic
Queen believes that these relationships are what will save the world. Your allies are your
greatest strength, your friends your strongest allies. It won’t be a singular powerful Noble who
wins the day. The true heroes that will strike the final blow against the heart of darkness will be
a nakama who live, breath, and think like one and can’t be anything short of that. The final
weapon that will purify the world won’t be the blade of one, ...but rather the hearts of many.

Until the Curtain Call: One does not simply listen to the first five seconds of a
performance and decide on whether or not it was worth it. Much like the phrase “The Show Must
Go On” so should those who follow the Bardic Queen follow their ideas and convictions until it is
impossible to do so. More importantly, they should become the backdrop in which her Nakama
can do the same. They are every bit as important as you after all. You and your allies should
know the phrase ‘Never give up, never surrender’ when it comes to your goals but also kindly
remind yourselves that retreating to come and fight another day isn’t exactly giving up but
sometimes advancing in the other direction. A Bell or Drum should be the first person to offer
help and the last person to accept that someone’s idea just isn’t worth the time. After all, lone
wolf stories are simply fairytales. The wolves that trek alone are just very lonely, and
oftentimesoften times very dead pups. 

    The Reverb of a Single Action: The Bardic Queen knows and shares the idea that no single
action done is insignificant. Many people call this “the butterfly effect,” she likes to call it
“common sense.” The simplest of gestures can lead to the biggest things.  A Key shouldn’t be
afraid that his simple action of making tea for his friend while they struggle through the
aftermaths of a night terror isn’t helping, for years later when the man’s skin is melting as he
slumbers, he’ll wake up and make himself some tea. And it will help. A Bell knows that simply
starting up a conversation between the two bad bitches of school whowhom ripped off each
other’s false eyelashes may end up with the creation of two inseparable girls. A Drum
understands that sometimes the major divide between the jock and the nerd is that the jock has
never played Dungeons and Dragons before and that sometimes, just sometimes, the ultimate
tragedy of the swords (the Queen jokes), a loveless marriage, can be avoided simply by actually
speaking up when someone asks if anyone has anything to say during the ceremony. 

    A Key’s duty is to bring people together first and foremost. Without each other, the human
race would have never survived beyond the stone age. Humans are social animals after all and
find their greatest strength is found in the bonds of friendship. The Keys dream of a world where
everyone can find solace in each other no matter their backgrounds or circumstances.

    Champions of Melodies often become self-defense instructors or police trainers. They tend to
focus on not only protecting the innocent, but teaching them how to protect themselves
whenever they aren’t around- not that they ever seem to forget you. They are the cop that
defended you from a home invader and made sure you were alright for a month afterwards,
teaching you self defense techniques the entire time. The guy that wouldn’t take no for an
answer? They were the one who stomped on his neck while making sure your torn clothing still
covered enough for you to walk home- then introduced you to their friends the day after. A
group of Bells and Drums of the Champion calling acting in Concert is a thing to behold. Their
coordination is second to none, appearing to be dancing with each other as much as they are
striking away the darkness.

    Grace is a natural calling to a follower of The Bardic Queen. More than anything, they tend to
try to work with people directly. They love to play matchmaker, both romantically and
platonically. Marriage counselors, big brothers and sisters, and community organizers are all
professions you’d find. More often than not though they tend to take these positions in the
Dreamlands as well. You’d be hard pressed to find any sort of royal meeting without one Key
making note of Nobles without Nakama who live close to each other.

    A Mender of Melodies has a very particular way of healing. Bedside manners aremanner is
everything. One cannot truly heal someone if they cannot get along with them in a way, or at
least that’s what they truly believe. Thus they tend to be nurses rather than doctors,
psychiatrists rather than surgeons; healing one’s soul and connection to those around them
should not be neglected, either. This also leads them to become those who run halfway houses,
youth homeless shelters, and rehab clinics.

    Language is generally the name of the game for a Seeker of Melodies. That, and culture
tends to occupy their minds. They are those who will travel to remote islands to find
communities who have never seen an outsider, let alone a small girl who shoots rainbows out of
her fingers. They are polyglots, musical theory experts, and collectors of books thousands of
years old. They are the librarian who will talk your ear off for hours about a new collection of
ancient Latin literature never before translated or the historian who always seems to have a new
fact on how Ancient Greeks used to barter with each other.

    Troubadours of Melodies are often joked to be a dime a dozen but those who have met one
will often tell you of how priceless they really are. They are the street performer who takes
requests from passing children, switching from Metallica to Sesame Street at the drop of a hat.
Their paintings are often set up in small venues rather than huge museums so that the common
man can see them and gain a little glimpse of friendship from the oddly comforting piece. For
those with a more hands-on approach such as builders or architects, the buildings they make
are almost always for close-knit crowds and can be anything from local Churches to a Private
Practice though you’d be hard pressed to find one who didn’t want to make a concert hall. Every
smile they can make is worth hours of a slow day for these performers.

    Those who naturally gravitate towards the Court of Melodies always have one thing in
common: they are everyone’s friend. A prospective Key will lay their lives down on the line
whether this is a sibling, a parent, a best friend, or even that little crush that you just want to
protect the smile of - the orchestra cannot afford to lose even one of its members or else the
music will not be at its best. This is the universal truth for the Court of Melodies. They naturally
make friends, even those who previously thought themselves introverts. Most of them belong to
clubs or after-school functions. Parents among them are almost always active PTA members
and there is more than one girl who just doesn’t seem to know the idea of personal space. 
    OftentimesOften times though, those who follow the Mistress of Chords have a bit of a tragic
backstory as well. They come from broken homes, were often bullied terribly, or some have
seen tragedies that you’d never expect a young person to ever have to deal with. These are
They are often times the most devout followers of the principles that the Queen lays down.
Someone from a broken family who follows the Queen knows more than anyone the importance
of having those connections with your friends. A victim of bullying never wants anyone to
experience what they did, becoming the safety net for a hundred people who need a
companion. One who has experienced loss knows the harsh reality of the world, and works the
hardest to make sure the paradigm of the universe changes.
    One doesn’t need to be musically inclined to be part of the Court either. A simple love for the
bonds one can create with your closest relations will be enough. Despite this little fact though,
everyone who joins the court will inevitably become a little loud and will show that. Clapping of
hands, stomping of feet, and loud facepalms are all a matter of learned body language for the
Keys and they’re proud of it. After all, how will anyone learn from you if they can’t hear you? 

Character Creation
    Keys can be incredibly varied despite their attitude about togetherness. Funnily enough, that
very attitude might be what sparks a lot of the variety. Most of them, however, tend to have a
higher Presence than average and a gift for throwing their metaphorical weight around if need
be and the high Resolve needed to be an anchor among your friends when the going gets
tough. Among physical attributes they tend to be a hearty bunch with above average Stamina,
and mentally, more than a few are rather witty and prefer to use a sharp tongue rather than a
blade to take down threats. Most Keys focus on quite a lot of social power and you’ll rarely find
one without at least a little expression. A little Athletics training is great for dancing as well, but
the real focus on the Keys is helping maintain a healthy group dynamic. Most will work to help
bring up areas that the Nakama is lacking. No survival experts in the group? No worries, your
friendly Seeker of Melodies has like fifteen books on the subject and an entire season of Man vs
Wild on DVD. She’s got you. Nobody knows how to fire a gun? “Don’t worry,” says the
Champion, “I’ll go to the arcade and play shooting games for hours and hours. I’m sure my

parents won’t mind.” 

For Merits, you’d be hard pressed to find a Key without at least one Circle. They’re also
the most likely to have a true friend, or already be heavily along the way to getting one.
Retainers and Mentors, especially amongst other Nobles, tend to be a pretty common
occurrence as well and almost all of the Keys speak more than one language with Seekers
often speaking enough to make your head spin. Physically, the desert lifestyle of the Keys tends
to lead to them being fairly hardy with the merit to show that, and Iron Stamina so they will not
fall before their friends.

Heraldry: When one invokes the stereotype of a Key, the term “Desert Wanderer” pops
into one’s head. Billowing cloaks, special shawls, and flowing scarves all accenting oddly plain
clothes distilled with a performer’s flair are oftentimesis often times the go-to but, just as
instruments in an orchestra, they can be as varied as one’s imagination. Some of the followers
of The Bardic Queen take the performer’s flair to heart and wear truly extravagant dresses or
swanky suits that’d be most at home on a stage magician. As for colors: reds, oranges, yellows,
browns, and whites are all very common within the outfits of these Nobles with the smattering of
the colors of other courts depending on whom the Noble holds most dear in their Nakama. They
are all oddly distinct for Nobles who hold the idea of ‘together’ so dear and yet they all have one
thing in common; a single musical note emblazoned somewhere upon their outfit. Beyond that,
they are also the most well known for carrying a symbol of their Nakama...even if they have to
make it up themselves.

Practical Magic
The Mistress of Chords teaches her students thatstudents to that strength comes from
the bonds with each other. When in a teamwork action, the Key may spend 1 wisp to cause the
main actor’s roll to be an exceptional success on 3 successes instead of 5. At belief 8, the main
actor in this action gains an additional die. This increases again at belief 9 and again at 10.

Invocation: Capriccio
    The Queen of Melodies teaches that you are but one instrument in a mass orchestra. You are
vital and irreplaceable, yet still a part of a whole. This comes out in their invocation of Capriccio,
and the Keys learn this truth easier than the other courts. Capriccio is the inner will, the drive to
pursue the goals we all have and never give up for, as long as we are together, we can do this.
It is that natural energy we all get from being around our friends and loved ones. It is also the
natural sound of the universe, ringing out mightily as it strikes against those who wish to tear
apart the bonds we make with each other.

Capriccio applies at no cost just after a mundane action causes a particularly loud noise
and when in the middle of a very loud area (Factories, bustling crowds, and warzones. Small
skirmishes do not cause enough noise). It also applies to no cost when not succeeding in the
action will cause harm to a member of their circle, nakama, or immediate family. Finally, it
comes at no cost when performing an action for someone in which you would receive no
tangible benefit.

    Those who work with Capriccio remember those around have just as important a part to play
as her in the greater whole of the universe. A noble whose action specifically causes harm or
plight for their nakama, their circle, or a family member loses this invocation until the next day,
24 hours exactly. The exception is when the close relation invites this harm upon them in cases
of a spar, or if the close relation does not think of it as a slight. Accidents do happen after all. No
matter the case though, if such an action causes any amount of lethal or aggravated damage or
painful tilts and conditions, the noble loses this invocation. 

‌•Clubs: OftentimesOften times you must remember that we, the Nobles and humans, are part
of nature too. So perhaps for every tree you plant, make a little noise for your fellow humans

•Diamonds: Remember how much easier you learned Latin literature in a study group? Yeah,
put that info in that big ol’ brain of yours and stamp it down with a giant post-it-note saying

•Hearts: Tradition is well and good, but someone has to pass it from generation to generation.
Perhaps we fell because you were too focused on your precious rules and not enough on who
they were hurting.

•Spades: Being part of a group isn’t merely about being the clown you know. Still, you
on Sunday for that party.

•Swords: The biggest difference between us is the idea that you don’t always remember there’s
someone helping stoke that fire of yours.

•Tears: Devotion to your nation, to your kingdom, is grand. I, more than possibly anyone else in
the universe, understand what it’s like to be devoted to your kingdom. But The problem is...I’m
devoted to its people. You’re devoted to the ground they sit their asses upon. 

•Storms: Darkness this, darkness that. Seriously, you’d think that you were some kind of
jealous ex-lover that the Darkness left because your boobs were too small. Grow up.

•Mirrors: I pity you. How do you sing a duet with your reflection hitting the same notes you do?
You would be nothing without your adoring public you know. Nothing but a shallow, silly girl who
forgets herself the moment someone doesn’t call her pretty.

•Vampires: You are everything we strive to not be. Normally I wouldn’t even consider this…...
but I have a few friends who’d love to see the effect of acid on some dead flesh. Wanna meet

•Werewolves: Can I join the play thing? I, uh, knowno I’ll probably get hurt, but it looks kinda
fun. I promise I can take it. Don’t worry ‘bout me. It’ll be good practice.

•Mages: Man, how many secrets are you keeping from each other? Don’t you think that
someday someone’s going to read your diary and find out you’re not as grand as you think you
are? Better to be open and improve yourselves rather than be scary hermits who know nothing
about each other.

•Prometheans: I’m so sorry… Don’t worry, I’ll be your friend.

•Changelings: Shhh, it’s okay. I know they hurt you…... let me help you okay? As long as I’m
around, I promise I’ll never let them take you ever again.

•Sin-Eaters: Humm…... you know, never being alone in that way sounds awfully lonely.
Whatever, pass me that drink homeboy.

•Mummies: I reincarnate, dude. Let’s be friends forever.

•Beasts: Oh cool, you’re a massive dick going around scaring his friends and everyone else
because of some strange delusional feeling that you’re right. I’d offer to help you, but you need
more than just my friendship.

•Mad Scientists: Dude, your colleagues don’t deserve this. Stop laughing atop the giant robot
and just sit down and talk it out. Jesus.

•Leviathans: W-wha? Uh, I, uh…... sure, we can be…... friends. I guess. I always wondered
what it’d be like to be friends with Godzilla…

•Hunters: Wait! No! Stop! Stop shooting! I just asked for your phone number! Augh!

•Mortals: I promise I’ll be there for you whenever, wherever you need me. If I couldn’t do this
much, I wouldn’t be much of a friend now would I?

New Upgrades
Appear Upgrades

Everybody’s Friend (Capriccio **) [Life of the Party Upgrade]

    Whenever the Noble succeeds on a socialize roll against an organization or small group of
people, for the scene the Noble is treated as having the circle merit with a dot rating equal to the
successes. By spending 1 wisp the Noble may gain the “Connected” condition for this group.

Fortissimo (Capriccio **) [Phantom Upgrade]

Requires: Singing
    As an instant action, the Noble may dismiss their illusion with an ear splitting noise. Anyone
within a number of yards equal to the Noble’s inner light must make a stamina + composure
check - the user’s Capriccio and if they fail they are deafened for a number of rounds equal to
the Noble’s inner light.

Bless Upgrades
Connect Upgrades
Secret Handshake (Capriccio **) [Illuminatus]
    Effect: When talking to an organization that has any sort of secret way of communicating to
each other membership, the Noble may roll wits + politics with success meaning she
instinctively knows the code whether it be a handshake or some sort of whistle. If it’s a certain
type of identification however, this does not give them that identification only knowledge that it

I Know a Guy (Capriccio **) [The Naked City]

    Effect: Immense amounts of connection to the street give the Noble sometimes hilarious
amounts of insight on topics she normally might not have. The Noble may roll Intelligence +
Streetwise once per chapter when dealing with knowledge she normally wouldn't know. This
functions exactly like the Encyclopedic Knowledge merit save that the excuse is always “Well I
know a guy and he said _____”

Fight Upgrades

Couplet (Capriccio **) [Kensai Upgrade]

Effect: The Noble creates two of their Kensai Regalia. Not only does this allow sick nasty
dual wielding but this duplicate does not carry the same burden as normal regalia when handing
it off to an ally. This does not need to be other Nobles in their party or even Nobles at all. While
by no means a definitive list, this could include a Sworn Retainer, a member of a Circle, the
subject of a True Friend merit, or something similar. In addition, as a reflexive action, the noble
may activate her invocation when someone attacks with this duplicate to add damage just as
normal. This cannot stack with another invocation.

Pew-Pew (Capriccio **) [Levinbolt Upgrade]

    Effect: The Noble’s levinbolt is loud and distracting. Not only that but they hit with a
resounding TWANG that really knocks some sense into most bad guys. When a Noble adds
Capriccio to their levinbolt and deals damage greater than the opponent’s composure, they are
treated as having the “Beaten Down” tilt for one round as they attempt to get their balance back.

Bang! Boom! Pow! (Capriccio **) [Empty Hands Upgrade]

    Effect: The resounding sound of a fist to the face can be its own reward but the Noble’s limbs
have some extra oomph to them when it happens. When attempting to cause a tilt on an enemy
by using a targeted attack, the Noble may treat their damage as two higher though doesn’t
actually deal more damage.

Tink! (Capriccio *) [Palladion Upgrade]

    Effect: A soft wave of sound emanates through the shield like a tuning fork. When the Noble
invokes Capriccio to improve her Dodge pool, she also gains temporary armor equal to the size
of the shield that stacks with other armor.
Govern Upgrades

Inspire Upgrades
Calming the Beast (Capriccio **) [Animal Fair] 
    Effect: When the Noble invoked Capriccio on an animal ken roll attempting to pacify a raging
animal, calm a frightened animal, or convince an animal that they are friendly they gain an
exceptional success on 3 successes instead of 5.

Relaxing (Capriccio **) [Razzle Dazzle]

    Effect: When invoking capriccio on a resisted persuasion roll, the noble may lower the dice
penalty by an amount equal to their dots in the invocation.

That’s my Nakama! (Capriccio **) [Stare Master]

    Effect: When an enemy attacks an ally of a Noble with this upgrade, they immediately attempt
to cow them if the attack did any damage. This is a reflexive action.

Learn Upgrades
Friend List (Capriccio **) [Data Wizard]
    Effect: As long as the user has permission from someone they wish to contact, the Noble’s
data wizard keeps an easy list of ways they can contact that friend. By clicking, tapping, or
saying their name aloud the data wizard immediately contacts their ally in a way they specify.
This can be anything from calling them, texting them, or even sending an email. This does not
take into consideration any needed connection and may send a message to them even if they
were in outer space if need be. Keep in mind this connection will still come back to the Data
Wizard if traced unless they also have the ‘Traceless’ upgrade.

Fresh Set of Eyes (Capriccio **) [Keen Observation]

    Effect: When the Noble fails an investigation roll she may spend a wisp to have an ally come
and double check the work. They roll their own investigation but with a bonus equal to the
Noble’s Capriccio.

Science Affair (Capriccio **) [Natural Philosopher]

    Effect: When engaged in a teamwork action based on science, the Noble and his partners
gain an exceptional success on three successes instead of five.

Perfect Upgrades
Duet (Capriccio *) [Barrier Jacket Upgrade]
Effect: When the Noble manifests their barrier jacket they may manifest an identical one
on a person they are touching at the time. 

Good Vibrations (Capriccio *) [Celestial Dance Upgrade]

    Effect: The Noble’s body vibrates softly, relaxing her muscles and generally giving a rather
soothing feeling at all times. When she invokes Capriccio she may ignore an amount of
penalties to her athletics rolls equal to her Capriccio.

A True Friend (Capriccio **) [Valiant Mind]

    Effect: While the shield is in effect, any attempt to make the Noble act against the interests of
her allies, mundane or otherwise, takes penalty equal to the noble’s capriccio.

Restore Upgrades

Shape Upgrades

New Charms

Stage Voice (Appear*, Capriccio *)
Action: Instant
Cost: 1 Wisp
Dice Pool: Strength + Socialize
Duration: 1 Scene

    Sometimes a Noble just has to be heard amongst the chaos of everyday Noble life, whether
that’s while talking to your Nakama in the middle of an epic battle or telling people to flee while
the idol on stage blasts her guitar music.

Dramatic Failure: The Noble’s voice wildly changes volume no matter how much she
tries to control it. Any social interactions come at a -2 for the rest of the scene.
    Failure: The noble fails to improve the way his voice carries.

    Success: When a Noble speaks she may ignore penalties to be heard up to her activation

    Exceptional Success: The Noble’s voice becomes powerful enough to pierce through even
magical silences without needing to trigger a clash of wills.
Upgrade: Lend me your ears! (Capriccio **)
    Cost: 1 Wisp
    The Noble’s voice may now carry out to improbable distances and break through even the
most ridiculous of barriers. The Noble’s voice can carry out up to 100 yards (The size of a
football field) per activation success and no amount of solid material can block it. A noble can
literally be surrounded by four yards of concrete or buried twenty yards deep and her voice
would still be heard.


The Parrot’s Performance (Appear **, Capriccio *)

Action: Instant
Cost: 1 Wisp
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Subterfuge
Duration: 1 Scene

Voice acting is just as good of a career as any sort of artist, or so says the users of this
charm. They manipulate their voice in impossible, magical ways to emulate any voice they’ve
heard or create new ones that are so eerily real that the School Principal really believes you are
Adam Suit, school inspector from the government.

Dramatic Failure: The Noble’s voice becomes either so high or so low no one can take
him seriously. For the rest of the scene any intimidation or expression check he makes is
considered a dramatic failure.
    Failure: The noble fails to change his voice.

    Success: The noble is able to manipulate his voice to sound like anyone he remembers the
voice of or may change it to an entirely new one. This does not, however, make him a better
actor so he still uses his normal social rolls. 

    Exceptional Success: The noble is so easily able to manipulate his voice that those who hear
him may not roll to decipher whether or not it’s really him unless they were already actively
suspicious before the conversation took place.

    Upgrade: Ventriloquism (Capriccio **)

    When the Noble uses this charm he may also throw his voice anywhere within sensory range.

Chord Regression (Appear ***, Capriccio **)

Action: Reflexive
Cost: 1 Wisp?
Dice Pool: Wits + Expression - target’s presence.
Duration: 1 Round or Concentration

    Communication is key and the Nobles know this. Those who want to turn this fact into a
weapon turn to this charm and silence those who would normally try for some jolly cooperation.
Too bad nobody told them.

Dramatic Failure: The Noble gains the “Mute” condition for 24 hours.
    Failure: The charm does not activate.

    Success: The noble is able to manipulate the voices of those around her in one very specific
way. As a reflexive action, the Noble may choose to silence someone’s speech to everyone but
that person. In combat this means that they are unable to speak for a round but the Princess
may concentrate on this effect to make it longer for out of combat. 

For example: Two thugs are attempting to strike at the Noble. The Noble may stop one
of the men from yelling out an order to grab her for everyone but the man yelling or the popular
girl in High School suddenly finds that no one is listening to her despite her very obviously
bragging about her new toy poodle.
    Exceptional Success: The noble’s mastery of this illusion spreads and they may silence any
number of people they want in a room at once as long as they are within sensory range. Of
course doing this to too many people at once may cause suspicion.

Goccia Astrale (Appear ***)

This charm faces no changes, but gives examples upon what the Princess may use involving
the Invocation's element.
Capriccio: A suitably loud, continuous noise (Car Engine, Banging Trash Lids, etc.), or a
recording of the Noble’s voice.

Speak Softly (Bless *, Capriccio *)
Action: Instant
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Dexterity
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: Scene

    Sometimes you have to speak softly and let someone in before you’re able to get anywhere
with them.

Dramatic Failure: Empathy is hard. The target takes -3 to all empathy checks for the
    Failure: The charm does not activate.

    Success: The target of the charm gains the “Sympathetic” merit for the duration of the charm
and may use it a number of times equal to the activation successes. If the Noble already has
this merit, the merit opens one more door than normal a number of times equal to the
Exceptional Success: Anyone who the target of this charm uses the sympathetic merit
on also gains the “Trusting” condition that lasts until the end of the scene.

Baton Pass (Bless **, Capriccio *)

Action: Reflexive
Dice Pool: Unrolled
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: 1 Roll

When the noble succeeds at a mundane skill check such as attacking an opponent with
their kensai or jumping from one building to another building, they may spend a wisp to
immediately add their successes to an ally’s roll to do the same action. For example, if a
champion of Melodies attacks a darkspawn and gains three successes, she may activate this
charm and give three extra dice to a single ally who attacks the darkspawn that same round.
Upgrade: Follow Up! (Capriccio **)
Cost: +1 Wisp
Effect: The Noble’s baton pass may now add extra dice to an ally’s charm. The catch is
that the action the Noble succeeds at must be appropriate in order to add to the charm. A charm
that catches someone’s attention may be improved by the Noble using this charm yelling “Hey!
Look at her!” and gaining enough successes to garner attention for example. The Storyteller is
the ultimate arbiter of what is and is not appropriate. 

Charms of Enhancement (Bless 3, Invocation 2)

The Charms of Enhancement work as intended in both corebooks, with a new upgrade added for
the Court of Melodies.

    I’m Never Alone (Capriccio 2): (Resolve + Socialize) Instead of increasing an attribute, she
may increase the dot value of a single social merit up to five. This includes Circle, Allies, Staff,
Retainer, Status, Mystery Cult Initiation, or Support Network.

    Grand: The Noble may improve her any number of her social merits per activation but still
cannot go beyond five in any of them.

They’re With Me (Connect *, Capriccio *)
Action: Instant
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Persuasion
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: 1 Scene

    Effect: The Noble shares her connections with her friends as easily as one would share a

    Dramatic Failure: The Noble may not use her social merits for the rest of the scene.

    Failure: The noble fails to share her social merits.

    Success: The Noble may allow her target to use her social merits for the scene. These merits
include Social Network, Circle, Hobbyist Clique, Allies, Mentor, Retainer, Staff, etc.

    Exceptional Success: The Noble’s target may use these merits for a full 24 hours rather than
just the scene.

Together Now  (Connect ***, Capriccio **)

Action: Instant
Dice Pool: Unrolled
Cost: 1 Wisp
Duration: 1 Roll

The Key may spend a wisp to use a skill as if it were being used by a member of her nakama,
mentor or retainer. For example, if the Key needed to hack a high security computer the Key
may spend a wisp and for that roll may use the roll from her retainer Sergio, Hacker
Extraordinaire. When rolling as her mentor, double the automatic successes she’d normally get
and roll it as dice + your ranks in Capriccio. Obviously, you may not use your Queen’s mentor
skills but they do appreciate the thought. 

Charms of Entwined Destiny (Connect ****)

Let’s Form a Band (Capriccio): Wingman. The Noble regains a point of willpower any time he
helps the target improve his relationship with a loved one or ally and reaches a breaking point
when he passes a chance to by.

The Consonance Choir (Connect *****, Capriccio ****)

Avatar (Melodies)
Action: Instant (Takes at least 1 minute)
Dice Pool: Resolve + Socialize
Cost: 3 Wisps, 1 Willpower
Duration: Until Detransformation (See Text)

    The Queen of Melody’s Avatar is not a single note, but rather the collection of everything she
teaches and that the Noble’s under her have collected through their mutual interaction. With a
dance and song, the Noble who channels the Melody’s true potential to work together with their
nakama may truly become their soulmate.

    To use this charm the target must be a willing participant. It takes 1 minute for the Noble and
them to become fully in sync with each other and for the charm to activate.

Dramatic Failure: The target and the noble are jettisoned away from each other very
forcefully. They each suffer from the Knocked Down tilt. Not only that but they are each treated
as having the “Terrified” tilt towards each other for the scene.
Failure: Nothing happens.

    Success: The Nobles fuse with each other, becoming a single noble who is the combination
of the two of them. This noble is distinct from the sum of its parts but generally has features that
might show off who they originally were. Having a both green and blue eye, red hair with purple
highlights, and a mix matching of armor are all things that could happen but this is by no means
an exhaustive list. The benefits of this form are vast and are as follows:

1. The new form uses whichever inner light is highest from the base nobles.
2. The new form uses the higher skills and attributes from the base nobles. Ex: If one
Noble has strength three but a stamina of 1 but the other has 2 strength but a stamina of
two, the combined noble will have Strength 3, Stamina 2.
3. The new form uses the physical and mental merits of each form, but not social merits
based off Status or Social Power such as Allies or Status as they are a different person
at this point.
4. The New Noble may use any charms the two nobles who went into creating it could and
uses Capriccio in place of any invocation that the charm would normally use. (For
Example: If a Noble had “Weightless” on their Celestial Dance before fusing, they’d be
able to add 1+capriccio instead of 1+aria.) You may still only use one “If you invoke this
invocation, then do this” type upgrade once per turn.
5. Any regalia has the upgrades both nobles have for it. For example if one noble has
Forceful and the other has Durable on their Kensai, the new form has a Durable,
Forceful Kensai. This is still limited to Inner light + 2 though and those who fuse must
choose which upgrades to discard if the new noble would pass this limit.

