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Grade 10
Activity # 6 (2nd Quarter)
Activity Title: Three fold Mission
Learning Target: To Understand the meaning of Three mission
Reference: OJ 4. Pp 55-59. CCC, CFC
Values: Sacrifice
I. Concept note
The three fold mission
a. Priestly People
 All baptized share in the priestly dignity of Christ.
 As faithful, we must present ourselves as a sacrifice, living, holy, and pleasing to God,
and bearing witness to Christ.
 We sacrifice our priesthood by the reception of the:
 Sacraments
 Prayer and thanksgiving
 Witness of Holy life
 Active charity
 We exercise it when we participate in the offering of the Eucharist.
 Through the service and ministerial priests, whole people of God grow in holiness and
serve as leaven from within the world in order to bring about its sanctification and
 On the other hand, the Christian community participates in the celebration of the
Eucharist, and collaborates with the priests for the life and mission of the Church.
b. Prophetic People
 By a “supernatural appreciation of the faith” (sensus fidei), the people receives the Word
of the living God..
 We have to share the Word of God with one another, then those who have not yet heard
or accepted it.
 We do this by our living witness to Christ and by our words.
 all of us faithful, by our lives, behavior, testimony and teaching can also bring the word
of God to others.
c. Kingly People
 The people of God has received from Christ the power to overcome the reign of sin.
 By serving Christ in others we can bring our brethren to the Lord Jesus to serve whom is
to reign.
 To be king is to minister, to serve
II. Learning Activities
a. Checking for Understanding
1. What are the three fold mission?
b. Processing question
1. How can this 3 fold mission manifest in the Life of every human person?
c. Synthesis
1. Which among the three fold mission that you can say, you already did it?
d. Reflection
As Christ did the three fold mission, are you willing enough to do what Christ did
when He was here on earth? In what way?

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