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----- 3.0.1.

1 (23 Jan 2020) -----

- FIXED: Issue Update Nasa Core to 3.0.1.
- COMPATIBLE: WooCommerce 3.9.0.

----- 3.0.1 (22 Jan 2020) -----

- FIXED: CSS Main Menu.
- FIXED: Init Option Nasa Wishlist.
- IMPROVED: Stock Progress Bar Element Product Special Deal.

----- 3.0.0 (14 Jan 2020) -----

- NEW: Nasa Wishlist (Change for Yith WooCommerce Wishlist).
- NEW: Style Notice Added.
- IMPROVED: Options excludes product in Element Nasa Products.

----- 2.3.3 (09 Jan 2020) -----

- NEW: Show Notice Option After Added To Cart.
- NEW: Popup Your Order Option After Added To Cart.
- NEW: Show Sidebar Cart Option After Added To Cart.
- FIXED: Issue Header Sticky.
- REMOVED: Options RTL Mode.
- IMPROVED: Automatically identify RLT languages.

----- 2.3.2 (04 Jan 2020) -----

- COMPATIBLE: Registration Popup with Dokan.
- IMPROVED: 360 Degree Product Viewer.
- IMPROVED: Sticky Info Sigle Product Page.
- IMPROVED: Some Style.

----- 2.3.1 (31 Dec 2019) -----

- NEW: 360 Degree Product Viewer.
- IMPROVED: Some Style.

----- 2.3.0 (27 Dec 2019) -----

- FIXED: Issue Add To Cart (Product Variation).
- FIXED: Transient issue For Product Deal ids.
- IMPROVED: Documentation.

----- (19 Dec 2019) -----

- COMPATIBLE: Featured Image by URL - Author: Knawat Team

----- 2.2.9 (18 Dec 2019) -----

- IMPROVED: Wishlist Sidebar.
- COMPATIBLE: Yith WooCommerce Wishlist 3.x.

----- 2.2.8 (14 Dec 2019) -----

- NEW: + Homepage Accessories.
- NEW: Group Products.
- IMPROVED: Dots for Element Slider.
- COMPATIBLE: WPBakery 6.1.
- COMPATIBLE: WordPress 5.3.1

----- 2.2.7 (04 Dec 2019) -----

- FIXED: Issue Add To Cart (When disabled Ajax Add To Cart).
- FIXED: Issue Ajax Filter Shop Page.
- COMPATIBLE: Revolution Slider 6.1.5.
- COMPATIBLE: WooCommerce 3.8.1.

----- 2.2.6 (23 Nov 2019) -----

- NEW: Options Show/Hide Ux variations in Grid.
- FIXED: Event click LoadMore in MacOS/IOS.
- FIXED: Css Variation type Default of WooCommerce.
- IMPROVED: UX Variations Product.
- COMPATIBLE: Revolution Slider 6.1.4.
- COMPATIBLE: WordPress 5.3.

----- (09 Nov 2019) -----

- NEW: Options Dots Slide for Single Product.
- FIXED: Margin Price in On Sale Product.
- FIXED: Issue Pagination Shop.

----- 2.2.5 (08 Nov 2019) -----

- NEW: Captcha for Register Form.
- FIXED: WooCommerce Pagination style in page Vendors List - WC Vendor.
- COMPATIBLE: WooCommerce 3.8.0.

----- 2.2.4 (05 Nov 2019) -----

- NEW: +4 types Hover Effect Product.
- FIXED: Ajax shop with Vendor.
- FIXED: Min Price = 0 with Widget Nasa Filter Price.
- FIXED: Some styles.

----- 2.2.3 (28 Oct 2019) -----

- NEW: Single Product Slider Full Width - No Thumbnails.
- NEW: Override Option Layout for Single Product.
- IMPROVED: Promotion Top.
- IMPROVED: UX variations - case inactive variation.
- IMPROVED: Boxed Site Layout.

----- 2.2.2 (21 Oct 2019) -----

- FIXED: Issue Top Icon Filter By Categories.
- IMPROVED: Countdown for Mobile small (iPhone 5).
- IMPROVED: Add to cart for Product Deal Nav 2 items
- IMPROVED: Product variation Deal with Category.
- IMPROVED: Widget Nasa Reset Filter (with mode toggle widget).
- IMPROVED: Masonry Layout for Shop or Category products page.
- IMPROVED: Import Sample Data.