    This Charm lasts until the two willingly unfuse or one would be forced to detransform. If the
new noble passes out via damage or any other reason. (Sleep doesn’t count as being knocked
out) They unfuse immediately, appearing adjacent to each other.

Exceptional Success: When the Nobles fuse, they truly become one. Their form no
longer shows off as a mix-match of both of them but rather as a wholly new, different person.
They also gain extra skills and attributes as if they had used the “Unison” merit at 3 dots to be
spread about.

Drawback: Becoming one has all the limits you’d think. You become one, singular noble
and each player must agree to what the new noble will do on each turn. Any breaking points the
new Noble suffers is felt by both nobles when they unfuse as well as any shadows and each
takes the same amount of damage that the new noble has taken when they split. Any
conditions, tilts, or things of that ilk the new noble has taken will likewise be put onto both fused
nobles when they are split up.


Chatterbox (Fight *, Capriccio *)
Costs: 1 Wisp
Action: Reflexive
Dice Pool: Unrolled

    The Princess is a whirlwind of wit and a tempest of quick, clever quips that clips at the foes
before they even realize they’ve been insulted. Whenever a foe misses the Noble in combat, the
Noble may spend a wisp as a reflexive action to inflict a number of ‘Phantom Damage’ to them
equal to the difference between the Noble’s presence and the opponent’s composure. If that
difference is less than 1, the Noble deals 1 damage.

Battle Banter (Fight **, Capriccio **)

Cost: 1 Wisp
Action: Instant
Dice Pool: Dexterity + Socialize
Duration: Scene
Social grace and a performer’s flair is something that doesn’t just have to be on the
stage. Many a gladiator has won the hearts of millions with his roaring, fantastical performance
and fight choreography is still considered some form of art. Those with this charm take this to

Dramatic Failure: The Noble is unsure what to do with their hands, or the rest of
themselves for that matter. They gain the stunned tilt until someone can jostle them.
    Failure: The Noble fails to use any of their social grace to bolster their combat abilities.

    Success: For each successful use of this charm the Noble may replace one of their physical
attributes for a social attribute or combat skill for certain social skills as seen below. These act in
every way as if they were the actual stats in combat but not for activating charms.

Strength = Presence
Dexterity = Manipulation
Stamina = Composure

Athletics = Expression
Brawl or Weaponry = Intimidate
Firearms = Streetwise

    Exceptional Success: The Noble may replace as many attributes or skills at once as they

Crescendo Clash (Fight ***, Capriccio **)

Requires: Weaponry/Empty Hands
Action: Reflexive
Costs: 2 Wisps
Dice Pool: Presence + Weaponry/Brawl - Target’s Stamina
    Even on a whiff, the sound from a Key’s weapons make sure its point is taken. The Noble
may spend 2 wisps as a reflexive action when they fully miss a target with empty hands or a
kensai attack to still attempt to deal damage. Any damage taken is bashing regardless of the
original damage of the Kensai or Brawl attack.

Dramatic Failure: The Noble takes the arm wrack tilt.

    Failure: Nothing happens.

    Success: Target takes bashing damage equal to successes.

    Exceptional Success: Target takes the deafened tilt.

Tuning Crash (Fight ****, Capriccio ***)

Requires: Kensai or Empty Hands
Action: Reflexive
Cost: 2 Wisps
Dice Pool: Resolve + Intimidate
Duration: Next Attack

Some people say that if you have something that vibrates at just the right frequency,
you’ll be able to demolish a bridge within seconds. Others talk about hammers in folklore with
such an explosive impact that the sound itself can tear wood away in slivers. Tuning Crash
takes this idea and makes it a reality. The user of this charm first slams his fist or weapon
against the ground or a wall, vibrating it at a particular frequency and compacting sound around
the instrument. Then, when he strikes, an explosive, concussive force sings out with a mighty

Dramatic Failure: The Regalia immediately shatters. They may resummon it as normal. If
they are using empty hands, they take the arm wrack tilt with the hand they used.
    Failure: The regalia stays as is.

    Success: On a successful strike, the opponent that the target hits is immediately inflicted with
the knock down tilt. In addition, however, any equipment that they have on their person at the
time takes damage equal to the damage the user takes ignoring durability. This includes Barrier
Jackets, Kensais, Levinbolts, Palladions, any mundane equipment or armor and those precious
diamond earrings your brother got you for your birthday. It cannot break a phylactery however.
    As the equipment splinters and explodes, the victim takes an extra bashing damage for every
breakable item on them that does, in fact, break.

    Exceptional Success: The FWOOM turns into something no onomatopoeia can actually
describe. Tuning Crash now also destroys any magical armor (Such as from a mage’s spell) or
supernatural armor (Such as a vampire’s resilience). In addition, natural armor from scales or
the likes are also smashed, rendering it useless but it may grow back naturally.

The Linguistic Roundabout  (Govern ***, Capriccio **)
Action: Permanent

Language has tons of common factors that any truly linguistic specialist may figure out. Using
this universal truth those with this charm tap into that idea and become capable of
understanding the most alien of languages. A Noble with this charm may understand any
language as long as it’s from a supernatural origin and it’s readily spoken by those creatures.
She may speak with Ghosts, or the one weird cloaked magic guy who is speaking TO ghosts.
He may converse with spirits and werewolves in their tongue. A True fae may be baffled to find
out his language that he made up literally three seconds ago is being spoken fluently by the
Noble. Whatever language it is, as long as it’s not of this world the Noble may speak it. Of
course, this may draw some very unwanted questions.

Happy Synthesizer (Inspire **, Capriccio *)
Action: Instant
Cost: 1 Wisp, 1 wisp/roll outside of combat
Dice Pool: Presence + Empathy
Duration: Concentration
    Boring “obligation” or all the things you hate. I’ll erase them with this sound.

Sometimes all anyone needs is a friend to make them happy, even for a little bit. The
stress of life, whatever is bothering mentally, sometimes even a broken bone...they all may be
helped with a little friendly presence.

Dramatic Failure: The target becomes even more pained or stressed. Their penalties
double for stress based ailments and wound penalties.

    Failure: Nothing happens.

    Success: While the Noble performs, the target may ignore any wound penalties in combat.
Out of combat they may ignore any penalty that may be caused from stressful environments or
pain while the noble performs.

    Exceptional Success: In addition to ignoring the pain and stress, the target also gains a +1 to
dice rolls due to their newfound happiness.

    Upgrade: Infectious

    Modified by Commonality
    Cost: +1 Wisp
    The princess may use the charm on an organization that hears her using the commonality

With A Little Help From My Friend (Inspire ***, Capriccio **)

Action: Instant
Cost: 1 Wisp, 1 Willpower
Dice Pool: Resolve + Persuasion modified by commonality.
Duration: 1 Roll
    Oh! I get high with a little help from my friends.

Nakama are there for each other through the best and worst, even if the emotions they’re
feeling are not exactly their own.

     Dramatic Failure: Everyone who hears the song must immediately make a sensitivity check
at their base sensitivity dice pool.

    Failure: Nothing happens.

    Success: The next time someone affected by this charm makes a sensitivity check with any
number of their nakama around them, they make the sensitivity check with the lowest dice pool
amongst the group.
    Exceptional Success: The next time the nakama makes a sensitivity check with each other
within sensory range they regain willpower as if they had fulfilled their vice.

Rivers in the Desert (Inspire ****, Capriccio ***)

Action: Instant
Cost: 2 Wisps, 1 Willpower
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Socialize, modified by commonality
Duration: Scene
The last ace in a lost hand. A heartbeat for a tin man.
Nakama is much more than a word. Together they should be able to do anything, and with this
charm many Nakama are much closer to that fact. With this performance the Noble helps the
team bond much more than they’d ever be able to before.

    Dramatic Failure: Those who hear the song become even further apart than they already
were. Any action they do while within earshot of each other takes a -3 penalty for the scene.

    Failure: Those who hear the song fail to bond.

    Success: Those who hear the song become bonded together like the closest of friends.
Nakama become a well-oiled machine. When someone spends willpower while affected by this
charm, everyone else who is affected by the charm gains the same bonus dice on their next

    Exceptional Success: In addition to the main benefit, any teamwork actions done by the
people affected by the charm with each other gain +2 bonus dice.

They’re Never Far (Learn *, Capriccio *)
Action: Instant
Cost: 1 Wisp
Dice Pool: Wits + Socialize
Duration: 1 Scene

    Effect: Almost everyone has a group of close friends and allies. With a simple glance and a
smattering of magic, the Noble may identify who those may be within an area. 

    Dramatic Failure: The Noble becomes disorientated, taking a penalty of -2 on their perception
rolls for the scene.

    Failure: Nothing Happens

    Success: Musical tones identify who is close to who within the Noble’s sensory range. A
group of Nakama might emanate a soft, playful sound while a packtribe of werewolves sound
like heavy drum beats. The Noble is always able to make out the notes no matter how many
there are but is only vaguely aware of the type of relationship the people have.
    Exceptional Success: The Noble gains enough insight she is able to instinctively know how to
interact with them. She gains +2 to all social interactions during the scene as long as she’s
talking to people who have some sort of relationship with each other.

    Upgrade: A Web of Relation (Capriccio **)

    Cost: +1 Wisp
    Effect: During the scene the Noble has used this charm, he may make a perception check to
study the notes coming from people as an instant action. If he succeeds, he instinctively knows
the sympathy modifier within the group. He can tell if an organization is truly dedicated or merely
interested for example.

You're Always in my Thoughts (Learn **, Capriccio *)

Action: Instant
Cost: 1 Wisp
Dice Pool: Wits + Empathy, affected by sympathy.

Effect: A Noble has often had the thought “I wonder how my ally is doing right now. I
hope she’s alright.” But the pure logistical nightmare of being able to find out at that very
moment has been a terror in the Noble lifestyle since the beginning of time. With this charm
however, things have become a lot better.

Dramatic Failure: The Noble gets a heavily wrong, traumatic reading on her target. This
doesn’t generally appear as something wrong with the target but rather...just wrong. Anything
from “They are currently telling their father they hate them,” to “They are having sex with your
boyfriend,” can pop up.

Failure: The Noble gets no read on what the target is currently doing.

Success: The Noble gains an impression of what the target of this charm is doing at this
very moment. The Storyteller must answer truthfully what the target is physically doing at the
time using a single sentence. It may be anything from “Resting at their house,” to “Losing a fight
against a dark creature,” to “Knocking on your door.”

Exceptional Success: The Storyteller tells you what the target is doing in very specific
terms. They may give up to a number of additional facts about what is happening up to your
inner light. These facts do not have to be about her physical state. For example, if you had 3
inner light they may respond “She is resting at her house. Her parents are with her and she is
going to go to bed in three hours. She’s rather depressed right now.”

The Sincerest Form of Flattery (Learn ***, Capriccio **)

Action: Extended, 1 round per roll
Cost: 1 Wisp/roll
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Socialize
Duration: Scene

    Effect: A well-groomed Key knows that his biggest advantage are that of his friends.
Sometimes, a friend is just so much more able to deal with a problem than you are and this is
generally how a nakama functions. However, sometimes you need two people for a job and
you’re just not suited to help. The Keys have developed this charm for such an occasion when
one needs a little jolly cooperation and with every moment while using this charm, they become
similar to their friends.

Dramatic Failure: Not only don’t you become more like your friends, your friends feel
utterly and completely drained of who they are as a person. Roll sensitivity at a +1. They
recover after a few seconds but the same can’t be said for you.

Failure: Nothing happens.

Success: For each activation success, the Noble may replace one dot of a skill that she
possesses for a dot in a separate skill that the target possesses. This is capped by the target’s
skill dots in the chosen skill or skills.

For example: One noble finds out that striking a particular dark creature with a sword somehow
strengthens it rather than weakens it while her nakama’s punching doesn’t do the same. The
Noble has weaponry 4 while her nakama has brawl 3. The Noble rolls 4 successes and so may
swap 3 of those weaponry dots into brawl for the scene, giving her the same brawl as her
nakama. With that extra success she may choose to switch out another dot of her weaponry
with another skill that her nakama has such as athletics.

Exceptional Success: You’re a lot more like your friend than you were previously.

    Upgrade: Friends with Benefits (Capriccio ***)

    When using this charm, you may use one of your activation successes to instead gain a
specialty that the target has instead of switching around skill dots.

    Upgrade: The Merit of Friends (Capriccio ****)

    When using this charm, you may use one of your activation successes to instead gain a dot
in a mental or physical merit that the target has instead of switching around skill dots. This
includes style merits, though you must follow the progression of the style. You must meet the
prerequisites of any merit you receive this way.

To the Rhythm and Beat (Perfect *, Capriccio *)
Action: Instant
Cost: 1 Wisp
Dice Pool: Dexterity + Empathy
Duration: 1 Scene

    Effect: Life often involves timing, and those who know this charm can positively tap-dance
through most things that require such. Rhythm and pattern become second nature to them,
simply another sort of sense that flows through their head.

    Dramatic Failure: The Princess starts to experience what some would call “Real-Life Lag.”
Any check the requires manual dexterity or timing loses the 10 again quality for the rest of the

    Failure: Nothing Happens.

    Success: For the rest of the scene, the Noble enjoys impeccable timing. She becomes a
human stop-watch, knowing exactly how much time passes in any given interval. In addition, the
Noble may “Aim” any action as long as it has something to do with timing. This may give them
an amount of bonus dice per turn they aim, up to a maximum of their activation successes.

    Exceptional Success: The tick-tock-tocking of the universe becomes rather well-known to the
Noble. When the noble aims an action the amount of bonus dice changes to two bonus dice per

Side Bar: “I’m going to aim my persuasion check.”

Some players and storytellers may be confused as to what ‘Aiming’ some actions looks like. A good example would be
how to aim a persuasion attempt. A lot of times a persuasion attempt needs you to say the right thing at the right time; a
Bell using this charm might listen listen listen and as soon as the right moment to jump in occurs? BAM, perfectly timed
joke or compliment. Be creative and remember: it’s magic.

The Devil’s Hearing (Perfect **, Capriccio *)

Dice Pool: Unrolled
Duration: Permanent

    Effect: The Noble gains hearing that’s almost impossible to imagine. They are able to hear a
pin drop from a block away onto a soft pillow and are able to determine that pillow’s thread
count and whether or not the dog has been on that pillow based on the amount of fur
dampening the sound. While transformed, the Princess may ignore any penalties to hearing
based off distance and hears with perfect clarity for up to a city block. Focusing on specific, light
sounds in a loud, congested space may require a Wits + Investigation roll. 

Upgrade: Mnemonics (Capriccio **)

The noble remembers voices and sounds as clearly as the day she first heard them.
They are treated as having the eidetic memory merit for sounds and voices.

    Upgrade: I hear you (Capriccio ***)

    By spending a wisp, the Noble may treat a perception check as a rote action when trying to
home in on a specific sound such as a particular type of gunshot or a particular man’s voice
whom they remember. The Noble must have heard the sound before and may sometimes need
a memory check to remember a specific sound that they have not heard in awhile.

Juddering Jaunt (Perfect ***, Capriccio **)

[Requires: Celestial Dance with the Upgrade: Good Vibrations]
Action: Instant
Cost: 1 Wisp
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Stealth

    Effect: The Noble presses her body against an object, vibrating herself in just the right way to
force herself between the atoms of whatever the thing is made out of. 

    Dramatic Failure: In addition to looking quite silly, your body actively attempts to destroy itself
from the vibrations going horribly wrong. You take 2 resistant bashing damage and either the
arm wrack or leg wrack tilts that do not end until the bashing damage is healed.
Failure: Nothing Happens.

Success: For the scene, the Noble is able to move through objects with a durability up to
their dots in Capriccio. This does not put the Princess into twilight or any other state of existing
non-existence but does allow them to move through objects as if they were. A Key with his head
sticking out from the wall is just as prone to being whack-a-moled as any other mole. The Noble
is unable to see through the objects they pass through unless they have some sort of extra
sight, leading many a member of the Melodies and often-times, Spades, to the finest of pickles. 

This also does not allow the Noble to bring any object with her that she was not already
holding before starting to vibrate and if she drops any item or it leaves their grasp before the
charm is over, she may not pick up the item and take it through objects with her again unless it
is part of her regalia.

    Exceptional Success: While the charm is activated, the Princess gains an extra two defense.

A Friend’s Burden (Restore *, Capriccio *)
Action: Reflexive
Cost: 1 Wisp
Dice Pool: Unrolled
Duration: Transitory

Nobody likes to see their friends get hurt. One of a Melody’s most simple and yet effective
charms helps them prevent this and yet also gives them a tactic that most dark creatures just
can’t get around or understand.

Effect: Whenever an ally is hurt while within sensory range of the noble, the noble may
spend a wisp reflexively to have the user of this charm take that damage instead. This damage
is not reduced by armor but may be reduced via the noble’s holy shield ability. 

    Upgrade: Retroactive (Capriccio **)

    Cost: None
    Effect: The user of the charm gains the ability to retroactively take wounds from his allies and
place them upon himself. They may choose a number of damages equal to their Capriccio and
heal their ally for that much while damaging themselves for the same amount. Bashing damage
is always taken first, then lethal, then aggravated. Unlike the original charm, this damage may
not be mitigated at all using holy shield.

Bedside Manner (Restore **, Capriccio *)

Action: Extended, 1 Hour/Roll, Threshold = Target’s Max Health
Cost: 1 Wisp per Roll.
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Medicine
Duration: 1 Week

Extended care is never truly fun but a Noble can always try to make it more pleasant. In the best
circumstances, extended care becomes...not so extended when the right doctor is around or
when the nurses are kind enough you don’t even remember the pain.
    Effect: The Noble’s care for a target is so grand that their body almost seems to step up in
    Dramatic Failure: The Noble’s sloppy care finds a way to haunt them. They immediately gain
the ‘Haunted’ Condition.

    Failure: Despite the extra care, the target heals no faster.
Success: The target’s body heals twice as fast while under the effects of this charm.
Bashing damage heals at a rate of one per five minutes. Lethal heals one every day and an
aggravated damage heals every three days.

    Exceptional Success: The target immediately regains a willpower as being cared for by the
Noble reinvigorates them.

I Believe in You (Restore ****, Capriccio ***)

Action: 1 Scene
Cost: 3 Wisp, 1 Willpower Dot
Dice Pool: Presence + Empathy - Difference between 10 and target’s Belief
Duration: See Text

A Princess will always inevitably lose belief. This is a sad fact of life that many Nobles just aren’t
ready to accept and try hard to overcome. Melodies are no exception, even going so far as to
develop a charm near and dear to their hearts to help. It’s not perfect, but every little bit helps. In
order to use this charm the Noble must have at least a scene’s worth of time to spend with the

    Effect: The Noble tries to help push some belief back into a fellow noble who may have lost
some. Even Melodies know this is a temporary fix though, a little patch on a grand wound that
will possibly re-open at the slightest provocation. No amount of help is too small though.

    Dramatic Failure: The Noble’s charm backfires harshly enough that the resulting feeling
causes them the same trouble as if they had exceptionally succeeded a sensitivity check.

    Failure: Nothing Happens

Success: The Noble increases his target’s belief by 1 dot. This lasts until the target’s
next failed breaking point in which case not only does the target lose a dot of belief normally, but
loses this one as well. While this temporary dot of belief is held, the Noble may at any time
purchase a new dot of belief, effectively making this charm permanent.

Note: This may be used on 0 belief princesses. However, if they fail a belief check while having this
temporary belief terrible things may happen as subject to the Storyteller. This can be anything from accelerating their
death to spontaneous dethroning.

    Exceptional Success: When this charm succeeds this level of success, the target gains a
bonus number of dice equal to the user’s Capriccio on their next belief check.
Vacant Noise (Shape *, Capriccio *)
Action: Reflexive
Cost: 1 Wisp
Dice Pool: Presence + Expression
Duration: Transitory

Sounds, in essence, are vibrations and are able to be manipulated as simply as one would fold
a piece of paper if you know just how to do it. A canny noble with Vacant Noise can make even
the simplest toss of a rock sound as loud as a grenade.

    Dramatic Failure: The Noble succeeds in creating the sound. In her head and no one else's.
She gains the deafened tilt for one minute. In addition, her startled scream might just reveal her
    Failure: The sound projects just as it would normally.

    Success: The Noble may shift around any sound as soft as a rock falling to as loud as a car
rushing towards someone, horn blaring. For the acqua users amongst us, this generally means
you can change anything as quiet as 20 decibels to be as loud as 70 decibels. This may not
change the actual sound, just the volume.

    Exceptional Success: The Noble may change the noise as dramatically as causing the
rustling of leaves to turn into a jet taking off. If she chooses to do so, those within inner light x
activation successes in yards gain the deafened tilt. For the mathematically inclined this goes up
to a max of 150 decibels. Or on the opposite end, you could take a car’s engine and render it’s
purring into that of a cat’s rather than that of a car’s. (10 Decibels)

A Velvet Room (Shape ***, Capriccio **)

Cost: 2 Wisps
Action: Instant
Dice Pool: Presence + Crafts
Effect: Comfort is key when it comes to anything from tending to a nakama’s wounds to
writing a beautiful piece of music. Sometimes you just want a nice, comfortable place to rest
not have anything bug you. This charm is taken by many Nobles who simply want a place of
rest where one would normally find such luxury a hard thing to get.

Dramatic Failure: The room that the Noble is inside becomes a veritable nightmare, a
cacophony of sound and breeding place of rough edges that make even the most grizzled
survivor weep for a new bed. Anybody within the room gains any one of the following tilts: blind,
deaf, or sickened (Grave), until they leave the room. The room continues to stay like this until
one hour passes.

Failure: The room fails to change.

Success: The room that the Noble is in (A room being a particular area of a building that
is specifically sectioned off from another part of the building) becomes oddly comfortable even
when conditions within it makes it very much not so. Creatures within the room may ignore any
environmental tilts, penalties, and other bad conditions within the room for one day. This means
that a princess may sleep in a noisy factory without any penalty to falling asleep for that day, or
a Noble in a flooded basement may fight against the weird fish-creature that has been stealing
kids without worrying about the water. 

Exceptional Success: The Noble pours enough comfort into the room that it becomes a
boon towards anything she tries to do even more so than the normal charm. Any penalties you
would receive from environmental factors in the room become bonuses.

Upgrade: Stand Your Ground (Capriccio ***)

Cost: +1 Wisp
    When using this charm, the Noble may spend 1 extra wisp in order to make “A Velvet Room”
only affect those she considers Nakama at the time.

Upgrade: Rest for the Weary (Capriccio ****)

    The Noble’s blessings of comfort may now turn even the dankest prison cell into a 5-star
hotel room. When a Princess goes to sleep within a room that has had “A Velvet Room” placed
upon it they gain 2 willpower for the night’s sleep instead of only one and the act of sleeping in
the room acts as if a day has passed for shedding conditions, healing injuries, and other effects
that would benefit from this.

Polytonality (Shape ***, Capriccio ***)

Action: Instant
Cost: 1 Wisp
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Crafts
Duration: Scene

Single notes make up the songs but it’s the chords that drive life into them. Many devices would
be much better to use if they simply did more with less things you have to pick up. Polytonality
does just this, crafting “chords” out of two items in order to create a better instrument of
whatever purpose they want it to serve.

    Dramatic Failure: Both items you are trying to combine disintegrate into a miasma of missed
opportunity. If one of the items was a piece of the Noble’s regalia, she may resummon it as
    Failure: The items fail to combine.

    Success: The Noble may combine two items together in a way that gives one of the items the
function of the other item. No item may be larger than size 7 (About the size of a motorcycle).
The bigger item is always the one whose form shines after all is done. The actual stats for this
new item is talked about between the storyteller and the player though every time the princess
combines the same two types of items the result is always the same for that particular Noble.

For example: A noble wants to create a fire spitting sword out of a blowtorch and her kensai.
She succeeds on the roll and after talking to her DM, the sword can now catch aflame and a
successful hit may cause the opponent to catch fire as a torch would. When the noble tries this
again at a later date with a different blowtorch and her kensai, the results are exactly the same.
    Exceptional Success: The combined item lasts for 24 hours rather than a scene, unless the
Noble uses an instant action to separate the item into its core components.

Banshee’s Wail (Shape *****, Capriccio ****)

Action: Instant
Cost: 3 Wisps, 1 Willpower
Dice Pool: Strength + Expression vs Stamina (See Below)
Duration: See Description

Sometimes you must use your art, your music, to cause pain. This is the sad truth that many
troubadours and those artistically talented must deal with. The ultimate form of this is the
banshee’s wail of folklore, of infamy.

Dramatic Failure: The Noble’s voicebox snaps. They immediately take 1 aggravated
damage and gain the “Mute” condition until this damage is healed.
    Failure: The Noble screams in an ineffectual, but possibly hilarious fashion.

    Success: All creatures able to hear the Noble (save for herself) within a number of yards
equal to inner light * activation successes (or less if the Noble chooses when activating this
charm, but no less than inner light yards) suffer the deafened tilt while within the radius and a
minute afterwards. This happens within this radius no matter how many successes the
creatures rolled to resist.

In addition, each creature takes a number of lethal damage equal to the activation successes for
every turn they are within the radius. This damage ignores armor.

Finally, any building that the noble is in takes structure damage equal to the activation
successes. This ignores an amount of durability equal to the Noble’s capriccio.

The charm lasts until the Noble stops screaming. Generally a Noble can scream for a number of
rounds equal to their resolve + stamina until they start to wither. At this point they make a
resolve + stamina check each round and gain an accumulative -1 for each roll after the first.
When they fail this roll they immediatelyimmediate suffer as if they had achieved a dramatic

    Exceptional Success: Eardrums bleed, windows shatter, walls break down; nothing can
withstand the Banshee’s Wail.

The Free Association of Light Marketeers

AKA: The Royal Community of Light Marketeers, The Work-In-Progress
Kingdom: None 
Followers’ Epithets: Self-Starters, Journeymen/Journeywomen, Meeples (derogatory),
Taskmasters (derogatory)
Editor’s Note: The Royal Association is a setting-neutral version of the Court of Humanity as
seen here in the On Borrowed Time fanshard (still in development). In particular, the references
to Guilds, the Lightgilder version of Nations, have been removed. Without the influence of the
Lightgilders in its backstory, the direct connection of the Vigil is greatly reduced, and the court is
no longer necessarily Twilight.  

The Community is primarily built around the Vocation version of Princess: the Hopeful.

You are but one human. You are surrounded by criminals and chaos, who want what you have
for their own short-sighted gain. You are watched by supernatural creatures who live in the
shadows and try to convince you that it would be easier to ignore them. And you are tempted to
indolence by endless and exploitative leisure. This is a dangerous world.

It was not always such. Long ago were peaceful kingdoms whose people prospered with magic
that flowered from the fruit of humanity. But they grew complacent, told by their dogmas that
they could slack off and ignore the filth that they left uncleaned in the cracks. The world paid for
their idleness, and it became a world not worth living in.

But people like us, and like you, have made it so once more. We relit the world with flint with
tinder and have clawed our way forward ever since. Every act of brilliance in the world since
then, every advancement in the wars against discomfort, disease, and disorder was conceived in
thinking minds and built with working hands. All things that shine in our world are but
reflections of the Light in our souls.

That Light responds to our efforts, and now we have the chance to meld the miracles we once
wielded with the modern wonders we have made. It will not be easy, and it will not be free. If
you are wise, if you are honorable, you will prove yourself worthy of the Light and partaking in
all its gifts. You will find where you are needed and work. You will find where you are talented
and excel. You will find where you are better and improve or replace those who are not. And if
you find a threat to your community, you will lead them to save themselves. Do this, and you can
work by my side. Do this, and one day the miracles I possess will be everyone’s to share.

