Epreuve: Anglais Classe: 4 Durée: 2H Coef: 2

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T/M Année scolaire : 2019-2020

Collège d’Enseignement Général 1

 : 34  : 21 36 00 75


I- Informations générales
Epreuve : Anglais
Classe : 4ème
Durée : 2H
Coef : 2
II- Compétences à évaluer :
Compétence Disciplinaire n°2 : Réagir de façon précise et appropriée à des
messages lus
Compétence Disciplinaire n°3 : Produire de façon appropriée un texte de type et de
fonctions variés

III- L’Epreuve
A- La réaction à un message lu
Contexte : Dans nos villages et contrées, beaucoup de maladies et infectons
sévissent. Nombreux sont les enfants, adolescents et adultes qui en meurent à
cause de la négligence et de l’ignorance de certains parents. Voici un texte qui
retrace un peu ces comportements dans un village.
1. Sam is a little boy who lives with his parents and his two little brothers at Ikate
waterside, a village located in Lagos States, in Nigeria. He is a hardworking
student. He is 13 years old and is in form 3. His brothers are respectively 11 and 9
and are in form 2 and form 1in a local school.
2. In that village, there is no clean water available and people must go very far
away in another village before finding clean water. Then, the water they usually use
for drinking, their domestic chores and bathing is from the river because clean
water is expensive and difficult to get.
3. The inhabitants of that village including children started suffering from diseases
like diarrhea, malaria, cholera, yellow fever and diphtheria.
4. Little Sam and all his brothers themselves became seriously sick. Without any
medical consultation to know what they are suffering from, their parents started
giving them infusions from some plant roots and leaves and some drugs like
Paracetamol and Aspirin. But Sam was angry and asked his parents to take him
and his brothers to hospital for better treatment.
5. Once at the hospital and after possible tests, the doctor declared that they are
suffering from malaria and diarrhea. After the appropriate treatment, he warned
them against drinking unclean water and advised them to boil before drinking it.

Critères d’évaluation: Après avoir lu le texte, tu montreras que tu l’as compris en:
- reconnaissant des détails du texte,
- répondant correctement aux questions posées sur le texte,
- exprimant ta maîtrise de certaines structures grammaticales,
- reconnaissant les synonymes des mots.
Item1: Answer by True or False
1- Sam is a lazy student.
2- In Sam’s village, there is an abundance of clean water and the inhabitants
are very happy.
3- Sam’s parents do not have the idea of taking them to hospital immediately.
4- The doctor succeeded in giving a good treatment to Sam and his brothers.

Item 2: Answer the following questions on the text.

1- How old is Sam?
2- What kind of water do inhabitants of Sam’s village drink?
3- Name two diseases mentioned in the text.
4- How did Sam feel about the traditional treatment of his parents?

Item 3: Write the correct forms and tenses of verbs in brackets.

1- Sam often (to drink) dirty water.
2- If Sam (not to go) to hospital, he will die.
3- The inhabitants of Sam’s village (to fall) sick if they don’t respect rules for
good hygiene.
4- You (to go) to hospital if you are sick?

Item 4: Find the synonyms of the following words in the text:

1- Small (paragraph 1)
2- getting (paragraph 2)
3- tap (paragraph 2)
4- ill (paragraph 4)
B- La production d’un texte de type particulier
Contexte : Ton professeur met ces phrases au tableau. Il désordonne les mots et
voudrait que tu l’aides à les ordonner afin d’obtenir les phrases correctes.
Critères d’évaluation
Tu montreras ta capacité à écrire des phrases en Anglais en :
- respectant le contexte,
- reconstruisant des phrases significatives et grammaticalement correctes,
- utilisant le vocabulaire, l’orthographe et la ponctuation appropriés.
Writing: Re-order these words to have meaningful sentences.
1- /is/ Sam/ brothers/ and/ What/ ?/ wrong/ his/ with/
2- /They/ and/ malaria/ ./ are/ suffering/ from/ diarrhea/
3- /water/ no/ in/ ./ Sam’s village/ There/ available/ is/ clean/
4- /is/ Little/ a/ hardworking/ Sam/ ./


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