----- 2.2.1 (15 Oct 2019) -----

- NEW: + Home Retail.
- NEW: Option GDPR Policy.
- NEW: Override Sidebar layout for Category Products.
- NEW: Product Categories grid layout.
- IMPROVED: Element Slide products.
- IMPROVED: Support 2 columns of products.
- IMPROVED: Support 6 columns of products.
- COMPATIBLE: WooCommerce 3.7.1.

----- 2.2.0 (09 Oct 2019) -----

- NEW: + Home Digital 2nd.
- NEW: + Home Cosmetic.
- IMPROVED: Arrows for Products Slide.
- IMPROVED: Tabs layout.
- IMPROVED: Special Product Deal Simple.

----- 2.1.9 (05 Oct 2019) -----

- NEW: + Home Digital.
- IMPROVED: Tabs for single product page.
- IMPROVED: Layout for single product page.
- IMPROVED: Single Post page.
- COMPATIBLE: Revolution Slider 6.1.3.

----- 2.1.8 (24 Sep 2019) -----

- NEW: Tabs style 2d Radius.
- NEW: Element Compare Before - After Images.
- IMPROVED: Option add version when call javascript.
- IMPROVED: Option for Toggle Widgets.
- IMPROVED: Mini Cart Icon.
- IMPROVED: Wishlist HTML.

----- 2.1.7 (10 Sep 2019) -----

- IMPROVED: Close button on the canvas.
- FIXED: issue with shortcode WooCommerce [products ...].
- FIXED: Issue Css compatible with the new version of Chrome.

----- 2.1.6 (04 Sep 2019) -----

- NEW: +1 Home jewelry.
- NEW: Override Font for Page, Category Page, Single Product Page.
- NEW: Override layout for Single Product Page.
- FIXED: Mobile Menu for Header Builder.
- FIXED: Max height logo for mobile.
- IMPROVED: Offline Site.
- COMPATIBLE: Revolution Slider 6.1.1.

----- 2.1.5 (27 Aug 2019) -----

- NEW: Option Offline Site.
- IMPROVED: Instagram Feed.
- IMPROVED: Carousel Nav.

----- 2.1.4 (22 Aug 2019) -----

- FIXED: Issue removes all items in Bought Together.
- FIXED: Issues RTL css.
- IMPROVED: Bottom for Pin.
- IMPROVED: Mobile layout.
- IMPROVED: Social icons.
- IMPROVED: Top and Bottom Content for Category page.

----- 2.1.3 (15 Aug 2019) -----

- FIXED: group buttons in mobile.
- IMPROVED: Review Tab in Single Product.
- IMPROVED: Mobile layout for mini Tablet devices.
- IMPROVED: System WooCommerce Notice.
- COMPATIBLE: WooCommerce 3.7.0.

----- 2.1.2 (07 Aug 2019) -----

- IMPROVED: Mobile Search.
- IMPROVED: Widgets.
- IMPROVED: Promo Popup Newsletter.
- COMPATIBLE: Revolution Slider 6.0.9.

----- 2.1.1 (04 Aug 2019) -----

- NEW: Popup Your Order After Add To Cart.
- NEW: Free Shipping for order greater than a price.
- IMPROVED: Menu Account.
- FIXED: Some css.
- COMPATIBLE: WPBakery 6.0.5.
----- 2.1 (20 Jul 2019) -----
- NEW: Mobile Layout Ready.
- NEW: +2 Layouts Light Menu Mobile.
- NEW: +1 Breadcrumb Layout (1 Row).
- NEW: +1 Layout for Tabs of the single product page (Accordion-style).
- NEW: +2 Layout Sticky Add To Cart Single Product for Mobile.
- IMPROVED: Style group buttons in loop product in mobile.
- FIXED: Some css.

----- 2.0 (09 Jul 2019) -----

- NEW: Element Products Masonry - Metro.
- NEW: Multi Flags languages - WPML.
- NEW: Multi Currencies - WPML.
- NEW: Layout Cart Page.
- NEW: Layout Checkout Page.
- NEW: 5 columns in the change-view of Shop Page.
- NEW: Feature Bought Together.
- NEW: Single Product with thumbnail bottom.
- NEW: Single Product tab reviews.
- NEW: Suggestions search.
- FIXED: Some css.
- IMPROVED: Shop page layout Masonry - Isotope.
- IMPROVED: Quick-view Popup.
- COMPATIBLE: Plugin - Nextend Social Login (Login by Social).