The world is watching. Let’s make it proud.

The Light alone is born solely of humanity, residing in other worlds but not drawing from them
or their inscrutable monstrosities. Thus blessed, Humanity must show itself worthy, spreading
light through hard work, ambition, and vigilance. Some people show more talent than others and
rise as they should, but every life has value as long as they toil and persevere. Every human has
potential. It is up to them to use it, and to the Nobles of Industria to drive and allow them to do
Tales of the World
In every home and heart, people want many of the same things. Most want to survive to see the
next day. Many want to make a name for themselves. No small number want to make the world a
better place. Unlike the Invocations of the Queens, the power of Industria is born of the common
people who live in their little abodes and strive in ways the world at large will rarely notice. But
it is the sum of all these people’s needs, wants, and hopes, small as they may be, that have
coalesced into a new miracle of the Light, one that promises to make itself available to all if only
its wielders will work hard enough to make it happen.  

Never have there been so many people who have wanted nothing more than to have their needs
met, whose shared version of a better world has been so humble and humbling. This in turn has
led to the creation of what amounts to an Invocation whose locus is not a Queen but the human
race itself. This is the Invocation of Industria. 

Sidebar: Why not Umanita? Why Nobility?

In the setting of On Borrowed Time, the Invocation of Umanita was named by the Lightgilders
to emphasize how it is meant for humans alone in order to further encourage a strong stance
against those incapable of using it innately - supernatural beings other than Nobility. In a setting
without the Lightgilders, Nobles focus on the humanity and hard work that they see as their
unique ties to the light. Hence in a setting without Lightgilders, the Invocation has been named
That’s not to say this version of the Invocation isn’t without the Charms that focus on targets
with Potency other than Inner Light, as that would be ignoring the potential usefulness of
Industria’s particular tie to Humanity. Rather, such Charms are more potential tools for potential
problems, not something symbolic of a Vigil-like view of the Supernatural. 
Industria and Umanita, then, are the same Invocation with different branding and different
managers, and that alone has made the difference.
Followers of Industria are aware of others who call themselves Nobility, a title granted from their
connection to the Light of the Radiant Queens. Some feel that although Industria lacks a patron
Queen, the Light itself is their royal patron whose blessing they have earned through their
diligent efforts and constant accomplishments. Such people argue that it is this that makes them
royal, hence the Royal Community of Industria. Others disagree, saying that the Light is a
powerful tool but not a force capable of granting them the status of Royalty, hence the alternate
name of The Free Association of Industria, or The Free Association of Light Marketeers.
Regardless, those who follow the path of Umanita accept the appellation of “Nobility,” whether
it be as a title of royalty or a reference to their being noble (i.e. virtuous) people.

Sidebar and Optional Rules: A Queenless Court? [With Suggestions from Vent0]
Industria has no Monarch, no Dreamlands or Remnant Queen heading the Invocation. Its power
is born from the aggregation of the desires held by mortals who independently seek to fulfill very
similar mortal concerns. This leads to Industria’s weakness, but it also raises an important
When one Blossoms as a Noble of Industria, who do they swear to?
The baseline of Setting-Neutral Industria is that they swear to no Court, but this is not quite the
same as being Courtless. There is still no great meeting, no higher figure that imparts wisdom
upon the Noble. Instead, one who chooses the path of Humanity does so by dedicating
themselves to using the Light to sustain themselves and better the world around them as dictated
by the tenets of Industria. These tenets are given to them not from on high but from experience
and the realities of the world around them. Most Nobles of Industria end up either being self-
taught in the Invocation or on rare occasions find another Noble to help them understand the
But Princess: The Hopeful is still intended as a fansplat for Chronicles of Darkness, and perhaps
such a convergence of tangible wants and material beliefs has aggregated into some sort of
gestalt consciousness. It may be that a Noble who takes the path of Industria meets this
consciousness soon after they blossom. Perhaps it manifests as an ambiguous figure in a small
professional room, or perhaps it manifests as echoes of people who inspired the Noble and urge
them to keep striving and working. 
Whether a Noble of Industria finds the call of Humanity waiting for them in the Dreamlands or
solely within themselves is a topic for table discussion if necessary. The main mechanical
difference lies in whether there is a Mentor Merit tied to Industria.
A related question is: If Industria is not ruled, can it be ruled? The baseline answer is no, at least
not by a single figure; to be the central figure of Industria is to embody something so fractious
and diverse that no single figure can truly embody it. However, a table may choose to explore
what happens if a single figure or group does ascend to become ruler(s) of the Invocation. The
ramifications would be up to the table, but keep in mind that it is the lack of a central figure is
the main cause of the Invocation’s weakness. For more information, see the sidebar on Nations
and Industria Charms.  

The philosophy of Industria is more than a platitude. It is a promise that the world can be
improved, that concrete results are possible today if you put in the work. It is a push aimed at
those seeking to build something greater than themselves, something that they have been
alienated or held back from. One creed unites the followers of Industria: “Hope is something we
must all build together.”

Wages of Virtue, Earned, Collected, and Paid

Nothing is free, least of all a better tomorrow. If things are going to change, people need to get to
work. When you choose to do something, that becomes your responsibility. It doesn’t matter
how hard the task is; if it’s your job, do it, and if you can’t, it’s up to you to figure out why.
Everything you choose to do deserves all the passion and dedication you can muster. Never take
“good enough” as good enough, and never be ashamed to do something that, once done, betters
those who appreciate the effort. If a situation is unfair and seems like it will require an unfair
amount of work, suck it up and roll up your sleeves if it matters that much to you.

But spreading the Light isn’t a work of charity. There’s no shame in being paid when your work
inconveniences you or puts your life on the line, and to refuse the thanks of others is a humility
that only endangers those who depend on you. Take what rewards you’ve earned, don’t be
ashamed to claim what you’ve earned (especially from those who promised it), and don’t feel
like you should stay where you’re being exploited if you can find people who appreciate and
reward what you can do for them.

Conversely, don’t cheat those you deal with, for the man who cheats his employees from their
honest pay to keep the money for himself, or who takes credit and reward for another’s work has
not earned what they have been given. The best payments are tangible, of course, but don’t
underestimate the value of exposure, training, connections, and even simple gratitude, either
given or received. Teaching a man to fish and giving a hand up, not a hand out are cliched
because they’re true. And if you can teach others how to use the Light themselves, that may be
the best of all.

Know Your Market 

You can’t sell unless you know the ones who are buying. It’s who you know as much as what
you know, and you can only grow outwards, not inwards. Network, find those who interest you
or who are interested in your talents, and convince them why you’re better at what you do than
anyone else, or at least better to have around than your competition. Remember that a wide net
trawls more than a thin deep line. The more people who know you, the more opportunities you
have. The more people who you know, the easier it is to find what they need, to find someone
who has what you need, or to find the people you can truly believe in.

The Right to Self-Defense

The World of Darkness can be cruel, taking everything a person has worked for in a heartbeat or
simply killing them outright. Those who have built the world and the people they built it for
deserve better. Whether it is a mundane gang or a cult of vampires, people deserve the
knowledge of what is menacing them and the means to assist in the defense. Even in the modern
age where people seem eager to turn their weapons on each other, the answer is not to disarm the
populace but to create means of defense that will not end the lives of the innocents who need

Whatever the Calling, the first duty of a follower of Industria is always to build towards a better
world. In addition to their Calling Duties, all Nobles who follow the path of Industria seek ways
to slowly spread the Light in humanity in preparation for the day when all those who can use the
Light can shine and burn away the darkness.

Champions of Industria shine their light against human and inhuman evil first and foremost.
They stand as the main defense against the monsters that swarm around the human race seeking
to consume or infect it, or the criminals seeking to terrify and victimize it. They take the front but
often train and call upon a large reserve of those who are willing, leading them to tear apart the
most fearsome of creatures and criminals with the thousand cuts of the Light-blessed and the

Graces of Industria focus on justice and bureaucracy. They maintain the ever more complex
network of telecommunities and physical offices that people must patronize to handle the
paperwork that binds people to their governments. They set schedules, cross-reference laws, and
ensure that fines and punishments are meted as the law prescribes. They study how to reduce
waste in wealth redistribution, including overhead and administration costs as well as actual
distribution, and seek to start and maintain programs that train people for meaningful work.

Menders of Industria fix what is broken. Some build low-cost training methods and vocational
knowledge bases. Others focus on what needs to be physically repaired here and now. If
someone else is responsible for it, they usually inform said person and give them the skills and
training so through with the project. For larger tasks they gather the numbers needed, knowing
that people can build together what a single person cannot. They focus on short-term repairs and
teaching people how to mend for themselves in the long term.

Seekers of Industria learn and teach what Humanity needs to know. Some join the Menders,
working to build freely available education systems, especially vocational ones. Others focus on
practical research whose applications show immediate potential or are clear stepping stones to a
bigger project. This includes the supernatural, looking into mysteries of Light and Dark,
performing arduous experiments on those who have given their consent and are given fair
compensation. Others look over ever growing surveillance and social networks, seeking the latest
trends in humanity or clues to crimes and monsters.

Many Troubadours of Industria are its popstars and idols, inspiring humanity with art that
encourages them to excel. Others explore the world, capturing its beauty on film for millions to
view. In this sense they act as the inspiration for the countless people who will follow in their
footsteps and find the beauty of the world (and hopefully not despoil it in the process…), or a
reminder of the world’s beauty to those who can’t see it because they’re doing the work that
makes it possible. A few find their place in blue sky operations, offering innovative ideas in
environments where they can be safely tested before being released into the wider world.

Industria counts those who can blossom with the Light - the whole human race - as potential
followers. The ones who Blossom under the path of Industria are as diverse as people
themselves, but they usually fall into two particular groups. 

The first are people united by striving and ambition. Often facing dire circumstances, they seek
to better themselves. Some earnestly seek to better the world around them, others wish to
improve things for their own benefit. No small number of them acted altruistically solely for
social accolades, only to surprise themselves and stand up for people when it was needed of them

The second are those who have seen the worst of the World of Darkness. Victimized by monsters
(human or not) or knowing those who have, they prepare to make their stand. Refusing to back
down, those who Blossom this way do so when they learn the deeper truth - If hard work is to
win against the Darkness without destroying the world or its people, all those of sound mind and
able body must be trained and willing in the defense.

Many from both groups are Onceborn, people who are particularly driven and open to
unorthodox tools and techniques that facilitate the hard work needed to solve problems.

Signature Emotions: Dynamism and Anxiety

There’s always something to do or discover. Every day is a new opportunity to achieve. Whether
it be a brave stand, a constructive project, or even a reflective poem, there’s too much a person is
capable of to let it go to waste. Each task brings its reward, and many are stepping stones to
larger tasks, to larger discoveries and achievements, to larger awards and rewards. With proper
prioritization, preparation, self-confidence, and self-motivation, one person can move mountains.

Except there is always something else to move. Always new people who need motivation.
Always new complications that will undo what you have done if left ignored. No matter how
productive a Noble has been, there will always be the niggling feeling that something has been
left undone. Work is the watchword, but watching too is critical work. 

Character Creation
Much like the Light-using human race itself, the followers of Industria are diverse in ironically
conforming ways. Attributes and Skills are focused to where a person plans to use them, leading
to convergent patterns of combat-focused builds, vocational experts, social network builders, and
so on. Professional Training is common for this reason. Many Nobles sacrifice their natural gifts
to Bergeron’s Beneficence, and those who can compensate by getting new Merits through
training. Others focus on high Willpower, as the greatest boons of Industria require its
expenditure or sacrifice.

Sidebar: Sworn and Shikigami [Inspired by Vent0] 

Just as other Sworn draw upon the magic of the Queen of the Noble who made them Sworn,
Sworn made so by a Noble of Industria draw upon Industria. Industria Sworn follow the same
rules as other Sworn.
In Setting-Neutral Industria, No Shikigami who understand or advocate the path of Industria
exist initially, as Dreamlands Spirits have no Queen to teach them the tenets of the Invocation. 

The Heraldry and Regalia of Industria are pragmatic and unassuming. Equipment and clothing is
there to be functional and identifiable, with muted colors and a thin frame that is synthetic to the
touch and feels flimsier than it is while still allowing the skin to breathe and the body to move.
Gaudy iconography and accessories eschewed, as actions speak louder than trinkets.

A Vigilant’s Echo is like a shot of caffeine, driving you to movement but leaving you jumpy at
what could lurk around the corner. 

Practical Magic (With Contributions by TrueWolves, MushroomBadger, Vent0, and

In the view of Nobles who follow Industria, reliability in everyday situations is key. Take the
Reliability Acquisition Condition. This condition can have its Resolution effect once per chapter.
Once the Resolution effect is activated, though, the Condition is gone for the rest of the chapter.

Industria Condition: Reliability Acquisition

Your character is confident and resolved around their tools and philosophy. When you roll five
or more dice without spending Willpower to summon a Regalia piece, activate a Regalia Charm
or to make a roll where you applied Industria due to a Regalia Bonus, you may forego rolling to
treat the action as if you rolled a single success.
Resolution: When you roll to summon a Regalia piece, activate a Regalia Charm, or to make a
roll where you applied Industria due to a Regalia Bonus, and the roll was not a Chance Die, if the
roll is a failure, you may resolve this Condition to treat the action as if you’d rolled a single
success. The Regalia piece functions until the action is complete or for the Duration of the
Regalia Charm (during which the piece can’t be used for any other purpose), after which it is
sacrificed. Once sacrificed, the Regalia piece can’t be resummoned for the rest of the chapter. 
Beat: When the Resolution effect is activated, take a Regalia Beat; five Regalia Beats form a
Regalia Experience. Regalia Experience, once gained, may be spent to purchase Regalia Charms
or Upgrades to Regalia Charms.

Whenever a Regalia item belonging to a Noble of Industria is destroyed, they may pay 1 Wisp to
recreate it instead of 1 Wisp and 1 Willpower. 
High Belief expands a Noble of Industria’s flexibility. A Noble of Industria may designate a
number of Dots’ worth in Regalia Charms they possess as Practical Charms equal to (their Belief
- 7), minimum 0. These additional Practical Charms carry the same rank restrictions as their
normal Practical Charms, and like their other Practical Charms can only be changed when the
Noble gains a dot of Inner Light.

Invocation: Industria
Humanity has physical needs to be met and spiritual fears they seek to banish, and this is
reflected in Industria. The Invoked Charms and upgrades speak of trust in the material goods and
technology needed to perform work, of small effects made great by their availability and
flexibility, and of the grand goal of a world where all people can use the Light. Many otherwise
generic-seeming Charms require Industria because the advocates of Industria discovered them
first (or because they were “adapted” from pre-existing Charms), and Industria’s nature is a
proprietary one. And finally, Industria is an Invocation for the people who alone can use the
Light, a fact Nobles ignore at their peril. 

Industria has the unique disadvantage that its power is proprietary and requires
dedication. Whether it is due to a lack of a Queen, because its followers draw its power from the
unfocused mass of humanity, because the mass of humanity doesn't share one kingdom as the
other Courts do, or simply because the Tenets of Industria demand self-reliance, a Noble of
Industria must themselves be the center around which their power coalesces. A Noble who
activates an Industria Charm requires both that they not currently have broken its Ban and that
they possess Industria equal to the Charm’s rating in order to activate it; these restrictions also
apply to Industria Charms contained in Bequests, and cannot be met or bypassed with Minor
Invoker. If an Industria Charm has Sanctuary, the character cannot choose a Sanctuary higher
than their Industria. Characters may buy Upgrades to Industria Charms such that they have an
Industria Charm with a total rating higher than this cap (this does not ignore the normal cap of
Inner Light), but when actually activating an Industria Charm, its effective rating after they
choose what Upgrades to apply cannot be higher than this cap. Finally, characters who have
access to Bequests with Industria Charms that cost Wispcoins to activate still need a source of
Wispcoins (or Wisps and at least one dot in Industria) to activate them.

Industria’s Ban is considered broken for anyone who acts against their Nation or an organization
with an Interested Commonalty in which they are a member, to anyone who purposefully acts
against the express instructions from their employment (unless it would lead to hurting another
sentient character with no Potency other than Inner Light), and to anyone who intentionally deals
Lethal Damage to any sentient character they know to have no Potency other than Inner Light
(unless they expose the victim as actually possessing a Potency other than Inner Light in doing
so). Once Industria’s Ban is broken, it remains so until the character completes their next work
shift or a paid assignment from a character they know to have no Potency other than Inner Light,
assuming they do not break the Ban again in doing so.
Sidebar: Mistake Not Kindness For Weakness
The tie that Industria has to Humanity - the only ones who can innately use it - makes it that
much harder to turn Industria on Humanity. If an Industria Charm would deal damage to a
character with no Potency other than Inner Light, instead it inflicts that many levels of the
Phantom Damage Tilt. If an Industria Charm would inflict a Condition or Tilt on a character with
no Potency other than Inner Light, that Condition or Tilt is shed without resolving at the end of
the scene. This is repeated in the description of Industria Charms where it applies. 
While this mainly applies to mundane mortals and Noble characters, this protection also applies
to supernatural characters with abilities that allow them to pose as human, although attempting to
use this ability when exposed to a Charm that makes this distinction always triggers a Clash of
Wills. This protection does not apply to non-sentient beings.
Although at times inconvenient, this is no weakness where the Invocation is concerned, for it
allows people to handle threats from those people who have strayed with the minimum of injury
and death. Even if the weakness of Industria is ever somehow removed, this aspect of Industria
would remain.

Industria applies at no cost when the target is made of plastic, when the beneficiary of an action
is either a Nation or an organization with an Interested Commonalty of which the Noble is a
member, or when used in the course of their employment.

Industria can be learned by any characters who possess no Potency other than Inner Light; if they
are not Nobles of Industria or members of a Nation with Industria as its Invocation, they advance
it at the out-of-affinity rate.  Advancing Industria provides no benefits to non-Nobles, and
Upgrades gained by Nobles when improving Industria cannot be applied to Charms a Noble
knows only as Practical Magic from Nation Membership.

Sidebar: Nations and Industria Charms

A Nation is an organization of people brought together under a common cause, and thus is
uniquely attunable to Industria. If a Noble with one or more dots of Industria starts a Nation, they
may choose to have the Nation’s Invocation be Industria, and the Nation may purchase Industria
Charms as Practical Charms for the Nation. The benefits in such a Nation’s Mystery Cult
Initiation Merit can provide Upgrades to its Industria-based Practical Charms, so long as the total
rating of the Practical Charm does not exceed five. These Charms may be activated regardless of
Inner Light or lack thereof, although the Industria-based restrictions on Charm activation still
apply. Note that these Upgrades and their benefits do not apply to Industria Charms a Noble
possesses separately from the Nation.
Industria’s proprietariness remains in force for the purposes of Nations. Only Nobles with one or
more dots of Industria can start a Nation that uses Industria, and the maximum invocation of
such a Nation can’t exceed the highest rating of Industria among Nobles who are members of the
Nation. Finally, Nations with Invocations other than Industria can’t have Industria Charms as
Practical Charms.

Clubs: There are always solutions to environmental problems, but they don’t lie in leaving
nature be or having it be our master.
Diamonds: Necessity is the mother of invention. What people need matters more than ivory
tower philosophy and theoreticals.
Hearts: Modern laws and modern organization contribute more to stability than appeals to
tradition and trust.
Spades: By definition, risk-takers often fail. So do the foolish. Do your risk-taking when you
aren’t risking your responsibilities or the lives of others.
Swords: Laws exist for a reason, and even love cannot stand without codified understanding
between those involved.
Tears: The old world is gone. Whatever assets lie in Alhambra’s history and magic will never
appreciate so long as they are smothered in darkness. Join us, and you can build something we
can all benefit from.
Storms:  If your plan leaves rubble and bodies behind, you haven’t worked on it enough.
Mirrors: We want to improve humanity. You’re not improving anyone but yourselves. If you
want to be at the top, work for it.
Cups: I’m not asking who you are. I’m asking what you’ve done and what other people would
say about you.
Wands: You’re good workers, but how do you expect to find work if you don’t self-advertise?
Pentacles: The Light has already provided answers in the laws and regulations that have been
written. Read them to find your answers.
Melodies: Your band is only half the performance. An audience is the other half.
Brass: Work on something to be proud of first, and put some pants on as you do it.
Crosses: We have a justice system, yes, but at some point we have to accept the job of judge,
jury, and execution. 
Constellations: Where they lose themselves in connections, we follow them to the brightest
Vampires: Literal parasites who make others do their dirty work. Burn them and treat their
Werewolves: The magic in their souls fills their bodies with rage and violence. Those who lack
the discipline to control their wrath must be put down like rabid dogs.
Mages: “Because it’s easier” is no excuse to risk breaking the world just to make your magic a
little stronger.
Prometheans: There’s no easy answer. Either you guide them to their humanity, or you put
them down before they blight the world. 
Changelings: Help them reassimilate into human society and use their gifts responsibly. The day
approaches when we reduce the monsters who did this to them to ashes.
Sin-Eaters: Unfinished business, huh? I’m sure we can help each other out.
Mummies: Okay… let’s break this down. What’s on your to-do list right now?
Beasts: The only places you build are graves for dreams and innocents. I’ll build your grave
Deviants: The research or rituals that created them aren’t cutting-edge, they’re cutting corners.
Help the results use their abilities and pick their targets constructively. 
Mad Scientists: Repeatable, reliable solutions are what we need, not claptrap that blows up the
people it claims to help.
Leviathans: Help them go the way of the dinosaurs as the world intended.
Hunters: We’re on the same side. One day, all people will be on the same side. Until then, let’s
work together and protect our people.
Mortals: If the world has sucked for you, don’t drop out. Stand up, get to work, and show the
world what a human can do.

Other Courts on Industria

Clubs: You don’t own nature, and thinking it you can reshape it at will can only lead to tragedy.
Diamonds: You can’t just discard “ethics” just because people give you the money, the orders,
or the permission to.
Hearts: Building a better world this way feels like trying to build a body without a heart.
Spades: Having people chain themselves to their own treadmills is a dirtier trick than anything
I’d ever pull.
Swords: If you just see people as asset sheets, all you’ll get is a flat world.
Tears: We’re not interested in your “plans,” and we don’t appreciate you seeing Alhambra as
Storms: We don’t need armed civilians and soulless proposals. We need soldiers! The Darkness
doesn’t stop mattering just because it doesn’t happen to be on today’s to-do list!
Mirrors: I. Don’t. Need. Your. Org Chart!
Cups: You install toll booths on every path and ignore the people who can’t just “work” past
Wands: Are you building a better world or just gilding the cages?
Pentacles: Sometimes what needs fixing is more than what you can see right in front of you.
Melodies: A true band’s members care more about the harmony they create than the sales they
Brass: I want to see the soul behind the resume.
Crosses: They visualize how to repair a venal world, and all their other failings follow suit.
Constellations: There’s more to the Light than how it’s unique to people.

Bulma (Dragon Ball Z)
Miss Alita (Angel Moxie)
Isabelle (Animal Crossing)

Show me a thoroughly satisfied man, and I will show you a failure.

Show me a threat to humanity, and I will build a blueprint towards a solution.

New Charms and Upgrades

Some Industria Charms are based on pre-existing Charms in Vocation and Road of Dawn;
possessing a knockoff quality typical of Industria.
On Wispcoins
Wispcoins are used to pay for many Industria Charms, and some Charms allow people to
generate them. Whenever a Charm or other ability requires that a character pay Wispcoins
(including in paying for the Charm’s activation costs), characters with Industria •+ may pay
those costs with Wisps instead unless the Charm calls for actual Wispcoins in its use. For more
information on Wispcoins, see the Personal Mint Upgrade to Re-Mint.

New Regalia Upgrade: [Inspired by Naomi]

All Industria Regalia Charms provide a second standard Upgrade:

On-Command: The Regalia responds readily to its owner’s commands. The Noble may move
and manipulate the Regalia with their mind alone so long as the Regalia is within arm’s reach.
This does not reduce the effort needed to manipulate the Regalia (i.e. anything that requires an
Instant action still takes an Instant action), but the mental connection provides a +1 equipment
bonus to dice pools related to the Regalia’s proper use; this is cumulative with any Quality

New Charm Upgrade: [Inspired by TrueWolves]

Nobles of Industria may take the following standard Upgrade for any Charm whose Duration is
Consecration or for any Charm for which they know an Upgrade that extends its Duration to
Consecration, if its total rating is no greater than their Dots in Industria.

Personal Carrier: 
Stackable, Up to 2.

The Noble now carries the effect of the Charm on them as if they were Consecrated Ground with
a Sanctuary of 1. This does not require being in Consecrated Ground, and the ground around the
Noble does not count as Consecrated ground. This effect is not suppressed by being in a Tainted
Area, but does trigger Unseen Sense (Light). This effect can be activated and deactivated, or its
parameters (if any) altered with a Transformation Action. Purchasing Personal Carrier a second
time allows the Noble to possess the effect even while untransformed.

Humanity’s Favor (Family •, Industria •) [With inspirations from Belle & Recette]
Favor (Skill)
Requires Professional Training •
Action: Permanent

The Noble reinforces their training with the experience of Humanity. There is a version of
Humanity’s Favor for each Skill. This Charm may only be taken for an Asset Skill the Noble
possesses. A Noble may take Humanity’s Favor up to three times, each time for a different Asset
Skill, all of which must belong to the same Profession. 

If a Nation offers Humanity’s Favor for the third Asset Skill as a Practical Charm, its members
do not take the Charm until they take Professional Training •••.

For Nobles wishing to learn a version of Humanity’s Favor for a given skill, the families for each
skill is given below (Preexisting Favor Charms for the skills are also listed for reference):

If the Skill is... The Charm Family is...

Academics Learn (Liberal Artist)

Computer Learn

Crafts Shape

Investigation Learn (Keen Observation)

Medicine Restore

Occult Govern (Forgotten Lore)

Politics Connect (Illuminatus)

Science Learn (Natural Philosopher)

Athletics Perfect (Celestial Dance)

Brawl Fight

Drive Perfect (Speed Racer)

Firearms Fight

Larceny Learn

Stealth Appear (Unseen Traveler)

Survival Perfect (Woodland’s Bounty)

Weaponry Fight
Animal Ken Inspire (Animal Fair)

Empathy Connect (Open Heart)

Expression Inspire

Intimidation Inspire (Stare Master)

Persuasion Inspire (Razzle Dazzle)

Socialize Connect (Life of the Party)

Streetwise Connect (The Naked City)

Subterfuge Inspire

The Specialized Upgrade may not be taken for any version of Humanity’s Favor. Instead, see the
Steady Upgrade.

Upgrade: Steady (Industria ••)

When the Noble concentrates their training, the Light ensures they can’t fail. Whenever the
Noble rolls five or more dice without spending Willpower to make a roll where any Specialty
they have in the favored Skill applies to the Noble’s action, they may forego rolling to treat the
action as if they rolled a single success. This replaces the normal Specialized Upgrade common
to Favor Charms.

Steady cannot be applied when making any resisted or attack roll.

Sidebar: Favor Charms and Regalia Charms

Favor Charms allow characters to apply an Invocation to mundane actions based on the named
Skill while transformed. Regalia Charms allow characters to apply an Invocation to dice pools
when using a Regalia Piece. These are not cumulative; a character may not invoke the same
Invocation twice on one action. Note that the Steady Upgrade for the Human Race’s Favor is an
Invoked Upgrade; applying it to a roll where it applies means that Invocations other than
Industria may not be applied on that roll.    

