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During the lesson, the learners will:

1. Introduction: Share common scenarios where

they make use of communication to complete a
2. Motivation: Dramatize an anecdote they have
shared through a pantomime.
3. Instruction/Delivery: Discusses the 5 basic
functions of communication highlighting the
speaker’s purpose.
4. Practice: Watch a video and identify the speaker’s purpose.
5. Enrichment: Role plays a scenario and identifies the purpose of
the speaker.
6. Evaluation: Write a 250-word essay based on objective
observation of the various speakers watched and listened to.

Definition of Functions of

“Functions of communication refer to how humans use language for

different purposes.”

Communication as a human activity always serves a function.

Functions of communication refer to how humans use language for
different purposes. Theoretician such as Roman Jakobson, Michael
Halliday, and Bronislaw Malinowsi have categorized the different uses
or functions of communication.


Communication can be used to control human behavior.
It can be used to regulate the nature and amount of activities
humans engage in. It ranges from simple requests to laws
governing countries and large territories.
 Basic Forms of Regulation/Control

o Doctors’ prescriptions
o Parents’ instructions to their children
o Friends giving advice on what course of action to take
o Scolding
o Employers orders to their employees
o Customers making orders

o Please come in
o Get a chair
o Take your seat
o Run


o Why don’t we go to the lobby now?

o Can you pass the salt?
o Can I have a moment of silence?

o I want to be alone.
o It’s hot in here.
o You need to hurry.

The main focus of Regulation or Control as a function of
communication is to influence one’s behavior. That means that if
anyone behaves in such a way the other one wanted it to be, it’s a
behavioral influence.


Social interaction as a function of communication refers to the use

of communication to socialize or interact with other people. In their
daily course of living, human beings develop and maintain bonds,
intimacy, relations and associations.

 Basic Forms of Social Interaction

o Invitations
o Greetings
o Appreciations
o Encouragement
o Marriage proposals etc.

If an individual uses communication to interact with other
people, it is under social interaction as a function of communication. The
interaction could be positive or negative.

Motivation as a function of communication refers to a person using
language to express desires, needs, wants, likes and dislikes,
inclinations, choices, and aspirations.

 Basic Forms of Motivation

o Expressing one’s ambitions (I dream of…)
o Talking about preferences (This is good over the other)
o Ordering in a fast food restaurant (I want…)
o Asking for milk (Can I…?)
o Making petitions
o Expressing a need (I need…)


Motivation could either be extrinsic or intrinsic. An individual

may communicate within self if he uses intrinsic motivation

Communication can be used in giving and getting information. Giving
information usually comes in the form of statements of facts
(grammatically known as declaratives)

Basic Forms of Information

Giving Information Using Statements

 I have three sisters
 For every action, there is a reaction.

Giving Information Using Rhetorical Question

 Did you know that some earphones can be used as microphones?

Getting Information Using Questions

 Where is Mrs. Ching?
 Did it rain last night?
 Is it windy outside?
Getting Information Using Imperatives
 Show me how to tie a knot.
 Give me information regarding the weather.

Getting Information Using Declaratives

 I don’t know where to find the city hall.
 I need to understand how my bill was computed.

In this function of communication, it has to be two-way.
That means that an individual cannot only get information,
he has to give also so that there will be reciprocation. Part of this
function is to make sure that the information an individual gives and
gets is accurate and clear.

Emotional expression as a function of communication refers to the
use of expressions such as love, fear, anger, joy, hope, or any other
Human always need to express their emotions verbally and
nonverbally. Emotions are a central part of who we are. Beyond thinking
about the things and people in our world, we feel about them and about

Basic Examples of Emotional Expression

 Yes!
 Oh no!
 Ouch!
 Expletives
 Really?
Verbal and Non-Verbal cues that each
speaker uses to achieve their purpose.

Verbal Communication
In order to communicate properly, speakers must not only
communicate using their words, but also their actions. Their words and
actions must match. Otherwise, miscommunication can occur.
Communication using words is also called Verbal communication

Pause– A speaker pauses between utterances in order to

allow listeners to process what the speaker has spoken.

Loudness or Softness– depending on

the speaker’s style, emphasis can be achieved by either
speaking loudly or softly. In addition, other emotions can be
expressed using the loudness or softness of the voice.
Rhythm– The way a speaker talks can be a powerful tool to engage
listeners. Rhythm refers to the speed and flow of a speaker’s utterances.
Repetition and Rephrasing– Unlike in reading, a listener cannot go
back to what a speaker has spoken if the speaker did not understand that
particular utterance. As part of the speakers’ effort to help the listener
understand, the speaker will do well to repeat his or her utterances specially if
the content of the utterance is difficult to understand.

