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In the older generations people buy foods through dine in maneuver but when people started to

realize the usefulness of the internet people began to order through online by means of using the

internet as an engine for searching. This millennial age today that uses apps and gadgets are very

useful for ordering online that are delivered to everyone’s front door.

Many people in this age are so busy to their work that they forgot to eat. They always had a

hard time to make food for themselves and run through the fast food chain or any kind of

restaurant they like just to order food. Therefore, the company invented a special application for

them. A solution to those people who are always too busy in their work or to those people who

crave their favourite dish but can’t order otherwise because of the distance of their house to the


As of today, using the internet is a breeze but affording one or connecting to a free connection is

so frustrating. The app that we made can be use with or without any connection to a wifi server or

through offline specifically by SMS.


We highly introduce to you our application which is Dart Delivery. The app is very

capable in delivering your order to your door step in just 1 click. Dart Delivery can be used in three

ways which is through downloading the app and ordering online, another one is visiting the website

and placing your order, and the last one is through offline specifically by SMS.
It can be use without using the internet or just texting your order through SMS. We developers realized

that not anyone can afford an internet connection for free. As a fellow user of the modern technology

today we also experience the same problems when delivering online.

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