Appear Charms

Artificial Lighting (Appear ••, Industria ••)

Requires The Light Within 
Action: Extended, 20 minutes/roll, threshold = Sanctuary.
Dice pool: Intelligence + Science
Cost: Sanctuary in Wispcoins
Duration: 1 Day or Consecration

The Noble fills an enclosed area with light. This Charm can only be activated in an enclosed
building. Once the threshold is met, the entirety of the interior becomes uniformly lit with light
that grants all the benefits of natural sunlight but not the negatives of exposure to actual sunlight
for the duration of the Charm. This light can be blocked by normal walls, but any area within line
of sight to the exterior walls and ceilings will be lit.

If the Charm is tied to a person with the Consecrated Condition, the Charm functions when the
person is in a building of the chosen Sanctuary or smaller.

Resonance Note (Appear •, Industria •)

Requires Royal Tongue

Action: Instant
Dice pool: Strength + Expression - higher of target’s Armor or Durability 
Cost: 1 Wispcoin

The Noble lets out a note that can create damaging vibrations. Resonance Note can target a
character, object, or part of an object (such as a wall) no larger than the Noble’s Size. This
Charm has a range of 5/10/15 meters.

Dramatic Failure: The Noble strains their vocal cords, taking the Mute Condition for the
remainder of the Scene.
Failure: The target does not react.
Success: Resonance Note deals 1 Damage to the target. This is Bashing Damage to targets with
Health; if Resonance Note targets a character with no Potency other than Inner Light, they take 1
level of the Phantom Damage Tilt instead. This damage ignores Armor and Durability up to the
Noble’s Industria. If the number of successes is equal to or exceeds the target’s Armor and
Durability, the Noble takes the Found Frequency Condition, tied to the target. 
Exceptional Success: As Success. Then, if the Noble has the Found Frequency Tilt tied to the
target, they can maintain the note without further rolls or expenditure of Wispcoins. So long as
the Noble takes no actions except maintaining the note (including movement), the target takes 1
damage each turn that the note is maintained; this is cumulative with the effect of the Found
Frequency Tilt. Should the note be interrupted or ended, the Noble must activate Resonance Note
Mark of Honor (Appear •, Industria •)
Action: Permanent

The Noble conceals the pain of their wounds. Even fresh injuries appear under mundane
examination to be fully healed, or scars long healed at worst, and magical diagnosis triggers a
Clash of Wills. This does not affect their actual state of health - they still suffer wound penalties
if they take enough damage. Moreover, if they lose a body part, the Charm doesn’t appear to
restore it; it only makes the loss seem like an old, fully healed wound. Mark of Honor may be
activated or deactivated as a transformation action.

The Light Within (Appear •, Industria •)

Action: Permanent

The Noble adds an item to their Regalia that can, at any time, emit a soft light that banishes the
thickest natural darkness. The light source can take several forms - a ring or bracelet, a jewel on
her brow, an actual small flashlight, and a saintly halo have all been seen; whatever its form, it
illuminates the Noble’s path and leaves their hands free. They can bring the light up or douse it
reflexively, and set it to shine at any intensity short of full sunlight. At its brightest intensity,
plant grow and people benefit as if exposed to the actual Sun, without the damage caused by
exposure to the actual Sun.

Warning Whistle (Appear •, Industria •)

Action: Permanent

The Noble can produce a loud whistle as a Reflexive Action. With a Transformation action, they
may set this sound to continue continuously or to end this effect. People nearby ignore any noise-
related penalties to hear the whistle. The Warning Whistle does not impose penalties of any sort,
including on rolls to hear other sounds in its presence. 

Goccia Astrale - Added Content & New Upgrades

A Noble may use plastic as suitable droplet material.

Upgrade: Professional Staff (Industria ••••)

Requires Professional Training •+

The Noble creates duplicates to handle mundane tasks tied to their Profession. Instead of the
normal Droplet, for each Asset Skill the Noble possesses, they may create a Droplet that is
treated as Staff for that Asset Skill and as Unskilled otherwise. The Noble may not create
additional Droplets until these dissolve. They may, however, dismiss all Droplets they have
created with a Reflexive Action.    

Bless Charms

Peacebond Area (Bless •, Industria •)

Action: Extended, 15 minutes/roll, threshold = Sanctuary
Dice pool: Presence + Crafts - Damage Rating
Cost: Damage Rating in Wispcoins
Duration: 1 Day or Consecration

The Noble blesses an area to make weapons safer to people. The Noble chooses a Sanctuary and
Damage rating before activating this Charm, neither of which can exceed the rating of this
Charm. Once the Threshold is achieved, for the duration of the Charm, if a mundane weapon in
the affected area with a Damage rating equal to or less than the chosen Damage rating would
damage a character with no Potency other than Inner Light, instead that weapon inflicts that
many levels of the Phantom Damage Tilt.

Peacebond Area has no effect on physical attacks or supernatural weapons.

Upgrade: Quality (Industria ••)

Stackable, up to 4

The Noble improves their peacebonding capabilities. Each Upgrade taken increases the rating of
the Charm and thus the Sanctuary and Damage ratings the Charm can affect.

Worksafe Weapon Zone (Bless •, Industria •)

Action: Extended, 15 minutes/roll, threshold = Sanctuary
Dice pool: Presence + Crafts - Damage Rating
Cost: Damage Rating in Wispcoins
Duration: 1 Day or Consecration

The Noble blesses an area to make weapons safer to objects. The Noble chooses a Sanctuary and
Damage rating before activating this Charm, neither of which can exceed the rating of this
Charm. Once the Threshold is achieved, for the duration of the Charm, if a mundane or Regalia
weapon in the affected area with a Damage rating equal to or less than the chosen Damage rating
would damage a nonliving object, instead that weapon inflicts Phantom Damage; this manifests
as scuffs and scorch marks that disappear at the end of the scene. This does not prevent indirect
damage. For example, if the Noble attacks a vase, their weapon doesn’t damage it, but if the vase
is knocked over by the attack and falls it can still break.

Worksafe Weapon Zone has no effect on physical attacks or supernatural weapons.

Upgrade: Quality (Industria ••)

Stackable, up to 4

The Noble improves the Charm’s capabilities. Each Upgrade taken increases the rating of the
Charm and thus the Sanctuary and Damage ratings the Charm can affect.

Instrumental Gambit (Bless ••, Industria ••)

Action: Instant
Dice pool: Presence + Expression - Commonalty
Cost: Plan’s bonus in Wispcoins
Duration: Special (see below)

The Noble keeps a plan forged by necessity together through the power of their performance.
Instrumental Gambit can be activated as part of a plan intended to carry out an objective which
the group is contracted to carry out, if that plan has the Fragile or Volatile Conditions. The Noble
does not need to be the creator of the plan.

Dramatic Failure: The Noble’s performance throws the plan into discordance. If the plan had
the Fragile Condition, it now also has the Volatile Condition, and vice versa.
Failure: The Noble’s performance has no effect on the plan. As long as the plan is intact, the
Noble may activate Instrumental Gambit again, but successive attempts carry a cumulative -1
Success: The Noble’s performance keeps the plan humming. If the plan has the Fragile
Condition, uses do not count against the limit imposed by the Fragile Condition. If the plan has
the Volatile Condition, Failures are not converted to Dramatic Failures and do not resolve the
The Noble must perform musically in the presence of at least one other person involved in the
plan, although doing so does not grant penalties to actions related to the plan. If the Noble
performs any action other than movement or musically maintaining this Charm, the Charm ends
immediately; as long as the plan is intact, the Noble may activate Instrumental Gambit again, but
successive attempts carry a cumulative -1 penalty. Otherwise, the Charm expires when the plan
definitively succeeds or fails.
Exceptional Success: The plan’s bonus increases by 1. It still cannot exceed +5.
Shelter Area (Bless ••, Industria ••)
Action: Extended, 10 minutes/roll, threshold = Sanctuary.
Dice pool: Stamina + Medicine
Cost: Sanctuary in Wispcoins
Duration: 1 Day

The Noble makes the area a little safer. For the duration of this Charm, reduce damage dealt to
any living being in the area with no Potency other than Inner Light by one; apply this reduction
before armor or any other damage reduction effects. Multiple activations of this Charm in the
same area are not cumulative.

Upgrade: Consecrated (Industria ••)

Duration: Consecration. 

When the Noble stands in Consecrated ground, they may intertwine the Charm with that

The Best At What We Do (Bless ••, Industria ••)

Action: Instant
Dicepool: Wits + Persuasion
Cost: 2 Wispcoins
Duration: Industria in hours

The Noble raises a person to heights of ability normally beyond them.

Dramatic Failure: The Noble blights the Skill they meant to boost. The target takes the
Stumbling Condition for the targeted Skill.
Failure: The target is not enhanced.
Success: The target gains the Enhanced Skill Condition: the Noble adds the activation successes,
up to their dots in Industria, to one of the target’s Asset Skills. Any traits derived from that Skill
are recalculated. 
Exceptional Success: In addition to the normal effect, the target adds a +1 bonus to dice pools
based on the enhanced Skill.

The Best At What We Do cannot be used on a target currently affected by that Charm.
Upgrade: Personal Talent (Industria •••)
The Noble can enhance a Skill for which the Target has a Skill Specialty.

Upgrade: Grand (Industria •••)

The Noble may add dots to up to three Skills the Charm can enhance in a single activation. The
Noble distributes their successes across the Skills; they still cannot add more than their dots in
the prerequisite Invocation to any one Skill.

Heart of the Neighborhood (Bless •••, Industria •••)

Action: Extended, 30 minutes/roll, threshold = Sanctuary + 2*Beauty
Dice pool: Presence + Empathy
Cost: (Sanctuary + 2*Beauty) Wispcoins (See below), 1 Willpower (Paid by Noble)
Duration: Consecration
The Noble gathers a group of people together to weave their Light into an area, blessing the
place they stand in and the people who enter it, and dedicates time and sweat to make it both
beautiful and inspiring. The group must include as many people as is equal to the Threshold. The
Charm cannot be used on any part of an area already under its effects. It also cannot be used on
any area with active or suppressed Taint, and will end instantly if anywhere under its effects
becomes Tainted. Heart of the Neighborhood can only be cast on Consecrated ground.
The Noble must set both the boundaries of the area (and hence its Sanctuary rating) and the
Aspiration they want it to grant before they start working on the Charm. Without upgrades, the
Noble may only give the Blessed Place an Aspiration, which may be their own Vocation, one of
their own Aspirations, or Aspirations based on the philosophy of Industria.
The Charm affects an area; to activate the Charm, the Noble and each member of the group must
be in the area and verbally share a pleasant memory or a memory of achievement tied to the area.
When the Noble reaches the Threshold, they and each member of the group spends 1 Wispcoin.
Each Wispcoin spent this way must come from a different individual (not necessarily a member
of the group). The area becomes a Blessed Place with a Beauty of 1 for the duration of the

Upgrade: Better Heartbeat Blessing (Industria ••••) [Inspired by Recette]

Stackable, up to 2
The Noble can increase the Beauty that is infused into an area. With one purchase, the Noble can
create a Blessed Place with up to 3 Beauty. A second purchase allows the Noble to create a
Blessed Place with up to 5 Beauty. A Blessed Place with 3 Beauty created with this Charm gains
a second Aspiration; a Blessed Place with 5 Beauty created with this Charm gains a third
With each purchase, the Noble chooses one of the Blessings below. They may replace one of the
Blessed Place’s Aspirations with one of the Blessings they have chosen this way:
 Agricultural Zoning: The Blessing assists those who provide. Characters in the area
gain the Interdisciplinary Specialty Merit, tied to the specialty “Producing Food,” that can
be tied to any Asset Skill they possess with at least one dot.
 Commercial Zoning: The Blessing protects honest business. Any Larceny and
Subterfuge rolls in the area are made at a -1 penalty. 
 Development Zoning: The Blessing shines on plans for the future. Crafts and Expression
rolls to repair and improve the area get a +2 bonus. 
 Historic Zoning: The Blessing protects what has been created. Artificially-created items
in the area are immune to natural fading, wear, rust, corrosion and neglect.
 Industrial Zoning: The Blessing increases productivity. Characters in the area gain the
benefits of the Good Time Management Merit.
 Residential Zoning: The Blessing helps keep homes secure. The area gains or adds one
dot in the Safe Place Merit.
When Better Heartbeat Blessing is applied, Heart of the Neighborhood can be used to update and
improve existing Blessed Places. The Beauty for the purposes of the threshold must be equal to
or greater than the Blessed Place’s current Beauty. The Noble can replace an existing Aspiration
or Blessing with one of the chosen Blessings, or change an existing Aspiration, which should be
similar to the original Aspiration while acting as a reflection of the area as it is currently.  An
apartment building known for giving many happy childhoods, if converted to a hospital, might
have an Aspiration changed to one based on the healing or calming of children, for example

Connect Charms

Ever-Widening Circle (Connect •, Industria •)

Action: Permanent

The human mind was not designed for large numbers. When the suffering of millions feels
incomprehensible, the Noble can turn to the small everyday problems and triumphs of those they
meet on her journey. 

The Noble may spend at least an hour in the in-person company of someone from whom they
have never generated Wispcoins using this method, having a pleasant conversation, helping them
with daily chores, venting their frustrations, or listening as their acquaintance vents. After the
encounter is over, they generate a Wispcoin. A Noble may generate 1 such Wispcoin per day this

If a Noble encounters a group of people, they choose whose company they draw the Wispcoin
from; others in the group qualify for future uses of Ever-Widening Circle
Upgrade: Quality  (Industria ••)
Stackable, Up to 4.
The Noble may produce an additional Wispcoin per day. They can generate these Wispcoins
after a single daily encounter, or spread them among multiple encounters in the same day, all of
which must be with different people. 

Laying Down The Line - New Upgrades

Laying Down The Line Upgrade - Monstrous Power (Industria ••)

Those who treat monsters for the sake of humanity often want to be warned when monsters let
loose. The Noble can set the area to warn them when a Supernatural Power not of the Light is
activated or attempted to be activated. 

Laying Down The Line Upgrade - Full Alert (Industria ••)

Modified by Commonalty
The area warns all members of the Noble’s chosen organization with no Potency other than Inner
Light, not just the one who activated the charm. 

Personal Broadcaster (Connect •, Industria •)


Action: Permanent

The Noble adds a microphone or megaphone to their Regalia that carries their voice farther. This
reduces Commonalty penalties on Expression rolls by the Charm’s Rating (based on when the
microphone was summoned).

Upgrade: On The Air (Industria ••)

Action: Extended, 1 roll/turn, threshold = 1+
Cost: 1 Wispcoin
Dice Pool: Presence + Computer
Duration: Until dismissed

The Noble transforms the Personal Broadcaster into a unit capable of communicating via radio
waves. The Regalia and Quality Bonuses apply to the roll to transform the Personal Broadcaster.
Dramatic Failure: The Personal Broadcaster overloads; it lets out an ear-splitting squeal that
leaves the Noble Deafened for the remainder of the Scene, then is destroyed and can’t be
recreated until the end of the Scene.
Failure: The Personal Broadcaster doesn’t change.
Success: The Personal Broadcaster transforms into a radio. For 1 success, the Personal
Broadcaster can act as a Walkie-Talkie. Additional successes add broadcasting capabilities in the
following order: CB, FM, AM, Shortwave. The Noble can change the channel/frequency at
which they are broadcasting with an Instant action, and can change the type of broadcast with a
Transformation Action. Any other transmissions already being made on the frequency chosen by
the Noble supersede those made on the Personal Broadcaster.The audio transmitted by the
Personal Broadcaster can penetrate barriers with a Durability equal to or less than the number of
the Charm’s Rating (based on when the microphone was transformed into the unit).
Exceptional Success: Until the Personal Broadcaster is dismissed, its transmissions monopolize
whatever frequency the Noble is transmitting on, superseding any other transmissions made on
that frequency. If multiple Personal Broadcasters at this level broadcast to the same area at the
same frequency, those tuning in receive the signal broadcasting closest to them. A character who
receives this result may freely downgrade it to a Success.

Upgrade: On Live (Industria •••)

Cost: +1 Wispcoin

The Noble may now broadcast a television signal at the same range as they can transmit with the
highest level of radio they reached. 

Personal Translator (Connect •, Industria •)


Action: 1 Minute
Dice pool: Intelligence + Expression
Duration: 1 scene

The Noble adds a small translating device to their Regalia. It is initially empty, but can store up
to two mundane languages. When someone speaks to them for one minute in a language not
known to the Noble or stored in the Personal Translator, the Noble may activate the Charm; the
Regalia and Quality bonuses apply to this roll.

Dramatic Failure: The Personal Translator lets out a screech of feedback that inflicts the
Deafened Tilt on both the Noble and the target for the rest of the scene.
Failure: The target’s language is not stored in the Personal Translator. Further attempts to store
the same language from the same person take a cumulative -1 penalty.
Success: The Personal Translator acquires a basic understanding of the target’s spoken language,
storing it; if there is no room in the Personal Translator, the Noble may cause the Personal
Translator to “forget” a language it is currently storing first as a Reflexive action.
Exceptional Success: The Noble may communicate with the target as if they had a dot in the
Multilingual Merit for the target’s spoken language without having to store the language in the
Personal Translator; if they do not store the language, knowledge of it fades at the end of the

Activating the Charm may be done more than once in a scene, but only to acquire more
languages. The Personal Translator does not improve fluency with languages a Noble already

Once at least one language is stored in the Personal Translator, the Noble may spend a Wispcoin
as an Instant action. For the duration of the scene, so long as the Noble is using their Personal
Translator they are considered to have a dot in the Multilingual Merit [CofD 46] for the
languages stored in their Personal Translator; this does not require an activation of the Charm.

Upgrade: Fluent (Industria ••)

The Personal Translator’s translating capabilities are improved. Spending a Wispcoin now grants
fluency as if the Noble had one dot in the Language Merit [CofD 45] for the language(s) stored
in the Personal Translator.

Upgrade: Lasting (Industria ••)

The Noble may spend 2 Wispcoins instead of 1 to extend the duration of the fluency granted to a
full day.

Upgrade: Voicebox (Industria ••)

The Personal Translator miniaturizes and nests itself in the Noble’s vocal cords. The Noble now
enjoys the benefits of the Personal Translator continually without having it out in the open.
Additionally, the Personal Translator speaks for them if they cannot speak for themselves,
producing any sound the Noble can naturally make at up to 70 Decibels. The Noble cannot have
the Silenced Tilt or Mute Condition so long as the Personal Translator is present and functioning
on the Noble’s vocal cords; they may speak even when bound or naturally hoarse, for example. If
not physically restrained, the Noble can sync their lip movements with the voicebox effortlessly.
Supernatural abilities that would inflict the Silenced Tilt or the Mute Condition triggers a Clash
of Wills; if successfully inflicted, they end without resolving at the end of the Scene.

Note that the Personal Translator, when summoned, tends to appear as a growth on the vocal
cords when examined medically.
Separated Spigot (Connect •, Industria •)
Action: Extended, 1 hour/roll, threshold = 3
Dice pool: Intelligence + Survival or Crafts
Cost: 1 Willpower Dot

The Noble creates a pair of seals that are connected to each other. The seals themselves are 3” x
3”, etched onto suitable surfaces (which can be larger than the seals themselves). Once the
threshold has been reached, the Noble pays the Willpower Dot to connect the seals and
differentiate the input seal from the output seal. 

As long as a Newtonian liquid (such as water) is on the input seal, it drains through to the output
seal. Water drains at a rate of one gallon per turn; this may change for more or less viscous
fluids. The Noble who created the seal can activate and deactivate it by touching the seal and
making a successful Transformation action. No matter what the rate of flow, the liquid is not
expelled with enough force to knock down or damage others

Should either seal be irrevocably destroyed, the Willpower dot is either returned or refunded as
per Sanctity of Merits.

Upgrade: Fountain (Industria ••)

Water can now drain through at a rate of five gallons a turn. The threshold for this Charm
increases to 6, and the size of the seals increase to 6” x 6”. The Noble who created the seal can
change its drain rate by touching either seal and activating Separated Spigot with the appropriate
Threshold (adding to the original seals to increase their size, if necessary), save that they do not
need to pay a Willpower Dot.

Upgrade: Geyser (Industria •••)

Water can now drain through at a rate of five gallons a turn. The threshold for this Charm
increases to 9, and the size of the seals increase to 9” x 9”. The Noble who created the seal can
change its drain rate by touching either seal and activating Separated Spigot with the appropriate
Threshold (adding to the original seals to increase their size, if necessary), save that they do not
need to pay a Willpower Dot. 

Babelfish Pond (Connect ••, Industria ••) [With Inspirations by Woweed]

Action: Extended, 20 minutes/roll, threshold = Sanctuary.

Dice pool: Intelligence + Socialize
Cost: Sanctuary in Wispcoins
Duration: Industria in Hours or Consecration

The Noble spreads their knowledge to the area. The Noble prepares by speaking prolifically in a
mundane language they wish those in the area to understand. Once the threshold is reached, for
the Duration of the Charm every character in the area gains a basic understanding of the Noble’s
language as long as they stay in the area, as if they had a dot in the Multilingual Merit for it
[CofD 46]. Characters in the area do not automatically know they can speak the language.

Upgrade: Fluent (Industria •••)

Characters in the area may now communicate in the language as if they possessed the Language
Merit for it. 

Alternatively, the Noble may speak in the Royal Tongue while preparing the Charm to grant
characters in the area the Royal Tongue Merit for the duration of the Charm; this replaces the
normal effect.

The Right Materials (Connect ••, Industria ••)


Action: Permanent

The Noble adds a device that analyzes biological material to their Regalia. The Noble inserts a
target’s biological material, such as their blood, saliva, or hair, into the analyzer. Once inserted,
the Noble spends 1 Wispcoin to attempt analysis. If the material from a mundane human, roll
Manipulation + Investigation. If the material is from a mundane animal, roll Manipulation +
Survival. Otherwise, roll Manipulation + Occult. Regardless of the skill used, the Regalia and
Quality Bonuses apply to the roll. The analyzer does not provide in-character data as to the
nature of the material. 
Dramatic Failure: The Noble cannot attempt analysis or use any Charm through a sympathetic
connection to the target until they see them again.
Failure: The analysis fails.
Success: The Noble gains the Cherishing Condition in its standard form with respect to the
target, improving their sympathetic connection by one step for each activation success (to a
minimum of Sensory.)
Exceptional Success: The connection lasts for several Charms, though it frays each time the
Noble uses it. The Noble gains the strong form of the Cherishing Condition.
Notary Private - New Upgrades

Negative Reinforcement (Industria •••) [Adjustments inspired by Entirely Unlike Tea]

Cost: +1 Willpower Dot

Breaking a law does not break the law. If the target breaks their promise or can’t fulfill it, they
take a Personal Tilt for the remainder of the Scene or an appropriate Condition that ends without
resolving at the end of the Scene. The Tilt or Condition taken is always the same, agreed upon by
the Target and the Noble who sealed the promise when the promise is made. Taking the Tilt or
Condition does not change or resolve the Sealed Vow condition. Depending on the promise, this
may mean that the Sealed Vow Condition lasts indefinitely.    

Note that breaking a promise does not automatically mean it can no longer be fulfilled; a
character who breaks their promise, after the consequences have run their course, is treated as
having just made the promise.

Once the target fulfills their promise and Sealed Vow resolves, the Willpower Dot is restored or
refunded as per Sanctity of Merits.         

This Upgrade is not compatible with any other Upgrades to Notary Public.

Upgrade: Positive Affirmation (Industria •••)

Cost: +1 Willpower Dot (Paid by target)

A character must have the Negative Reinforcement upgrade to purchase this Upgrade, but does
not need to apply Negative Reinforcement to apply Positive Affirmation.

The target pays with a part of themselves for the privilege of knowing they will not fail of their
own accord. The duration of this Charm must be chosen and agreed upon by the Noble and the
person making the promise; who must understand the full ramifications of the Charm. For the
duration of the Charm, the promise covered by the Sealed Vow Condition becomes a Ban for the
target that they cannot break voluntarily. 

Once the Charm expires, Sealed Vow ends without resolving and the Willpower Dot is restored
or refunded as per Sanctity of Merits.
This Upgrade is not compatible with any other Upgrades to Notary Public.

Call to Action (Connect •••, Industria •••) [Inspired by Nijiru]

Action: Extended, 15 minutes/roll, threshold = Number of people

Dicepool: Wits + Socialize, modified by Commonalty.
Cost: 1 Wispcoin + 1 Wispcoin per person.
Duration: Indefinite

The Noble and those they work with understand that they cannot always be together, but that the
need to act together may come when they least expect it. The Noble must specify whether or not
the group can refuse the call when it comes; this must be the same for all members. All involved
must actively consent to the Charm and the Noble's choice, or the Charm fails.

When the threshold is met, the Noble and their group gain the Waiting Charm Condition. The
Noble may shed the Condition without resolving as an Instant action. When they do, the other
members of the group may choose to either teleport to the Noble's location or refuse (if allowed).
Either way, they shed the Condition without resolving it. 

A character can only have one instance of the Waiting Charm Condition from Call to Action
active at a time, whether because they activated it themselves or because they are in a group
brought together by the Noble who activated this Charm.

Journeys’ End (Connect •••, Industria •••)

Action: Extended, 1 minute/roll, threshold = 5

Dice pool: Resolve + Survival
Cost: 3 Wispcoins
Duration: 1 Day or Consecration

The Noble recognizes that while their own journey for the good of Humanity is never ending,
others have places to be. The charm is used on a street or sidewalk with a Sanctuary size of 1 in a
city with a population of at least a quarter million, and the Noble must walk the whole length of
the area each day they work on this Charm. A Noble may only perform one roll towards the
threshold each day; they may perform other actions without abandoning the Charm. Once the
threshold is reached, the area takes the Journeys’ End Condition.

Fight Charms
Human Defense Armament (Fight •, Industria •)
Action: Permanent

The Noble adds a weapon with which to defend themselves to their Regalia. Upon taking this
charm, the Noble chooses the summoned weapon’s dice pool for attacks from Strength + Brawl,
Strength + Weaponry, or Dexterity + Firearms. The weapon manifests a form appropriate to the

The weapon is treated as a melee weapon regardless of its dicepool. It is initially Size 1, but
always treated by the Noble as Size 1 even if it’s larger, allowing them to use it one-handed. By
default the weapon’s Damage is 1, but the Noble may apply Industria to their attack to increase
its Damage by their dots in that Industria for one turn (They may apply the normal Regalia bonus
to an attack instead of increasing its Damage). For anyone but the Noble, the weapon’s Initiative
penalty and minimum Strength are both 1. For the Noble themselves, both are 0 - as an extension
of their will, the weapon obeys their desires as well as their own hands. In addition, each time
they attack with it, they may choose to inflict either bashing or lethal damage. If the weapon
would deal damage to any living target with no Potency other than Inner Light, it instead inflicts
that many levels of the Phantom Damage Tilt. This Charm may be purchased only once.
Invocations other than Industria may not be applied to attacks made with the Human Defense

A mundane character who gains Human Defense Armament as a Practical Charm from a Nation
may purchase Upgrades for it. If they lose their place in that Nation and thus access to the
Practical Charm, they gain back the experience spent on upgrades as per Sanctity of Merits.

Any Upgrades that refer to the Charm's rating and attribute refers to its rating and the attribute
used in the weapon’s dice pool for attacks as currently summoned.

Upgrade: Forceful (Industria ••)

The Noble’s weapon strikes with great force. The weapon's maximum Damage becomes equal to
the lower of the Charm's rating or attribute; the Noble can change its current Damage rating with
a transformation action. Its minimum Strength and initiative penalty becomes equal to the
Charm's attribute for all wielders except the Noble. 

