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A forma infinitiva não tem to e esse tipo de verbo é sempre seguido de infinitivo sem to.


 Mariane can speak Portuguese.

 We should take a lap top with us.

Não são acrescidos de _s na 3ª pessoa do singular.


 I’m sure Paul can do this for you.

 He must be there at 7 am.

O conjunto de formas não é diferente de outros verbos.


can (infinitivo) — could (passado) — will be able to ( futuro )


Funcionam como auxiliares comuns, tanto na forma afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa.

Na forma interrogativa eles se colocam na frente do sujeito e na negativa basta acrescentar o “not” depois
do verbo.

AFIRMATIVA: They should wake up earlier.

NEGATIVA: They should not ( shouldn’t ) wake up earlier.

INTERROGATIVA: Should they wake up earlier?

INTERROGATIVA-NEGATIVA: Shouldn’t they wake up earlier ? (= Should they not wake up earlier?)


general ability- habilidade/capacidade

I can speak Chinese

I could speak Chinese when I was a kid.

I will be able to speak Chinese by the time I finish my course.


ability during a specific event- habilidade durante um acontecimento específico

With a burst of adrenaline, people can pick up cars.

With a sudden burst of adrenaline, he was able to lift the car off the child's leg.


With a sudden burst of adrenaline, he will be able to lift the car.


opportunity- oportunidade

I have some free time. I can help her now.

I had some free time yesterday. I was able to help her at that time.

I'll have some free time tomorrow. I can help her then.


permission- permissão

I can drive Susan's car when she is out of town.

I was allowed to drive Susan's car while she was out of town last week.

I can drive Susan's car while she is out of town next week.


request- pedido

Can I have a glass of water?

Can you give me a lift to school?

(Requests usually refer to the near future.)


possibility / impossibility- possibilidade/ impossibilidade

Anyone can become rich and famous if they know the right people.

Learning a language can be a real challenge.

(This use is usually a generalization or an supposition.)

It can't cost more than a dollar or two.

You can't be 45! I thought you were about 18 years old.

(This use is usually a generalization or an supposition.)


possibility- possibilidade

John could be the one who stole the money.

John could have been the one who stole the money.

John could be charged with the crime when the police finish the investigation.

Mary couldn't be the one who stole the money.


conditional(can, could)- condicional

If I had more time, I could travel around the world.

If I had had more time, I could have traveled around the world.

If I had more time this winter, I could travel around the world.

Even if I had more time, I couldn't travel around the world.

Even if I had had more time, I couldn't have traveled around the world.

Even if I had more time this winter, I could travel around


suggestion- sugestão/conselho

You could study more.

You could have spent your vacation in Hawaii.

You could spend your vacation in Hawaii.


past ability- habilidade no passado

I could run ten miles in my twenties.

I could speak Chinese when I was a kid.

I couldn't run more than a mile in my twenties.

I couldn't speak Japanese.


polite request- pedido educado

Could I have something to drink?

Could borrow your stapler?

(Requests usually refer to the near future.)

Couldn't he come with us?

Couldn't you help me with this for just a second?

(Requests usually refer to the near future.)


possibility- possibilidade

Jack may be upset. I can't really tell if he is annoyed or tired.

Jack may have been upset. I couldn't really tell if he was annoyed or tired.

Jack may not get upset, even if you tell him the truth


permission- permissão

You may leave the table now that you're finished with your dinner.

You were allowed to leave the table after you finished your dinner.

You may leave the table when you finish your dinner

You may not leave the table until you are finished with your dinner.


possibility- possibilidade

She might be on the bus. I think her car is having problems.

She might have taken the bus. I'm not sure how she got to work.
She might take the bus to get home. I don't think Bill will be able to give her a ride.

She might not take the bus. She might get a ride from Bill.


conditional (may, might) condicional

If I entered the contest, I might actually win.

If I had entered the contest, I might actually have won.

If I entered the contest tomorrow, I might actually win. Unfortunately, I can't enter it.

Even if I entered the contest tomorrow, I might not win


certainty- certeza

That must be Jerry. They said he was tall with bright red hair.

That must have been the right restaurant. There are no other restaurants on this street.

That must not be Jerry. He is supposed to have red hair.

