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Adaptations of skeletal muscle to endurance

exercise and their metabolic consequences

HOLLOSZY, JOHN O., AND EDWARDF. COYLE.Adaptatiom of skeletal

muscle to endurance exercise and their metabolic consequences. J. Appl.
Physiol.: Respirat. Environ. Exercise Physiol. 56(4): 831-838, 1984.-Reg-
ularly performed endurance exercise induces major adaptations in skeletal
muscle. These include increases in the mitochondrial content and respira-
tory capacity of the muscle fibers. As a consequence of the increase in
mitochondria, exercise of the same intensity results in a disturbance in
homeostasis that is smaller in trained than in untrained muscles. The major
metabolic consequences of the adaptations of muscle to endurance exercise
are a slower utilization of muscle glycogen and blood glucose, a greater
reliance on fat oxidation, and less lactate production during exercise of a
given intensity. These adaptations play an important role in the large
increase in the ability to perform prolonged strenuous exercise that occurs
in response to endurance exercise training.

lactate; mitochondria; oxygen uptake; substrate utilization

SEDENTARY INDIVIDUALS can markedly increase their to mean exercise that requires less than i70, max)is the
endurance by means of regularly performed exercise. same in the trained and untrained states (22, 27). If
After a few weeks of endurance training, such as long- muscles were hypoxic during exercise requiring 50-70%
distance running, it is often possible for individuals to Of 7jo2 max in the untrained state and if the lower lactate
exercise comfortably for prolonged periods at exercise production and improved endurance at the same absolute
intensities that they could maintain for only a few min- work rates after training were due to improved O2 deliv-
utes prior to training. For many years it was thought ery, it would seem reasonable that aerobic metabolism,
that this increase in the capacity for endurance exercise as reflected in VOW, should be higher at the same work
was exclusively the result of the cardiovascular adapta- rate after training. Because this is not the case, it seemed
tions to endurance training which, by increasing the probable that the lower lactate production and increased
capacity to deliver O2 to the working muscles, are pri- endurance in the trained state might in large part be due
marily responsible for the large increase in maximal 02 to metabolic consequences of biochemical adaptations in
uptake capacity (TO 2 max)that can occur in response to the muscles rather than to improved delivery of 02. This
training. line of reasoning led to the research in this laboratory
Central to this concept was the belief that the working on the adaptations of skeletal muscle to endurance ex-
muscles become hypoxic during exercise of relatively ercise.
moderate intensity and that, as a result of improved 02
delivery, the same exercise results in less hypoxia after Mitochondrial Adaptations to Endurance
training. The major evidence cited in support of this Exercise in Skeletal Muscle
belief, which still persists in the “anaerobic threshold”
concept (57), was that lactate concentration increases The first study to show that endurance exercise train-
during submaximal exercise and that this increase is less ing induces an increase in the mitochondrial content of
after training. This interpretation was based on the skeletal muscle was performed on young rats trained by
assumption that because lactate is the end product of means of treadmill running 5 days/wk (29). To induce a
what has been termed “anaerobic glycolysis,” lactate progressive training effect, running speed and duration
appearance must reflect an 02 deficiency. This is a mis- were gradually increased until after 3 mo the rats were
conception. Lactate formation will occur when NADH running for 120 min/day up an 8” incline at 31 m/min
and pyruvate are available to lactate dehydrogenase re- with 12 intervals at 42 m/min lasting 30 s interspersed
gardless of how much 02 is present. at lo-min intervals through the exercise session. This
O2 consumption (Vo2) at the same “submaximal” work program resulted in a major training effect as evidenced
rate (the term submaximal exercise is used in this review by a large increase in endurance.
0161-7567/84 $1.50 Copyright 0 1984 the American Physiological Society 831