Upgrade: Towering (Industria ••)

The Noble's weapon enlarges, becoming self-reinforcing in the process. The weapon's maximum
Size becomes equal to the lower of the Charm's rating or attribute; the Noble can change their
weapon’s current Size with a Transformation action. Its Durability equals 1 + the Noble's Inner
Light. The Noble can now move at half Speed to use their weapon as opaque cover against
ranged attacks [CofD 92]. Its minimum Strength and initiative penalty becomes equal to the
Charm's attribute for all wielders except the Noble. 

Upgrade: Amplified (Industria ••)

Requires Forceful or Towering

Upgrades that refer to the lower of the Charm’s rating or attribute now refer to the higher of its
rating or attribute instead. 

Upgrade: Modulated (Industria ••)

The Noble’s Industria can be more effectively applied. When Invoking Industria on an attack
made with the Human Defense Armament, they may wait until the attack roll is made before
deciding whether to apply Industria to Accuracy or to Damage. 

Upgrade: Force (Industria ••)

The Noble’s weapon is their projected will, not just a fragile object. Damage that would destroy
the weapon only causes its form to break up for a turn, after which it can be resummoned without
cost. Other effects that would destroy it, such as Dramatic Failures (per ST discretion) and
resolving Reliability Acquisition, do not destroy the weapon but do cause it to become un-
summonable until the cost is paid to restore it, as per rebuilding a Regalia Piece (once the Noble
becomes able to re-summon it).

Upgrade: Shielding (Industria ••) [Modification Credit to Naomi]

The Noble's weapon can now be used to shield the wielder from close and ranged attacks. The
Noble adds the weapon’s Size to their Defense and applies its Size as a concealment penalty
against ranged attacks. In addition, the Noble can apply Industria to their weapon, making it easy
to maneuver. The Noble can Invoke their Industria while wielding the weapon to add their dots
to either their passive Defense or their Dodge dice pool for one turn; this is separate from
Invoking on an attack roll . A bonus from the Quality upgrade is applied the same way, and can
be applied even if the Quality bonus has been applied to an attack roll this turn.

Upgrade: Nimble (Industria ••)

The Noble can now use Dexterity + Athletics as their dicepool when attacking. They can also
fling their weapon toward an enemy. The throw follows the normal rules for throwing objects
[CofD 90] except that the Noble may substitute their chosen dicepool, can throw the weapon
regardless of their Strength, and may apply an Invocation to their dice pool. The weapon is
aerodynamic when the Noble throws it, though not for anyone else. Throwing the weapon in this
way counts as using it as a weapon. The weapon does not need to be recovered after being
thrown, reappearing in or returning to the Noble’s hand after use; the Noble may choose to keep
the weapon where it was thrown.
Upgrade: Royal Pitch (Industria ••)
Requires Royal Tongue

The Noble’s weapon becomes a microphone or instrument, allowing the Noble to use Presence +
Expression as their Dicepool when attacking. If the number of successes on the attack roll is
equal to the target’s Armor or Durability, the Noble gains the Found Frequency Tilt, keyed to the

Upgrade: Projecting (Industria ••)

The Noble's weapon can now project bursts of energy. These energy bursts have a flat range of
30/60/120 yards. A weapon with Projecting never needs reloading. The Noble may spend 1
Wispcoin when attacking with her weapon to fire a short burst instead of one shot. The Noble
may use the weapon in close combat [CofD 90] without losing accuracy. When the weapon is
used in close combat, those the Noble attacks with it use only their Attributes as Defense from it;
they don’t add any Skill. When used in ranges longer than close combat, the weapon is
considered a Firearm attack regardless of its dicepool, denying Defense unless the target can
apply Defense against Firearms attacks. 

Upgrade: Multiple (Industria •••)

Requires Projecting

The Noble’s weapon allows automatic fire. If the lower of the Charm's rating or attribute is 3 or
4, spending 1 Wispcoin allows the Noble to fire three short bursts or one medium burst. If it is 5
or greater, the Noble may fire short bursts at no cost, and spending a Wispcoin lets them fire two
medium bursts or one long burst. As with mundane firearms, one turn of covering fire is
equivalent to one medium burst.

Upgrade: Long (Industria •••)

Requires Projecting

The weapon’s range is multiplied by the lower of this Charm's rating or attribute.

Upgrade: Safeties Off (Industria ••)

The Noble can apply a fuller force to their weapon. With a transformation action, they may set
the weapon to deal normal damage, or to return it to its usual state. Even when the weapon is
doing Lethal Damage, the damage it deals to a living target with no Potency other than Inner
Light never wraps into Aggravated Damage, and such a target whose Health boxes fill with
Lethal Damage stabilizes immediately. Using the Human Defense Armament this way no longer
breaks Industria’s Ban.

Upgrade: Stunning (Industria ••)

The Armament can more easily halt its target. Halve the target’s intended Size (rounded down
for characters with a Potency other than Inner Light, rounded up for characters with no Potency
other than Inner Light) when aiming for the head with intent to inflict the Stunned Tilt.

Upgrade: Telekinetic (Industria ••)

The Armament no longer needs the Noble’s hands to hold it. It can hover up to (Strength +
Dexterity + Athletics + Charm’s Rating) yards away from the Noble. The Noble can sacrifice
their movement for the round to move the weapon up to their Speed, and can take an Instant
Action to attack with the weapon regardless of where it is. The weapon cannot attack on its own.

Upgrade: Trailblazer (Industria ••)

The Noble clears the path before them. When the Noble attacks natural unprocessed objects such
as earth, stones, plants, or animals that are not part of a human structure, they may surrender
their Defense for the turn to ignore Durability equal to the lower of the Charm's rating or
attribute. Additionally, the weapon can now deal damage to non-sentient animals without
breaking the skin or causing internal injuries.

Upgrade: Anti-Ephemeral (Industria ••)

The Armament can harm ephemeral entities, assuming that the Noble as a separate way of
detecting them. If the weapon would damage an ephemeral entity, it inflicts that many levels of
the Phantom Damage tilt instead.

Upgrade: Reality-Coating (Industria •••)

Requires Anti-Ephemeral

The Armament’s attacks can drag an evil entity into proper reality. An ephemeral entity hit with
an attack from the weapon must roll Power + Resistance - Levels of the Phantom Damage Tilt
each round to avoid becoming Materialized. An ephemeral entity who materializes this way
converts any levels they have of the Phantom Damage tilt to Bashing Damage. 

Occupational Safety (Fight •, Industria •)

Action: Permanent
The Noble understands that their line of work requires more roughness than most, and possesses
magic born of the Light that lets them use that roughness safely. If the Noble would deal damage
with any unarmed attack, weapon, or supernatural ability they are wielding, they instead inflict
that many levels of the Phantom Damage Tilt, and any Conditions or Tilts they inflict end at the
end of the Scene.

Occupational Safety does not prevent damage from unwielded means; the Noble can still harm
others through drowning or fire, for example (although wielding a torch would still be affected as
above). It also ceases to affect a weapon should the Noble let go of it; a ranged attack is still
affected by this Charm, but after the initial attack is performed, the projectile acts normally.

Nobles who learn Occupational Safety or characters who can access it through a Bequest may
activate or deactivate it with a Transformation Action. The Charm is always active if it is
Practical Magic for a Nation; this does not count as being active or activated for the purposes of
other Charms or Supernatural effects.

Characters with Supernatural Tolerance under the effects of Occupational Safety may roll
Supernatural Tolerance once per Scene; success allows them to ignore the effects of
Occupational Safety until the end of the Scene.

Upgrade: Restraining (Industria ••)

This Upgrade allows a Bequest to be used to restrain others. The Bequest must be crafted as an
object to be worn, such as a shackle or bracelet. A character wearing a Bequest containing
Occupational Safety with Restraining is always under the effect of Occupational Safety.
Characters with Supernatural Tolerance may still roll as listed in Occupational Safety.

Ratchetbomb (Fight •, Industria •) [Inspired by MisterOrange]


Action: Permanent

The Noble adds an explosive to their Regalia. The explosive’s Blast Area is 2 yards, and its
Damage and Force are both 1. The ratchetbomb is an aerodynamic missile of Size 1 and must be
thrown at its target [CofD 90]; the Regalia and Quality bonuses apply to any roll to throw the
ratchetbomb. The ratchetbomb detonates once thrown. The ratchetbomb's explosion has no
ground zero, only primary and secondary blast zones. If the ratchetbomb would deal damage to
any living target with no Potency other than Inner Light, it instead inflicts that many levels of the
Phantom Damage Tilt. 

Once detonated, the ratchetbomb is dismissed and must be resummoned.

Alternatively, the Ratchetbomb, when thrown, does not detonate. Instead, it releases air into the
Blast Area. This has no effect by itself, but the Ratchetbomb can hold one round worth of a
substance and release an aerosolized version of that substance. 

Moebius Magazine with the Combining Container Upgrade can be used with the Ratchetbomb to
allow a disbursement of more of the substance. On subsequent rounds after being thrown, the
Guildmember may take an Instant Action to cause the ratchetbomb to release another dose of the

If the substance released by the ratchetbomb (or Conditions or Tilts caused by exposure to that
substance) would deal damage to any living target with no Potency other than Inner Light, it
instead inflicts that many levels of the Phantom Damage Tilt. Any Conditions or Tilts it would
inflict on those characters end without resolving at the end of the Scene.

Upgrade: Forceful (Industria ••)

Stackable 2 times

The Ratchetbomb increases in power. With one purchase, the Noble may spend 1 Wispcoin as a
Reflexive action before throwing the ratchetbomb to increase its Blast Area to 4 yards and both
its Damage and Force to 2. With two purchases, the Noble may spend 2 Wispcoins as a
Reflexive action before throwing the ratchetbomb to increase its Blast Area to 6 yards and both
its Damage and Force to 3. 

Personal Style (Fight •, Industria •) [Inspired by EmbreFrosste, KentonHR,

Tatsuya, and EntirelyUnlikeTea]
Action: Permanent

The Noble’s training pays dividends, allowing them to build a style that best fills their skills and
needs. Choose a Style Tag when you take this Charm. The Noble takes either the first-rank
maneuver in a Style Merit with that Style Tag or a one-dot Fighting Merit with the chosen Style
Tag. If the Noble uses the maneuver or Merit in an attack that would deal damage to a character
with no Potency other than Inner Light, instead the attack inflicts that many levels of the
Phantom Damage Tilt. 

Personal Style may be purchased multiple times, but all instances must share the same Style Tag.
Personal Style and its Upgrades can’t override prerequisite Attribute and Skill ratings,
prerequisite maneuvers (such as exist in many Grappling maneuvers), and other special
requirements, noted with each style.
Upgrade: 2nd Rank (Industria ••)
The Noble’s training pays further dividends. The Noble takes either the second-rank maneuver in
a Style Merit with the chosen Style Tag or a two-dot Fighting Merit with the chosen Style Tag.

Upgrade: 3rd Rank (Industria •••)

The Noble’s training pays further dividends. The Noble takes either the third-rank maneuver in a
Style Merit with the chosen Style Tag or a three-dot Fighting Merit with the chosen Style Tag.

Upgrade: 4th Rank (Industria ••••)

The Noble’s training pays further dividends. The Noble takes either the fourth-rank maneuver in
a Style Merit with the chosen Style Tag or a four-dot Fighting Merit with the chosen Style Tag.

Upgrade: 5th Rank (Industria •••••)

The Noble’s training pays further dividends. The Noble takes either the fifth-rank maneuver in a
Style Merit with the chosen Style Tag or a five-dot Fighting Merit with the chosen Style Tag.

Force of the Vigilant (Fight ••, Industria ••) [Original Version by Recette]

Action: Permanent

The strength of humanity will not be denied. Lethal and Aggravated damage the Noble deals to
characters of Darkness cannot be downgraded.

Upgrade: Humanist (Industria •••)

The strength of humanity will not be evaded. Lethal and Aggravated damage the Noble deals to
characters with Potency other than Inner Light cannot be downgraded.

Upgrade: Scarring (Industria •••)

The strength of humanity will not be undone. If an attack deals damage to a creature of Darkness
(or to any character with Potency other than Inner Light if Humanist is applied), the Noble may
spend any number of Wispcoins, up to the Damage dealt. For each Wispcoin spent this way, 1
damage becomes resistant.

Fury of the Vigilant (Fight ••, Industria ••)

Action: Reflexive
Dice pool: Unrolled
Cost: 1 lethal damage
Duration: 1 attack

The Noble channels righteous purpose through their veins into the flesh of an enemy of the
Light. Their weapon seeks the heart and severs arteries. They may activate the Charm when they
make an attack, before making the roll. If the attack hits a creature of Darkness, it does
aggravated damage and the lethal damage taken by the Noble becomes resistant. The Charm
stacks with permanent Charms, but not other activated Charms.

Upgrade: Humanist (Industria •••)

The attack now does aggravated damage if it hits any character with Potency other than Inner

Moebius Magazine (Fight ••, Industria ••)


The Noble adds a small device to their Regalia that can reshape itself (often as a clip or
magazine) to be affixed to any projectile weapon, mundane or otherwise, that does not fire
explosives. As long as the item is affixed, the weapon generates ammunition as the Noble fires it,
and never needs reloading. The Noble may spend 1 Wispcoin when attacking with the weapon to
fire a short burst instead of one shot.

Upgrade: Combining Container (Industria •••) [Inspired by TheKingsRaven]

Action: Instant
Dice pool: Unrolled
Cost: 2 Wispcoins
Duration: 1 Scene or Until transformation

The Moebius Magazine adds an additional container as large as a person’s palm that can hold a
bane or another material (either in solid form or in a contained liquid or gas form) and can be
filled or emptied with an Instant action. The Moebius Magazine can now enhance any Regalia
item that deals damage or any mundane weapon. 

When the Noble spends 2 Wispcoins while the container is full, the material is combined with
that weapon’s ammunition. Until the Noble next transforms their weapon or returns to mundane
form, or for 1 Scene for mundane weapons, the weapon and attacks made with it affect beings
with a Potency other than Inner Light just as the bane or material does; this is in addition to the
weapon’s normal effects. The bane or material itself in the container transmutes to inert dust with
no useful properties. 

If the bane or material would deal additional damage to characters with no Potency other than
Inner Light, either through initial exposure, Toxicity, or inflicted Conditions or Tilts, that
damage is replaced by levels of the Phantom Damage Tilt. If the bane or material would inflict a
penalty, Condition or Tilt to characters with no Potency other than Inner Light, that penalty,
Condition or Tilt is shed at the end of the round.

Each use of this Charm combines a bane or material with one weapon. Weapons already under
its effects cannot be combined with another bane or material.

Upgrade: Multiple (Industria •••)

Stackable 2 times

The Moebius Magazine now allows automatic fire with projectile weapons that don’t fire
explosives. With one purchase, spending 1 Wispcoin allows the Noble to fire three short bursts
or one medium burst. A second purchase lets them fire short bursts at no cost, and spending a
Wispcoin lets them fire two medium bursts or one long burst. As with mundane firearms, one
turn of covering fire is equivalent to one medium burst.

Upgrade: Ally’s Ammunition (Industria •••)

The Moebius Magazine now functions for any character with no potency other than Inner Light
who is wielding the weapon; this includes spending the Wispcoins for burst and paying to use the
Combining Container, if that Upgrade has been applied.

Shockwave Strike (Fight ••, Industria ••) 

Requires Human Defense Armament.

Action: Reflexive
Dice Pool: Unrolled
Cost: 2 Wispcoins

The Noble can impart a successful attack from their Human Defense Armament with explosive
force. Shockwave Strike can be activated once per turn in response to a successful attack, and
sets the shockwave’s size when Shockwave Strike is activated; the Blast Area cannot exceed the
Noble’s Industria in yards. 
The attack is treated as an explosive with a primary Blast Area as set by the Noble and Damage
equal to the lower of the Noble’s Industria and the Damage dealt by the attack, but no ground
zero, secondary Blast Area or Force. Neither the Noble nor their target is hit by this explosion.
The explosion is non-incendiary, and does not inflict the Deafened Tilt.

If the successful attack to which the shockwave is tied was against a character with no Potency
other than Inner Light, the shockwave’s explosion still deals damage as normal. Subsequently, if
the explosion would deal damage to characters with no Potency other than Inner Light, it inflicts
that many levels of the Phantom Damage Tilt instead.

Upgrade: Extended (Industria •••)

The explosion gains a secondary Blast Area.

Upgrade: Forceful (Industria •••)

The explosion gains Force equal to the explosion’s Damage; this Force also affects the target of
the initial successful attack to which the shockwave is tied.

Govern Charms

Consecrate - New Upgrades

Upgrade - Palace Watcher (Industria ••)

Cost: +1 Willpower Dot (Paid by the watcher.)

The Noble appoints someone with no Potency other than Inner Light and Industria equal to the
area’s Sanctuary rating. That character pays 1 Willpower Dot gets one Dot in the Palace Merit,
tied to the Consecrated area, which lasts indefinitely so long as the character has the requisite

Upgrade - Personal Purification (Industria ••) [Inspired by Naomi and Vent0]

The Noble blesses a character with no Potency other than Inner Light instead of an area. The
character to be blessed must give their active and informed consent or the Charm fails. The
application of Personal Purification limits the Sanctuary to 1; once this threshold is reached, the
person carries the Consecrated Condition, and any subsequent Charms tied to the Consecrated
Condition affect the area around wherever that person is. For more information, see the
additional rules for the Consecrated Condition.
Personal Purification is compatible with Personal Palace. 

If the character is a Darkened or Creature of Darkness, the Charm automatically fails, and if the
character becomes a Darkened or Creature of Darkness while the Consecration remains, the
Charm immediately ends; Purifying may not be used to bypass this. If performed without
Purification Outfit applied, a symbol representing the activator or their Phylactery must be
etched onto the character’s skin; this symbol flecks off once the Charm has expired. If Palace
Watcher is applied, only the character being affected by this Charm may pay the Willpower Dot
for its effect; if the Charm later expires or is expelled, the Dot is refunded as per Sanctity of

Upgrade - Purification Outfit (Industria ••)

The Noble is prepared to purify the landscape. They add robes and instruments appropriate to
their beliefs, such as an aspergillum or gohei, to their Regalia. This allows the Quality and
Regalia Bonuses to apply to the roll to activate Consecrate. Activating Consecrate on an area no
longer requires the area to have representations of its activator’s symbol or Phylactery, and if the
area is already Consecrated, the new activation adds its duration to the one currently ongoing.

Currency Exchange (Govern •, Industria •) [Inspiration by Fanguy59]

Action: Extended, 10 minutes/roll, threshold = Sanctuary
Dice pool: Manipulation + Occult
Cost: (Sanctuary x 3) Wispcoins
Duration: Consecration

The Noble turns a consecrated area into a place where supernatural energy of all kinds can be
converted into Wispcoins, whether its wielders want to or not.

The area counts as a source of radiation of Intensity 1 that does not affect characters with no
Potency other than Inner Light. When a supernatural being not of the Light would be damaged
by this radiation, they instead lose points of supernatural fuel (e.g. Glamour, Pyros, etc.) equal to
the radiation's Intensity each Interval. This lost fuel is converted into an equivalent number of
Wispcoins, which drop at the character's feet. This effect occurs regardless of whether radiation
damage would be actually dealt; if a character benefits from exposure to radiation, those benefits
still occur but do not prevent the loss of supernatural fuel.

Upgrade: Intensity (Industria ••)

Stackable, up to 4.

The intensity of the radiation is increased by 1.

Examine Contraband (Govern •, Industria •)

Action: Extended, 20 minutes/roll, threshold = as set by ST

Dice pool: Intelligence + Occult
Cost: 1 Wispcoin
Duration: Lasting

The Noble examines a supernatural object. The threshold is set by the ST, but is usually the cost
in dots of the ability imbued in the object or the Potency of the character who made it. Once the
threshold is met, the Noble learns the effect of the object, its method of activation, and its costs
of operation.

Lightpool (Govern •, Industria •)

Action: Permanent
The Noble can now carry the Light within themselves. If the Noble has no Potency other than
Inner Light and lacks a pool of Wisps, Lightpool supplies them with one that holds Wisps equal
to their Resolve + Composure; this pool is initially empty. Although normally not useful for
Nobles, Lightpool bound into a Bequest or as a Practical Charm in a Nation allows Non-Noble
characters to have a pool of Wisps. Characters who have Wisps in such pools but lose access to
Lightpool can’t access, lose, or gain Wisps in that pool until they gain access to Lightpool again. 

A Bequest of Lightpool functions for any mundane character with no Potency other than Inner
Light. If a Gem of Availability 3 created with Enduring Beauty is used to create a Bequest of
Lightpool, the wielder gains 1 Wisp every 24 Hours.

Upgrade: Reservoir (Industria ••) 

Lightpool’s ability to provide Wisp capacity expands. If the character already has a Pool of
Wisps, they gain a second pool of Wisps that holds Wisps equal to their Resolve + Composure;
they choose which pool refills when they gain Wisps.

A Bequest of Lightpool with Reservoir applied is its own pool of Wisps, able to hold Wisps
equal to its creator’s Resolve + Composure. A character who somehow regains Wisps may fill
the Bequest’s Reservoir; if they have their own pool of Wisps, they choose what pool gets
refilled. If a Gem of Availability 3created with Enduring Beauty is used to create a Bequest of
Lightpool with Reservoir applied, the Bequest gains 1 Wisp every 24 Hours.
Mandate Badge (Govern •, Industria •) [Inspired by Karinae and RDMarquis]

Action: Permanent

The Noble’s duty brings its own reward. A badge or other mark to be worn is added to the
character’s Regalia. On the back of the badge is a vow describing a regular mundane activity that
improves the world. Once a Scene, if the Noble has a pool of Wisps and carries out that activity,
they roll dice equal to Mandate Badge’s rating (based on when the badge was summoned); this
die roll is separate from rolls connected to the activity itself and any rolls related to Call of Duty,
and the Regalia and Quality Bonuses apply to this roll. For each success, the Noble regains 1
Wisp, capped at the Charm’s rating. 

A Bequest of Mandate Badge may be used by any character with a pool of Wisps. If a character
has access to Lightpool with Reservoir, they may use a Mandate Badge to refill the Reservoir
regardless of whether they possess their own pool of Wisps.

Re-Mint (Govern •, Industria • or Lacrima •) [With Inspirations from Naomi]

Action: 10-Willpower minutes.

Dice pool: Dexterity + Crafts

Radiant Nobles and Alhambrans both understand the importance of a standardized currency. If
successful, the Charm converts a Seed of Light. The Industria version of the Charm converts the
Seed into a Wispcoin, as if it had been created with the Valued Upgrade to Seed of Light or the
Ready Cash Upgrade to Recycle. The Lacrima version of the Charm converts it into a Kingdom
Seal, as if it had been created with the Bereaved Upgrade to Seed of Light.

Alternatively, the character may seek to break down a Living Image or Seedstone into Wispcoins
or Kingdom Seals; this turns the Charm into an Extended Action; the threshold is the number of
seeds contained in the Living Image or Seedstone, and the interval is (10-Willpower)   

Upgrade: Personal Mint (Industria ••) [With Suggestion by Naomi]

Action: Extended, (20 - Willpower) minutes/roll, threshold = 3 * seeds made
Dice pool: Meditation
Cost: 1 Willpower, 1+ Wisps (special)

The Light exists within the world, within the hearts of all Humanity. However, with will and
effort, the Hopeful may calcify Wisps into coins proof against the ravages of chance. Each Wisp
spent on the Charm forms a separate Seed. The Noble does not have to decide how many Seeds
to calcify beforehand; after spending the Willpower, they start to concentrate on their pool of
Wisps. Each three successes accumulated allows the Noble to transform one Wisp into a Seed,
and they may roll a number of times equal to their dice pool, or until they run out of Wisps. Extra
successes are wasted.

These Seeds are created free of the unique traces of the Noble’s identity. The Seed forms as a
metallic object around the size of a small coin and twice as thick with a male human face on one
side and a female human face on the other. This type of seed is colloquially known as a
Wispcoin. Wispcoins can be absorbed like other Seeds of Light, but can be absorbed by any
character with a pool of Wisps and one or more dots in Industria, and only such characters
(although Darkspawn can still consume them). Characters with one or more dots in Industria can
reflexively spend Wispcoins they are holding to pay for the cost of invoking Industria or for
Industria Charms (including Bequests containing Industria Charms). This assumes that the
character can invoke Industria or activate said Charms or Bequests in the first place.

Upgrade: Seedstone (Industria •••) [Inspired by Recette]

Requires Personal Mint

Action: Extended, (10 - Willpower) minutes/roll, threshold = Seeds congealed

Dice pool: Dexterity + Expression
Cost:  1+ Wispcoins (special)

The Noble further processes a Wispcoin into a form that is universally valued. The Noble
chooses how many seeds they want to congeal, up to 3. Once the threshold is met, the Wispcoins
used congeal into a Seedstone, a shining stone of Availability equal to the number of Wispcoins

A Seedstone registers as a mundane stone to all abilities unless physically handled.

Reflected Light - New Upgrade

Upgrade: Human-Attuned (Industria ••) (Inspired by Recette)


Reflected Light is now seen through a lens or lenses that are added to the Noble’s Regalia. This
allows the Regalia and Quality bonuses to apply to the Wits + Occult roll Reflected Light makes
possible and Clash of Wills made due to active scrutiny. 
When the Noble rolls for information on an active Supernatural Merit that is open only to
mortals, they learn the Merit’s function and the fact that it is open only to mortals, and will
recognize by name any such Supernatural Merit they have seen before.

Spiritual Valuation (Govern •, Industria •)

Action: Meditation
Dice pool: Meditation
Cost: All Willpower
Duration: Lasting

The Noble focuses inward, squeezing tangible value out of their intangible will. This Charm
cannot be activated if the Noble currently has the Soul-Shocked Condition. Upon successfully
meditating, the Noble spends all Willpower, then takes the Soul-Shocked Condition; when this
condition would resolve, it ends without resolving instead. They generate a number of Wispcoins
equal to their Resolve.

A Bequest of Spiritual Valuation can be used for any character with no Potency other than Inner

Upgrade: Efficient (Industria ••)

For each Willpower spent past the first, the Noble generates an additional Wispcoin.

Upgrade: Full Efficiency (Industria •••)

Requires Efficient

For each Willpower spent past the first, the Noble generates a number of additional Wispcoins
equal to their Resolve. This replaces the effect of Efficient.

Token of My Esteem (Govern •, Industria •)

Action: Extended, 1 minute/roll, threshold = 3x Charm Rating 

Dice pool: Wits + Crafts
Cost: 1+ Wispcoins (See below)
Duration: Lasting
The Noble channels the magic of humanity into tangible forms, or channels understanding of
those forms into themselves.

The Noble focuses on an Industria Charm they know that costs Wispcoins to activate and on the
Wispcoins required to pay that Charm’s cost. Once the threshold is reached, the Noble spends an
additional Wispcoin and activates the Charm; the Wispcoin(s) that would be used to pay for it
congeal(s) into an easily usable form such as a pill, patch, or small consumable mass. Treat this
form as a Living Image that activates when applied by being consumed or applied to the skin.

Alternatively, the Noble may activate this Charm while focusing on a Living Image created with
Token of My Esteem to know what Charm it contains and Upgrades, if any.

Upgrade: Digital (Industria ••)

Cost: +1 Wispcoin

Applying Digital changes the Dice Pool for Token of My Esteem to Wits + Computer. The
Living Image created with Token of My Esteem is converted into a computer file of negligible
size. This file cannot be opened, moved, or duplicated in any way, although it can be deleted.
Activating the file activates the Living Image and destroys the file. 

