Perilla oil and exercise decrease expressions of tumor necrosis fac-tor-α, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 and highly sensitive C-reac- tive protein in patients with hyperlipidemia

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com J Tradit Chin Med 2013 April 15; 33(2): 170-175 ISSN 0255-2922
© 2013 JTCM. All rights reserved.


Perilla oil and exercise decrease expressions of tumor necrosis fac-

tor-α, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 and highly sensitive C-reac-
tive protein in patients with hyperlipidemia

Minggang Wei, Peihua Xiong, Ling Zhang, Mei Fei, Aiping Chen, Fengling Li
Minggang Wei, Peihua Xiong, Ling Zhang, Mei Fei, Aip- liver or kidney function, or blood routine examina-
ing Chen, Fengling Li, the First Affiliated Hospital to Sooch- tions.
ow University, Suzhou 215006, China
Correspondence to: Prof. Minggang Wei, the First Affiliat- CONCLUSION: Perilla oil treatment is safe in clinical
ed Hospital of Soochow University, Suzhou 215006, China. use, can regulate blood lipid levels and protects
the function of endothelial cells.
Telephone: +86-13812791993
Accepted: November 14, 2012

© 2013 JTCM. All rights reserved.

Key words: Fructus perillae; Tumor necrosis fac-

Abstract tor-alpha; Plasminogen activator inhibitor 1; C-reac-
OBJECTIVE: To verify the effects of perilla oil on the tive protein; Hyperlipidemias
regulation of blood lipid levels in patients with hy-
METHODS: Blood was taken from patients prior to Lipid-lowering therapy has been proven to give surviv-
and 8 weeks following treatment with perilla oil. al benefits to patients with hypercholesterolemia by
Different ways to test for indexes which correlate to preventing both primary and secondary cardiovascular
hyperlipidemia were performed. Some indexes, disease.1 The mechanisms of these beneficial effects can
which correlate with inflammation and injury to en- be, in part, explained by a reduction in plasma lipid
dothelial cells, were tested using enzyme linked im- levels.2-4 Non-lipid mechanisms may possibly involve re-
munosorbent assays. ducing inflammation, decreasing thrombogenicity, pla-
quing stabilization and reversing endothelial dysfunc-
RESULTS: Serum lipid levels [triglyceride (TG), total tion.5 Statins are currently the most common drugs dis-
cholesterol (TC), and low-density lipoprotein-cho- playing the best results for lowering low-density lipo-
lesterol (LDL-C)] changed significantly after 56 days protein (LDL) cholesterol.5 Statins also possess anti-in-
of treatment. Differences were noted as early as 28 flammatory properties,6,7 and have a positive effect on
reducing arterial stiffness.8,9 However, two major ad-
days after treatment began (P<0.05). Treatment
verse effects accompany statin therapy: hepatic dysfunc-
with perilla oil showed statistically significant recov-
tion and muscular toxicity.
ery levels of high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol Perilla oil is extracted from Fructus Perillae. A soft cap-
(HDL-C) after 28 and 56 days of treatment. Plasma sule of perilla oil is produced by Sanai (Fujian) Pharma-
lipids levels were significantly lower after 56 days of ceutical Co., Ltd. (production lot: 080803, 081101,
treatment (P<0.05). Perilla oil reduced blood lipid 081102). Perilla oil is a new product to be extracted
levels in patients, and the regulation of cell signal- from a Chinese herb, and does not impair dietary pro-
ing factor levels had no adverse effects on patients' cesses nor does it affect the absorption of triglycerides

JTCM | www. journaltcm. com 170 April 15, 2013 | volume 33 | Issue 2 |
Wei MG et al. / Clinical Study

