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THE WAY OF THE CROSS (continued)

Peter: The first time I met Jesus was when Andrew, my brother introduced me to
him. (John 1:40-42) Andrew had been following the prophet John and he was
convinced that Jesus was the Messiah, the Christ that everyone was waiting for.
Jesus took one look at me and said, ‘you will be called Peter’ - that means ‘rock’.
What did that mean, I did not know then. Why did he call me ‘rock’? It was as if
he had a plan for my future; even before he knew who I was, he knew who he
wanted me to become.
He had great expectations from me. And yet, I let him down. I failed him.
I couldn’t even stay awake for a while and pray with him (Mark 14:38). My human
weaknesses always overshadowed his wonderful plans for me. My heart urges me
to follow him, to do what he says. But my body, my laziness, my circumstances,
my fears are my biggest blocks in doing His will.
I am weak, my Lord! Always was! Help me, Lord to get over those blocks!


Leader: We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you.

Response: Because by your Holy Cross you have redeemed the world.

A Reading from the Holy Gospel according to Luke 2:34-35, 51b

Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother, "Behold, this child is set for the
fall and rising of many in Israel, and for a sign that is spoken against (and a sword
will pierce through your own soul also), that thoughts out of many hearts may be
revealed." His mother kept all these things in her heart.

Let us pray:
Beloved Mother, when everyone else distanced themselves from Jesus in fear,
you ran towards Him with love and compassion. Teach me Mother, to stand firm
in my faith, to love my Lord with all my heart in all circumstances. Pray that I may

realise God’s wonderful purpose in my life and work towards becoming a good
witness of my Christian faith. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

Mother Mary always walked close to Jesus, supporting him and praying for him
during his ministry. She is ever ready at all times to support us too, to help us walk
closely with the Lord. Let us seek the intercession of our Blessed Mother for
ourselves and ask her to journey with us always.

Together offer ‘One decade of the Rosary’ (One Our Father, 10 Hail Mary, Glory

How aware am I about God’s plan for me?

➔ Bring out the folded paper from your CS kit

➔ Tear along the line marked on the folded paper, starting from the side
that is slightly cut
➔ Open up the triangular portion. Press along the already-folded parts
➔ Discard the other part in the nearest dustbin/ keep in your CS kit.

The paper initially looked deformed and of no purpose. But after it was crafted
carefully, it came out as a beautiful shape. We are all pieces of paper in the Lord’s
hands. If we allow the Lord to cut us according to His plan, we will emerge as a
beautiful and purposeful shape in His hands. Our weaknesses and complexes
make us think that we are deformed or of no use, but God sees a beautiful plan
for our lives! Let’s pray for the grace to focus on our purpose, not on our

Meditate: For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper
you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11)


Peter: Caesarea Philippi was a town filled with temples that had statues of gods.
The people there worshipped idols and believed in false gods. The people were

also confused because of the teachings and practices of the Pharisees and the
Sadducees. They had looked at Jesus too, with suspicion.
As we entered the town and Jesus saw all the statues, he asked us whom do the
people say he was. (Matt 16:13-20) Elijah, Jeremiah, John the Baptist, or some
prophet, came the reply from my friends. The people saw him as just one of the
many prophets who had come to do God’s will and prepare the way for the
And then he asked us whom we, his disciples, said he was. My heart skipped a

I had journeyed with him for a while now, and I was convinced that he was the
promised Messiah, the one whom God sent to redeem the people, the one true
King of the Jews. He was not just another Prophet, but He was much more; He
was the Anointed One, the Christ! I felt a voice in my heart say that Jesus is the
Prophet who reveals to us God’s will, the Priest who sacrifices Himself to atone
for our sin, and the King who is Lord over creation.
I spoke on behalf of all Jesus’ disciples and said out loud, ‘You are the Messiah,
the Son of the Living God!’

This truth did not come from my human thinking, but it was given to me directly
by the Father in Heaven – Jesus said so. He called me ‘blessed’ because I had
heard the voice of the Father reveal the divine truth.

And then I understood why He had named me Peter, the rock – the foundation on
which he would build his Church; the Church built on the truth that He is the
Messiah, the Son of the Loving God.