The run time to exhaustion for the trained group chondrial coupling factor 1 (49). Increased levels of
averaged 186 t 18 min compared with 29 t 3 min for marker enzymes of the pathway for fatty acid oxidation
control rats that had been maintained on a program of (6, 8, 39, 48, 54), the citrate cycle (6, 48, 54), and the
10 min of running 5 days/wk (29). Similar increases in respiratory chain (8, 18, 39, 47) have also been demon-
endurance have been found in subsequent studies on rats strated in muscles of endurance-trained people.
adapted to comparable training programs (10, 16, 17). lMitochondriaL composition. Skeletal muscle mitochon-
This large difference in endurance illustrates the simple dria undergo an alteration in composition in response to
but important point that in order for major adaptations endurance training, with some enzymes increasing two-
to occur the training stimulus must be progressively to threefold, others increasing 30:60%, and some not
increased until it exceeds the capacity for endurance increasing at all (cf. Ref. 30). The enzymes that do not
exercise in the untrained state. If a training program is increase include mitochondrial creatine kinase and ade-
well within the capacity of the untrained organism it nylate kinase (49) and mitochondrial cu-glycerophosphate
cannot be expected to provide a major adaptive stimulus. dehydrogenase (3248). The absence of an increase in W-
Lack of an adequate training stimulus is why earlier glycerophosphate dehydrogenase, and therefore in the
studies that employed mild exercise, and did not increase capacity of the cr-glycerophosphate shuttle, is of consid-
training intensity or duration, failed to show adaptive erable interest, a.s the abil.ity of muscles to oxidize B-
changes in muscle (cf. Ref. 29). glycerophosphate paral .lels their glycolytic capacity and
Evidence for an increase in muscle mitochondria. The is inversely related to respiratory capacity (cf. Ref. 30).
capacity of the mitochondrial fraction from gastrocne- As a consequence of the increase in mitochondrial pro-
mius muscle to oxidize pyruvate doubled in rats that had tein, the specific activities of mitochondrial creatine
adapted to the Z-h/day running program (29). Succinate kinase, adenylate kin ase, and cw-glycerophosphate dehy-
dehydrogenase, NADH dehydrogenase, NADH - cyto- drogenase expressed per milligram protein decrease,
chrome C reductase, and cytochrome oxidase activities making skeletal muscle mitochondria more like heart
per gra.m muscle increased approximately twofold in mitochondria in their enzyme pattern (cf. Ref. 30).
hindlimb muscles in response to the training. Cyto- Malate-aspartate shuttle. Normal mitochondria are im-
chrome c concentration was also increased twofold, pro- permeable to NADH. The major pathways for transfer-
viding evidence that the increases in respiratory chain ring the reducing equivalents from cytoplasmic NADH
enzyme activities were due to an increase in mitochon- formed during glycolysis into the mitochondria in muscle
drial enzyme protein. The total protein content of the are the a-glycerophosphate and the malate-aspartate
mitochondrial fraction increased -60%. Mitochondria shuttles (cf. Ref. 31). In contrast to a-glycerophosphate
from muscles of the trained animals exhibited a high dehydrogena se, which does not i.ncrease (32, 48), large
