The College at Brockport: Department of Art

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The College at Brockport

Depa rtme nt of Art

ART 351 Intro to Trad ition al Printm1tking

ART 3.52 Print maki ng JI ' 0

Sprin g 2020 "

, Mon day, Wedn esday : 1:25 -3:55 pm
OFFICE: 106 Towe r; phon e: 395-2 805
emai l: tma■sey@brocki,;
Mon day, Wedn esday 10 am - noon
Please silence phone s whjlc in das§. Than k you.
V. Gene ral Meth odolo gy
I. Gene ral Cour se Desc ripti on
• Demonstrations in the use and applications of
Art 35 l / Art 352 is a gener al survey of various
Printm aking materials.
practi ces/pr ocedu res of Tradi tional Printm aking
• Students will pursu e in-class and indep enden t
techn iques. The intent is to provid e a well-rounded
research of Printm aking mater ials and processes.
overview of the basic proce dures in Relief, IntagJjo
and Scree n Printing. Print 11 students expan d on • Projects will be given for each process cover ed.
prior knowledge. Stude nts are afforded the • Two quizz es/thr ee critiques will be admin istere d
oppor tunity to partic ipate in the dialog of Print
throu gh lectures, discussions and critiques. VI. Requ irem ents
• Three Process Projects; due every five weeks.
II. Cour se Obje ctive s • Two Quizz ~: midte rm and 6nal, derive d from
• To heigh ten artistic abilities in Printm aking. hand- out text or lectures.
• To under stand the esthetics of Printm aking. • Class Participation: partic ipatio n in class
• To devel op an under standi ng of various discussions, exercises, and in class critiques.
Printm aking tools.
• To learn various Printm aking techniques. VII. Atten danc e Polic y
Expec t to attend all class meetings and to remai n for
• To explo re various compositional techniques.
the comp lete class session. More than 2 unexcused
• To learn the ability to create image development
absences can lower grade one full letter per absen ce at
throu gh projects and sketchbook.
instru ctor's discretion. Six absen ces = autom atic
• To intera ct in the discourse of Printm aking. failure of the course. Class begins at I :25 sharp . Being
= =
tardy l /2 absence. Leaving early I /2 absen ce.
m. Stud ent Lear ning Outc omes Phones silenced durin g class time. Anyo ne textin&
Successful studen ts of Printm aking will: durin& class = absen t for the day.
• Show up on time and be attentive
• learn the esthetics of print culture. vm. Grad ing
• learn to manip ulate various equip ment. • Relief Project 30%
• be conve rsant in the formal elements of print. • Intaglio Project 30%
• develop projects that investigates the various • Scree n Print Project 30%
tools and techniques of print. • Print I Quizes: 10% Print 2: Resea rch: I0%
• learn compositional techniques Explanations of what these perce ntage s mean are
• partic ipate in discussions and critiques. discussed at the 1., class meeti ng. Each projec t carries
• be comp etent in image developmen t, use of tools the expec ta tion of partic ipatio n throu gh critiqu e. Non-
and equip ment, and presen tation of work. partic ipatio n in critique = / 2 Letter Grade deduc tion.

IV. Outli ne of Topi cs IX. Evalu ation

• Devel opme nt of visual observation, image Quali ty of assignments- all elements present, attent ion
making and thema tic develo pmen t. to specific requir ement s of projects.
• Discussions and demo nstrations of the formal Quali ty of presentation- projects turned in clean /in
elements, processes and procedures of drawi ng order.
• Critiq ues of perfo rmances in using the processes Participation in class- actively conlri hutin~ to
discussions and critique:;
and proce dures of Printm aking.

