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Situation Summary:

Frito-Lay a nation’s best-known snack Food Company, which has been successfully implemented
cost-reduction strategy and reduction in emission of greenhouse gases over the year beyond practice of
other competitor from same industry without affecting its growth. Now they are looking for more
sustainable growth with taking all the technology together like-water consumption, solar power
generation and Gas generated operation by facility called ‘Net Zero Facility’, which involve maximization
of use of renewable energy and dramatically reduce consumption of water into manufacturing plant.
They selected existing plant called Casa Grande for up-gradation based on criteria like- effectiveness of
renewable technologies at different geographical location, Plant size, Production line characteristics, and
other factor. After months of preparation they called a meeting to decide whether these initiatives are
feasible or not?

Criteria for Recommendation:

1) Future aspect

2) Impact on Growth

3) Feasibility of project

4) Stakeholder’s benefit


I want to recommend company to go with this project. Here is some reason for that:

1) As we know government focus is increased toward greenhouse gas emission in last certain year,
thus there may be more chance that government comes up with more strict policy toward emission
of greenhouse gas and use of renewable resources. So It is great to be a pioneer in this segment and
get competitive advantages.
2) Another aspect is due to more and more consumption of resources leads them toward scarcity.
Hence we can see that price of resources will be increase in near future. So company must have to
create competitive edge toward it.

3) This Project helps Company to achieve less input cost, thus company can achieve higher cost margin
compare to its competitor, which help company to build more rapid growth.

4) This project is implemented on already existed project and they also selected this plant based on
certain criteria. So it is easier to implement these changes on this plant compare to new plant.

5) With sustainable growth, they can create customer loyalty toward company.

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