level of respiratory control and tightly coupled oxidative increases occur in the enzymes of the malate-aspartate
phosphorylation, providing evidence that the increase in shuttle in both the mitochondria and cytoplasm in mus-
electron transport capacity was associated with a con- cle in response to training (31).
comitant rise in the capacity to generate ATP via oxi- Muscle fiber types. Detailed studies of the enzymatic
dative phosphorylation (29). adaptations of the different skeletal muscle fiber types
This finding of an increase in respiratory capacity and in rodents have provided some insights regarding the
mitochondrial enzyme levels in muscle in response to plasticity of mitochondrial composition. However, al-
endurance training was soon confirmed by other inves- though the mitochondrial enzyme adaptations in mixed
tigators (4, 20, 47). Of particular importance was the muscles follow the same general pattern and have similar
study of Morgan and co-workers (47), who showed that physiological consequences in rodents and humans, it
human skeletal muscle also undergoes an adaptive in- has become evident that information from detailed stud-
crease in mitochondrial respiratory enzyme levels and ies of the different fiber types in rodents is not directly
the ability to oxidize pyruvate in response to endurance applicable to humans. In the rat the capacity to oxidize
training. Electron-microscopic studies by Gollnick and pyruvate and fatty acids and the levels of the majority of
King (21) with rats and by Morgan et al. (47) and mitochondrial enzymes [except those involved in ketone
Hoppeler. et al. (36) with humans have shown that in- metabolism (58)] are roughly twice as high in the fast-
creases in both size and number of mitochondria are twitch red fibers as in the slow-twitch red fibers, and
responsible for this increase in the mitochondrial content four to eight times as great in fast-twitch red fibers as in
of muscle. the fast-twitch white fibers (30, 31). In contrast, in
Mitochondrial enzyme adaptations to exercise. Subse- humans it i s the slow-twitch red (type I) fibers that have
quent studies using isolated mitochondria and whole the highest content of mitochondria, with mitochondrial
muscle homogenates showed that rat skeletal muscle enzyme levels approximately
-- twice as high as in the fast-
undergoes adaptive increases in the capacities to oxidize twitch (type II) fibers in untrained individuals (6, 13,
fatty acids (2, 46) and ketones (58) in addition to pyru- 45). Furthermore, the difference between the fast-twitch
vate (2). Underlying these increases in respiratory ca- red (type IIa) and fast-twitch white fibers (type IIb) is
pacity are increases in the levels of th .e enzymes respon- very much smaller in humans than in rats. Although it
sible for the activation, transport, and P-oxidation of is convenient to classify the muscle fibers into three, or
long- chain fatty acids (29 46), the enzymes involved in in the case of humans sometimes two, types, it must be
ketone oxidation (58), the enzymes of the citric acid cycle realized that there is a wide spectrum of enzyme activities
(33), the components of the respiratorv chain involved in fibers classified as belonging to the same type in
in oxidation of NADH and succinate (29, 33), and mito- muscles of the same individual (45).