The Digital Upgrade is compatible with Factory Standard. It is also compatible with Bequeathed,
allowing for the creation of Digital Bequests. When Personal Implant or PROXY System are
also applied Digital changes the dice pool, but the result remains a normal-sized physical object,
not a digital file. 

Upgrade: Factory Standard (Industria ••)

The Noble understands the common patterns to the power of Humanity. As long as they have
access to a Bequest that possesses a Charm that requires Industria equal to or less than their own
Industria, they may make Living Images, Bequests, and Heroes’ Endowments as if they knew
that Charm, assuming they know the appropriate Upgrade(s) to Token of My Esteem. The new
creation must carry exactly the same Upgrades (if any) as the original it is based on.

Upgrade: Flag-Setting (Industria ••) [Inspired by Naomi]

In the course of creating a Living Image, the Noble can set a condition that must be met before
the Living Image can be used. They can be as cryptic or as direct as they wish. The Living Image
will become usable after the first time that the condition set by the Noble is met  - a vague and
cryptic description may allow the Living Image to be used at a quite unexpected and
inconvenient moment. 

Flag-Setting is compatible is Bequeathed; applying both allows the Noble to set a condition
before a Bequest with the Waiting Charm Condition can be activated and/or a condition that,
when met, will cause a Bequest with the Waiting Charm Condition to activate automatically; this
can be the same or different task as defined if Duty-Bound is applied. If no targets are nearby
when the latter type of condition is met, the Waiting Charm Condition is shed without effect.

Applying Flag-Setting makes Living Image compatible with Charms modified by Commonalty.
For those Charms, the Condition resolves when any member of the target organization fulfills the
stated conditions, and the Charm affects all members who witnessed the performance.

When attempting to create a Living Image or Bequest while Flag-Setting is applied, Dramatic
failure distorts the Noble’s magic, giving them a Hypersensitive Condition that expires when the
scene ends.

Upgrade: Instructive (Industria ••)

This upgrade is identical to the Instructive Upgrade to Living Image.

Upgrade: Bequeathed (Industria •••)

Requires Instructive

Cost: +1 Willpower Dot

The roll for Token of My Esteem now represents either the creation of a vessel for a Bequest,
requiring materials and a final form appropriate for the intended Charm, or the imbuing of a
Charm into an already created vessel whose form is appropriate for the intended Charm. This
increases the time required to 1 hour/roll. Once complete, the item becomes a Bequest.
Bequeathed allows a Noble to make a Bequest of any Charm they know; if the Charm costs
Wispcoins, those Wispcoins are required materials for the Vessel. 

As part of learning this Upgrade, the Noble also learns how to recognize all other Hopeful’s
enchanted artworks, and discover what they do without discharging them. Analyzing an artwork
prepared for Living Image or Token of My Esteem (which includes Bequests) is a mundane
extended action with a dice pool of Inner Light (or 1 for characters without Inner Light) +
Intelligence, an interval of 5 minutes/roll, and a threshold equal to the rating of one Charm the
artwork expresses. Reaching the threshold answers one of these questions:
 Which Charm or Charms the artwork is based on
 Which Living Image upgrades were applied during its making
 If it’s Duty-bound, what task creates the Waiting Charm Condition

If used to examine a PROXY System, the character learns the lower-rating Charms first.
Learning about each Charm is its own extended action; the character always knows if there are
additional Charms to be learned about.

A Bequest created this way can be part of a Special Implant Prosthetic. 

Upgrade: Coin-Operated (Industria ••••) [Name inspired by Vent0]

Requires Bequeathed

The Noble creates a Bequest whose reliability is not hampered by its potential users. When the
Noble creates a Bequest with Consistent applied, the dice pool they use for activating the Charm
is made part of the Bequest. This dice pool is the normal non-modified dice pool the Noble uses
to activate their Bequest; neither Willpower nor other bonuses (including the Industria of the
Noble making the Bequest) may be added on to it.

When used, the Bequest takes the innate dice pool and then applies any modifiers in the Charm,
such as those chosen by the user, the target’s resistance, or the Bequest’s user applying their
Industria. If the resulting dice pool is five or more, the Charm is activated with a single Success
in place of rolling; otherwise, roll as normal.

Upgrade: Duty-Bound (Industria ••••)

Requires Bequeathed

This upgrade is identical to the Duty-Bound Upgrade to Living Image.

Upgrade: Personal Implant (Industria ••••)

Requires Bequeathed

Cost: Special (See Below)

The Noble can create a Special Implant Prosthetic or Chip Implant (See Pg. XX) that houses an
inert Bequest without paying the Willpower Dot. Once the Special Implant Prosthetic or Chip
Implant is implanted, the recipient can spend a Willpower Dot to “complete” the Bequest and
ready it for use.

Only the person who paid the Willpower Dot may use the Bequest within the Personal Implant,
and they may do so as long as they are a character with no Potency other than Inner Light, even
if they are not Light-Touched. If they ever become separated from or unable to use the Bequest
(because the part is separated from them, for example), it again becomes inert, although no
further Willpower Dots need to be paid to reactivate the Bequest should the recipient become
once again able to use it. Once the Personal Implant’s owner dies, the Bequest is irrevocably

Upgrade: Heroes’ Endowment (Industria •••)

Requires Instructive

Cost: +Willpower Dots in Sanctuary

Duration: Special

The Noble bestows their knowledge onto a building that does not house a Tainted Area. They
may focus on any Charm they know, not just the ones that require Wispcoins. Applying this
upgrade increases the time required per roll to 1 hour/roll. Once the Threshold has been reached,
the Noble pays the Willpower Dots. Once done, this blesses the building with the Noble’s
knowledge. As long as the building does not contain a Tainted Area, characters in the area with
no Potency other than Inner Light may activate the Charm as if they knew it themselves. 

Should part of the building become Tainted or at least one of the outer walls breached, the
Charm’s effects are suppressed. Should all the building’s outer walls be torn down, the Charm

If Hero’s Endowment is applied in the presence of multiple Characters who know Token of My
Esteem with Hero’s Endowment, they may split the Willpower Dot costs so long as the one who
activates the Charm pays at least one of the Willpower Dots.

A single area may contain multiple instances of Token of My Esteem with Heroes’ Endowment.

Heroes’ Endowment is not compatible with Bequeathed, Factory Standard, Personal Implant, or
PROXY System. Applying Digital only changes the dice roll.

Binding Box (Govern ••, Industria ••)

The Noble adds a box that can trap Ephemeral Entities to their Regalia. The box allows the
Regalia and Quality bonuses to apply to a roll to bind an ephemeral entity into the box [CofD
140], and any ephemeral entity with a rank no greater than the Noble’s Industria can be bound
into the box as if the box possessed the entity’s bane. An entity trapped in the box can attempt to
destroy the box from within to escape; this is treated as touching the Bane while in Twilight as a
non-Manifested entity [CofD 128]. The box can only hold one Ephemeral Entity at a time. 

Upgrade: Full Containment (Industria •••)

When an Ephemeral Entity has lost all its Corpus from Lethal or Aggravated wounds, they are
immediately bound into the box. While in the box, the entity cannot regain Essence and loses
Essence at the rate of one point of Essence every (6 - Noble’s Industria) days.

Gold Abhors Ebon - New Upgrade

Upgrade: Golden Land (Industria •••) [Inspired by Nijiru and Starlight Buster
Action: 20 Minutes
Cost: +Sanctuary in Wispcoins
Duration: 1 scene or Consecration

The Noble blesses an area. Any character who approaches the area, if they are of a type covered
by the Charm, reflexively resists the Charm, and is affected by the Charm if they lose the contest.

Seed of Light - New Upgrade

Upgrade: Valued (Industria •••)

The Noble creates a type of Seed of Light called a Wispcoin. For more information on
Wispcoins, see the “On Wispcoins section” and the Personal Mint Upgrade to Re-Mint.

Compact of Fealty (Govern •••, Industria •••)

Noble’s side:
Action: Extended, 1 Hour/roll, threshold = Mundane’s Willpower
Dice pool: Presence + Persuasion
Cost: 1 Wispcoin/roll, 1 Willpower Dot
Duration: Lasting

Mortal’s side:
Action: Extended, 1 Hour/roll, threshold = Own Willpower
Dice pool: Resolve + Occult
Cost: 1 Willpower/roll
Duration: Lasting

With this ceremony, the Noble swears a mortal with no Potency into their service. Only the
Noble need know this Charm. When both the Noble and mortal reach their thresholds, the mortal
becomes one of the Sworn, with the traits and drawbacks of that template, and the Noble takes
the Soul-Shocked Condition. The mortal must be a character with no major template, and both
sides must understand what they are doing, and do it voluntarily; if either side is unknowing or
unwilling, the Charm fails. It also fails if either side is steeped in villainy; neither side can have

A Bequest of Compact of Fealty fails to work unless used by someone who has at least 3 dots in

Tuned Thurifer (Govern •••, Industria •••)

Action: Extended, 5 minutes/roll, threshold = Sanctuary + size of penalty

Dice pool: Resolve + Occult
Cost: 2 Wispcoins, 1 Willpower
Duration: 1 day or Consecration

The Noble adds a small cylinder to their Regalia that wards an area against supernatural powers
used by certain creatures; this adds the Regalia Bonus to rolls to build the ward. They must
choose a type of Potency other than Inner Light (or choose Creatures of Darkness) and must set
the area’s boundaries (and Size) and the ward’s strength when they begin building the ward.
When they reach the threshold, the cylinder is summoned and must be placed somewhere in the

As long as the cylinder is active, use of any supernatural ability within the target area, or on a
target inside it, by any character with the chosen type of Potency (or by Creatures of Darkness, if
they were chosen) that would cause a tainting takes a penalty to its activation roll, of the strength
they chose. Once the Charm expires, the cylinder is dismissed. 
The cylinder may only interfere with one type of creature at a time; the Noble may end the
Charm early as an Instant action. Different types of wards from different instances of this Charm
may be activated in the same area, but only the largest relevant penalty applies against any one
power’s use.

If the Charm is tied to a person with the Consecrated Condition, treat the area covered by the
Regalia piece as the physical location; essentially, the Regalia item must be carried by the person
with the Consecrated Condition for the full area of effect.

Inspire Charms

Always Performing (Inspire •, Industria •)

Action: Permanent

The Noble adds a shifting instrument to their Regalia that can take the shape of a microphone
(for singing) or any instrument of Size up to the Noble’s Industria. The Regalia bonus applies to
any mundane Expression roll that utilizes the microphone/instrument. This item cannot be used
as an improvised weapon; it breaks automatically without dealing damage if its wielder attempts
to use it as an improvised weapon.

Upgrade: Music Maker (Industria ••)

When a performance calls for a larger instrument, the Noble can whistle up just the right
instrument out of thin air. They spend 1 Wispcoin to create an instrument no larger than Size 5,
or 2 Wispcoins for an instrument up to Size (5+Industria), which will allow them to carry out a
mundane Expression action for which proper equipment is not available. The Regalia and
Quality bonuses apply to the action the instrument is made for. When the action resolves, the
instrument disintegrates into a cloud of sparks.

Upgrade: Busker’s Hat (Industria ••)

Requires Royal Tongue

Action: Instant
Dice pool: Presence + Expression
Cost: 1 Wispcoin
Duration: indefinite

The Noble can receive proper payment for their performance from others who hold the Light. 
No single person may be the target of Busker’s Hat more often than once a scene. 
Dramatic Failure: The Noble offends with a bad performance. Her target’s impression towards
them shifts downward one step.
Failure: The target is unmoved by the Noble’s exhortation.
Success: The Noble can move the target to future prosperity and generosity. If they are a
mundane character or a character capable of generating Wisps or Wispcoins, they may choose to
gain the Busker Debt Condition, with 1 banked die for each activation success. Otherwise, the
roll is treated as a failure.
Exceptional Success: The target can become immediately prosperous and generous. If they are a
mundane character or a character capable of generating Wisps or Wispcoins, they may choose to
gain the Blessed Condition instead of the Busker Debt Condition, with 1 banked die for each
activation success; if they do, the Guildmember generates 2 Wispcoins. Otherwise, the roll is
treated as a Failure.

Busker’s Hat does not give information on whether the target is capable of benefiting from the
Busker Debt Condition; a character who gives this Condition to those who cannot benefit from it
cannot benefit from it themselves.

Area Zen (Inspire •, Industria •)

Action: Extended, 10 minutes/roll, threshold = Sanctuary.

Dice pool: Presence + Empathy
Cost: Sanctuary in Wispcoins
Duration: 1 Day

The Noble causes the area to radiate calm. Once the Charm is complete, any character in the area
gains the benefit of Meditative Mind • for the duration of the Charm.

Upgrade: Improved (Industria ••)

The area’s tranquility improves. Characters in the area gain the benefit of Meditative Mind •• for
the Duration of the Charm.

Upgrade: Consecrated (Industria ••)

Duration: Consecration. 

When the Noble stands in Consecrated ground, they may intertwine the Charm with that
General Calmative (Inspire •, Industria •)

Action: Instant
Cost: 1 Wispcoin
Duration: 8 hours.

The Noble is inspired (more or less) to maintain their own part of the calm facade of humanity.
For the duration of the Charm the Noble takes the Drugged Tilt as if under a general narcotic and
suppresses any Mental Conditions that are not supernatural in nature, positive as well as

Heaven’s Rhythm (Inspire •, Industria •)

Action: Instant
Dice Pool: Composure + Expression
Cost: 1 Wispcoin
Duration: 1 extended action.

The Noble calls on the Light and encourages steady progress. The target gets the benefits of the
Patient Merit on an extended action they are beginning or currently undertaking whose threshold
is no greater than the number of attempts the character may make on the extended action (after
applying the benefits of the Patient Merit).

Upgrade: Elite Beat (Industria ••)

Action: Instant
Dice Pool: Resolve + Expression
Cost: 1 Wispcoin
Duration: 1 roll on an extended action

The Noble helps the person maintain momentum as they achieve their goal bit by bit. Chain
Combo can only target those already under the effects of Heaven’s Rhythm that the Noble can
see, and may only be activated once per roll, before that roll is made.

Dramatic Failure: The assistance becomes a distraction. The target gets a -4 penalty to their
next roll on the extended action.
Failure: The Noble’s assistance looks nice but has no actual effect.
Success: Both the Noble and the target take one level of the Chain Combo Tilt.
Exceptional Success: The Noble’s inspiration keeps them going. The Wispcoin is refunded.
Upgrade: Go For A Perfect! (Industria •••)
If the target successfully completes an extended action with as many levels of the Chain Combo
Tilt as successes achieved, they take the Inspired Condition, which may be applied to the next
extended action they make. Additionally, if that character immediately begins another extended
action intended to build on the success of the extended action or continue towards the same goal
as the extended action, they and the Noble retain half their levels of the Chain Combo Tilt,
rounded up. 

Instrumental Powerhouse (Inspire •, Industria •)

Action: Instant
Dice Pool: Dexterity + Expression
Cost: 1 Wispcoin
Duration: 1 extended action

The Noble calls on the Light to spark others to action. The target gets the benefits of the Good
Time Management Merit on an extended action they are beginning or currently undertaking.

Upgrade: Powerhouse B (Industria ••)

Action: Instant
Dice Pool: Stamina + Expression
Cost: 1 Wispcoin
Duration: 1 extended action

The Noble calls on the Light to keep those hard at work focused. Powerhouse B can only target
those already under the effects of Instrumental Powerhouse. So long as that target works on the
extended action, they ignore negative modifiers from distractions equal to or less than their

Upgrade: Whirlwind Finale (Industria •••)

Action: Instant
Dice Pool: Dexterity + Expression
Cost: 1 Wispcoin
Duration: 1 extended action

The Noble calls on the Light to move people to complete their projects. Whirlwind Finale can
only target those already under the effects of Powerhouse B. For each success on this Charm’s
activation, the target may at any point in the extended action sacrifice one of their remaining
rolls to add their normal dice pool minus one die for each sacrificed roll to the dice pool for the
next roll (for example, if the Noble achieves two successes and the character has three rolls left
to make with a dice pool of 7, they may sacrifice two of those rolls to add ten dice and make one
roll with a dice pool of 17). Once the character makes this enhanced roll, they cannot make any
further attempts on the extended action.

Sixteen Tons (Inspire ••, Industria ••)

Action: Instant
Dice pool: Stamina + Expression
Cost: 1 Wispcoin
Duration: Eight hours

Muscle and blood and skin and bones, A mind that's a-weak and a back that's strong...

The Noble keeps the spirits of others aloft even as their work looms so heavily.

Dramatic Failure: The target tires. They take the Fatigued Condition; if they already have the
Fatigued Condition, increase the penalties by 1.
Failure: The target is tired by their work as usual.
Success: The target does their work without tiring. Time spent under the Charm’s effects does
not count as time awake for the purposes of fatigue, and if the target would take the Fatigued
Condition during the duration of the Charm, they don’t take it until the Charm ends. If the target
makes a Mental Skill roll during the duration of the Charm, this Charm ends prematurely.
Exceptional Success: The target does not take the Fatigued Condition when the Charm ends.

Upgrade: Factory Town (Industria •••)

Modified by Commonalty
Cost: +1 Wispcoin

The Noble may use the Charm on members of an organization that can see or hear them, using
the Commonalty modifier. If one member of the organization ends the Charm’s effect on
themselves prematurely by making a Mental Skill roll, the Charm’s effects on the remaining
members are not ended.

Learn Charms

Data Wizard - New Upgrades

Upgrade: Five-Bar (Industria ••)
Action: Instant
Dicepool: Presence + Computer, modified by Sympathy.
Cost: 1 Wispcoin 
Duration: Industria in Turns or 1 Scene

The Data Wizard is not limited to the physical range of signals or the materials in-between. The Noble
may use their Data Wizard to attempt to connect directly to any other Data Wizard, ignoring mundane
lack of signal. 

Dramatic Failure: Badly sent signals destroy both the Noble’s Data Wizard and the one they
were trying to contact.
Failure: The Wispcoin expends itself rapidly; only allowing clear communication for the
Noble’s Industria in turns.
Success: The two Data Wizards connect, allowing clear communication for a Scene.
Exceptional Success: If this Charm triggered a Clash of Wills, each success on this roll counts

If the signal of either Data Wizard is being constrained by supernatural means, attempting to
bypass this triggers a Clash of Wills.

Upgrade: Home Office (Industria ••)

The Data Wizard functions as a full computing system. The screen of the Data Wizard can
switch sizes between Size 1 and Size 3 with a Transformation action. By spending 1 Wisp, the
Noble can summon peripherals with a total size of 5 or less; these peripherals do not disappear if
more are summoned, and remain until the Data Wizard is dismissed.These peripherals connect
wirelessly to the main Data Wizard. The Noble must still supply any external supplies such as
ink or paper themselves.  

Personal Tracker (Learn •, Industria •)


Action: Permanent

The Noble adds a tracking device to their Regalia. It is approximately the size of a fingertip and
can adhere to surfaces. Treat this as a Tracking Device (Hurt Locker, Pg. 147), except that it
provides no initial bonus to hiding it. The Noble can also attach the tracking to someone during
combat; this is a Dexterity + Larceny roll, penalized by the target’s defense. As with all Regalia,
the Noble always knows where the tracking device is. If the Noble has an active Data Wizard,
The tracking device can stream audiovisual data back to it. The Quality and Regalia Bonuses
apply to any rolls to hide the tracking device, including surgical implantation, attaching the
tracker to someone during combat, and installation onto other devices.

If the Noble takes any upgrade to Personal Tracker, they may also use an active Data Wizard to
transmit audio through the tracking device.

Upgrade: Personal Link (Industria ••)

The Noble can focus on the tracking device. As long as they take no other actions, they can link
with the tracking device. To do this, they must close their eyes, gaining the Blinded Tilt while
they do so. In addition to gaining audiovisual data directly, this allows them to apply Charms
such as Reflecting Light to the audiovisual data and lets them move the tracking device. If
moved this way, the tracking device moves at half the Noble’s speed and can fly; spotting the
tracking device in mid-air is a Wits + Composure check against the Noble’s Dexterity + Stealth;
the Quality and Regalia bonuses can apply to the Noble’s roll. 

Upgrade: Sight on Scene (Industria •••) [Inspired by RDMarquis]

Requires Personal Link

As long as the tracking device is on or implanted in a character with sight, the Noble gains the
Stolen Sight Condition, focused on the character. As long as the Noble is seeing through the
character’s eyes, they can also hear what the character hears. The Condition ends without
Resolving when the tracking device is no longer on or implanted in the character, or if the Noble
loses their sight. 

Upgrade: Signal Feeder (Industria ••)

The Personal Tracker functions additionally as a Keystroke Logger and Wiretap. (Hurt Locker
Pg. 147.) 

Remember The Full Manual (Learn •, Industria •) [Initial version by Recette]

Action: Permanent

The Noble understands the power that lies in humanity’s written word. You do not have to make
rolls to remember what you’ve read ever since the Charm was taken, and when making
Intelligence + Composure (or relevant Skill) rolls to recall minute facts from swaths of read
information, take a +2 bonus.

Purely artistic work with no language does not register with the Charm, although even a
signature is sufficient for it to do so.
Upgrade: Ready Reference (Industria ••)
Action: Permanent

The Noble adds an E-reader to their Regalia that allows a better examination of material they’ve
read, as well as the ability to show it to others. As long as the E-reader is active rolls to locate
secret, offensive, and or/disagreeable messages and clauses in read text also take a +2 bonus, and
the Quality and Regalia Bonuses can also apply to these rolls and rolls to recall minute facts
from swaths of read information.

Upgrade: Rapid Reading (Industria ••)

Action: Instant
Cost: 1 Wispcoin per 200,000 Words
Duration: Lasting

The Noble can be well-read quickly. This action targets a stack of printed material or a single
web page or digital document. The Noble treats the material as if they’ve read it themselves. 

A Living Image of Remember with Rapid Reading must target literature to be “imprinted” into
the Living Image. A character who uses the Living Image is treated as having read the material.

Spectrum Receiver (Learn •, Industria •) [Inspired by AdorablyDevious]


Action: Permanent

The Noble adds a unit capable of reading the signals being broadcast in their immediate to their
Regalia. The device can be of any Size up to their Industria and can tune into unencrypted
standard television and radio broadcasts that can be received at their location; tuning into
encrypted television and radio signals is possible but requires separate equipment for that

The Noble can set the audio at any volume of their choice up to the volume of the source signal.
The Signal Receiver also displays any video part of the signal. If the Noble knows the precise
frequency/channel of the signal or where it is being broadcast or received, they can tune in as a
Reflexive action. Otherwise, the Noble may take an Instant action to search for it. Quality
Upgrades may allow fainter signals to be picked up, per ST discretion.
Upgrade: Full Spectrum (Industria ••)

Action: Extended, 1 roll/turn, threshold = Sanctuary (per Sanctuary scale)

Cost: +1 Wispcoin.
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Computer
Duration: Until dismissed

The Noble transforms their Spectrum Receiver, increasing its capabilities. The Regalia and
Quality Bonuses apply to the roll to transform the Spectrum Receiver.

Dramatic Failure: The Spectrum Receiver overloads, receiving all media at once. It lets out an
ear-splitting squeal that leaves the Noble Deafened for the remainder of the Scene, then is
destroyed and cannot be recreated until the end of the Scene.
Failure: The Spectrum Reciever does not change.
Success: The Noble transforms the Spectrum Receiver. The device can now also tune in to
signals being broadcast through the air within the area of effect, such as computer activity, and
cellphone calls.
Exceptional Success: The Noble can tune in to signals being carried through cables/lines.

Upgrade: Spectrum Tracker (Industria •••)

Requires Full Spectrum
The Spectrum Receiver now also displays all points where the signal is being received and (if it
is within the Charm’s range) where it is being transmitted from.

Unfinished Analyzer Shell (Learn •, Industria •)


Action: Permanent.

The Noble adds a hand-held analysis device to their Regalia that records data taken on it. This
item allows the Regalia and Quality Bonuses to apply to any rolls made to perform functions on
Upgrades to this Charm.

Upgrade: Chemical (Industria ••)

The Analyzer can measure a sample of material which can be solid, liquid, or gas. Analysis
requires one turn per Size of the material (or at least three turns for a sample of the nearby air).
Basic analysis reveals the sample’s size, weight, density, and current temperature. More detailed
analysis requires spending 1 Wispcoin and making an Intelligence + Science roll. 

Dramatic Failure: The Analyzer crashes. The Regalia piece is destroyed and cannot be
recreated for the remainder of the Scene.  
Failure: The Analyzer cannot make a conclusive analysis of the sample for the remainder of the
Success: The Analysis provides a detailed chemical composition of the sample, listing elements
and molecules by type and concentration as well as radiation present. The Noble may spend an
additional Wispcoin to allow the Analyzer to gain a definite lock on the material as listed in
Exceptional Success. 
Exceptional Success: The Analyzer gains a definite lock on the material. Until the Analyzer is
dismissed or a new sample is taken, the Analyzer will detect and pinpoint all materials with a
composition very simple or identical to the sample within 50’ of the Noble. 

Upgrade: Medicinal (Industria ••)

The Analyzer is loaded with medicinal analysis software and a painless fingertip blood prick.
The Analyzer can measure body temperature, heart rate, and blood textures. With a drop of
human blood and a minute of analysis, the analyzer can determine blood type, glucose levels,
and test for a wide variety of common drugs and poisons. The Noble may spend 1 Wispcoin and
make an Intelligence + Medicine roll to attempt to scan inside a human being.

Dramatic Failure: The Analyzer crashes. The Regalia piece is destroyed and cannot be
recreated for the remainder of the Scene.  
Failure: The Analyzer cannot make a conclusive analysis for the remainder of the Scene.
Success: The Analyzer displays images of the body’s insides. For each success, the Analyzer
provides a +1 equipment bonus to Medicine rolls to diagnose conditions and perform surgery on
that person.
Exceptional Success: The Analyzer is particularly helpful in diagnosis.

Upgrade: Meteorological (Industria ••)

The Analyzer is loaded with weather analysis software. It can measure and display current
temperature, wind speed and direction, atmospheric pressure, level of sunlight, and rate of
precipitation (if any). The Noble may spend 1 Wispcoin and make an Intelligence + Science roll
to attempt to predict the weather.

Dramatic Failure: The Analyzer crashes. The Regalia piece is destroyed and cannot be
recreated for the remainder of the Scene.  
Failure: The Analyzer cannot make a conclusive analysis for the remainder of the Scene.
Success: The Analyzer displays what the weather will be in the immediate area (the Noble’s
Industria in Sanctuary) for the next 24 hours, barring outside meddling (e.g. Supernatural
Exceptional Success: The predictive model is good for 48 hours.

Braincap (Learn ••, Industria ••)


Action: Permanent.

The Noble adds headgear to their Regalia. They possess the Eidetic Memory Merit (CofD 44) for
any event experienced while they are wearing the braincap, and may apply the Regalia and
Quality bonuses to Intelligence + Composure (or relevant Skill) rolls to recall minute facts from
swaths of information

The Noble may take a Transformation action to set the braincap to hold the memory of a Scene
experienced while wearing the braincap, or to clear the memory in the braincap. Any other
character wearing the Braincap may spend an Instant action to begin playback; full experience of
the Scene grants them the benefits of the Eidetic Memory Merit for that Scene. The Braincap
may hold a number of Scenes equal to the Noble’s Intelligence.

Upgrade: Dictation (Industria •••)

The Noble may spend 1 Wispcoin to copy the memory of a Scene experienced while wearing the
braincap into a pill form. Whoever consumes the pill gains the benefits of the Eidetic Memory
Merit for that Scene. If the Noble who experienced the Scene while wearing the braincap
consumes this pill, they cannot fail rolls to recall minute facts from swaths of information
experienced during the scene.

