Customer Experience Management: Raising Customer Satisfaction, Loyalty and Advocacy

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Customer Experience Management:

Raising Customer Satisfaction, Loyalty and Advocacy

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Customer Experience Management:
Raising Customer Satisfaction, Loyalty
and Advocacy

Ed Thompson
Jim Davies

Gartner Webinar

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What's New? Executive Focus Intensifies
While Complications Multiply
Situation Complications
Metrics Employees
vary are cynics
Executives seek differentiation
through customer experience power is Who
80% of executives think the customer rising owns
strategy is more important than it?
it was three years ago IT is seen as
95% of business leaders see it part of the
problem Executives
as the next competitive background
are not
sure how to
improve it

Sources: Strativity Group 2008 Customer Experience Management Global Survey, Beyond Philosophy, 2005
Key Issues
1. What is customer experience management?
2. How can technology help improve the
customer experience?
3. What techniques can be deployed to help
understand the customer experience?
Who Cares About The Customer
Experience And What Do They Measure?
Customer Service
Market research
Churn / Retention
Loyalty /
Referrals / Customer Refs
Customer Advocacy
Loyalty Management
Marketing Communications
Brand /
Product / Service Design
UI Design

Quality Process Improvement

Product Engineering
Service-Profit Chain Methodology:
Linking Customer Satisfaction to Loyalty
Customer Experience Management:
Before, During and After the Experience
4. Repeat Organization
Act on feedback

Customer Value
$$$ $$
1. Before 3. After
Set expectations $$$$$ Collect feedback
$ 2. During
Focus on what
customers care about

Setting Expectations: Competing With
Word of Mouth and Past Experience
Gap 1: Customer expectations vs.
Word-of-Mouth Personal Needs Past Experience management's perception of
customer expectations
= not knowing what
Expected Service customers expect
Gap 2: Management perceptions vs.
Gap 5 service specifications
Perceived Service
= the wrong quality standards
Customer Gap 3: Service specifications vs.
service delivery
Provider = not being able to deliver to specs.
Gap 4 External
Service Delivery Communication
Gap 1 To Customers
Gap 4: Service delivery vs. external
Gap 3 = when promises do not
Service Quality match delivery
Gap 5: Difference between customer
Gap 2 expectations and customer
Source: Delivering Management perception of the provided service
Service Quality Zeithaml, Perception of
V.A., Parasuraman, A, & Customer = level of customer satisfaction
Berry, L. 1990 Expectations
Designing the Customer Experience:
Process Maps Expose 'Moments of Truth'
Life Cycles
Company Target Inquire Acquire Welcome Manage problems
Retain/Win Back
Perspective Aware Search Select Order Pay Set Up Learn Use Support Upgrade

Events Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Event 4 Event 5 Event 6 Event 7 Event 8 Event 9

Functional Organization

Web Site

Customer Service


= "Moments of Truth"



Listen to the Feedback but also…
Act on Feedback, Tell Customers and Staff
Percentage of Companies • 95 percent of companies
collect feedback.
• 45 percent alert staff to
the findings.
• 35 percent make decisions
using this insight.
50 • 10 percent deploy
45% and improve.
• 5 percent inform customers
35% of the change.

Collect Alert Use Deploy Tell
Feedback Staff Insight and Customers
Source: Respond, 2006
Seven Project Types and Fifty Ways To
Improve The Customer Experience
Listen, From Out Act as Open Get Alter Design
Think, Do to In One Up Personal Attitudes Better
Collect Feedback Find Moments of Achieve More Accessible Personalize Empower Have a
Multichannel Truth Consistent Self-service Products Employees Strategy
collection Process modeling Experiences Configure to order Education and Executive
Track for
Real-time alerts and Identify the weakest Single view of customer Mass training enlightening
actions link customer customization Cultural values Ideal and real
Add channels
Automate and Recognition New product Ownership of the experiences
escalate development experience Program and
project plans

Analyze Opinion Redesign Share Answers Demonstrate Customize Offers Make Clear the Brand
Value analysis Processes Knowledge Trust Bundling Responsibility Execution
Market research Quality controls management Honor privacy product/service Governance and Values and
Segmentation Trading efficiency Skills inventory Share data Personal pricing policing promise