Although the majority of people have roughly 50% more marked in the fast-twitch (type II) fibers than in
type I and 50% type II fibers, competitive endurance the slow-twitch (type I) fibers after 12 wk of inactivity
athletes tend to have a higher percentage of type I fibers, (6). This finding suggeststhe possibility that many years
while sprinters have a high percentage of type II fibers of endurance training may result in long-lasting adap-
(19). These differences appear to be the result of selection tations, such as changes in the firing frequency of the
for different types of athletic ability, i.e., a high percent- nerves innervating the type II fibers or in the recruitment
age of slow-twitch fibers may confer an advantage for pattern of these fibers.
endurance activities, rather than a training phenomenon. Mechanisms responsible for increase in muscle mito-
There is no evidence that fast-twitch (type II) fibers can chondria. The increase in muscle mitochondria with en-
be converted to slow-twitch (type I) fibers, or vice versa, durance training appears to be mediated by contractile
by means of normal exercise training. activity per se rather than by exogenous stimuli such as
In rats, endurance training programs such as the tread- alterations in hormonal milieu. This is evidenced by the
mill running protocol used in this laboratory do not observation that the mitochondrial adaptations are lim-
appear to result in a conversion of fast-twitch white into ited to the muscle fibers that are recruited to contract.
fast-twitch red fibers, as the large (4- to g-fold) differ- For example, in runners and cyclists the increase in
ences in mitochondrial enzyme activities between these mitochondria is limited to the muscles of the lower
fiber types are still present in the trained state (2, 58). extremities (19); when only one lower extremity is
In Contrast, in men who have adapted to strenuous trained, the adaptations are limited to the exercised leg
endurance training it is often impossible to detect type (24, 47, 53). It has also been shown that an adaptive
IIb fibers, and it appears that there may be a complete increase in muscle mitochondria can be induced by ex-
conversion of type IIb to WPe IIa fi bers in response to ercise despite the absence of thyroid and/or pituitary
endurance training (6, 39). Furthermore, the mitochon- hormones (20) and that administration of large doses of
drial content of the type II fibers tends to in crease to a epinephrine does not induce an increase in mitochondria
greater extent than that of type I fibers i.n response to in sedentary rats (15).
very strenuous endurance training, so that the difference Because the type II fibers are generally recruited only
in mitochondrial enzyme levels between type I and II during strenuous exercise, interval training appears to
fibers is largely, or even completely, eliminated in highly be necessary to induce a large increase in their mito-
trained individuals (6, 39). chondrial content. Within limits, the magnitude of the
Time course of decrease in mitochondrial enzymes after increase in mitochondria appears to be a function of the
cessation of training. The effect of stopping training on total amount of contractile activity, which can be in-
mitochondrial enzymes in muscle has been studied in creased either by performing more contractions in a given
detail in rats (5). A number of mitochondrial marker time period or by maintaining the same frequency of
enzymes increased approximately twofold in leg muscles contraction for a longer period of time (11, 16, 23).
in response to a 15-wk-long program of treadmill run- Little is known regarding the series of events initiated
ning. After training was stopped the concentration of by repeated muscle contraction that lead to the increase
cytochrome c and the levels of activity of citrate synthase in muscle mitochondria. Available evidence indicates
and 3-ketoacid CoA-transferase decreased exponentially that increased synthesis, rather than decreased degra-
toward sedentary control values with a half life of about dation, is primarily responsible for the increase in mito-
7 days were back to base line between 28 and 35 days. chondrial proteins (5). The first enzymatic adaptation to
The decrease in mitochondrial enzyme levels after occur in response to exercise appears to be an increase
cessation of exercise has also been studied in humans (6, in 6-aminolevulinic acid synthase, which occurs within
25, 41). In individuals who have trained for only 8-12 17 h after a single bout of exercise (35). &Aminolevulinic
wk, the increase in mitochondrial enzyme levels appears acid synthase is the rate-limiting enzyme in heme syn-
to be reversed within 6-8 wk after cessation of exercise thesis, and it has been hypothesized that this enzyme
(25, 41). The basis for this somewhat slower reversal in plays a key role in the increase in mitochondrial enzymes
humans than in rats is unknown; it could be due to either in response to endurance exercise (35).
a longer half-life of mitochondrial enzymes in human Glycolytic enzymes. Endurance training appears to re-
than in rat skeletal muscle or a more severe restriction sult in rather minor changes in glycolytic enzyme activ-
of activity in rats housed in individual cages than in ities in skeletal muscle (3,19,47,54). The only important
people going about their normal daily activities. adaptations appear to be an increase in hexokinase ac-
In contrast to the rapid loss (6-8 wk) of the mitochon- tivity (3, 43, 47) and a decrease, in some individuals, in
drial adaptations in muscles of individuals who have total lactate dehydrogenase activity (6, 55) with an in-
train .ed for only 2-3 mo, people who have been training crease in the proportion of the heart-specific isozyme
hard for many years appear to have a more persistent and a decrease in the skeletal muscle-specific isozyme of
increase in mitochondria. In a study on the effects of lactate dehydrogenase (55).
cessation of training in subjects who had been training
for 6-20 yr, citrate synthase, ,&hydroxyacyl-CoA dehy- Physiological Consequencesof Biochemical
drogenase, and malate dehydrogenase declined signifi- Adaptations of Skeletal Muscle to
cantly over a 12-wk period but were still about 40% above
Endurance Exercise Training
control values in mixed muscle (6). Single muscle fiber
analyses revealed that this persistent elevation of mito- When previously sedentary individuals adapt to en-
chondrial enzyme levels above control values was much durance training, VO 2 MaXincreases and endurance at

