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2019 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications (ISITIA)

Modeling and Simulation of Independent Speed

Steering Control for Front In-wheel in EV Using

Chhith Chhlonh Dedet Candra Riawan Heri Suryoatmojo

Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia Surabaya, Indonesia

Abstract— Currently, electric vehicles (EV) have become The other research is proposed in [7] by using PI-Fuzzy logic
more popular in research because of issues of the environmental controller for 3 phase BLDC motor for the EV application. In
pollution and the running out of fossil fuel. This research [8], the author has been proposed the selection of electric
presents a strategy of independent speed steering control for two motor drives for the EV, it mentioned several types of motor
front in-wheel BLDC motors while an EV drives on a straight drives on EV.
road as well as on a curved road. When the EV runs on a straight
road, each front wheel has the same rotating speed. However, on In this paper, a BLDC motor is attached to each front
a curved road, the outer wheel has the rotating speed higher wheel of EV as shown in Fig. 1 and it is called in-wheel direct
than the inner wheel. Ackermann-Jeantand steering model is drive. Speed of the motor in each front wheel is independently
used to determine the reference speed for each front wheel of the controlled by using fuzzy logic controller. The Ackermann-
EV during turning motion when a certain steering angle and EV Jeantand steering model has been employed to determine the
speed are inputted. The fuzzy logic controller (FLC) has been reference speed of each front wheel when the EV drives on a
designed to control the speed of each motor to reach the desired straight road, turned to the left side or turned to the right side
speed. Hysteresis current controller is introduced to generate on a curved road with a certain steering angle and vehicle
the switching signals for each switch device in the power speed. Hysteresis current controller is used to generate
inverter. A Graphical User Interface (GUI) is created in switching signals for switch devices in power inverter. The
MATLAB to control the overall system. Three different cases of
GUI’s interface is designed in the MATLAB tool to command
simulation have been done and the results are satisfying with the
the control system.
response. The results demonstrated that the control system has
worked properly.

Keywords— Independent speed steering control, Front in-

wheel BLDC motor, Ackermann-Jeantand steering model, FLC,

Growing of conveyances have treated to environment
pollution and human health. These transportations are using Fig.1. Front in-wheel motor driven of an EV
the limited fossil fuel from the earth which will be running out
someday. Hence, it is a challenge to all researchers to respond The paper has been prepared contain with main sections
to reduce this issue especially pollution by vehicles. as following: the Ackermann-Jeantand steering model is
Conventional vehicles have heavy and bulky systems which presented in section II, the modeling of BLDC motor is
contain the powertrain caused to have mechanical losses illustrated in section III. In section IV and V have explained
during processing and they use the fuel for the engine working the design of FLC and hysteresis current controller. The
[1]. Thus, trying to use battery instead of fuel is an innovation. control schematic and simulation results are discussed in
Many papers have been done with an independent drive section VI and the conclusion is given in section VII.
system of EVs. The Ackerman geometry in the mechanical
system is applied to electronic independent four wheels II. ACKERMANN-JEANTAND STEERING MODEL
steering system has been done in [2]. In [3], the author has In the 19th century, a researcher name Rudolf Ackerman
been finished with the modeling and simulation of electronic has discovered a new geometric model called Ackermann-
differential system (EDS) for dual-front-wheel and also, Jeantand steering model (Fig. 2) or Electronic Differential
compared the results with Codesys Software Package. System (EDS) for a vehicle during steering in a curved road.
Differential speed steering control for four-wheel independent The principle of this model is the relationship between the
driving electric vehicle has been described in [4]. In [5], the inner wheel and outer wheel in a curved road, it also can be
modeling and simulation of electronic differential system for applied to all vehicles whatever two wheels stering or four
an electric vehicle at rear-wheel drive based on fuzzy logic wheels steering [2]. In a curved road, the inner wheel speed
controller by controlling independently torque of the motor. A must be less than the outer wheel speed. When the vehicle
comprehensive control strategy of speed and torque based on turned with an angle  , the inner and outer steering angle of
Neural Networks PID electronic differential is proposed in [6]. each front wheel is found as the following equations [3]:

978-1-7281-3749-0/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE 270

Fig. 3. References speed computation algorithm

In Fig. 3 illustrates the algorithm of how to determine the

reference speed each front wheel from the inputs steering
angle (  ) and vehicle speed ( V ). Since it is in-wheel type then
the angular rotating speed of the motor and angular rotating
speed of wheel are remained the same, thus:
Fig. 2. Ackermann-Jeantand steering model
ref _Lm = ref _ L ; ref _ Rm = ref _ R (8)
 L tan   (1)
1 = arctan   Or nref _Lm = nref _ L nref _ Rm = nref _ R (9)
 L − ( tan  . ( K 2 ) ) 


