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“Por una Convivencia Armónica y Participativa con Énfasis en Gestión Empresarial”

NIT. 830021612-9 DANE 111001015806
Resoluciones de Aprobación No. 4617 y 4618 de noviembre 29 de 2000 para Educación Media; No. 7442 de noviembre de 13 de 1998
para Educación Básica Secundaria; No. 5581 de agosto 11 de 1997 para Preescolar y Básica Primaria
Resolución de Integración No. 1905 de 28 de junio de 2002



Promover el hábito de la lectura como una estrategia para desarrollar habilidades comunicativas en las diferentes


Colombian and American Independence


1) Soapsquare

 Find the words in the soapsquare and color each word with a different colour

SEDE A Carrera 89 A N.º 86 -38 Tel. 252 0797 – 438 2820; SEDE B Carrera 84 N.º. 83 -71; SEDE C Carrera 82 A N.º 82 D -34 Teléfonos. 251 3155 – 291 9394
Correo electrónico:
“Por una Convivencia Armónica y Participativa con Énfasis en Gestión Empresarial”
NIT. 830021612-9 DANE 111001015806
Resoluciones de Aprobación No. 4617 y 4618 de noviembre 29 de 2000 para Educación Media; No. 7442 de noviembre de 13 de 1998
para Educación Básica Secundaria; No. 5581 de agosto 11 de 1997 para Preescolar y Básica Primaria
Resolución de Integración No. 1905 de 28 de junio de 2002

2) Reading
 Answer the questions according to the reading about the American Independence

The 4th of July is an important day for Americans, it is the day, their country was born. On July 4 th,
1976, congress officially adopted the declaration of independence and announced to the world that they
were a free nation, independent from Great Britain. Although Americans have celebrated July 4 th since
1777, it didn`t really become a federal legal holiday until 1941. So, what do Americans do on this day?

July 4th celebrations often take place outdoors. People decorate their homes with streamers, fake rockets,
balloons and flags. Everything is done up in red, white and blue, the colors of the ``Star – Spangled
Banner, `` the name of the US national anthem and one of the nicknames of the American flag. The flag
has 50 stars for the fifty states and 13 stripes for the first 13 colonies. In the morning, lots of people
dress up and go out in the street to watch the parades. The biggest parade is in Washington D.C, the
capital of the USA. Afterwards, families get together by hosting or attending a picnic or barbecue. In
many cities people have black parties. Then, they watch or play a baseball game. At night, they watch
firework displays, usually accompanied by patriotic songs. Firework shows are held in many states with
the Macy`s Firework Spectacular in New York, typically being the most impressive. It`s a fun day, for

Mark (T) for True (F) for false

1) On July 4th Americans celebrate their independence from France. _____
2) The Declaration of independence was officially approved in 1776. ____
3) It became a national holiday in 1776 ____
4) July 4th was first celebrated in 1777. _____
5) The American national anthem is called the Star-Spangled Banner. ____
6) The US has 13 states. ____
7) People watch parades on july 4th. _____
8) The national colours are red and blue. ____
9) On July 4th night, they play baseball. ____
10) New York has the largest parade. ____

3) Look in the web pictures according to how people in USA celebrate their independence, cut
and paste them.

SEDE A Carrera 89 A N.º 86 -38 Tel. 252 0797 – 438 2820; SEDE B Carrera 84 N.º. 83 -71; SEDE C Carrera 82 A N.º 82 D -34 Teléfonos. 251 3155 – 291 9394
Correo electrónico:
“Por una Convivencia Armónica y Participativa con Énfasis en Gestión Empresarial”
NIT. 830021612-9 DANE 111001015806
Resoluciones de Aprobación No. 4617 y 4618 de noviembre 29 de 2000 para Educación Media; No. 7442 de noviembre de 13 de 1998
para Educación Básica Secundaria; No. 5581 de agosto 11 de 1997 para Preescolar y Básica Primaria
Resolución de Integración No. 1905 de 28 de junio de 2002

4) Reading
Answer the questions according to the reading and your point of view

When is Colombian Independence Day?

This holiday is always celebrated on July 20th. If it falls on a weekend, it will not be observed on a weekday.

It is Colombia's national day and marks the start of the movement to independence from Spain in 1810.