That must not have been the right restaurant. I guess there is another one around here somewhere.

(not) prohibition- proibição

You must not swim in that river. It's full of crocodiles.

You must not forget to take your malaria medication while your are in the tropics.

(A proibição geralmente está ligada a um futuro próximo.)


strong recommendation- forte recomendação

You must take some time off and get some rest.

You should have taken some time off last week to get some rest.

You should take some time off next week to get some rest.

You mustn't drink so much. It's not good for your health.

You shouldn't have drunk so much. That caused the accident.

You shouldn't drink at the party. You are going to be the designated driver.


You must have a permit to enter the national park.

We had to have a permit to enter the park.

We must get a permit to enter the park next week.

We don't have to get a permit to enter the national park.

We didn't have to get a permit to enter the national park.

We won't have to get a permit to enter the national park.


recommendation advisability- recomendação/conselho

People with high cholesterol should eat low fat foods.

Frank should have eaten low fat foods. That might have prevented his heart attack.

You really should start eating better.

Sarah shouldn't smoke so much. It's not good for her health.

Sarah shouldn't have smoked so much. That's what caused her health problems.
Sarah shouldn't smoke when she visits Martha next week. Martha hates when people smoke in her house


assumption/ expectation/ probability- suposição/expecta-tiva/probabilidade

Susan should be in New York by now.

Susan should have arrived in New York last week. Let's call her and see what she is up to.

Susan should be in New York by next week. Her new job starts on Monday.

Susan shouldn't be in New York yet.

Susan shouldn't have arrived in New York until yesterday.

Susan shouldn't arrive in New York until next week


recommendation/ advisability- recomendação/ conselho

Margaret ought to exercise more.

Margaret ought to have exercised more so she would be better prepared for the marathon.

Margaret ought to come to the fitness center with us tonight.

Margaret ought not exercise too much. It might cause injury.

Margaret ought not have run the marathon. She wasn't in good shape.



She ought to have the package by now.

She ought to have received the package yesterday.

She ought to receive the package tonight.


recommendation- recomendação/conselho/desperate hope/

You had better unplug the toaster before you try to clean it.

You had better not clean the toaster until you unplug it.

The movie had better end soon.

They had better be here before we start dinner.


future action- ação futura

The marketing director shall be replaced by someone from the New York office.
Fred shall be there by 8:00.

Fred shall not (shan’t) be there. He has a previous obligation.


volunteering/promising- voluntariedade/promessa

I shall take care of everything for you.

I shall make the travel arrangements. There's no need to worry.

1. (UFSC) Assinale a alternativa correta:
a) You can’t drive a car unless you have a driver’s license.
b) You can’t to drive a car unless you have a driver’s license.
c) You can’t driving a car unless you have a driver’s license.
d) You don’t can drive a car unless you have a driver’s license.
e) You cannot to drive a car unless you have a driver’s license.

2. (FMU-SP) I smoke here? Yes, but you throw ashes on the floor.
a) May – should
b) Might – must not
c) Can – mustn’t
d) Could – ought to
e) Would – shouldn’t

3. (PUCCAMP-SP) Mother to child: “You tell lies.”

a) don’t need
b) mustn’t
c) may not
d) don’t must
e) haven’t
4. (F.C.M. STA.CASA-SP) She’s so good that that there isn’t anything she do.
a) can’t
b) can
c) may
d) has to
e) isn’t able

5. (FMU/FIAM-SP) You finish your food, if you don’t want to.

a) must
b) don’t need
c) needn’t
d) may not
e) mustn’t

6. (ITA-SP) Every university some degree deep up with the world outside.
a) must
b) mustn’t
c) must not
d) must to
e) mustn’t to

7. (PUCCAMP-SP) You ought a holiday.

a) tooking
b) take
c) took
d) taking
e) to take
8. (U.MACKENZIE-SP) The teacher told the pupils that they leave the school.
a) might to
b) musted
c) mayed
d) might
e) should to

9. (ITA-SP) I’m awfully sorry, but I had no choice. I simply what I did.
a) ought to
b) must to
c) have had to do
d) have done
e) had to do

10. (ITA-SP) Dadas as sentenças:

1) Make believe you cannot walk.
2) I do my homework every day.
3) You should do your duty.
Constatamos que está ( estão ) correta (s)
a) apenas a sentença nº 1.
b) apenas a sentença nº 2.
c) apenas a sentença nº 3.
d) apenas as sentenças nº 1 e nº 2.
e) todas as sentenças.