exercise intensities requiring less than VOW max is im-

proved. There is considerable interest regarding the roles
that the biochemical adaptations in muscle may play in
determining Tjo2 lTlaXand endurance.
. Maximum O2 uptake. The factors that determine
vo 2 max have not been completely elucidated. However,
it seems clear that the great capac ity of their cardiovas- 70 0
cular system to deliver 02 to the muscles (12), rather C 0
than their el.evated muscle respiratory capacity, is the ab
primary factor responsible for the extremely high VOW max C.
in elite endurance athletes. I
Individuals who perform strenuous endurance training .-:
for 1 h/day or more over prolonged periods of time can 0
& 60
have very similar elevations in skeletal muscle mitochon- 0
drial content but markedly different VO, maxcapacities E a
(Fig. 1). Conversely, muscle mitochondrial enzyme levels ;s
can differ as much as twofold among elite middle and E 0
. distance runners with similar, extremely high 0"
vo 2 max values (9). Furthermore, a number of studies l> a
have provided evidence that small changes in muscle 50
. capacity can occur without a change in
vo 2 max9 and vice versa, during periods of training and
detraining (25, 41, 48).
Questions that remain to be answered are I) does
increased muscle mitochondrial content play a permis-
sive role in individuals with a high VOW max, i.e., is it 40
4 0, 1 I
possible to have a very high VOW maxwithout a marked
elevation in muscle mitochondrial content? and 2) does 5 10 15
the increase in muscle mitochondria play a role in making CITRATE SY NTHASE, mmol- hr-1-g PROTEIN-1
possible the greater extraction of O2 from the blood by FIG. 1. Relationship between citrate synthase activity in gastro-
the working muscles and thus contribute to the increase cnemius (runners) or quadriceps (cyclists) muscle and maximum O2
in VO2 max in response to training? With regard to the uptake (TO, max).Individual values are given for 8 highly trained people
first question, it is of interest that the lowest value for (o), and the average value is given for 8 untrained individuals (a). Data
are from Ref. 6 and unpublished results.
succinate dehydrogenase activity in gastrocnemius mus-
cles of the elite runners studied by Costill et al. (9) was
approximately 2.5-fold greater than the value found in blood lactate concentrations, a slower utilization of car-
untrained individuals in the same study. Relative to the bohydrate, and an increased reliance on fat oxidation as
second question, a number of investigators have reported a source of energy. It seemsprobable that these interre-
that the adaptive increase in X702 max in response to lated metabolic adaptations to endurance training are
endurance training is partly accounted for by an increase largely responsible for the increased endurance in the
in arteriovenous O2 difference (cf. Refs. 12, 30). trained state.
Response to exercise that requires less than v02 max. Louler lactate Levels.The same relative exercise inten-
While there seemslittle doubt that increased O2 delivery sity (i.e., the same percent of ‘ii02 max)results in a smaller
is the major factor responsible for large increases in increase in blood lactate concentration, and a consider-
maximum aerobic power induced by strenuous prolonged ably higher relative work rate is required to attain a given
endurance training, it seems unlikely that improved 02 lactate level in the 1.5-4 mM range in the well-trained
delivery is responsible for the increased endurance and than in the untrained state (37). It has long been sus-
lower muscle and blood lactate levels seen at the same pected that lactate accumulation plays a role in the
absolute exercise intensity after training. If, as was once development of fatigue. Although the mechanism by
thought, the working muscles were hypoxic because of which such an effect may be mediated remains elusive,
inadequate O2 delivery during submaximal exercise that it does seem clear from a number of studies that there is
results in lactate production and if O2 supply was im- good correlation between endurance performance and
proved by training, VOWat a given submaximal work rate the exercise intensity required to elicit a given lactate
should be higher after training. However, it is well doc- concentration in the 1.5-4 mM range (14,42,56). In this
umented that To2 at a given submaximal work rate is context the adaptations to endurance training that are
not increased by training (22,27,40). Furthermore, blood responsible for the lower lactate production during ex-
flow to the working muscles is either unchanged or ercise may play a major role in accounting for 1) the
decreased (cf. Ref. 30) at the same submaximal exercise greater endurance at the same relative exercise intensity
intensity after training. in the trained compared with the untrained state (cf.
Endurance training results in marked alterations in Ref. I) and 2) the ability of highly trained individuals to
. metabolic response to exercise that requires less than exercise at a higher relative exercise intensity for a given
vo 2max.These include smaller increases in muscle and time period (in the activity in which they are trained)

