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How Can You Tune Your EIM Batches To Improve Performance?.

Here are some options that can be tried to improve Enterprise Integration Manage
r (EIM) performance:
Check to make sure all the standard indices are in existence for the tables invo
Limit tables and columns to be processed using ONLY BASE TABLES/COLUMNS configur
ation parameters to minimize the work that EIM has to perform.
Consider switching off Siebel transaction logging during the EIM run. This will
definitely improve performance; however, it must be balanced with the need for m
obile users to re-extract afterwards.
Try different batch sizes. Often, large batch sizes are not the most efficient.
Siebel Systems recommends that customers use a batch size no more than 5000 rows
, preferably less than 2000 rows in a single batch.
Try using batch ranges (BATCH = x-y). This allows users to run with smaller batc
h sizes and yet avoid the startup overhead on each batch.
Perform regular table maintenance on interface tables. Frequent insert or delete
operations on interface tables can cause fragmentation in the table. The databa
se administrator will know how to detect and correct fragmentation in the EIM in
terface tables.
Delete batches from interface tables on completion. Leaving old batches in the E
IM interface table will waste space and could adversely affect performance.
Run independent EIM jobs in parallel. EIM jobs that have no interface or base ta
bles in common can be run in parallel.
Set the USING SYNONYMS parameter to false in the .IFB file to indicate to EIM th
at account synonyms do not need to be checked.
Avoid using the UPDATE PRIMARY KEYS parameter in the IFB file.
ORACLE INSERT APPEND MODE. The default value is FALSE, which means EIM does not
use append mode for insert at EIM process step 9, avoiding a deadlock when runni
ng parallel EIM processes. If you need to improve step 9 performance, you can se
t the value to TRUE.
Delete and Merge performance is improved if you create some specific temporary i
ndices first. Please refer to Siebel Bookshelf version 7.5 > Siebel Enterprise I
ntegration Manager Administration Guide > Creating Temporary Indexes for more de
tails *
* Valid only for version 7.5.x
If using Oracle database, ensure that Oracle rule-based optimizer is used. Siebe
l Systems has highly recommended the Oracle rule-based optimizer because it prov
ides the consistent behavior needed for effective performance tuning. However, u
ser who uses Siebel 7.5 or higher version with Oracle 9i or higher release, cost
-based optimizer is supported.
If all else fails, set "Trace Flags"=1 and "SQL Trace Flags"=8 and rerun the bat
ch. The resulting task log will identify slow running steps and queries.
For Siebel eBusiness Application version 7, this is documented in the Siebel Ent
erprise Integration Manager Administration Guide > Frequently Asked Questions >
Performance Questions.
For Siebel eBusiness Application version 6, this is documented in the Siebel Ent
erprise Integration Manager Administration Guide > Frequently Asked Questions >
Performance Questions.
Flags"=1 and "SQL Trace Flags"=8 and rerun the batch. The resulting task log wi
ll identify slow running steps and queries.
For Siebel eBusiness Application version 7, this is documented in the Siebel Ent
erprise Integration Manager Administration Guide > Frequently Asked Questions >
Performance Questions.
For Siebel eBusiness Application version 6, this is documented in the Siebel Ent
erprise Integra

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