11. (ITA) Assinale a alternativa que corretamente preenche as lacunas ( I, II, III ) das sentenças:
1) He I climb to the top of the mountain.
2) II the child have the toy ?
3) She III go now.
a) cans to Mays musts to
b) can May must
c) can to May must to
d) cans Mays musts
e) will can Will may will must

12. (M. AER.-RJ) She at that restaurant. I looked everywhere for her last night.
a) could have been
b) couldn’t has been
c) couldn’t had been
d) couldn’t have been

13. (IME-RJ) Miss Taylor swim well when she was younger.
a) might to
b) should to
c) ought to
d) have to
e) was able to

14. (IBERO-SP) Mr. Anderson be at home. I his car in front of his house.
a) could – am seeing
b) must – can see
c) should – am seeing
d) ought – can see
e) might – am seeing

15. (FMU/FIAM-SP) Stop it, children! You write on the wall!

a) needn’t
b) can
c) mustn’t
d) will
e) should

16. (FGV-SP) Tomorrow he go.

a) had to
b) musts
c) must
d) have to
e) has

17. (MACKENZIE-SP) In the sentence: You may be wrong, and you may be right, “may” expresses:
a) possibility
b) permission
c) ability
d) deduction
e) obligation

18. (PUC-SP) My brother had too much to drink last night, but he not have because he often suffers
from liver trouble.
a) could
b) should
c) must
d) can
e) would

19. (UFSC) He read the message twice but he not understand it.
a) must
b) may
c) can
d) should
e) could
20. (U.MACKENZIE) Assinale a alternativa correta.
a) There are no matches left. We must buy some more.
b) There aren’t any matches left. We must to buy some more.
c) There aren’t no matches left. We must buy any more.
d) There is not any matches left. We must to buy some more.
e) There aren’t not any matches left. We must buy some more.

21. (FICB-DF) We keep ourselves together if we really want to get out of this jungle.
a) ought
b) have
c) must to
d) need to
e) should to

22. (PUC-SP)
Janet: Look, our boat is sinking!
Peter: Oh, dear! Can you swim?
Janet: Yes, but we won’t have to. There’s a lifeboat on board.
In the above dialogue, the underlined verbs express and , respectively.
a) ability – obligation
b) permission – prohibition
c) possibility – prohibition
d) permission – possibility
e) ability – necessity

23. (ESAL-MG) “Mr. Wood was not able to sleep”, has the same meaning that:
a) Mr. Wood wouldn’t sleep.
b) Mr. Wood may not sleep.
c) Mr. Wood might not sleep.
d) Mr. Wood couldn’t sleep.
e) Mr. Wood must not sleep.
24. (UNITAU-SP) The child mustn’t get out of his room. The underlined word indicates:
a) no necessity
b) prohibition
c) inability
d) no obligation
e) no possibility

25. (UFR-RJ) Na frase “If you must be good, be careful”, o verbo must pode ser substituído, sem alteração
de sentido, por:
a) be able to
b) may
c) can
d) have to
e) might
Text 27 (EEAR)

Cigarettes are more addictive for women than for men. This is the conclusion arrived at by
research carried out amongst 6,000 people in São Paulo. The study was coordinated by
psychiatrist Célia Lídia da Costa. “Most men only smoke for pleasure. On the other hand, depression affects
many more women than men. Many women smoke cigarettes to forget the negative symptoms of
depression and anxiety. This means women are psychologically more dependent on cigarettes than men
are”, Costa says in an interview published by Folha Online. According to her, when men and women look
for medical help to quit smoking, men take an average of three months to quit, while women take a year.