than untrained individuals. limiting only when the energy need of the cell requires a
Karlsson et al. (40) have provided evidence that the rate of substrate catabolism that exceeds the maximum
lower blood lactate concentration during submaximal catalytic ability of the rate-limiting enzymes.
exercise in the trained state is secondary to a lower In this context one probable consequence of the adap-
lactate concentration in the exercising muscles. Studies tive increase in mitochondria is that work rates that
in which the subjects trained only one lower extremity exceeded the capacity of some of the muscle fibers for
have clearly shown that decreased lactate production by the aerobic generation of energy in the untrained state
the muscles is the primary factor responsible for the become “submaximal” for these muscle fibers after pro-
lower blood lactate levels during submaximal exercise longed intense training. This is particularly likely to be
following endurance training (24, 53). In these studies true for those type II fibers that have the lowest capacity
lactate production by the trained leg was markedly lower for aerobic metabolism in the untrained state and that
even though the training programs used were mild (24, may undergo a fourfold or greater increase in mitochon-
53) dria in response to strenuous endurance training. Exer-
dlycogen depletion. Studies employing serial muscle cise intensities that exceeded the respiratory capacity of
biopsies h.ave shown that men deplete their muscle gly- these type II fibers and resulted in rapid lactate accu-
cogen stores less rapidly during standardized exercise mulation and fatigue in the untrained state may be well
when trained than when untrained (26). Studies on rats within the capacity of these fibers for aerobic metabolism
have given similar results and in addition have shown when they are highly trained. Thus the adaptations to
that liver glycogen 1s depleted less rapidly in the trained endurance training may make possible prolonged steady-
state (16). In rats at various level .s of traini ng (ranging state contractile activity, during which ATP hydrolysis
from lot0 120 min runn .ing/day), there was an inverse is balanced by ATP resynthesis via oxidative phospho-
relati onship between the respirato ry capacity of the leg rylation, at work rates that could be maintained for only
muscles and the total amount of glycogen utilized during short bursts by some type II fibers that have a low
a bout of exercise (16). oxidative capacity when untrained.
Fat oxidation. The decreased utilization of carbohy- When the energy requirement of a given work rate is
drate during submaximal exercise in the trained state is below a muscle cell’s capacity for generating ATP via
compensated for by a proportional increase in fat oxi- aerobic metabolism, the rates of substrate oxidation are
dation. This is reflected in a lower respiratory exchange controlled not by enzyme quantity but by a variety of
ratio (R) at both the same absolute and the same relative regulatory mechanisms. The simplest level of regulation
exercise intensities when individuals are restudied after involves the concentrations of substrates, products, and
adapting to endurance exercise training (cf. Ref. 30). cofactors, which determine the rate of flux through each
There is evidence that depletion of glycogen stores can enzymatic step. A second level of control is via regulation
play a role in the development of fatigue during prolonged of the activities of rate-limiting enzymes, which are
strenuous exercise (cf. Ref. 30). The glycogen-sparing influenced by a wide range of activators and inhibitors.
effect of increased fat oxidation probably plays a major The primary factor determining the extent to which rate-
role in the increase in endurance that occurs with train- limiting enzymes in the pathways of carbohydrate and
ing. fat catabolism are activated is the need for energy; i.e.,
enzyme activity is regulated so that substrate catabolism
balances the rate of energy utilization.
Some Hypotheses Regarding Mechanisms That
In this context it seems probable that the altered
Mediate the Altered Metabolic Responseto
metabolic response of trained muscle cells to submaximal
Submaximal Exercise in the Endurance- Trained State
exercise is largely mediated by the smaller disturbance
Although we are still a long way from a complete in intracellular homeostasis needed to activate substrate
understanding of the mechanisms responsible for the catabolism sufficiently to balance a given rate of ATP
altered metabolic response to exercise of muscles that hydrolysis. With more molecules of each of the mito-
have adapted to endurance training, sufficient informa- chondrial respiratory enzymes per gram of muscle, the
tion is available to suggest a number of possibilities. The rate of substrate flux per enzyme molecule must be less
following section reviews some of the possible mecha- at any given rate of energy utilization. As a consequence,
nisms that we think best explain the slower utilization substrate, cofactor, and/or activator concentrations must
of carbohydrate, the slower lactate production, and change less in order to achieve a given rate of ATP
greater utilization of fat during submaximal exercise in formation.
the trained state. Currently available evidence favors the interpretation
When the concentrations of substrate and O2 are not that the primary factor regulating mitochondrial respi-
limiting, the rates of substrate flux through the citrate ration, when 02 and substrate availability are not limit-
cycle and the fatty acid oxidation pathway, and the rate ing, is the concentration of ADP, rather than the ratio
of electron transport down the respiratory chain, are of [ATP]/[ADP] X [Pi] ( w h ere Pi is inorganic phosphate)
determined by the cell’s need for energy. During exercise, as was once thought (38). Electron transport is tightly
the major factor determining the energy requirement is, coupled to oxidative phosphorylation of ADP, and this
of course, the rate of ATP hydrolysis at the cross bridges is the mechanism responsible for the close gearing of VOW
formed between actin and myosin in the contracting to the rate of ATP hydrolysis. With the onset of muscle
muscles. The levels, i.e ., the total amounts, of the en- contractile activity, ATP is hydrolyzed, the concentra-
zymes in these pathways of aerobic metabolism become tions of ATP and phosphocreatine decline, and the levels