General Specialization (Learn ••, Industria ••)

Action: Permanent

The Noble generalizes in a very specific field. Pick an Asset Skill the Noble possesses when you
take this Charm. When performing any action that requires that Skill, the Noble is considered to
have a Skill Specialty in that action. A Noble may take this Charm up to three times, each time
for a different Asset Skill, all of which must belong to the same Profession. 

Perfect Charms
Barrier Jacket - New Upgrade

Upgrade - Anti-Magic (Industria •)

The Noble’s armor protects against hostile magic. When they apply Industria to their Barrier
Jacket, they add their dots in Industria to their Supernatural Tolerance, (or gain that many dots in
Supernatural Tolerance, if they didn’t have any) for one turn.

Combat Ready (Perfect •, Industria•)

Action: Instant
Cost: 1 Wispcoin
Duration: Industria in hours.

The Noble steels themselves against the horrors that stand against humanity. For the duration of
the Charm, the Noble gets a +1 bonus to Composure rolls and a -1 to any social rolls that do not
involve Composure.

Next to Godliness (Perfect •, Industria •)

Action: Permanent

The Noble keeps themselves hygienic and free of dirt. Any sensory effect that would grant them
a negative situational modifier to social rolls, if their Industria is equal to or greater than the
modifier, is automatically nullified. For example, a Noble with Unmanita 2 is sprayed with mud
by a passing car. Since this only gives a -2 penalty it is magically prevented; not a drop of mud
sticks to the Noble. This effect protects the Noble from humiliation on all five senses; they won’t
smell of mud, nor will their skin feel muddy to the touch. This Charm also protects from
mundane accumulation of dirt and grime. However, any substance applied to the skin that would
benefit them socially similarly fails to work - makeup slides off, fragrances disperse, tattoos
slough off in seconds, etc.

Only the effects on appearance are protected. A Noble with Industria 5 might be able to walk
through miles of raw sewage and still look and smell fresh as a daisy afterwards but they are not
protected from catching horrible diseases.
Upgrade: Noble Beauty (Industria ••)
The Upgrade allows characters with Inner Light to use cosmetics and other skin-based items with
a beneficial social effect.

Nobles’ Aegis (Perfect •, Industria •)

Action: Reflexive
Cost: 1 Wispcoin
Duration: Lasting

The character shields themselves from harm thanks to the gift of the Nobles, preventing it in a
shower of sparks and light. The Charm downgrades the damage from one external source -
aggravated damage is reduced to lethal, lethal damage is reduced to bashing, and all but the first
box of bashing damage is negated altogether. Nobles’ Aegis applies after any Armor the
character has on. 

Nobles’ Aegis does not, however, prevent further damage from wounds a character has already
taken, illness, or dangerous substances. If the character is suffering from a personal Tilt or
Condition, Nobles’ Aegis can’t prevent any of its effects, including periodic damage. Nobles’
Aegis can resist damage from prolonged exposure to extreme environments, electricity, fires,
falls [CofD 96-98] and environmental Tilts or Conditions, but all effects other than damage, like
penalties to dice pools, remain in force. 

Nobles’ Aegis is redundant for most Nobles (unless they have Wispcoins instead of Wisps
available), but placing the ability in Living Images or Bequests or having it be a Practical Charm
in a Nation allows others to have access to the ability.

Penetrating Eye - New Upgrade

Upgrade: X-Ray (Industria ••)


Cost: -1 Wisp

Stackable 4 times.

The Noble fine-tunes their vision by making the enhancement tangible. The Noble adds a pair of
goggles to their Regalia that becomes the focus for this Charm. The first time in a Scene that the
Noble activates this Charm, they may activate it without paying the Wisp if they choose a
Durability equal to or less than the number of times this Upgrade has been purchased; further
activations of Penetrating Eye in the same Scene must be paid for as normal.

Rainbow Tuning (Perfect •, Industria •)

Requires Royal Tongue

The Noble can now sing with perfect pitch. Additionally, by spending 1 Wispcoin, they can
begin singing a wide-ranged note to find the resonant frequency of a target, which is either a
character or an inanimate item (or a part thereof) consisting of mostly the same material, of a
Size no larger than the target. This is an Extended Action with an interval of one turn/roll, a
threshold of the higher of the target’s armor or Durability, and a dicepool of Wits + Expression.
Once the threshold is met, the Noble gains the Found Frequency Tilt, tied to the target.

Speedshoes (Perfect •, Industria •) [Inspired by Jamieth]


Action: Instant
Dice pool: Dexterity + Athletics
Cost: 1 Wispcoin
Duration: Industria in hours or until dismissed.

The Noble adds footwear to their Regalia. This footwear can be summoned and dismissed as
normal Regalia, but the above roll is needed to activate its full potential; the Quality and Regalia
Bonuses apply to this roll.

Dramatic Failure: The Noble trips over her own feet and falls. If in battle, they take the
Stunned Tilt [CofD 286].
Failure: The Noble moves normally.
Success: The Noble’s footwear transforms, adding speed-increasing mechanisms. While wearing
the shoes, the Noble follows the rules for vehicles when moving [CofD 98-99]. Their initial
Speed becomes 10 + 5 * Speedshoes’ rating (based on when the Speedshoes were summoned);
this is also their Safe Speed, and they cannot accelerate faster than this speed. The Noble rolls
Dexterity + Athletics to keep control of their movements whenever a driver would roll Dexterity
+ Drive to control a vehicle, and the Regalia and Quality bonuses apply to this roll as well. If the
Noble collides with another object they can be the light object in the crash.
Exceptional Success: The Noble gets up to speed as quickly as a sports car. They gain the High
Acceleration tag until the Charm ends.
Once the Charm ends, if the Noble is moving faster than their normal running Speed, they take
bashing damage equal to one-tenth their current Speed and is Knocked Down [CofD 284] by the
sudden stop.

Upgrade: Speed Boost (Industria ••) 

When the full power of the Speedshoes are activated, increase the Noble’s safe Speed by an
additional 5 * Speedshoes’ rating (based on when the Speedshoes were summoned); the Noble
cannot accelerate past this speed.

Upgrade: Thruster System (Industria ••)

Cost: +1 Wispcoin

While the full potential of the Speedshoes is activated, the Speedshoes gain thrusters that grant
the Noble some hovering capacity. While active, the Speedshoes slow the Noble’s fall,
preventing fall damage.

If Speed Boost is applied, the thrusters gain a secondary mode that allows the Noble to hover
above and past any liquid or viscous surface as if it were solid ground that can be traversed
normally, without sinking in. Particularly uneven terrain or turbulent currents can throw the
Noble off balance or carry them with it; the Storyteller may call for Athletics actions to stay
upright over white water, for example, if the Noble tries to hover past it. This Upgrade does not
allow the Noble to maintain their altitude in mid air.

If Fullbore Speed is also applied, the thrusters gain a tertiary mode that allows the Noble to fly. 

The Noble can switch between thruster modes with a Transformation action.

Upgrade: Fullbore Speed (Industria •••)

Requires Speed Boost

Cost: +1 Wispcoin

The Noble’s Speedshoes reach an apex in self-propelling. When the full power of the
Speedshoes are activated, increase the Safe Speed and Max Speed of the Noble by an additional
10 * Speedshoes’ rating (based on when the Speedshoes were summoned); this is cumulative
with Speed Boost. The Noble still cannot accelerate past this speed. The Noble gains the High
Acceleration tag.
Upgrade: Inertial Retorsion (Industria •••)
Requires Speed Boost or Thruster System

Action: Reflexive
Dice pool: Dexterity + Athletics
Cost: 2 Wispcoins

When the Guildmember crashes into something, they can redirect the impact. This Charm may
be activated reflexively when the Guildmember collides with something else head-on or
perpendicularly. It must be activated before the Guildmember performs any other action that
would affect damage from the crash (such as activating Lightgilder’s Aegis or invoking for
Barrier Jacket).

Dramatic Failure: The Guildmember takes full damage from the crash, and cannot perform
actions to prevent or reduce damage from the crash.
Failure: The Guildmember does not reflect the crash. They may take other actions to prevent or
reduce the damage from the crash, if able.
Success: The Guildmember reflects the force of the crash onto another object involved in the
crash. Prevent the damage that Guildmember would have suffered from the Crash. The
Guildmember then rolls with a dice pool equal to the damage prevented, dealing damage of the
same type as was prevented equal to the successes to another object involved in the crash. If this
damage would be applied to characters with no potency other than Inner Light, instead apply that
many levels of the Phantom Damage Tilt; this does not affect the normal damage from the crash.
Exceptional Success: The roll to apply damage gains the Rote Quality.

Visionary (Perfect •, Industria •) [Inspired by Recette]


The Noble adds a pair of goggles to their Regalia. When taken, the Noble chooses one of the
benefits below:

 Binocular: The Noble reduces their penalty to sight-based Perception rolls at long and
extreme ranges by Visionary’s rank.
 Direct Optic System: The goggles are directly tied to the Noble’s mind, and provide
sight even when the eyes do not. As long as the goggles are functioning, mundane non-
Environmental effects cannot inflict the Blinded Tilt, and supernatural abilities that
would inflict the Blinded Tilt trigger a Clash of Wills.
 Light-Modulating: While worn, the Noble reduces penalties for darkness and bright
light by Visionary’s rank, and suffers no ill effects from looking at either. 
 Measurement: While the goggles are worn, the Noble may make a Wits + Academics
roll to measure lengths to the nearest millimeter, and angles to the nearest 1/20th of a
minute, adding Visionary’s rating as a bonus to the roll.
 Seeker: While worn, the goggles allow the Noble to add Visionary’s rating as a bonus to
sight-based Perception rolls.
 Scope: The Noble reduces their penalty to locate small items by Visionary’s rating. The
goggles provide magnification of up to 10^Visionary’s rating.

Benefits referring to Visionary’s rating refer to its current rating when the goggles are
summoned. The Quality and Regalia Bonuses apply to any roll that Visionary reduces a penalty
for or applies a bonus to.

Upgrade: Additional Features (Industria ••)


The Noble chooses an additional benefit that the goggles provide. This Upgrade may be taken
any number of times, but how many may be active at any one time is limited as per the limits for
Industria Charms.

You Are Here (Perfect •, Industria •)


Action: Permanent

The Noble adds a wristwatch-sized navigational aid to their Regalia. While the device is active,
they are counted as having the Direction Sense Merit. The Regalia and Quality bonuses apply to
any rolls to navigate or find one’s way.

You Are Now (Perfect •, Industria ••)

Regalia Implant

Action: Permanent

The Guildmember can manifest a chronometer from their implant. The chronometer always
shows the present time, and allows the Guildmember to measure time reflexively and accurately
to a fraction of a second equal to 1/10^Industria. 
Weatherwear (Perfect •, Industria •)

Action: Permanent.

The Noble adds a set of clothing to their Regalia and adaptations to their Heraldry that protect
against natural heat and cold. Pieces of this set may be summoned and dismissed separately.
While the Noble is wearing the full set of clothing, reduce the following by Weatherwear’s rating
(based on when the Weatherwear was summoned), to a minimum of 0:

 The effective level on the character of a naturally-caused Heat or Cold-based Extreme

 Penalties inflicted by naturally-occurring Extreme Cold and Extreme Heat Tilts.

Upgrade: Foglight System (Industria ••)

The Weatherwear adds goggles and a light system that increases visibility. The reduction also
applies to penalties inflicted by Environmental Tilts on vision rolls either made by the character
or made by others to see the Noble.

Upgrade: Sound Channeling System (Industria ••)

The Weatherwear adds earbuds and a system that sends and receives sound. The reduction also
applies to penalties inflicted by Environmental Tilts on hearing rolls either made by the Noble or
made by others to hear the Noble.

Upgrade: Element Buffering System (Industria ••)

The Weatherwear shapes itself and alters its surface such that the elements are deflected. The
reduction also applies to penalties inflicted by Environmental Tilts on physical rolls made by the

Upgrade: Thermal Foodbox (Industria ••) [With suggestions by Naomi]

The Noble adds a large lunchbox to their Regalia. Treat this item as a Size 2 Cache of
Availability 1 [CofD 270]. Items in the lunchbox maintain their temperature indefinitely, even if
placed with items of different temperatures. If the reductions provided by Weatherwear are
enough to nullify effects from the elements, they may eat from the Thermal Foodbox without
worry that the elements will contaminate their food. If the Thermal Foodbox is destroyed, all
items in it are irrevocably lost.
Upgrade: Emergency Protection System (Industria ••)
Action: Instant
Dicepool: Unrolled
Cost: 1 Wispcoin
Duration: 1 Scene

The Noble may spend 1 Wispcoin to further improve the reduction granted by Weatherwear for a
Scene. While Emergency Protection System is active, Weatherwear’s reduction now applies to
supernatural-created Extreme Environments and Tilts and to damage taken against attacks of
pure heat or cold against the Noble. This is cumulative with other applicable armor or protection

Liquid Assets (Perfect •••, Industria •••) [Inspired by TheKingsRaven and multiple
Requires Professional Training •••+

Action: Instant
Dice Pool: Wits + Any Asset Skill
Cost: 3 Wispcoins, 1 Willpower
Duration: 9 Hours

Once a Noble sees what they need to be they call upon the flexibility and diversity of humanity
to lead them to it. 

Dramatic Failure: The Noble cannot even perform their own role. Take the Stumbling
Condition for all three Asset Skills for nine hours.
Failure: The Noble cannot change their role.
Success: The Noble takes the chosen role. They choose a Profession and three Skills relevant to
the Profession. For each of the chosen Skills, trade its rating with that of one of the Noble’s
Asset Skills. The chosen skills become the Noble’s Asset Skills for the Duration of the Charm.
The Noble does not get the benefit of On the Job Training. 
Exceptional Success: The Noble accesses Charms to bolster their role. Trade up to three dots’
worth of Charms for an equivalent number of Dots in Charms that can be used until Liquid
Assets expires. These Charms must use one of the chosen Skills, and may not require any
Invocation other than Industria.

While the Charm is active, the Noble's Heraldry and Regalia shift to forms appropriate to
mundane members of the Profession; neither in themselves provide penalties to the Noble's
attempts to pass for a member of the chosen Profession so long as they are appropriate to the
Profession (e.g. A Levinbolt would be perceived by others as a gun appropriate to a Doctor, but
may still raise questions as why a Doctor would need a gun).

Drawback: While this Charm is active, the Noble is their Profession. They lose their Vice and
Virtue, and must spend a Willpower to take any action that is not directly relevant to their

Restore Charms

Call Back Yesterday - New Upgrades:

Upgrade: Reverse Shredder (Industria ••)

The Noble can attempt to restore damaged or destroyed documents from shredded pieces or even
ash, rolling Politics instead of Crafts. In addition to the normal effects, the recovered document
regains one point of Structure for each success, up to its normal maximum; the Noble may
continue the extended action to “heal” the document this way.

Upgrade: Recompiler (Industria ••)

The Noble can attempt to restore damaged or destroyed computer storage from shredded pieces
or even ash, rolling Computers instead of Crafts. In addition to the normal effects, the recovered
storage regains one point of Structure for each success, up to its normal maximum; the Noble
may continue the extended action to “heal” the storage this way.

Self-Care (Restore •, Industria •)

Action: Instant
Dice pool: Dexterity + Medicine
Cost: 1 Wispcoin
Duration: Lasting

The Noble concentrates on their flesh, and minor injuries fade away. For each activation success,
the Noble heals 1 bashing damage. When Invoking Industria to activate Self-Care, the Noble
may ignore Wound Penalties instead of adding their dots in Industria to the roll.
Upgrade: Great (Industria ••)
More serious wounds close and knit under the Noble’s focus. For each activation success, the
Noble heals 1 lethal damage.

Upgrade: Miraculous (Industria •••)

Requires Great

Cost: +1 Wispcoin

The Noble’s self-confidence from being part of Humanity brings relief from the most horrible
forms of injury. They heal 1 aggravated damage. If the Noble gets an exceptional success, they
instead heal 1 aggravated damage and downgrade 1 othe aggravated damage to lethal damage.

Self-Stabilizer (Restore •, Industria •)

The Noble’s natural healing is enhanced. If the Noble’s last Health box is filled with damage,
they stabilize immediately without a roll. Additionally, they may always roll as if they were
giving themselves medical care in the field, rolling with the same dice pool, interval and
threshold, and may invoke Industria for this purpose; this does not require relevant equipment.
When Invoking Industria for this purpose, the Noble may ignore Wound Penalties instead of
adding their dots in Industria to the roll.

Upgrade: Self-Convalescence  (Industria ••)

The Noble’s natural healing improves further. So long as they stay in one place and perform no
strenuous activities, the Noble may downgrade damage to themselves as if they were providing
care to themselves in a hospital [CofD 96] with the same dice pool, interval and threshold, and
may invoke Industria for this purpose; this does not require relevant equipment. When Invoking
Industria for this purpose, the Noble may ignore Wound Penalties instead of adding their dots in
Industria to the roll.

Spiritual Awakening (Restore •, Industria •)

Action: 1 minute
Cost: 1 Wispcoin

The Noble can use the Light to refresh themselves. The Noble puts the Wispcoin (the cost of the
Charm) in a cup. Over the next minute, the Wispcoin dissolves, becoming one cup of piping hot
liquid. Alternatively, the Guildmember can put the Wispcoin in their mouth directly; this
requires a Stamina + Composure roll to avoid choking and spitting out the liquid as it dissolves
in their mouth over the next minute. If the container is too small or the liquid is spit out, the extra
liquid spills and the Charm fails. 

Either way, once the result is consumed in full by the Noble while not suffering the Fatigued
Condition, the character subtracts eight hours from their effective time spent awake for the
purposes of determining Fatigue. 

For each Upgrade applied to this Charm, the output produced by this Charm also assists those
suffering the Fatigued Condition, reducing penalties imposed by the Fatigued Condition by 1 for
each Upgrade applied to this Charm; if this is enough to reduce the penalty to zero, the Condition
ends without resolving.

Upgrade: Dispensary (Industria ••)

When dissolved in a cup, the liquid now functions for any character who drinks it in full.

Upgrade: Extended (Industria ••)

Action: +1 minute

The character now subtracts sixteen hours instead of eight from their effective time spent awake
for the purposes of determining Fatigue. 

Spring Cleaner (Restore •, Industria •)


Action: Extended, 15 minutes/roll, threshold = Sanctuary

Dice pool: Special
Cost: (Sanctuary rating) Wispcoins
Duration: Lasting

The Noble adds to their Regalia and small, squat, cylindrical device that draws out surface-
marring substances and restores a space to its original state of cleanliness. When the required
Wispcoins are inserted into the device, it activates. Each interval, the device rolls dice equal to
Spring Cleaner’s rating (based on when the Spring Cleaner was summoned), suffering no
penalties for Failure or Dramatic Failure and able to roll without limit. When the device reaches
the threshold, any dirtying substances such as dirt, hair, grime, oil, etc., on nonliving solid
surfaces separate from those surfaces and are gathered to a point near the device; the Noble
should have a container ready to receive them. 
Spring Cleaner can affect a targeted area with Sanctuary equal to or less than its rating (based on
when the Spring Cleaner was summoned).

Upgrade: Purifier (Industria ••)

The Spring Cleaner now removes dust, pollen, and other particulates from the air as well. This
leaves the air non-allergenic, but does not necessarily leave it non-toxic.

Upgrade: Sterilizer (Industria •••)   

The Spring Cleaner now sterilizes the air and surfaces, leaving them non-toxic and free of
bacteria but not necessarily non-allergenic.

Supernatural Purification (Restore ••, Industria ••)


Action: Extended, 10 minutes/roll

Dice pool: Resolve + Medicine
Cost: 2 Wispcoins, 1 Willpower
Duration: Indefinite

The Noble adds an opaque medicine-holding syringe to their Regalia that expels Supernatural
illnesses (such as mental damage from the destruction of one’s daimon, infestation with Abyssal
bloodworms or spiders, a plague conjured by a vengeful wizard, or psychological addiction by a
vampire’s Vinculum). The Regalia and Quality bonuses apply to the extended action made for
Supernatural Purification. For each success, the syringe produces and holds a dose of
supernatural medicine consisting of 1 cc of liquid; the syringe may hold up to the Noble’s
Industria in doses, although they may inject these doses without interrupting the Charm. These
doses keep indefinitely until expelled from the syringe or administered. The syringe cannot be
used for any other purpose. 

Once a number of these doses equal to a certain threshold is administered to a human, the
continuing effects of the malady is ended as it is expelled. The number of doses needed to cure a
Supernatural illness this way is its Toxicity + 1. If not already defined, the Toxicity of
Supernatural diseases generally equals the potency of the effect that inflicts them - the ST sets a
threshold for maladies that aren’t rated for potency. Doses of Supernatural Purification have no
effect until the threshold is reached. Supernatural Purification cannot remove a supernatural

The evacuation of the Supernatural pollutant is unpleasant. Once the necessary number of doses
has been administered the victim begins the expulsion process. For each dose expended, the
patience takes the Stunned Tilt for a round and one Bashing Damage as their body lets out a
horrific roar and vomits up an unearthly gas cloud symbolic of the disease. This may incur a
Breaking Point in witnesses (including the victim themselves), but has no other effects.

Upgrade: The Stained (Industria •••)

Medicine produced by Noble can now treat the first stage of Corruption by Tainted Areas,
allowing its recipient to shed the Tainted Condition. Treat the Tainted Condition as a
Supernatural illness with Toxicity equal to the Severity of the Tainted area that inflicted it for the
purposes of curing it through Supernatural Purification.

Upgrade: The Darkened (Industria ••••)

Requires The Stained

The Noble may use Supernatural Purification to treat the Darkened who have not accepted its
powers. Ten doses can restore a Darkened target with no Umbrae to full humanity. Darkened
who receive a dose of medicine produced through Spiritual Purification may resist its effects as
if it were a drug [CofD 96] with potency equal to the Industria of the character who produced it;
only one roll is required for each dose. Each dose resisted this way counts as an expended dose
for the purposes of determining the number of rounds for which the patient takes the Stunned Tilt
and Bashing Damage dealt once the threshold is reached and the Darkened Condition is expelled.

Upgrade: The Self-Forsaken (Industria •••••)

Requires the Darkened

The Noble may use Supernatural Purification to cleanse the Darkened of their Tainted powers.
Ten doses causes the target to expel one random Umbra. Darkened with Umbrae who resist the
medicine add +1 to their roll for each Umbra they possess.  Each dose resisted this way counts as
an expended dose for the purposes of determining the number of rounds for which the patient
takes the Stunned Tilt and Bashing Damage dealt once the threshold is reached and the Umbra is

Spiritual Sustenance (Restore •, Industria •) [With Suggestions/Inspirations by

EmbreFroste and Vent0] 
Action: Instant
Cost: 1 Wispcoin

The Noble consumes a small amount of the Light to sustain themselves. They consume the
Wispcoin, which turns soft and melts in their mouth, and it provides a day’s worth of food and
water. Multiple activations of the same Charm within the same 24-hour period do not provide
additional Benefit.

Upgrade: Foodpill-Forming (Industria ••)

After cooking a drug-less, nontoxic meal of food and/or drink, the Noble can spend one
Wispcoin to create a Living Image of Spiritual Sustenance about the size of a small pill that
absorbs the meal. Anyone that holds the pill can “taste” what the meal is, and anyone who
consumes the pill gets the normal benefit of the Charm and the experience of consuming a non-
allergenic version of the meal. Alternatively, the Noble can create the Living Image in the form
of a powder that can be mixed into liquid so it can be consumed by those incapable of normal
eating; the entirety of the powder must be consumed for the Living Image to function.

Additionally, a Noble who holds a Living Image of Spiritual Sustenance created with Foodpill-
Forming can spend a Wispcoin to create a duplicate Living Image.

Upgrade: Mass Production (Industria •••)

Requires Foodpill-Forming

Cost: +1 Wispcoin

When a Noble would create a Living Image of Spiritual Sustenance with Foodpill-Forming, they 
instead create a number of Living Images equal to their Industria. 

Ember Legacy (Restore •••, Industria •••)

Action: Extended, 1 minute/roll, threshold = Willpower harvested
Dice pool: Presence + Medicine - target’s Willpower
Cost: 3 Wispcoins, 1+ Willpower
Duration: Lasting

The spark in every human’s soul must fade. One day this shall not be, but until then it falls to the
keepers of Industria to ensure some pieces of that spark live on. The target must be a character
with no Potency other than Inner Light who has died and who has not had body parts such as
organs harvested, or the Charm fails.

The Noble does not have to decide how much of the target’s Willpower to coalesce; after
spending the Wispcoins they begin the process, drawing energy through acupuncture and organ
dissection. With every Success accumulated, the Noble spends one Willpower and causes one
Dot of Willpower from the target to coalesce into a Shard of Will; this reduces the target’s
Willpower, making future rolls for this Charm easier. The Noble may roll a number of times
equal to their dice pool, until their Willpower has been exhausted, or until they have harvested
the target’s full Willpower. Extra successes are wasted. Once the Charm is ended the target’s
body dries and dessicates, making future attempts at this Charm on the same body (and doing
anything else with the body in general) impossible. 

While its fruits are invaluable, the invasiveness of Ember Legacy always reverberates in the soul
of one who uses it. Once the Charm is ended, the Noble takes the Soul-Shocked Condition.
Unless the Noble knows that the target consented to the use of Ember Legacy before they die,
they suffer a Breaking Point once the Charm is ended, and this Breaking Point is rolled with a
penalty equal to the number of Shards of Will harvested.

Shards of Will are clear glasslike gems. Any character who knows of such Shards can identify
one with a Wits + Occult roll, although this does not let them identify the original source. A
Shard of Will has one purpose: to be used to pay the Willpower Dot cost of certain Charm
activations. Someone activating such a Charm need only hold a Shard of Will in their hands to
substitute its payment for one of their own Willpower Dots.

Modifiers: Person has been dead for at least twenty-four hours (-1 for every twenty-four hours of

We Can Rebuild Them (Restore •••, Industria •••)


Action: Extended, 10 minutes/roll

Dice pool: Intelligence + Crafts
Cost: 2 Wispcoins, 1 Willpower.
Duration: Lasting

Threshol Injury

3 Tilts affecting any body part(s) on this list. Full replacement of tongue(1).
6 Restoring lost function for parts on this list, including curing paralysis. Shedding
Conditions relating to any body part(s) on this list. 

9 Full replacement of both eyes(1) or both lungs(2).

12 Full replacement of both legs(3), brain(1), heart(1), left arm(2), right arm(2), or

The Noble adds a bag of miscellaneous gears, tubes, polymers, and other spare parts to their
Regalia with which they may restore functionality to the permanently injured; this allows the
Regalia and Quality Bonuses to apply to the roll to activate We Can Rebuild Them

We Can Rebuild Them can cure Tilts and shed Conditions relating to certain body parts, and can
replace those parts as well. The threshold of the Charm depends on the extent of the damage (the
Storyteller should use the table provided as a guide). Any opposition from the target makes We
Can Rebuild Them fail; active cooperation isn’t needed, so Nobles can use We Can Rebuild
Them on unconscious targets, but a conscious refusal frustrates the Charm.

We Can Rebuild Them leaves unmistakably technological signs on its target, replacing
malfunctioning or missing body parts with obviously artificial versions of themselves. When
healing temporary effects, the parts slough off to reveal normal tissue when the temporary effect
would have expired. Fully replaced parts, on the other hand, remain as artificial functioning

Treat fully replaced organs (defining “organs” as the table lists them) as Regalia pieces
belonging to the target with a Durability of 2 and a Structure equal to their Size as listed in the
chart, disappearing in a show of sparks if they are destroyed. Characters with access to Charms
or Practical Charms may recreate these parts as they would other Regalia pieces. If an organ
replaced this way is tied to an Attribute (use the same table as for Goalenu parts), the character
can no longer buy dots in that attribute. Other characters may react poorly to these body parts;
per ST discretion, this can result in anything from penalties on Social rolls made by the target to
interact with others to breaking points suffered by those who see unnatural prosthetics.