 L tan   (2)
 2 = arctan   The BLDC motor drive circuit is demonstrated in Fig 4.
 L + ( tan  . ( K 2 ) )  The modeling is based on these assumptions [9]: concentrated
windings are selected with wye-connection and 120 degrees
The angular rotating speed for inner, outer front wheel and
from each other, the resistance and self-inductance of
the center point when the vehicle turned on a curved road can
windings are remained to be constant, the saturation of
be found at:
magnetic and iron losses are ignored.
V .R1 ; V .R2 ; V
1 = 2 = ref = (3)
Rcg .r Rcg .r r

During steering motion, each front wheel has their own

turning radius and they can be defined as:
L ; L (4)
R1 = R2 =
sin (1 ) sin ( 2 )

The gravity center radius of the vehicle is:

(( d 2) + R ) + ( L 2)
Rcg =
r 3
(5) Fig. 4. BLDC motor drive circuit

Where: L is the distance between the front and rear wheel, The matrix of voltage equations for BLDC motor can be
K is the distance from left to right kingpin, r is the radius of written as:
the wheel, V is vehicle speed. Va   R 0 0  ia   L 0 0  ia  ea 
There is a condition that can be assumed for the steering V  =  0 R 0  i  + d  0 L 0   i  +  e  (10)
 b    b  dt    b  b
angle  , where:
Vc   0 0 R  ic   0 0 L  ic   ec 
  0 turned left Where: Va , Vb , Vc are phase voltages, R is stator resistance,

 = 0 straight (6) ia , ib , ic are phase currents of motor, L is self-inductance and
  0
 turned rigth ea , eb , ec are trapezoidal back EMF of each phase. Under the
assumptions, these back EMF waveforms must be identical.
From (3), (4), and (5), the speed change between inner and
The back EMF for each phase can be expressed as the function
outer wheel can be written as: of rotor angle  e [in electrical degree] [10]:
VL ( (1 sin  2 ) − (1 sin 1 ) ) ( 6 E  ) e
 = (7) ( 0  e   6 )

( L tan  ) + ( L 2 ) ( 6  e  5 6 )
2 2
r E
 (11)
This speed change is used to add or subtract with the ea = − ( 6 E  ) e + 6 E ( 5 6  e  7 6 )

angular rotating speed at the center of vehicle ref to achieve
− E ( 7 6  e  11 6 )
reference speed of each front wheel (ref _ L , ref _R ) . ( 6 E  ) − 12 E (11 6   e  2 )
 e

− E ( 0  e   2 ) A. Membership Function
 These inputs ‘e’ and ‘∆e’ are designed to contain seven
 ( 6 E  )e − 4 E ( 2   e  5 6 ) (12) membership functions which are PB, PM, PS, ZE, NS, NM,

eb =  E ( 5 6  e  9 6 ) NB. Similar to the ‘output’ which contains seven membership
 functions. The range values of e, ∆e, and output are [-160
− ( 6 E  )  e + 10 E ( 9 6   e  11 6 )
E 160], [-3 3] and [-300 300] respectively. It is used trial and
 (11 6  e  2 ) error method many times to get those values. The
membership functions of e, ∆e, and output are proposed in
E ( 0  e   6 ) Fig. 6, 7, 8 using the MATLAB tool.

 − ( 6 E  )e + 2 E ( 6   e   2 ) (13)

ec = − E ( 2  e  7 6 )

( 6 E  )  e − 8 E ( 7 6   e  9 6 )
E ( 9 6  e  2 )

Where: E = K b .m is the amplitude, K b is the back EMF
constant and m is rotor speed. The relationship between the
rotor angle  e in electrical degree and the rotor angle in the
Fig. 6. Membership functions of input ‘e’
mechanical degree are expressed as:
e = m (14)
The electromagnetic torque can be defined as:

 P  e i + e i + e i 
Te =    a a b b c c  (15)
 2  e 
ea ia + ebib + ec ic
Or Te = (16) Fig. 7. Membership functions of input ‘∆e’
The motion equation can be written as:
J m = Te − TL − Bm (17)
Where: J is moment inertia, TL is load torque, B is
damping, and P is number of pols pairs.
Presently, fuzzy logic controller becomes more widely Fig. 8. Membership functions of output
usage in the automation and control system. It is known to
handle nonlinearities and uncertainties without need B. Rules Base
mathematical model [11]. The block model of the fuzzy logic According to the number of membership functions, forty-
controller is illustrated in Fig. 5. There are two inputs into the nine rules are created which are shown in TABLE I. It is
controller which are error (e) and its change (∆e). In this noted that these rules obtained base on human’s experience.
controller, it contains three main steps. First step is
fuzzification, in this part, the crisp values inputted from error TABLE I. FUZZY LOGIC RULES BASED
and its change are fuzzified into the linguistic variables. After
that, the second step is rules base, it contains the rules IF- ∆e
THEN to determine the output linguistic variables. The last PB PM PS ZE NS NM NB
step is defuzzification, since the outputs from the rules base PB PB PB PB PB PM PS PS
are linguistic variables, then the defuzzifier converts these PM PB PM PM PM PS PS NS
linguistic variables into crisp values by using the calculating
the center of gravity of the fuzzy output method. PS PB PM PS PS PS NS NM