or fat-soluble vitamins. Perilla oil is effective treatment underwent clinical examinations and blood tests to es-
as therapy or as an adjunctive therapy in combination tablish a baseline, and were then again subject to exami-
with statins. It is well tolerated in clinical trials with no nations and blood tests after 4 and 8 weeks of treat-
demonstrable adverse systemic events.10 The effects of ment. Perilla oil capsules were taken 4 grain/time,
perilla oil on arterial stiffness have not yet been investi- twice/day. Eight weeks was defined as a course of treat-
gated. ment.
The aim of the present study is to assess the effect of Hs-CRP levels of patients with high blood fat were
perilla oil therapy on highly sensitive C-creative pro- measured before treatment and again after 56 days of
tein (hs-CRP) and endothelial function. treatment. The levels of TC, TG, LDL-C and HDL-C
were measured to establish a baseline and again after
28 and 56 days of treatment. Acute-phase reactant tu-
MATERIALS AND METHODS mor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and plasminogen acti-
vator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) were measured on the same
Patient selection days as hs-CRP.
Inclusive criteria: men or women aged 18-75 years with After a 12 h limosis, potential patients were screened
a baseline total cholesterol (TC) ≥6.22 mmol/L or tri- and underwent a phlebotomy for liver function tests in-
glyceride (TG) ≥2.26 mmol/L or high density lipopro- cluding total bilirubin, aspartate aminotransferase
tein-cholesterol (HDL-C)≤1.04 mmol/L or low-density (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), alkaline phos-
lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C)≥4.14 mmol/L were in- phatase, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine, glu-
volved in the study. Patients were required to stop tak- cose, complete blood count, electrocardiogram (ECG),
ing any medication for a minimum of 7 days before and a urinalysis. The EG group was only treat by with
the study commenced. exercise, MG group was only treat by perilla oil cap-
Exclusion criteria: patients were excluded if they ules, EMG group was treat by both exercise and perilla
showed clinical evidence of previous cardiovascular dis- capules.
ease (defined as a past history of myocardial infarction, Following the guidelines for protecting and treating
percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty or a high blood plasma for Chinese adults, patients were giv-
coronary artery bypass graft); had had a failed organ en oral and written instructions to perform 30-60 min
transplant or malignant tumor requiring treatment in of brisk walking per day at least 4 days per week, with
the last two years; showed active hepatic or renal dys- an interval of no more than 2 consecutive days.11,12 Pa-
function; showed any type of connective tissue disease, tients were also encouraged to increase their daily activ-
chronic inflammatory disease, malignancy or history of ities. The main goal for each individual was to accumu-
malignancy; showed any acute illness, leukocytosis or late more than 150 min per week of self-directed, mod-
thrombocytosis, anemia or diabetes mellitus; or were erate-intensity physical activity. Exercises intensities, in-
taking corticosteroids. The use of tobacco, which in- cluding walking, cycling and calisthenics, were individ-
creases C-reactive protein (CRP), and aspirin, which ualized. The intensity of each session gradually in-
decreases CRP, was outside the exclusion criteria as pa- creased to 50%-70% of a patient's peak oxygen con-
tients controlled their own behavior. sumption and up to 60 min duration for the first 4
Test subjects were instructed to avoid using non-steroi- weeks. After that, the exercise parameters remained
dal anti-inflammatory agents. Patients' medical regi- constant.
mens were not changed throughout the study period.
Sample collection
The study was approved by the ethics committee of the
Venous blood was drawn from patients who had an
second hospital affiliated to Tianjin University of Tradi-
empty stomach for at least 8 h before treatment, and
tional Chinese Medicine. All participants gave written
again after 28 and 56 days of clinical intervention. Sera
informed consent in accordance with the Declaration
was immediately centrifuged for 5 min at 2000 rpm to
of Helsinki.
remove cells and debris, and then stored at –80℃ for
no more than 4 months before measurement. For clini-
Study design
cal safety, urine, serum creatinine (Scr), ALT and ECG
The study used a prospective, random control design.
were tested before treatment and again after 56 days of
All patients were randomly allocated into 3 groups us-
clinical intervention.
ing the random number table method. Thirty-six pa-
tients with elevated blood lipids defined by the Nation- Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
al Preventing Program for the Chinese adult with high ELISA was used to detect TNF-α and PAI-1 in sera.
blood lipids: Adult Treatment Guideline 2007.12 Briefly, plates were blocked and incubated at room tem-
Eligible patients (n=36) gave informed consent and perature for 2 h, washed with wash buffer 4-6 times
were randomly divided into: 1) an exercise group (EG) and dried with filter paper. Biotinylated antibodies
(n=12); 2) a medicine group (MG) (n=12), which were added to samples (100 μL per hole) and incubat-
were treated with perilla oil capsules; and 3) an exercise ed for 1 h at 37℃. Washing and the addition of bioti-
and medicine group (EMG) (n=12). The patients first nylated antibodies was performed in duplicate. Reac-