----- 1.7.1 (28 Jun 2019) -----

- FIXED: Widget Nasa Product Categories (Active in Single Product Page).
- IMPROVED: Search Feature.
- IMPROVED: Optimized Performance.
- IMPROVED: Mini Wishlist Count.

----- 1.7.0 (14 Jun 2019) -----

- COMPATIBLE: WPBakery Page Builder 6.0.3.
- IMPROVED: Mega Menu.
- IMPROVED: Mini Cart & Cart Sidebar.
- IMPROVED: Mini Wishlist & Wishlist Sidebar.

----- 1.6.9 (22 May 2019) -----

- COMPATIBLE: WPBakery Page Builder 6.0.2.
- FIXED: Some css.

----- 1.6.8 (15 May 2019) -----

- FIXED: Widget Nasa Product Tags.
- FIXED: Accordion Widget Nasa Product Categories.
- IMPROVED: Option Background for main menu Header type 4.
- COMPATIBLE: Wordpress 5.2.

----- 1.6.7 (04 May 2019) -----

- FIXED: Stars Rating in Single Product Page.
- IMPROVED: Option Lightbox image in Single Product Page.
- IMPROVED: Countdown pad zero.
- IMPROVED: Price for live search.
- IMPROVED: Option Hide empty for widget Nasa Product Categories.
- IMPROVED: Countdown for variation in Product grid.
- COMPATIBLE: Revolution Slider

----- 1.6.6 (19 Apr 2019) -----

- COMPATIBLE: WooCommerce 3.6.x.
----- 1.6.5 (10 Apr 2019) -----
- FIXED: Some css hide for devices.
- FIXED: Text-domain language.
- FIXED: Order By.
- IMPROVED: Action call ajax.
- IMPROVED: Optimize performance.

----- 1.6.4 (06 Apr 2019) -----

- FIXED: Some css.
- FIXED: Remove the excerpt page.
- IMPROVED: Caching.

----- 1.6.3 (31 Mar 2019) -----

- NEW: Selections of add to cart in grid
- FIXED: Some css.
- IMPROVED: Badge.
- IMPROVED: Single Add To Cart Button.

----- 1.6.2 (21 Mar 2019) -----

- FIXED: Issue Wishlist sidebar.
- FIXED: Some css.
- IMPROVED: UX Variations product Grid.
- COMPATIBLE: WooCommerce 3.5.7.

----- 1.6.1 (08 Mar 2019) -----

- IMPROVED: UX Variations product Grid.
- FIXED: Some css Responsive.

----- 1.6.0 (04 Mar 2019) -----

- IMPROVED: Sticky Header.
- IMPROVED: Menu Mobile.
- IMPROVED: Resize Responsive.
- IMPROVED: HTML Structure of Group buttons in Product Grid.
- IMPROVED: HTML Structure of Badge Product.

----- 1.5.6 (25 Feb 2019) -----

- NEW: Stock Process Bar.
- FIXED: Mobile Menu.
- FIXED: Issue Buy Now And Size Guide With Catalog Mode.
- FIXED: Row And Column ID.
- COMPATIBLE: WooCommerce 3.5.5 and WordPress 5.1.

----- 1.5.5 (19 Feb 2019) -----

- NEW: + Home Furniture.
- NEW: + Top bar Type 2.
- FIXED: Some Css RTL.
- FIXED: Issue Active theme.
- FIXED: Menu Mobile.
- IMPROVED: Element Responsive - Banner.

----- 1.5.4 (11 Feb 2019) -----

- FIXED: Some CSS Offset.
- IMPROVED: Element Columns Responsive - Offset.

----- 1.5.3 (1 Feb 2019) -----

- NEW: Compatible with Back In Stock Notifier for WooCommerce.
- FIXED: Some CSS Short Description Single Product.
- IMPROVED: Remove WP Instagram Widget.
----- 1.5.2 (30 Jan 2019) -----
- NEW: Buy Now Single Product.
- NEW: Size Guide Single Product.
- FIXED: Some CSS Quick Buy.
- IMPROVED: Element Service Block.

----- 1.5.1 (25 Jan 2019) -----

- NEW: Quick Buy Single Product.
- NEW: Enable Default WooCommerce Shortcode Products.
- FIXED: Some CSS.
- IMPROVED: Element Accordion.

----- 1.5.0 (18 Jan 2019) -----

- NEW: + 1 Header Type.
- FIXED: Header Sticky.
- IMPROVED: Quick View.
- IMPROVED: UX Variations Loop products.

