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There are many kinds of rocks. Metamorphic Rock
Generally, according to how they are Rocks that have changed its
formed, rocks are classified as igneous, appearance and sometimes its mineral
sedimentary or metamorphic. composition due to either extreme heat or
Igneous Rocks pressure are called metamorphic rocks.
Deep within the earth’s surface They often show a layered structure but
exists molten or melted materials known some are said to be massive. Metamorphic
as magma? This molten rock material is rocks that layered in appearance are
extremely hot with temperature ranging known as foliated rocks while those that
from 749˚ to 1093˚C. High pressure may are massive are known as unifoliate
force the magma to work its way upward rocks. All kinds of rocks, including
to the earth’s surface through the cracks igneous and sedimentary, usually undergo
or fissures. When these molten rock metamorphism and produce the so called
materials cool off and solidify, they form metamorphic rocks.
what we call igneous rocks which mean Answer the following questions.
“formed by fire.” Igneous rocks occur in
two principal forms: intrusive igneous 1. What are the three main kinds of
rock and extrusive igneous rock. rocks?
Intrusive igneous rocks are igneous rocks 2. What are the principal forms of igneous
that do not rise all the way to the surface
of the earth. They hardened up before
reaching the earth’s surface. They have 3. What are the three groups of
coarse mineral grains and crystals that sedimentary rocks?
can be easily seen. Extrusive igneous 4. What make up clastic or fragmental
rocks are formed and solidified on the sedimentary?
surface of the earth. They are usually fine 5. What make up chemical sedimentary?
grained, glassy or finely crystalline in 6. What make up organic sedimentary?
texture. Since these rocks are formed from
7. What are the 2 kinds of metamorphic
molten materials that are expelled by
volcanic eruptions, they are also called rock? Differentiate.
volcanic rocks or pyroclastic rocks. 8. As young boys and girls, how can you
Sedimentary Rocks help conserve our mineral resources?
There are rocks that consist of
materials that were once was part of older
rocks or of plants and animal parts. These
rocks were deposited millions of years ago
as layers of loose materials which become
cemented together. They are called
sedimentary rocks from the word
“sediments”. They are grouped into three:
1) classic or fragmental
sedimentary, 2) chemical sedimentary,
and 3) organic sedimentary. Classic or
fragmental sedimentary is composed of
rock fragments carried and deposited by
wind, water or glacier and are cemented
together. Chemical sedimentary is
composed of deposits of minerals
dissolved in water. The evaporation of
water causes the minerals to crystallize
leaving mineral deposits. Organic
sedimentary is composed of shells,
skeletons and other parts of plants or
animals. Many different substances
can act as cement that bind the
sedimentary rocks. Of these, the most
common are calcium carbonate, silica,
mud, clay and iron oxide.

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