EJ(ttila..m~ti~n of Grades XIll. Academic Policies
A: t xr<'ll('itt work and work habits; all work is Dishonesty: Faculty in the Art Department rigorously
Jli<"•,c·,:1,:d in a. highly prc,lcssion.J manner; takes a support the College's Policy on Student Academic
I'' ,,.ritilvr. ri J\'c in das11 partfripation. Dishonesty (SUNY Brockport: Your Right to Know and
1\: nood w9rk; aJi work i~ presc~tt•d ih a satisfactory Academic Policies Handbook,
1 ?1: 1 11111: t ~ litk<·l'l an activr. 1
·ole in d<)SS participation. http:/ /brockport. ed u/publications/ yrtk/.
Be familiar with the 9 "Defirutions of Academic Dishonesty
C: Aw1·:\~r work; alLwork is pr~nted in an average
Covered by this Policy'', which includes such offenses as
n,:wi w whirh dot::- not 1•xhlhl1 atient.ion to detail;
presenting work for on course which credit has been
onl l' !·,1:1,~in::ll das~ pt1rLioipaJion. '
received in another cour-.,e, and presenting someone else's
D: Hi kw twcrage wo!'k; work Is pre-sented with
11 ::·, iinl{ ts or ii,blatant lacR' of attentjo,1 to work as one's own.
1.ktail; minimal dal\s participation.
Students With Disability Statement: Students with
E: Failure tr, turn in work :uid participatr in dass.
documented disabilities may be entitled to specific
accommodations. SUNY Brockport's Office for Students
with Disabilities makes this determination. Please contact
SUBJEC..7 TO CHANGE the Office for Students with Disabilities at 395-5409 or
Class I: Introduction to course, materials to inqwre about obtaining an
Class 2: lutro to Relief Project/Demonstration '
" official letter to the course instructor detailing approved
10~-3: Pr~•ct Weal '· accommodations. The student is responsible for providing
Class 4: Discussion or'Print Paper; Project work
Class 5: Printing Demonstration; Project work the course instructor with an official letter. The faculty
work as a team with the OSD to meet the needs of students
~ .6: Prqjett W<>rk"
Class 7: Image Transfer Demo; Project. work with disabilities.
Class]':' ~feat WOl'f Title IX Compliance: Sex/ Gender discrimination,
Clasi1 9: Projeot wm\
Class IC: Complete Relief Project/Critique including sexual harassment, are prohibited in educational
Ci:!~S 11: Introduction to Intaglio Pr~ject programs and activities, including classes. Title IX
Class 12: Plate prep Demonstrations; Project wo;_: legislation and College policy reqwre the College to
Class 13: Etching Demonstration; Project work ~ .............. - rovide sex anc! gender eqwty in aj! ar~_ of campus life. If
Class 14: Aquatint Dcmonstrati~; Project w rk ' ou or someone y~iknow has experienced ;x or gender -· - -
'Class 15: Spring B,:eak: no class . crimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault, intimate
Class 16: Spring Break: no class ......r-..irtne~vise,11ce, or stalking, we encourage you to seek
Class 17: Color Printing Demonstrati01 istance and to report the incident through resources
~ass 18: 'Pro~ worJ ';I ,,' t -A '"'~ ilable ix/.
0-ass 19:Prgject woi'J '/,·' ~ , nfidential assistance is available on campus at Hazen
Class 20: Complete Intaglio Project/ ri ue ~ - enter for Integrated Care and RESTORE. Faculty are
Class 21: Introduction to Screen Printing Project""'ll!~,;:..,;;~ · NOT confidential under Title IX and will need to share
Class 22: Stencil demonstrations; Project work information with the Title IX & College Compliance
Class 23: Printing demonstrations; Project work Officer, For these and other policies governing campus life,
mis--2.4= h.o.w£L~ please see
Class 25: Drawing Flwd/Block-out Demo https:/ /
Class 26: Photo Emulsion Demo
Cliiil7::fro~worl Emer&ency Preparedness: In case of an emergency,
~~ t~e Emer~ency Alert System at the College at Brockport
Clm-2~~njtct:worlt WIii be actJvated. Students are encouraged to maintain
Class 30: Wrap up. Final Critique/Shop clean-up updated contact information using the link on the College's
Emergency Information website,
XI. Text/Materials emergency
No textbook, although Print books will be available Included on the website is detailed information about the
for view in class. Hand-outs will be minimal; use College's emergency operation plan, classroom emergc:ncy
your sketchbook to take notes. · preparedness, evacuation procedures, emergency numbers
P_rint Materials/sketchbook will be provided for you a.nd_s~f~ty videos, In addition, students are encouraged to '
via your course lab fee. You will need to purcha5e a fam1ha~ze themselves with the Emergence Procedures
few other materials, which will be discussed; please posted m classrooms, halls, and buildings and all colic
take note. You may want to bring a work shirt to facilities. ge
class, as printing can be dirty. We have aprons.

~ c~J, -x~ rorr ~,

~ -~ , ~ Wtdtt cmJ;<JJN",l ~1°' r ( l(e' h

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