History of Colombian Independence Day

The Spanish first arrived in Colombia in 1499, founding the first permanent settlement in 1510. Under the
reign of King Charles III (reigned 1759-1788), resentment in the colonies was growing as the Spanish
insisted that the colonies could only trade with Spain, limiting their growth and also as the Spanish support
for the Americans in the US war of independence increased taxation. This had led to small, ineffective

Following the Napoleonic Wars and the turmoil in Europe, Criollos (natives born from Spanish descent) who
wanted independence seized their chance.

A revolution caused by a flowerpot

On July 20th 1810, an uprising in Bogota was seen as the catalyst for independence and it is that uprising
that is celebrated by the Declaration of Independence holiday.

In the months leading up to July 20th, there had been insurrection and declarations of juntas (Military
governments) in the region and it was expected that it was only a matter of time before similar events
happened in Bogota.

To make sure that the uprising started, the Criollos hatched a plan. They wanted to make a prominent local
businessman, José González Llorente, angry against them, to incite the locals. On the morning of July 20th,
they visited him to ask if they could borrow a flowerpot to give to a fellow Criollo, knowing full well that
Llorente would refuse. It's not exactly clear how he refused, and it is unclear if the flowerpot was broken, and

SEDE A Carrera 89 A N.º 86 -38 Tel. 252 0797 – 438 2820; SEDE B Carrera 84 N.º. 83 -71; SEDE C Carrera 82 A N.º 82 D -34 Teléfonos. 251 3155 – 291 9394
Correo electrónico:
“Por una Convivencia Armónica y Participativa con Énfasis en Gestión Empresarial”
NIT. 830021612-9 DANE 111001015806
Resoluciones de Aprobación No. 4617 y 4618 de noviembre 29 de 2000 para Educación Media; No. 7442 de noviembre de 13 de 1998
para Educación Básica Secundaria; No. 5581 de agosto 11 de 1997 para Preescolar y Básica Primaria
Resolución de Integración No. 1905 de 28 de junio de 2002

if so, who broke it. Nevertheless, the visit did the trick and proved to be the spark that ignited the riots in
Bogota. That afternoon, the people's Junta was formed.

It wasn't until 1819 when Colombia became a republic and its independence from Spain was formally

In 1819, when Colombia first became a republic, the modern day countries of Venezuela, Ecuador, and Panama were
part of Colombia. It wasn't until 1830 when Venezuela and Ecuador became separate states, and not until 1903 when
Panama became a country.

How is Colombian Independence Day celebrated?

Independence Day is celebrated with parades and marches throughout Colombia. Watching sports and listening to
traditional folk music are popular activities.

Llorente's house in Bogota, the scene of the flowerpot incident is now the '20 July Museum' and a popular place to visit
on July 20th.

Taken from:

1) How would be Colombia if it wasn`t liberated in the past?
2) Do you think Colombia became independent in? Support your answer?
3)What would happen if our colonizers were English and not Spanish?
4) Do you and your family celebrate patriotic holiday? Support your answer

5) Solve the crossword according to your knowledge

SEDE A Carrera 89 A N.º 86 -38 Tel. 252 0797 – 438 2820; SEDE B Carrera 84 N.º. 83 -71; SEDE C Carrera 82 A N.º 82 D -34 Teléfonos. 251 3155 – 291 9394
Correo electrónico:
“Por una Convivencia Armónica y Participativa con Énfasis en Gestión Empresarial”
NIT. 830021612-9 DANE 111001015806
Resoluciones de Aprobación No. 4617 y 4618 de noviembre 29 de 2000 para Educación Media; No. 7442 de noviembre de 13 de 1998
para Educación Básica Secundaria; No. 5581 de agosto 11 de 1997 para Preescolar y Básica Primaria
Resolución de Integración No. 1905 de 28 de junio de 2002

2)This rainforest is located partially in Colombia 1) A popular drink whose beans are imported from Colombia
5) Britain declared war over this port in city in 1739 3) The main language in Colombia is Spanish, but there are 68 of
6)Popular gems that are produced in Colombia these spoken as well
7) The capital city of Colombia 4) This humid region gets a lot of precipitation every year
8) These stands are very popular in Colombia

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NOTA: Este trabajo es calificable no es opcional

SEDE A Carrera 89 A N.º 86 -38 Tel. 252 0797 – 438 2820; SEDE B Carrera 84 N.º. 83 -71; SEDE C Carrera 82 A N.º 82 D -34 Teléfonos. 251 3155 – 291 9394
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