----- 1.4.5 (09 Jan 2019) -----

- NEW: + Home Organic.
- FIXED: RTL Slide products Deal.
- FIXED: Shop page Sub Categories.
- FIXED: Quick view Variable product.
- IMPROVED: Quick view product thumbnail.
- IMPROVED: Element product deal.
- IMPROVED: Mega menu.
- IMPROVED: Css global.
- IMPROVED: Nasa Widget filter by Variations.
- IMPROVED: Pagination html.

----- 1.4.4 (19 Dec 2018) -----

- NEW: + Home Bags.
- FIXED: CSS Custom class in Footer.

----- 1.4.3 (12 Dec 2018) -----

- NEW: + Home Bike.
- NEW: + Bagde Limited for deal product.
- FIXED: CSS Simple Slide products.
- FIXED: CSS Megamenu.
- IMPROVED: Loadmore style.

----- 1.4.2 (03 Dec 2018) -----

- COMPATIBLE: WooCommerce 3.5.2.
- COMPATIBLE: WPBakery Visual Composer 5.6.
- IMPROVED: Background Video, Image, parallax for row, column.

----- 1.4.1 (23 Nov 2018) -----

- NEW: + Home Baby.
- COMPATIBLE: Plugin WooCommerce Product Bundles.
- IGNORE: Shortcode Banner Grid.

----- 1.4.0 (15 Nov 2018) -----

- FIXED: Gallery variable product in Back-end.
- FIXED: Countdown on Safari.
- FIXED: Mansory Layout.
- FIXED: Some Style.

----- 1.3.9 (10 Nov 2018) -----

- NEW: Gallery for variation product.
- FIXED: Breadcrumb.

----- 1.3.8 (05 Nov 2018) -----

- NEW: Deal time for Quickview - Single Product.
- FIXED: Permalinks Portfolio.
- COMPATIBLE: Jetpack - Lazy load images.

----- 1.3.7 (02 Nov 2018) -----

- NEW: Portfolio.
- FIXED: Compatible WooCommerce 3.5.1

----- 1.3.6 (31 Oct 2018) -----

- NEW: Load more for Shop page.

----- 1.3.5 (25 Oct 2018) -----

- FIXED: Compatible WooCommerce 3.5.0
- NEW: Carousel for Products by ids

----- 1.3.4 (18 Oct 2018) -----

- FIXED: Compatible WC Marketplace, WC Vendor, Dokan, etc.
- FIXED: Title icons in Header.
- FIXED: Some Css.

----- 1.3.3 (12 Oct 2018) -----

- FIXED: Import Demo data.
- FIXED: Equal height columns.
- FIXED: Image popup in single post.
- FIXED: Share - Follow element.
- FIXED: Bundle product.
- FIXED: Some Css.

----- 1.3.2 (07 Oct 2018) -----

- NEW: Element get Products by ids
- IMPROVED: Wishlist icon.
- FIXED: Archive Products page.
- FIXED: ul, ol, dl list style.
- FIXED: Some Css.

----- 1.3.1 (28 Sep 2018) -----

- IMPROVED: Support Multi currency Ajax Compatible Woocommerce-multilingual.
- FIXED: Some Css.

----- 1.3.0 (24 Sep 2018) -----

- IMPROVED: Update Doc.
- FIXED: Shortcode Follow.
- FIXED: Some Css.

----- 1.2.9 (17 Sep 2018) -----

- IMPROVED: Change icomoon => FontAwesome.
- FIXED: Some issues.
- FIXED: Some Css.

----- 1.2.8 (11 Sep 2018) -----

- NEW: Blog layout grid.
- FIXED: RTL Product special deals.
- IMPROVED: Search form (product, post).
- FIXED: Some Css.
----- 1.2.7 (03 Sep 2018) -----
- FIXED: Google map.
- FIXED: Google fonts.
- FIXED: RTL Carousel.
- FIXED: Some Css.

----- 1.2.6 (30 Aug 2018) -----

- FIXED: Some RTL Css.

----- 1.2.5 (28 Aug 2018) -----

- IMPROVED: Style variations Single product.
- FIXED: Theme option Detail product.
- FIXED: Follows element.
- FIXED: Some Css.

----- 1.2.4 (22 Aug 2018) -----

- IMPROVED: Follow element.
- CHANGED: Share to follow in header.
- NEW: Options Follow url in Options.
- FIXED: Some Css.