Tone – Tone of voice is essential in communicating effectively. The

tone of voice often shows the attitude of the speaker toward the topic or the
Appropriate Form of Language – a speaker must use the appropriate
form of language to be used in a given setting. The technical term for the
form of language used is register.

Non-Verbal Communication
Communication involves expressing oneself
without the use of words. Because of its nature, non-
verbal communication is more prone to
misinterpretation than verbal communication.

Gestures – play an important role in communication. They can help

express a speaker’s point better.
Eye contact– when a speaker maintains eye contact with his or her
listeners, he or she gives the impression of being serious about what is being

Posture– good posture is beneficial not only for health reasons but also
for relating to others when speaking. In general, standing with an erect body
and head makes for good posture and is applicable in most settings.

Facial Expression– a speaker’s facial expression must match the topic

of discussion.
Proxemics– speakers must make use of the space around them
properly. The use of space in the communication called proxemics.

Activity 1: Individual activity

Write a 250-word essay of your objective observation and evaluation of
the various speakers watched and listened to and guess what function of
communication the video is portraying.

Video links for the Individual Activity.

 Inspirational Valedictorian Speech

 Blonde and Blue Eyes by Patricia Evangelista
 Barack Obama Inspirational Speech
 Hitler Speech To The World

Activity 2: ENRICHMENT (Video Presentation)

Each Student will have to present a scenario showing the five functions
of communication. Videos should not exceed more than 5


The Video Presentation they have in practice will serve as their mini
task or performance assessment. They will be graded according to the
following criteria:

Content (30%)
Creativity (25%)
Voice projection & facial expression (25%)
Role portrayal (10%)
Flow/ organization (10%)
TOTAL 100%


Here are the key points tackled in Module 2:

 Definition of Functions of Communication Functions of communication

refers to how humans use language for different purposes.
 The five basic functions of communication - regulation/control, social
interaction, motivation, information, emotional expression
 Verbal and Non-Verbal cues that each speaker uses to achieve their purpose.
 Verbal Communication In order to communicate properly, speakers must not
only communicate using their words, but also their actions.
 Non-Verbal Communication involves expressing oneself without the use of

IDENTIFY the following.

1. It can be used to regulate the nature and amount of

activities humans engage in.
2. Communication involves expressing oneself without the use
of words.
3. It refers to the speed and flow of a speaker’s utterances.
4. It is the use of space in the communication.
5. A speaker cue between utterances in order to allow listeners
to process what the speaker has spoken.
6. Functions of communication that usually comes in the form
of statements of facts
7. The function to which expressing an opinion belongs
depends on the purpose and setting in which it is done.
8. Depending on the speaker’s style, emphasis can be achieved
by either speaking loudly or softly.
9. Play an important role in communication. They can help
express a speaker’s point better.
10. Human always need to express their emotions verbally
and nonverbally.

Multiple Choice: Choose the correct answer.

1. Which of the following shows an example of Regulation/Control?

a) Doctor’s prescription
b) Friends giving advice on what course of action to take
c) Parent’s instruction to their children
d) All of the above

2. "I love you" is an example of expression that produce what function

of communication?

a) Motivation
b) Social Interaction
c) Emotional Expression
d) Information

3. "I want to be a billionaire" is a form expressing what function of


a) Motivation
b) Social Interaction
c) Emotional Expression
d) Information
4. "Philippine Normal University was established in 1901" is an example
of giving information using what language form?

a) Rhetorical Question
b) Statement
c) Imperative
d) Question

5. "Really?" is a language form for expressing what function of


a) Social Interaction
b) Information
c) Emotional Expression
d) Rhetorical Question

6. When a teacher gives an opinion about a topic it is likely to be about

what function of communication?

a) Regulation/control
b) Emotional expression
c) Motivation
d) Information

7."I want to be alone" is an example of what language form for


a) Rhetorical Question
b) Question
c) Imperative
d) Declarative
8. Marriage proposals is an example of what Functions of

a) Social Interaction
b) Motivation
c) Information
d) Emotional Expression

9. "Did you know that some earphones can be used as microphones?" is

an example of giving information using what language form?

a) Rhetorical Question
b) Statement
c) Imperative
d) Question

10. When a teenage girl giving an opinion on who among the current
popular celebrities is the most handsome, that is likely to be about
what function of communication?

a) Emotional expression
b) Information
c) Regulation/Control
d) Motivation

Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct but if it's false change
the underlined word or group of words to make the whole statement

1. Social Interaction as a function of communication refers to a

person using a language to express desires, needs, wants, likes
and dislikes, inclinations, choices and aspirations
2. Communication using words is also called Verbal communication.
3. As part of the speakers’ effort to help the listener understand,
the speaker will do well to repeat his or her utterances specially if
the content of the utterance is difficult to understand.
4. The tone of voice often shows the attitude of the speaker toward
the topic or the listener.
5. A speaker must use the appropriate form of language to be used

in a given setting.

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