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class video worksheet

Unit 4 Day in, day out

Before you watch

1 Work in groups. Choose a job that you like. Write five things
that you need to do in this job. Number them in order of
importance, with 1 being the most important and 5 being the least
important. Then tell your group.
examples: go to meetings, do research, write reports, talk with customers, write emails
1 Mark card at work entry
2 Change and put on your implements to start your work

3 Review the list of patients to attend

Receive and see patients
4 Prescribe medicines to patients

2 Work in groups. Think of a job but don’t tell your group. Other
members of the group can ask you up to ten yes/no questions
about your daily activities to find out your job. If they ask more
than ten questions, you win!

While you watch

1 Watch the first part of the video and choose the correct words.
1 Mike travels / plays on tour with bands.
2 He helps set up buildings / concerts.
3 He loves rock / jazz music.
4 He works with famous directors / bands.
5 He sleeps in a hotel / on a bus.

2 How often does Mike do these things? Rewrite the sentences with
the correct adverbs of frequency from the box.

never often rarely sometimes sometimes

1 He watches concerts. sometimes

2 He meets the bands. often
3 They sleep in hotels. never
4 He spends time at home. rarely
5 He does some sightseeing. sometimes

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Level 1

3 Watch the second part of the video and choose the correct words.
1 Gabrielle is a broadcast journalist / producer.
2 At the moment, she works for a tV channel / radio station.
3 She reports on news and politics / entertainment.
4 She became a journalist a year / eight years ago.
5 She usually works three / four days a week.
6 Her job is exciting, difficult, and dangerous / important.

4 How often does Gabrielle do these things? Complete the

sentences with the correct adverb of frequency.
1 She often reports on a wide range of stories.
2 She usually has a team meeting at the end of a shift.
3 She often travels for work.
4 She sometimes travels long distances.
5 Her job is very exciting at times .

After you watch

Look at the chart. Put the activities from the box below in the
correct place. Work in a group. Use the correct form of the verb in
the simple present.

go to meetings lift heavy equipment listen to music meet people travel to different countries use computers visit
dangerous places work at night work in a team

lift heavy go to meetings

equipment travel to
listen to Both Gabrielle
use computers
music countrie
in a
work at
meet night visit
people dangerous

Over to you
Discuss these questions in a group.
1 Which activities in the box in After you watch do you think are advantages?
Traveling to different countries because that way you know much more and get informed.
2 Which are disadvantages? Going to dangerous places.
3 Which job would you like to do and why? Being a doctor because I like to help people.

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