----- 1.2.3 (17 Aug 2018) -----

- FIXED: RTL images in Single product page.
- FIXED: Back image product.
- FIXED: Effect hover product.
- FIXED: Search product.
- FIXED: Some Css.

----- 1.2.2 (14 Aug 2018) -----

- NEW: Reset Filter.
- FIXED: Columns in Mobile, Tablet.
- FIXED: RTL arrow in Breadcrumb.
- FIXED: Some Css.

----- 1.2.1 (06 Aug 2018) -----

- NEW: Option info top.
- FIXED: Tgmpa.
- FIXED: Show less - more widget.
- FIXED: Classic sidebar shop.
- FIXED: Some Css.

----- 1.2.0 (25 July 2018) -----

- FIXED: Off canvas Sidebar Cart.
- FIXED: Some Css.

----- 1.1.9 (19 July 2018) -----

- FIXED: Visual Composer Front-end Editor.
- FIXED: Some Css.

----- 1.1.8 (17 July 2018) -----

- IMPROVED: Live search by SKU.
- IMPROVED: Button filter in widget Nasa Filter Price.
- FIXED: Products viewed.
- FIXED: Some Style.
- FIXED: Sidebar shop page.

----- 1.1.7 (03 July 2018) -----

- IMPROVED: Option text align for Breadcumb.
- FIXED: Language template.
- FIXED: Some Style.
- FIXED: Select option of Variable product.

----- 1.1.6 (28 June 2018) -----

- FIXED: Retina logo.
- FIXED: Scroll bar Firefix in mobile debug.
- FIXED: Quickview option.
- FIXED: Some Style.

----- 1.1.5 (23 June 2018) -----

- COMPATIBLE: plugin WPBakery Visual Composer. (5.5)
- COMPATIBLE: plugin Revolution Slider. (5.4.8)
- FIXED: Some Style.
- FIXED: Demo data Homepage 5.

----- 1.1.4 (20 June 2018) -----

- FIXED: change plugin nasa-core 1.1.3 to package.
- FIXED: Bundle product.
- FIXED: Some style.
- UPGRADE: UX click main image Single product option.

----- 1.1.3 (17 June 2018) -----

- NEW: Compatible SG Optimizer Plugin.
- NEW: Compatible WooCommerce Product Bundles Plugin.
- FIXED: External/Affiliate product.
- FIXED: Demo content Homepage 9.
- FIXED: Breadcrumb.
- FIXED: Some Style.

----- 1.1.2 (10 June 2018) -----

- NEW: +1 Home
- UPDATE: Import demo data.
- IMPROVED: UX Change image variation single product.
- FIXED: Variations product.
- FIXED: Live search product.
- FIXED: Some css.

----- 1.1.1 (28 May 2018) -----

- IMPROVED: Compatible with WooCommerce 3.4.0.
- FIXED: Params of some vc elements.
- FIXED: Some Style.
- UPDATE: FontAwesome 4.2.0 to 4.7.0.
- NEW: FontAwesome 5.0.13 (Free Icons).
- CHANGE: URI Of Dynamic style
- CHANGE: URI Of Custom Fonts

----- 1.1 (23 May 2018) -----

- NEW: Header builder for your custom header.
- FIXED: Some Style.
- FIXED: Charset attribute product.

----- 1.0.6 (17 May 2018) -----

- IMPROVED: Optimize Attribute products.
- FIXED: Language for some labels.
- FIXED: Some Style.
- CHANGE: Some icons.

----- 1.0.5 (13 May 2018) -----

- NEW: + 1 Header type.
- IMPROVED: Attribute for loop products.
- IMPROVED: Delay for popup Newsletter.
- IMPROVED: Import demo data.
- IMPROVED: Share icons.
- FIXED: Some Style.

----- 1.0.3 (09 May 2018) -----

- NEW: Promo popup Newsletter
- NEW: Home 6 Full Width.
- FIXED: Search submit mobile.
- FIXED: Product banner in IOS
- FIXED: Some css

----- 1.0.2 (5 May 2018) -----

- NEW: +2 Homes in demo data.
- NEW: Override sidebar for Product Category
- FIXED: More css.
- FIXED: Vertical Menu.
- FIXED: Favicon.

----- 1.0.1 (25 Apr 2018) -----

- NEW: +2 Homes in demo data.
- FIXED: Setting max-height logo.
- FIXED: Some css.
- UPDATE: Compatible with WPBakery Visual Composer 5.4.7.

----- 1.0 (21 Apr 2018) -----

- Initial release.

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