The Noble may use We Can Rebuild Them to remove a Goalenu graft and restore the organ it
replaced. In this case the target’s Revelation subtracts from the activation roll. Rolling a dramatic
failure causes the target’s Goalenu parts to regard the Noble as a servant of Darkness, and she
can never use We Can Rebuild Them on that target again.

Upgrade: We Have The Technology (Industria ••••)

Requires Token of My Esteem with Instructive

Cost +0-1 Willpower Dot.

A Regalia piece created with We Can Rebuild them is always considered a suitable form for a
Bequest when this upgrade is applied. If the Lightgilder has Token of My Esteem with
Bequeathed, they can use We Can Rebuild Them to make the Bequest directly; this increases the
time required to one hour/rolland requires the Willpower Dot be paid to cement the Bequest.
Alternatively, they or another Noble can imbue the piece with an inert Bequest via the Personal
Implant Upgrade to Token of My Esteem, either when it is first created or at a later time. 

Such a Regalia piece created with We Can Rebuild them may hold a Digital Bequest or a normal
Bequest with a rating up to its Size. We Have The Technology can be applied when We Can
Rebuild Them is activated on a part previously created with We Can Rebuild them; if successful,
the part is honed as above.

Upgrade: A Man Barely Alive (Industria ••••) [With inspiration from Geometry]

Threshol Injury

3 Tilts: scarring, missing tooth, lost finger joint. 1 Box of Damage

6 Restoring lost function: 1 lost Attribute dot, etc.

9 Full replacement of other small organs: muscle, skin, etc.

12 Full replacement of other large organs: stomach, etc.

The Noble may now restore the permanently injured to their original full health. The character
they are working on does not worsen in condition. They do not bleed out or take further damage,
and if this Charm is being used to replace a body part, the character does not suffer from the loss
of the part so long as the Charm is ongoing; if the Charm fails or is ended before the healing is
complete, the character worsens as normal.  

Additionally, the Noble may now restore the permanently injured to their original full health.
They can now cure damage, any Tilts and Conditions caused by physical disability, and restore
Attribute dots lost from physical damage. The threshold depends on the extent of the damage
(the Storyteller should use the table provided as a guide.)

Using A Man Barely Alive to heal damage inflicts the moderate Sick Tilt on the character healed
this way until the damage would have healed naturally; this process cannot be sped up by
external supernatural means. The penalty inflicted by the Sick Tilt cannot exceed 5 - the
character’s Industria.
Shape Charms

Always Prepared - New Upgrade:

Upgrade: Assembly Line (Industria ••) [Inspired by Vent0]

Action: Reflexive
Dice pool: Manipulation + Crafts
Cost: Availability in Wispcoins per Success. 

The Noble increases their output. After crafting something using their multitool, they can roll
Manipulation + Crafts. For each success, they may spend a number of Wispcoins equal to the
created item’s Availability to create a duplicate of that item. The Noble can create a number of
duplicates up to their Industria this way. 

Bubble Shield - New Upgrade

Upgrade: Personal Generator (Industria ••) [Inspired by Inedible]


The Noble adds a personal generator to their Regalia that clips around their waist. As long as the
generator is active, the Regalia and Quality Bonuses apply to activations of Bubble Shield.
Additionally, the Noble may choose to create a field that protects only themselves; this counts as
a Radius of 0 for the purposes of determining the dice pool.

Upgrade: Magic Scrambler (Industria ••) 

The bubble also interferes with Supernatural abilities that do not come from the Light. When a
party on one side of the Bubble Shield activates a supernatural ability that targets someone on the
other side of the Bubble Shield, remove Successes from the activation roll. Each success
removed this way removes three Structure from the Bubble Shield. If Adamant was applied,
remove successes equal to the Bubble Shield’s Durability; apply this effect first.

Composition Multitool (Shape •, Industria •) [With suggestions by kentonHR and

Action: Permanent

The Noble adds an implement of Size 1 to their Regalia that can take the form of a stylus that
functions on any touchscreen, any handheld writing implement, or any style of paint brush.
Regardless of its form, the mundane material the implement’s form typically works with doesn’t
run out, smudge, or smear. The Noble can change the implement’s form, color, and whether its
output is erasable, water-soluble or permanent with a Transformation action. The implement
allows the Noble to apply the Regalia and Quality bonuses on Crafts and Expression rolls where
the implement is used. 

Man’s Wonderwerk (Shape •, Industria •)


Action: Permanent

Fire has been the symbol of Humanity’s brilliance ever since people first learned to control it,
and its power has remained ever since. The Noble adds a firestarting device to their Regalia that
never runs out of fuel. They can start a fire with a candle’s Intensity just by touching the fuel
with her tool. 

Upgrade: Clean Fuel (Industria ••)

Action: Instant
Cost: (Sanctuary rating) Wispcoins
Duration: Until fire is out.

If the Noble tosses the appropriate number of Wispcoins into a fire started with Man’s
Wonderwerk, the resulting fire burns cleanly, producing no smoke or toxic gases and leaving no
ashes, soot, or residue, only the materials that do not burn. The effect remains even if the fire

Upgrade: Pitchfork-Perfect (Industria •••)

Requires Clean Fuel

Action: Instant
Cost: (Sanctuary rating)x3 Wispcoins
Duration: Until fire is out.
The Noble may toss the appropriate number of Wispcoins into a fire started with Man’s
Wonderwerk; that fire now does no damage to characters with no Potency other than Inner Light.
This does not prevent damage through other means such as heat exposure or smoke inhalation.
The effect remains even if the fire grows.

Patch Job (Shape •, Industria •)

Action: Extended, 5 minutes/roll, threshold = Size of the hole or hole-ridden area.

Dice pool: Intelligence + Crafts
Cost: 1 Wispcoin per 5 Size points of the hole or hole-ridden area.
Duration: Lasting

The Noble rubs a Wispcoin over and around the holes in an object to patch them. The resulting
sealant is clear, with Durability 1 and Structure 1. This Charm technically also repairs superficial
scuffs and scratches, but the unmistakable veneer the Charm leaves behind renders such aesthetic
benefits moot.

Still Airpocket (Shape •, Industria •)

Action: Extended, 1 minute/roll, threshold = 5 x Sanctuary

Dice pool: Intelligence + Science
Cost: 3 Wispcoins
Duration: Industria in hours

The Noble bids the winds be silent. Once the threshold has been reached, the area gains the
Stilled Air Tilt for the duration of the Charm.

Upgrade: Improved (Industria ••)

The area gains another level of the Stilled Air Tilt.

Upgrade: Consecrated (Industria ••)

Duration: Consecration

The Noble may intertwine Still Airpocket with Consecrated ground. 

Transforming Storage Unit (Shape •, Industria •)

Action: Permanent

The Noble adds a waterproof box with shoulder straps to their Regalia. Treat this object as a
Cache [CofD 270] of Size equal to twice the box’s Rating and Availability equal to the box’s
rating (based on when the Transforming Storage Unit was summoned). Items that are put into the
box are safe from harm and protected from loss, as they become bound to the Noble rather than
the bag itself; if the Unit is destroyed, the items are undamaged but unavailable until the Unit is
recreated. However, held items aren’t held in stasis; food will spoil if kept long enough.
Moreover, while the bag is closed air can’t get into it, so anything living will suffocate if trapped
inside when the bag locks. Should the Noble die, all items in the bag are lost. Any mundane
attempts to open the box by those other than the owner require a Wits + Larceny roll, penalized
by the Industria of the Unit’s owner.

The Noble may change the box’s size with a Transformation action; attempting to do this when
the contents would outsize the box causes the attempt to fail automatically.

Upgrade: Organizing (Industria ••)

The Noble may organize the Transforming Storing Unit. With a successful Transformation
action, the Unit grows, shifts, or retracts shelving of any shape, size, and configuration so long as
all components are visible and accessible when the Unit is open. If growing shelving makes
contact with items in the Unit, it stops immediately. 

Organizing cannot be used on a Transforming Storage Unit’s Extradimensional space, if it has

the Extradimensional Upgrade.

Upgrade: Extradimensional (Industria ••)

Action: Instant
Dice pool: Unrolled
Cost: 1 Wispcoin
Duration: Industria in hours.
The Unit gains a second extradimensional space in which items can be stored. Activating this
Upgrade causes the Unit to open to the extradimensional space instead of to its normal space for
the duration of the Upgrade. The Noble may store any number of items in the Extradimensional
space indefinitely, as long as each item is small enough to fit through the opening, and is light
enough for them to lift without help. The Size of an object being stored or removed cannot
exceed half the Unit’s current Size. Regardless of how many objects are in the Extradimensional
space, its owner can always lift a size 2 Unit or roll a larger Unit without help.
Putting an object in the bag’s Extradimensional space is an instant unrolled action. Taking an
object out is also an instant action, and succeeds automatically as long as the number of items in
the bag is less than 1 + Survival (Or if activated by a Noble, Inner Light + Survival). If the
number equals or exceeds this limit, the Noble must roll Wits + Survival to find the right item in
among the clutter; they take a penalty on this roll of -1 for each item in the bag over 1 + Larceny
(Or Inner Light + Survival if activated by a Noble.) The Regalia and Quality Bonuses apply to
this roll.

Dramatic Failure: The Noble finds nothing in the bag, and is so occupied with searching that
they lose their Defense for 1 turn.
Failure: The Noble pulls out the wrong item.
Success: The Noble takes out the item they wanted.
Exceptional Success: The Noble finds the item immediately; they may remove it as a reflexive

Mundane attempts by any character other than the Unit’s owner to open the Unit to its
Extradimensional space fail, and supernatural powers subtract the Unit’s owner (Resolve +
Industria) from the activation roll.

A Living Image of Transforming Storage Unit (Extradimensional) creates a bag that possesses
only the Extradimensional space; once the Charm ends, the bag disappears until the user uses
another Living Image (or is able to activate the normal Charm.) If Disgorging was included in
the original Living Image, the bag disgorges its contents before it disappears.

Upgrade: Disgorging (Industria •••)

Requires Extradimensional

If Disgorging is applied when the Unit is opened to the Extradimensional space, all items in the
Extradimensional space are summoned out of it at once, centering on the Unit and spreading out;
this can cause objects to drop if the Unit is not on a large enough surface or floor. Once this
occurs, the Extradimensional space is immediately locked off again. Disgorging fails to apply if
there is not enough space for the items to appear.

Modified Merits: 

Mentor [Inspired by Vent0]

Baseline Setting-Neutral Industria has no central figure to tie the Mentor Merit to. If using the
concept of Industria as a gestalt consciousness, said consciousness is eligible for the same
version of the Mentor Merit as other Dreamlands Queens regardless of how it manifests. A
follower of Industria cannot place more than dots of Mentor into this manifestation than their

Minor Invoker 
Characters may not purchase Minor Invoker to meet the requirements for activating Industria

A character with no Potency other than Inner Light may be given the ability to purchase the
Palace Merit. Such a character, if they are not a Noble, may not have more than one instance of
the Palace Merit, and may not have more than one dot in Palace. For more information, see the
Personal Purification upgrade to Consecrate.

Support Network
If a Nation has Support Network as a Merit, Any members gain the benefit of the Merit at a
rating of either their Status in the Nation or the Nation’s dots in Support Network, whichever is
lower. The Support Network is always tied to the Nation itself.

Unseen Sense [Inspired by Recette]

For those who follow the path of Industria, knowledge that a threat to Humanity is close can just
as easily inspire anger as fear. A character with Industria •+ and any form of Unseen Sense tied
to the Darkness or any type of creature with Potency other than Inner Light may choose to take
the Maddened Condition instead of the Spooked Condition in exchange for which the character
can pinpoint where the feeling is coming from.

New Merits:

Creation Hub (•••)

Your character has an area specifically set up for the creation of fine crafts, with a 3D Printer and
a variety of other tools. Your character gets a +3 Bonus to all Crafts and Expression rolls to
create items with a size of 1 or 2, provided that they have access to the equipment. They may
procure crafting and art-related tools and materials of Availability • without limit (within
reason). Items created in a Creation Hub are usually Availability • items themselves, although
the crafter may need some time to find someone willing to buy or trade them, and are always
valid targets for Living Image, assuming that the object was created for this purpose.   

If a Nation has Creation Hub, any member of the Nation gains its benefits.

New Noble Merits:

Double-Shifter (••) [Original Version by Polaris and Vent0]
Prerequisite: Two Invocations at equal rating. 
The Noble is blessed with the permissions of two Courts, as a sort of emissary between their
ideals. If Industria is one of these courts, its “Permission” comes automatically; otherwise,
getting permission from both courts may take considerable effort. The character gains access to
the Practical Magic of Both courts. Only one of the Invocations is your favored Invocation.
Drawback: You can only purchase a dot of either Court’s Invocation if you can improve both at
the same time; otherwise you are unable to improve upon either until the prerequisite XP to
purchase both is available. ST permission may be required for certain Court combinations, and if
both Courts have respective monarchs the character will likely have to balance obligations from
both of them.
Inner Stock (•)
Requirements: Industria •+
Just because a job isn’t dangerous doesn’t mean it’s not worth the character’s full attention. The
character can call upon Inner Strength at any time.
Drawback: A character who spends their last point of Willpower on Inner Strength takes the
Soul-Shocked Condition; when this condition would resolve, it ends without resolving instead.

Its Own Reward (•-•••)

Requirements: Industria •+
Some say the real value comes in the journey, but that’s no excuse for Karma to be a deadbeat.
When gaining a Beat from completing or making progress towards completing a Vocation or
Aspiration, regain Wisps equal to the dots in this merit. Your character can regain Wisps
from each Vocation and/or Aspiration at most once a session.

New Supernatural Merits: 

Bergeron’s Beneficence (•-•••)

Open to the Hopeful.
Prerequisites: Appropriate Merits: Equal Level, Industria •
One must give up a part of themselves to get in touch with the Inner Soul of Humanity. For each
dot of Bergeron’s Beneficence, the character generates one Wispcoin everytime they regain
Willpower from natural rest, no more than once per day.

Drawback: Each dot of Bergeron’s Beneficence must mark an appropriate Mental, Physical, or
Social Merit tied to innate mental or physical ability, per ST discretion. (e.g. Fast Reflexes, Fleet
of Foot and Striking Looks would be eligible; Patient, Parkour, and Allies would not.) Each
marked Merit is rendered null, leaving recognizable signs (e.g. A character who loses Small-
framed looks unnaturally stretched out and gaunt). Each sign gives a -1 penalty to Social Rolls in
situations where the other party sees and is disturbed by the sign.

Duty-Binder (•-•••••) [Inspired by Recette and Geometry]

Open to the Hopeful
Requirements: Able to use Bequests, Industria: Equal Level

The character can ready a Bequest with their own sweat and toil. They may treat Bequests
containing Charms with a Rating equal to or less than their dots in Duty-Binder as if they had
been created with Duty-Bound, and determine an appropriate task to prime the Bequest with a
successful Wits + Occult Roll; this does not directly identify the Charm itself, but often provides
a vague idea of what type of Charm it may be.

Minted Resolve (••-•••) [Original Version by Recette]

Open to the Hopeful.

Requirements: Industria ••+

The character places their stock in the Light. Whenever they would pay 1 Willpower to activate a
Charm or a Supernatural Merit that is open only to mortals, they may instead pay Wispcoins
equal to their Resolve; this expenditure counts against the caps on Willpower expenditure, but
not against caps on Wisp expenditure. The two-dot version of this Merit allows the character to
do this only when Soul-Shocked. The three-dot version allows the character to do this at any

Quirks Favored (•) [Original Version by Recette]

Open to the Hopeful.

Requirements: Industria ••+

Industria honors all of humanity’s gifts. When the character activates a Supernatural Merit that is
only open to mortals, they may spend one Wispcoin. If they do, they add their dots in Industria to
the activation roll. 

Reliquary Receiver (•)

Open to the Hopeful.
Prerequisites: Professional Training •, Industria •

Your character places their faith in an object that symbolizes their profession. They may
purchase Transformed Dots for Asset Skills. Attempting to access these Transformed Dots is a
roll of Industria + Integrity while holding the object.
Dramatic Failure: The character takes the Stumbling condition for all Asset Skills for the
remainder of the Scene.
Failure: The character cannot access the Transformed Dots, and may not try again for the
remainder of the Scene.
Success: The character gains access to the Transformed Dots for the remainder of the Scene.
Exceptional Success: The character’s faith is reinforced. The next roll to access Transformed
Dots with Reliquary Receiver is made with a +1 bonus.
A character may not take more Transformed Dots in an Asset Skill than their Dots in Industria. 
Drawback: If a character loses the Professional Training Merit, their Reliquary becomes a
useless trinket, and any dots spent on the Merit and related Transformed Dots may refunded as
per Sanctity of Merits (or kept inactive if the character hopes to return to the profession

Sanctuary Integration (•-•••)  

Open to the Hopeful.
Prerequisites: Palace •

The area easily accepts and spreads Charms compatible for Consecrated areas. Sanctuary
Integration may be applied to any Palace, and must be bought a rating to match the area’s
Sanctuary Rating. If a Charm activated in an area with Sanctuary Integration has an upgrade that
extends the duration to Consecration, that upgrade is automatically applied even if who activated
it doesn't know the upgrade - the basic Charm is enough. 

Self-Arming Phenomenon (•-•••) [Inspired by RD Marquis]

Prerequisites: No Potency other than Inner Light
The character trains themselves to use the creations of the Light to defend themselves. The
character may detect and use Bequests containing Charms with a rating no higher than their dots
in Self-Arming Phenomenon. Additionally, they may purchase Industria at the favored rate, up to
their dots in Self-Arming Phenomenon.

Softlight Current (•) [Inspired by Recette]

Open to the Hopeful
Prerequisites: Industria •+
The character’s understanding of the Light and the connection to it a Wispcoin can buy provides
a buffer from the Light’s capacity to overawe the mundane mind. When the character suffers a
breaking point from witnessing a Noble transform or uses a Charm to perform an obviously
supernatural feat, they may spend a Wispcoin to add their Industria to the dice roll for the
breaking point; this benefit applies even if they are the target of a Charm.
A Noble with this Supernatural Merit may use it another way. When they transform or use a
Charm to perform an obviously supernatural feat, they may Invoke Industria to add their
Industria to the dice rolls of any mundane witnesses (or targets) who suffer a breaking point
because of it; this replaces the normal benefits of Invoking Industria.
New Equipment:

Chip Implant 
Die Bonus +0, Durability 1, Size 0, Structure 1, Availability •••
A Chip Implant is a Size 0 Special Implant Prosthetic, implanted in the subdermal fascia between
the thumb and forefinger of the character’s hand or just under their collarbone. Most such
implants are equipped with RFID technology that interfaces with suitable nearby technology. A
Chip Implant can hold a Bequest of a Charm with Rating 1 or a Digital Bequest of any rating.
A character may only benefit from one Chip Implant Bequest at a time.

Sidebar: Not Yet Time

The Chip Implant of the Setting-Neutral Association of Light Marketeers is not connected to the
Regalia Implant tag, which only exists in the setting of On Borrowed Time.

Special Implant Prosthetic

Die Bonus +0 to +2, Durability Varied, Size 0-3, Structure Varied, Availability •••-•••••
Effect: The Special Implant Prosthetic replaces a (usually lost) limb or organ. The Special
Implant Prosthetic may replace any limb or organ that could be replaced by a Goalenu Graft,
except for the brain. Its Durability is equal to its Availability, and its Structure is equal to its Size
(minimum 1). At Availability •••, the Special Implant Prosthetic merely replicates the function of
its original part. The four-dot version provides a +1 Equipment Bonus to a specific mundane
action made with the prosthetic (equivalent to a Skill Specialty), and the five-dot version
provides a +2 Equipment Bonus (Equivalent to a Skill Specialty and the Area of Expertise
A Special Implant Prosthetic may house a Bequest with a rating no greater than its Size or a
Digital Bequest of any rating. Once implanted, the character may no longer purchase dots in the
Attribute tied to the replaced part (use the same table as for Goalenu parts).

New Phylactery Conditions:

Solipsistic Self (Persistent) [Inspired by TheKingsRaven, with suggestions from Recette]
A Transformation is supposed to represent a change into one’s ideal form, but the mere mortal
with the full magic of the Light behind them can be an ideal of its own. This Condition is
intended for Nobles of Specchio or Industria, but others may also be allowed with ST discretion. 
All the Noble’s Charms are Practical. The Noble cannot Transform (and thus cannot benefit from
Dual Identity), has no Phylactery, and does not have access to Transformed Dots (and cannot use
or have used the optional rule to convert Skill Dots to Transformed Skill Dots at character
generation); if a Noble would get Transformed Skill Dots, they gain that many Dots in Charms
or Upgrades to Charms instead, and if they would get Transformed Attribute Dots, they instead
gain three Dots in Charms or Upgrades to Charms for each Transformed Attribute Dot. A
character with Transformed Dots swaps them out as above. These Charm Dots may not be used
to purchase Charms or Upgrades to Charms that require an Invocation other than their main one.
A Character with this condition can still purchase and benefit from Unison and Unison User, but
does not Transform or gain the benefits of Dual Identity.
Causes: Either a Noble’s Blossoming, or purchasing a Dot of Specchio or Industria (or another
appropriate Invocation, per ST discretion).
Resolution: The Character gains or loses a dot of Integrity or Belief and changes their ideal self
as a result, creating a Phylactery for themselves.
Beat: The Noble undergoes a hardship because they lacked the benefits of Dual Identity.

Modified Conditions:
A character who carries the Consecrated Condition cannot maintain the Consecration or other
Charms as well as stable locations can. A character cannot support a Consecrated area of
Sanctuary larger than 1, and the Duration of subsequent Charms tied to the character’s
Consecrated Condition is limited to the target’s Industria in days unless the Character spends a
Willpower Dot to maintain the Charm; when such a Charm expires (or should the Consecrated
Condition itself expire), the Willpower Dot is refunded as per sanctity of Merits. Charms tied to
the Consecrated Condition do their best to remain active for the duration of the Charm, but those
specifically tied to a physical location (e.g. Laying Down the Line without Illuminated) only
function in the overlap between the physical location and the Consecrated area. 

If a character enters a tainted place, their Consecrated Condition and all Charms tied to the
Consecrated Condition become suppressed until they leave the area. 

Until the Consecrated Condition resolves, the subject’s presence will trigger Unseen Sense

Causes: The Consecrate Charm with the Personal Purification Upgrade applied can place the
Consecrated Condition on a character with no Potency other than Inner Light.

Resolution: The Charm ends, or the character becomes Darkened. This Condition does not grant
a Beat when resolving.

New Conditions:

Busker Debt
The character has received assistance with the vague understanding that the assistance is to be
repaid. They have a bank of bonus dice to be applied depending on the holder of the Condition.

If Busker Debt is held by a mundane character, the bank of bonus dice is applied in full to the
next dice roll that benefits from Willpower expenditure. When this roll is made, if the roll
achieves at least one success, the first success is lost and the source of the Condition generates
two Wispcoins; if this was the only success, the roll becomes a Failure.

If Busker Debt is held by a character capable of generating Wisps or Wispcoins, the bank of
bonus dice is applied in full to the next pool that involves gaining (not transferring) Wisps or
Wispcoins, such as Inner Strength, Call of Duty, etc. The first Wisp gained this way is
transferred to the original source, who receives it in the form of a Wispcoin and then generates
an additional Wispcoin.

If Busker Debt is held by a non-mundane character who is incapable of generating Wisps on

their own, the Condition ends immediately without resolving, providing no benefit.

Causes: The Charm Always Performing with the Busker’s Hat Upgrade.
Resolution: None; the Condition ends when all the dice are used up.

Enhanced Skill
The character’s raw faculties and talents have been magically improved; dots have been added to
one or more of their Skills. Any traits derived from the enhanced Skill(s) are recalculated.

It is possible for a character to have two or more instances of the Enhanced Skill Condition, but
different instances cannot enhance the same Skill.

Cause: The Charm The Best At What We Do.

Resolution: The expiration of the magic that created the Condition ends it, without granting a

Journeys’ End

The area serves as a departure and destination point. A character in this area can walk down the
area, and concentrate on a different area or character that they know carries this Condition. The
Character then makes a Citywalker roll [CofD 236], and may spend 3 Wispcoins to get an
automatic Success on this roll. Instead of its usual result, Success takes the character to the area
they focused on. For the purposes of this Condition, the “Nightmare Realm” referenced in the
Citywalker Merit is the Dark World. 
If the Condition is tied to a person, another character must walk down a street or sidewalk with a
Sanctuary size of 1 in a city with a population of at least a quarter million to use its benefits. A
character to whom the Journeys’ End Condition is tied cannot use the ability it grants.

Causing the Condition: The Charm Journeys’ End can impose this Condition on a Location or
Ending the Condition: The Charm Journeys’ End expires, or the population of the city to which
the Condition is tied drops below a quarter-million.

Strict Ban (Persistent)

The character experiences a more severe psychic shock than usual when breaking an
Invocation’s Ban that shakes their faith in their application of its philosophies. When the
character breaks the Invocation’s Ban, they effectively do not possess the Invocation until they
are allowed to apply it again. A Noble can take this Condition for any or all Invocations. All
mortals have this Condition keyed to Industria.
Causes: A Noble’s Blossoming, or from a Dramatic Failure on a Breaking Point made because
the Noble broke that Invocation’s Ban.
Resolution: The Noble buys a dot in the Invocation, learning its philosophies more deeply and
understanding how to pick themselves up when they stumble. Mortals cannot resolve this
Condition so long as they are mortal.
Beat: The Noble suffers a hardship because they were prevented from activating a Charm due to
being cut off from their Invocation. Mortals cannot gain Beats from their Strict Ban keyed to

New Tilts:

Chain Combo

The character focuses on steady progress towards their goal. When a Noble activates Heaven’s
Rhythm with the Elite Beat Upgrade or a character is performing an extended action, they add
their levels in the Chain Combo Tilt to the roll. Regardless of how many successes they achieved
on their roll, the character applies only one success, except that they still get the benefits of an
Exceptional Success if they met the threshold for it.

Causing the Tilt: The Charm Heaven’s Rhythm with the Elite Beat Upgrade.
Ending the Tilt: When the Noble does anything other than activating Heaven’s Rhythm with the
Elite Beat Upgrade or when a character abandons the extended action they were working on,
they lose all levels in Chain Combo. When the extended action is completed, both Noble and
character lose all levels in Chain Combo, but if Go For A Perfect! is applied, they may retain
some levels of that Tilt if they move on to a related extended action; see that upgrade for more

Found Frequency

The Noble has found their target’s resonant frequency. When the Noble deals damage to that
target through a Charm that requires Royal Tongue, reduce the target’s Armor or Durability by 1;
this effect is cumulative up to the Noble’s Industria and lasts until the end of the scene.
Causing the Tilt: Resonance Note, Human Defense Armament with the Royal Pitch Upgrade,
and Rainbow Tuning can grant this Tilt, keyed to the target
Ending the Tilt: The Tilt fades away at the end of the scene.

Stilled Air
The air in the area has been stilled. Whenever the area has the Heavy Winds Tilt, reduce the
wind grade by one and reduce the penalty to aural Perception rolls by 1. If the area is in the
Dreamlands, whenever a roll is made to determine if a Character receives Galemarks, reroll one

Causing the Tilt: The Charm Still Airpocket.

Ending the Tilt: Still Airpocket ends.

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