1. According to the survey on women’s addiction to cigarettes, we can conclude that

a) it is tougher for women to stop smoking than for men.
b) women manage to quit their habit in less time than men.
c) most women need a psychiatrist’s help in order to succeed in being cured.
d) women are unable to overcome their dependence because it’s pleasant.
Text 28 (EFOOM)

NATO ships, helicopters hunt down 7 pirates

NAIROBI, Kenya - NATO warships and helicopters pursued Somali pirates for seven hours after they attacked a
Norwegian tanker, NATO spokesmen said Sunday, and the high-speed chase only ended when warning shots
were fired at the pirates’ skiff. Seven pirates attempted to attack the Norwegian-flagged MV Front Ardenne late
Saturday but fled after crew took evasive maneuvers and alerted warships in the area, said Portuguese Lt.
Cmdr. Alexandre Santos Fernandes, aboard a warship in the Gulf of Aden, and Cmdr. Chris Davies, of NATO’s
maritime headquarters in England. "How the attack was thwarted is unclear, it appears to have been the
actions of the tanker," Davies said. Fernandes said no shots were fired at the tanker. Davies said the pirates
sailed into the path of the Canadian warship Winnipeg, which was escorting a World Food Program delivery
ship through the Gulf of Aden. The American ship USS Halyburton was also in the area and joined the chase.
"There was a lengthy pursuit, over seven hours," Davies said. The pirates hurled weapons into the dark seas as
the Canadian and U.S. warships closed in. The ships are part of NATO’s anti-piracy mission. "The skiff
abandoned the scene and tried to escape to Somali territory," Fernandes said. "It was heading toward Bossaso
but we managed to track them. Warning shots have been made after several attempts to stop the vessel."
Both ships deployed helicopters, and naval officers hailed the pirates over loudspeakers and finally fired
warning shots to stop them, Fernandes said, but not before the pirates had dumped most of their weapons
overboard. NATO forces boarded the skiff, where they found a rocket-propelled grenade, and interrogated,
disarmed and released the pirates. The pirates cannot be prosecuted under Canadian law because they did
not attack Canadian citizens or interests and the crime was not committed on Canadian territory. "When a
ship is part of NATO, the detention of a person is a matter for the national authorities," Fernandes said. "It
stops being a NATO issue and starts being a national issue."
The pirates' release underscores the difficulties navies have in fighting rampant piracy off the coast of
lawless Somalia. Most of the time, foreign navies simply disarm and
release the pirates they catch due to legal complications and logistical difficulties in transporting pirates
and witnesses to court. Pirates have attacked more than 80 boats this year alone, four times the number
assaulted in 2003, according to the Kuala Lumpur-based International Maritime Bureau. They now hold at
least 18 ships - including a Belgian tanker seized Saturday with 10 crew aboard - and over 310 crew
hostage, according to an Associated Press count.
(Adapted from:, 04/19/09)
1. The Canadian Navy is involved in the incident described in the text because:
a) The pirates accidentally crossed in front of the Canadian warship Winnipeg which was on its way
through the Gulf of Aden.
b) The pirates tried to attack an escorted ship filled with valuable supplies for the World Food Program.
c) The Norwegian tanker chased the pirates until the Canadian and the North American warships arrived.
d) NATO ships were already in the area looking for the pirates' skiff.
e) The USS Halyburton asked their Canadian counterparts for assistance after locating the skiff.

2. In the sentence "There was a lengthy pursuit, over seven hours", there is a word formed by the suffix
"y". In which option below the word is formed by the same suffix?
a) lately
b) mostly
c) fury
d) ally
e) healthy

3. According to the text, the crew members of the Somali ships seized CANNOT be held in custody
a) Their guns are hurled into the seas and no proof of their status as pirates can be found on board of
their ships.
b) International Law forbids NATO members to arrest crewmembers of other nationalities.
c) Somalia is a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and therefore its ships are only
subjected to that country's national legal persecution.
d) NATO members cannot make arrests abroad under a number of circumstances, such as when their
nationals are not directly affected.
e) Piracy is not a crime NATO countries are allowed to fight or prevent in the national waters of non-NATO
1. a 24. b
2. c 25. d
3. b
5. e Text 27 (EEAR)
6. d 1. a
7. e
8. d Text 28 (EFOOM)
9. e 1. a
10. e 2. e
11. b 3. d
12. d
13. e
14. b
15. c
16. c
17. a
18. b
19. e
20. a
21. d
22. e

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