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“Way of Education”

A) Select the proper option from the options given below and rewrite the sentences.

Time: 3.00 hrs. First Preliminary Examination Marks: 100

Q.1 A) Select the proper option from the options given below and rewrite the sentences. 5

1. Every company has to issue ……………………………… (Preference share, Equity share, Debenture)

2. …………………………………. company can issue share warrant. (Public, Private, Chartered)

3. As per the rules deposits accepted by the company should be returned in …………… days. (60,30, 90)

4. Company gives …………………………. share to its shareholders out of accumulated profit.

(Bonus, Debenture, Return)

5. In return of share allotment letter …………………………………. is received.

(Transfer receipt, Share warrant, Share certificate)

B. Match the following. 5

A Group B Group

1. Registered Company a. Private Company

2. Share forfeiture letter b. Minutes books

3. Promoter share c. Call money/Installment not paid

4. Investors d. Promoter

5. Minutes of meeting e. Non negotiable

f. Agent

g. Servant

C. Fill in the blanks and rewrite the sentences. 5

1. Capital on which company is registered, such capital is called as …………………………….

2. After completion of the specific period, fully convertible debentures are converted into …………….. shares.

3. After dividend is declared, dividend distributed process must be completed in ……………………. days.

4. Market in which shares are brought and sold is called ……………………….. market.

6. The report which is prepared by committee of experts is called …………………………. report.

D. Write a word, term or phrase for following statements. 5

1. Shares are issued at a price which is less than the face value.

2. Public issue of shares or other securities by a new company.

3. Preference shares are repaid after a certain period.

4. Debt funds are raised by private companies.

5. Reports which are required by law.

Q.2 Write short notes on any three of the following. 15

1. Ploughing back of profit.
2. Characteristics of debenture.
3. Share broker.
4. Register of members.
5. Bonus issue.

Q.3 Distinguish between the following. (Any 3) 15

1. Share and Debenture.
2. Interim dividend and final dividend.
3. Committee report and Progress report.
4. Transfer of shares and Transmission of shares.
5. Dividend and Interest.

Q.4 State True or False with reasons. (Any 3) 15

1. Shares are forfeited in the cases of death of the shareholder.
2. Capital raised by selling debenture is the own capital of the company.
3. Letter if forfeitures of share is sent first.
4. There is no procedure for allotment of shares.
5. Statutory books are not compulsory for every company.

Q.5 Write short answers of the following. (Any three) 15

1. What are the statutory conditions for distribution of shares?
2. How divisible profit are decided?
3. Explain the legal importance of minutes of meetings?
4. What is share warrant? Explain its conditions?
5. What do you mean by Stock Exchange? Explain its functions?

Q.6 What is share capital? Explain different types of share capital? 10

What is debenture? Explain different types of debenture?

Q.7 Prepare imaginary sanction letter of transfer of share to the transferor. 10

Draft a warning letter before forfeiture.

Best of Luck

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