In this controller, the variables have controlled the value
Fig. 5. Model of fuzzy logic controller
to stay within the reference value. It is explained that when

the actual current lower than the reference current then the at steady state condition. The simulation has been carried out
switch is “ON” and in contrast, when the actual current with three different modes: the EV runs on the curved road to
exceeds the reference current then the switch is “OFF”. The the left side  = −15 , it runs on the curved road to the right
hysteresis band in this work have been set within [-0.1 0.1]. side  = 15 , and the steering angle change from  = 15 to
Fig. 9 show the diagram of the hysteresis current controller in
MATLAB/SIMULINK.  = −15 instantaneously with the EV speed V = 30 km / h .
All the results will be displayed in GUI’s interface. The motor
parameters and EV parameters are provided at the left bottom
side of the interface. It is noticed that the load torque 3 N.m
has been applied to each motor at the starting time each case.

A. The EV Steered to the Left Side  = −15

In this case, the EV runs on a curved road to the left side
with a constant linear speed ( V = 30 km / h ) and a steering
Fig. 9. Hysteresis current controller block diagram
angle (  = −15 ). Thus, the speed wheel on right side must
The decode signals are derived from Hall effect signals be higher than the speed wheel on left side. The results on the
(Ha, Hb, Hc) which are represented as in TABLE II. GUI’s interface in Fig. 11, the first column shows the linear
speeds (km/h) and motor speeds (rpm) respectively. Refer to
TABLE II. PHASE SWITCHING ARRANGEMENT the motor speed (rpm), at t = 0s , the steering angle is  = 0
Hall Sensors Phase A Phase B Phase C . From (3), the rotating reference speed each front motor has
been determined to 201.46 rpm . These reference speeds are
used as the reference speed of the motor. After both motor
100 + OFF -
speeds reached to the desired speeds, at t = 0.1s , the steering
110 OFF + -
angle is changed to  = −15 . By using (3) and (7), the new
010 - + OFF reference speed each front left and right side of the motor has
011 - OFF + been found as: 187.62 rpm and 215.3rpm ( 27.6 rpm speed
001 OFF - + difference) corresponding. In this case, the left motor works
101 + - OFF in a braking mode by developing a negative torque to reduce
111 OFF OFF OFF the left speed motor. In contrast, the right motor has produced
a positive torque for increasing the right speed motor. Once,
VI. CONTROL SCHEMATIC AND RESULTS both motor speeds are stabilized, the torque return to its initial
value. The results have illustrated that both motors reach the
The schematic of the control system is presented in Fig. desired speed successfully with a very small speed error. At
10. To evaluate the ability of these controllers, these two t = 0.3s , the driver makes an inverse steering angle to be
BLDC motors are simulated in MATLAB/SIMULINK zero, thus, the speed of the motor act in the same manner to
environment. The control system has some assumptions make the speed difference backward to zero. The second and
during simulating: all the longitudinal, lateral force and the third columns are results of current, torque, EMF, and hall of
slipping over the traction wheels are ignored, the vehicle each motor at the left and right side of the wheel.
drive at a low speed on a curved road, the results are analyzed

Fig. 10. Control schematic

Fig. 11. Results of simulation when the EV turns to the left side

Fig. 12. Results of simulation when the EV turns to the right side

B. The EV Steered to the Right Side  = 15 t = 0.1s . It is proportional to the motor speed (rpm), two new
Similar to the first case but, the EV drives on a curved reference speeds have been calculated to 215.3rpm and
road turn to the right-side with a low speed ( V = 30 km / h ) 187.62 rpm (speed difference 27.6 rpm ) for left motor and
and steering angle (  = 15 ). Fig. 12 presents the results of right motor respectively, it is opposite with the first case. The
the simulation. The wheel speed on the left side is larger than results depict that the actual speed of both motors can follow
the wheel speed on the right side by using Ackermann- their own reference speed with a fast respond without
Jeatand steering model equations. Referred to the wheel overshoot or undershoot that means the controllers have
speed (km/h), the linear speed at the left wheel increase to abilities to work properly. At t = 0.3s , the steering angle is
32.06km / h and the linear speed at the right wheel decrease to back to zero then both reference speeds have been
27.94km / h when the steering angle is changed to  = 15 at recalculated again to be the same.

Fig. 13. The EV turns from the right side to the left side
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ACKNOWLEDGMENT 841-868, 2003.
The author would like to acknowledge to Institut Teknologi [11] H. Kahveci, H. I. Okumus, and M. Ekici, "An electronic differential
system using fuzzy logic speed controlled in-wheel brushless DC
Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), all of the advisors to assist and encourage
motors," in 4th International Conference on Power Engineering,
the author. This research is supported by AUN/SEED-Net program. Energy and Electrical Drives, 2013, pp. 881-885.


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