Propensity modeling and experience Better search Use only what you Responsibility Reputation
need Compensation and Communication

Start a Adapt in Real Time Multichannel Encourage Stripped-Down Recruit Differently Design the
Conversation Real-time rerouting Availability Participation Simplification Profiling the Experience
Expectation setting Analytical-driven Multichannel Review and One size fits all personalities Benchmark
Capturing intent process decisions integration comparison Standardization Balance teams usability and
Device- Communities and scale empathy
Manage dialog Recruit to brand
independent Social networks Digital design
interaction cool
Key Issues
1. What is customer experience management?
2. How can technology help improve the
customer experience?
3. What techniques can be deployed to help
understand the customer experience?
Multiple Technologies Can Help For All
Customer Experience Project Types
Listen, From Out Act as Open Get Alter Design
Think, Do to In One Up Personal Attitudes Better
Collect Feedback Find Moments of Achieve More Accessible Personalize Empower Have a
EFM Truth Consistent eService Products Employees Strategy
Data mining Experiences Product eLearning Consultants
Survey tools Tracking
Lead mgmt CDI configuration WFO Advisors
Event analytics Field force
Segmentation MDM optimization Pricing mgmt Sales analytics Branding
BI BPM Remote New product CSS analytics Value analysts
QA monitoring development
WFO ERMS monitoring Web analytics
ERMS Storefront

Analyze Opinion Redesign Share Answers Demonstrate Customize Offers Make Clear the Brand
Customer value Processes Knowledge Trust Product Responsibility Execution
Analytics BPM modeling management Data privacy configuration HCM, ICM MRM
Data mining Data mining Search Security tools Pricing mgmt Employee contract EMM
Segmentation Workflow eService Partner mgmt PIM, content mgmt management Content mgmt
Sales, CSS, Mking Content Product catalog QA monitoring Community
Web analytics management Order mgmt WFO mgmt

Start a Adapt in Real Time Multichannel Encourage Stripped-Down Recruit Differently Design the
Conversation Business activity Availability Participation Simplification Recruitment Experience
Dialog management monitoring Application Review and Order mgmt Induction Web
ERMS Workflow integration comparison BPM modeling analytics
technologies Community mgmt
Search In-line, event-driven Mobile Web design Web design
analysis technologies Community mgmt Content mgmt
eService Storefront
ERMS, IVR, SMS Social networking Storefront
Investment in CRM Isn't Helping the Customer:
It's Time to Focus on the Customer Experience
Percent Millions of Dollars
100.0 8,000


50.0 4,000

American Customer Satisfaction 3,000
30.0 Index (ACSI; Jan 2008)
20.0 Worldwide CRM License and
Maintenance Revenue 1,000
10.0 (Gartner; Jan 2008)

0.0 0
1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006
1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007
The True Customer Experience: I Rarely
Need You, and When I Do, You're Not There
But this differs by industry
Amount customer relies on direct and region:*
interaction with the enterprise
Online retailers: 1%
1% Retirement services: 3%
Retail banking: 5%- 20%
Automotive: 60%
Property and casualty 30%

What you control less:

99% Community forums
Amount customer relies on self-
Third-party support sites
service and social networks
Social networking sites

Bottom line: You are the likely last resort for credible information.

* Based on interaction with 300 clients in 2008.

The Customer Experience Challenge:
Where Is the Service Process Designed?
Each channel
Service manager sees a
ATM/Kiosk great process,
while the
Interaction customer
Reseller's experiences a
Customer broken process.