JTCM | www. journaltcm. com 171 April 15, 2013 | volume 33 | Issue 2 |
Wei MG et al. / Clinical Study

tions were stopped by the addition of stop solution TG, TC, hs-CRP, PAI-1, TNF-α and cell signaling fac-
(100 uL per hole). Plates were read at a wavelength of tors in EMG show greater change than both EG and
450 nm on a microplate reader (JETLIA-962 System, MG; and a better curative effect is achieved in EMG
Beijing, China). Liver and renal functions (ALT and than in the other two groups; 4) by comparing the cu-
Scr) were tested using an automatic biochemistry ana- rative effect of regulating plasma lipids between EG,
lyzer (Olympus AU-2700, Tokyo, Japan). hs-CRP was MG and EMG after 56 days of treatment, the curative
tested using the rate dispersion turbidity method with effect of both exercise and perilla oil in EMG is better
a special protein analysis instrument (Beckman-Array than that in the other two groups; 5) perilla oil can reg-
360, Danvers, Massachusetts, USA). ulate and protect endothelial cells through regulation
of the levels of hs-CRP, PAI-1 and TNF-α; and there is
Statistical analyses no side-effects, such as hepatic dysfunction or muscu-
Statistical analyses were performed with SPSS software lar toxicity; and 6) both exercise and perilla oil regulate
(SPSS, Chicaga, IL, USA), version 15. Significance plasma lipid levels and protect endothelial cell func-
tests were 2-sided. A value of 0.05 was considered sta- tion, but integrating them together in clinical practice
tistically significant. All data are expressed as the mean would give better benefits to patients.
± SEM.
Safety indexes
We tested the levels of white blood cells (WBC), AST,
RESULTS ALT, BUN and Scr as the markers of safety indexes. All
safety index levels fluctuated around the normal range
before and after the study (Table 3).
General condition
Serum lipid levels (TG, TC and LDL-C) changed sig-
nificantly after 56 days of treatment. Differences were DISCUSSION
noted as early as 28 days after treatment began (P<
0.05) (Table 1). Treatment with perilla oil showed sta- Chronic heart diseases are often complicated by dyslip-
tistically significant recovery levels of HDL-C after 28 idemia in many patients in clinical practice. Lipid ab-
and 56 days of treatment. Plasma lipids levels were sig- normalities include increases in serum TG-associated li-
nificantly lower after 56 days of treatment (P<0.05) poproteins (intermediate density lipoproteins and very
(Table 1). There was no statistical differences in levels low density lipoproteins) and LDL, and decreases in
of hs-CRP, PAI-1, TNF-α or plasma lipid between the HDL-C. The leading cause of death in patients with
EG, EM and EMG groups. chronic heart disease is coronary artery disease. Athero-
sclerosis is the principle cause of vascular lesions of the
Effects of perilla oil on hs-CRP, PAI-1 and TNF-α coronary artery and gradually develops to coronary ar-
The results of Table 1-2 indicate that: 1) exercising and tery disease. The highest rate of morbidity and mortali-
taking perilla oil can regulate plasma lipid levels, ty in patients with coronary artery disease is seen in
hs-CRP, PAI-1 and TNF-α; 2) there is a significant dif- those patients with hyperlipidemia. Hyperlipidemia is
ference between EG, MG and EMG; 3) the levels of an important risk factor contributing to coronary ar-
Table 1 Level of blood lipids at different times (mmol/L, xˉ ± s )
EG 0 12 6.2±0.8ab 3.4±0.9ab 1.4±0.4ab 3.9±0.8ab

MG 0 12 6.2±0.8 3.3±0.8 1.4±0.4 3.9±0.8

EMG 0 12 6.2±0.7 3.4±0.8 1.4±0.4 4.0±0.8

EG 4 12 5.7±0.7c 3.2±0.8c 1.5±0.4b 3.5±0.9

MG 4 12 5.8±0.7 3.2±0.8 1.5±0.5 3.5±0.8

EMG 4 12 5.6±0.6 3.1±0.6 1.6±0.6 3.5±0.7

EG 8 12 5.5±0.6 3.1±0.7 1.5±0.5 3.2±0.7

MG 8 12 5.5±0.5 3.0±0.8 1.6±0.6 3.2±0.7

EMG 8 12 5.3±0.9 2.8±0.7 1.6±0.6 3.1±0.7

Notes: EG: exercise groups; MG: medicine group; EMG: exercise and medicine group; TC: total cholesterol; TG: triglyceride; HDL-C:
high density lipoprotein-cholesterol; LDL-C: low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol. aP<0.05 compared with the datum in the same group
after 4 weeks; bP<0.05 compared with the datum in the same group after 8 weeks; cP>0.05 compared with the datum in the same group
after 4 weeks.

