2nd Morrocoan Crisis

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Second morrocan crisis 1911

Tribes in Morocco rebelled against the new Sultan.The Sultan was a puppet of France.Claiming that
Algeria was endangered by disorder in Morocco,French troops occupied fez,the capital of
Morocco.Germany denounced the French occupation.It claimed this was against the terms of the
Algeciras Conference.In July 1911,a German gunboat,the Panther was sent to Agadir(a port in
Morocco).Germans claimed that the lives of German nationals were in danger.Germany claimed that
she was protecting her interests in Morocco.She demanded all of French Congo as
compensation.Feelings and tension were so high and war between France and Germany seemed
possible.Germany action alarmed the British because Agadir was too close to Gibraitar.The British navy
began to prepare for war.Britain immediately sided with France during this crisis,this forced Germany to
withdraw.Germany was embarrassed and humiliated.It was clearly a French Victory.Germany interests
were however recognized and she got part of French Congo as compensation.

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