A rock is something that is strong and steady, that doesn’t waiver and break. Am I
really a rock, Lord? How many times have I failed to do what you wanted? You
spoke about building the Church, but I was the first one to abandon the company
of your disciples when you were arrested, I was the first to disperse your Church.
Forgive me Lord, forgive me!


Leader: We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you.


Response: Because by your Holy Cross you have redeemed the world.

A Reading from the Holy Gospel according to Luke 23:26

As they led him away, they seized one Simon of Cyrene, who was coming in from
the country, and laid on him the Cross, to carry it behind Jesus.

Let us pray:
My Jesus, what Simon did for you that day, brought you some relief from the
burden of the heavy cross. I also desire to partake in your suffering, O Lord! But I
am weak, and stumble because of my laziness. Change my heart, Lord, to be
always aware of those in need of my help and to have a heart eager to serve
them. I pray that I may also help ease your pain through my actions. Amen.

Together offer at least two decades of Divine Mercy, each one take turns to lead
Offer up your personal intentions during this prayer

Think of the times when you may have done any of the below:
- Failed to give up your seat in the train because you were too busy on your
phone or sleeping
- Made excuses to avoid helping parents with housework
- Failed to help a colleague/classmate when they seemed to be in trouble as
it was ‘not my job’
- Failed to stand up for a friend who was being bullied or teased
- Any other that you can think of…..

In failing to help our friends or strangers in need, we have failed to help the Lord.

Meditate: ‘Those who do not do the good they know they should do are guilty of
sin’ (James 4:17)


Peter: To us, a Messiah meant one who would reign as King, one who would
come in all His glory and save each one of us. But Jesus began speaking about
suffering and death! (Matt 16:22-23)
That was certainly not the fate of a King!
He spoke about how he must suffer at the hands of the elders and chief priests
and be condemned to death. How could I allow such a fate to befall my Master! I
must not allow it. I felt that I should protect him from any danger that comes his
way. So I took him aside and scolded him for speaking about his death. I wished
that such a fate would never come to him.

But the Lord said that what he said must come to pass as it is the will of the
Father. If I opposed it, I would be an obstacle in fulfilling God’s will.

I do not want to be an obstacle Lord. I want to help you, I want to suffer with you.
But as I watched you suffer at the hands of the soldiers, hated by the crowd,
falsely accused by the elders, all I wanted to do was disassociate myself from
anything to do with you. I allowed my human nature to control my thoughts and
action, rather than listening to God.
What can I do to share your pain, Lord? How can I bring you relief?


Leader: We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you.

Response: Because by your Holy Cross you have redeemed the world.

A Reading from the Book of Psalms 27:8-9

Of you my heart has spoken: "Seek his face." It is your face, O Lord that I seek;
hide not your face. Dismiss not your servant in anger; you have been my help. Do
not abandon or forsake me, O God my help!

Let us pray:
Dear Jesus, Veronica was bold enough to break through the angry crowd and the
soldiers and offer you consolation as she wiped your face. I confess that I have
sometimes allowed fear to control my actions, it is a sign of my lack of faith. By
your perfect love, drive out my fear, Lord. Pour out your Spirit on me O Lord, and
teach me to be bold so that I may be a good witness of faith. Amen.

Together offer Three decades of Divine Mercy, each one take turns to lead
Offer up your personal intentions during this prayer

The below mentioned activity is to be done at a shelter/void deck/any safe
place away from the main road only. For your own safety, please avoid the
roadside or walking while doing the activity. Look for your facilitator for
Find a quiet place (shelter or any place away from the road) to sit down for a
while, could be a nearby sidewalk or a bench.
➔ Let’s pause and spend some quiet time with the Lord
➔ Open the white cloth given in the CS kit.
➔ Hold it up in your hands and gaze silently into the face of Jesus.
➔ Have a deep personal chat with the Lord, tell Him what’s on your mind.
➔ Enjoy your conversation with Him. Do this for about 10 mins in silence.
➔ Close with the following prayer:

Healing Prayer of Reparation to the Holy Face of Jesus

May the Most Holy, Most Sacred, Most Adorable, Most Mysterious and
Unutterable Name of God be always praised, blessed, loved, adored and glorified
in Heaven, on earth and under the earth, by all the creatures of God, and by the
Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ, in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar.

Meditate: 'Be still and know that I am God' (Psalm 46:10)





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