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Table 2 Level of the cell factors at different times ( xˉ ± s )

Time hs-CRP PAI-1 TNF-α
Group n
(week) (mg/L) (ng/mL) (ng/mL)
EG 0 12 3.41±0.63a 38.87±6.18a 1.21±0.19a
MG 0 12 3.38±0.55 39.24±6.23 1.23±0.24

EMG 0 12 3.43±0.58 37.79±5.98 1.23±0.19

EG 8 12 2.74±0.53 33.56±5.88 0.97±0.18

MG 8 12 2.77±0.61 34.19±6.12 0.94±0.22

EMG 8 12 2.76±0.54 33.89±5.93 0.88±0.21

Notes: EG: exercise groups; MG: medicine group; EMG: exercise and medicine group; hs-CRP: highly sensitive C-creative protein; PAI-1:
plasminogen activator inhibitor-1; TNF-α: tumor necrosis factor-α. aP<0.05 as compared with the datum in the same group after 8 weeks.
Table 3 Saftey index levels before and after the study ( xˉ ± s )
Time WBC ALT Scr
(week) (a109/L) (μ/L) (mmol/L)
EG 0 7.6±2.1b 22.5±10.9b 64.2±13.2b

MG 0 7.0±1.5 24.2±9.8 67.3±13.0

EMG 0 7.14±2.1 23.6±11.0 66.3±13.1

EG 8 6.7±1.4 24.5±14.2 62.4±11.2

MG 8 7.0±1.6 26.4±12.2 65.2±8.0

EMG 8 8.2±1.6 25.8±15.2 64.3±8.8

Notes: EG: exercise groups; MG: medicine group; EMG: exercise and medicine group; WBC: white blood cells; ALT: alanine
aminotransferase; Scr: serum creatinine. aP>0.05 as compared with the datum in the same group after 4 weeks; bP>0.05 as compared with
the datum in the same group after 4 weeks.
tery disease and subsequent myocardial infarction. PAI-1 is produced and secreted by endothelial cells.
The formation of atherosclerosis shows a complicated PAI-1 combine with tissue plasminogen activator (tPA)
pathological course. The metabolic disorder lipidemia to form the composition in blood. So PAI-1 could in-
can lead to the development of atherosclerosis. Endo- hibit tPA to resolve the fibrin. The normal lexel of
thelial cells are the target cells of lipidemia. Endothelial PAI-1 and tPA may determine the balance between he-
cells form a barrier between blood and smooth muscle mostasia and thrombosis. Damage to endothelial cells
cells of blood vessels. Endothelial cell involvement in the may cause these cells to secret PAI-1, increasing the lev-
formation of atherosclerosis has been reported,13,14and els of PAI-1 in the blood. In turn, high levels of PAI-1
damage to endothelial cells has been recognized as be- may inhibit tPA from resolving fibrin accumulation,
ing a precursor to the formation of atherosclerosis.15 It which will let the form of thrombosis easily than nor-
is therefore very important to maintain intact endothe- mal. Levels of PAI-1 in the sera could therefore be used
lial cells to prevent the formation of atherosclerosis. as a marker to evaluate whether endothelial cells are
High blood pressure can also contribute by damaging damaged or not. However, PAI-1 is also one of the
blood vessels and endothelial cells. acute reaction proteins, and its active function could in-
Clinical trials with fibric acid derivatives have demon- crease the incidence rate at some kinds of cardiovascu-
strated an improvement in cardiovascular end points lar disease.19
and coronarystenosis.16 These direct vascular effects TNF-α is a cell signaling factor which is produced and
may contribute to cardiovascular event reduction and secreted by many cells, including natural killer cells
explain the clinical benefits observed in these trials. and T cells. TNF-α can induce the expression of endo-
Endothelial dysfunction associated with metabolic syn- thelial cell adhesion molecules. TNF-α can also induce
drome and other insulin-resistant states are character- endothelial cells to secrete platelet-derived growth fac-
ized by impaired nitric oxide release from endotheli- tor, and improves the proliferation of endothelial and
um.17 Improvement in endothelial function is therefore smooth muscle cells of blood vessels. Endothelial cells
predicted to improve insulin sensitivity. This may be have a receptor for TNF-α, making endothelial cells
one mechanism by which fenofibrate decreases the inci- one of the target cells of TNF-α. This may be why
dence of coronary heart disease. TNF-α can hurt EC in the blood vessel. The higher
Excessive body fat is frequently associated with dyslip- the TNF-α level, the more severe the damage to endo-
idemia, metabolic syndrome and atherosclerotic vascu- thelial cells will be. There appears to be a direct ratio
lar diseases.18 between damage to an artery and the formation of ath-

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