of ADP and Pi increase progressively, resulting in a case during submaximal exercise after training is, of
progressive increase in respiration. If the ATP require- course, the greater oxidation of fat (24, 26, 30, 31). The
ment of the contractile activity is below the muscle cell’s concentration of plasma free fatty acids (FFA) available
maximal capacity for aerobic metabolism, a steady-state to muscle, which plays an extremely important role in
concentration of ADP is attained at which the rate of determining the rate of FFA utilization during exercise
oxidative phosphorylation balances the rate of ATP hy- (7, 28, 50), is similar in the trained and untrained states
drolysis (cf. Ref. 30). Concomitantly, ATP and PC con- (cf. Ref. 34,59). However, the intracellular concentration
centrations fall, until a steady-state level of respiration of FFA available to the mitochondria is unknown, and
is attained, resulting in the muscle “02 deficit.” the possibility that the intracellular FFA concentration
The energy requirement and rate of Tj02 are the same is different in trained and untrained muscle during sub-
in the trained and untrained states at the same submax- maximal exercise has not been ruled out.
imal work rate. Therefore the increase in ADP concen- If it is assumed that, like the plasma FFA level, intra-
tration required to attain the same rate of O2 utilization cellular FFA concentration in muscle is similar in the
at a given submaximal work rate must be lower in trained trained and untrained states, the difference in FFA oxi-
muscle with a high mitochondrial content than in un- dation must be a consequence of the adaptations induced
trained muscle with a lower respiratory capacity. The by exercise. The overall rate of substrate oxidation is
reason for this is that with more respiratory chains per determined by the rate of ATP hydrolysis, which is a
gram muscle, 0, uptake per respiratory chain must be function of the work rate. However, the relative propor-
less in order to maintain a given rate of O2 utilization tions of carbohydrate and fat oxidized are determined by
per gram muscle. In this context it seems reasonable that substrate (i.e., FFA and pyruvate) availability, the rela-
at the same submaximal work rate ATP and phospho- tive activities of the rate-limiting enzymes in the path-
creatine concentrations must decrease less (40), and ways for generating acetyl-CoA from carbohydrate and
ADP, Pi, and creatine concentrations must increase less fatty acids, and by a number of regulatory mechanisms.
in trained than in untrained muscle. Of these regulatory mechanisms, the most important
Adenylate kinase activity in muscle results in conver- probably are I) less activation of glycolysis as a conse-
sion of some of the ADP formed during muscle contrac- quence of smaller changes in the levels of the high-energy
tion to AMP, part of which is deaminated by adenylate phosphate compounds and Pi at the same submaximal
deaminase to form IMP and ammonia (44). With a work rate after muscle has adapted to trai .ning with an
smaller rise in ADP it seems likely that AMP, IMP, and increase in mitochondria and 2) the inhibitory effects of
ammonia levels are lower in trained muscle during sub- FFA oxidation on glucose uptake and glycolysis (7, 28,
maximal exercise; however, no information regarding 51,52). The increases in the levels of the enzymes of the
this point is yet available. The intracellular concentra- fatty acid oxidation pathway make possible the provision
tions of ATP, Pi, AMP, ADP, and ammonia play impor- of a larger proportion of the energy required during
tant roles in controlling the rate of glycolysis. ATP strenuous exercise by means of fat oxidation, with a
inhibits phosphofructokinase, and this inhibition is proportional reduction in carbohydrate utilization.
countered by Pi, ADP, AMP, and ammonia (cf. Ref. 30). In conclusion, endurance exercise training induces a
Therefore as a consequence of a higher steady-state number of adaptations in skeletal muscle. Probably the
concentration of ATP and lower levels of Pi, ADP, and most important of these is an increase in mitochondria
possibly of AMP and ammonia, glycolysis should be with an increase in respiratory capacity. One conse-
activated to a smaller extent at a given work rate in quence of the adaptations induced in muscle by endur-
trained than in untrained muscle. This mechanism could ance exercise is that the same work rate requires a
play a role in accounting for the slower rates of carbo- smaller percentage of the muscles’ maximum respiratory
hydrate utilization and of lactate production during sub- capacity and therefore results in less disturbance in
maximal exercise in the trained than in the untrained homeostasis. A second consequence is increased utiliza-
state. tion of fat, with a proportional decrease in carbohydrate
Additional factors that may contribute to the slower utilization, during submaximal exercise. These metabolic
lactate production are the adaptive decrease in total consequences of these adaptations of muscle to endur-
lactate dehydrogenase activity, with a shift in isoenzyme ance training could play important roles in 1) the in-
pattern toward the heart-specific form of lactate dehy- crease in endurance and 2) the ability to exercise at a
drogenase (55), a.nd the increase in the capacity of the higher percent of VO 2 maxin the trained state, by slowing
malate-aspartate shuttle (31) in muscle in response to glycogen depletion and reducing lactate production (i.e.,
endurance training. These adaptations should, together raising “lactate threshold”).
with the increase in mitochondria, increase the ability of
the mitochondria to compete with lactate dehydrogenase
The author’s research was supported by National Institutes of
for pyruvate. Health Research Grants AG-00425 and AM-18986 and Institutional
The factor that plays the key role in making possible National Research Service Award AG-00078 and a Center Grant from
the slower utilization of muscle glycogen and blood glu- the Muscular Dystrophy Association.


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John 0. Holloszy and Edward F. Coyle

Section of Applied Physiology, Department of Medicine
Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri 63110

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