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Drug Study

Name of Drug Dosage, Route Mechanism of Indication Contraindication Adverse Effect Nursing
and Frequency Action Responsibility

Generic Name: Dosage: Metronidazole -Amoebic hepatic -Contraindicated -Headache, Interventions:

diffuses into the abscess with dizziness, ataxia,
Metronidazole 250 mg hypersensitivity to vertigo, Assess pts.
organism, inhibits
-Intestinal metronidazole; incoordination, Infection
protein synthesis
amebiasis pregnancy (do not insomnia,
by interacting watch carefully
Frequency: use for seizures,
with DNA and for edema
-Trichomoniasis trichomoniasis in peripheral
because it may
Brand Name: Q6H causing a loss of Retractory first trimester). neuropathy,
cause sodium
helical DNA trichomoniasis fatigue
Flagyl structure and -Use cautiously
strand breakage. -Bacterial with CNS -Unpleasant assess skin for
Route: infection caused diseases, hepatic metallic taste, severity areas of
Therefore, it
by anaerobic disease, anorexia, nausea, local adverse
Classification: IVTT causes cell death microorganisms candidiasis vomiting, reactions
in susceptible (moniliasis), diarrhea, GI upset,
organisms. blood dyscrasias, cramps record number
Amebicide lactation. and character of
Antiprotozoal -To prevent -Dysuria, tell patient. that
postoperative incontinence, metallic taste and
infection in darkening of the dark or red brown
contaminated urine urine may occur
colorectal surgery
-Pelvic Thrombophlebitis
inflammatory (IV); redness,
disease burning, dryness,
and skin irritation

interaction with

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