Bottom line: Customers are turning to
social networks, where the better answers
are, and the people more friendly.
HP PhotoSpace Listens to the Customer
Benefits to HP:
• Understanding consumer needs
• Insight gathering and idea generation
• Concept development and evaluation
• Exploration of corporate issues:
Allow hundreds of HP employees to
observe real-time consumer reactions
to surveys, discussions, topics of Benefits to HP Clients:
interest and new concepts. Allows HP really values the opinions of its customers. 58%
HP employees to see members' Provided a trustworthy forum for exchanging 54%
unfiltered feedback opinions.
Enabled me to give candid feedback to HP. 52%
• Provide immediate qualitative
Made me feel my voice "matters" to HP. 49%
feedback (sometimes within a few
hours) on topics such as: I feel more respect for HP as a company than 43%
I did before.
Examples of product shortcomings,
life style information (usage patterns, I'm more inclined to consider HP products than 36%
I was before I joined the community.
storage, locations), product name,
and tag line input and prioritization I don't expect any changes to result from the 1%
feedback from this community.
Map The Productivity and Customer
Experience Impact of Your 2009 Projects
Example: Customer Service and Support Technology Projects
Desktop Productivity Tools KM/Search
Interactive Kiosks
High Agent
Optimization WFO Predictive
Speech- ACD Analytics
Enabled Intelligent Chatbots
Applications ERMS Device Mgmt. Case Community
Customer QM Mgmt. Mgmt.
Service Medium WFM Interaction/
CCPM E-service
Productivity E-learning Behavior
Speech IVR CTI
Feedback Mgmt.
Low IDM/Self-Healing
(certain situations)

Low Medium High

Achieving ROI Customer Experience
ACD: automatic call distribution
Easier CTI: computer-telephony integration CCPM: contact center performance management
IDM: intelligent device management ERMS: e-mail response management system
Moderate IVR: interactive voice response IM: instant messaging
QM: quality management KM: knowledge management
Challenging WFO: workforce optimization WFM: workforce management
Key Issues
1. What is customer experience management?
2. How can technology help improve the
customer experience?
3. What techniques can be deployed to help
understand the customer experience?
Understanding the Customer Experience:
Feedback Takes Many Forms
Explicit Feedback Implicit Feedback
(EFM) (Direct and Indirect)

Understanding of
the Customer

Operational Feedback Behavioral Feedback

(Monitor and Evaluate) (Implied)
Implementing Customer Feedback Systems:
A Three-Tiered Approach

Guided Key
Conversation Customers
Are Consulted

Five to Seven Questions Every Customer Is Customer

Chosen Channel Measured for Satisfaction Satisfaction

Two to Three
Short Questions Every Customer Interaction Is Point of
Measured for Effectiveness Delivery
All Channels
Making Feedback Event-Driven

Customer event Questions Response can

triggers survey personalized to event trigger workflow

Use to
response rate
and overall
Ongoing Feedback — Measuring the
Customer Pulse
Monitor key attitudinal indicators through regular
surveying — not "one and done"

• Recovery action
• Agent coaching
• Policy change

Detecting "murmurs" drives timely actions before

customer behavior changes
Panel Management:
Not Just for the Panel

Use demographics,
psychographics, profiling,
interaction and feedback
history to pinpoint the right
respondents for each
feedback event.

Balance burnout with Balance sample size with Balance channel

neglect statistical outcome preferences with budget

Apply concept to ALL customers not just those in a panel

Optimize Response Rates Through Eight Best
Practices for Who, What, When and Why
1 Be Timely 5 Offer Feedback
Adds relevance and A perception of being
enhances accuracy listened to will enhance
future responsiveness

2 Get Shorter 6 Drive Motivation

Get to the point, not What's in it for the
seek insight on multiple customer? Cash is not the
topics answer

3 Give Preferences 7 Don't Inundate

Ask the questions on the Avoid over surveying by
format the customer prefers blocking delivery to
— SMS, Web, IVR, … maintain future willingness

4 Get Personal 8 Optimize Sample

Engage with the individual Pick an appropriate segment
and topic you want of people or business event
feedback on for each survey initiative

ƒThink about the before, during and after of customer

experience management and determine your start point:
- Get the basics right — Fix the must-be aspects
- Move above average — Invest in the before and after
- Stay on top — Avoid the middle ground
ƒCreate technology matrices to help prioritize future
operational investments and consider innovative deployment
methods rather than novel technologies to drive differentiation
ƒAppreciate that feedback can come from many sources but
that surveying plays a key role and should be viewed as
ongoing, personal and linked to customer events
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